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Written By Sorrel

March 9, 2018, 1:57 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

I have spoken with the children's mother, as it turns out, because I was concerned that two Thrax wards were taken from their mother for no apparent reason. Said mother serves as a handmaiden to the children's aunt, furthermore. Or served, really. She is bitter with House Thrax, presumably for making the father of her children lie in the bed he made.

Their mother assures me that she will have the opportunity to spend time with her children, but she is truly troubled by their separation from their father. Mistress Zaina and Master Abbas ask for support for their children in this time and in the time ahead. That I can grant them. I am willing to support innocent children. I do not condone the actions of their father nor the fact that the mother's parental rights were essentially removed. These children are not orphans in any sense, however, and I offer them the same sort of support I would show any other child in a similar situation.

According to the children's mother, it is the wish of their father that they live ennobled by the Pravus household. While clearly this is a better social situation for the children than being common Thrax wards with little chance of being ennobled by the Thrax household, this doesn't mean the children were treated poorly or were uneducated while living as Thrax wards. It is merely convenient that Pravus is sympathetic to Abbas Crownsworn, who has been excommunicated and removed from his family for war crimes.

Written By Reigna

March 9, 2018, 1:52 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Cassima

In the effort not to assume the worst and to ask, lest I misunderstand...

Are you referring to my husband, Princess Cassima of Thrax?

Written By Alarissa

March 9, 2018, 1:50 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

Simply put Countess, House Pravus owes not House Keaton, nor any other house for that matters save one, an explanation. House Velenosa, their liege. And clearly, their liege is fine with it. Pravus will do what Pravus will do, and Keaton will do what Keaton will do. Perhaps being affronted might be better served in blacks? It is a thought. Merely such. And now i have better things to do with my own time. Any correspondence from those whowish to debate with me are welcome to send messengers or come to tea and change my view on this situation.

Written By Saya

March 9, 2018, 1:47 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Quiet rests as heavy stone,
I am empty and alone.

Written By Reigna

March 9, 2018, 1:46 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Cassima

I am not sure in how many ways I can restate this, but I will certainly try in as many ways as I can.

The children are children. This was not their choice, nor their decision. What was done was done TO them or FOR them if you prefer. Their agency was not applicable. They are blameless. They did not choose nor ask for this. They are not part of the equation of decision. Therefore, I wish them the best. They are children. Innocent as so many have said (Including me!).

I condemn Pravus for making a choice that cheapens the very fabric of nobility. There were other options that make far more sense. These children are two years old and have been Crownsworn this whole time, if what I understand is true. Why ennoble them now? What, I ask, was the point?

That is where my objection lies.

Written By Cassima

March 9, 2018, 1:45 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

I suppose in this case I owe everyone an apology.

I am fairly new to Arx, and as such was not privy to the flurry of whites that must have graced the pages every time a man or woman of non-noble blood was elevated into a noble family through marriage.

I only assume that any that would act against House Pravus for their decision in this matter also keeps track of all those others who have soiled the nobility over the years, and acts similarly against them - even those in their own household. I imagine they also make similar demands to know the inner-workings of the internal house decisions in such matters. Rightly so!

To do anything less would be woefully intellectually inconsistent, and as superior creatures, we nobility could never fall so low as to be guilty of that.

To those who manage their beliefs and spite so well, I am deeply sorry to have offended you with my earlier entries.

What? Yes Scholar, of course I'm being facetious.

Written By Fortunato

March 9, 2018, 1:43 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

I like being common, in the main. I will occasionally jest, but I am not interested in joining the Peerage (although I would be a credit, I assure you).

I like change. I like barriers being more porous. But I must note that the children of your serfs are just as innocent as the children you have outside of Limerance's bonds. No one is averse to being born to a little more wealth, a little more power. I understand anyone's compassion is necessarily limited. Anyone's resources. How we determine who is worthy of our help and elevation is also necessarily limited. You may need to decide what those limits are if you would change the current ones.

Written By Calaudrin

March 9, 2018, 1:42 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Tikva

Do you still have that banjo? My life is at stake.

Written By Aureth

March 9, 2018, 1:41 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

To weigh in on the pressing issue of today:

I believe Calaudrin can definitely puil off a beard.

Written By Thena

March 9, 2018, 1:38 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

You had better be kidding.

Written By Tessa

March 9, 2018, 1:37 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Oh! My parents are negligent undeserving of respect by anyone can I get adopted by Pravus too??? #iwontstartwars

Written By Cara

March 9, 2018, 1:33 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Tikva

As for Count Tibault and his adoption of children born outside of oaths --

Clearly, the man has a remarkable eye for those whose innate capability marks them as the very finest of souls among us. I expect his gift is the exception, not the rule.

Written By Cara

March 9, 2018, 1:31 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Either the establishment of the nobility has meaning beyond simply wealth and power, or it does not.

If it does not, then say so, and act boldly in pursuit of this new truth so that we may live openly and freely in whatever world arises from it.

If it does, then it should be respected as the order pursuant to the gods' wishes, and protected as such.

Children, obviously, should be treated kindly and with care. They should be raised fairly and educated, sheltered and given opportunity to pursue trades and callings, be that the church or the call of arms, the way of the crafter or trader or the path of service. Should their own valor raise them to a height which proclaims the gods' favor, then perhaps, _perhaps_, nobility should be theirs.

If it's to be anarchy, though, my advice would be to ensure your home is properly provisioned for emergencies, to invest in strong locks, and make friends with someone beefy and well-armed. Perhaps a Valardin. They are magnificent when things of arms and armor are involved.

Written By Khanne

March 9, 2018, 1:30 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

To echo Laric and Rei and Tikva and anyone else: I do not believe anyone has wished harm to the children, or said that they should suffer consequence of any sort. However, ennoblement in the Compact is a 'big deal'. People have thrown fits over some people earning titles of nobility... People who have -saved lives- of many others. Those who have ennobled them suffer hits to their reputation. Many of the nobility in the Compact rather frown upon the process, regardless of reason.

How is it so surprising when a House is questioned when they ennobled Crwonsworn children, without explanation, without mention of the mother, without anything other than, these babies are now Lord and Lady Pravus? I am not saying it was wrong or right of them, as I do not know the details, but, I do believe that is what has so many in a fervor, there were none given in regards to the ennoblement, taken in as orphans might be, when they are not such. I am most caught off kilter by the fact the children's parents are both well and able-bodied people, even if one has been handed a punishment for his crimes. That people are so surprised at the reaction of many baffles me.

I know that when I thought to give nobility to one sworn but commoner, I suffered consequences of the peanut gallery, and the process never even finished.

That's all I am saying, whether we wish the Compact to understand and not raise a brow at all, society is what it is, and does not tend to change over night. It shouldn't come as a surprise that it is questioned.

No one who has spoken out in the whites has called for harm to the children, that I have seen thus far. If any had actually, I would have expected a rather volatile cascade of responses from many across all of the houses. What sense would it make to punish a man for things he has done, in part to children, then wish ill upon his children? None. That would be hypocritical.

I, for one, wish the children the best in their futures, may they be bright and full of all the things children need to flourish.

Written By Corban

March 9, 2018, 1:28 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

Countess Reigna sums my views on the matter well. To take a child into one's home and raise and care for them is a show of Gild's charity. But the peerage is a limited group for good and sufficient reasons and to expand it to those who are not born to the honor without exceptional cause uncalled for.

Duchess Belladonna ensures that these children will not be raised by a monster who has forsaken not just Gloria's honor but also the love of the entire Pantheon. For that, she is to be applauded.

But for weakening the peerage, I cannot concur. Countess Reigna no doubt speaks for many, and I find the vigor of the dissent to be perplexing.

Written By Cassima

March 9, 2018, 1:23 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

I find it hard to understand how one can wish the children well, and in the same stroke of the pen call for consequences against the House that took them in. Those two courses contradict each other.

Written By Tikva

March 9, 2018, 1:22 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

My word. I cannot say it is shocking that when one writes in feeling, one is wildly misinterpreted, for it happens often, yet here I am taking pen to paper to clarify, lest my own sister decide I am a monster of ingratitude.

It's nice to see so many voices raised in support of the ennoblement of bastard children. Count Tibault would have had much less to shield us from if these voices had been raised mightily when I was a girl. I would have had to fight less hard for Tiber's title when I married Lord Kelleth. I won't speak to a thousand sneers and sideglances. If you haven't been there, I suppose you might not notice.

These are bastard children with two living commoner parents who are being adopted by a titled duchess with issue of her own. For some reason. I hope someone consulted their living, breathing commoner mother.

But sure, let us by all means that this is all about the grace and innocence of children. That everyone always ennobles bastards. Out of simple loving kindness. Without respect for what their parents have done to their own oaths.

That is obviously how this has always worked. Think of the children.

Written By Reigna

March 9, 2018, 1:21 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

Thank you for that. It sheds light onto the situation, but still fails to explain why they were adopted. Being made wards of House Pravus would have afforded them those same luxuries. That they are kin... I see that. To an extent. Blood is important. But in this case I, personally, find the justification weak. Clearly the Duchess Belladonna did not. That is her choice. It is mine to think poorly of it, and to feel affronted.

Again, this is *not* about the children or begrudging them a rich and prosperous future. It is about the message that Pravus sends about the worth and value of the titles they so freely give away.

Written By Orazio

March 9, 2018, 1:20 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

To the Faithful Reader:

A few musings on a matter which seems to have consumed several journals I read - the adoption and ennoblement of two children to House Pravus. It is in the spirit of charity and generosity, beloved of Gild, to provide shelter and love to children who may be orphaned or whose parents can no longer take care of them. These children, however, are not. They have both living mother and living father, however in disgrace the latter might be. I confess I am curious as to why father and mother abandoned their own responsibilities to the children and instead gave them into the care of strangers of no blood relation.

Further, it is worth noting that it is possible to give children shelter and love and a place to belong without also raising them to the nobility for no good reason and even outside their own fealty. Of course, it is an interesting move politically - now, when these children reach adulthood, they may bring war and strife to not one, but two fealties: a Great House and one of the most powerful Duchies of the Lyceum, by virtue of both blood and adoption. But, by all means, teach them to desire the finer things in life, raise them to feel entitled to power, train them to lead and persuade people to their causes, and then - one supposes - attempt to trade them off as marriage fodder to the minor vassals who will be satisfied and not insulted with being bound to common-born adoptees instead of blooded members of the House. Or perhaps they will simply marry for 'love', maybe even to commoners, themselves. It's the popular thing, these days.

Of course, this is the Lyceum we're talking about. If they're very good students of their teachings, one of them may take an interest in the apothecary arts and we shall have a most unusual Duke or Duchess fifteen years down the line, owing to the rest of the family having some unfortunate accidents at mealtimes. It wouldn't be the choice I would make for the well-being of my House and family, but it should at least prove exciting.

Written By Calaudrin

March 9, 2018, 1:20 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

If I was going to scream into my whites, I'd use a lot more exclamation points and capital letters. For example:


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