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Written By Sorrel

May 25, 2018, 1:53 p.m.(11/4/1008 AR)

The best part of being Minister of Productivity for Thrax is that I get to network with all of the other ministries to help improve things for the Islands. It means I get a peek at a lot of different activities, including economic and military and social initiatives. We're rebuilding, so there's always something to do. Rebuilding and growing!

Speaking of growing, I'm at 36 weeks and ready to meet this baby. I'm giddy about motherhood. It's going to be so happy. I can't wait to see Galen as a father. I'm thrilled.

Written By Sina

May 25, 2018, 1:45 p.m.(11/4/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Archeron

I was only a child, but I remember those days of fear. I had heard stories, of course, but I think I was largely sheltered from most of it. I am heartened to hear how greatly things have changed, and of course, I have seen with my own eyes the diligence and dedication with which House Thrax now seeks to polish the tarnish from its legacy. High Lord Victus is not a man that I have feared, but one that I have greatly respected. Prince Donrai... he was to be feared. No doubt about that. Thank you for your kind insights, Lord Archeron. I am not certain how it fits into the puzzle in my mind, but your words are a beacon of hope, I feel, for the future of the Isles.

Written By Samantha

May 25, 2018, 1:37 p.m.(11/4/1008 AR)

As the discussion on thralls resumes, I am once again reminded of the essay I wrote back in 1005, that I decided to enter again into the journals last year. Perhaps it is time once more:

I wrote an essay on thralldom back in 1005, which some like-minded people saw fit to publish. I've included a portion of it below:

1007: It is a truth nigh-universal that the state of thralldom is only a scant step above the institution of slavery. The premise of this system is that of indentured servitude, with few if ever any earning their wage with the intent to release them from their eventual debt. More frequently thralls die in servitude, and it is not unknown for their debt to be further passed down to their offspring, who must in turn engage themselves into the system in order to pay it off, while acruing more debt.

1005: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It is also a truth night-universal that the institution of thralldom is regarded in disdain by almost all the regions of our great kingdom, save amongst the Thrax, from which it originates. In the past, thralls who have escaped have been welcomed into the service of other lords and masters in order to prevent their return to such a demeaning and inhumane circumstance. However, this was done as a quiet measure, with no one truly daring to openly challenge the convention. Until now, all objection has been subversive. But if the nobility of our great land is to truly act in the name of the people they have by the grace of the Gods been granted to lead, this social construct must be confronted, and a solution must be sought.

Dear friends, it may seem on the surface that an immediate abolishment of thralldom is the natural conclusion to such thoughts, however that is the furthest from the case. It is important to remember that the House of Thrax and its banner Houses are strong, providing members of our great land, and to simply insist that they revert an entrenched element of their culture and economy would be to do them a disservice. We must not throw the lives of so many into chaos, not only those who gain directly from thralldom, but also those who live simpler lives that are dependent on a secure economy and would suffer as a result of too swift a change, and for thralls themselves, who would eventually need to realize a new way of thinking about their personal value and worth. Change and growth are painful processes, but with guidance and support, great change for the betterment of all men and women may happen.

I do not believe that all Thrax or all of their bannermen believe in maintenance of this institution, but are perhaps cautious of speaking out against it. They are a proud, strong people. If any were able to face such a significant alteration of their lives and culture, it would be them.

But what solutions may we offer, to ease the pains that would surely come from such a deconstruction? How can we buffer our fellows who, if they choose to commit to this course, will surely suffer from the loss of an established institution? Can solutions be found at the Crown level? Through the support of the other Great Houses? Perhaps, if House Thrax is so willing, a kind of council can be formed to discuss the topic of gradual abolishment in a way that minimizes the impact.

All men and women deserve the right to shape their destiny in as much as they are able, in the loyal and willing service to those responsible for their mutual care. To trap any in less is to reduce them to a state of chattel. If your great kingdom is to be a beacon of true greatness and utopia, we can no longer quietly avoid the inequality present within the realm. It must be faced head on, but respectfully and with consideration for those who will need to prepare for the brunt of this change. Anyone familiar with the natural world knows this to be true: the strongest creatures of the forest and sea survive by adapting to their circumstances. It is not easy, but for doing so, they become stronger, swifter, and more powerful than before. If we can succeed in this my friends, it makes not just the House of Thrax more powerful, but it will bring greater power to us all, throughout the realm.


1007: Today, things are very different. Progress has been slow - and I believe that this is a good and right pace for the progress necessary. As justice begins to be tempered by compassion, as reform evolves the way crime and punishment are dealt with. And reform has come from some of the most unexpected parties involved. One of the reasons that despite our philosophical differences, Deepwood has such strong trade ties with Thrax and most of its vassals - because by aiding in providing a stable economy, I can reduce the financial burden that would come from the abolition of thralldom as it progresses.

Written By Candace

May 25, 2018, 12:04 p.m.(11/4/1008 AR)

Know that one thousand and eight years have passed since the Reckoning. Today is the fourth day of the eleventh month. I am writing from the city of Arx, in the small room I can afford at the Badger Boarding House, in the Ward of House Grayson. I am Candace Corvo, former sellsword and current proprietor of The Bakery, and this is my white journal.

A pair of rascals came into the shop and demanded all of my sourdough breads. Well... at least they came to the right place. The lord, or what I thought was the lord, had adopted a homeless woman... who then lost his coin purse. But then it turned out that the good fellow was new and she a scholar who was showing him about. At any rate, I will have to bake more sourdough rye, so I should start on that soon.

As it is delving into the autumnal season with rapidity, I've begun veering away from the summer fruits into dates and apples, or raspberries and cranberries. I think I'll proceed with the berries first, as the dates and apples should last well into the winter.

Written By Fairen

May 25, 2018, 11:58 a.m.(11/4/1008 AR)

I was rather excited for the meeting of minds the other day. Princess Elgana Redrain, Scholar Sina Izetta, and Master Kaine Algair all in my library for a conversation on various subject, to include the wonderous charitable work Master Kaine is planning.

Written By Porter

May 25, 2018, 11:58 a.m.(11/4/1008 AR)

Dear journal, I took the new men out rowing this morning at daybreak. Good lord, but they are flabby, bad, and uncoordinated. They do have heart, and that's the most important thing. If I take them rowing every morning and we do shore sprints and balance beams after they get their wind back, I'll have them in fair shape before long.

I also need to look to my own training. Just because I can lift a brine barrel over my head doesn't mean that I can dodge Ian's stupid fast sword. So, there's that. Also, when I was young, we didn't care about armor. We were too fast and young and brave to worry about that. Now that we're getting--no not older--more established, we have a responsibility to not die on everyone. We're not dumb kids anymore.

So, armor it is.

Fine, yes, you can take this now. Hey, do you like the sea?

Written By Darren

May 25, 2018, 11:41 a.m.(11/4/1008 AR)

I am inspired by the indomitable spirit of my people. It seems nothing can blunt their hopeful optimism for the future or their readiness to take responsibility for that future directly and act on it with courage and grace. I am endlessly proud as I see them all calmly preparing for tomorrow while they deal with the consequences of yesterday.

Yet within those preparations a problem presents itself, to my thinking. We have a collection of disparate plans not united and coordinated under a single strategy. I don't say the way we're doing it doesn't work, not really. I say we can do better.

Perhaps it's true that I've let myself grow too distracted in recent months. In any case, it ends now. I have begun preparations to entertain the great houses of my realm and their vassals with a great feast. We will align this fealty from top to bottom under a united strategy for regrowth.

We live in dangerous times, and we must challenge ourselves to better than ever before, then better still, if we are to be their equal. So I challenge each of you: band together now as one. We will not flag or falter. When danger threatens we will be ready to fly into its jaws once more in defense of all that we hold dear. We are unbreakable. We are Redrain.

To the last!

Written By Danvir

May 25, 2018, 10:50 a.m.(11/3/1008 AR)

Well after a few days here I decided to write on my journal. That was actually taking a while, thus I decided to pen it today. My time in the compact has been quite good. The people seem to be nice and helpful. And I'm quite enjoying my time here. Also seen a couple of my cousins around. I still haven't really figured -where- I can acquire a sea vessel and -how- much it's going to cost. And I also haven't met enough people with a desire to go on an adventure (as in people I can get as my crew) But! I am hoping to get there step by step.

Written By Holden

May 25, 2018, 10:48 a.m.(11/3/1008 AR)

No soul so young should know such fear to be brought low to weeping on a taste of fresh air and freedom. It breaks my heart that any child might suffer in the way that these children have, and I hope that from this day forward -- they know only those who would protect them, care for them, and see that they have the freedom and support to have the lives they deserve. May they find strength, and that burden of memory be lessened.

Written By Amari

May 25, 2018, 10:29 a.m.(11/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Briseis

I've some other very excellent books of laws, and the practice of law, and noted lawyers through history that I'd be happy to share with you, Mistress Morgan. They're riveting. Especially the one detailing the case against that dashing corsair and rogue, Captain Hardstone.

And now the scholar is looking at me strangely for winking at the journal.

Written By Leona

May 25, 2018, 9:52 a.m.(11/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Jaenelle

You looked beautiful in your wedding dress, sister-mine. I hope your marriage brings you all the joy you so richly deserve.

Written By Fredrik

May 25, 2018, 9:39 a.m.(11/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Archeron

From: The desk of Fredrik RedTyde
Subject: The changes of House Thrax

First off, I want to make it very clear that I have nothing but respect for the changes of House Thrax. I believe them to be both in the best interests of the Compact, and in their own as well. I support all of these changes, and am so very glad that the excesses of Donrai have come to an end. I am so happy to be working to rebuild my House in an atmosphere of cooperation and Godliness.

But I was old enough, unlike many here, to very clearly remember Victus' early years. I will not go into the details of his slaughter of my family, some of which I witnessed with my own two eyes. This is the past, and the only reason I even bring it to attention? Because it shows how very easy it is to be manipulated by those in power, like Donrai. how very quick things change, for better or for worse. How it takes only a few bad decisions, so easily excused at the time, to turn into something monstrous. I do not contradict Archeron's words, but add to them.

I do not blame Victus Thrax. I say that again. I do not, at this time, blame Victus Thrax for what occured. But we must remember that eternal vigilance is the price of our freedom. We must never truly relax, because if we do? That's when the Enemy worms their way into our minds again.

Now, I am going to go get a drink, and do a bit of shopping, and enjoy the little things in life. We can't forget that either.

Written By Oswyn

May 25, 2018, 8:59 a.m.(11/3/1008 AR)

When I hired Milton, I was relieved to have help for the numerous projects I am involved in or have the potential to be involved in. He is a good worker, diligent and thorough both. He assists in the shop as well.

There is so much to do, however, that I am beginning to wonder if I ought to have a second research assistant.

Life has certainly been busy.

Written By Gianna

May 25, 2018, 8:48 a.m.(11/3/1008 AR)

The Bard's College would be a somewhat informal organization dedicated to the improvement of musicians and singers by providing a place to gather, socialize, and train.

Such an establishment would draw musicians and the like to Arx; with them, they will bring songs, stories, and news of other places. This has the potential to be an information network.

Music is a universal language; it brings people together. One need not know the words to a song to enjoy it. A bard is also something of a diplomat; we read our audience and ingratiate ourselves to them, and in turn we are welcomed. A bard must have some mastery of etiquette, even if it's the informal etiquette of a rough tavern. A bard, through words and song, has influence.

Music is culture, and culture is Arx. There is currently no organization to contact should someone require a musician for their event. While the Whisper House is one place to find entertainers, not all bards are Whispers and not all Whispers are bards. Clearly, there is some overlap, and it is my hope that the bards would have a partnership of sorts with the Whisper House. The College would also be a place for Whispers and others to learn how to sing and play instruments, skills that are certainly helpful when it comes to entertaining.

I wonder if the term 'college' might be confusing. Bards would be free to come and go, of course. There is the possibility for rooms to lodge in in the future, should the organization prove successful.

A Bard's Hall? Music House? Music Hall? I am certainly open to other names.

Written By Kaine

May 25, 2018, 8:33 a.m.(11/3/1008 AR)

The offers I've gotten for help with my project have truly been heartening. I will endeavor to continue to use my increasing wealth to help those in need.

Written By Archeron

May 25, 2018, 8:22 a.m.(11/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Sina

Trying to understand why Donrai Thrax did anything is like trying to hold back the tides that lap at Maelstrom's docks. It is a task without end and you will be mad long before it is finished.

I am lucky in that I did not meet the man in his lifetime. Everything Abbas thought he had to do to safeguard the Isles, Donrai was willing to do and revel in. He was the true embodiment of our cruelty, of our excess. He is a reminder of what Thrax can be if we are unleashed from our moral compass, if we do what we can because we please. To reave and destroy and hurt with no care or end. In that sense though, Donrai was a cure for us from that.

Look at the time since his passing. Even as Thrax houses rise, as we restore ourselves, there has not been a return to reaving. Tyde ships have not raided Grimhall lands. Grimhall has not raided the Grayson coast. Bodies do not rise on the clifftops, crucified to warn our enemies that we have been, and will go where we please. Look at what he has left in his wake. Prince Victus is more a victim of Donrai than most - he was at times the sword that Donrai chose to wield, to do his deeds. And now, Victus leads as a modern ruler. He is decisive, but he also seeks advice. He rules by consent with his nobles. He is a man who is worthy of respect far more than his predecessor. Because he builds Thrax. He doesn't use it as a tool, he works for the good of Thrax, not burning Thrax for his own good. And as a person he might be scary at times, but I have never felt that fear myself. Because I know he wishes to be just. And I trust him.

When Kennex decided to abolish Thralldom - whatever you think about their rashness or righteousness - you saw the ships of all of the Isles there helping, and many of their former Thralls now live on Tyde Isle as freemen, some as scholars in our University others tend the woods, and all the other jobs men have. The pressure on Kennex was relieved, they were allowed to breath again, and restore themselves to their feet even if it will be a time before they are healthy again. I do not think that would have happened under the man I understand Donrai to have been. Seeing them struggle on the ground, the weight of their decision crushing their chest, pressing the air from their bodies....I think he would have added his boot to their throat, and smiled as he watched the fires die out. Or worse, had another man take that burden while he watched.

Written By Cullen

May 25, 2018, 7:32 a.m.(11/3/1008 AR)

As one could probably expect, the decision to simplify my life in some respects has brought a sort of calm I've not known since arriving in Arx. I still manage to offend people on a semi-regular basis - just less often, since I'm now often in the woods or in the company of people not likely to cause much in the way of trouble.

The activity in the Gold Order has been quite pleasing, and under Dame Alexis' guidance and with Princess Gwenna Redrain assisting us in all matters not martial - because, let's face it, I doubt any of us are very adept with methods of persuasion and finance that don't require swinging a weapon at something - I look forward to seeing where it shall go.

Written By Sina

May 25, 2018, 3:38 a.m.(11/3/1008 AR)

Today was a good day. I come out the other side of it feeling more at peace with my thoughts and my decisions. Now, I must simply follow through. It is time to begin a new journey in my life. It is time to take a different path. I feel happier for it, though I shall have some regrets for what I will leave behind.

Today was a day of conversations and intellectual discourse, laughter and mischief too. It was a day of self-discovery and purpose, of coming into myself. One cannot ask for more out of a day, I think. I feel truly blessed to know the people that I know. It seems a fitting way to begin the next year of my life. A new anniversary of my birth. A new beginning. I pray that Lagoma's light guide me in wisdom through this time of change.

It was a good day.

Written By Roxana

May 25, 2018, 12:48 a.m.(11/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene

Bad News Big Sis,

I didn't know those baby names were a secret and so I told like thirty or forty people when I was drunk in the Ambassador the other night.

I think I was probably slurring a little though so maybe nobody knows for sure?

Ooopsie! Love you!

P.S. Just kidding you know I never get drunk in public.
P.P.S. For any of you wondering what her baby name picks are....I'll part with them for 500k in silver. Each.
P.P.P.S Just kidding!
Addendum: Probably. That is a lot of money...

Written By Monique

May 25, 2018, 12:41 a.m.(11/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

Mistress Josephine Arcuri. Was there ever a talent more blessed by Jayus? I think not. And I'm not just saying that because she has crafted for me a tiara that is more beautiful than any crown I have ever seen. Yes, Alaric, even yours.

I praise her to the Gods and to anyone else who will listen, and have donated a large sum of silver in honor of her work to the Faith of the Pantheon.

I'm not going to take this work of art off for a good, long time. Yes, I fully plan to bathe and sleep in it, humility be damned!

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