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Written By Fredrik

May 26, 2018, 10:13 a.m.(11/8/1008 AR)

From: The Desk of Lord Fredrik RedTyde
Subject: Will and testament

This will be a very short document, for obvious reasons to anyone who knows the RedTyde history. In the event of my untimely (or timely, I am hardly a spring chicken anymore) demise, my possessions are to be distributed as follows:

My silver and writs are to be given to my niece, Duchess Margot Tyde.

My clothing and other Arxian possessions are to be sent to my adopted children (Duchess Margot will know where they are).

My shipping and receiving business will fall to my adopted children. No, they will not be named here, but they will have letters and verification available when they come to claim their property.

See? So very simple, when there are no blood relatives to consider.

Written By Eleyna

May 26, 2018, 9:52 a.m.(11/8/1008 AR)

I, Eleyna Velenosa, Archduchess of Lenosia and Grand Duchess of the Lyceum declare this to be my Will on the matter of the line of succession of House Velenosa. This line of succession will take effect upon my death. This Will invalidates any other documents of the same or similar nature when it comes to this matter.

I name Prince Donato Velenosa as my heir in the event of my death. If I predecease his father, Archduke-Consort Talen Velenosa is to be named Regent until Prince Donato comes of age. In the event that we both die before Prince Donato is of age, Princess Jaenelle Velenosa And Prince Ettore Velenosa are to be named co-Regents until Prince Donato reaches his majority.

Following Prince Donato and his progeny, the line of succession is as follows:

Princess Adriana Velenosa and her progeny, followed by

Princess Luciana Velenosa and her progeny, followed by

Prince Ettore Mydas Velenosa and his progeny, followed by

Princess Isolde Velenosa and her progeny.

A detailed Will proclaiming the dispensation of my personal effects is to be contained in my Black Reflections to be released to Talen Velenosa, Prince Ettore Mydas Velenosa, and Princess Jaenelle Velenosa in the event of my death.

Written By Valarian

May 26, 2018, 9:33 a.m.(11/8/1008 AR)

The life of a sellsword and an adventurer is an exciting one - just sometimes not one of longevity. With that in mind, I'm going to get this out of the way.

I, Valarian Harrow, in the event of my untimely demise, state this as my will for whatever happens to my money and stuff. It stands until I specifically change it here in the whites.

The head of the Harrow family (at this time, my iron fisted sister Dame Felicia Harrow) gets all of my silver on my person and in the bank, as well as any writs of favor, to support the family. Gods know Arion can't.

The Commandant of the Crimson Blades (at this time, Violet Marjawn) will receive all of my equipment for use by the Blades.

Valarian Harrow.

That was simple.

Written By Cullen

May 26, 2018, 9:12 a.m.(11/8/1008 AR)

I commissioned a new set of clothing from Dame Morrighan a couple of weeks ago, and today she finished and delivered it to me. I couldn't possibly be more pleased with the work she did, and it was worth every silver and then some. To say it was exquisitely made is to be laughably understated. Her meticulous eye for detail really comes through.

Speaking of which, an amulet which I had commissioned by Guildmistress Joscelin was also absolutely stunning, and if I had only one piece of jewelry I could choose to ever wear, it would be this. I can see why her skills are in such high demand, given the artwork she produces, and I am quite proud to wear it - and refer her to others. Like Dame Morrighan, one cannot go wrong with Guildmistress Joscelin's creations.

Lastly, Dame Alexis made me a breastplate worthy of battle and show, and it perfectly reflects the pride I have in my House along with a sort of aesthetic one rarely sees in a piece of armor - it is both splendidly crafted and very protective. Rubicund is a difficult metal to work with, so all the more impressive on her part.

Written By Rosalind

May 26, 2018, 4:07 a.m.(11/8/1008 AR)

Today in my wandering of the city, I came upon a weapon shop called Seaborn Weaponry. Within, I met the weaponsmith, Felix. After talking to him for a little bit, I have put in a commission for a new bow, along with a quiver and brace of arrows.

I asked him where he might recommend for clothing and leatherwork, and he gave me a few people and places to try:
- Aurora Thornburn, of the Costumers Closet
- Caprice, of Silken Symphony
- Mirari, of Of Works Obscura
- Briar at Spirit Leathers

I wait now as he draws up the design for my bow.

Written By Rosalind

May 26, 2018, 2:46 a.m.(11/7/1008 AR)

No sooner than I arrived within the city that I was called back homewards again to help with an issue there. I am back again, and will finally get the chance to explore as I wanted to do before.

First off, I must replace my bow and arrows. Someone stole them... and when I find out who it was...

Written By Victus

May 26, 2018, 2:26 a.m.(11/7/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Silas

I fucking wish.

Written By Silas

May 26, 2018, 2:06 a.m.(11/7/1008 AR)

I have my dad club membership card. I think we should get a discount on drinks, personally.

Written By Ainsley

May 26, 2018, 1:10 a.m.(11/7/1008 AR)

I have taken into my care and in my sole, unshared, responsibility forty some children. I must speak softly around them, for loud voices frighten them. I sat with them today and in the middle one of them started crying. Before I had a chance to comfort the little girl, more started crying. Not all of them, blessed is the mercy of the gods, but enough. I sat helplessly trying to comfort and console them. Filled with guilt, anger, and helplessness.

What a caustic mix inside of my chest burns.

Written By Sina

May 26, 2018, 1:07 a.m.(11/7/1008 AR)

Now that I have made my decision, I find peace within my heart, and a sense of purpose and focus. I look forward to the future, and to seeing what I may do in service to the Gods. I am ready to spread my wings, and fly into the face of the unknown. It is time now to set aside my cares, and begin this new chapter of my life. I am so very much looking forward to Father Orazio's return, and our promised cup of tea. We have much to talk about. I pray that he returns safely, from wherever he has gone.

Written By Thena

May 26, 2018, 12:05 a.m.(11/5/1008 AR)

Dispatched from Oathlands Waystation:

Mercy Davin was displeased with the bloodshed, but I heard Sir Jeffeth trying to talk to brigands down and they were having none of it.

I don't take pleasure in killing. But from the streets of the Lowers to the office of Grandmaster of the Silver Order, by the gods, if you come at my people I will come at you.

Written By Alarissa

May 26, 2018, 12:04 a.m.(11/5/1008 AR)

The tour draws nearer and more and more details are being finalized. Co-ordination of outfits or jewelry to the various houses, ensuring the funds have been sent ahead in time to assist with the feasts in each port. The new flagship will come soon and Victus can have it blessed and anointed. I like the idea that the first journey upon it's decks will be one in which we tour the isles. An inaugural trip in many ways. One that I wish we had been able to take far sooner than now.

It will be cool upon the decks but the Lady Juliana Pravus is working with a seamstress and leatherworker to ensure that we look appropriate. I already marveled at the collar that she brought over to attach to the coat she made for Victus. One is being made from the leftover leather for Astrid and a silver fox fur. The same fox fur for hers shall be used on mine, though not the leather. Something of mine and Victus' shall make up hers. Hopefully something that will age with her. The eye on that woman is astounding. What she sees in her mind and then puts into play with the aid of skilled hands of another.

I am excited and yet nervous as well. No matter how hard one plans for numerous contingencies, one never knows what will happen.

Written By Cambria

May 26, 2018, 12:01 a.m.(11/5/1008 AR)

I feel sorry for those who insist on continuing to do what they have always done but want the results to be different from what they have always been.

Written By Merek

May 25, 2018, 8:38 p.m.(11/4/1008 AR)

I think that I'll look around and find more flowers for my garden. I just need to find some interesting kinds.

Written By Amari

May 25, 2018, 7:54 p.m.(11/4/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

So exciting! Another Keaton baby I can spoil. You and Kael must be overjoyed, even if Aeryn isn't.

I imagine Aric reacted the same way when I was born, except I suppose it would have been less cute since he would have been about thirteen years old at the time. I think he's grown to tolerate me, so there's hope.

Welcome to the world, Lord Talis Storm Keaton!

Written By Barric

May 25, 2018, 7:49 p.m.(11/4/1008 AR)

Got to spar with Princess Marian finally, she'd been pregnant when we first talked about it.

Was a hell of a fight, never had a spar last that long but we were wearing leathers and using tournament practice swords since Dame Edelma has my steel still.

She's a tremendous fighter, can't wait to do it again when she is fully recovered from the twins.

Have to give her an opportunity for a rematch win.

I am sure we'll be sparring a lot more to help her get back into fighting shape. Looking forwards to it.

Written By Ignacio

May 25, 2018, 5:52 p.m.(11/4/1008 AR)

Is the Quill Mightier? (Week 16)

I find that as time goes on, I find my time becomes more and more behind a desk. I have started writing a book, but on that same note, many of my duties these days fall in line of making sure the Torean military remains in fighting shape. I guess I am not used to this yet.

Written By Fredrik

May 25, 2018, 5:02 p.m.(11/4/1008 AR)

Your smile. That is what is burned into my memory. Your smile.

Written By Victus

May 25, 2018, 3:47 p.m.(11/4/1008 AR)

I don't often enjoy the reflection on my youth. But if reflection were an easy thing, so many wouldn't seek refuge in the teachings of the Thirteenth. I've come to realize over the course of my life that mistakes are the hardest and most effective way to learn the wisdom needed to prosper. One's past is filled with them and I ain't no different.

There were a time when I considered Donrai like my own father. Strange thing that, considering one of my earliest memories of the man was him grabbing me by the scruff of my neck and dragging me out of my mother's arms. He took me back to the Isles where I learned quickly that any measure of softness was stamped out. Those who fought that would be floating belly-up with a gallon of saltwater in their lungs. My family there wasn't cruel per-say, but they weren't folks cut from the kindest tree neither.

I was a bastard. An outsider. The one who looked after me was the most feared man in all of the cold seas that surrounded us, and his heart was blacker than even some of the most accomplished Thraxians. I had to cling to something, someone to survive. The one who I did gave me food, drink, shelter. All I had to do to repay what I was given was to fight. It turned out I was pretty fucking good at fighting.

When I tried to show a shred of my own self as a person that went beyond what Donrai taught was 'necessary', to go beyond that cruelty for something better, I'd soon find myself face-down in the dirt. I remember a particular time, when I was walking through the streets of the Maelstrom. There was a young woman, sat beside her babe. They were in chains. Thralls. I'd been given my ration of the day and in my 'misguided youth', I chose to share it with them. I'll never forget the words Donrai spoke to me when he witnessed what I'd done, when he saw a blossom of something 'gentle' underneath.

"You will be the weapon of Thrax. Because of my son watching over Dagon and Donella, they will have the whispers of weakness placed in their mind, but I will tolerate no such with you, Victus Baseborn. The bastard of Maelstrom, the son of Argus, will be a weapon soaked in the gore of our enemies. Never show weakness before me again, or I will see you cast into the sea."

When I think of the day I went over the walls of Tyde, I think about that cold stare of his. The mask looking back at me. I don't endeavor to use any excuse to explain myself, the facts are all there. I was a soldier, 16 years old, knowing that if I failed it'd be my head to come next. War was all I knew back then. War was survival and survival meant everything. I was ignorant. I regret my ignorance.

Now there is a time to look back on the past. Use the lessons taught for the present, so we might build the future. The better future that the people of Thrax deserve.

Donrai was a wretched tyrant. But he should never be forgotten, nor a single detail of what he did scrubbed from history. For his is a learning experience, a tale of what happens when power goes too far. A path to stay untraveled.

Written By Reigna

May 25, 2018, 3:39 p.m.(11/4/1008 AR)

My little boy is here. Lord Talis Storm Keaton, such a strong name, picked by Kael. I adore the name and the boy himself is perfect. He's a big boy, about ten or eleven pounds, long, he's going to be tall, like his father and brother. Speaking of Aeryn, he had not yet come to accept the presence of his little brother. Everyone he sees him, he scrunches up his little face and says, "No!". It's enough to make me giggle, but I try not to. I want to respect his feelings while he gets used to the change.

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