Countess Carita Darkwater
Amidst my stillness is a blazing heart.

Social Rank: 5
Concept: Conflagrant Courtier
Gender: female
Marital Status: married
Age: 24
Birthday: 5/21
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Courtier
Height: average height
Hair Color: white blonde
Eye Color: deep sea blue
Skintone: milky white
Description: Graceful and statuesque, Carita is a dream of snow and ice, neatly hewn as though she was created by a sculptor or jeweler. A figure of subtle curves that are built of moon bones and milky flesh in a way that may make one take pause, in a way that may make the breath catch in one's throat. Long, white-gold hair falls in soft waves down her back - not pale enough to be called platinum - with the faintest hint of lingering color. It's an ideal frame for her features, delicate and refined, that seem little more than afterthoughts with her mouth touched fragile petal pink. Her eyes are the deepest crystalline blue, like the coldest seas, contrasted only by the warmth of her smiles and the fire of her temper.
Personality: These are the priorities In Carita's life: family, fashion, and friends - and her possessiveness of these factors are absolute. She strives to take care of her Lower Burroughs family as well as her noble family, aware that she started from this less than desirable social status. She will work even harder to ensure that she never returns there. She is determined to be more than her common upbringing. Because of this dichotomy, she is a woman that doesn't see the world in shades of grey: merely in black and white. Haves and have nots. Needs and wants. Beneath the icy facade is a woman of intense passions that burn. If not for the self-possessed refinement she learned while training to be a courtier, this anger would certainly consume her and everyone around her.
Background: Once Upon a Time?
(No, this is how I want my story to start.)
Once Upon a Time there was a girl that grew up hungry, dirty, and poor in the Lower Burroughs as the youngest of seven other children. Her mother, Darya, was a former Thrall that managed to pay off her debt to live free - and her father was never spoken of. Life was difficult and unpleasant for the girl as she fought to make herself noticed among the rest of her siblings. It was a battle that she constantly lost, but she fought on. She was determined to better herself and her situation.
It was expected that this girl would apprentice to some trade, to marry, or find work to support her constantly growing family - as many of her older siblings were already having children of their own. She worked as a barmaid in the Murder for quite some time (rest in pieces, Chanse, you bastard) before she caught the attentions of a courtier of the Whisper House and the two established an unlikely friendship. The courtier had also grown up in the Lower Burroughs, but had impressed the Radiant enough to train them and offer them a position among the Whispers. It was through this friendship that the girl realized that this could be her future, her chance to make it all better for herself.
This was her calling, her passion. Constantly surrounded by interesting people, endless opportunities for socializing, and always having the finest things that her new life could afford her. Life as a Whisper suited her far much better than being a barmaid. When she received payment from her wealthy patrons, she always made sure to send a portion of it to her aging parents, but she always kept more for herself. As a girl that had grown up wanting, the woman that she became would never want for anything ever again.
The woman would have been most content to remain a pampered Whisper for the rest of her days, but her heart (fiery and quick like her temper) led her to fall in love with a pirate. Well, he was a Darkwater. (It's more or less the same.) She had many misgivings of him and his intentions, considering that he was a Thrax - but Lord Baltus Darkwater proved to be a truthful man that honored his promises, and acted upon every lovely word that he had spoken to her. The woman would have been pleased to remain his lover indefinitely. When the Darkwater Lord proposed to her with the desire to make the woman his wife, she was surprised that she accepted it so easily. The wedding was a subdued affair (the dress was not) and the newly wedded pair went off together. Away from Arx, across a deep blue sea to a gem of an island called Cielos Encantadores. After a couple of years in this paradise, they finally had a child - a girl named Nerissa.
And they lived Happily Ever?
Oh, wait a moment.
When Baltus was sent a summons by their liege, the Darkwater Count Maximilian, he answered and returned to the city of Arx. It was days after that Carita decided to follow her hushand with their daughter (and a nanny) so that they might be together again. Eager to starting a new adventure in the city that she was more than pleased to leave behind.
... Hopefully, they live Happily Ever After.
(They didn't. Irreconcilable differences.)
Relationship Summary
The crown:
Mourning isles:
Name | Summary |
Aahana | A wonderful conversationalist! And it seems we have a liking for tasty treats in common. |
Aethan | Back from Darkwater, and just as I remember her. It's a good thing. |
Alarissa | Though I have at times in the past rested on both sides of the fence with regards to the Lady Darkwater, for the better and the worse, I can say with a certainty that at least when all things look to be ruined and in despair, she finds a way to rise and recover and I find that admirable. |
Amari | I very much doubt she's lacking in amazing talents, or that she's a cream puff. She is a great conversationalist, she can't deny that. |
Amund | Socially adept. Fun-loving. Mischievous. |
Arcelia | I have known Carita for quite sometime now but I admit that I haven't spoken with her much since Count Max Darkwater's passing. I hope that she has been having a good life though. Her and her house deserve some long needed peace. |
Arik | The cream puff of Blackshore, cusses like a sailor. Enjoyable company. |
Arthen | Some women are just sweeter than wildflower honey. You might not expect that from a woman with a last name like Darkwater, but she's got a way about her, can put you right at ease. Maybe that's dangerous. Never did shy away from a little danger, though. She isn't hard to be around, that's for sure. |
Barric | She seems a quiet thing, which I can understand. She and her House have been through a terrible time of late. I would like to hear her speak more though, for the one time I heard her laught it was a delightful sound indeed. I know she is probably overwhelmed by the tasks ahead of her, but I certainly believe she will be up to the challenge, and show as a shining example of what it means to be 'Noble'. |
Bedivere | Countess of Darkwater. Accomplished protege of our acclaimed Monarch. Gracious company/hostess with classy style. I look forward to working with her and building up relations between our Houses. |
Berenice | It's always worth helping out a fellow noblewoman in need. |
Bethany | Nobody useless insists that they're useless. |
Calista | From the first moment we met, Carita has showed herself to be an intelligent and capable woman who does not let anything stand in her way. She has become someone I trust implicitly. |
Calypso | I'm really starting to think I've been seriously misled about Islanders. They all seem to be more well spoken than a Lycene politician. You'd think people would have noticed by now. |
Caspian | We've only spent brief amounts of time together before, even when you were my patron. I plan on making you make up for that, so be ready! |
Coraline | Graceful and with a quiet sharp intellect and sense of humor, I am truly honored to know her and call her friend |
Cullen | Enigmatic, beautiful, and a wonderful conversationalist that I clearly need to run into more often now that we managed to be in the same place for longer than a breath or two. I quite look forward to it. |
Declan | She was a considerate and generous hostess, and I accidentally offended her by being slightly prudish. I need to make amends. |
Delilah | Charming, an elegant conversationalist who involves others readily with but a few words. New acquaintances and friendships seem to blossom around her effortlessly, due in no small part to being an approachable, merry soul. |
Domonico | Countess of Darkwater. Doesn't seem bothered by nudity in the slightest and barely batted an eyelid at my state of undress. Quite unflappable. Good quality to have. |
Duarte | She and I have a lot in common coming from humble beginnings. I enjoyed our conversation. |
Echo | I had the pleasure of getting to meet Lady Carita in quiet and warm company. She's awful sweet, way too adorable and genuinely great company. It's not really a surprise to hear that she's voice of her house. |
Ember | She is tiny and has a lot of emption bubbling to the surface. I think it will be easy for us to get along, she is quite the intereseting liege lord. |
Esme | I'm pretty certain my first memory of her is rather blurry. There was a lot of drinking at Kennex. A LOT. I am sure though that she is a beauty that one should not underestimate. We are sure to be friends. |
Evaristo | Just as beautiful as rumored. But what I most admire is her strength and determination. |
Evonleigh | Warm and welcoming with a wonderful smile. |
Fairen | One of the sweetest, nicest ladies I have had the distinct pleasure of sharing company with. Some of her food desires seem peculiar, but who am I to fault her on such things? |
Fecundo | I do not believe she is as much of a cream puff as she claims. Particularly with the quiet queries. |
Gerald | Ah, what a lovely young lady. Most delightful. Her whisper training does show through as well. |
Hamish | An impressive countess whose origins have not only not held her back, but may have contributed to her being as canny as she is. |
Harlex | A noblewoman or a will-o-wisp, who is either playing at trouble or is trouble and sets her own rules. Definitely fine company. |
Helia | Beautiful, quick-witted and charming lady. I hope I get the chance to spend more time in her company! |
Iseulet | She has a well earned and deserved reputation of being generous and cheerful, and I have to back up these claims. She's a treasure to the Mourning Isles for sure. |
Jasher | Courtesy hiding a confidence and iron will. I only have pity for those who anger her. |
Jeffeth | A lovely little lady from house Darkwater. She seems very kind and seems to be a good and honorable woman. She likes to tease me a little, but I have fun. I think she would make good company! |
Jordan | A Lady interested in bringing her people to prosperity once again, without the damaging binds of the past. |
Luca | I know that look. She is a pleasure to watch eating cake. I have given many compliments to many women, in my time, but that is, perhaps, the most unique one I have ever gifted to another person. And by gifted, I mean, I did not share it aloud. |
Melody | Oh /no/. A woman after my own heart, sharing not only a wonderful drink, but laughter and feigned ignorance alike. Something of a kindred spirit, one that I just can't wait to see again. |
Miranda | Good sense of humor, but doesn't seem to fully appreciate what a person is capable of when fully tested. Nothing a little self-confidence can't cure! |
Mirari | A very charming and beautiful woman. I haven't had the opportunity to get to know her as well as I should have during the tour, I should fix that soon. |
Neb | Possibly an illiterate Peer. Probably lying. |
Niklas | The always delightful Lady Carita Darkwater, always just on THIS side of a scandal. Hilarious and opinionated. |
Niklas | A tremendous woman with a tremendous story. She should write a book. |
Oliver | The Voice of Darkwater has an exceptionally keen mind and is a charming conversationalist. I look forward to working with her and seeing what we can accomplish in Darkwater. |
Petal | Always so friendly and welcoming to me. I think she has a kind heart. |
Porter | I mean, honestly. Who DOESN'T like Countess Darkwater? She's fantastic. What else is there to say? |
Quintin | The Countess is an intelligent woman, elegant and diplomatic both. I think I would hate to be on her bad side. |
Reese | She seems to be working hard to rebuild Darkwater. It won't be easy task, but I have faith in her abilities which seem immense. |
Rinel | A brief moment of kindness without thought--an impersonal kindness made all the more real for our lack of connection. |
Rook | Delightful company, and more than happy to give and receive help in turn, a true balance. |
Rosalie | A far more social woman than I, I admire people who can take in and process all of that stimulus and still keep up with everything! |
Rowenova | Charismatic Leader of House Darkwater and my Favorite Countess.%RShe is a beautiful person and sweet friend who kindly assisted me with my donation investments as well as generously gifted me so many lovely things. |
Roxana | Pale beauty of Thrax |
Sabella | I have always found Carita extremely friendly and quite charismatic and sharp! She is delightful to speak with and I always enjoy her company |
Sabella | The Countess of Darkwater is amazing! She lights up a room, is completely personable, and has the most wonderful imagination when it comes to events and parties! I am absolutely thrilled to consider her a close friend! |
Sparte | The lovely lady of Darkwater, pleasant company and with a wonderful laugh. I really hope Tom didn't steal anything off her shoes. |
Turo | Seems a friendly enough woman. Nice perfume. Wants to see turtles. I'm sure I can accommodate that at some point. |
Valdemar | Charming and sharp. Darkwater needs more leaders like her right now. |
Vanora | This ethereal beauty is as enchanting as she always was, and so sweetly supportive. I am so pleased to be in a position where I might hope to give her the warmth and solidarity in her time of need that she gave to me in mine. A remarkable woman. |
Victus | I've not always seen eye to eye with Lady Carita in the past. She was a common-born that rose to her station alongside a man with questionable motives. But through that, she's not abandoned her post and is still standing there for her people. Whatever the future holds, she's worthy of respect for her grit. |
Wren | The Countess of Darkwater is as charming and personable a woman as any could ever want to serve. Kindness is no weakness, and I imagine she is as fierce as she is gentle when it comes to protecting that which is hers. To serve her House is an honor I intend to live up to. |
Wulfrum | Pleasantly quick to the point with pleasantries for after. |
Zoey | She's doing the lion's share of the work her House needs done. I admire her tenacity! |
Zoey | I think getting close to you might be like playing with fire, but what a lovely way to burn. |