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Written By Talwyn

Oct. 11, 2019, 4:51 a.m.(12/28/1011 AR)

To have played before others, and organised other Bards to come forth, was something of the utmost pleasure to me.

While in Arx the inspiration can often be a challenge as the city seems to grip and reach around my music. Claiming it.

For once something beautiful was able to happen

Written By Sydney

Oct. 11, 2019, 12:02 a.m.(12/27/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Elisha

Eli's quickly becoming one of my favorite people in Arx. He's absolutely mad at times, but his honesty is a breath of fresh air. Has a way of drawing me out of myself a little bit, and ... after so long walkin' around with my chin out and my chest puffed up, it's good to just be able to breathe and braid some hair.

Okay, so he has some talk that's a bit dodgy, but you have to be pretty stodgy and set in your ways to see it as some kind of a threat.

His poems are lovely.

Written By Rysen

Oct. 10, 2019, 10:49 p.m.(12/27/1011 AR)

It is a commonly held truth that Aurumadin is imaginary, very much like the metaphorical relation to our belligerent guest, and yet I find hope in such potent works of imagination - even if others are quick to dismiss them. I don't think there need be such a focus on embassies so much as finding allies or other solutions to deal with the rude guest who threatens our family. If the leaders of our Faith are confident that beseeching our gods will grant us protection or weapons great enough to contend with a group whose might is beyond contestation, then it goes without saying that I place my faith and absolute trust in them.

I admire the princess's courage in addressing the crisis we currently face. If embassies are not the answer, I hope that we may continue to search for the best solutions, such as those offered by the Radiant Whisper.

Written By Miranda

Oct. 10, 2019, 9:13 p.m.(12/27/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Kaia

Upon arriving at Dominus Igniseri, I realized we were having Duck for dinner.

I considered the last time there was a party with duck and how it turned out.

As such, I dismissed Brenlin for the night.

Why tempt the man?

Written By Delia

Oct. 10, 2019, 7:23 p.m.(12/27/1011 AR)

I love nothing more than seeing my fellow people making merry. It's easy to forget merriment exists in the deluge of serious business, deep thoughts in the whites, and diplomatic crises across the realm.

So it pleases me to no end that I can walk into the Queensrest, the Ambassador Salon or any public house in the city and find some group, however small, reminding the other patrons - and the world at large - that there is still fun to be had.

Written By Cristoph

Oct. 10, 2019, 6:57 p.m.(12/27/1011 AR)

This spring we'll finalize the work on the College of Agriculture. It's been years in the making and suddenly I won't have that sitting on my plate anymore. It's a strange feeling, it makes me feel a little anxious. I suppose we'll just have to go full force into the next big project. I've thought about a large center for the performing arts. Not another educational endevour, simply a place of entertainment. Center for Performing Arts at Artshall? Artshall something something. I'll need to think this one through some more.

Written By Cristoph

Oct. 10, 2019, 6:52 p.m.(12/27/1011 AR)

"We're taking the war to the Sylv'alfar. This is going to be a bloody, messy war that hurts us right down to our souls, but it's the only way to save the people we are sworn to protect. Gather your core unit quickly, as many as you can trust as quickly as you can. We have a lot of work ahead of us. I'm instituting a War Council beginning next week. Houses can send a representative or I will watch as they fall, and those more willing to work for the good of all can rise in their place." - Queen Alarice.

It's a quote from my own research. I'd never thought to put it in my whites before and I can't say what prompted it now. It's not necessarily applicable to anything in particular. But I just thought it was interesting enough to share. Alarice was a remarkable Queen, willing to do what had to be done. And if you weren't willing to work with her, she'd work with someone who was.

Written By Shard

Oct. 10, 2019, 5:55 p.m.(12/27/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Sina

It was part of a private discussion I had with the King. His idea, but I didn't really protest.

It does tend to confuse some people though, so let me try to clarify. There's not really any such thing as having diplomatic relationships with Nefer'khat. Nefer'khat is not one kingdom, but hundreds, and from what I understand they can and do compete with each other. If a representative did sail into our harbor, it would almost certainly not be a representative of Nefer'khat (although I suppose that's vaguely possible), but a representative of one of the Primasens, and an agreement with one is not an agreement with the rest. About the most I can say about any kind of diplomatic relationship with all of Nefer'khat, at least from what I've been told, and what I've been able to find, is that it's not a good idea to insult one of the Primasens, because you risk every single one of them taking offense to it.

That said, yeah, I've not heard, seen, or found anything to suggest that any of the Primasens have ever tried to meddle with the Compact. More the opposite, I've seen an attitude that they prefer to be hands off when it comes to Arvum. The most I've seen is that some groups of Khati came to help fight in the Reckoning, and at least one of them needed a lot of convincing to even do that.

Written By Shard

Oct. 10, 2019, 4:08 p.m.(12/27/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Peri

I haven't forgotten.

Someone being more polite doesn't make them your friend, doesn't mean they have your best interests in mind, and doesn't guarantee they won't turn on you as soon as it suits their interests. It sure as hell doesn't make them more virtuous. It only means they've had training in how to say and do things that won't immediately piss other people off.

Ask yourself this: why would a ruler put anyone into a position of power, particularly a position of power where they're interacting with a foreign kingdom, if that person actually meaningfully opposed what the ruler was doing? Either the person is not actually an ally, or the position is not actually one with power that's going to matter.

Written By Vincenzo

Oct. 10, 2019, 3:39 p.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

Version 3 of "On Diplomatic Relations" is completed, and the Salon will be having a discussion regarding statecraft and diplomacy. I'm looking forward to sharing the latest on the exchange for diplomatic relations, what is happening in the political arena and perhaps see representatives of each foreign nation too.

Jayus, I hope this document helps inspire the leadership of our nation and foreign nations to put diplomacy and the value of life at the forefront. I'm not looking for alliances, treaties, pacts or anything else, but the sovereignty of our great nation and King can't continue to be stepped on.

Written By Aureth

Oct. 10, 2019, 3:21 p.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

I have yet to read or hear an argument on the subject of offering an additional diplomatic foothold to Cardia that I find persuasive. The metaphor about houseguests I find particularly apt -- excepting that the fact of the matter is, if you invite an embassy into your territory, you are housing the ambassador of the current regime, not some imaginary kind cousin.

Also, generally, I admit I am a relatively new student of diplomacy, but I am entirely baffled at the idea of offering any such broad stroke to a people without receiving something quite significant in return.

Written By Tomwell

Oct. 10, 2019, 3:19 p.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Sina

Without arguing in favor of the embassy, I do offer a slight correction: we do not have a friendly relationship with the Nefer'khat. We don't have any relationship with them. As far as I know, no one in Arvani has had contact with them since Prince Cerdic the Sunset Wanderer. Although Prima Shard has my greatest respect, she herself has no contact with the Nefer'khat.

Of course, that also means that we certainly have no adversarial relationship with them, either. In fact I believe that the Primasen of Nefer'khat have largely vowed to avoid interference in our affairs entirely. This does make them far different than Cardia and Jadairal.

Again, this doesn't signify my support for the embassies in any way, but we should go forth with correct information - something that is notably hard to come by, when it comes to the Nefer'khat, so I also emphasize that the Archscholar has my fullest respect.

Written By Bliss

Oct. 10, 2019, 2:47 p.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

To the matter of embassies:

I stand with those who think that embassies belong to our allies. We do not need to grant our enemies sovereign soil in our city in order to treat with them. Let them stand on Arvani ground, subject to Arvani law, when they wish to treat with us. To that end, I am publicly offering a very simple solution to that matter:

If anyone needs to meet with officials from the Cardian Empire or Jadairal on official diplomatic business, I am willing to open the doors of Whisper House to let these matters take place. There, you may have your neutral ground, but we are not going to be conceding any of our own soil to those who have expressed a will to dominate and rule over us.

If this is something that interests you, please do write.

Written By Bliss

Oct. 10, 2019, 2:38 p.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

I leave town for a week, come back and find...

Well, I certainly hope people have learned their lessons. Call Champions and be done with it. Much, much cleaner.

Written By Rysen

Oct. 10, 2019, 12:21 p.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Arik

An ode to beards inspired by composing a song for the Nightingale:

Of all the signs of power high,
Of timeless majesty and might
Nothing claims the foremost place
Nor pleasantly can frame the face,

Or be with fingers set in braids,
Or with gleaming, artful charms arrayed,
Or scratched when one is deep in thought
Or in freezing cold keep faces hot

O, beards of many colors!
Of sizes myriad and shapes!
Some by nature granted,
And some by human arts were made!

But all we celebrate with brews:
The hair that from our face protrudes,
The confidence our beards exude,
Shall like the fairest flowers bloom,

So let your majestic beards flow free
That grace your face so stylishly,
And drink your fill to celebrate
Such a wonder that adorns a face!

Written By Cassandra

Oct. 10, 2019, 12:06 p.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

I shouldn't have to write this but, for future reference, and to make my life a little bit easier, please do not call for a duel after already getting an apology on the matter. As an apology is just as viable as conceding a duel.

Written By Morrighan

Oct. 10, 2019, 11:34 a.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

If you need your arse set on fire, I can help with that. If that doesn't make you feel more alive, I'm not sure what will.

Written By Sina

Oct. 10, 2019, 11:25 a.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

I should amend, after a correspondence with Prince Niklas, that I do not personally have any knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the establishment of an embassy for Nefer'khat. I assumed such was done with the agreement of Prima Shard. If I am mistaken in that, I apologize for my presumtion. However, historical information from the writings of Prince Cerdic Valardin do suggest that the Primasen of the Griffon at one point may have offered its aid to us in the past, and may lend some historical weight of precedence for the establishment of relations with Nefer'khat. Whether there is any formal agreement now, however, I do not know.

The Khati, as far as I am aware, have not been seeking to undermine the Compact, nor have they issued any impossible ultimatums that I have seen. This much cannot be said for our guests from Cardia or the Undying Empire.

Written By Lora

Oct. 10, 2019, 10:27 a.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

There are things that, once broken, can never truly be mended. The cracked piece of a vase; the rip in a favorite gown; the gouge in the side of a desk. A talented craftsman can repair these flaws but they never truly go away. There is always a tiny hairline fissure left in the ceramic; stitches in the silk; a subtle difference in the stain where the gouge has been sanded down and smoothed away. Always something. Always there. Perhaps it is because once made aware of that damage, once you've seen the thing broken, you can never then unsee it. You only change the angle from which you view the thing. You turn the vase around, or hide the gown in the back of the wardrobe, or set the desk in a corner. Then someone comes, reorganizes, turns it back again and suddenly it is all that you can see.

I pray that I am wrong.

Written By Sophie

Oct. 10, 2019, 9:35 a.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

I have come to realized that self-imposed exile in my office and my quarters inside the House of Solace is not serving me or the Compact. Surely it has afforded me the time for my studies, but at what cost? The hours of quiet meditation at the Shrine of Lagoma have granted me a clarity that I haven't had in quite some time, but the city goes on around me, and it's time that I begin to be a part of it again.

I have been wandering the city again, visiting places I haven't gone in quite some time, seeing people I haven't seen, and meeting new faces that have just arrived in Arx.

I attended practices at the training grounds yesterday, and this morning I had the most rewarding conversation with Princess Reese and Lady Mabelle at the Ambassador Salon.
Our conversation got me thinking about the nature of heartbreak...

I am a Mercy. It's more than just my job - it's *who* I am. I can mend bones, and stitch wounds. I can apply poultices, prepare tinctures, and mix herbs in a tea to remedy most maladies. I can assist women in their ability to conceive, and I can prepare drafts so that they don't become with child unless they want to. There are so many things I can do, through science and learning, and countless hours of training with the Mercies at Blancbier. When it comes to medicine - I am a healer at my very core.
The heart though, remains a mystery to me. It rips and tears just as surely as flesh does, and the wounds of the heart are just as painful as the wounds of the body. As a healer we can try to mend hearts. We can offer a kind word, or an ear to listen, or a strong shoulder to lean upon, but the heart heals itself and in its own time.
Even as the bearer becomes convinced that the worst of the pain is over, and they start to forget - something occurs - the grasp of a familiarly calloused hand - or the taste of whiskey on a pair of lips - and once again the heart says to heartbreak "Hello, old friend. I almost forgot you - but you have returned."

We, the Arvani, as a people have conquered immeasurable threats - and we will undoubtedly conquer more in the coming days. We can and will stare at the face of certain death and raise our weapons and rush into battle to become victorious.

But to the the wounds of the heart even the strongest knight may fall to their knees... defeated.. broken.. until their old friend leaves again - and the heart begins to heal anew.

To those who feel as if the pain will never end -

It will end
You will love again some day.
Let the heart heal in its own time - for the only way to get over heartache is to walk through the flames of pain and come out whole on the other side.

In the meantime - the Mercies are here for you. Even if your wounds are not visible. We can provide an ear, a shoulder, or a hot cup of tea and a sticky bun. They may not help, but we can ask Lagoma's guidance through the transition and pray that through her fire you will be renewed.

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