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Written By Larissa

June 24, 2017, 12:33 a.m.(9/18/1006 AR)

The Thrax Duel was very entertaining, albeit short lived. It's a bit surreal at times - these faces I have known since childhood like they might be mine but not mine at all. It's almost like walking in a dream that is part memory and part fantasy and full of ghosts. - For a moment I even thought I saw Donrai and how is it that my blood can still run cold and feel like rot in my veins at the thought of him?

I finally had the chance to offer my congratulations on Duchess Tyde's daughter, it is good to see her thriving and happy.

And as ever it is unnerving to see Prince Dominic in any capacity, it's unfair to him but a habit I cannot break to look for traces of his sister in his face.

Written By Alarissa

June 23, 2017, 11:16 p.m.(9/17/1006 AR)

I finished.

That alone, in my own books, is a worthy thing to note.

I know not my score, I do not wish to know my score and I have apologies to make come the morning.

If I survive come the morning.

I may have been foolish in turning away help.

Written By Mason

June 23, 2017, 10:39 p.m.(9/17/1006 AR)

There have been many losses of late, even after the siege and battles are over. I have been so buried in my research that I must remember to embrace life and appreciate the people I love around me. I wish that I could wrap Safiyyah into a protective hold and never let go, but then she would never learn how to be strong and independent.

Making decisions as a parent may be some of the most difficult a person must make, yet it has given me a new perspective on what rulers must endure. If all the people are your children, how great is the burden of a crown, to know that all you decide affects them?

It gives me greater respect for the leaders of Arvum and how they have kept this land so free and full of life.

Written By Ophelia

June 23, 2017, 10 p.m.(9/17/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

I haven't seen my brother Luca in ages. I hope he's having fun .. I still think of him, and my heart hurts a little that he's not around, but so long as he is happy, I suppose that is all I can ask.

Written By Ophelia

June 23, 2017, 10 p.m.(9/17/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Artorius

I have decided that I shall become a Knight! Baking really isn't for me, and I think being a Knight will be a lot more exciting!

Artorius gave me my first lesson, and while I am not pleased to admit that I did rather poorly, he was kind enough to not tease me too heartlessly about it. I'm sure with more lessons, I shall become strong soon though!

Written By Eliana

June 23, 2017, 9:51 p.m.(9/17/1006 AR)

I do my best, that is all I can do.

If it is not enough... then I suppose I shall find another path for myself.

Written By Eliana

June 23, 2017, 9:46 p.m.(9/17/1006 AR)

An Investigation made great progress. I am hopeful that things will come to a resolution faster than it is anticipated, but I am afraid of what we will find at the end... something likely best left in the dark.

Written By Dagon

June 23, 2017, 9:18 p.m.(9/17/1006 AR)

Well, the duel is over. I'd not written much of the lead-up, as plenty was said of it in the exchange of challenges and there was little value in fighting a war of words on parchment instead of just getting on with it. And while I take little pleasure in it- in the necessity or the process itself -I did well against Prince Dominic, causing him to yield after two strong blows. THus I have defended my position as Sword of Maelstrom. I hope that in the near future I shall only have to exercise that title against more outward threats.

Written By Titania

June 23, 2017, 8:28 p.m.(9/17/1006 AR)

Things change day to day that is the way of life and make no mistake things are changing and I find myself changing with them as well. I use to be frightened of change, of growing into a woman to leave home and not be able to sit at the docks and watch the ships come in and out. I was scared of coming to Arx, scared of what changes it would bring and what it meant to be here.

But in the last couple of weeks I have grown more, I have found myself going to pray to Maganta more and in doing so I have felt a calm come over me to accept who I have become since I came to Arx. I have grown stronger, I have become stronger in my faith and a bit braver as well. I look forward to see what further changes will come to be.

Written By Regla

June 23, 2017, 4:22 p.m.(9/17/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Skapti

Sometimes unpredictability and a willingness to take chances works out....then again, it's not been long enough to see if my risk has a pay off. I certainly hope that I don't come to regret it, but I don't think I will.

Welcome to the city.

Written By Larissa

June 23, 2017, 4:02 p.m.(9/17/1006 AR)

On Dueling, Conflict Resolution and Whispers.

We are no strangers to the art of the Duel, and an art it is. There is an entertainment in it, a beauty of strength and the dance of the sword and human body. There is a craftsmanship and passion that our esteemed Champions work towards in mind and body and should be admired and celebrated and is celebrated in the Duels we provide them. For an average insult or slight, or to celebrate in a Rite of Gloria, a duel is a most proper and fitting course of action. We are a people who thrive on entertainment, who enjoy our games whole heartedly and passionately – but what happens when it isn’t a game? When it stops being entertaining and turns into something else? When it is used to stunt and silence? Do we bring honor to Gloria when our hearts our heavy with defeat and bitterness is left in our wake?

It is important, I feel, to make these distinctions – the difference between an average insult or slight, something small, something that has no deep emotional ties and something that goes deeper, that means more and has more of an impact than a duel can respectfully offer resolution to. Simply put there is a difference between true conflict resolution and a duel. However I feel like this is sometimes overlooked out of habit, that more often than not people reach out with the threat of a duel out of lack of better options – and this is where I would like to introduce the presence of Whispers. I think it is assumed that we are here to plan parties and events and while we certainly love doing so – who doesn’t love a good party? – but that is only the very tip of what we offer. We are trained and educated in diplomacy, in mediation and in conflict resolution and I would invite all of you to make use of these tools we offer and that are at your disposal.

In the past month three separate events stand out in my mind. The first, a duel between not only friends, but spouses. This was utterly charming and beautifully entertaining. Two people who held between them a slight insult of one to the other – they turned to the Champions Guild and made it an event to be enjoyed by everyone. I believe they held the spirit and honor of Gloria in their hearts and in turn offered a festive event for the city to enjoy. I find this to be an excellent example of the spirit and art of the duel. The second event is one that weighs heavier on my heart and what inspired me to reach out as I am, a duel between individuals that escalated into something weightier and left very little resolution in it’s wake. In instances such as these, I find very little honor brought to Gloria and the end result is something that only festers further resentment between a people and a Compact that relies heavily on alliance and communication. The third and last event that comes to mind was not a public event, but a private discourse between two conflicting houses on the verge of a cataclysm that had the potential to destroy years of hard wrought alliances. Instead of turning to a duel to resolve their conflict they instead turned to the Whisper House and entreated with a mediator to talk out and find common ground between them and in the end found peace and conflict resolution that fit both parties needs.

There are techniques that Whispers are trained in using to ease discord, and ensure that good and healthy relationships are priority. The Whispers are scions of the entire city. We are ever a neutral party who’s goals and interests and purpose is to ENABLE in all the various forms and opportunities we are given. We are yours and I invite you to make use of us in our full capacity.

Written By Aureth

June 23, 2017, 1:15 p.m.(9/17/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene


Lady Minister Guildmistress Sasspants Brigadier General Eirene Malvici.

Written By Eirene

June 23, 2017, 11:58 a.m.(9/16/1006 AR)

So as it stands, my official title is...

Lady Minister Guildmistress Brigadier General Eirene Malvici

Am I missing any?

Written By Miles

June 23, 2017, 11:33 a.m.(9/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Valery

Tch. She wants to help, I get that part. She's mousy... almost literally. I mean, she's friends with mice, which is a little weird. But she seems to have a good heart, I gotta say. And maybe, just maybe, we'll make something great out of her yet.

Written By Margot

June 23, 2017, 10:43 a.m.(9/16/1006 AR)

One million points for me I guess...

Written By Victus

June 23, 2017, 8:58 a.m.(9/16/1006 AR)

On the open waves we would pray for Mangata to let the wind favor us. On land we'd be praying so that she'd be fucking quick about sending us back on our boats so we could go back home. Funny thing living on an island, you're surrounded by nature itself on all ends and hope the sea will be kind to you. It's like living one with the goddess herself if you wanna get extra pompous about it. Since I got to Arx however many years ago it was now I stopped praying for the chance to fuck about the coastlines and grow fat in the Maelstorm on all the plunder of reaving. I've been praying for Mangata is tell me what the fuck her winds of change are supposed to mean. I think I'm getting it.

Some people wonder why I'm wearing Donrai's threads after all the terrible legacy that old serpent left behind. It's because I ain't got a single doubt in my mind that we can leave him behind. Everything that man represents can be steered into clearer skies and the waves he left can be broken to our will. No matter how many he killed, how many terrible things he did I will not sit by and let his actions influence a bleaker future for the rest of our house. These threads mean something different when I'm the ruler wearing them, they mean something stronger and better than he could ever hope for.

Times are changing. I was raised to know how to fight the current till my body gave up on me, but there'll be a time when you just need to go with the flow. I'm thinking that's where we are now.

Written By Edward

June 23, 2017, 8:12 a.m.(9/16/1006 AR)

The winds of change are ever blowing and now they fill my sails. It is time to make sure my sword is sharpened and my armor is polished.

Written By Ysbail

June 23, 2017, 7:02 a.m.(9/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Dominic

You're not getting older, Your Grace, we're simply surrounded by enemies that want us all dead and don't mind picking us off one at a time! That said, if you truly want birthday parties, there are some coming up in Blackwood I believe. You're welcome to join the festivities!

Written By Valery

June 23, 2017, 4:40 a.m.(9/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Gavin

He came back.
When I already thought he was dead.
When I thought I had forgotten...

But now he's back.

How will it be this time?

Written By Artorius

June 23, 2017, 2:34 a.m.(9/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Calypso

My warrior general of a younger cousin. Only younger by about two years, but she has the wisdom of a woman far beyond her years. She has led our family and those of the compact to many victories.

We have grown closer I feel with each passing day, and I'm happy that I feel I can trust her with anything. Whether it's small things like borrowing her for a friendly spar, or having talks of serious matters seeking wisdom and advice, she's always been there for me, and I'm proud to always be there for her.

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