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Written By Violet

March 17, 2018, 1:28 a.m.(5/16/1008 AR)

The battle was I had felt it would be, pitched and hard. Stormwall had to be set ablaze to defeat the enemy. But it was done. Many lost their lives and many were injured. I wish I could say I was not one of the later. Certainly there will be people chiding and clucking over me like hens. I took a spear in the side making sure Lord Tobias was covered. But I am fine and will recover. I likely will have another lovely scar to add to my collection.

I would like to think the Crimson Blades proved themselves the Elite that we are. Something dark, a writhing hooded shadow it seemed, was commanding those using ladders to scale the walls. The shot was an almost impossible one, but my arrow flew straight and true and whatever it is...the dark shadows dissolved when my arrow struck it. It gave us some breathing room anyway.

Also? I loathe wound in the side. Every way you move hurts. And carts? Ugh...

Written By Joscelin

March 17, 2018, 1:14 a.m.(5/16/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Sameera

It is the unspoken task of the Guildmaster to love all of her Crafters.

Even the very Difficult ones.

I promise to miss you.

Written By Esoka

March 17, 2018, 12:57 a.m.(5/16/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirlys

Eirlys Greenmarch, beloved of the Spirits and devotee of the Pantheon, gave her life for me upon the fields of Stormwall. It shall not be forgotten. We have vengeance upon her killer and shall honor her memory, I swear to all gods who can hear me.

Written By Mia

March 17, 2018, 12:48 a.m.(5/16/1008 AR)

From the Battle at Stormwall, 5/16/1008 AR:

At this rate, I am going to have enough scars to match my husband.

Written By Isidora

March 16, 2018, 10:05 p.m.(5/16/1008 AR)

A wartime vigil is being held tonight in the Cathedral. It is lovely to see so many offering prayers for the men and women out to battle in the south. I imagine now they are facing the enemy and in my mind it is grisly, bloody, and frightening. I can only pray and hope that everyone is safe.

"In the darkest of times does the spark of
hope in humanity shine the brightest."

Written By Peri

March 16, 2018, 8:47 p.m.(5/16/1008 AR)

If I die, Kaldur gets my icicle candy and must keep it in my fox-box.

Written By Calaudrin

March 16, 2018, 8:16 p.m.(5/16/1008 AR)

I read a lot of lengthy entries in the white journals. And I was a well spoken person, I might have some lengthy entries myself to describe this feeling.

But I don't.

I don't have the words to describe the near paralyzing sensation of fear and helplessness when I think of just about every single person that's important to me being out there in battle. And I'm here in Arx.

Get back home in one piece all you fucking assholes.

And Esoka.

Written By Jasper

March 16, 2018, 7:12 p.m.(5/15/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ennettia

It seems your words have been recorded by a Scholar of Vellichor against your word. At least, for all observable purposes. If this has offended you, please allow me to urge you to report the scribe's name to the Archscholar Bianca Wyrmguard so that proper punishment may be dealt, whatever that may be.

Written By Martin

March 16, 2018, 6:43 p.m.(5/15/1008 AR)

There is a very great deal that I must write, but now is not the time. Instead I must put quill to parchment to address a matter most immediate, and, dare I say, extremely important to me. It was brought to my attention that a certain young man wrote in his own White Journal that, should he pass, I would be one of two recipients to receive his personal belongings as well as some other things. I must confess that when I read it, and saw who it was that wrote it, a few emotional cords were struck within me. Great sorrow, of course, because who can read such things and not feel a twinge of sadness over the very idea of a friend or loved one passing away? Followed by anger, the anger of the old over the idea that the young should go before them. Yet each of these emotions were short-lived. Both are natural, that I do not deny, but neither do the one cared about justice. Worse, it accords them little and less respect. For did, in this particular case, the knight in question not choose this path? Is he not willingly marching off to fight for a cause as big as any we have thus far known? So rather than let my heart be troubled by grief, I shall instead embrace pride. Pride in the bravery of all those men and women who are leaving behind loved ones in order to defend them. I shall allow hope to warm me, because without it we are all souls like candles unlit. Lastly, and ever always, I will hold to faith. Faith in all those virtues the gods put before us, faith in my fellow man, no matter how seemingly fragile, and faith in myself, that I might continue instil this same passion for what is right and good in others.

Just as I once did, so long ago now, for a young rapscallion better known today as Sir Jeffeth Bayweather.

Written By Luca

March 16, 2018, 6:10 p.m.(5/15/1008 AR)

[ As recorded by a scholar: ]

I'm too pretty to die. But mistakes do happen. I know all about that. If the worst should come to pass, I don't really care where my belongings go. They're just things. None of them have ever made me a better person, or a happier one. I suspect the Princess of Ribbons will have the ribbons I wear, and that is right and just. My only real request is that someone seize my blacks, and toss them into a fire. If that's your quest, you have the freedom of my liquor cabinet to put you better in the mood for a bit of breaking and entering, and some criminal arson.

What? No, of course I'm kidding about the arson, scholar. Absolutely kidding.

I'd worry about the kittens, but they're more adorable than anything has the right to be. They'll sort themselves out, I'm sure.

Written By Saya

March 16, 2018, 6:06 p.m.(5/15/1008 AR)

I walk the river's edge,
wade out into the water.
Though my hearts hold no pledge,
I drink down my sorrows.

At the river's edge.

Written By Valery

March 16, 2018, 5:38 p.m.(5/15/1008 AR)

The town feels empty with so many people going to fight the enemy...
The corridors of the Villa are much quieter than they should. I think even the other servants whisper instead of talking.
I think they are worried. I know I am. I'm scared that any people I know would get hurt. Or worse.
I'm so so scared...

Written By Thorley

March 16, 2018, 5:29 p.m.(5/15/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Violet

The only blacks I want to see are your thigh highs when we're together again.

Written By Derovai

March 16, 2018, 4:28 p.m.(5/15/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Mae

If I die before you do, you can have whatever booze is still left in my boarding room. I hope this lessens the sting of jealousy a bit.

The gloves have been claimed. No, I'm not advertising by whom.

Written By Mae

March 16, 2018, 4:25 p.m.(5/15/1008 AR)

I feel I should write something meaningful. I feel, on the eve of what will surely be a time full of death, I should have more to say. I am, after all, a Harlequin of Death.

Yet, I have nothing to say. My heart is full of worry that my Magpie will not come back to me. That so many others that I love and cherish will not come back to me. I ache for the lives that will be lost. I hurt for the men and women and children that will be left widowed, orphaned, fatherless, motherless, family-less, alone. I have already cried again and again over these thoughts.

As I stay here in Arx, safe and sound, I am so very grateful for those that are still here. For new friends and old. For anyone that will listen to me whine and hold me as I cry. For those men and women that remain here, in Death's city, to ensure the rest of us staying here remain safe and sound.

As I read through all the wills that have been posted, my heart sinks further. So many beautiful words, so many ugly words. So many fancy swords and jewels left behind. I notice that my name is mentioned twice, once by someone saying they love me (I love you too, Reese) and once by someone willing to me my property. Not only do I feel such deep sorrow, but also such angst. Did I leave an impression on so few people in this world? So many wills, and only mentioned twice? Yes, it upsets me that I'm not in more wills. Yes, I am that petty and selfish. Yes, I don't much like myself for this being my reaction.

And so, I stay here in Arx. Crying and laughing. Overjoyed to have people who I can speak to, yet aching for those that are away and may never return. I await news from Setarco so very eagerly. I know Magpie will return, and bring Mayir back with him, too. I'm positive it will happen. Yet I am sobbing for the thought that it won't. And I remain so very mad at myself for being jealous over silly wills, for not giving the battle at Stormwall more than a second thought, and for not having something meaningful or helpful or inspiring to write.

But then, I guess I do have something to write. I'll write what I've said before, and what I will say again...

To all of you with hearts and minds as unsettled and tormented as mine: It's okay to be sad. It's okay to worry. It's okay to feel angst. It's okay to cry.

Death is with us, always. She sends us into this world and She takes us back when we leave it. Knowing this doesn't make it any less sad when we lose those we love, or when we fear losing those we love. So, it's okay to cry. I encourage it. Crying might be the thing you need more than anything else right now.

But we cannot live in our sorrow and angst and worry, because not all in life is sorrow. Leave room for joy, for happiness, for hope, for all the wonderful and beautiful people and things that are still here. Leave room for your loved ones to return to you, or, if they don't, their best memories to live on with you.

And, in the meanwhile, if anyone wants someone to cry with, just write me.

Written By Violet

March 16, 2018, 3:49 p.m.(5/15/1008 AR)

Please release my blacks to Sir Thorley Sandreef and Briar Marjawn should I perish in battle. They will know what, if anything, to do with them.

I hate it when I forget something...

Written By Orazio

March 16, 2018, 3:44 p.m.(5/15/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ennettia

An old friend from the South warn--informed me that one of my relations was visiting the city. And when I look into the matter, it seems that is the dear Ennettia, and she is joining the Inquisition. I dearly wish that I could capture the sound of my laughter, for then I could send a letter to Prince Laric containing nothing but.

Welcome to Arx, Lady Ennettia. We should have dinner at some point.

Written By Jeffeth

March 16, 2018, 3:43 p.m.(5/15/1008 AR)

I don't have much. But if I die I give everything I own to Brother Martin Risby and Dame Thena Grayhope. Including my black journals. There may be letters in there that I ask them to pass on. As for my things and my funds I ask that they be used in the most generous way possible. Perhaps start a young Knight out there. I ask that my rubicund blade, marked Absolution, be returned to its crafter. And kept by them.

Written By Jeffeth

March 16, 2018, 3:32 p.m.(5/15/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Sameera

Please don't die. Our deal is still on.

Written By Monique

March 16, 2018, 3:08 p.m.(5/15/1008 AR)

Release my black journals?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ...

... no.

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