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Written By Abbas

Feb. 3, 2018, 9:58 a.m.(2/10/1008 AR)

I was sailing for Eurus years ago on ships of ill repair. How their ships still sailed I could not understand. It was madness.

I sailed onward determined. I witnessed my people slaughtered.

My hair turned grey in places, and the nightmares.

I remember the night the prior Warlord of Thrax and I rowed out to an island and gathered the surviving. One-by-one we put knives to their throats to end their terrible suffering. It was upon us to do so -- I could have ordered it done by another hand. I could have sent them off to rot in a a place that was out of my sight. But that is not what a leader does and so I did what had to be done by my own hand. These were men that I had sailed with for a dozen years. Men whose sons died, who had saved my life, and had been fearless and loyal.

I sought to find out more. I probed. I sent out ships. I made crude attempts. It was my friends I asked to take these journeys. The most trusted of the men that had been like brothers to me -- they took the burden willingly and I sent them to their deaths.

Over the next few years as I desperately sought to find ways to understand any of it. We were blinded by the reckless decisions. And we begin to unravel.

I will never forget my brethren. The message still seems fresh. The hatred. I knew there was no greater threat to our people.

Over the next couple of years I would receive my friends in similar ways. Terrible gifts.

I began searching for clues. Lord Darrow and I first came upon smaller settlements and set to torch. We find children and women burned alive. We had no sight of the men in these settlements.

Lord Darrow and I were soaked in the blood of our brethren, our people, and we piled their bodies a thousand tall. I watched as men wept. Men set to torch their wives, and children.

I could not image stopping it -- no keeping it at bay.

I will not discuss the events that happened next nor who ordered what or why. And I have ducked the responsibility of such.

The day the ships in the harbor sunk and Thrax suffered my uncle. He was trapped in his ship and his pigs turned on him. I was floored as I saw him eaten alive. All because of thoughts that were my own. He suffered as he was sent to the bottom of the salt.

I feared for the Maelstrom after my uncle Dominic died so terribly. I ordered them put to sea to drift along the tides. I sent them to the deep waters.

When I learned the faithful died I shed not a single tear. Although the men that carried out my orders to sail to the vast emptiness I did lament their passing as the countless friends and family I have sent to their deaths in this conflict. I did not want the faithful in my home. If I had it to do again I would. But I suspect the outcome would have been the same. I made the wrong choice.

This is the last time I shall write or speak of these things. Somewhere the Gyre laughs at the foolishness and is gleeful at my departure. I am taunted more and it's done.

The war that comes to the doorstep of Arvum has been brewing for a long time. Do not be deceived. He sends men to slaughter. The only thing he truly desires, I suspect, is the fight and that is what he will attempt to obtain at all costs. He cares not of ethics or lives he wastes to do so. At all costs he should be stopped from these aims but it is not my path to see it so.

I have a new command and enterprise. I have a new endeavor and our bite until the day there will an endless horizon of men and women flashing their feral white; sending terror and awe across the deep. We are the Dogs of the Salt. The Isles Canines.

The Salted have awakened and we now take to our own council to rise to glory and power under our own might.

-- Abbas Thrax

Written By Audric

Feb. 3, 2018, 8:40 a.m.(2/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Tikva

Theater, wall, Farhaven, Shardhaven - so yeah, four I guess? It's really becoming a habit. Eventually I'm going to have to bill you, you know, or people will start thinking I have something resembling a heart.

Written By Tikva

Feb. 3, 2018, 8:23 a.m.(2/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Audric

The theater thing was during the Siege! So, you were still right! I think that brings your tally up to ... four?

Written By Margerie

Feb. 3, 2018, 8:02 a.m.(2/10/1008 AR)

Yesterday's lessons:
Goats are an excellent clean up solution to pie covered competition fields.
Sometimes it's good to just get in line for the unknown and see what happens.
The equitable distribution of cookies (or payment) in general makes good inspiration for teenagers.
A lack of proper incentive can doom an organization.
Simplicity can overcome complicated.
Speaking in metaphor for too long is exhausting.
Watching a herd of small goats that have just cleaned an entire tournament field of pie being herded back to an estate is a sight worth seeing.
There are still good days to be had.

Written By Derovai

Feb. 3, 2018, 7:28 a.m.(2/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Silas

It's still better than Rarefied Mountain Princess or whatever that one's called. But we should talk tea sometime in person. Make a brew to my tastes, if you like -- if the Redrain shopkeeper doesn't get there first!

But what is total honesty worth these days? It's the whole that matters, not its parts. The same with tea.

Written By Audric

Feb. 3, 2018, 7:06 a.m.(2/10/1008 AR)

All this talk, talk talk talk about how the commoners didn't support the city during the siege, or how bad it was. I was a commoner during the siege. Quite a few people still talk about what I did at the Seawatch Wall. Killed a whole lotta things that day, got all hip deep in blood! It was the kind of fun you just don't -get- outside of heroic last stands! And now people mad about Bastien's play, pffft. I love it. My only criticism is that it doesn't have a slightly loony soldier type who's just really enjoying the opportunity to have endless monsters to kill without any crisis of conscience!

Also, the siege was the first time I saved Tikva's butt, marking a series of events that keeps happening, despite her never actually -paying- me to do it. Wait, no, second, there was that theater thing, but really I was just having too much fun for that to -really- count. How often do you get to see people you don't like die -and- kill monsters by the score? Very rarely.

Written By Silas

Feb. 3, 2018, 5:23 a.m.(2/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Derovai

I'm afraid our Mercier blood orange tea isn't entirely honest, either: it's supported with grapefruit and bergamot!

Written By Torian

Feb. 3, 2018, 2:57 a.m.(2/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Isabetta

If you're looking for animal headbands, check the Culler Branch at the Menagerie shops. If it be out of stock, write me.

Written By Torian

Feb. 3, 2018, 2:57 a.m.(2/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Christine

Animal Head bands can be found at the Culler Branch of the shops at the Menagerie. Pretty and a fair price.

Written By Shard

Feb. 2, 2018, 10:57 p.m.(2/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

Consider what the first words out of his mouth were. That told you everything you needed to know.

Written By Thena

Feb. 2, 2018, 8:12 p.m.(2/9/1008 AR)

Something happened after the play last night that troubled me.

Lord Darrow Darkwater seemed to imply, in a remark directed towards the commoner's seating, that we were not inclined to help fight in the Siege, and not inclined to fight in the upcoming conflict.

Perhaps I misunderstood. I hope I did, as this was who I was sitting with in the commoner seating. Mind, these are just the few near me. The few within arms' length.

Palace Seraph Ailith, known for her compassion, kindness and good sense. Also assisting Thrax prepare for battle and find ways to defeat our enemies in ways too numerous to list here.

Iron Guard Office Sparte Fatchforth, a man of strength and principle who has also worked with the Thraxians to the extent that they have essentially adopted him. We stood on the walls together during the Siege.

Caspian Wild, a champion stout of heart if occasionally a bit fresh. I'm sure he will be seen at one of the battlefronts.

Sir Jeffeth Bayweather, a Knight of Solace recently returned a year on the roads of Arvum, protecting all travelers from the perils outside the city walls.

Sir Daemon Dracone, another Knight of Solace known for his embodiment of Gild's charity and fierceness in battle, who will be commanding troops on my behalf during the upcoming war. (All right, he's a noble, but we're keeping him)

And myself, acting Commander of the Knights of Solace, a position that, for unknowable reasons, the gods deemed me worthy of. I make no secret of it; I was raised in the Lowers, a street rat and sneak-thief. I know some of the Grayhopes are borderline respectable. Those are not the Grayhopes who raised me. Yet here I am, and I have been in contact with Sir Darrow personally about sending my troops to assist at Darkwater.

I wish I could list all of us, I know I left some out. I know because there were hundreds more there, equally brave, equally committed to the Compact, equally common. Before you level accusations at the commoners, at least take some time to remind yourself of who the commoners are.

Written By Joscelin

Feb. 2, 2018, 6:25 p.m.(2/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Mae


Written By Bastien

Feb. 2, 2018, 5:28 p.m.(2/9/1008 AR)


This copy of the script is recorded in the Whites for posterity. However, it is meant to be performed and watched, not read.


Author's Note: With the exception of Xander, the soldier from the Mourning Isles, all of the characters in the play are designed to be played by any gender. (Xander's gender is only fixed because the Silent War predates certain progressive reforms within Thraxian culture to allow for female warriors in their ranks.) Multiple names are supplied for many of the characters to allow the director to select the one most suitable for the actor cast.

Fienne / Fien: Oathlander. Blindingly idealistic and unwaveringly honorable. While they hold to the latter over the course of the play, the former is in pieces by the end.

Delmar / Delmarra: Crownlander. Cocky, but with reasoned measure. Loves to laugh, loves a party. Likes to be liked, loves to be loved.

Sully: Northerner. A bit awkward and unsure. A core of empathy and thoughtfulness, but with difficulty bridge that divide into action.

Olivetta / Olivander: Lycene. Wry and a bit sarcastic without being too vicious. Witty, and occasionally biting, but rarely cruel.

Xander: Islander. Quiet, thoughtful. Unexpectedly intelligent. He's used to people underestimating his mind and is sullenly resigned to it.

Idana / Odan: Crownsworn. Daring, brash, and reckless. The first into a fight, the last one out. Always on hand when their friend gets into a scuffle.



Traders Tavern, Arx. 1006 AR.


The play takes place in the quiet times between battles in Traders Tavern. The opening scenes establish the meeting and dynamic of the six main character over the course of the extended opening scene. Delmar and Idana seem to have known each for at least some months, having the bantering rapport of two people without rift or drama between their fealties. Fienne and Sully end up a bit of a duo of caring and empathy, and Delmar and Olivetta's senses of humor play well with each other, but Delmar and Xander begin the play with a certain amount of tension.

The war itself is seen through the eyes of these common soldiers, which makes for a purposefully limited and increasingly cynical view of the conflict. Olivetta starts bringing in collections of White Reflections each week, and the group takes turn reading out entries of nobles who publicly make the most inane complaints, from missing certain foods difficult to import during the war to having their birthdays tragically forgotten by their peers. In another scene, Sully talks frankly about not even knowing if he's firing arrows at the right people sometimes, which the group as a whole commiserate on to great comedic effect.

Their humor grows more strained as the play continues and they clearly feel the loss of the continued siege. Their grief at losing compatriots is felt mostly in the silence in between words than made explicit. Towards the middle of the play, it becomes apparent that Xander and Delmar have grown romantically involved, just as it's clear that this is kept small and private and precious between the two and not shared with the others. It makes the grief all the more complex and weighty when Xander suddenly fails to appear late in the play, and it becomes clear he's been lost in a recent battle in a moment of great courage and sacrifice, leaving Delmar to navigate that grief both in isolation and within the group.

The end of the play comes with the end of the Siege, leaving the surviving characters to wonder at how their lives are supposed to continue after the war seems to have ended through some mysterious means that they don't even fully understand. It's a fairly cynical take on war overall, most specifically in its skewering of noble leadership and how it uses the commons to fight their wars with little context or appreciation and leaving them adrift once everything is over. The humor throughout the play is sharp and its critique clear, and the characterizations are well-drawn. Its sense of optimism is, however, a bit lacking.

Written By Driskell

Feb. 2, 2018, 4:31 p.m.(2/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Giulio

The door to the treasure hall of knowledge is unlocked by the key of questions. Let no one man say they are the doorman, for there are multiple entrances if one simply looks.

But what is knowledge without wisdom to know when to use it? May you seek balance, may you always question and may you find that the more you learn, the more you don't know.

Written By Derovai

Feb. 2, 2018, 4:22 p.m.(2/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Valery

Flavors of teas? Blood orange. The variety at the Mercier is described as "tart and bracing," but it's very much to my taste, so to speak. Any of the more delicate varieties full of complexity stop tasting like tea to me, and seem somehow fundamentally dishonest.

Written By Tomwell

Feb. 2, 2018, 4:15 p.m.(2/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Caith

Maybe you don't have to give them up entirely. I'm feeling rather optimistic about the world, just at present, so I can't help but have a positive outlook. Maybe there are parts of your dreams you can keep alive, or elements you can channel into more achievable goals. The world is open to you, darling! Don't give up just yet.

Written By Mae

Feb. 2, 2018, 4 p.m.(2/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

If you're not hollering at them, how do they know you're not asleep?

If you can't hear them over the hollering, we should all wonder who taught them how to project their voice?

If you don't cat-call Jareth, he'll start to question his ability as an actor. Are you trying to hurt people's feelings?

Written By Giulio

Feb. 2, 2018, 4 p.m.(2/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Driskell

Enlightenment is nothing if it is not confusing, concerning and complicated. I pray that it will remain so for a time, good Prelate. You have given me so very much to think on.

Written By Valery

Feb. 2, 2018, 3:59 p.m.(2/9/1008 AR)

I should prepare more perfumes and teas, I think.
I used the journals for inspiration once...
Maybe I should ask for people to send me a message with the scents they like. Or flavors for teas...

Written By Joscelin

Feb. 2, 2018, 3:21 p.m.(2/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Samantha

I'm sad to confess that I'd never gone to a play before last night. It took Mae hooting every other line before I finally caught on, even then... it seems so odd to be so noisy when others are on stage! If we're hollering at them, won't we miss something? Won't -they-? But apparently, I worried for nothing. It was fun. I can't wait to go again.

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