Sparte Grayfellow
To ask for adventure is to ask for misfortune. Misfortune challenges us, takes us from the ordinary. When I ask for adventure I do not ask for kindness, I ask to test my worth.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Youthful Determination
Gender: male
Marital Status: married
Age: 23
Birthday: 10/30
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Soldier
Height: tall
Hair Color: burgundy
Eye Color: hazel
Skintone: rose
Description: Thin like a beanpole and just as tall, Sparte's frame has been made sturdy and tough from years in hard service despite his readily apparently lack of muscle. He is expressive by nature, some of that awkward enthusiasm of youth lingering into his twenties. His eyebrows are thick statements over bright green hazel eyes, with the matching dark reddish hair a wavy half tamed mess kept to a medium length. When he gives one of his lopsided grins it shows off how his left incisor is a whole quarter inch longer than his right, highlighting the friendly mischief behind it.
Personality: Sparte Fatchforth still carries the spark of youth. There is a boyish streak in his mannerisms, an earnest purity to his charm, a youthful energy to his excitement. Traits that would not be expected of a man entering his twenties. Twice the years have seen him through the fires of war and he has neither broken nor hardened to a cold edge. Unsatisfied, he continues to take on challenges and beset himself with hardships. It raises the question of why.
While he remains rough around the edges, unfinished, some personality traits have risen to the surface over Sparte's years in Arx. He is deeply curious, socially awkward, full of hope, and has a strong sense of integrity. He has confidence in his ideals, and is trying to find that same confidence in himself.
Background: u'Very little is known about Sparte from before he showed up in Arx, one of the many youths that came from the countryside to answer the call to protect Arx after the betrayal of Lord Everard Telmar in 1005 AR. The Fatchforths are a farming family a few days from Bastion and well liked, but they arn't the sort you often see in a city or a history book.
Joining the Iron Guard as a simple recruit with little more to his name than a baby stoat and a walking stick, Sparte was neither intimidating nor particularly capable. The only thing he seems good at was being enthusiastic and stubborn. In the coming year he'd learn meet every mercy that worked the training yards and end up on first name basis with most of them. He learned this because he got the snot beat out of him, again, and again, and again. It took six months for him to wear his first spar to even a draw, another three to win.
Then the Silent Army came, and those lessons were put to use. Proving his valor he faced no less than a dozen Bringers across Arx, never faltering or retreating. He earned medals of the Guardian and Star for this, but what people remember instead is him earning the nickname Eyebrows. This given after he burned them off fighting a bringer with fire, and went around town with two serious looking black smears over his eyes for months.
When peace came to Arx, Sparte didn't settle. He seemed incapable, permanently restless and eager to do something more. Eventually this would lead him to try to join the Society of Explorers, being turned down for his lack of skill as something more than a warrior. If you have followed along this far, you have an idea of how this went.
In early 1007 AR Sparte was admitted to the Society of Explorers, having focused on cartography and earned recognition for the talent he had developed in that area. "Anyone can look at a map and see what is on it, but if you want a worth while puzzle? Figure out what isn't."
Relationship Summary
Mourning isles:
Name | Summary |
Adora | Quiet, socially awkward, likes kids. None of those are endearing. I don't like him. |
Aerandir | A young man, but one in a position of power, it seems; our paths crossed when he was in the midst of a patrol, guiding fellow guardsmen. He seems a friendly sort, having had no hesitation in inviting me along for a tour of sorts. |
Agnarr | A patchwork of a man, not particularly blessed by neither gods nor spirits. Worth more than his appearance belies, most like, by the fact that Silas keeps paying him, and a harder match than one would expect. |
Aiden | Aiden punched Sparte the first time he met him. Why? Because Sparte sort of sucked at being a healer, well, that is to say, you have to sometimes heal with pain before you can heal at all! Then he seen the man fight with a BENCH at the event in which Aiden hosted. He was quite... unsure what to think about the quiet man, who seems, dreadfully shy and unsociable and yet... can take on so many at once, with a bench! Sparte, for Aiden, is a curious oddity. |
Alarissa | For the most part, the man is in truth a scholar. Or perhaps secretly working for the inquisition with how many questions he asks and information that he gathers. Friend or ally, seems too early to tell. But a scholar, that for sure. |
Aleksei | Enthusiastic! That's pretty much how he is every time I see him. Nothing wrong with that. |
Alexis | A guardsman with a keen sense of duty and um. Also apparently equally flustered by the boldness of the Lycene. It's good to know I'm not the only one. Also, per said Lycene, he's a notable fighter. So definitively a man to keep an eye out for! |
Amarantha | I admire his bravery in the face of such danger. I only hope that he succeeds. |
Ardoin | When I met him to learn how to use my greatsword better, the first impression I got was that the man is a serious taskmaster. The second, that his skill and generosity in teaching is paramount. He does his office a service. |
Arianna | He kicked my ass fair and square. I probably shouldn't have called him so passive. I am sure that earned me a few bruises. |
Armand | Not a martyr, yet he chose to fight for others when most would simply have cowered. He is a fine guardsman, and possesses a mind that offers fine discussions. |
Arta | My adoptive little brother. Still alive and kicking fortunately. Claims to have found what he was looking for when he left. Going to have to keep an eye on him. I know we are going to have loads and loads of fun together. Just like when we where children. |
Astraea | He must be a tender fellow if he has baby stoats in his bunk. Such a cute boy and even kinder than the other Iron Guardsman I encountered. I wonder if they're good friends, but either way I hope to see him before the babies get any bigger. |
Aurelian | An Iron Guard member from the Commons, he seems to be a good man at least and takes his role seriously enough to avoid a noble trying to set up a prank which could result in problems for himself in a diplomatic fashion. |
Avary | Well, I didn't expect to meet this man under these circumstances, but he seems nice enough, and regretful of his actions. Poor little bunnies. |
Brigida | Devoted young man. Should become godsworn. May be simple. |
Cadenza | A fun sparring partner! I need to harass him later to help knock some of this dust off of my shoulders. |
Caith | He clearly has a love for adventure which makes me very happy and excited! We are going to do a project together which I am looking forward to -- now, if I could only get him to eat a cookie, my joy would be complete! |
Calaudrin | Undeniably one of our hardest working guards. He's honest and a decent person. Which is more than I can say about a lot of people in Arx. He took off after the fighting ended at Seagate to check on the graveyard, he's got initiative and instinct. He's also really hard to knock down. |
Caspian | A man who joined Thrax at it's darkest hour. He seems like a good, noble sort. |
Christine | Such an adorable kid! He even gave me a book! |
Cirroch | He seems like a very friendly sort who tries to meddle in others conflicts. Not that it's a bad thing. |
Clara | During a bar fight is always the best time to meet people... |
Cybele | A very sleepy young man. Also needs to learn better hygiene practices. Poor man. He needs a nap. |
Darrow | A new guardsman - not what I was looking for. |
Derovai | Young. Disheveled-looking. No filter. At least two of these things feel familiar. If he's clever enough, or less-than-clever enough, he might prove useful. |
Echo | What a friendly guy! He told me I was doing everything wrong in the nicest way possible, and I couldn't believe my eyes when he started swinging his sword around. Dancing with the blade, really. I hope I get to see him again! |
Ectorion | Friendly and helpful, a good teacher, an able guard and a stalwart man to be relied upon. I suppose that you could say I like the fellow. |
Edain | I first met the Guardsman known as Sparte while keeping the vigil for Fawkhul to turn himself in after Archduchess Esera's death. Despite the somber occasion, and my.. less than pleasant state of mind, the young guard made it near impossible to not find him a bit charming. He just seems to have such a genuine love of what he does. Even the gut wrenching 'hurry up and wait' moments. He has a zeal for what he does that really inspiring. |
Eilonwy | A potential ally in covering all the horrific "art" in Maelstrom and a brave fighter-from what I've seen. |
Eleanor | Extremely helpful with my current assignment. I wonder if he's solemn by nature, or if it was the subject matter. |
Ferrando | A farm kid that's still a bit out of place in the city at times but he can pick up a two-hander and throw down with demons just fine, so what else do you really want out of a guardsman? I run into him here and there and he seems to be finding his way all right. I'm rooting for ya, kid! |
Fortunato | An earnest young man with an adventurous spirit, nay, a risk-taking spirit. One of those fellows who's curious about a bit of everything and open-hearted all the same. |
Gareth | The whinging I've had to listen to in the House of Questions has given me enough fuel to dislike this man for a lifetime. Though second chances can often be given, we'll see what he does with his. |
Gisele | A brave young man with a dark past, looking to overcome and make sense of it. And for all his warrior aspect, there's something scholarly here too, to be cultivated. So to speak. |
Giulio | Intriguing. Helpful and volunteering. A good and useful fellow. Perhaps I will have an opportunity to work with him further. |
Hadrian | A young man who is, in effect, rather simple. Not in intellect or outlook, but manner. He seems very grounded within the reality of the world and simply striving to do what he feels is the right thing to do. Raised on a farm, Fatchforth Farm, in his youth he has come to the big city to...? Hm. Something to ask him someday. WHY he came to Arx. I imagine that it's better than raising livestock and tending crops. Altogether however this young man seems a respectable sort and the fact that he doesn't feel the need to speak like an uncouth mongrel every other word, while still being a commoner? Means that I'd like to give him big pat on the back and inform him to keep up the good work on not being an idiot. Furthermore, I don't think I caught him breathing from his mouth *once*. At all! It was beyond impressive, to be honest. |
Iseulet | I'm glad at least I had someone to talk to at the training center - it afforded me an opportunity to get to talk to /someone/ I suppose. I'm glad that it turned out to be him - he looks interesting. |
Itzal | A guardsman with an appreciation for music, which is really all that can be asked for from a simple bard. A good, honest fellow, and good company besides! |
Jeffeth | Officer Sparte! He got in trouble for some stuff on the Whites but he seems to be a good man, diligent to his duty. |
Jordan | By all reports apparently a fine fighter! And he acquitted himself well in the Tournament of Gloria, in addition to a sense of sportsmanship, so that's something to be appreciated, for sure. |
Kenna | I think he has DEPTHS. Plus, he's way smarter than the average person. Really, I should shut my trap and listen more around him. |
Killian | Sparte never changes, and that's part of the best thing about Sparte. Seriously, unflinching and fearless, gotta love the man. |
Lailah | The first time I met him, I think I was perhaps a little too harsh. He's an all right source, but really, every time I've met with him, his stubbornness has reached new levels of foolishness that know no bounds. |
Lou | With a bit of training, Sparte will make a fine warrior. A bit awkward at times, but he'll grow out of it - especially with so many Graysons around. |
Lucita | I was permitted to listen to a report Sparte gave to Calypso. He was organized, efficient, patient when asked questions and reassuring by his very manner with which he answered. He gave a timely warning and suggestions for helping to avoid trouble. |
Maeve | He did a good job helping in the big rat-caper! Though, I don't think he approved of my choie of using poisoned grains to kill the rats. I found my poison was more human than stabbity stab stab! I hope he doesn't think too ill of me. |
Malesh | Polite enough young man, if not entirely graceful. I can't bame him much, he was distracted and it was crowded, just a matter of poor luck that's all. |
Margerie | He has those moments of energy and mirth. I liked that offer for someone to outsing Lady Sorrel |
Merek | He is a bit fervent about battle, but I think that he generally means well, if he is That One Guy we all know and love. |
Monique | Helpful. VERY helpful. Has a weird thing for rabbits, but I totally get it. |
Morrighan | One of Silas', I do believe, heard of him, never met. Bearer of curious gifts, to be certain, a bit late for my birthday, but I'll take it. |
Naka | He told some stories to an altar, hoping it would like them. I listened, too. It made more sense than it sounds like. |
Orathy | Reckon I lost the challenge to fight with only a stick. Ain't knowing why he be smiling at me the way he does, less he wants to cuddle. Ain't cuddling with no Iron Goats though. |
Petal | He seems nice. Is quiet and respectful. That is not a bad thing. |
Raja | I am not sure if this one is brave or stupid. Maybe he is both? He led an entire group of angry drunken men in a chase through the streets of the Boroughs. I have to admit, I am entertained. |
Reese | Reese first met Sparte when he was a new guard without much in the way of armor and weapons. She remembers sparing him early on and how badly he needed his gear. He has become a warrior of note now and possibly could take take her own in a spar. He stands for such a long time and can take so much damage. Reese remembers how troubled he was about her drunken cousin and thinks that he comes from a troubled home. She thinks he can take such damage in part because of his background. She sees as loyal and with great fortitude. She feels bad for not spending as much time with him lately, but with her wedding, the siege and so forth things have been busy. She hopes to make more time for him. |
Rinel | He made me look like a fool in front of Princess Lou! But he was of some help in finding research afterwards. Still! |
Rook | When Rook first ever saw Sparte, he was doing a job few would like to do. Picking up red 'painted' books and children toys from the Scholars reading room. The man did his job, even then. It shows drive, if nothing else. |
Roran | your friendly neighbourhood Iron Guardsman! |
Rymarr | Reflexes like a cat and the throwing arm of... something that throws things, really fast and hard. He's also good in a fight. Who'd have thought that with that list of pre-qualifications? |
Sabella | He is very well spoken. From what he described, he ought to go see the new opera! Visual delights, speeches AND singing! |
Saedrus | Master Sparte Fatchforth seems a good natured young man, full of ambition and enthusiasm. I met him while he was organising the charity event, the 'Iron Arrow Barbecue'. He has worked terribly hard for it all, which is only greater favour to his kind nature. |
Samael | He seems like a good sort. He contributed to the open discussion at the Scholar Supper. Bianca seemed to get a little flustered at his chosen topic but we are a little on edge lately. I look forward to get to know Sparte better. |
Sameera | A fighter. He seems strange. Perhaps not as annoying as she expected of a fighter. He seems to have the thoughts of the Prince of Sanctum in regards to Thrax Sworn ways. Not understanding it but their ways. |
Saoirse | He hosted a debate that became a debate about the Butcher, but didn't steer the conversation that way. |
Sasha | Very quiet and sometimes fumbling but seems kind enough. |
Shard | Involved in something to do with a Sacred ("Sacred?") grove, and old, possibly elven jewelry? Friends with Aiden and Leola, I think. |
Silas | Sparte is one of the most impressive guardsmen within the ranks, in Silas's opinion, and one of the most hardworking. Silas sees promising things in his future. |
Skye | He's grumpy. Maybe having a bad day. It's not easy being an Iron Guard. Poor guy. He needs a vacation. |
Sorrel | Although we've crossed paths before, I never really had the chance to be introduced to him. He seems nice enough, if perhaps a little odd, but what's really in his favor is his religious fervor. I love his paper ships. |
Talen | A man who has many theories and can fight to boot. The Iron Guard has good men amongst it. |
Tallius | Seems friendly and cheerful, and he's an Iron Guard. Definitely the sort of fellow that seems good to have around in case of trouble. |
Tarik | A nice member of the Iron Guard. Valery was right about him. I feel sorry about his situation. I know it all too well, but probably on a smaller scope. I hope he doesn't get into much of a pickle from his recent forgetfulness. |
Thena | Quiet stoic sort. Seems like an idealist, but I can let that slide. He's a solid soldier and a fine colleague and I am proud to serve with him. |
Theron | The man creating a paper flotilla for Mangata. I should probably talk to him about this kind of thing. Instead, I introduce him to the harsh reality of Donkey Knights. |
Thesarin | I was that young. Once. |
Torian | They were at the Merchant West fire and The Compact owes them a debt of gratitude! |
Turo | It's a privilege to meet someone who is devout in their prayer life. I was happy to be able to convince him to join the Confessional of the Waves today, and I hope he found what he most needed. |
Valery | Despite seeming distracted most of the time, he is quite a nice and kind man, and Valery likes talking with him. He also buys a lot of ointments. |
Victus | He's an odd one. But it's a good kinda odd. It took balls to swear in when we're facing down our worst threat and he didn't even flinch. That's saying all it needs. |
Wash | Proof that a soldier can rise to a position that matches his mettle. As long as he is as good with his words as his metal, he'll go far. |
Wylla | A lovely young man who shows some skill in drawing! Even if he thinks Jayus doesn't bless him, he should hone his skills. He reminds me of a colt. |