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Written By Charlaine

June 9, 2017, 10:09 p.m.(8/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Carita

My old friend, looking forward to our tea.

Written By Charlaine

June 9, 2017, 10:06 p.m.(8/15/1006 AR)

Today I saw the count off, after many cups of rum.
I went for a walk along the beach, and breathed in the salt air.
It was a nice time in solace...
A new leaf unturned, old friendships renewed
Our Friendships today build the back of Arx tomorrow.

Written By Charlaine

June 9, 2017, 10 p.m.(8/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Petal

Looking forward to the Menagerie Masquerade - Petal was able to raise to the occasion and provide me and my date with clothes to wear. Cant wait to show them off, rather excited for good fun.

Written By Alexis

June 9, 2017, 6:58 p.m.(8/15/1006 AR)

Part of coming to Arx has been an expansion of my horizons. Discovering new people. Learning new things. Learning more about myself.

Some of this instruction has come at the hands of noted luminaries. That, too, is a thing that is taking some getting used to. High Lords and Archlectors are no longer distant, almost mythical figures. They are right here, in the flesh. Human.

I do not envy their burdens.

Written By Narciso

June 9, 2017, 6:53 p.m.(8/15/1006 AR)

Speaking of the Realm being attacked, didn't we hear about the unfortunate losses of Knights, Princesses, and assorted individuals lately? Was that just me? No? Good!

But please, set your fires! Division, that's what we need! We survived the Siege, we don't have anything else that could possibly require maintained unity.

But in regard to Thrax, I should point out that at least they sing when they work. More people should do that. Singing while working is good for the soul.

Going back to laughing now.

Written By Halsim

June 9, 2017, 6:15 p.m.(8/15/1006 AR)

I've been keeping out of the whole debate about Thrax changing to become less hated by those who don't understand our culture. But now that we have individuals condemning Thrax for changing, as if we're just stupid for not 'realizing it sooner', I have to laugh.

Each of the Realms has their own identities... their things that could easily be condemned... yet I don't see any of that when I read these journals. Instead, I just see more and more hate for a Realm others don't understand, and have to wonder how people would feel if their Realms were attacked, even after a compromise is reached.

Written By Narciso

June 9, 2017, 5:59 p.m.(8/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Carita

Braying within the Archives? That's just rude. Please try to find whatever mule you let slip within. Meanwhile, I shall return to watch the embers.

Written By Ilvin

June 9, 2017, 5:20 p.m.(8/15/1006 AR)

... Limerance, give me strength.

Written By Samantha

June 9, 2017, 5:13 p.m.(8/15/1006 AR)

Given the choice between further condemning the actions of others after they have chosen to make a change to fundamental principles of how they live their lives, or offering them welcome after choosing reform that is compassionate and fair - however long it may take them to get there, I choose to open my arms and welcome them. Past cruelties should be a lesson never forgotten, but it should come along with the awareness that we cannot change the past, we can only shape the future.

If we do want to encourage further change, I suspect the way to do it won't be through condemnation of those who acknowledge it in a positive fashion, and continue to aid in further realization and share welcome as it occurs.

It is no crime to acknowledge an effort to be better, which in and of itself will encourage further consideration of reform. We can choose to pursue the positive and increase it in scope, or dwell on what was never done, or what was done wrong, and never take a single further step toward enlightenment.

I choose to walk the path.

Written By Carita

June 9, 2017, 5:09 p.m.(8/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Narciso

That would explain the raucous braying sound that shattered the peace of the Archives, Confessor Artiglio.

Written By Narciso

June 9, 2017, 4:44 p.m.(8/15/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

I want you to picture the gasps, the shocked crowd growing still as it reels from hearing that latest journal. I want you to picture it well, the stunned faces, just before the storm of reprisal, approval or outrage.

Do you hear it? A solitary voice, even as the crowd draws air to shout, cheer or scream. That voice? It's laughing.

That's me.

Written By Aureth

June 9, 2017, 4:35 p.m.(8/15/1006 AR)

The town criers are running about the town with copies of the latest round of proclamations, some to be recorded in the White Journals, and since I was here, anyway, I thought I might step aside and record my own impressions.

I, too, was gratified and relieved that House Thrax has decided to no longer use the diseased bodies of infants as weapons against their fellow men. I was also very pleased to hear that Thrax now recognizes that flaying the skin from human bodies is unusually cruel, nasty and brutal, and shall not be included in the annals of their military punishments anymore.

I am so glad to join in those lauding House Thrax with laurels and accolades for stepping forward and acknowledging that disgusting barbarity is, in fact, disgusting barbarity, beneath the dignity of humanity, and stands against the honor of Gloria, the charity of Gild, and the righteous justice of the Sentinel.

I too shall pat them on the back and thank them for their recognition that flaying people alive is, in fact, a horrible act.

I am heartened that this decision comes so soon upon the heels of their recognition that women, in fact, count as people, and should be allowed such revolutionary rights as property and inheritance, in addition to doing all of the administrative and financial and legal work that they have been doing in the Mourning Isles for generations anyway.

I look forward to how impressed we shall all be when House Thrax makes its next revolutionary discovery.

Written By Inigo

June 9, 2017, 1:10 p.m.(8/14/1006 AR)

The business of being busy. It's amazing how the small things in life tend to take up the most time. I suppose that makes sense when the small things are piled on again and again. Typically, as a swordsman, I only find myself lacking in the ability to socialize when a war is on or there is a duel to be fought, and even then I still have time to drink. With new roles comes new responsibilities... a lot... of new responsibilities. There is hope, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, I'm just hoping that light is nearer than it seems.

Written By Niamh

June 9, 2017, 9:41 a.m.(8/14/1006 AR)

Word of the Gold Order is spreading. Just this week I had a trade factor come to me with tales of a gloomy place he passed on the way into Arx, and dark whispers of it. I admit, I've never heard of the Brinemurk, but if what the merchant says is true, then it's something we'll definitely be looking into. Princess Lark has given permission to travel through Grayson lands, now I only need to get Sister Gisele to look into the history of the place to see if it's as bad as I was told. If so, then I'll call arms in the Order, find a ship, and head north to take care of the matter.

I only pray that it is not like Downing Glen. I do not wish to become trapped by a bodiless evil once more. Though... I should ask Aislin if she can spare a tracker from the Society.

Written By Valery

June 9, 2017, 9:25 a.m.(8/14/1006 AR)

I fell asleep at the Stone Grove and Lord Anze woke me up...
I don't even remember what did we talk about.

I probably shouldn't talk with people when I'm so sleepy...

Written By Edward

June 9, 2017, 9:01 a.m.(8/14/1006 AR)

A great showing by Princess Marian and High Lord Victus in the Telmar. An intense fight by two dedicated fighters showing their mettle.

Written By Sparte

June 9, 2017, 12:31 a.m.(8/13/1006 AR)

The Iron Arrow Barbeque seems to be coming together. I've just got to figure out how many skewers I need. Oof, and what to do with them after. That will be a lot of metal skewers.

Written By Carita

June 8, 2017, 10:52 p.m.(8/13/1006 AR)

There was, some time ago, a Thrax Reaver of who was very well known. He had a fine home in the capital and a fine home on one of the islands. All of his plates were of silver and his rooms were hung with war banners of all sort, his chairs and sofas were covered over with the furs of icebears and upholstered with seasilk. He was known by his long beard, made black by pitch and cinder - which made him so very frightful, so that none of the ladies would venture to go into his company.

Now, there was a certain Lady of rank from another House who had two very eligible daughters. Both were beautiful and clever. Cinderbeard asked the Lady to bestow one of her daughters upon him as a wife so that they may join their Houses in an alliance, and left it to the Lady to choose which of her daughters it would be. Both the young ladies swore that they would not marry Cinderbeard - not for his frightening looks, but for the fact that the rumors suggested that he had married six times before - and no one could tell what had become of any of them.

So, Cinderbeard invited the Lady and her daughters to his estate on the islands where they spend a whole week hunting and fishing, dancing and singing, feasts and balls. In such a short time, the youngest daughter had herself so much fun that she wondered why she had ever been afraid of the Reaver with the cinder-black beard.

Soon, they wed, and the Houses were unified.

Months after the marriage, Cinderbeard told his wife that he had affairs to tend to and needed to sail abroad to the capital. He desired her to remain on the island and to keep herself well-entertained so that her time passed pleasantly until he returned home again.

"Here," he said, "these are the keys to our estate. Keys to the wardrobes. Keys to the vaults. Keys to the strong boxes. Keys to the cellar. You have leave to come and go as you like. I give you leave. All are available to you - all but this one key - this little brass one. This one belongs to the farthest closet on the ground floor. You must never enter this room. You must not even put this key into its lock, my dear. If you do not obey me in this one request, you will face the most dire of consequences."

She promised to obey this request in a faithful manner, and the pair kissed and parted.

After three days passed without incident, so great was the Bride's curiosity that she drifted down to the ground level floor and slowly --

-- carefully ---

--walked down the hall until she reached the locked closet door. The keys rattled for her hands were shaking so, and she put the small brass key into the lock. With trembling hand, she turned the key until the lock clicked open, and the door to the forbidden closet flew wide open.

(The rest will need to wait. Sleep sweet, Arvum. Hugs and kisses.)

Written By Victus

June 8, 2017, 10:28 p.m.(8/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Marian

If I ever start questioning why they call house Valardin a house of "Dragons", I'll be thinking of you to correct myself.

Written By Isolde

June 8, 2017, 9:38 p.m.(8/13/1006 AR)

For those alarmed by my fainting at the Velenosa dinner, don't be! Thankfully, I'm not dead.

It turns out that strangely colored apples and copious amounts of wine don't mix very well. So my unfortunate spill during the dance with Duchess Calista was the result.

The rest of the night and the following day and a half have been spent sleeping it all off. I still feel lightheaded and my stomach is unsettled but I'll live.

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