Aleksei Morgan
Other matters never take priority for you, Aleksei. You see people, and you love them, fiercely. They want to confide in you. You make those you come into contact with want to be better people. That is never a liability.

Social Rank: 8
Concept: Problematic Paladin
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Age: 31
Birthday: 5/27
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Champion
Height: average height
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: blue
Skintone: fair
Description: The brightness of fair skin and clear blue eyes provide an air of youthful energy that seems to highlight and encapsulate Aleksei's spirit. The straight slope of his nose suggests he hasn't had it broken nearly as often as he deserves, and he has lips well-suited to smiling which are generous in their frequent curves. His gaze remains eloquent when his wits fail; fringed with black eyelashes, set beneath dark eyebrows, his bright blue eyes are expressive and lively. Their suggestion of energy is echoed in the rumpled tousle of short, dark hair and the coiled strength of his body. His air is one of poised grace and easy athleticism that has come from a lifetime of physicality. While he sports fewer visible scars than his appearance of martial competence might suggest, there is a small but clear line, white-pink and slightly sunken, across the hollow of his left cheek, partially obscured by the close crop of a well-trimmed full beard across his jaw
Personality: It's a wonder that Aleksei hasn't been throttled yet. Bright and gregarious, he can be the life of the party, but he has a remarkable habit of high-level obnoxiousness combined with a frequent inability to even know what he did to piss someone off. That said, he can be quite charming, and there's a draw to his energy. A natural thrill-seeker, he's certainly not a coward; he's just spent most of his life allergic to responsibility. While he likes to eschew his Oathlander roots and all of the stereotypes they involve, he has a core of morality and honesty that belies his protests.
Background: Aleksei was born a middle-child to a well-respected commoner family serving in Sanctum which a long history of service for House Valardin. While his father had earned a place of trust and respect as Captain of the Guard in the city, and several of his children siblings seemed certain to follow in similarly honorable footsteps, Aleksei was -- a bit of a trouble. He took to the sword with a truly obnoxious amount of skill, but by the time he was sixteen he had grown too restless under the pressure of potential honor; he packed his things and left.
Over the years since he traveled up and down Arvum, serving as a mercenary, man-at-arms, random muscle, and general adventurer. As luck would have it -- and luck often seems to have it where Aleksei is concerned -- he was back in his homeland of the Oathlands when he rather inadvertently ended up saving the children of one of the smaller noble houses there. It was their gratitude that had them thrusting a knighthood upon Aleksei; it was not long at all after saying the vows (vows?!) that he was making a break for his next adventure, heedless of whether he'd be confirmed by the high lord or not. It was Arx that he eventually made his way to; it had enough diversity and diversions to satisfy his cravings for a few years serving as a duelist, Champion, and occasional instructor for those with less skill and more money than him.
It was something of a shock when he decided to take his vows and join the Faith as a Godsworn seemingly out of nowhere. Sir Aleksei became Brother Aleksei, despite all previous evidence of irresponsibility and general distraction from any matters of the divine. There were even some rumors around the end of the Siege of Arx in 1006 that he served as some sort of Paladin against Tolamar Brand, leader of the Silent Army, but what exactly that entailed is less than clear. It wasn't long after the siege ended that he was named Archlector of Skald, one of the three newly-returned Lost Gods of the Pantheon. To a lot of the senior Faith, the appointment came rather ridiculously early in his career -- particularly for someone who wasn't exactly known for his devoutness before taking his vows -- but they couldn't exactly refuse the decision from the Dominus himself.
He's taken to some parts of the priesthood...more than others. During his tenure as Archlector, he raised millions of silver the Faith used to liberate some several thousand thralls and set up a new Faith initiative to help care for all those freed from bondage moving forward: a chance to start their new lives with Faith support wherever in the Compact they chose. It didn't make him many friends among the Mourning Isles, but it did help prepare the Faith to be able to respond when House Kennex suddenly abolished thralldom in their lands.
In January 1009, Legate Orazio announced Aleksei's resignation from the Faith "due to certain personal needs." The announcement was rather sudden and without warning, as well as less formal scuttlebutt that a hitherto unknown son might the catalyst of the decision, and brought with it thirteen days kneeling in front of the Shrine of Limerance as penance. In the end, he returned to the life of a commoner, now without rank or title, to start the next chapter of his life.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Adora | He has a kid with a stupid name. I am actually angry with myself for knowing that much about him. I don't like him. |
Agatha | There's something comforting about the Archlector. He's easy to talk to. I think I get why Jeffeth trusts him. I like people that clean up after thelmselves. |
Agostino | Friendly and knowledgeable. Perhaps in the future I will get more chances to share in his insight. |
Aiden | He is a man who has exceptional knowledge of the Gods and one who has knowledge of what goes on in the world. He's well educated on subject matters not commonly known. He's apparently Ainsley's good friend and while he didn't relate to me any good stories for a wedding gift, I can forgive him that for his intimate knowledge of Skald and for sharing that with the world. It's important knowledge is not kept locked away and I think he understands that. |
Ainsley | Aleksei Morgan was one of my first friends when I came to Arx as a newly knighted officer of the Iron Guard. He's been by my side for almost as long as I can remember. Pulling my head out of my own ass on more than one occasion. But doing so with laughter and friendship. I know that if I had any need, Aleksei would be there for me. |
Alaric | The new Archlector of Skald looks more knight than priest still, but he's a go-getter and the Compact needs men like that with some authority to wield. The composure and dignity will come with time, hopefully. |
Alarie | The finest ass in all of the Compact. Nice to see an Archlector getting out and about and not stuffy in their shrine. |
Alarissa | He is a man, with a lovely smile, and hard job. It is always a delight when we meet, regardless of what others may think. |
Alecstazi | He has a charitable soul and is obviously driven to do what he believes is right. He's also a righteous, condescending firebrand who likely causes at least half of the problems he faces with that mouth of his. He's a commoner who acts like he thinks he is King. |
Alessandro | Once assured that I was not my wife's best friend in the eyes of the Gods, but I cannot hold that against him. |
Alexis | The Paladin of Freedom. Relaxed and casual, even when facing impeding birth. |
Ann | Aleksei has grown up since the last time I have seen him. The difference is drastic, but he's still the same ole Aleksei at heart. I'm proud of him. And I know he's happy. And I'm happy for him. He's still my friend. A dear friend, even though we haven't seen each other in ages. I know I lean on him now but he can always lean on me if he needs to. |
Apollis | A very handsome Archlector. He seemed to crave my kisses and I was happy to oblige. I hope to kiss him again soon. |
Apollo | We all have something we can't bear, and something that we crave above everything. That it's different for him than me doesn't so much matter as the respect he shows that difference. |
Appolonia | My first impression of this man is that he is being devoured by abyssally-motivated vermin. I am relieved that I will get to have a second impression. |
Ardoin | The Archlector is an unusually easy man to approach, I imagine he puts both high nobility and commoners at ease with his affable and understanding demeanor. Truly curious and wishing to help, and someone I felt I could confide in. He is an inspiration to those of us who follow the Gods, and probably also to those who do not. |
Arianna | Kind, hilarious, and brilliant. I like this man and I am sure we will see one another in the coming days. |
Arik | A man more forthright as me. It is a shame I have a sister who would stab me in my sleep if I were as free spoken as he, it would be more interesting. |
Armand | His passion for the First Choice is evident and honest, as befits the Archlector of Skald. Different outlooks, but we'll see where one is right and where one errs later. |
Artorius | A good horseback rider...good enough to give Calypso a hard time. Apparently he's a good swordsman! Wouldn't mind sparring him sometime. |
Astraea | The Archlector is real nice like, he kicked major arse on the sands. Any man that can put down a beatin' like that has my respect. When he came to speak to me and my siblings though, his manner was so kind and easygoing. He's very humble for someone with such a legacy behind him already. The world needs Paladins more than ever before, I hope he's there at the end. |
Astrid | Aleksei provided excellent discourse on the nature of Skald when I first met him. It was very helpful! |
Audgrim | He seems to know a lot about a lot of things, a good ally, it feels like. |
Aureth | The first time I met Aleksei ... was it the first time? Can't remember. Pretty early on, anyways. I gave him a reading in Gisele's bookshop and decided to hit on him. Best decision of my life, really. I've got to call him my best friend. Anything else I say will probably be sappy and gross. |
Austen | A most kind man. Listened to me babble on, and offered wise words. I hope we meet again. Perhaps when I am less.. me. |
Avaline | The Archlector of Choice is apparently also a very skilled fighter! Who would've known? Very personable and enjoyable company, even if I spent most of it watching him attempt to run Prince Luca through with an alaricite blade. |
Bahiya | A sweeping, rhythmic cadence to his voice, gentle and confident. Soap and leather are mixed with memories of honest moments, when the doors were secured and no one could hear my truth spoken. He reminds me of Kenjay, a Kenjay without the childhood of slavery. Equal, both, in their integrity, and it has me wondering what is so similar between the two that the world could fit both such honorable men in it? |
Bhandn | I feel like Aleksei Morgan is a wobbling scale. One moment I find him helpful, another moment exasperating, and on and on we go. |
Bianca | Oh, sweet Aleksei. He is a man of honor even if he may downplay my compliments to the contrary. Don't believe his humility. He is a fierce warrior with a heart of warmth and fire. |
Bliss | It is like looking at a male version of me, just tamer and more Oathlander. So many similarities - but some keen differences as well. But that's what makes it interesting. |
Braith | He's got a mischievous streak in him. I can see it surface at times and I think it makes it easy to be around him. I am glad for the ease in which we could speak. |
Brianna | A man of his word. I have been meaning to speak with him in person, soon, about the ideals of freedom. |
Brigida | Somehow manages to be scruffier than Aureth despite being more kempt. Can someone be scruffy from the inside out? That aside, the Faith lost a lot when he was no longer the Archlector of Skald. Don't tell him I said so, though. He doesn't need an even bigger head. |
Brigida | Remarkably intelligent and well learned. |
Briseis | It's like meeting a stranger and someone not a stranger all at once. So weird! You've lived a big life and I wish I could have been more of a part of it, but I guess I'll get to now. Still -- DAT BEARD. |
Caith | He knows so much stuff and I could listen to his stories forever! I will have to be careful not to visit -too- often lest he get sick of me and my visits but it is going to be hard to resist pestering him. |
Calaudrin | It's a pity he couldn't do my wedding ceremony to Magpie. But there's always divorce. He still has a chance. |
Caspian | I know him better as a fighter then a man, and I can tell that he is a REALLY good fighter. He should've remained a duelist! |
Caspian | He hates thralldom even more then even some thralls do. Gotta love 'em for that. |
Cassandra | While I may be disappointed in his reasonings for abandoning the Faith, I cannot fault his reasonings. May I be so brave and true in all my decisions when I have to make them. |
Catalana | I have always had great respect for the first liberator, especially after how he helped Kennex, but his knowledge in these dark times is the dazzling light we need. |
Claude | Good to see an old... friend again. Warm and kind as always. A great comfort. |
Clover | We don't run in as many of the same circles, but I remember very clearly first meeting him and wanting to see his sword-- his alaricite sword. It was the first one I had ever seen, and it is a thing of beauty. |
Coraline | He is very kind! I am beyond grateful to him for being willing to speak to me. |
Costas | The Archlector of the Firth Choice is a man who carries a deep well of thought with an ease that hides the burden, and says very much with little; challenging you to do your own work in reaching understanding rather than burying you with an excess of words. |
Cristoph | What a coincidence that Sister Gisele brought someone to our dinner party from the Oathlands! He seemed like an interesting sort of man, broke free of being stuck at Sanctum with all the rest of his family. Sometimes a man has to follow his own path, good for him. |
Damiana | A very storied man with legends of his own. Some stories end up eating the man but not with Aleksei. With a few words, he can inspire others to break chains. With a few actions, he can embolden others to be greater. He is a champion of old, walking in the streets of today. We are lucky. We need to remember him. |
Darren | A good friend who offers good advice on all matters (especially divine one-liners.) Evenings in Farhaven have taught me the value of good conversation by a fire, and I am glad I have people in Arx who I enjoy spending time with like I do Aleksei. |
Darren | Despite the anxiety and concern I feel for the future, I failed to get a rise out of the Archlector. Instead he left me feeling reassured and competent to face what challenges may come. I can't afford to be utterly without concern, but there's wisdom in Aleksei's calm attitude of acceptance that I wish I could emulate. |
Delilah | Aleksei is incredibly knowledgable, has a cute dog, and seems to be quite relaxed. I should've expected such things from the Archlector considering who he serves. |
Dianna | First Liberator. For all he says that he's uncomfortable speaking before the masses, he's done a spectacular job of instructing so many on the nature of Heralds and Seraphs. |
Dominique | The paladin himself doesn't think of highly of his accomplishment. He should be proud that he is chosen by one of the gods! |
Drusila | The First Liberator seems like the cheerful and earnest sort but I don't know quite how to place him. I may just continue to seek him out and listen to his stories. |
Duarte | He returned my cow and Lianne trusts him. That's good enough for me - at least for now. |
Echo | He's apparently an Archlector but he's more than that: Some sort of crazy good duelist, and he does it all with a smile! Oh, how charming! |
Ectorion | Cheerful and humorous, and incredibly skilled with his blade. Not what I might have expected of a priest, but exactly what I'd have expected of a Paladin. |
Eleanor | I've meet him twice now, but still don't know much about him. I'd like to know him better - maybe we can discuss the finer points of the Sailor and the Soldier. |
Eleyna | Eleyna didn't want to like him. He's exactly the sort of person that generally gets on her nerves, yet, despite herself, she finds herself quite enjoying Aleksei's company on the occasions that they end up meeting. |
Elgana | Interesting man. Seems charming and rather good natured. I would not mind speaking with him again. |
Esme | Obviously we are going to be good friends because we are intimate and drinking. |
Esoka | While not a typical priest (whatever that is), Aleksei has impressed Esoka with his commitment to the Faith and bringing back knowledge of Skald to the world. She hopes to learn more of the formerly lost gods from him. Also, his dog is ADORABLE. |
Evaristo | Knows a LOT of stuff and answered a lot of questions about Skald and also about Death. Very not stuffy at all, real fun to hang around. Hope he shows up at the Festival of Death! |
Evelynn | He has a natural charisma, I can see how he'd put people at ease. |
Evonleigh | Well-spoken and not one to fall in the trap of rhetoric; his principles are plain and honorable. |
Faye | Helpful and knowledgeable, and a good addition to the Inquisition. I look forward to the opportunity to work with him in the future. |
Ferrando | Nobody's more enthusiastic or well-intentioned around Arx that isn't named Ferrando! So naturally we ended up friends. He's more of a joiner than I am, but I don't hold it against him. Fortunately, I don't expect becoming an Archlector is going to cramp his style all that much. It wouldn't be very Skaldian! Skaldish? Skaldesque? I'll have to ask him with the proper term is sometime. |
Fiachra | When I first met him, he seemed something of a mouse, unsure of how he fit into his own skin. He has now come into his own and discovered his path, and I believe that it sits well on his shoulders. |
Flora | Never meet your heroes. (Or people you hear vague rumors and tall tales about, anyway). They're probably not six foot eight nor wide as a bear. |
Fortunato | Aleksei, Aleksei, the wild knight who whines about responsibility has shouldered more than I can quite comprehend, but it's no surprise. There was always a deep core of compassion and support under all that desire for freedom. I trust him. I'd sooner mistrust the sky. |
Galen | I wish the circumstances could have been better, but if I know nothing more than Aleksei and these others stood by Sorrel, they are alright in my book. |
Gareth | Poor man speaks awfully unkindly of himself. |
Gaspar | Any man that remains unflappable in the situation he found himself in is either bold or stupid, and he's not stupid. A Champion, he says. I'll need to see more of him. |
Gisele | Larger than life and twice as bold, everything he said and did at first seemed designed, deliberately, to make an impression or cause waves. But under all of the big and the loud is a lot of tenderness, and vulnerability. |
Godric | He mostly listened to instructions. What good fortune. Stay out of fire. |
Godric | Rousing and joyful, apparently, as he merrily hacks away at the oncoming horde. the spontaneous musical interlude was appreciated. |
Grazia | There's something a little larger-than-life about the Archlector of the First Choice, something vibrant and very alive. He has a delightful personality and I am entertained by his opinions regarding noble marriage. |
Hana | A scandalous flirt who hit on Hana before realizing she was the daughter of the man he was already sleeping with. AWKward! And yet, despite that, he's become a valued -- treasured, even -- part of Hana's family. |
Harald | He intends well, despite being another smug Churchman. |
Harlex | Quick on his feet. Handy with the steel. And grins on his back. Good traits. |
Helena | Only half northerner but he fits in fine at Redrain, friendly (to allies) and good with a sword. |
Holden | There are sometimes no words to describe my brother. But no matter our differences, I trust him more than most, and I would do anything in my power to protect him. Even if sometimes it feels as though he must be protected from himself. |
Holden | Brat. But one I would lay down my life to protect. |
Ian | Not what I would have expected out of an archlector. |
Iliana | Not entirely what I'd expected - word goes around about him - but likeable, down to earth and knowledgeable when we first met. |
Ilira | Utterly charming and beautiful, I enjoy his company wondrously! There is a je ne sais quoi to him that I, for once, cannot quite put to words, yet. I suspect he and I could be friends, and hope we have the chance to be. |
Isolde | Knowledgable, mysterious, and fashionable. Are we sure he isn't Lycene? I would like to know him better in the future. |
Itzal | Though dread was in his heart, he stood before the oncoming avalanche, heartened by the knowledge of his purpose. Here he would make his last stand. Here he would face the tide, and beat it back! He answered questions very well! |
Jael | Not what I expected. Not even sure what I expected but he's not it. Still, I'm glad Gisele brought him. Clearly has some feelings about thralldom that we were unable to unpack. Perhaps in a less tense situation. |
Jasher | You will either be my best friend or my worst enemy. Or both. |
Jeffeth | Let me borrow a sword. Helped me refine how I use it. A good teacher. A good man. |
Jev | Helpful nice naked dude at the baths. |
Jordan | He helped me understand things that I had many questions about. Enlightenment is a way to set someone free; free from doubt, and ignorance, and the Archlector is clearly willing to help us improve ourselves. He has my thanks, and more than my gratitude, I owe him. |
Joscelin | Too loud, too flamboyant, too... well. But he can't be what he isn't, and that's definable. You can't ever limit this man by a label or a box. It's rather refreshing. |
Josephine | A passionate man, no doubt. |
Juniper | Interacting with Aleksei is a quick route to flashbacks of my childhood, and my own older brothers. All hundred of them. |
Jyri | Much more forthcoming than I expected and much more friendly. Felt like I could talk openly and I appreciate that. |
Kaldur | A wise man, and a good one to talk to. I hope for many conversations in the future. |
Katarina | Archlector of the First Choice, and an interesting face that Katarina has brushed paths with now and then in her time in the city. He carried himself with a light-hearted demeanor once, she's seen it at a dinner party they both attended some time ago. Now? Far more weighted, and grave, when she does see him -- perhaps her time is just awful. |
Katarina | Getting to actually speak with Aleksei, now, and watch him in his new role as a father was very interesting. He feels more approachable and comfortable for Katarina to simply speak with without fear imposed in her from the title he held as Archlector. It's a silly notion, she knows. Still, she hopes to get to know more of him. |
Kenna | Goodness gracious he knows so much //stuff//. |
Khanne | I learned a lot from him today, part of my personal vow to learn more about Pantheon Gods to understand them. |
Killian | FREEEEEEDOMMMMMMMMMMM! No seriously, Aleksei is a strange bird but Killian likes him a lot. As a fellow Paladin, he trusts the man, but beyond that he's always known Aleksei to be honest and decent in his dealings with people. It's strange perhaps how quickly he's come to trust Aleksei, considering they first met at the duel between Ainsley and Tristram, which wasn't really that long ago. On the other hand, the Knight turned Paladin turned Brother turned Archlector of Skald came recommended by people he trusted to begin with. It's a help. |
Korka | I met THE Aleksei Morgan. He is so... *normal*. I don't know what I was expecting. But he's so personable! So kind. Honest. Oathlander. But the good kind, not the Arn-kind. |
Leola | The Archlector of Skald. Paladin of Freedom. Family to those I call close. We have fought together in defence of this world. We would do no less for one another, I am certain. |
Lianne | Entirely engaging. Such conversations are necessary nourishment. Sustenance. Were I a glutton, I would have eaten up more of his time. |
Lore | Very likeable man. Apparently once an Archlector? Cute kid, very precocious! |
Lou | The archlegate of Skald. He cares a great deal about seeing people freed, and given the opportunity to choose for themselves. It'll be interesting to see how he manages as Skald's chosen. |
Ludovic | A man who has a deep understanding of the bonds of duty, as shaped by the ideal of freedom. His deeply thoughtful nature makes for good conversation. |
Lys | I always thought an archlector would be a little more stuffy. I suppose I should have known better for the Archlector of Skald.. He seems really personable and down to earth. |
Mabelle | Confident man. Surely loud. I bet he is the center of every function he attends. |
Magpie | Meeting Aleksei was a treat. Easy on the eyes. Intelligent. He could see why Aureth was interested in him. Of course, then when Aleksei kept flirting and Aureth gave his blessing? Well, Magpie has been crushing some on the priest ever since. He also sees him as part of the family given how much he's gotten involved in Grayhope affairs and been there for them. Magpie has NOTHING BAD to say about Aleksei. They've had too much fun in the hammock for that. |
Mailys | He really, REALLY does not like the Empire. |
Maren | Few of those who are able to radiate such cheer and goodness so genuinely do so without knowing pain and loss deeply. Whatever these brambles have been in his path, they have given him a great strength and purpose that he wishes to share with others. Even when there is disagreement, one would be blind to not see his is a strong and true foundation. Even if I wager it comes with not a little stubbornness as well. |
Margerie | A thoughtful teacher willing to entertain questions even before he has completed his morning coffee. Quiet shifts in emotion, veering from humor to deep philosophical dives. Also, I am not sure if he has a dog or a small pony in the Shrine. |
Mason | Mason and Aleksei are both Seekers in the Explorer's League, but they first truly met at the Shrine of the First Choice not long after it's miraculous appearance in Arx. Given Mason's distaste of slavery as a whole, the man is very interested in getting to know the Archlector of Skald and wants to assist him in his work. He finds Aleksei's eagerness refreshing and encouraging. Here is at least one person he does not have to fear evil designs from. |
Merek | %bMerek has one word to describe Aleksei, and that would be 'curious'. He seems to not be a social master, and when he first met him, he thought the man could be funny, and kind, but he believes there's a lot more to him than he shows most people. |
Mia | I would say that I had no choice but trust him, but given what we both know, it would ring a hollow lie, wouldn't it? There is always a choice -- a fact we know better than most. So I'll say instead that I decided to trust him, out of need and out of hope, and out of gratitude for his patience with all of my questioning. And besides, I adore that dog of his. |
Mikani | I have never seen a whole crowd stop and murmur as a person entered a room. Color me impressed. |
Mirari | Any friend of Benjamin's has got to be a friend of mine. Though I suppose he isn't very dignified, like he says! |
Mirari | Same old Aleksei, which is to say so very righteous and upright and /good/, but that kid is absolutely adorable. |
Mirk | The First Liberator is the rare combination of knowledgeable and personable, able to have a normal conversation while discussing strange topics as they come up. |
Monique | We've worked together, and he's well respected by many. I'd trust him. Mostly. |
Mydas | Despite rumored inexperience, I found the new Archlector of the First Choice to be able to offer wisdom and enlightenment on the tenets and ways of the First Choice. Had the patience to hear all my questions. That's not always a given. |
Nierzen | I hate when people try to answer my questions with questions as though I were some boy in school. If I'm asking, just tell me. Otherwise, he's not an idiot, so there's that. |
Niklas | Imagine a person who carries three swords and they're still the least terrifying thing about him. Oh, look, it's Aleksei! |
Niklas | Not exactly where he was last time I met him, but still a man with three swords and a head full of terror. Made a hard decision, but not, I think, the wrong one. |
Norwood | Well. He is certainly flirtatious. He seems to struggle with where to put his shirt however. |
Nurie | A champion! And with all the brightness of manner and appearance one would expect. How romantic! And my goodness, if duels may be settled by bare chested champions here in Arx, I certainly hope it shall not be long before someone terribly offends someone else and my Countess and I may go to observe the results! |
Orathy | He used to be one of us. He got out. He got free of it all. |
Orazio | Loud. Enthusiastic, clearly was out to get a reaction from Orazio, wielding discourtesy like a shiny red flag. Oddly charming in his way, though, and even when he first met him, Orazio didn't detect any true malice or disrespect from the man, just a kind of aggressive charm. |
Orelia | Having finally seen him duel, I can say without doubt he's a spectacular showman. Not Luca spectacular, but still. Pretty impressive. |
Oswyn | A pleasant man. His child likes rocks! I like them, too. |
Petal | Everyone is talking about his ass! He seems like a rather popular man. I don't know him well at all, but he is always surrounded by admirers. There must be a reason. |
Pharamond | Unassuming. Probably far more capable than he shows himself. Probably someone to call on when in need, and to hope isn't facing against you despite his modesty. |
Porter | Good man, does good work. More should aspire to be like him. Pretty sure he hates me over this owl thing, but it is awfully cute! |
Quenia | Archlector Aleksei is a very patient man of the Faith who listened to my questions and gave me honest answers. I feel he is a good representation of the Faith, and I may seek him out later if I have any further questions. |
Raimon | Does not seem serious, but I feel that may be a show |
Raja | He is not what I expected. He is a smiling, laid back fellow. He is also very smart when it comes to things regarding Skald and the Pantheon. |
Ras | He wants to break chains. Really is an expert on Writs, just like everybody says. And he was a nicer guy than I thought he'd be. |
Reese | Reese didn't take Aleksei too seriously at first, but she always did like him. At first meeting of him, she even found him to be kind of silly, but in a likable way. She started to take him and more seriously with time. Her relationship with Luca really got her to notice him because well Aleksei is close to Luca as well. Reese is all about getting along when possible and when she is isn't charged up to fight and duel - so she wanted to get along with Luca's friend/lover and reached out to him. She hopes to know him better with time. With him being a paladin she sees him as one of the saviors of compact and worthy of great respect. She also sees him as quite wise and tonight's meeting only enhanced that feeling as he seems to know so much about what is going on. She appreciated how he shared his knowledge with everyone present. |
Reigna | Blessed Aleksei, champion of choice, wise and friendly and excellent with children. Someone I definitely need to know better. |
Rhea | Oh, Peanut is such a GORGEOUS GIRL. Her and Aurum are going to make the best puppies. Aleksei is pretty okay too, I suppose! He should punch slavery more aggressively and without concern for ethics, I think, but that's a pretty small thing all in all. |
Rinel | The former archlector of Lord Skald, and still a powerful figure within Arx. Yet he manages to irritate me nearly as much as Derovai Voss. I must work on my temper around him--that placid facade of his isn't impregnable. Is it? |
Rohran | Polite, handsome and a good conversationalist. Not as good as his sister, however. Still, I wouldn't feel displeased to run into the Archlector a second time, perhaps in a place with less water, and less people. I am sure he is full of enlightened wisdom concerning Skald, and the pantheon is always of interest to me. |
Romulius | Seems a genuinely likeable man. I can understand why so many hold such a high opinion of him. Perhaps I /should/ speak to him sometime about my past, but not yet. |
Rook | Seems pretty relaxed as an individual, despite the fact he has the tasks of ensuring the world doesn't end on his mind. Probably has an exhaustive lists of way to vent that stress. Note to inquire further. |
Rosalie | Perhaps one of the best conversationalists I have come across in this city. He is informed, opinionated, but refuses to take it or himself too seriously so as to keep the discussion pleasant rather than tense. And his son is utterly adorable. I do hope to run into both again soon. |
Roxana | I met the Archlector of Skald where one the temple of the First Choice. He answered my questions with patience, and seems devoted to his cause. I respect that for many reasons. |
Rymarr | Knowing this man has been a whirlwind of emotions. I've attempted to persuade him into the King's Own, had him convinced for some time that his placement in the Faith was a conspiracy between the Legate of Concepts, been threatened with an honor duel if I didn't bed down his friend, and more. How he isn't dead yet, I'll likely never know. |
Sabella | I don't know him that well, but I know he is very knowledgable and has given Niklas good advice on occassion! He seems a bit silly sometimes, which is a great quality to see in a champion! |
Samael | Brash and gregarious and seemingly concerned with true justiced. I'll take any ally in the pursuit of justice. I like him. |
Samantha | I know that I am not someone who takes up a great deal of Aleksei's life, but regardless, I regard him as one of my dearest friends. There are so few people who permit me to be my truest self in their presence and without judgement. Sometimes he is a what-if, but mostly he is like a brother. I trust him with all of my secrets. I trust him with my life, and the life of my family. And he is always welcome in my home. |
Samuele | Well, he is good to his animals, and comes to places of worship to find some peace and quiet. He must be a good man. |
Sanya | On first meeting, the first liberator was patient, well spoken and clearly knowledgeable on matters many struggle to understand. |
Saoirse | The Archlector of Skald knew no Pytor, but did know a Pyotr, and is of the mind that the southerners are not ALL liars. |
Savio | There is a confidence and clarity about him that I admire; it is as water falling and choosing the most natural path in the world. I think this is someone who makes things look easy, even or especially when they are not easy. That sort of trait is hard won. |
Saya | Saya likes him. He's nice. |
Sebastian | The Archlector actually got Shard to laugh, which was an impressive feat. He seems pleasant, and has the aquaintance of a number of the Pravus family. Intriguing. |
Shard | A priest I can tolerate. There's a line I never expected to write. I put it next to 'Archlector of a god I can actually understand and appreciate' in the unexpected column. But it is actually true. He's reasonable, willing to listen, and doesn't seem particularly interested in being pushy, which are all, again, things I wasn't anticipating when I first met him. I haven't personally seen it, but he's also apparently a very good warrior. All of that aside, he seems to be a genuinely decent person, which might be the most surprising thing of all. |
Sorrel | A friend of Tikva's who protected us at the incident on the beach. It was not the best way to meet a person, but he seems very level-headed and nice, and maybe we'll have the chance to interact soon when I'm not covered in sand and weeping about abyssal horrors. |
Sparte | A capable warrior that can take a massive beating, and a... Figurine? Isn't he one of those paladin whatsits? |
Sunniva | The Archlector is a man of patience, exceedingly so but I am uncertain about his ready acceptance of magic. I will look forward having further conversation with him over the matter. |
Talen | Aleksei took up the challenge from Eleyna to put Talen in the dirt for a 1,000 silver. The man asked about using House weaponry to train, which normally some swords are fine with, yet Talen's elitist snobbery came out to play. |
Tescelina | The courage and heart of a knight, but free of Oaths. He does it all because it is right. I was glad to speak with him, to learn from him, and share what little I myself know. |
Theron | Not a bad guy at all, the Archlector. Very informative! Some of the things he told me definitely makes me think he's very insightful on things I'll probably try to make information exchanges for. |
Thesarin | He seems a learned man, and a good one. He has the trust of people who have mine. |
Tikva | I first met Archlector Aleksei as a charming young Champion who permitted my son to crawl all over him. He's been very good about letting Tiber crawl on him ever since. I'm so pleased that he's become a priest of the Faith, I know he's going to be great with all the little ones, and also he's kind of stupidly attractive which isn't really relevant but it's definitely true. |
Tomwell | Technically our second meeting, but a much better chance to get to know him. Considering. He's warm and funny, but with a friendly bite to him. Made me feel quite at home. And his dogs didn't eat Sonnet. |
Valenzo | A very humble man, despite his titles and experience, and he shuns them as some do. Yet also one that exudes wisdom. I'll be glad to help him in whatever way I can. |
Valery | We usually don't talk much when we meet, but he's an interesting man |
Vanora | I admire this man already, for it takes bravery for any of us mere humans to speak with authority on the Gods, and he does so with openness but not arrogance...different from other Archlector's I have met. He impresses me, and inspires me to attempt to hold a similar manner when I do my own work for the Mirrormasks. Wise but not overbearing. |
Vayle | Patient, kind and knowledgeable. I have already learned much from our first meeting and I look forward to further philosophical discussions. |
Vayne | I find him amiable and interesting. I look forward to learning more about how his theology forms his view of the world. There's a great deal of overlap in the foci of our faiths, I believe. |
Venturo | I can't say for sure about the philosophical matters of legends waking and the implications, but it certainly makes for a grand story. This, along with a man who appreciates his alcohol, I can find much in common with. |
Victus | Fancy as fuck Archlector I call him now. Got on my nerves, but they all do. At least we're on the same page. |
Warrick | I always thought Aleksei would end up being a Big Damn Deal, maybe even a Big Damn Hero. A Big Damn Respectable Hero-Priest, though? |
Zara | Even the black sheep of the Morgan family retains the family's virtues. |
Zoey | He seems to know a lot about the Dream. Maybe he would be willing to share. |
Zyanya | Once, in the mountains, I was blessed to watch the spring melt claim the dam of ice keeping a river at bay. The water surged like joy through that barrier. Wild joy, reckless, uncontrolled. He brings to mind this time for me. |