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Written By Orazio

Oct. 19, 2017, 7:12 p.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

I don't believe anyone needs to be reminded of how old I am. Especially myself.

However, I agree with Blessed Aleksei's remarks on the godsworn - we do not require free meals. However, we look forward to assisting with the funding of the new soup kitchen, and with any supplies it may need, as long as it is doing good work in the Lowers.

Written By Aleksei

Oct. 19, 2017, 6:45 p.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Mae

The Godsworn don't need free meals! They can afford their own. They better not be swooping in taking soup from the needy!

Written By Aleksei

Oct. 19, 2017, 6:43 p.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene

Wait, did you age a couple decades while I wasn't looking? You're barely older than me!

And _neither_ of us is anywhere nearly as old as Orazio.

Written By Christine

Oct. 19, 2017, 4:43 p.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene

Send me a message when you get tired of children, dear, and we can go for a drink.

Written By Victus

Oct. 19, 2017, 3:53 p.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

The recent talks of fixing past mistakes has me thinking on a fucking long tangent that I've been falling into day after day. Thrax as a family and a House has plenty of terrible things happen in their wake, usually drawn upon for strength as well. There's no apologizing but there are regrets a plenty that run back centuries. Crownbreaker wars comes to mind. The tyrannical hand of Donrai is another.

Fear is something that keeps popping up in my head. Fear is an interesting thing. Some would call it weakness, yet one of its primary strengths is allowing the man who trembles with it to survive. It's instinct, survival. Something you can be taught to ignore that can lead you to do grand things, but drastically lower your life expectancy at the same time. For centuries, fear was exactly how the Mourning Isles survived as a great power. But not because we felt it, because we inflicted it on others. Something that I'll freely admit to misusing in my early days of ruler-ship.

I've come to realize that to rule through fear is to rule by insecurity. When your people must be pacified and their oppression silenced, you rob yourself of the challenge that change brings. Not only that but you also rob your people of the strength that lays within the act of self-reflection, second-guessing, criticizing one's self for what they've done. To silence oppression is not to solidify one's rule, it's to hastily bolt it together for the short-term while you hide yourself deeper in your own weakness.

Some people even find that change is scary. I disagree. To lack the ability to adapt is in itself a weakness that you should never fall to. Men will die for their pride and go to extreme lengths to never admit when they've been wrong. That's just fucking silly isn't it? In battle you fight with the weapons that will kill, not the ones that will tickle. Your sword can be the shiniest, golden cock-like phallus compared to everyone else. But it'll rust, it'll bend, it'll break. Time won't let it survive on its own. You have to take care of it.

My uncle Donrai ruled with an iron fist and cultivated fear of the masses and his political enemies to never turn him away. He held together the Isles, but in the end where did it lead? A reputation of evil and spat upon by his own family. That's not the legacy a just hand leaves, that's what a fucking coward leaves behind. A coward who silenced people who disagreed with him was his fatal flaw. He could never adapt to the world and he paid the ultimate price.

The point I'm trying to make here is that change is for the better, and mistakes of the past exist to be learned from. Not to be repeated because it worked well-enough at the time. Time keeps going and it doesn't give a fuck about you. We all turn to dust one day.

Ah fuck this, I'm not a philosopher. Scribe go home. Where's the damn rum?

Written By Eirene

Oct. 19, 2017, 3:40 p.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

And yet another of my generation gets the hell out of Arx.It feels like a city full of children sometimes. Godsspeed Niccolo. Hope you get what you need.


Written By Orazio

Oct. 19, 2017, 2:56 p.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

The Faith mourns the losses that the former Archduke Niccolo has endured, and wishes him peace and healing in his rest. It acknowledges and welcomes the Archduchess Eleyna to the head of House Velenosa, and wishes for her, as for the head of every house, the blessings of the gods and confidence that her actions will honor the Pantheon, her House, and those who depend on her.

Written By Agnarr

Oct. 19, 2017, 2:49 p.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Corban

Do need to work on that champion showmanship. Hear people pay more for that.

Written By Rey

Oct. 19, 2017, 2:39 p.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

It's been so hard to keep awake and dreams on the right sides of sleep, lately. Things are better now. The wallpaper isn't so loud anymore. But was I dreaming when I looked in the mirror and saw my reflection blink? I must have been dreaming when she drew me through the mirror, into her mirror world. She took me to a ship, and the Poet waited for us there. He was lost inside himself, and I'd come to heal him, but I had to find him, first, and that would be a journey.

Someone else waited for me in the mirror world, a man who I know I must have seen somewhere before. Or maybe I'm remembering something that hasn't happened yet? I don't know what he wanted. He just waited there and devoured me with his eyes.

Written By Alarissa

Oct. 19, 2017, 2:38 p.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene

I would note that the Duke Grimhall has twelve children and thus I am certain is none of those and likely does indeed still retain them.

Written By Eirene

Oct. 19, 2017, 2:25 p.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Harald

As reported by several of the Phoenix brigade from the Battle of a Thousand Stings

"You... dimwitted limp-dicked fish-fucking idiot of a man. What are you trying to prove, that your balls haven't wrinkled up and dropped off?!

Written By Victus

Oct. 19, 2017, 2:17 p.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

Enjoy your stay, Archduchess. Here's where things get fucking crazy.

Written By Eirene

Oct. 19, 2017, 2:11 p.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

As reported by Carissa on the news of Eleyna's elevation to Archduchesse

Send a message to poor fucking Eleyna - I'm so sorry and really fucking glad he got it over with all at once.

Message sent:
My Congradolences

Written By Calypso

Oct. 19, 2017, 1:57 p.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

House Malvici stands firmly with House Velenosa.

Congratulations on taking on the mantel of Archduchess of the Lyceum.

Written By Carita

Oct. 19, 2017, 11:42 a.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

By sirens wreathed with seaweed red and brown,
We have lingered in the waves blown back.
By sirens wreathed with seaweed green and black,
We have lingered in the white tide and we drown,
We have seen them riding seaward and we hold back.

Written By Orathy

Oct. 19, 2017, 11:08 a.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Raja

Don't believe this kid. I'm a mean bastard, a ruthless killer that cares about nothing!!

And, Raja, you still owe me a lunch.

Written By Tikva

Oct. 19, 2017, 11:08 a.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Magpie

Aww, that's sweet. Ainsley and I might just take you up on that sometime. You never know.

Written By Mae

Oct. 19, 2017, 10:48 a.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

The Crow Soup Kitchen is not yet open. We are still working on the actual building and planning and hiring people and all that. Thank you everyone who has shown support for the project, or has offered to help.

The Crow Soup Kitchen is a project started by me, and will be operated next to and with support from The Murder of Crows. As one of the oldest buildings in Arx (yes, it's older than your fancy castle estate manor), with an original purpose of housing holy types before Arx was built, it felt right to have the soup kitchen operate out of it. The initial funding for the project was provided to me and my families (the Cullers and the Grayhopes) by Archlector Aleksei through Legate Orazio. The Faith has been tremendously supportive of the Lowers, and we are very grateful.

Once opened, the Crow Soup Kitchen will provide one free bowl of soup a day to every Crownsworn and Godsworn citizen. Every man, woman, and child will have a meal, if they want it. This is so important to me, and to Archlector Aleksei, because you cannot truly be free when one your choices is starving to death. For too many in the Lowers, that is the choice we make. Work a job that is terrible, where you risk your life, where you might never see your children again... or die. Or, worse, watch your children die. Now, none of the King's subjects will starve (or so I hope).

We will be announcing the opening of the Crow Soup Kitchen soon, as everything is almost ready. After that, I will begin planning a fundraising event in the Murder of Crows, where I'll invite everyone (yes, everyone, even the nobility) to come to the Lowers and partake in some festivities.

In the meanwhile, if anyone is interested in supporting this project, they can direct letters to me. Not Magpie. I very much love my husband, and he has worked very hard helping me with all this, but he does not run the Murder of Crows, or the Crow Soup Kitchen. I do.

What we need:
* We have funding for one year. Any donations (and money raised in the charity event) will extend that out, or provide better soup. I can't promise what we'll have now is very good, but I can promise it's not lizard.
* We do not have enough silver and resources to feed citizens of the great houses. There are few that are not Crownsworn in the lowers, but there are some. If a high house wants to see their people fed at the Crow Soup Kitchen, they should write me.
* Blankets, clothing, etc. We are not a shelter, but we will gladly hand out such items. (OOC: Economic resources, or actual crafted blankets that I can stuff in a container for effect would be lovely!)
* Volunteers. Time is precious, especially time from someone who has managed something like this before. (OOC: I will have some items I need crafted, like flyers, so someone else spending AP on crafting them would be lovely!)
* Furniture and art. Magpie is building the tables and benches and all, but some additional furniture wouldn't hurt. Also, something to hang on the walls would be nice. Something that's appropriate for the location (and I will be the judge of appropriate). Please do not send me silk couches and gold-plated statues, the Lowers does not need reminded of such opulence.

<3 Mae Grayhope, nee Culler

Written By Edward

Oct. 19, 2017, 10 a.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Magpie

You have never offered to take me on a romantic moonlit cruise.

Written By Raja

Oct. 19, 2017, 9:49 a.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

I was a scrawny slip of a girl, living on the streets. Hunger drove me to steal Orathy's lunch one day. I couldn't help myself. While he was talking to someone, I approached and just reached up to grap his food! It was but a half a moment before he turned back around to discover his meal gone and me slipping away with it under my arm. He chased me through the alleys, but I gave him the slip! When I made it to a quiet place, I sat down and proceeded to eat my ill-gotten meal. I was about halfway finished when I heard his voice behind me. I nearly choked on my food! I had thought for sure I was going to receive the beating of my life. My short, miserable life flashed before my eyes! However, it did not happen that way. Instead, he allowed me to finish the meal and drew me in with the Cullers. I had a bed to sleep in and food in my belly. I will never forget that kindness.

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