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Written By Peri

March 11, 2018, 8:47 p.m.(5/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Luis

As dangerous as his sister, though in his own way. Excellent taste in cheese.

Written By Mailys

March 11, 2018, 8:08 p.m.(5/6/1008 AR)

It seems like a lifetime ago when I first came to Arx with bright eyes and a spring to my step for all of the possibilities that the city had to hold. I've never truly lost it but I find my steps more measured these days. I never imagined so much would change in my absence but their is no mantle of fault to lie but upon my own shoulders. Where once I was content to let others do so much of the work I've found a new determination to move forward and gather up all the little pieces that I left behind or let slip through the cracks. I am determined however not to constantly dwell on the past as I can only move forward, one step at a time.

With so many moving to war and so many refugees flooding into the city, my own troubles seem but mere trifles. I am not suited for the call to arms though I shall endeavor to do all that I can to assist those that need it. I admit some part of my willingness is the smallest bit of selfishness in the hopes that I shall one day see more of my family again, most especially my brother Brayden. In our earliest years we were nigh inseparable. I must have faith in the gods for the divergence of our paths and that ultimately one day I shall see him again. Until then I take comfort in what I have here with the small family I have and with new acquaintance and the slowly growing little circle of friends. For now I must stand tall and take what life has to offer in stride for good or for ill. The words have never held more true that we cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails.

Written By Malesh

March 11, 2018, 7:08 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

I can't decide if it is encouraging or discouraging that business ventures are so successful during this time of conflict. I'll tell myself it's a sign that we're all working together more harmoniously, rather than the more cynical alternatives.

Written By Christine

March 11, 2018, 6:13 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

At least I snuck out with the excuse of going to the bank and I had a nice chat with Ann and some of her friends. I really need to sit with her when I'm on and we'll have some free time and a few bottles to empty!
Maybe I should drag Victoria along...

Written By Christine

March 11, 2018, 6:12 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

Bring sick it's horrible!
I'm tired of coughing and I'm tired of being home and tired of being alone and I'm staying to hate this stupid tea!

Written By Estaban

March 11, 2018, 5:57 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucita

Soon I leave with the fleet to face our enemy on the sea and there is so much I wish to say but I find it so hard to do so.
I know that we will both be protecting people and I know you will be in good hands but I find myself laying away at night watching you my beautiful wife and know that our child grows with in your, the heir to Saik land Greens.
Please remember my wife, that you are Baroness of House Saik and you carry our child and that I would have it no other way.

Written By Leola

March 11, 2018, 5:43 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

My talents have in demand this week again. Teaching how to shape the land and live with it and off it; I'm proud to be able to offer aid to nobility and commoner both, to show how Petrichor's work is relevant no matter the path of life you follow.

My thanks, to Lady Skye, Lady Emily, and Sir Jeffeth for allowing me to aid you in these ways.

Written By Titania

March 11, 2018, 5:33 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Gailin

I never thought things would be how they are now, we did not meet under the best ways and keep our courting silent for a while. I had always been scared to think of Marriage and even more so at the thought of leaving my family behind. But here I am not wanting it any other way, my dear husband here we ate expecting our first child. I know that you are a warrior and I would have it no other way but I can not stand at your side this time, please make sure you return to us I need you, we need you.

Written By Gwenna

March 11, 2018, 4:57 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Orazio

Not only did I have both the pleasure and honor of meeting Legate Orazio today over a lovely breakfast, but I had one of the most wonderful, insightful conversations. There is a decided sense of authority when speaking with him, an educated man who seems to have seen and learned much in this word. The things one might glean from his experiences? I can only imagine. He is also affable, allowing and answering my many questions quite sincerely. I am sure there are matters we might not agree on, but I greatly appreciate his willingness to speak candidly and very much look forward to speaking with him again. I feel like I could learn so much.

Written By Amari

March 11, 2018, 4:35 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

Well, here I am in Arx. After two years with little contact with my family, many things have changed and many things haven't. The Keatons have a new Count and Countess, my cousin Veronica is an Inquisitor, and generally, everyone seems to know their place in the world... except me.

Thanks to my father, I have the law, at least. While my cousins will be swinging their swords, discussing battle strategies, tracking and hunting in the woods... I'll be sitting on the sidelines with a head full of marriage contract clauses and court rulings. Hopefully, I can be useful. They've been very kind and welcoming, considering, and it's only right I repay their hospitality even if initially, it's only by babysitting the young Count to be while everyone else is off campaigning.

By luck, it also happens that the Duchess of House Laurent is a lawyer. I look forward to meeting her and thank Kael for the introduction and good words he may have passed along to her about my character and ability. The Duke was quite friendly when we met at the Gauntlet, so I hope she's of a similar disposition.

Written By Venturo

March 11, 2018, 4:24 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

During my journey to Arx, part of my trip was aboard a ship. It was here as I was having dinner one night, that I overheard what I assume was a husband and wife talking about their migration to the same city I was headed towards.

The husband had reservations. Doubts. The past weighed heavily on him. He'd miss the mountains. The snow that glistened on their peaks. The feeling of hope he got from each spring. The memories of his now passed parents that these peaks and valleys conjured up for him. He felt as if he was leaving a part of him behind, a void that couldn't be filled. It was his wife's words that resonated so with me as I listened to this couple. Just because you turn the page on a chapter, doesn't mean those words are no longer written. But a full page has room for no more words, no more memories, no more chances for the story to play out. Moving on gives you these opportunities, but it doesn't mean you replace those words. Those memories remain. You are merely creating a new chapter to your life.

And so, here is to my arrival in Arx, a new chapter, and so many more exciting stories to be had.

Written By Ardoin

March 11, 2018, 4:23 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

What a chaotic arrival! I am attempting to settle in, but all here is in flux due to the battles coming up. And I will be sitting here, which is quite unfortunate. I still feel not at home yet, but I have spoke with a couple of interesting people.

Written By Dante

March 11, 2018, 4:04 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

Violet is a true charm. A merit to all who know her. May I prove a good enough fellow to be friends with her and her husband to be, who is in his own right a hell of a fighter. I know I tend to flirt and overextend myself socially but these are people it would behoove me to grow close to.

Written By Donaldo

March 11, 2018, 4:03 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

I like to share stories I hear in my travels.

This one concerns a particular tribe of Shav from the north.

The shav man stumbles his way outside after having too much to drink, and he lays down to sleep near a common path.

In the morning, as he is snoring away his stupor, two young girls of the compact find him as they take a ride through the woods.

With wonderment one asks the other, "That shav man, do you think it is true they do not wear anything under their kilts?"

The second young woman decides to check, and to their surprise the immodest Shav indeed has nothing but what the gods had blessed him with at his birth.

After a fit of giggles the girls decide to leave the Shav man a gift, and so one of them lets down her hair and uses that blue ribbon to tie a pretty wee bow around what they've found before they ride back to town.

After noon, when the Shav finally wakes to give back what he has taken from the bottle, he discovers with shock the gift the young women have left him.

Bewildered, he exclaims, "My little friend, I do not know where you have been, but I am glad to see you have taken first prize!"

And that, scholars and historians of tomorrow, is why I never drink alone even if I do prefer trousers.

Written By Joscelin

March 11, 2018, 3:59 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

I walked into my shop this morning to find literature. -Smutty-. Literature. Everywhere. The counters, the sofa, the chairs ...

Is someone trying to tell me something?

[muttering overheard: "'Triple Threat'? What does that even -mean-? Is that position -possible- outside of an orgy that includes scaffolding and four people to spot you? What? NO scholar, don't-"]

Written By Lottie

March 11, 2018, 2:59 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Mirari

I look forward to your hugs of gratitude!

Written By Tessa

March 11, 2018, 2:36 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

People who see the comfortable well worn path as the only option lack imagination.

Written By Hadrian

March 11, 2018, 2 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

It's telling when a friendly game like Donkey Knights spawns such larger-than-life personalities and characters within its own mythos, that while reading the journals of others you spot references to those very same characters.

I certainly chuckled.

Written By Sameera

March 11, 2018, 1:59 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

*several pages of sketches of jewelry*

Written By Venturo

March 11, 2018, 1:47 p.m.(5/5/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Emily

Have you ever heard of David Stockton from Blancbier? Fanciful, vivid man. What he lacked in common sense he made up for in creativity. The man could talk your ear off, and then start working on the other one. He wanted to be a Scholar of Vellichor. As he begun his training, he struggled. For as verbose and experienced as he was with both the written and spoken word, he couldn't find the rhythm of putting down the words of others to parchment. It shouldn't be hard, you'd think. But he just found his concentration drifting, the style of his letters and words sloppy.

One evening as I was listening to his laments, the poor fellow clearly uncertain what to do, I turned to him and I said, "David. Your problem is you aren't writing for yourself. The stories you have to share with the world aren't the ones you write for others, but the ones in your mind. The world will be richer for reading your thoughts and ideas, not from how well you pen with quill the voices of the people who need a scribe." Six months later, as I'd moved on in my travels, a messenger found me. Gave me a book. I lost all track of time that evening, turning from page to page, so vivid was the fictional narrative laid out before me. The author? David Stockton.

It's a rare gift to read the written word that makes us lose track of time. Keep writing, Lady Darkwood, regardless of your other pursuits.

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