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Written By Reigna

May 6, 2018, 12:05 p.m.(9/11/1008 AR)

Now that was an evening!

A hearty thank you to all who attended the celebration! It was an absolute delight seeing people enjoying themselves, not to mention the sight of so many putting on the Cloaks of Goat Allure! Marie and I had far too much fun assembling those, I tell you.

My thanks to those exquisite crafters who contributed their fine work to the raffle!

Dame Ida Ferron, it is a testament to the quality of your craft that yours was the very first prize chosen. Your work is astounding and Keaton will always be your proud customers.
Master Venturo Thayne, your libations kept the guests happy, and your exclusive Kiss of Luck made one winner extremely appreciative.
Goodwoman Giselle Caron, your perfumes were so lovely I almost wanted to pretend they were not prizes and keep them for myself!

And another thank you to all who attended both parties. Lord Aeryn Squall Keaton and Kata Oakwood's birthdays are something Keaton is thrilled to celebrate and our deepest thanks to all who came to celebrate with us.

Written By Leta

May 6, 2018, 11:48 a.m.(9/11/1008 AR)

I've had some time to think. And to say things. I wouldn't say I feel better, not really, but I've been sleeping better and going out more and such things as I'm told I ought to do. Things still don't make much sense, but I suppose that's something to live with. Things just don't make much sense.

I wonder what to make of myself. The truth is I've lost the taste for war and fighting. That's not to say I won't put on my old armor if duty calls and such, but I don't know if it's the trade for me anymore. But it's what I'm good at, not much else besides it.

I can play the lute a bit, and sing, I just haven't been in the mood for singing or writing verse. I can stitch a bit, and paint a bit, and whittle a bit. I've thought of becoming a doll-maker. I've made a few before, little soldiers and animals and such. They're not too good, and I don't think there will be much call for them from buyers, but I've more than enough silver to live on. Or I could be a hat maker. Or I could be both, and make dolls all with their own little hats. It's something to think about.

Written By Samael

May 6, 2018, 11:17 a.m.(9/11/1008 AR)

I have been spending much of my free time down at the Shrine of Vellichor. Being there helps me think. Plus, I have been making myself more available to the Scholars there. In fact, one is coming up to speak to me right now...

Written By Alarissa

May 6, 2018, 11:12 a.m.(9/11/1008 AR)

Everything is going, according to how it is planned. For once I am glad something goes easily.

Written By Apollis

May 6, 2018, 11:07 a.m.(9/10/1008 AR)

The Lyceum united, one hundred cities, could nothing be more beautiful? It is a vision of trust and camaraderie that only the strongest of us could hope to foster among the treachery of our past. When I was a boy my mother passed on a love for the Lyceum that I am only now growing more appreciative of in adulthood. To pass on my good fortune and help eschew the past, I will be looking to draw closer to the Gods and my fellow Lycene.

Written By Thena

May 6, 2018, 9:22 a.m.(9/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Oswyn

Just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what silks get up to.

Written By Felicia

May 6, 2018, 8:48 a.m.(9/10/1008 AR)

I own a goat.

Let me repeat... I OWN A GOAT.

What /was/ I thinking? I mean, granted, he is terribly adorable, in an angelically white enough to be silver way, and tiny. And someone with a sense of humour named the poor thing Warrior, when it faints at the slightest alarm.

His Majesty has kindly allowed me to house my new goat at the Royal Stables, and even offered to walk him on occasion. So naturally, I have asked a friend to sew together a small harness for him befitting his new station. Hopefully I shaln't need to do more than feed him grass.

Written By Oswyn

May 6, 2018, 8:36 a.m.(9/10/1008 AR)

While I've never spent much time wondering what sorts of things nobles got up to at their gatherings, I'd never have imagined 'putting on cloaks covered in vegetables and trying to lure kid goats through a race' was one of them.

Written By Marian

May 6, 2018, 7:57 a.m.(9/10/1008 AR)

I would urge anyone that foolishly brought tainted material from Stormwall's battlefield back to Arx as trophies to turn them into the The Inquisition, the Physicians' Guild, the Knights of Solace or the Knights of the Temple. These shards and chunks of light absorbent black glass are poisonous waste left behind by one of the Gyre's weapons. It makes no sense to keep them when doing so endangers our people.

There will be no repercussions for those individuals cooperating with Master of Questions, Prince Laric Grayson's order. However, if you are found hiding this contraband in the Redrain Ward, there will not just be consequences from the Crown.

Written By Violet

May 6, 2018, 5:07 a.m.(9/10/1008 AR)

I don't think I actually saw the sun today. And it's summer. That is how long I was in my office or some other part of Headquarters without a window. I may need to add a window to the office. It was really stuffy in there today, even with the doors opened in other parts of the building. I need to remind my people to pull me out of my office to the drilling field at least once a day. Everything feels weird. Like I missed a day. Which I suppose I did. At least I'm all caught up.

Written By Kael

May 6, 2018, 4:14 a.m.(9/10/1008 AR)

I am exhausted. To each and every one of you that attended the Keaton Summer Bash or attended the celebration in honor of the children earlier in the day? Thank you. I hope that you had as much fun attending as we did hosting. Most of all however I must thank my wife, as always, for her efforts.

Written By Vanora

May 6, 2018, 3:05 a.m.(9/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Valdemar

So it seems that a secret I have been sitting on for some time is no longer so. My cousin Belladonna and Duke Grimhall met this week to hash out the final details of the marriage contract, and both found it more than agreeable. Thus the betrothal is formally announced, and a wedding not far off.

The rest of this entry is for record keeping, Scholar, as well as for any who find my whites a compelling source of entertainment.

More than a year ago, when the Isles were in tumultuous times caused by politics rather than corrupted pirate kings...the suggestion was made that I should join House Grimhall to wed the Duke's heir. The timing could not have been worse, but it was the timing, not the family nor the man himself, that caused hesitation. I informed the Duke during that discussion that I could not make such a decision, and that if I ever did it would be for the right reasons. That should I take his family's name and marry his son, I would do so when and only when the Grim Duke wanted the match for its own merit. When and only when he wanted me as a daughter because of my strengths and capabilities. When and only when he saw me as something other than a 'typical' proud, vain Lycene. I did not expect that day to ever come, truly.

Now that it has, I've no choice other than proving him correct. Showing through loyalty, talent, and hard work that I am the daughter he wants, the one his family needs.

I've already begun, and the ink on the contracts hardly dried.

Written By Barric

May 6, 2018, 2:30 a.m.(9/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Caith

I'll make a deal, no more Barry, no more nickname for you too.


Written By Niklas

May 6, 2018, 1:30 a.m.(9/10/1008 AR)


That was an evening.

Written By Gaston

May 6, 2018, midnight(9/10/1008 AR)

Have there been any more sighting of large dogs in the city? I mean pony sized dogs.

Written By Sabella

May 5, 2018, 11:43 p.m.(9/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Derovai

Master Voss, if you would like to buy me a drink you need only offer.

And then I will say no! I shall buy YOU the drink for that is what friends do for each other and if I were the one with a drink I could not talk nearly as much.

Written By Lydia

May 5, 2018, 10:18 p.m.(9/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Signe

I got to spend some time with Signe today. She's reminded me that I've been straddling between the shamanistic beliefs of my youth and the Compact's devotion to the Pantheon. It occurs to me that this is a divide We will one day need to bridge. How can we stand together if in our very conscience we are divided?

Written By Rymarr

May 5, 2018, 10 p.m.(9/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Kaldur

It warms my interior to know that Dumpling is serving alongside you so well. Dame Zhayla possessed dreams of knighthood some day and I told her at the time that any knight worth their salt, at least knows how to ride. Marquessa Samantha and I came to the notion that in order to help Dame Zhayla pursue that dream, she deserved a gift befitting someone pursuing such a path. She never got as much time in the saddle as I'd have preferred, but a knight she became.

Your companion has a history and now a fresh chapter begins with you as her new companion. No matter what the future holds for either of you, it thrills me to know that Dumpling will not simply fade away. She will have renewed opportunity to make her mark and by the sound of it, already has in your affections. I'm glad that you can be of service to each other.

Written By Harper

May 5, 2018, 8:27 p.m.(9/9/1008 AR)

Met a bunch of people today. They seemed alright. Everyone wanted to spar me just because I'm Iron Guard. But why are they mostly the size of small mountains?

Anyway, I wasn't really there to spar, and by the time it was around to me I had to head out, so I didn't spar today. But I admit that with Dame Edelma... I'm looking forward to fighting her. She's my own size. Bet I'll learn something from her.

Written By Aleksei

May 5, 2018, 8:21 p.m.(9/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Kaldur

It really does warm my heart to know that Dumpling is still well-loved and well-appreciated. I'm sure Zhayla appreciates it from the Shining Lands, too.

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