Lady Titania Magnotta
Be Noble Minded! Our Own Heart, and Not Other Men's Opinions Of Us, Forms Our True Honor.

Social Rank: 4
Concept: Diplomat In Training
Gender: female
Marital Status: Married
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/15
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Noble
Height: average height
Hair Color: golden blond
Eye Color: ocean blue
Skintone: sunkissed fair
Description: Titania is a beautiful girl, with a full face, and cascading golden blond hair. Ocean blue eyes, and her common serious look are often able to transfix those she watches. Standing at 5' 8", she is taller than most, added to by the heels she frequently wears. She's got well sculpted curves, in all the right places, giving her a serious, but mature, womanly figure.
Personality: Beautiful, soft and quiet is what you get from first meeting Titania Kennex till you get to know her and one realizes not only is she beautiful but she is smart and well educated and not shy at all. From a young age she has been trained in the ways of diplomacy knowing how to speak with someone is something she knows how to do very well.
Background: Growing up the only child of Sonya and Renault Kennex, Titania was always drawn to the allure of the water and the ships rolling into the docks. Her friends were the beautiful Kennex vessels coming home from patrols, waiting for them to pass through the Stormbreak Arches. She reveled in watching the vastly varied types of people coming and going, wondering what each one did, where they came from, what kind of fantastical adventures they have been on. Through curiosity, she eavesdropped, learning and listening, getting to know these sailors and Kennex Corsairs from afar.
One day, when a pair of sailors from Arx had come, and a group of Corsairs got into a bit of a row, Titania stepped in, without even fully realizing what she was doing, and quelled the potential fight before blows were thrown. Unbeknownst to Titania, Wash Kennex wasn't far, watching the altercation and Titania's intervention. He mentioned this to Catalana later that night and Titania was invited to be trained in finer points of Diplomacy.
Relationship Summary
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