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Written By Thena

May 24, 2018, 2:41 a.m.(10/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Saoirse

A lot to of us sunk a great deal of silver, resources and manpower into dealing with just the situation you speak of not even two years back and we did a pretty respectable job. If you’re that curious as to how it was done, perhaps your might check the archives.

Written By Katarina

May 24, 2018, 2:36 a.m.(10/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Saoirse

In a perfect world, thralldom and its negative effects upon the indebited could be done away with upon a snap of fingers. All those adversely affected by it would be free and their lives would gracefully sort themselves out and that would be the end of it for the Compact. Sadly, we do not live in a perfect world. Those who have been working with House Thrax - vassals, allies, and the Faith to name a few - are well aware that the abolition of thralldom is an act that will not end in most of our life times, but perhaps ideally over several decades.

I do not simply mean purchasing debt and freeing these people, but the enactment of new social programs to support them through such a rough transition; expansion of infrastructure both within the Mourning Isles and wherever else across the Compact that these people might decide to settle - and that is not accounting for the emotional and mental adjustments they will need to endure in order to not only survive, but thrive, with the weight of responsibility that comes with having been returned their freedoms.

Those born into thralldom and have matured into adulthood under those conditions are possessed of a mindset that may not translate well when you take them out of what they've known all their life and are suddenly freed. As Prince Victus said, you get the revolts that happened in House Kennex's territories. You also might see former thralls who do not want to be free, and prefer the life of servitude that they've known.

While I think some of the points you brought up in your journal do have merit and are worth further exploration individually, I cannot help but have some concern about the way you present them overall. One might easily draw conclusions different than how you might've intended it - or perhaps that was your intent??

Written By Lumen

May 24, 2018, 2:04 a.m.(10/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ailys

If you want one of us to challenge that goose to a duel on your behalf, say the word. Of course, if you two have already made up - I would hate to make a whole exhibition over nothing.

Written By Riagnon

May 24, 2018, 1:51 a.m.(10/23/1008 AR)

For a second, I thought that being an Acheron made me feel different from being a Nightgold... but it turned out to just be some gas.

Written By Victus

May 24, 2018, 1:45 a.m.(10/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Saoirse

Change, regardless of the type, comes slowly. Thralldom as a whole has been inlaid in Thrax's economy for the last thousand or so years, maybe even longer depending on how much of our own history we really don't know. Something to keep in mind though is that the economy of Thrax and a variety of houses under it have also relied on thralls for almost as long for a good chunk of their economic growth. You don't have to pay thralls wages and the fact that they can legally be captured from war, with a majority of Thrax having very militaristic traditions, makes thralldom economically lucrative for a lot of them.

This comes of course at the cost of human life, which is at times a complicated thing to unravel. Some are thieves and murders who have taken from or hurt others for their own gain. Others are prisoners of war, taken because they didn't sit under the Compact's flag and didn't bend to it neither. But thralldom as a punishment is entirely different from its economic impact, though the reasons for it are still important to measure when dealing with people who have had it an ingrained part of their society for centuries.

My point being, thralldom is an archaic system but one that has been rooted firmly into the heart of the Mourning Isles for a long, long time. Any small measure of re-balancing to it risks grave destabilization. I would point to the infamous Kennex rioting that occurred when all Thralls suddenly found themselves free one day. Murder in the streets, crimes of passion and vengeance taken from both sides, piracy are on the uptick to waylay folks who didn't have a thing to do with the process. Death and destruction totaling millions worth of silver for the Compact to hemorrhage was had over those few months, for an Isle that was the size of a March. Not everyone will come to benefit immediately, some maybe not for the life they have left to live before they're back on the wheel.

Those who wish to see it be overtaken by another, fairer, more just system will be fighting that battle for many years. Their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and beyond will probably take on the mantle of that fight for their entire lives when we've all turned to dust. I think any major shift in Thrax won't truly be able to be judged until the ones who started making the first waves are ancient and grey.

Even then, Thrax is but one house over the span of hundreds that dot the Isles. Everyone will share a different thought to what should be done and what will be right. It'll be its own battle to break the chains of every single one that would listen. Some easier than others, some harder than trying to move a mountain from its perch.

If anything is certain, it's that it'll be an interesting future to see.

Written By Turo

May 24, 2018, 1:14 a.m.(10/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Saoirse

I'm curious: which thralls are you most excited about?

There are the ones who choose it to death or other sentences for crimes. Perhaps you'd like to argue with the Sentinel about justice while "freeing" the host of thieves, murderers, and abusers?

Or there are the ones who, instead of choosing a slow death by starvation - or to be preyed upon in their poverty - have taken out a loan and are repaying it in safety. Yes, their choice to do that to save their families *is* a terrible one and they should never have been given the option. Homelessness and poverty - and the waste of their talents and work ethic - should be forced on them. Better the farmer should lose everything after a drought and the blacksmith after a fire. I'm sure Skald would agree.

If people refuse to understand a thing, perhaps they should refrain from muddying the waters with their blind thrashing about.

Written By Saoirse

May 24, 2018, 12:11 a.m.(10/23/1008 AR)

While, of course, the release of thralls is right and should be done speedily, I have to wonder - from a purely academic standpoint, of course - what it means for Thrax. And for the houses in the compact.

A massive change like that -- the entrance of thousands of men and women (albeit children now) into a free labor workforce changes the dynamics completely. Thrax's entire economy will change, and assuming they make this alteration prosperously, they may grow VERY quickly.

Change, fast change, rarely bodes well. Radicalization, challenges to the status quo, and upheaval often follow.

I'm QUITE curious to see how Thrax manages. And what that may mean for the rest of us.

Written By Harper

May 23, 2018, 11:55 p.m.(10/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ailys

Does this mean you're gonna try to drag me on a wild goose chase soon?

Written By Cristoph

May 23, 2018, 11:09 p.m.(10/18/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ailys

You should ask your cooks to coat the goose in warm honey about thirty minutes before it's done cooking. It's not as complicated a flavor as compound butter spread over the roast, but it will bring out a light sweetness in the meat.

Written By Karadoc

May 23, 2018, 11 p.m.(10/18/1008 AR)

All these courtships - weddings - children being born. I don't know whether I am dangerously envious of you lot, or sick of it.

Written By Katarina

May 23, 2018, 10:45 p.m.(10/18/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ryhalt

And just what are you conspiring to do when you've managed to get your lovely Duchess-Consort and myself in the same company, Duke Farshaw?

Written By Ailys

May 23, 2018, 10:39 p.m.(10/18/1008 AR)

I have decided I will eat goose every day. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. Perhaps even goose mousse for dessert. All geese shall fall before me, trussed up in string, roasted, stuffed, candied, gravied. First I must learn to hunt them, but I have found purpose and reason to do so.

Geese are evil and best experienced upon a plate. Drowned in cranberry jelly.

Written By Sebastian

May 23, 2018, 9:48 p.m.(10/18/1008 AR)

What a cruel thing it is, to rise only to fall again, joy and anguish always in a tide one to follow the other. How can we fall if we do not rise, indeed. Perhaps it is safer to remain closer to earth, than to venture out on that sea.

Written By Rhea

May 23, 2018, 9:33 p.m.(10/18/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Briseis

You know who deserves a real ham? The Archbarker of Choice!

Written By Vanora

May 23, 2018, 7:46 p.m.(10/18/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Cristoph

Thank you.

It is not an easy thing to give a genuine apology.

They are worth a great deal for that very reason.

I am both moved and appreciative.

Written By Rinel

May 23, 2018, 7:05 p.m.(10/18/1008 AR)

What a wonderful day! The fruits of our labours have ripened near to bursting. Her Highness Elgana of Redrain and Wynna were far more convincing than I--convincing enough to band together a small manufacturing coalition! There has been some approval among the land-bound merchants, but the seafarers I talked to were positively /excited/ to have wax tablets.

All glory is due to Lady Gild and Lord Jayus. With Their blessing, perhaps we shall find even more uses for these reusable writing surfaces.

Written By Joscelin

May 23, 2018, 2:31 p.m.(10/17/1008 AR)

It's been a very long time since I've made a garment of gems and metal. Usually, I neither have the time or the inspiration, but the last few weeks I've been indulging myself, working as I can, and I've come up with a beautiful belt of gold and praseodymium and gems. It's -musical- as well, with these lovely little bells. Much more complicated than I expected as well.

Note to self: adding copper to the gold was a good idea, it strengthened the alloy and made for a better sound.

Written By Karadoc

May 23, 2018, 2:15 p.m.(10/17/1008 AR)

That's beautiful, High Lord.

//And he sees your true colors
Shining through
He sees your true colors -- //

edited, to add: The Scholar has politely informed me that I becoming a disruption with my singing, so I must cease my serenade.

Written By Victus

May 23, 2018, 1:59 p.m.(10/17/1008 AR)

You can say any manner of things you like, but actions will still dictate how people see your true colors.

Written By Cybele

May 23, 2018, 1:02 p.m.(10/17/1008 AR)

Sewing cloth is very different from sewing people.

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