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Written By Kenna

March 9, 2018, 10:36 p.m.(5/2/1008 AR)

And Officer Merek.

Okay! I promise to go lay down now! Geeze...

Written By Kenna

March 9, 2018, 10:32 p.m.(5/2/1008 AR)

Oops. Silver. Got her Silver back.

I think perhaps there has been too much excitement tonight.

Written By Kenna

March 9, 2018, 10:31 p.m.(5/2/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Delilah

I was perhaps slightly overexcited tonight.

BUT. (underlined twice)

I was able to actually //act// as a Guard tonight. A man attacked a granny and her son in front of me and I gave chase. He ALMOST escaped, but then Lieutenant Ainsley and Guardsman Merek came to assist and together we were able to capture him.

I hope that the granny got her gold back. I really should ask about that....

See Delilah! I'm perfectly safe at this job!

Written By Tikva

March 9, 2018, 10:19 p.m.(5/2/1008 AR)

I am glad that this matter has been cleared up.

Written By Corban

March 9, 2018, 10:05 p.m.(5/2/1008 AR)

I am pleased that Duchess Belladonna has clarified the status of her two wards. Whatever the exact course of events that led up to the erroneous proclamation, I am glad the matter has been put right and the Peerage remains as strong as it was before the flurry of journals on the matter.

Written By Esoka

March 9, 2018, 9:49 p.m.(5/2/1008 AR)

I have spent much time in the shrine of Mangata this week. My prayers go to all the Pantheon as I prepare for the clash against the forces of the Pirate King, but I am conscious that it is the goddess of air and tides that I fight for particularly. Her dread enemy threatens our shores, and by defeating it, we shall renew Her strength and strike a blow at those who shadow Her.

Whenever my heart prays to Mangata, they are prayers for home. For me, she has always been the goddess of the rivers I grew up on. The shores of the Son and Daughter were our fishing grounds that sustained us. I learned to swim in their depths, and my first fights were in defending our hunting grounds along them. Petrichor may be the god of the hearth but, for me, Mangata's currents have always carried me without fail toward a place I call home. I pray they shall carry me back to my hearth and those I love after this battle at Stormwall is over and done.

My sword goes with the blessing of Archlector Madeleine, on my lips is the taste of the goddess's spring wine, and in my heart assurance that the winds that blow me northward shall soon return me, one way or another. I am sustained, lady of winds and tides, and I shall fight for you with all that's within me.

Written By Juliana

March 9, 2018, 9:26 p.m.(5/2/1008 AR)

Please realize, that the children Amir and Aisha are not being warded by a random house. Their paternal grandmother Marjory, Uncle, Lord Sebastian and myself their aunt are all Pravus. To offer protection and shelter to our niece and nephew is not something that I believe should seem even remotely odd.

Written By Kael

March 9, 2018, 9:02 p.m.(5/2/1008 AR)

What a flurry to come back to after spending a long day in the field working with soldiers. I am not quite sure how it has come up, but the record of my origin: I am the son of the former Countess Nadine Keaton, and her husband, Count-Consort Magnus Keaton (formerly Blackshore). I was not ennobled in the respect that I was crownsworn and granted title for my deeds. No, I was the rightful heir.

That being said, I was raised by a governess and not by my blood. It was a governess, to my understanding, that Nadine Keaton chose for me. I might argue in certain respects that this is little different than a noble choosing a nurse and tutors thereafter, for the governess never claimed to be a parent to me. That is not quite right however and could fill an entire page of my journal on its own.

My point is my rearing came with hard lessons on what it meant to be nobility. I was unaware that these lessons were perhaps meant to me, but I listened well nonetheless. To do otherwise would mean discipline (chop wood, lug the supplies for the blacksmith, and so forth). Consequences for choices, you see. The governess made quite certain to explain to me how my actions had consequences, but that the actions of a local Baron typically had further impact -- not always, but typically.

Take for example my origin. Nadine Keaton's choice to put me with the governess had consequences. Consequences for her, for me, for my family, for my people. Was it the right choice? Perhaps. Perhaps it even saved my life. There were still consequences, however, even if I can remark on the advantages as well as disadvantages.

Before it is pointed out to me, I have seen Duchess Belladonna Pravus's latest proclamation. This is not really about that -- and in truth, even had it not been made, I would not care to comment on that adoption or lack thereof -- but rather is about the responsibility of nobility. The need to recognize that words, spoken or written, and actions, have impact. This should be known.

The act of ennoblement should also not be seen as a thing without consequence, even under the best of circumstances. A great weight has been put on the new noble's shoulders if you have properly prepared them, and it shall remain there. So too is there the burden on you, for their actions are now yours. This is no simple, easy thing.

Written By Sameera

March 9, 2018, 8:32 p.m.(5/2/1008 AR)

People are far too focused on the actions of others. I don't really see the point of dissecting who adopted who or made them wards. Guess if people want to obsess over shit they can't affect they can. Seems a waste of time.

Written By Saoirse

March 9, 2018, 7:40 p.m.(5/2/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Belladonna

I think it's very noble of Duchess Belladonna to not only state her misstep, but apologize and correct it. We all make mistakes, we all misread situations, and I appreciate someone so willing to learn.

That sounds so condescending.

I mean simply, Belladonna, I admire that you are flexible in your leadership without being weak. That is a hard line to find.

Written By Niklas

March 9, 2018, 7:39 p.m.(5/2/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabella

My friend and patron. A lover of the arts and a particular fan of mine. Beautiful, witty and rich. Of course she's one of my favorite people in the city!

Written By Ida

March 9, 2018, 6:56 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

How lucky I am to share fealty with you, Countess Reigna, and the whole Keaton family. It seems the Oathlands are full of people with giving and generous hearts, something you and your family have shown me numerous times. How proud /I/ am, too, Countess, and humbled by such kind words.

Written By Talen

March 9, 2018, 6:19 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Harper

That's what you get when you disappear unannounced, Harper.


Written By Harper

March 9, 2018, 6:18 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

I've been away for a bit, I think. There were three messengers waiting for me when I came to. All three from Prince Talen Velenosa. I should get in touch as soon as possible.

Written By Driskell

March 9, 2018, 6:04 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Children very much take on the burdens and sins of their parents, otherwise why do refer to former Abandoned who were born in that environment and become citizens of the Compact as Prodigals? Doesn't humanity with broad brush paint those who are our enemies as evil? Do we not strip them of personable traits so that war and death can happen without guilt attached to such choices we make or how it impacts a cycle which repeats with the children born in such chaos? Do we not make clear distinctions that you are part of this fealty or that one?

If on one hand you say children are not tied to the sins of their forebears, then you're also saying a child should not be tied to the successes of their ancestors...and as such, the whole entire thought of social class distinctions should be erased with a skill and aptitude-based meritocracy.

But I don't see that happening.

Written By Estil

March 9, 2018, 5:54 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

The weather is fair, the streets are bustling, and here I am locked away slaving over documents and tedious, dry correspondence. Windows open to the fresh breeze. I can't even begrudge the droplets of ink gone astray with the occasional gust of wind. Someone come rescue this fair maiden from the drudgery of household duties!

Written By Bianca

March 9, 2018, 5:52 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

"Let the most studious amongst you take sacred vow to forever guard the knowledge of the world, and allow all among you from the greatest to the least to chronicle their lives in journals so their knowledge may never be lost."

Written By Wynna

March 9, 2018, 5:41 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

I weep for the poor messengers. At least Arx shan't lack for strong runners.

Written By Jeffeth

March 9, 2018, 5:32 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me on behalf of the kids Your kindness will not be forgotten by Gild Or me I would like to clarify that I don't run any orphanages, I grew up in one, but I do spend a lot of time in the lowers orphanages So I know a lot of kids and a lot of staff I can certainly help point people in the right direction if you so choose I was thinking about trying to have an event for some of the kids Where there would be contests the kids could watch with prizes so a lot of people could come Raise awareness, and have some fun, meet some of the kids If anyone would be interested in donating prizes for that kind of thing or helping out with it, I'm not such a great organizer or a writer for that matter

Scholar what do you mean run on sentence, I can't finish the journal if I run off

Written By Marian

March 9, 2018, 5:09 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Percephon

You are one of the smartest men that I have ever met. Your engagement to Lady Khanne only solidifies my belief of your intelligence. She is a beautiful treasure who's beauty shines both inside and out.

As you pack your things to move to the Redrain Villa, know an old friend waits to greet you.

Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.

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