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Written By Signe

June 16, 2018, 9:55 p.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

The wisdom of the old ways cannot be silenced.

Written By Alarissa

June 16, 2018, 9:54 p.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

Nearly a day. Nearly a day to bring him into this world. But gods, he is here and he is... so blonde. Victus was angry that I ordered he be kept away, not even in the same wing as me. He underestimates his rage when it comes to his women hurting, especially when there is little that can be done about it. This is our war, our battle. He asked Ailith what it was like. She described in best an analogy as she could. His uttered words in response were that he was glad that he was born with a cock.

But he cradles his son, as he cradled his daughter and temper at being occupied elsewhere and only summoned in the faint hours of morning have disappeared as we tiredly decided what to name our son. Whether Astrid would rage or be endeared to this child. Or if the Claw of arx will guard him or hate him. I have given him a boy. A blonde haired, little boy that has far too much of me in him and not enough of him. We could not choose a name, so we have blended two. An honourarium to two men who gave much for either of us.

And so I am tired. This was more arduous I think, than even Astrid's. There was no god calling him forth, no sea creatures, no kraken, no storm tossed waves. No, like he said, he is born to storms to come. Like his fathering banging down the door. For now, both rest beside me and a nursemaid will take him soon to feed him. I am content. I have done, what I can, within what little time I have to give him children. Perchance I can give him another if the gods see fit to. Perhaps not. But at least she will not be alone anymore. She will have another at her back when the wolves bay and howl and others move to try and unseat her for being a girl. She will have him. I know this.

I could die tomorrow and I will have done my duty to Thrax and to my husband. I pray to the gods I do not, because there is so much more left to do. So much left I want to do and so little time to do it in.

Would that Brother Driskell were here to bless him as well. I wonder what he would call him.

Written By Acacia

June 16, 2018, 8:55 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

As my father used to say, "There's hindsight and then there's behindsight."

The first is when you suddenly see what you missed. Sometimes shocking and often disheartening, but you let yourself can't dwell too hard on it. You just have rise up, learn from it, fix it or mitigate the damage, and move on as best you can.

The other involves a lot talking out of your ass about what others should have seen that was likely impossible to see or know at the time -- often without fully knowing the facts or circumstances of the incident yourself.

Seems there's a lot of that going on lately.

Written By Shard

June 16, 2018, 6:40 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

I'm not saying it's black and white, but you're still making stupid assumptions about a man we both freely admit we know nothing about. The world's messy, and so are people. You seem to be arguing he can't be responsible for anything because his life was hard.

Written By Vanora

June 16, 2018, 5:05 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

Mother Anneke,

Thank you so much for your hospitality as always. Your serious countenance doesn't hide the compassion and kindness that live in the core of you, nor do I believe that they should. I am grateful for the opportunity to linger here with you in Grihem's Point a while longer yet, for I know it will be too long until there is a chance again.

I have taken in all of your suggestions, spoken and unspoken, for the years ahead. Saved all of the letters with advice about marriage, motherhood, Father Harald, Valdemar, all of the rest of your kin. I've asked the questions I wished to about your life in Grihem's Point, the dreams you had as a girl that have all come true and the sadness that you never expected to face.

My relationship with my own mother is complicated at best...and thus I've grown up without one, the love of extended family suiting my needs. Yet to have someone to discuss this strange new world with, the problems we face...the ways we can surmount means a very great deal.

Thank you.

Your daughter Vanora

Written By Alarissa

June 16, 2018, 4:37 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

Grihem's point.

In my time with Thrax, I have come to know the Duke of Grihem's point. A man who is complex in heart as he is in mind. Whose actions at time run from expected, to ones that bring puzzlement. His land, his home is no different. No different than he. The sweet softness behind the sterness of his land and his people were in full show.

Song has never been hear that is so sweet as what was played within the amphitheater. No doubt, there were sorrow that the Duchess Consort was not well enough to show us that. Nor that the Duke was busy tending to her. His son is a suitable stand in, though is not the same.

it is one of the portions of the tour that I remember well, and I close my eyes and can hear the singing. I shall have to return when the Duke is at hand. Or at least, the Duchess Consort is well enough to receive us.

Written By Aureth

June 16, 2018, 4:36 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Fortunato

Sure, but you and I are reading his shit because we are old gutter rats gone lazy and less bitty in our old age. Why are so many rich important people reading to get offended?

I have nothing to say about the Inquisition doing its job. I've got my own job to do, and I'm sure that whatever happened to that man in life, and whatever choices he made, Death will take him back all the same.

Written By Laric

June 16, 2018, 4:29 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aurelian

The case of Aurelian Valardin's impersonation is deeply complicated. It is not one I mean to discuss in this journal; while a villain has been brought to justice, there are broader implications that warrant further investigation and consideration. It would be irresponsible to release any related evidence while the matter is ongoing. I rest comfortably knowing that all the individuals involved and affected thus far understand this.

I am very proud of the men and women whose hard work and contributions led to this revelation. The Inquisition applauds House Valardin's humility and wisdom in requesting our aid and guidance, and we applaud their conviction in facing such an unpleasant truth as their ancestors would. Honor holds.

As a completely unrelated aside, citizens, do keep in mind the loud braying of an ass is most often driven by a guilty conscience. A donkey is a donkey and does not care to hear reason. They may come around in their own time.

Written By Fortunato

June 16, 2018, 4:19 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

Orathy seems to thrive in a fiercely contrarian space. While I do often think he's off-base or, at least, I don't understand the point he's making, I think there's some merit to what he's saying here, amid all his usual invective.

Written By Thorley

June 16, 2018, 4:17 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

You really are as dense as stone and your wit is as thick as this parchment I write upon.

Written By Orathy

June 16, 2018, 4:02 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

Did ya read Edain's journal? I ain't so stupid ya jibberin shithead.

Written By Orathy

June 16, 2018, 4:01 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Thorley

I wish ya could hear me roarin with laughter.
Yer sayin children are demons? Fuck, they really be havin yer head twisted to believing their shit, don't they?
Shit, does that mean everyone better stop makin babies? They all be demons! RUN fer yer fuckin lives, the babies will get you!

Yer really cracked, ain't ya? If everyone who be doin a bad thing be a demon? Shit. How do ya live life? The thought of a shadow must make ya jump.

Written By Aureth

June 16, 2018, 3:58 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

Why are so many otherwise intelligent people paying attention to Orathy Culler of all men? Stop feeding his ego. Don't you know the man earned a prize for being an idiot?

Written By Fortunato

June 16, 2018, 3:51 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

I try not to assume that anyone who does something I find reprehensible is a demon. And I can certainly feel pity for a person who was a traitor, certainly, but also a person, with his own complexities and terrors. We see each other but dimly. If expressing pity is darkness, then I question if we are forgetting the role of Lagoma's mercy, Mangata's light, and the cycles of the Queen of Beginnings and Endings. Of Jayus, the Prince of Stories. Even when we judge, and must judge, there is room to recognize that a person is not just the evils they caused.

Written By Sasha

June 16, 2018, 3:45 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aurelian

I feel so betrayed by him. I grew up with him. He would give me piggy back rides and play with my brothers. And now come to discover he is the one who murdered my brother Jacque. I do not think words and truly express my sadness and devastation to these details coming to light.

Written By Arik

June 16, 2018, 3:41 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

[Forwarded from Whitehold]

Marquis Cirroch Sanna, Lord of Giant's Reach and myself have returned from the further mountain of the Everwinter. There we found a castle, Bonespire that is clearly built long ago. Workmanship that I have not seen the like of. My Lord Cirroch was less impressed but then he does live in a mountain himself and is more astute in assessing such things. The people there are not my people. Some who know me know I have a strong opinion on those people and lands that fall under Halfshav's demense.

No these people are of the mountain, they are far from Whitehold's territory and in truth they are to small a people to warrant the Liege Lord of my Uncle Duke Vercyn Halfshav, Lord of Whitehold. Thus it was my decision to defer their fate to our first and oldest vassal whom we trust in all things. My Lord Cirroch Sanna has mas his decision but he has not placed his faith. As all lieges stand in elevated position to their vassals so to does Sanna stand above Stahlben. Faith is not eternal, trust is not a given, in the Northlands one must continually earn one's place.

House Halfshav supports House Sanna in giving House Stahlben that chance. Whatever their actions, we wait and judge.

Written By Roran

June 16, 2018, 3:27 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

Visiting shrine of Sentinel today proved fruitful. Not only I prayed for justice - we need it these days - but I got to meet a few interesting people. After having been terribly busy for so long time, it was good to talk with commoners again. Hearing about why they happened to visit just that shrine was certainly interesting, too.

Written By Thorley

June 16, 2018, 3:22 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

To make assumptions that this child that was rescued all these years ago was just that, a child. Darkness and the demons that dare to tear us down and rip our families apart take on all forms. There are stories I once heard of demons taking on the form of children to murder the parents. Of babies that were replaced. There is no proof that the thing that pretended to be the man was a man. To try to justify his supposed fear is to not take the proper precaution against such darkness and evil.

In my youth, I was married. It was turbulent on the best days and on the worst, we would spend weeks apart. It was during one of these times that my wife and young daughter were slaughtered by pirates in the Eventide Vast. Several months ago, I was delivered a message that suggested that my daughter may have survived this attack and is now known as the Sea Dancer of the Eventide Vast. In my heart, I want to believe that she is alive. I want to believe that she is still my blood.

Precaution and this recent lesson have taught me to consider otherwise. I would advise caution when you toss accusations on paper - for once they see that opening, darkness will try to take root in that doubt.

Written By Sorrel

June 16, 2018, 3:10 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Elara


You are gone now, and I knew you were gone the moment I saw the stone fall. I ran to lift it, pregnant as I was, holding on to that little bit of hope that Marquis Ford and I could get you free in time. It was for naught. We wanted you to live but we knew you were gone.

I'm glad you enjoyed borrowing my leather armor, bright aubergine and lurid green, covered in musical notes. I know you loved music, just as I did. I sing prayers in your memory. May the Queen of Endings and Beginnings give you a new and harmonious beginning when your turn on the Wheel comes.


Written By Duarte

June 16, 2018, 3:03 p.m.(1/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

It's just a shame all around: from every angle and no matter which way you cut it.

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