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Written By Dycard

June 17, 2018, 10:02 a.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

Three weeks back in civilisation. I've seen Blackshore once more, and welcomed our Highlord and his entourage to our docks. It was a different part of an island we visited but rarely, but I've seen it - and in many ways it already looks a great deal better than the old keep and town did, with the hard work of our people to their own profit as well as ours and a saner, more careful hand at the helm.

The harvest was in and the flowers were blooming in New Hope. The place is well-named indeed.

Written By Zebulon

June 17, 2018, 9:57 a.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Ylva

Ylva, while it may be harder to find you now when I take multiple concussive head blows, I assure you that I will still seek you out first to attend to my healing needs.

In regards to this whole discussion, as a sailor, you learn to use the best tool you have on hand, no matter where it came from, even if its not your favorite. An unarmed warrior will grab whatever weapon is near at hand, even if he is unfamiliar with it, should it mean the difference between life and death. That's practical and simple. You don't throw away something of value because it isn't the exact one you were looking for. My faith in the Pantheon is unchanged by whoever tends to my healing needs.

Written By Sparte

June 17, 2018, 9:44 a.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

Seasilk. I have no idea how you wash seasilk. Do you have to keep it out of the sun while drying? Does it matter if you scrub it, does it lose shape or discolor? Not what I expected to be learning.

Written By River

June 17, 2018, 9:29 a.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

After reading some of the words written in the whites recently I can only conclude, that if The Shamans of the city wish to serve in a group of their own, perhaps it is time to find own congregation, and ways to bind themselves together as an organization. I know there must be a way for individuals to still serve others, and if Shamanism is So common, as it seems to be, it doesn't seem to me that finding a new tie to one another is difficult, so long as it falls into appropriate standards. That being said, I believe it is the Pantheon that suffers from this as they have told their faithful to look elsewhere for service. Still, there will be more to rise up and fill the places left vacant. Does it help matters? It does not. Is it a decision I can understand? yes. I think it is a poor decision though.

Written By Cristoph

June 17, 2018, 9:21 a.m.(1/12/1009 AR)

My sympathies are with those who find themselves barred from disciples suddenly, it's a particular kind of pain when you find yourself on the outs of something you were deeply involved in.

For those who happen to read my journals, I must kindly suggest that they reference the pages of Archlectors Aureth and Aleksei. You may believe in other things, if that is something that calls to you. But if you are to serve the Faith of the Pantheon in any capacity, you must serve it fully and without a devotion to others. I do not think that is unreasonable.

I sense there are some concerns from those who were once Mercies. Your path of healing others does not have to go unfulfilled if you wish to do it within a larger organization. The Physicians Guild of Arx does tremendous work and they are secular. They also have the added distinguishment of being run by Countess Reigna Keaton, a fine and honorable woman who works tirelessly for others.

Written By Belladonna

June 17, 2018, 8:51 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

Yes, right up until the point Dominus Fawkhul pushed Archduchess Esera Velenosa from Sovereign Bridge. At which point he was taken into custody, stripped of his position, and Esera was granted posthumous forgiveness by the Faith, if I'm not mistaken. That the other High Lords sought forgiveness -before- his regrettable break from sanity was discovered is moot.

Written By Preston

June 17, 2018, 8:48 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Asger

The Duke brings up Stormwall and what was seen. I could answer him in three ways. First I could say that what we saw was lightning - this occurs all the time. And often strikes the tallest trees in the forest. And what taller trees are there on the ocean than trebuchets on boats? But, that is a cowardly answer. I could answer that where he puts down actions to the intervention of spirits answering the prayers of his shamans, I put down to the actions of Mangata and of Petrichor, answering the prayers of the many thousands of Godsworn struggling at that time outside his walls. But that is a zealot's answer.

What I would instead answer is that, let us suppose the spirits are real. Rabbits are also real. But we do not worship rabbits. We thank Petrichor for his bounty. Medicinal herbs are real, and we thank Lagoma for her mercy we do not thank the herb. The Rectory is real, but we do not worship its hewn stone. We thank Jayus for his craft guiding the hands of the masons. If the spirits are real, they are - as all things are - creations of the Gods, or of the Abyss. If you deny that they are of the Gods, you accept they are of the Abyss. If you accept they are of the Gods, then we thank the Gods for that and worship the Gods for that bounty.

I am accused often of seeing the world in black and white. Good and evil. It is true. Because we have seen what happens when you allow even a hint of grey. The slippery slope that it becomes. Men like Abbas were born of that grey, where you can cross at will from good to evil providing you can justify the ends. That isn't what we should strive to be. And yes, we will fail. Because we are mortal. But we will pick ourselves up after each failure and strive again to be good, to be pious and to be the greatness the Gods deserve in their followers.

Written By Quenia

June 17, 2018, 8:46 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

The betrayal is a hurt that will take a long time to recover from, I think. I want to take the time to thank everyone who has privately reached out to me. Your support means a great deal. Thank you.

Written By Preston

June 17, 2018, 8:41 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Belladonna

I will consider much of what you have said, for our friendship though quiet this past year was once close. But if I may point out, that Dominus' actions in regards to excommunications were upheld by the Faith. That the High Lords sought forgiveness, and were so forgiven, for their transgression.

Written By Belladonna

June 17, 2018, 8:38 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

Just because one person's viewpoints are right, does not automatically make another person's viewpoints wrong, Sir Preston. We are a cohesive group with many beliefs and walks of life. What is right for one person may not be right for another. That does not make them wrong anymore than what is right for -you- making another's choices wrong for not having walked the same path.

I believe you are trying to force an issue with many shades of gray into stark black and white. There is not 'what is right and what is wrong'. There is 'what is right for -you-?'. And that is a question that every person in Arx, Shaman or Priest, Common or Noble, should be asking themselves right now. The Gods give us much.. including the right to -choose- what is right for us as individuals. What is saddening people throughout the city is that they are being told that what is -right- for them is actually -wrong- because it does not follow what someone else thinks it should be.

What is worrisome is that the Faith is now dictating who can and cannot help those in need based upon that idea of right and wrong. The Scholars, the Mercies, these organizations will suffer with the loss of those who -rightly- refuse to step away from the ideological path that is right -for them- and thus are made to step away. I, for one, cannot understand why it matters so much if the person I look to for help in finding an obscure reference to a fabric blend from 300 years ago believes wholly in Vellichor or if they feel that the spirits of the world are also entities to be acknowledged. I doubt my late husband, a man of devout Faith and member of the Knights of Solace, would have cared if it was a shaman who closed his wounds on the battlefield so long as they did a proper job of it. I know for damn sure neither he nor I would give one fuck what mingled beliefs they held if it meant healing our son of an illness.

I will leave one final reminder. The last time we had a Dominus decide that something was not allowed because it went against the Faith, High Lords were excommunicated and an Archduchess lost her life. Pray we are not looking to repeat history by substituting the Nox'alfar with the Shamans.

Written By Asger

June 17, 2018, 8:34 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

I got a question for the Archlector of Skald, if the faith were to say....Start forcing shamans to turn from their beliefs at the tip of the sword or using other pressures to force conversion would you condemn that? At what point would you speak up against others trying to strip away the beliefs of a people?

Written By Asger

June 17, 2018, 8:11 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

You know I rarely take to the journals because I don't think a man's thoughts should normally be so public for the world to see. In the matter of beliefs it is no secret I follow the spirits, I have communed with them personally on multiple occasions and I have had the blessings of Mangata fall on my shoulders anointing me with the strength and savagery of the sea when I risked my life to clear her shrine of foul influence. I'd like to remind the Templar that many of your number saw the workings and movement of the Spirits first hand when they rose up to protect Stormwall from the invaders and lay them low. They obviously exist, this isn't a northern misguided phenomenon, the spirits exist and they protect us. So why is it to those that acknowledge their existence and offer them the odd prayer, gift at a shrine or beseech them for protection but have made it a lifelong goal to serve your gods and their ideals you would stop them from service? Perhaps if any could answer this, they could answer a heathen's genuine question. Where have the gods demanded their worship to the exclusion of others? If ya had just one god, I could understand being jealous and all that but with multiple ones you already have to acknowledge there isn't one king god and everyone else it a pretender or other spiritual parts of the world don't exist because it might hurt their feelings to realize we are surrounded by intangible protectors. (My bet is that the south is jealous that they long ago threw away their ancestral ties to the spirits and when the forces of darkness come they won't rise up to protect them)

Written By Sina

June 17, 2018, 7:44 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

I do not know Mistress Shard, but what I can say is that these types of comments are unproductive. Debate is all well and good, but it should be a respectful sharing of ideas and beliefs. Once you go down that road of disrespect and name-calling, you only fuel the flames of conflict and division.

Sir Preston is one of the staunchest supporters of the Orthodoxy of the Faith. His faith is one of absolutes, including absolute loyalty to the Gods and obedience to the decrees of the Dominus. That is his path. While I may not always agree with Sir Preston in matters of philosophy or approach, he is worthy of respect as a leader in his own right within the Faith, and as a devoted servant of the Gods.

It was never my intention to bicker or cause bickering. Only to encourage discussion and thought in hopes of opening our hearts and minds to civil discourse. Since it has now officially turned to name-calling, I am bowing out.

Written By Cullen

June 17, 2018, 7:26 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

A woman of whom I think very highly said that sometimes the best course of action is to say nothing at all when I initially picked up a quill to pen a reaction to the Dominus' decision. However, I think that that with some time to cool down I've only a simple thing to say on it, something that saddens me immensely.

I was preparing to join a Discipleship myself, but I would no sooner give up the spirits than the gods. As an extremely devout follower of both, I count myself fortunate that I hadn't yet become a disciple, and would have had to resign it, like so many friends have had to do so painfully. And now we are weaker when we need to be stronger.

Written By Shard

June 17, 2018, 6:41 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

I don't know about the high lord, but being a sanctimonious jackass always convinces me to give up my misguided worships.

Written By Preston

June 17, 2018, 6:19 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Darren

The point where I disagree most is a single word. You said 'rightly'. That they rightly refuse to give up worship of the shamanist ways to fully embrace the Pantheon. It has always been a compromise which allows this blended shamanism and pantheon worship to exist. The fact pure shamanistic worship and rejection of the pantheon was outlawed should show a direction of travel that was desired, and which many over the years have followed.

But. Rightly. That word. Does that mean then that those who instead pledge to worship the Gods alone, and continue their good work within the Faith, are those people wrong? Are all people who worship just the Pantheon, as we have for untold years of our past? I know that extends that single word to an extreme, but it is worth considering. A high lord's words carry direction, similar to a Dominus. If you tell your people one way is right then the other must be wrong, and think of the impact of that. Both on people decisions, but also on those who have already made the decision to put away misguided worships in favour of pure worship of the Pantheon.

Written By Clara

June 17, 2018, 6:04 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Arik

Likewise, I stand by Arik's observations on the topic of the Faith's Decree. It is true that this decision affects many who accept both Shamanism and the Pantheon as personal faith. Many have been barred from showing their devotion in a way of their choosing to their patron Gods due to the beliefs of an institution that is supposed to be working on integrating itself into the hearts and minds of people across The Compact.

Those that find themselves lost and betrayed have the option of letting this travesty poison their minds or we can take it as an opportunity to let our hearts grow by embracing that knowledge that all men are imperfect and subject to making grievous mistakes.

The Spirits and The Gods offer us wisdom but it is up to us whether or not we choose to listen and so I extend to people a thought... Will we embrace our fellow men and women in The Compact despite their faults or do we continue to hold a grudge against the Dominius for his apparent slight against an entire culture?

After my own knee jerk reactions, something I am not wholly proud of but will own, I feel that it is best for myself and others that we continue to work on bridging the gap between the acceptance of Gods and Spirits, Shamans and Archlectors, Shamanism and The Faith. Anyone event is welcome to come and speak with me on the topic if they need an ear.

Written By Clara

June 17, 2018, 5:43 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Darren

I think that High Lord Darren has said this best and I thank him for putting my own feelings on the matter into smoother words than I was able during my initial frustration.

Written By Clara

June 17, 2018, 5:36 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

Subject: New Redrain Houses

I disagree with how this was done. I disagree with the ease at which anyone, commoners or otherwise, were able to simply come into a house and power with minimal effort in proving their loyalties and maturity. I look upon these new houses with a leery eye. I will openly state my distrust of this situation but I do hope my instincts are wrong.

Written By Sina

June 17, 2018, 5:25 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

That is to say, anyone who is a layperson.

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