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The Paper Fleet Sails

Prayers have been gathered from all across Arx. From every house and from those with none, from children to the elderly, from servants to rulers. Now it is time for them to set sail.

The send off will take place on the beautiful beaches of the Eastern Approach, where the sand looks the color of sunkissed marble and the great statue of Mangata can stand witness. Hopefully people know what they're doing and the boats won't all sink right away.

While there arn't exactly free refreshments, buskers that sell fresh food in the city have been welcomed to do the rounds. They will be carrying baskets with them of free sailcloth tokens to Mangata for any who lack one.


Jan. 25, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

Hosted By

Calypso Bianca Valery Katarina Calaudrin Thena Caspian Valencia Esoka Calevaro Aiden(RIP) Larissa Ann Felix Ailith Mayir(RIP) Madeleine Alarissa Ectorion Sparte


Thorley Reese Khanne Kael Astraea Isabeau Vanora Felicia(RIP) Reigna Abbas(RIP) Alis Luca(RIP) Victus Wash Valdemar



Outside Arx - Eastern Approach - Beaches

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Reese arrives at the gathering while in the company of Luca, Rosalie, two canines and a falcon. She is adorned in lots of pink and toting along her weapons. The Grayson Princess is pale-cheeked and somber-eyed. She has a gentle smile of greeting for those gathered here and goes to take a seat.

Reese has joined the Wooden Picnic Table.

Caspian approaches the beach from the road, strolling down the beach with a wheel barrel before him. It's filled to the top with prayers, stacked in a high pile. How many does he have? Quite a few, it seems. He rolls it over to the picnic bench and sits himself down, resting the wheel barrel next to him as he awaits for the event to begin.

Luca's shown up at Reese's side, sleepy-eyed and walking at a unhurried pace down to the shore where the rest of the citizens, nobles, guards, birds, cats and goats are. His sabre, set low at his hip and its complementary dagger are both peace-bound with respect to the occasion, despite the lackadaisical demeanor. The languid Lycene yawns widely, stretches and flops to sit on the bench of a picnic table in order to watch the fleet prepare to set sail.

Caspian has joined the Wooden Picnic Table.

Calypso nods to Alis as she joins her beneath the Trees. The Lycene General has a sort of somber look about her at the moment. Contemplative and quiet as she watches others file in at the beach.

The beaches have welcomed more guests than they usually see in a day, with volunteers (Some in fanciful admiral hats shaped like the paper boats) going about answering questions and helping those who need assistance. Buskers from the city go through the crowd, selling food and handing out free tokens to Mangata for those who want one. The area right near the statue of Mangata is the focus point, with a small and very temporary stage having been setup so those hosting the event can be seen and possibly heard when it is time for the volunteers to start putting the sizable collection of paper boats to the waves.

Sparte is there at the center of it, offering friendly smiles and wearing one of the silly hats himself. "We'll be saying a few things, then putting prayers to the water! After all the boats are in the water there'll be a chance for those in the audience who wish it to share their prayers as well. We're going to give a few minutes for stragglers before we begin!"

Wash is off the shore in a small eight foot dinghy sailed down the shore from the dock. The forward mounted sail luffs in the wind as he's brought the craft to heel so that he can watch the event in relative peace and quiet.

Jordal, a bodyguard arrives, following Isabeau.

Alis returns Calypso's nod, the two of them standing there with eerily similar expressions. A quiet word or two is given to the Lycene General, her gaze then casting about so she can find the people she knows and give a small wave to each.

Jordal, a bodyguard leaves, following Isabeau.

Thena has joined the Wooden Picnic Table.

"Ya' smell that breeze?" Victus asks gruffly of one of the guards on his flank. The High Lord arriving with full entourage to the already very crowded beach, the likes of which he takes a long and hard look at. "That's fresh air from the sea. Mangata's own breath. Breathe deep." With that he begins his slow gait down into the sands, enjoying the moment as it lasts as he closes the distance to the water. Oh, but he hadn't come alone. No, not the guards and such. He's also brought a bundled up and soundly snoozing babe that he holds just under his arm. He takes his own spot at the edge of the water, sitting down cross-legged.

Victus has joined the In the Water.

Vern arrives, following Kael.

Madeleine's shoes are off! Sand between her toes, even cold sand, is preferable to boots. The Archlector in her robes of white marked by her triple rings of office is wearing flowers in her golden hair and carrying around her own little papercraft boat marked with swirls and little blue waves. She makes her way to the center by the statue and bows to her Lady's image. The various guests are greeted warmly with Hellos! and gestures of blessing.

Felicia tromps out onto the sands, her red hair unbound for once and twisted by the wind into its own banner. Off-duty, the knight's not in her armor, though that doesn't stop her from keeping her greatsword with her as she strides her way over towards the stage and finds a place to stand comfortably.

Prince Aiden was one of those volunteers that happens to be wearing a fanciful admiral hat. The group he has clustered around him are children, each having helped him fold a paper boat. Most of the children do seem to be from the Grayson fealty, wearing little wave tokens and griffon badges. He's already at the shoreline with some of them, holding their hands and encouraging them toward the water.

Ectorion has joined the Southern Dunes.

Sparte checked dexterity + all at difficulty 9, rolling 18 higher.

Madeleine has joined the In the Water.

Felicia has joined the Southern Dunes.

Jordal, a bodyguard arrives, following Isabeau.

Esoka comes tromping down to the beaches, curls wind-swept and blue eyes bright. She's armed with a basket of paper boats, which she's carefully shielding from any stiff breezes while she carries them toward the water. She goes to mill near the stage with the other volunteers, raising a hand to wave in Aiden and Reese's direction.

Jordal, a bodyguard leaves, following Isabeau.

4 Kennex corsairs, Serena, the charming Stormward lady-in-waiting arrive, following Vanora.

6 Thrax Guards, Vanora arrive, following Abbas.

Calaudrin has left the Wooden Picnic Table.

Jordal, a bodyguard arrives, following Isabeau.

Calaudrin has joined the Quiet Strand.

Sparte pauses to talk to a messenger. Excusing himself, he starts going through the crowd in a hurry to talk to the buskers in the crowd one by one. At each he stops to speak with there is a cry and a rush. Someone has paid for all their food, free chow for everyone! The event just got that much nicer.

Standing on the edge of the water, Thorley is lost in a moment several years ago - once lost in the haze of alcohol and self-destruction. 'Papa! Show me how to make a boat!' says a bright-green-eyed girl. 'Of course, little one.' Thorley responded, folding the cloth sail with ease into a little boat for the girl, and hands it to her. While she was putting it in the water, off in the distance, a woman waited - and watched the pair with love.

A cold draft of air that comes through the dunes brings him back to the gathering, realizing that he's no longer alone as Victus' breath brings him around. "Aye. Mangata's giving us a gentle kiss and steady winds this day." the former sailor offers, his pants rolled up to his knees as the waves wash at his calves. In his hands, he holds a pair of small sailcloth 'ships', one each for a woman and child that are here only in spirit this day.

3 Grimhall House Guards arrives, following Valdemar.

Oaken, a massive Oakhaven bloodhound, Marigold, a cheeky pygmy goat, Marie, chef of Keaton Hall, 2 Novice Keaton Huntsmen arrive, following Reigna.

Aiden as he's helping to ensure that the boats don't fly away in the weather, looks up to find Esoka's wave. He smiles at her and greets her back with one and the same. Some of the lads around him are pretending their paper boats can fly and zooming around with them, chasing eachother. Aiden's not alone mind, the noble children are looked after by several upon several caretakers. He just happens to have been some entertainment until they've each a folded boat. He amuses and comes close enough to Esoka to state, "Prayers given by the most innocent of us, might be the stronger ones yet. It looks like you got a fair share of prayers." Aiden points to Esoka's basket.

Princess Sparta Thistlefur, the shy stoatlet arrives, following Astraea.

Astraea has joined the Wooden Picnic Table.

Serenity, Drysi, a young shaman apprentice arrive, following Khanne.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Alis before departing.

Reigna has joined the Beneath Trees.

Kael and Reigna come down the pathway with one another, with Reigna on her husband's arm as is typical for the pair of Keatons. The both of them have their paper boats in hand, with Kael eyeing his in a peculiar manner as though debating if his construction will actually manage to float. The Count is the one with Lord Aeryn Squall Keaton in arm though, just on the opposite hip, so that the baby can view the proceedings. It is with the nudge of his wife however that he is moving toward the trees.

"It's a good sign." Victus rumbles back to Thorley as he holds the bundle a bit closer to his chest. "I just hope she likes all the paper too." Suddenly that once snoozing bundle becomes much, much more active. In an instant he's gone from holding onto the sleeping baby to that same little lump wriggling and kicking about in full as the tide rushes closer. He looks down to his daughter with a roll of his eyes and slowly lowers her closer. She only seems to calm when she's face to face with the slow rush and pull of the waters.

Kael has joined the Beneath Trees.

Duchess, a graceful greyhound, Olenna, Pellinor, 5 Thrax Guards arrive, following Alarissa.

Astraea has left the Wooden Picnic Table.

Astraea has joined the Southern Dunes.

Madeleine sees BABIES! Oh what a delight. The tanned woman's face cracks into a broad smile and she wriggles her fingers at various wee ones in pure joy.

Ectorion has settled in at the dunes to the south, where he can watch what is to come, trying to stay out of the way of things as best he can. And away from the water. Men in full plate armor should not get in the water at all, that is something he's sure he's read somewhere.

"Your little, Your Highness?" Thorley asks Victus now that he recognizes the man for a moment. "I remember when mine was that age. She was only calmed when at the sea as well. Swear she loved the rock of a boat more than the chair any day." he offers quietly, glancing aside to the young child.

The Marquessa Kennex walks in with a Abbas Thrax that she doesn't actually know. Once they arrive she turns to him and says "Thank you for your help, I might have been lost for hours. Direction isn't my strong point, though I'm sure that is painful for sailors to hear." That's why she's speaking sort of quietly. Vanora scans the beach and finds the faces of the Faithful she knew would be here, though doesn't walk up to anyone in particular, finding a quiet vantage point of her own.

Astraea walks down onto the sands and heads towards Ectorion. A few tentative waves are offered to folk she recognizes as she makes her way along. "Your Grace. Don't forget to give her kisses for me." requests the northern princess as she walks by Victus and slips an arm through the armor clad King's own.

Alarissa has joined the In the Water.

Calypso nods as spots Ectorion in the crowd. She gives a sort of 'we should talk' look with out interrupting the gathering.

Wash watches from a hundred meters off shore casually keeping his boat stationary with the occasional pull of an oar.

Reigna sees Madeline's wave and she takes Aeryn's over-bundled and chubby arm in hand and has him wave back to the Archlector. The baby is laughing and burbling. And drooling. There's lots of drool. Babies.

Khanne walks down to the beach, wearing leather leggings and boots, a short sleeved top and a corseted vest. She does, however, have a cloak slung over her arm, in case it actually gets cold by the water in winter... She stops and looks around at all the people gathered (so many), smiling and lifting a hand to wave at anyone she knows while trying to find a place to rest.

Alarissa is late. Reason is irrelevant, but the Thrax High Lords wife is swiftly moving and weaving through the throng of individuals till she finds Victus and those with him, a wide smile on her face and buried under her warm cloak. "There you both are." She calls out to Victus and Astrid, the black dog on her heels, trotting along.

Esoka grins broad as she looks down at her basket. "I think I got some good ones. Some of the prodigals from the Mourning Isles who swore to Riven recently were most interested in participating. It felt good to do something for Mangata right now, even if my own effort was a small one. Your book was very nice, your highness." She picks up a paper boat to make a few last-minute adjustments to its folding. Tightening up some corners.

Sparte steps up to look over the people gathered. He has managed to keep his nerves down to a small waver in his voice as he begins. A big wave of one hand to the crowd as he starts it off. "Hello, everyone! I am Sparte Fatchforth. I'll try to be quick."

"First, thank you. All of you. For being a part of this. The those who helped collect prayers and to those who gave them. People from every part of Arx came together, and it is a beautiful thing we are doing. Together we are sending off a fleet not of wood and steel, but paper and prayers."

"Side by side, sailing on the water, each prayer boat looks no different than that of any other. In many, the words are the same. A plea to watch over those we love, for calm seas and fair winds, rain for crops... And of course, to give the Gods our praise."

"Though this gesture is for Mangata, it is not just blessed Mangata that we ask to witness us today. We ask all of the gods to witness our common faith. I believe our challenges, our trials, are only beginning. We need the gods with us, and that is something we must earn with our faith."

"Everyone should have received a token of Mangata when they gave their prayers. I ask you now to take it in hand." Sparte raises his own token in hand, showing it before pressing it over his chest. "Remember your faith, and hold it in your heart in the days to come. It may be a fragile thing like the fleet we have sailed, but it is beautiful. It is Archlector Madeleine who you will hear next, and then we will set our fleet to the water." Sparte steps down, going to help with getting the paper boats ready.

Valdemar comes walking down the path to the beach alone, unless one counts the guards that trail behind him a bit. Looking out past the gathered people to the sea, he inhales deeply before moving closer to where the event is taking place. He seems to recognize a few people, to whom he waves as he finds a place to stand out of the way.

Esoka has joined the In the Water.

Vanora has joined the Southern Dunes.

Caspian sees that Sparte is getting the paper boats ready and the man rises to his feet a moment, rolling the wheel barrel of paper boats over to the man and sets it down before them. "I had a decent haul. Over three hundred, I'd guess."

Vanora has left the Southern Dunes.

Vanora has joined the Wooden Picnic Table.

Princess Isabeau Valardin stands by herself a bit up the beach. Perhaps she has only just arrived and missed the actual sailing of the fleet, with her little paper ship now held awkwardly in hand. However, when Abbas and Vanora arrive, her attention subtly shifts.

Aiden was speaking quietly with Thorley, though he does turn to hear the words come from Sparte. He nods at the end of the speech and turns his eyes to find the Archlector.

Khanne has joined the Beneath Trees.

Alis clasps the token in her hand, giving her cousin Isabeau a quick wave and a smile before her attention returns to what Sparte is saying; expression shifting immediately to the contemplative.

Khanne walks over to a spot beneath the trees, her paper boat in hand, having wished to set it to sea herself tonight. She speaks quietly with them, but keeps an eye on the main activity.

The plump Archlector has worn her finest of silken white robes despite the chill, and a crown of deep purple and white roses in her golden tresses. Standing with a little ship in her hands, she addresses the crowd in a clear ringing voice that sounds like an evening in the summer.

'Dearest beloved of Mangata - it is a pleasure and a joy to see so many of you gathered to bless and praise the Lady of Wind and Wave. Our love is her strength, our prayer her shield, our faith her sword. It is our love and support that keeps her strong enough to hold back the dark waters and damning tempests which threaten to drown us all.'

'Soon we will deal with the threat she has kept us safe from for all our generations, but today we join together in praise and worship. To show her our love is pure and our hearts light. By offering a sacrifice of words, thoughts, and paper ships.
'It has been said we gather before -all- the Gods, and in all their names do I offer this prayer - let our strength be magnified by you. Let our love be magnified by you. Let this simple showcase be glorified and magnified to praise all your names, though it is Mangata's name we speak first and foremost.'
'May her endless love- as endless as the seas and as reliable as the tide--- may that love be with us all and in our hearts. May it be the lighthouse that shows us the way home. The silver white lining of every storm cloud. May it be the calm after the storm and the peaceful rains of a summer's night. The stillness of a winter's landscape. The cooling of the spring's breeze. The promise of an autumn night. All these things, may she be to us. Just as we are her loyal and loving children, may she ever be our sheltering and guiding mother.'

'Walk with that love always, in our hearts and souls. Keep faith in her love, and in one another's love for the Compact, Humanity, the Other Races which dwell alongside us and the boundless souls beyond. So do I ask, so may it be.'

Valdemar has joined the Beneath Trees.

Down near the waterline, some of the kids are creating a bit of a scene, chasing one another about with paper boats lifted high! Until caretakers step in and twist ears! Aiden winces but does take up his token and press it to his chest as he listens to the Archlector's speech and guidance through prayers.

A smile is offered towards Madeleine and her words of comfort and prayer. After taking in the tanned woman for a moment, his attention turns towards water and he offers his own raised salute in solidarity - of the kiss of the ocean. Of the release that Lagoma offered - of the pain that even now Mangata washes away with each roll of the waves against his legs. His hands tighten on the two small ships - not quite willing to let go - but he knows he must.

The arrival of Prince Abbas Thrax is accompanied with the wayward stranger. A nod to Vanora for her thanks. The armored Thraxian holds one hand on the head of his weapon attached to the belt. The tentacled helm covers his head and the tentacles drape over his chest. The exotic hide armor that covers him holds a red hue. He moves to a place away and out of the throng of people. He does not carry a paper boat. He takes an out of way position to stand by himself. He watches the event in silent contemplation. Some time passes before he goes to the water and places what is a terrible paper ship that barely floats. In fact it will sink soon enough due to absolutely no skill in such things. Once done Abbas returns to his place of silent contemplation.

Thena has left the Wooden Picnic Table.

Thena has joined the In the Water.

Calaudrin has left the Quiet Strand.

Calaudrin has joined the In the Water.

Volunteers are spread out up and down the shoreline with paper boats. Armfuls, sacks, wagons, their own actual boats in some cases. It is only as the prayerboats begin to touch the water and ride the current that it becomes truly apparent how many there are. Not all of them survive meeting the water. A few tip, others catch an unlucky wave. Yet more and more pour in to go out into the bay of Arx.

Then Sparte lets out a whistle, and more wagons are brought in from where they've been hidden in the nearby trees. Wagons laden with more boats, more prayers. Wagons adorned with the marks of every major fealty, the faith, the crown, and more. Whispers, iron guard, golden hart, heart in hand, even a few that clearly come from the shadier parts of the lowers.What looked like it would already be several thousand ships more than doubles as more touch the waves. Some more topple and sink, but far more float on.

The Paper Fleet sets sail, more than ten thousand strong.

The Paper Fleet Admirals, with their admiral hats styled after the paper boats, begin to invite the crowd to participate in getting their own prayers in the water. Those who wanted to give their own prayerboats a personal send off, with spoken prayers or just to take their time, now have that chance.

Calypso has joined the line.

Isabeau has joined the line.

Ailith has left the Wooden Picnic Table.

Victus has joined the line.

Alis has joined the line.

Ailith has joined the line.

Calypso is a paper adrmial! No hat though. But she does take her small pile of boats and walks up to the water edge. Popping each of them out until they are sea-worthy-ish. She sets them off in to the water. "The prayers of the Lyceum." She says as she sets them off. "We pray for calm seas, for favorable winds. We pray for protections for our sailors. We pray to honor the Gods in all the good and joy, truth and righteousness, they bring to our lives." And with that, she moves out of the way for the next in line.

Turn in line: Calypso

Turn in line: Isabeau

Khanne has joined the line.

Thena quietly departs the picnic table with a brief nod to those seated there and drifts closer to the water as the boats are brought forward. She takes a place to one side of the main part of the crowd.

Sparte has joined the line.

In the wake of Abbas Thrax, so, too, does Isabeau bring down her mildly more artful paper ship bearing her prayers. She carefully draws up to the edge of the water and places her prayer boat on the rippling surface, gently coaxing it out into the ever increasing fleet until it all but becomes lost as one among many. Whatever words she has to offer to the goddes, they are spoken beneath her breath and not openly shared save with those who might happen to be within earshot.

Reigna has joined the line.

Aiden has joined the line.

Esoka has joined the line.

Calaudrin has joined the line.

Turn in line: Victus

Victus stands from his spot on the beach, having left a fine print in the sand where he once sat. He cradles the infant Princess in his arms, the two of them joined at the hand by a swath of light blue sail. He takes a step into the water, cold as it is. One after the other until he's waded in about waist deep. Astrid, the heir to the Isles immediately starts reaching for the waves beneath. Making small splashes here and there as her father speaks. "We thank you for what you've given us. We pray that it will be enough. We pray that those who stand ready to hold back the storm will be guided safely. We pray that those who return to your waters for the last time are cradled in your embrace before they pass along. We pray for your children, for your love." He slowly lowers himself down, pushing the little red paper boat along. "... And we pray to share in your rage when those who seek to tear everything you stand for come for us. May we fight this storm as one. May we throw it back where it belongs and find love and comfort in your peaceful waters." He's clearly shivering a bit now and seems all to happy to start making the trudge back to land. Meanwhile, Astrid gives an approving "blllrlp". Or something like that.

Turn in line: Alis

"We pray to give Mangata the strength she needs to continue to hold; for her to feel our love and gratitude. For all the gods to know we are thankful for what they do for us. We will not disappoint you." Alis speaks her prayer softly once she reaches the water's edge. Her little paper boat is set down gently so it can sail to join the others on its journey. And for a brief moment she closes her eyes to offer sentiment alone, stepping back when she is done so the next person can offer their devotions.

Madeleine murmurs after each supplicant, "May the Gods hear you and grant this to us." She says it with an honest sincerity, each as heartfelt as the last without trace of weariness or rote recitation.

Calypso has left the Beneath Trees.

Turn in line: Ailith

The paper hat precariously tips nearly off the Palace Seraph's head as a gust whistles from the surf. Cheeks pinken as she alights in a chuckle and carefully readjusts the garment, distinguishing her as one of the eighteen Paper Fleet Admirals. The hem of her white and gold robes darken when she steps to the surf and approaches Sparte. Her smile warmly greets while she reverently extends two paper ships. In a voice, strong, firm, and full of fervor, the gentleness of Ailith's voice is loud enough to be heard over the waves -- trained as a Priestess for her voice to reach all corners of a chapel. "The Faith and the Crown stand united behind this ceremony. It is by our Faith we are bonded and gather. It is by devotion that we express our gratitude and raise our voices to the Gods -- or in this case, set them aloft the waves and pray these words are guided by Mangata. And so it is by their request that Officer Sparte sets sail the prayer ships of the Dominus and His Majesty." She bows respectfully to the young man once he accepts the two ships of the leaders of both the Faith and the Crown. Once he is ready, she continues to say, murmuring softly to Sparte, "You did not specify how many to reach so I pray these shall be enough." And from over the sand dunes, it would appear nearly the entire Palace staff and their families, maybe even more in vast numbers come arm in arm to set their ships to the sea. "I brought along as many as I could convince." For her own ship, the Palace Seraph opts to quietly find her place and whisper words privately to the Goddess.

Reese has joined the line.

Luca has left the Wooden Picnic Table.

Sybilla, the Lenosian courtier arrives, delivering a message to Alis before departing.

Sparte accepts the two paper boats from Ailith. He seems rather stunned, taking a moment to look around at the others in the crowd. "I, uh... I'm..." He swallows. This is a lot. "I'm really, really honored. Thank you." He stares at the two boats in his hands before seeming to realize he is supposed to float them with the others. Stepping over to the waves he takes so much care with the boats that he looses his footing a moment, landing a boot in the water. He doesn't fall all the way, managing to recover. With one soggy boot and looking a bit daft, he sets one boat into the water, then the other. "The Compact, really united." Carefully getting his boot up out of the water so as not to fall in the rest of the way, he sits down to watch the boats mingle with the rest as they go off to be consigned to the waves.

Turn in line: Khanne

Khanne when it is her turn, Khanne walks towards the water's edge. She carries just one boat in her hands, though it is a colorful boat, folded carefully. She lets the cold winter waters curl over the toes of her boots as she stands there. "Spirits of wind and wave, know that I continue to answer your call. I thank you for leading me to Mangata, to inspire me to help her in what little ways I can. I have found a comfort at sea that I had never guessed I would feel, a woman from the mountains of ice. I thank you for that opportunity. And Mangata, blessed Goddess of air and waters, thank you for all you have done to keep us safe. Not merely us of the Compact, but our allies as well. Thank you for showing me the most amazing things. We now, all of us, join the fight. With Mangata and the Spirits blessings, we find our strength, and shall release it upon the enemy so the waters will be safe once more." She leans down and puts her boat to water, giving it a little nudge, hoping it will set sail. When she rises, she says, "Thank you." She then turns to walk back towards the trees, sand sticking to her boots.

Khanne drops a small painting of Mangata, folded into a paper boat.

Turn in line: Aiden

With a gesture from Prince Aiden, the kids that had been zooming around with their boats race to put their boats in the water with all the rest! Their squeals of delight are of pure joy. Aiden watches them and notes, "Our people depend on us, our most vulernable will look to us to protect them. The young, the old, those ill made by wound or sickness will need us to protect them against the coming darkness." He pauses then notes, "The children of Grayson's ward were welcomed this day to carry the prayers of all and cast them out, for in their small hands unstained and in their hearts yet unbroken, and in their minds yet uncorrupted, will be our future. And it is up to us to protect the present for them to have a bright and rewarding future. As Admiral of the Paper Fleet for House Grayson, we commit our prayers to all the Gods of the Pantheon."

Turn in line: Esoka

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Aiden before departing.

Amethyst - A Clever Raccoon arrives, delivering a message to Aiden before departing.

Painbow, a militant pygmy goat arrives, delivering a message to Alis before departing.

Esoka steps into the water with her basket of little paper ships, little them go each in turn. "I hope Mangata hears these prayers and sees we're all with her. It was heartening gathering them from the commons in the Grayson wards. Some are clever, some are simple, but I'll remember them all and am glad I was part of this. Fair winds and our love, goddess."

Ailith has joined the In the Water.

Valencia makes her way quietly to the beach. A little smile kisses her lips as she sees so many have come to Sparte's event. Looking over the crown she seeks out the man himself and offers warm incline of head to Sparte as she catches his eye, slipping into to crowd to assist as she can.

Turn in line: Calaudrin

Calaudrin comes up to the edge of the water and holds his paper boat close to his chest. He looks out at all of the other boats with a stern expression on his face. He looks unhappy, but when does he ever look super thrilled to be in public? Everyone else is given a mildly dirty look. Then he murmurs something very quietly to the paper boat and lets it go out into the water.

Alarissa has left the In the Water.

Alarissa has joined the Northern Dunes.

Wash rests in a small dinghy offshore, close enough that he can hear voices carry over the water, but far enough that he won't intervene in the proceedings.

Vanora has left the Wooden Picnic Table.

Thorley has joined the line.

Victus has left the In the Water.

Victus has joined the Northern Dunes.

4 Kennex corsairs, Serena, the charming Stormward lady-in-waiting leave, following Vanora.

Turn in line: Reese

Bonfires abound, away from the water, scattered about to provide warmth for those who aimed for a more one on one contact with the water and thier prayers and Alarissa's leading Victus toward one of them, Astrid tucked warm beanth her cloak and furs, Olenna bringing some fresh dry boots fo Vius and the littel trio of the High Lrod's family settling in near the fire and watching the ongoings.

Khanne has left the Beneath Trees.

Madeleine continues to ask the Gods to hear the prayes offered and bless those kind enough to give their words and paperships. She seems completely in her element, sand between her toes, breeze catching her hair, and love and offerings all around.

Valencia has joined the Quiet Strand.

Reese rises to he feet and draws close to the water. She seems somberly thoughtful for a moment. "I prayer to Magnata to be with against the incoming fleets. That her waters heal and sooth us when we are injured. That the wind is on our side and helps to give us an edge. That the children and those who cannot fight are protected. That our hearts stay true and with the the gods. That no sacrifices are made in vain. That Compact endures and that we stand united. I pray that the Graysons come together in Limerance and work as a family. I know that we will and that we can. I prayer that Gloria be with us as we fight. I prayer for victory, not for the glory, but for our families, are lands and our continued life. Let Magnata who gives life, be with us."

Kael has left the Beneath Trees.

Reigna has left the Beneath Trees.

Oaken, a massive Oakhaven bloodhound, Marigold, a cheeky pygmy goat, Marie, chef of Keaton Hall, 2 Novice Keaton Huntsmen leave, following Reigna.

Vern, Reigna leave, following Kael.

Turn in line: Thorley

He had been in the water since near the start of it all. Finally Thorley kneels down and sets off the two small ships. His prayers are his own. With the two ships, he considers the bottle of rum at his side - "Not yet." he offers. And with that, he sets the two ships afloat, a glance to the Archlector and a bow of his head as he moves out of the water.

2 Kennex corsairs, 3 Iron Guardsmen arrive, following Titania.

The line has been dismissed by Sparte.

Alis has left the Beneath Trees.

Sir Rhys, a Valardin Knight, Punshine, a disgustingly affectionate pygmy goat leave, following Alis.

Valdemar has left the Beneath Trees.

3 Grimhall House Guards leaves, following Valdemar.

As the ebb tide pulls the tiny paper boats out to sea, Wash paces the farthest of them in his dinghy, escorting them out to the beyond, a silent observer of each watery end.

Aiden checked charm + animal ken at difficulty 15, rolling 12 higher.

Esoka goes to stand next to Calaudrin once her boats have sailed, nudging him and reaching out to take his hand as she watches them drift out to sea.

Calaudrin looks a lot less grouchy to see Esoka than he does the average person. He squeezes her fingers tightly.

Madeleine says, "May the Gods hear our words and Mangata receive our prayers. May we all be filled with love and kindness, but most of all faith and hope."

Thena has left the In the Water.

A few sea birds that wing over head. They screech in their sea-cry way as they start to wing out over the paper boats... Do they drop something? Hopefully it's nothing crude, like droppings! Pieces of paper? No, it can't be. They simply glide out over the boats, before they start to dip and play with them. Hopefully they won't eat any.

Aiden stays by the shoreline with the young ones, his hands crossed before him and his eyes moving toward Reese for her prayers, nodding to her but then turning out to the ocean yet again. Though for a while, he simply looks up and watches the sea-birds, his hand tightening around something, a small figurine...

Astraea rises to her feet after the prayers were offered, taking a missive and reaching down to help up the Dame and Ectorion if they accept. Soon after the farewells are made the pair begin to head back to the city proper, waves offered to the likes of Esoka, Calaudrin, Madeleine, Victus and Alarissa. Others still are given hugs on the way by like Princess Reese and last but not least they stop to exchange a quiet word to the Thraxian prince and the dragon princess Isabeau.

Wash fishes out a crust of bread he packed onto his dinghy and tears it, offering that to the seagulls instead of the boats.

Thorley has left the In the Water.

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