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Written By Karadoc

May 24, 2018, 2:22 p.m.(11/2/1008 AR)

As an adjective for emphasis, rather than a verb. There aren't too many words with the versatility of fuck.

Written By Saoirse

May 24, 2018, 1:46 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

I still think the entire thing IS happening fast (a year ago? hardly a lifetime...) I acknowledge that it's incremental, which is wise. While the data is certainly welcome and illuminating, I hardly think it outlandish for other members of the Compact to wonder what will happen, or can happen, as Thrax abandons the practice of thralldom.

Will they struggle economically? Will the Compact be expected to step in? Will Thrax suddenly CAREEN toward a wild success due to this influx of labor? And that's nothing to say of the ideas that will infiltrate their ranks -- newly freed, whenever that happens, men and women will bring a very different experience to the table. What will they say? Who will they talk to?

These are just questions - and if we aren't asking them, we're begging for problems.

Written By Monique

May 24, 2018, 1:41 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Kael

“Be honorable yourself if you wish to associate with honorable people.”

I feel as though there must be some honor in me, if a man like Count Kael Keaton is willing to allow my assistance in his noble endeavor. It is my greatest desire not to let him down. To that end, I will be fundraising a substantial amount of silver to provide scholarships for those prospective warriors and knights from the Lowers who wish to enroll in Count Keaton's Academy of War and may not have the tuition to do so. These people are no less heroic, no less brave for their lack of coin. They are deserving and I can think of no finer example to give them of all that they may become than the Count of Keaton.

But this is not something I can do on my own.

Written By Ylva

May 24, 2018, 1:40 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

When I was a Mercy around Aviaron's Peak, we had to tend a lot of injuries because of goats.

I saw a lot of bites, but also some bruises and broken bones from headbutts and kicks when the goat attacked someone. Other times people cracked skulls and sprained ankles and broke legs when running after a goat, or away from one. Others got sick from drinking spoiled goat milk. We also saw a lot of injuries, big and small, caused by people fighting over goats. Sometimes someone robbed a goat, other times they moved the markers for pasture grounds in the middle of the night, or someone's dog injured someone else's goat, and people would come to blows over all of these. And once, a boy fell off a goat he had been riding and broke his arm, but I think that one was worth it. He had a little helmet and lance and everything.

A lot of these happened with domestic goats, but some injuries were caused by free wild mountain goats too. People got too close, or they tried to catch them, and that never went well.

I haven't seen any goat injuries since coming to Arx, unfortunately, since I'm better at those than some injuries you find more often here, like feet crushed by carriage wheels.

I don't know a lot about thralldom but I wanted to contribute.

Written By Orazio

May 24, 2018, 1:27 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Karadoc


In fact, one might say that treating people as if they were livestock is rather the crux of the problem.

And, on a practical level, I rather weep for the general intelligence of the villagers who are incapable of catching a herd of wandering goats, even when they didn't leave the farms but stayed to eat the crops. Perhaps we should dispatch some Disciples of Petrichor to the Halfshav lands for followup instruction in basic animal husbandry?

Written By Thena

May 24, 2018, 1:25 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

Does this make Karadoc's point easier to understand?

People are not goats.

Written By Vercyn

May 24, 2018, 1:24 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Karadoc

I am going to assume you are using the F word as an expletive, rather than an action.

Written By Fortunato

May 24, 2018, 1:19 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

If Triscali, who freed the slaves of the Compact, is Piet, than this goat at least is grateful to her. Even as I eat bread doubtless meant for better beasts.

Written By Karadoc

May 24, 2018, 1:17 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

Bless. Sure, if you squint I'm sure anyone with two rocks in their head can get the point you're trying to make. Here's mine. People are not fucking goats, my lord.

Written By Vercyn

May 24, 2018, 1:01 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

When I was a boy, I had a friend named Piet. He was the son of a goatherd, with a good heart but not very smart. Piet and his father tended goats for their whole village, more than sixty of the beasts, and Piet was always fond of his charges. Used to tell me how he wished the goats could run free.

One day his father was ill and Piet tended to the goats alone. He saw his opportunity and set the herd free. He came home alone and proudly told everyone what he did.

Unfortunately, that was not the end of Piet's tale. The villagers lost their source of milk and cheese, and many grew weak. The goats multiplied rapidly and crowded out the local deer and elk herds. Some goats took to the fields and began eating the crops. The only ones who be benefited were the wolves, who grew fat and numerous from an abundance of easy prey.

And Piet, the poor lad, the angry villagers beat the snot out of him and put him in stocks for a week.

Written By Turo

May 24, 2018, 12:33 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

Escuma and Whitefrost do not engage in thralldom, Archlector. It's an imperfect word that does a poor job of describing what occurs. I use it only because it's convenient, as trying to help educate people as to the realities on our isles gives *me* a headache. A man can only spend so long trying to explain truth into the shrieking wind before the very effort becomes wearying.

Anyone who wants to know the truth of things can come find me. I'm not hard to find.

Written By Aleksei

May 24, 2018, 12:27 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

For some time now, the Faith has been offering free passage, room and board, and work placement or apprenticeships for any freed thrall who wishes our assistance. This system was established not long before House Kennex's abolition of thralldom in their domain, which sorely tested our limits. (They were initially designed for a much smaller trickle of souls.) Fortunately, we were able to get assistance from a wide number of Faithful with the means to help, offering ships or funds or the like.

I admit that when I was first designing the whole thing with the Liberators and the Faith, I expected a lot more people to take us up on the option to move elsewhere. We leave the choice in their hands, you see, because how they start this chapter in their lives is up to them. They've been denied choice, so I knew I had to give choice back to them. I thought people would want to get away from those that had held their chains. I underestimated how many of these people would still count these places as _home_.

The Faith doesn't endorse or recommend any particular location in the Compact to those it offers this assistance to. I do pass on specific offers extended from particular houses that try to incentivize their lands as a choice for someone to choose to relocate to, but I try to remain neutral in this. It doesn't really matter to me _where_ these people choose to go: it will be somewhere in the Compact, and they'll swear their fealty to whoever rules there, and they'll begin their lives again. The Faith is everywhere in the Compact, which means that we can help people get started anywhere they want to go.

So like I said -- I was surprised at how many chose to stay in the Isles in that massive effort. Not the majority, no, but it wasn't an insignificant number. A lot chose to relocate to areas that offered specific incentive, especially in the southern city-states, which have a climate closer to the Saffron Chain, where a number of them were from. But still: I had assumptions I had to revise.

The most important thing is this: we give them a choice. You can't offer someone their freedom and then tell them what they have to do with it. That said: a whole lot of people take us up on settling elsewhere, especially when the rest of the Compact makes particular effort to welcome them.

So. There's, you know, some actual information.

Please don't invoke Skald in your defenses of thralldom. It gives me a headache.

Written By Victus

May 24, 2018, 12:27 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Saoirse

I will have to disagree with you that this change could be called 'rapid' at all. More than what has been done in years? Yeah, definitely. But rapid? No.

The series of reformation laws I introduced about a year ago did change how thralldom is practiced, but it did not change the fact that Lords of the Isles could still enforce thralldom for crimes they found fit required it as punishment. The creation of new thralls dropped dramatically yes, but it is still a system that functions for the same purposes as it always has. The differences between then and now is the fact that treating thralls as less than human was more widespread, abuses was far easier and many would find themselves shackled for life. Now, the system requires the end-goal of reintroducing the thrall to society with the tools to prosper as an individual before their contract is served.

Does this change the fact that any Lord with an army can go across his land, kick over the nearest tribe of Abandoned and take their entire village in chains for his service? No, no it does not. That can still happen, that does still happen.

But I'm assuming this is all being bred because of the slow process of releasing child thralls by paying off their standing debts. If we're going to analyze how that stacks up to thralldom as a whole, you'll find that it is actually sorely irrelevant to the entire practice.

The total number of child thralls currently within Thrax is 50,000. It costs 1.5 million silver to release a few thousand of them. 1.5 million silver to release not adults with developed skills for labor, but children who were born into the system before inheriting debts was outlawed. Children who are growing up knowing nothing but servitude for crimes they didn't commit. And there are still tens of thousands of them yet to go.

Compare this to the fact that thralls as a whole number in the hundreds of thousands. That is not an exaggeration.

The release of child thralls is barely a drop in the bucket compared to the practice as a whole. That doesn't make it any less of a worthy goal, but if we're speaking realistically, this changes so very little. What it represents more is empowering the ideal of eroding an unjust system that has unfairly squandered years of their life already rather than ripping out roots of a tree.

This is a slow process. It will stay a slow process if it's to be done properly. What's happening now is popular, newsworthy, but its true effects are whispers and influence that we'll be seeing take root for some time yet. It may well be awhile before we can see the real, tangible change this creates beyond the obvious.

Written By Mae

May 24, 2018, 12:15 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

I released a book titled "A HARLEQUIN'S TALE: QUEEN TRISCALI THE BOLD". It is the story of a strong woman who stood up for freedom, who defended the Compact, and who liberated Arvum. It is the story of how 800 years ago, slavery was common place in the Compact, and it was Triscali, the Black Rose, that ended it.

When Triscali decried an end to slavery, there was chaos. There was disaster. The Compact's economy was in tatters. Considering the war that was still simmering in Arx, and the foreign forces that were attacking on and off, most of Triscali's peers thought her action was madness. They hated her. It is terribly obvious why Triscali was never enshrined in the Hall of Heroes: She flipped the Compact upside down and there was much damage done.

Yet, in the end, because of her, we know freedom.

I had hoped that by releasing this book more individuals would see how our present circumstances were not that much different than hers. We have Thralls. We know freeing them will be a disaster. Yet, would Triscali do it? Even if there is damage done and lives lost? I believe the answer is yes.

It was Triscali who said, "Be bold - and be smart." Taking tiny steps to promote slow change is not being bold. Letting fear stop you from action is not smart.

I say to everyone that has seen this book or gazed upon Triscali's painting in the Hall of Heroes: BE BOLD.

For those with the very literal power to free their Thralls and finish what Triscali started: BE BOLD.

Written By Fortunato

May 24, 2018, 11:59 a.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

It is well for the great to debate and discuss.

It is also well to remember that the actual subjects of many arguments are not given to participate. And that any one of us, especially those of no blood, may be in such a situation in this life or the next.

It is well to pray not to be in such a situation. But prayer is not enough.

Remember only that the gods are for the small as well as the great. That memory is for the small as well as the great.

Written By Percephon

May 24, 2018, 11:58 a.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

A reflection on Reflections: Always try to see the other, non-obvious side of an issue. Question norms and collapse cliches. Offer opinion rather than obviousness. Look for ideas others miss, and try to miss ideas everyone embraces. Be plain in the face of complexity. Find complex ideas where others see them as simple. If an idea is widespread, overturn it. If no one believes an idea, show how it serves as the foundation for everything.

Written By Driskell

May 24, 2018, 11:10 a.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

It is good that debate and discussion happens, where a majority say one thing and a minority say another contrary to them. That the highborn take to the whites and argue might by some be called petty and beneath them, but ultimately it teaches that one can have debates without immediately jumping to the passion of hatred or anger; if you can approach any discussion with an open heart to receive the teachings of the gods even if your position doesn't change, then I think that's a hidden blessing.

If thirteen wise men and women of honor and faith are in a room, and twelve agree upon the rightness of a cause, the persuasiveness of an argument, or the safety of a path forward, then the thirteenth must argue vehemently to the contrary. No truth, however elusive or unconvincing, must escape us due to a lack of scrutiny. The signs of the Reckoning were before us, and we neither saw nor heard, convincing one another we were safe. We failed to see the warnings once. We will never fail again.

Written By Orazio

May 24, 2018, 10:47 a.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Arik

In regards to Lord Arik Halfshav's musings on the effects of manumission on the Compact:

There are a great many thralls throughout the Isles, even after the Kennex mass manumission and the reforms on the part of other Thrax houses. Which does not mean that the population could not be absorbed without significant issue by the Compact as a whole. But, it is important to remember, that is not a thing which will happen. Freed thralls, unless they /choose/ to leave, are still citizens and vassals of their lords. While many may decide to become Crownsworn, or to take oaths to another fealty at some point, there seems to be an assumption in some quarters that once a thrall is free, they are universally open to being shipped halfway across the Compact and resettled at random.

That is unlikely to be the case. So, while the Compact as a whole might easily absorb the total number of thralls, the impact of these new or returned citizens is likely to be concentrated in the Isles. Certainly, no one should be advocating resettling children across the continent from their families and everyone they've ever known unless there is no other way to keep them safe from exploitation and abuse. Thus, there is a benefit to considering the financial impact on their home lands even in our desire to ensure that justice is done.

Written By Gwenna

May 24, 2018, 10:46 a.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

I am both exceptionally excited and honored to record that I have been accepted as a member of the Gold Order as part of their support staff. To get to serve such esteemed knights, liaisons, and advisers is beyond words and I do sincerely hope I will be helpful in all that they do and hope to yet accomplish. While I've no skill with which to swing a blade, it is my aspiration that my abilities with words might aid them in some small way.

I've another interview coming soon for a similar role, possibly, which I am greatly looking forward to. It is a wonderful feeling, this potential to help in ways other than the martial, and I simply hope to do well enough to make even a small difference in some positive way.

Written By Thena

May 24, 2018, 10:45 a.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Saoirse


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