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Written By Fredrik

May 24, 2018, 10:04 p.m.(11/2/1008 AR)

from: the desk of Lord Fredrik RedTyde
Subject: Answering the missives of inquiring ladies

It is never wise to ignore a lady's missives, especially when she is of good breeding and excellent charm. Or possessed of angry siblings. Or if she knows her way around an apothecary set. Or if she still has a grudge when you answer her and carries a dagger. Or sword.

Just don't ignore Ladies.

Written By Roxana

May 24, 2018, 9:20 p.m.(11/2/1008 AR)

It is /still/ very rude not to answer a lady's missives expressing interest in seeing you, whether you are a handsome man or not, a busy man or not.

Perhaps I should have stuck to those of good breeding, good families, for they know how to treat these sorts of situations.

Or perhaps the gentleman in question should simply write me back.

Written By Roxana

May 24, 2018, 9:18 p.m.(11/2/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene

You're going to be good at this, big sister.

The motherhood thing. You are. I promise you.

And if you need help, you have it. I did manage to raise a son to almost ten years of age, and though I'm not in daily contact with him, I take credit for my work.

You're going to be good at this!

Written By Sparte

May 24, 2018, 7:59 p.m.(11/2/1008 AR)

There once was a woman who killed her mum, was born before her father, and wed her brother. She was good and true and committed no crime. How is this possible?

I take no credit for the riddle, it is one from the collection I've put together over the years. Like most questions, age does not diminish the value of a good answer. Send messengers if you think you've puzzled out the answer, don't spoil it for others.


Written By Percephon

May 24, 2018, 7:53 p.m.(11/2/1008 AR)

Fundamentally, rhetorical speech is the art of persuasion, embracing all those verbal tricks, patterns and subtleties used to gain acceptance from an audience.

Written By Samantha

May 24, 2018, 6:44 p.m.(11/2/1008 AR)

I have been unsettled of late.

There are many who refer to me as the Conscience of the Peers, but of late I've been overwhelmed with so many complicated feelings. Frustration, malaise, and in some degree, hopelessness. Like no matter what I do, it will never be enough, and there is no room for forgiveness when it comes to mistakes I make. That there is so much going on and so much information to recall. That some destinies may be inevitable, no matter how hard we fight against them.

There's an ancient story of a man who believed that if he pushed a giant stone up a mountain, he would have everything he desired. But every time he came near the peak, he would stumble, or some other incident would occur, and he would lose his grip on the stone, and it would go rolling right back down. He was doomed for eternity to keep pushing that rock up the mountain.

Am I that man? I believe that I am who I am and what I am because it means I can use the power I've been granted to help raise others who need an opportunity to rise. I do what I can, but I am also constantly told that it is not enough.

I am trying.

I don't see how this truth is anything other than whining, Scholar.

Written By Victus

May 24, 2018, 6:17 p.m.(11/2/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Arik

Assuming you're asking these questions seriously:

1. No.

2. No.

3. Accepted, ennoblement is earned.

4. Yes.

5. Usually. Depends on the conflict though.

Written By Eirene

May 24, 2018, 6:16 p.m.(11/2/1008 AR)

Unrelated topic. I picked names for the baby if it's a boy or girl. I won't share them here else some prego woman who pops before me steals them.

Pregnancy sucks. I am only doing this the one time for the sake of duty to House Malvici and then it's back on herbs the rest of my miserable life.

But I am really trying to be more positive for this kid. They don't deserve a screwed up mother like me. I want better for them. And it scares me to think of what monsters are out there (literal and figurative) which I'll have to shield them from. Because I've seen those monsters.

Written By Eirene

May 24, 2018, 6:10 p.m.(11/2/1008 AR)

Broke shit at the Thirteenth's lecture today.

Mostly I need to break myself so I can start to heal.

Damn if I'm not already broken enough...

Written By Arik

May 24, 2018, 4:43 p.m.(11/2/1008 AR)

I find myself wholly uninformed about another topic and so in the interest of future generations and my own enlightenment I write these multiple questions...

+ Are all Thraxian Houses save Thrax itself former shavs who were enthralled and somehow ennobled?

+ Are all shav enthralled within the realm Thrax claims?

+ Are shav tribes which willingly bend a knee when approached enthralled or accepted or ennobled if large enough?

+ Are the only enthralled shavs those who are captured in skirmishes or remain hostile?

+ Are hostile shav tribes which fight to the last slaughtered in whole like in other fealties?

Written By Veronica

May 24, 2018, 4:10 p.m.(11/2/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Kael

Not so long ago, my siblings, cousins and I are the youngest generation of Keatons. We were the ones growing up and trying to fill our parent's shoes. I still think of myself as someone's daughter, someone's niece.

Not many years later, we are now staring in wonderment at the newest generation of Keatonlets. As of yesterday, I have become an Aunt for the fourth time. As we celebrate the birth of Lord Talis Keaton, I am still amazed that we are already preparing to groom the next generation.

The Count and Countess have been very diligent and efficient in manufacturing a steady stream of heirs for the family. If there is one thing I can say for Kael, it is that he is clearly a man of boundless energy.

Written By Shard

May 24, 2018, 4:03 p.m.(11/2/1008 AR)

What the fuck? Goats? Why the fuck am I reading about thralls being compared to literal herd animals? Animals, I'll point out, that exist in the wild just fine when they haven't spent generations being raised by humans. Is that supposed to make thralldom sound /better/?

And the reforms in Thrax are too fast now? What? Victus just wrote about how it might take generations to get rid of Thralldom, if it happens at all. That's generations of Thralls, you realize. Generations of people, a huge number of them, if not the majority taken captive in raids because the 'debt' they owe is 'being Abandoned near Thrax holdings', that are going to live and probably die as thralls because we don't want to turn Thrax's economy upside-down. Those reforms? Those reforms are that 'probably', because before those reforms, it was almost always 'certainly', with a healthy dose of 'and also their children'. And the whole reason we're talking about this is because they're freeing literal children now.

So people are talking about murderers, and goats, and moving too fast when it comes to /paying people/ to /free literal children/ from /thralldom/, and one of you even thought to bring in Skald to argue he'd be against the idea of taking Thralldom away. Priceless. Why don't you all go dunk your heads in the fucking harbor. You sure as hell won't be volunteering to take those kids' places.

Written By Fairen

May 24, 2018, 2:26 p.m.(11/2/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Mae

Your research on Queen Triscali the Bold, Liberator of Arvum is conclusive and impressively well put together. It is fitting that her memorial is well remembered in the Hall of Heroes.

Written By Karadoc

May 24, 2018, 2:22 p.m.(11/2/1008 AR)

As an adjective for emphasis, rather than a verb. There aren't too many words with the versatility of fuck.

Written By Saoirse

May 24, 2018, 1:46 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

I still think the entire thing IS happening fast (a year ago? hardly a lifetime...) I acknowledge that it's incremental, which is wise. While the data is certainly welcome and illuminating, I hardly think it outlandish for other members of the Compact to wonder what will happen, or can happen, as Thrax abandons the practice of thralldom.

Will they struggle economically? Will the Compact be expected to step in? Will Thrax suddenly CAREEN toward a wild success due to this influx of labor? And that's nothing to say of the ideas that will infiltrate their ranks -- newly freed, whenever that happens, men and women will bring a very different experience to the table. What will they say? Who will they talk to?

These are just questions - and if we aren't asking them, we're begging for problems.

Written By Monique

May 24, 2018, 1:41 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Kael

“Be honorable yourself if you wish to associate with honorable people.”

I feel as though there must be some honor in me, if a man like Count Kael Keaton is willing to allow my assistance in his noble endeavor. It is my greatest desire not to let him down. To that end, I will be fundraising a substantial amount of silver to provide scholarships for those prospective warriors and knights from the Lowers who wish to enroll in Count Keaton's Academy of War and may not have the tuition to do so. These people are no less heroic, no less brave for their lack of coin. They are deserving and I can think of no finer example to give them of all that they may become than the Count of Keaton.

But this is not something I can do on my own.

Written By Ylva

May 24, 2018, 1:40 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

When I was a Mercy around Aviaron's Peak, we had to tend a lot of injuries because of goats.

I saw a lot of bites, but also some bruises and broken bones from headbutts and kicks when the goat attacked someone. Other times people cracked skulls and sprained ankles and broke legs when running after a goat, or away from one. Others got sick from drinking spoiled goat milk. We also saw a lot of injuries, big and small, caused by people fighting over goats. Sometimes someone robbed a goat, other times they moved the markers for pasture grounds in the middle of the night, or someone's dog injured someone else's goat, and people would come to blows over all of these. And once, a boy fell off a goat he had been riding and broke his arm, but I think that one was worth it. He had a little helmet and lance and everything.

A lot of these happened with domestic goats, but some injuries were caused by free wild mountain goats too. People got too close, or they tried to catch them, and that never went well.

I haven't seen any goat injuries since coming to Arx, unfortunately, since I'm better at those than some injuries you find more often here, like feet crushed by carriage wheels.

I don't know a lot about thralldom but I wanted to contribute.

Written By Orazio

May 24, 2018, 1:27 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Karadoc


In fact, one might say that treating people as if they were livestock is rather the crux of the problem.

And, on a practical level, I rather weep for the general intelligence of the villagers who are incapable of catching a herd of wandering goats, even when they didn't leave the farms but stayed to eat the crops. Perhaps we should dispatch some Disciples of Petrichor to the Halfshav lands for followup instruction in basic animal husbandry?

Written By Thena

May 24, 2018, 1:25 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

Does this make Karadoc's point easier to understand?

People are not goats.

Written By Vercyn

May 24, 2018, 1:24 p.m.(10/24/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Karadoc

I am going to assume you are using the F word as an expletive, rather than an action.

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