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House Thrax Family Dinner

Dinner at the Thrax Estate, hosted for all the royal family to attend as they please. The door will be left open for friends and fellow Islanders as well.


June 28, 2019, 7 p.m.

Hosted By



Alarissa Margot(RIP) Denica Ian Sina(RIP) Vega Carita Vanora Sanya Lou Raimon Sparte Evander Alecstazi Brianna Jasher




Arx - Ward of House Thrax - Thrax Estate - Dining Room

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

2 Grimhall House Guards, Ivan arrive, following Sanya.

Lady Snow arrives, following Denica.

Thrax's inner halls are a little less bleak with the renovations to the Shackles having been completed. Nonetheless, one can hardly feel entirely cozy with the eyes of armored reavers following them about. With a family gather on tonight, the doors to the dining room inside and out are well guarded. Two members of Thrax's legions on either side, battleaxes and shields at rest as they usher on every arrival. The table is magnanimously set up. Steaming scallops and clams, salmon, fresh octopus, wine and rum of various flavors all set out across an aqua and red seasilk. Every chair tilted slightly to the side to welcome their guests. Lanterns hang from the ceiling to illuminate the evening procession.

Prince Victus sits at the head of the table. His hands clasped together and one leg resting atop his knee. His greatcoat rests against the back of his seat and his alaricite breastplate shows only vague hints of the wool shirt he wears underneath. His gaze is fixated on the door.

4 Redoubt Buccaneers, Bengalo, the sneaky black cat, Luna, the sweet, studious assistant arrive, following Carita.

Alarissa sits in her seat, kitty corner to the right of Victus, every hair in it's place, wearing something silk and appropriate for the dinner. A glass of wine in hand there's a glance to Victus then to the others already there or trickling in.

Margot steps inside the hall, all bedecked in white. She smiles a little and nods around, her head bowing to Victus before she moves to the table and looks for a seat. "Your grace. Duke Tyde asked me to send his regards, he's been called away to deal with some issue regarding one of our galleys."

Denica wanders her way in to the dining room dressed to the nines in her new umbra and pearl outfit, just a few hints of silver too. She wiggles her fingers at everyone already here already and has a light smile curling her lips. She heads to the table and dips in to a curtsy for Victus and Alarissa, "Your Graces." She leans her cheek over to Victus expectantly.

Ian comes in a little bit early, less concerned about being followed by reaver eyes and more concerned with his own footsteps, which he watches, as though every pace forward is a decision that has to be consciously made. Once he's out of danger of being in anyone's way, he stops walking and looks up to look around.

It's been quite a long time since Sina visited the Thrax estate, which she once called home, and where she once served as handmaiden to not one, but two princesses of House Thrax. Tonight, she's set aside the trappings of the Godsworn, leaving behind aeterna robes in favor of a lovely dress in blue-green and ivory, her black hair woven into three long, intricate braids, looped and coiled and pinned beneath a delicate hair piece of silver and opal. Her silvery eyes glance about as she enters the dining room, a soft smile offered toward Alarissa and Victus. A gentle inclination of the head is given toward the Prince and Princess-Consort in greeting. "Your Grace," she greets. "Your Highness." The three Templars who accompany her everywhere are left outside the dining room, and of course, her two assistants are given the night off. She glances over the table, and moves toward a chair, giving an inclination of the head to Margot, Denica, and others as she passes.

Vega swans gracefully into the room (or waddles carefully), round and looking ready for this child to be born already. Still, she offers a careful curtsy towards Victus and Alarissa before taking a seat near to Alarissa. Forgoing wine for the evening, she accepts chilled juice instead and looks over the feast spread out with an expression more suited to a predator than a Princess of THrax.

Seryna, a charming Lycene handmaiden, 6 Grimhall House Guards arrive, following Vanora.

Jacinthe have been dismissed.

Arindais, a dour-looking Scholar have been dismissed.

Sebastian, an adorable gray and white tabby have been dismissed.

Victus abandons his lounging posture to stand once people start filtering in. His arms held behind his back, one hand clutching his forearm. "Duchess Margot." He greets first, nodding his head toward her. "Unfortunate. Feels like it's been years since I've seen Dagon. Longer since I saw him drunk." The Prince snorts, turning his head for Denica's arrival next. "Cousin-" Oh, but she's leaning in. With her cheek forward. This gives him pause while he raises a brow. After a moment of staring, he raises his thumb up and swipes his tongue over it. "You have paint on your face." He rubs in rough against the side of her face. Was she suffering from a paint stain? Who knows, but Victus seemed intent to do a little ruffling nonetheless. Then onto Ian. "Lord Ian, welcome." And Sina. "Archscholar Sina. I feel like I've called you by three or four different titles overtime, aye? Please have a seat, all of you. Shucking knives are wrapped in those fancy lil napkins."

Ian inclines his upper body over his cane in an approximation of a bow to Alarissa and Victus first, and then respectful nods for the rest of the room. His gaze lingers a bit longer on Denica (and the paint on her face), and his eyebrow quirks. "You paint fast," is all he says to her, before taking a seat.

Carita's entrance is reasonably typical for the Countess and seems unaware of how the inky silk wrapping around her figure to bare and conceal milky skin in artful harmony makes her look just a touch on the ethereally drab side. It's her smile that's off-putting if one expected the picture to be a complete one, as it's warmth radiates genuine appreciation for those here. She dips a curtsy for those higher ranking faces, though a little lower for High Lord and Lady. At Victus' insistance, she takes a seat.

Denica snorts a little and plops down in a seat to one side of Victus. "I saw Dagon about a week ago! I it was rather nice." She turns to Ian, "You were satisfied my lord?" She picks up the rum that got poured for her and swirls it a bit. "Speaking of painting fast... I am just about done with the one of Jasher if anyone would like to see the sketch. Should be done within the week." She wiggles her fingers at the rest of the lords and Ladies and Princesses that may have entered since her.

The Duchess-Consort of Grihem's Point arrives arm-in-arm with Lady Sanya, the end of a story trailing off as they arrive at the dinner. "...weeks now. I'm not at all sure how to handle it will pass I'm certain." As the pair make their way into the slowly thickening crowd of the dining room, she looks to the servants for guidance on where to sit, and likely place-settings or not she winds up close enough to Sanya. Before the pair take their seats she offers an appropriately well-mannered curtsy to the High Lord and his wife, and to the other royals of House Thrax. Other peers are met with a smile and a finger-wave or inclination of the head, depending on how excited she is, or is feigning being.

Those who bow and greet are given dips of her head in return, Alarissa lighting up at the sight of Sina, rising to press a kiss to the cheek of her former handmaiden turned godsworn. "Have you come to catch Princess Vega's child? Add another Thrax Princess's labour to your list of skills?" She teases, a gesture to Vega. "Princess Vega, this is Archscholar Sina. She used to serve in the house and now has fled our halls to serve the gods and mightly so." And there's Margot, Carita, Ian, all the people and Denica's getting... her cheek cleaned the way that Astrid gets her cheek cleaned by a nanny. There's a glance to the Grimhalls who enter and a faint dip of her head before attention goes back to Vega and Sina.

Sina glances around the table as each person is greeted by Victus, and then focuses her eyes on him as he speaks to her. She gives a soft smile at his words. "It seems I've finally found one that's stuck, your Grace," she says with a soft chuckle. She glances over the food laid out over the table. "What a lovely spread," she says, before settling into a chair next to Vega. As Ian mentions Denica's painting, Sina looks at her with interest. "Your Highness, you and I never did have that chat about art that we had planned. I've always regretted the missed opportunity." She glances toward Carita as she arrives then, and gives the Countess of Darkwater a dip of her head in greeting. Vanora receives a soft smile, and then the Archscholar folds her hands in her lap. Her gaze turns to Alarissa then, and she gives a soft laugh. "Oh, I'm afraid you might want to have a Mercy on present if there is a baby on the way. I'm afraid when it comes to delivering babies, the best I can do is provide a hand to hold," she says, with a glance and a smile to Vega, though her silvery eyes sparkle with warmth.

Arriving with her cousin-in-law, Sanya Grimhall gives the high lord and his wife a warm smile. "Your graces." She inclines her head, in greeting before joining the duchess at the table. Warm hellos are offered to the others sat at the table.

Margot nods to Victus, "We should certainly arrange a gentlemen's night for you all to get unsuitably drunk for the company of your wives and cousins." She nods to Sina and then her smile brightens, moving towards Denica, "Your Highness, Dagon mentioned you were back in the city."

"Prince Galen seemed pretty excited about it," Ian allows to Denica as he settles into a chair. "So I guess it's all he dreamed it would be." Is that a hint of dry humor threaded into his voice somewhere? He keeps his cane close to him, close enough that someone would have to be well and truly within his personal space before they'd risk tripping on it.

"I offer the Duke's regrets that he could not join us tonight." Vanora smiles lightly, addressing the group in general and the hosts in particular with the warm tones of her voice. "Oh Princess Denica, I did not expect to see you here. It has been an age, Highness, but it is good to see you back." There is a particular smile then to Margot, and had she not already been seated the Duchess Tyde may have had to tolerate an air-kiss or two, but mercifully she is saved.

Rising back up at the introduction, Vega offers a warm wmile towards Sina, "Archscholar, its a true pleasure to meet you. I am hopeful, however, that I can hold off labor just a few more days. I still have a tournament to win, after all." She seats herself once more when Sina does, letting out the soft breath of someone glad for the reprieve. She glances towards Alarissa and chuckles, "I am bound and determined that I will participate in the final events. I've chosen my path already and look forward to the challenge." Turning back to Sina, she renews that warm smile and adds, "Its perfectly alright, I am certain that should anything happen, the proper people will be sent for posthaste. Besides, Raimon would never forgive me if I had the baby without his knowledge."

Victus makes a vague gesture off to the side of the room before he sits back down. From Vega's side, a sneaky thrall sliiiides an extra plate over, decorated with a shrimp and oyster platter. Someone is getting extra snacks tonight. Once he's back in his seat, the Prince gives a nod for the arriving Grimhalls, and turns his attention toward Ian and Denica's mention of paints. "Yes. I saw Prince Galen's..." He grimaces. "... commissioned creation in the Ebb and Flow. You both certainly have creative minds. I wonder what the sailor's think of it, once they process what they're looking at." The Highlord takes hold of his cutlerly and starts the assault on his own plate of food. Octopus with a side of bread. Thankfully, this octopus isn't still wiggling. "I made sure everything was dead tonight, 'Rissa." He dryly opines up toward his wife. "You won't have to kill to survive for another evening." His eyes move next in Carita's direction. "I see we're also joined by a moving shadow tonight. Usually that's cause for more alarm."

Willen arrives, following Lou.

"How kind your grace." Not that Alarissa touches the seafood. Not that she eats much of anything, the food placed before her by a thrall merely one bite or two of this and that. She eats like a bird Victus once accused her. "I am confidant that you will sweep the tournament, win and bring home the prize and Sina will get to enjoy her meal." She even lifts her glass of wine in salute to Sina and Vega.

A chuckle escapes from Sanya's lips at Victus' comment as her gaze drifts to the octopus. "Everything looks lovely, your graces." She comments with a smile. "A pleasure to meet you, your highness." She turns to Denica after her cousin addresses her.

It is quite unlike Lou to go barging in on other family dinners, as there are usually tons of people and everything, but today she's decided to venture out of her comfort zone and visit one of her favorite-most cousins. She strides into the dining room, after being shown the way by a few servants, then once inside she takes a moment to acclimate herself with those who've arrived before her, getting the lay of the land so to speak before making her presence known. Of course, the servants probably announce her anyway.

Curving her lips in a smile to Vega, Sina inclines her head. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, your Highness. She tilts her head curiously at mention of the tournament. "I wish you the greatest success in it, your Highness. Though, babies will come when they want to come, from what I have seen." She gives Alarissa a rueful smile at that, then looks back to Vega. "What challenge are you participating in?" she asks curiously. She hears Victus' comment about everything being dead tonight, and she lifts her hand and smiles behind her fingers for a moment, glancing down at her own plate, just the hint of the old mischievous self shining through the Archscholar's gravitas for just a moment. She quickly composes her features once more, and picks up her fork and knife as well. A smile is given to Alarissa then, and she says, "It's been far too long, your Highness. I've missed our conversations. Are the children well?" she inquires with a look of genuine interest, before picking up a scallop with her fork and putting it into her mouth.

Denica grins at victus and takes a sip of her rum, "It was mostly Lord Ian's idea, I just put it to paper," A pause as she turns to Ian, "Although Lady Arcadia is claiming some of your credit. " Another sip, "Regardless it has inspired me to do one in the same theme for all of the family. I can't wait. Jasher's is called, 'Siren's Slaughter' she hands the sketch over to Victus. She smiles at all the warm welcomes, "Thank you. It is good to be back and painting again. Hopefully our Grace will let me get back to work too." She winks playfully at victus.

Carita's head dips Sina's way as the Archscholar notices her and looks about to say something when Alarissa begins her introductions. It's Victus that gets her attention next, her words peppered through laughter. "Does it? Well, if you prefer being alarmed I'll have to try harder, Your Grace." She dips her head after, respectfully, her laughter slowly dying off.

"Based on what I've overheard at the Ebb, they think it must have actually happened," Ian says to Victus in a deadpan voice. It's hard to tell, from his flat tone, how serious he is. To Denica, he adds: "It was Prince Galen and La -- Countess Arcadia, mostly. My only part in it was --" Here, he abruptly cuts himself off, having, perhaps, realized too late that he was about to stray into a subject that was not dinner conversation. "Uh. Was going to you." Turns out that Ian is, when it comes down to it, a terrible liar, and that is absolutely not what he was going to see. Now he's very, very interested in his food.

"It is lovely to see you again here as well, Archscholar Sina. I did not want to interrupt others earlier with my own greeting, but truly it is a pleasure, it's been so long." Vanora murmurs in Sina's direction before smiling and waving in Carita's.

"They thrive. Some more than others. Astrid more so. She carries about a wooden axe and tries to emulate her father in his practices." Alarissa looks over the table, the conversation of the painting wrinkling her nose which is oon buried -deep- in a glass of wine before she takes a bite of something on her plate.

"Sirens don't really die. They're cursed to live forever," the wayward Pathfinder says as she steps further into the room. "And to share their woe with others for the misdeeds they have done. It's something we learned when going to the Isle of Storms, to help Lady Sanna find the mermaids tea she needed for the cure to her illness." Lou wiggles her fingers over in Alarissa's direction, and she offers she and Victus a nod and a warm smile. "Prince Victus, Princess Alarissa. I hope you do not mind my crashing."

When surprise food appears at her elbow, Vega looks quite pleased and even glances around for the culprit, without much luck. Shrugging, she happily begins to eat the extra shrimp and oysters, the seafood welcome treats. While she feasts heartily, its with decorum and manners, wiping her mouth every so often. After one such wipe of her lips, she turns a smile towards Alarissa and gives a nod, "Now here's to hoping that I can come up with a properly intriguing request for the Nox'alfar that won't see me participating in a folly!" Looking back to her plate, she dips a few more of the shrimp into a delicious sauce, nibbling on them before turning back to Sina once more more. With another wipe of mouth and fingers on her napkin, she chuckles, "That they will, though I'm hopeful this one will cooperate with the tournament's final events." Vega gives a nod, taking a quick sip from that chilled juice, "I've decided upon the Path of the Wise Potential Ruler. Of those that are participating, many have shown aptitude at charm and social graces, leading me to think that the Path of Courtship and the Path of the Puppetmaster will both be quite.. full. I have followed some intellectual pursuits in my life that I feel would lend better to the Wise Potential Ruler route... and I enjoy the 'story' of it more."

"Oh, I've heard about your art, your highness." Sanya turns to Denica, eyes widening with interest. "I hope to see some of your work." She pours wine into a glass. "Lord Ian, it's been a while." She addresses the man with another smile.

Lou's words, whomever they were directed towards, capture Vanora's attention instantly, and she smiles warmly at the Pathfinder Princess. "I heard tell of a different reason for their dirges. Though I had no idea that Lady Sanna was ill and needed...mermaid's cure it? What is mermaid's tea?" She seems enraptured with Lou's story, or the piece of it she's heard thus far.

'Terrible really. Took forever to figure out the stones and what was shown. As for mermaids tea, something that takes years to make and a dangerous path." Alarissa shakes her head in agreement with Lou. "But what they did was unconscienable, and Kingslaying comes with it's own consequences. They deserved thier fate, no matter how horrible." Vega relays her choice and there's n impressed nod. "I'm overseeing the puppetmasters route. I have no doubt there will be plenty who try their hand in that path." Alarissa speaks up. "Princess Vega was the first to gather all the thorns. A goal obtained by only one other. But there's still time for tonight for others to win."

Sina smiles to Alarissa at her mention of Astrid, her eyes brightening. "I feel certain that child is destined for great things," she says with a nod of her head. "I am glad to hear that they are all doing well." She nibbles at the octopus on her plate, and then glance to Vanora at her greeting. A warm smile is given, and she inclines her head in greeting. "Duchess Vanora, it's a pleasure to see you again as well. How does the theology school progress?" she asks curiously, her voice soft but pleasant. She lifts a napkin to dab at her own lips, lady-like, and sets the napkin back into her lap. She listens curiously then to Vega's description of the Path of the Wise, and nods thoughtfully. "I look forward to hearing of the results," she murmurs. "I thought about trying my hand at a few things, but I simply haven't had the time." She glances to Lou then as she arrives, and offers the Pathfinder a warm smile. "Lou, it's so good to see you," she manages to slip in a greeting. Then she reaches for her glass, for a sip of wine.

Denica's revelations has Victus' gaze turning over to Ian. "I see. So it's Lord Kennex behind the naked man that bears a striking resemble to Prince Galen." He gnaws a tentacle off his fork. "I never fingered you for a man with such vivid imagination. Good on you." His eyes stray toward Sanya. "When I would bring Astrid to Duke Harald's, he would drink from a skull and be grating cheese overtop something that smelled recently deceased. I try to follow in his culinary footsteps. I lack in bones." And then there comes Lou, the Pathfinder skulking straight into their gathering. Her words have Victus' mouth pulling back into a thin smirk across that scarred visage. "I remember one of those trips well. A dolphin headbutt me."

With another bite into the fresh octopus, Victus cants his head toward Denica. Raising two fingers, "Two things I have in mind that you could use our minister of loyalty. I'll tell you after dinner. Which reminds me-" As he wipes his mouth with a handkerchief, he jabs his fork toward Vega. "You start as Minster of Agriculture next week. Congratulations."

3 Thrax Guards arrives, following Raimon.

Denica smiles warmly at Sanya, "There is a hyper-realistic portrait of Prince Galen in the Ebb. I am rather proud of it myself." She takes a drink and smiles at Victus, "Oh how fantastic. We do need to meet about a few things your Grace. I promise it shall be interesting and not in the least bit stress inducing."

"One of her paintings is hanging in the Ebb and Flow right now, Lady Sanya," Ian says to Sanya with a peculiar almost-expression twitching around his mouth. He takes a drink from the rum that he picked up at some point. He's not going easy on the alcohol tonight. "It's good to see you."

After having picked at her plate slightly, Vanora leans in to murmur something quietly to Sanya, and then rises to her feet and slips away.

Seryna, a charming Lycene handmaiden, 6 Grimhall House Guards leave, following Vanora.

Raimon walks into the dinning room, pausing as he enters. He offers a bow to the group at large. "I apologize for my tardiness." He straightens his shoulders and marches over to take a spot near Vega and quietly sits down.

Sanya glances up at her cousin, furrowing her brow lightly as she murmurs in her ear, then nods with a sympathetic smile. "Apologies, my dear cousin hasn't been feeling too well today." She offers, in case anyonne wondered about the departure. Turning to Archlechtor Sina, she inclines her head. "It's good to see you here, Archlechtor. I hope you've been well." Her tone maintains it's usual warmth.

Lou inclines her head to Alarissa, "Indeed. They did deserve their fate." She looks over at Vanora and is about to elaborate, but then the woman is leaving. She hrms softly, then looks back to Victus. "A dolphin head butted you?" Both of her brows raise as she asks. She doesn't speak to naked pictures of Princes. And then Sina is greeting her, the /proper/ way, and Lou positively beams at her with bedazzling smile. "Archlector Sina. Undoubtedly Delilah has probably already told you about the trove of books we discovered residing in Whitepeak while we were there. Unfortunately, we were unable to retrieve them; their residence is currently on a very high second floor of the library we found, without any means presently to get to that second floor. It'll take quite a lot of resources to get a proper way to climb up to that particular floor to the mountain," she warns, as she settles down at the table.

"Thank you, Your Grace. I was happy to hear that Lady Narcissa was able to get a pendant as well. She's very skilled and I look forward to seeing how we measure up against one another," Vega responds to Alarissa with a smile before reaching to pluck up some more shrimp and scallops for her plate. Especially the ones with cheese melted on top. Nodding to Alarissa, she smiles, "I know that you'll have your hands full with that one, it seems to be a favorite amongst the competitors from what I understand. I will look forward to seeing who rises to the top in that Path!" Looking back to Sina, she looks ready to offer reply, then Victus' announcement catches her attention and has her looking sharply towards the High Lord. "Thank you, Your Grace. I will look forward to serving Thrax and seeing it flourish on both land and sea." Vega sends a warm smile full of confidence towards Victus before looking back to Sina once more, "You still have a chance, Archscholar. The last of the entry events is running tonight. I'll be on hand myself to help out. You should give it a go, if for no other reason than the fun of it!" Raimon's appearance has her smiling warmly and leaning in to kiss his cheek, "I am glad that you made it, Raimon. Please, allow me to introduce you to Archscholar Sina."

Sina tilts her head slightly, glancing at Vanora briefly out of the corner of her eye as the Duchess-Consort of Grimhall departs, then slips another scallop into her mouth with her fork. She turns her attention to the various conversations going on about her then. When Raimon arrives, Sina scoots her seat aside a little to give him room next to Vega, offering him a warm smile. Then she turns her attention to Sanya. She swallows, then smiles sympathetically in turn. "I am sorry to hear your cousin isn't feeling well. But it is a pleasure to meet you... Lady Sanya," she says, pulling the name out of memory from when it was mentioned before. "I am well enough - busy with duty. It is nice to have this reprieve this evening." She inclines her head in turn to Sanya.

As Lou speaks up in reply to her greeting, and mentions the trove of books discovered at Whitepeak, Sina's eyebrows lift with avid interest. "No, she had not mentioned it, though we do have quite a bit of catching up to do. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. It sounds like many treasures await to be discovered there," she says, with a dreamy smile. "I look forward to hearing more, and enjoyed reading your white journal giving us all a glimpse into your adventure."

Then Victus is telling Vega about her new role as Minister of Agriculture, and Sina beams a smile at her. "Congratulations, your Highness," she says. She then dips her head in turn to Raimon as they are introduced. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Prince Raimon," she greets in turn. She gives Vega a sidelong glance at mention of the last tournament event happening tonight, and she's thoughtful. "Hmmm, I'll think about it," she says, with a hint of uncertainty. Another scallop, which she seems to favor of all the items on her plate.

"I could climb it," Ian says to Lou, without the slightest idea what 'it' is. Which says something about his confidence as a climber. "It shouldn't be too hard to rig something to get a bunch of books down."

Not everyone here is mingling. Sparte can be seen moving about on the edge of the gathering, assisting the staff and seeing to supporting them in keeping the event going smoothly.

"That I have seen - it's hard to forget." Sanya smiles to Denica, warmly. "My apologies, I never inquired who the painter was. I know better now." She shakes her head before taking a sip from her glass.

Carita seems to have been letting most of the conversation swirl around her until Vegas speaks up about the thorns event. "Do you have in mind what you'd ask for a boon? While I didn't have plans to participate, I think I know what I would ask for." This seems to make her smile grow a little bigger and curl in a mischievous hint.

Denica hands Sanya a sketch of Jasher's upcoming portrait

"I'm sure you'll do just fine. I had hoped you'd be able to finish Lady Olivia's project but seeing as she's gone off to Gods know where, might as well stop the rest of the complications. You've done fine work for this House in that time." Victus replied with a nod toward Vega. "And if anyone has any suggestions for a better name than Minister of Loyalty, please suggest. 'Producivity' or 'Agriculture', more than self explanatory. But 'Loyalty'? Bah. Vague. Can do better than that." When Lou inquires about the dolphins, he turns his whole body toward her as he prepares to launch into a sailor tale. "Damn dolphins it was. We entered a chamber full of melodious song, with just a pool of water and nothing else. Stuck my head in to get a look. Found a dolphin staring back at me. And the thing decides to try and concuss me. Others took down the riddles, I was more concerned with a brawling dolphin than to solve a puzzle. Hmph." He's fast to get into his goblet of wine.

"Well, Sina, if you can't make it, then the qualifier can come to you." Alarissa points out. 'given that I hold the brass thorns, and it can easily be doen at this table." Alarissa offers to the Archscholar.

Now Lou's brows are raised at Ian. "A sheer wall with no handholds and no way to get to the balcony of the second floor?" she queries. "It was quite a distance. Sir Jeffeth nearly killed himself by scaling one of the pillars, and then throwing a grapple over to the balcony part. It's really quite high." High enough that even experienced explorer Lou wasn't too keen on going up there! She looks back to Sina and nods. "It was... challenging... to consider what to write. However, if our gracious hosts don't mind a bit of grandstanding, I'll be able to show off the tiny brass griffin." A pause, then she stage whispers. "It is more than just a statue."

Jaq, a solemn looking assistant arrives, following Evander.

Raimon leans into Vega's kiss, offering one to her cheek in return. He rests a hand affectionately on her back as he turns to Sina and bows to her. "Archlector Sina, it is a pleasure to meet you." He takes his seat, and gathers a plate close as he listens to the conversation going on around him.

"And that's my dear uncle, one for hosting memorable meals." Sanya comments to the high lord with a wry smile. Turning to Sina, she nods. "I thank you for your concern. I'm not surprised. Oh, I've heard about the renewal of Vellichor." She adds with a smile.

Ian nods to Lou. "If you think the books are important. How hard is it to get supplies to the, uh... wherever they're at?"

Sina glances to Alarissa as she speaks of holding the brass thorns, and the qualifier coming to her. She gives a soft laugh. "Oh, and what would the challenge entail, your Highness?" she asks, her eyes sparkling, and curious. She glances to Lou then as she speaks of the high up place where the books were hidden away, her expression thoughtful. "I wonder if perhaps you might find a way to sling a sturdy rope up there, pull it back down over the balcony railing perhaps, and then pull the basket up with someone in it? And then use that same basket to carry the books down? Of course, I have not seen it, so I have no way to judge whether it would actually work. Surely something can be devised." She looks interested at the mention of the brass griffin, and glances to Alarissa and Victus to see what they think. A glance is given to Sanya then, and smiles. She's spotted Sparte of course, and gestures to him, "Vellichor's Renewal is very much Sparte's project," she says with a smile. "But it is a very worthy one, I feel. We're currently in the process of refurbishing the Great Archive as well, which is a bit of an even more expansive renewal project. There will soon be a new altar unveiled in the Shrine of Vellichor as well. We Scholars been quite busy," she notes.

It could be assumed that Evander is terribly late and really quite appalling of manners: but the truth is the Kennex had no idea there was a dinner on tonight, and moreover that he's just walked into the midst of it. Those seated around the table earn a mildly surprised regard from the scholar, familiar faces, in particular his cousin and the Countess, earning a tiny smile. It's towards the latter he moves, voice cast low, "Emergency meeting?" He's clearly unnused to such large gatherings for dinner, though he doesn't appear uncomfortable as such.

Looking at the sketch closely, Sanya's sapphire gaze seems to trail over the work, trying to absorb the details. "It's so vivid." She comments with awe. "And I love the perspective you've chosen - it feels like I've emerged from the water to look upon the scene."

"Thank you! Its an honor and I will make sure that agriculture in the Isles grows under my tenure in the role," its offered in response to Sina, Vega smiling in thanks as well. She tries to (discreetly) get in a few more scallops and oysters before murmuring something to the Archscholar, perhaps to tempt the woman to the entry event. But then Alarissa is offering to run her entry right now and Vega sends a brilliant smile towards the High Princess-Consort. Turning that smile towards Victus, she offers, "Actually, Olivia's project will be moving forward as planned. She left detailed notes with Duke Ashford, apparently, and he will be spearheading the campaign with the rest of us handling our respective homelands. But I intend to start a campaign of my own for Thrax shortly that should see a boost in our agriculture as well, the sea-based agriculture this time." Turning towards Carita, Vega laughs, "I will admit, I've had so many possibilities cross my mind that I'm stuggling with just one! Though there is one that I continue to come back to... we shall see." Being a touch cryptic, perhaps, but she seems to enjoy the path her thoughts have taken.

Lou gives Victus an amused sort of look, and says in a serious tone. "Brawling dolphins is important work. Never know who they might concuss next." She looks back to Ian, considering. "It took a couple of months just to get to Whitepeak, so whatever gets taken there will need to either be light or be accounted for in the extra time it'll take to get it there. It's a very out of the way place, with no cities or anything close by. But, I guess when you had bridges where you could walk to Arx or Weijin or Eurus or Uanna," that last one is new, "within 10 minutes time, you don't really need places nearby. Unfortunately, they didn't exactly plan for the destruction that took place there. No one could have anticipated that a person would go mad with power and decide to sack the city. We didn't really look to see if the bridges still worked while we were there. Didn't want to chance it on a first trip." She glances back to Sina, considering her words. "Ropes might work, if they are properly tied off. Some of the books have metal on them though, so it'd have to be a very sturdy basket."

'Does the gryphon move?" Alarissa asks. 'Do tell me it will go in the museum when it's finihed being built?" Gryphon, she's a grayson. But Sina is willing. "Really, my qualifier has been the discernment of what is what on the table before an individual. So anyone here really can participate. Merely write down what each piece on the table is and it's purpose." Alarissa offers to Sina and the table as a whole.

Denica ohs! "Brought desert from Mistress Lottie." She has a servant bring over some choclate cake thing

Denica drops Molten Lava Chocolate Cake.

"Ah, of course." Sanya turns to Sparte with a smile. "I knew he was hosting the events, I just wondered how involved you were in the planning. But it sounds like you have plenty to focus on."

Ian knows better than to ask too many questions about the half-described events Lou rattles off to him, even though it's pretty clear from the lack of comprehension in his eyes that he followed very little of that. "If there's a railing to toss a rope over, then all I'd need is a bunch of rope," he says to Lou. "Maybe some sailcloth to make a sling for the books." He finishes off his rum and pours a little more into the glass. "We deal with moving heavy loads up and down sheer surfaces a lot on ships. Probably any decent sailor could handle that part." That's pretty much what loading a ship is.

There is a smile back to Sanya and Sina from Sparte when he catches looks in his direction, but he continues to keep himself busy away from the discussion. Soon enough he has ducked out of the room to check on something, not for the first time tonight.

"I'm all for fantastic creatures made from metal. In fact, it might be my favorite form of art." Victus muses as he sets his wine aside for the time being. "Brass, silver or gold. No matter. A skilled crafter will make it look abso-fuckin'-lutely majestic." The Prince falls quiet for the time being. Focusing on both his dinner and the many voices going on around him. Brass gryphons, book baskets and pulley systems. These things do not involve swinging weapons about.

Alarissa takes Tournament of Thorns brass thorn from a chest of thorns.

Raimon sits quietly next to Vega, picking at his food as he listens to the coversation rolling around him. He is no expert in books, engineering or artwork. But he seems content to sit at the table with his new family as he eats

Alarissa takes Tournament of Thorns brass thorn from a chest of thorns.

Sina's attention seems torn between Lou and Alarissa, and the anticipation of seeing that little brass gryphon. She nods to Lou, and smiles. "Perhaps such a thing can be contrived. And when I say basket, I don't mean, you know, a picnic basket. But one large enough perhaps for one person to stand in, so it would have to be at least that sturdy, I should think." She looks to Alarissa then as she speaks of the qualifier for the brass thorn, and then she glances down at the table and the items spread about on it. She /was/ a former handmaiden, after all. If a servant doesn't know the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon, what good are they? After a moment, she gets a mischievous little grin on her features. "Challenge accepted, your Highness," she says after a moment, but she doesn't participate right away. She glances to Sanya, and inclines her head. "It is mostly Sparte's project, but I do endorse it fully."

Alarissa takes Tournament of Thorns brass thorn from a chest of thorns.

"Even copper I dare say, your grace." Sanya interjects to the prince's comment, taking a bite from the food on her plate.

Sina picks a servant out to get a piece of paper and quill and ink, and then sets down to writing out things on a piece of paper, glancing at the table settings briefly, her features studious as she glances at the items on the table. Then she has the servant take the paper to Alarissa, and then she picks up her wine, taking a drink from it with a glance around.

"Does it move?" Bolstered by both Victus's and Alarissa's encouragement, Lou reaches into her backpack and pulls out a tiny brass griffin, with feathers on its wings of many different colors. But, it's not just a brass griffin. It's far more; the tiny joints in the wings and legs, the key on its back. This is no sculpture, but tiny and intricate clockwork. She very carefully winds it up three times, and then sets it on the table. She then looks to those around the room with a wide grin as she lets it go, and the griffin takes off from the table all on its own. It doesn't go far, just up a few feet and then circles once, twice, three times, before it lands back on the table in the same spot again. "Yes, it moves," she says with a twinkle in her eye. "It's a wonder it was in tact. We found it in the square, exposed to all of the elements."

As Lou steals the spotlight for a time with that gorgeous little wind-up gryphon, Sina is momentarily entralled as she winds the thing up, and then lets it fly and settle back onto the table. Her eyes widen at that, and she sets down her glass. "Oh gods, it's so pretty! So cute. So... ingenious. It looks like a child's toy," she says, and then her expression falters a little when Lou says that it was just lying in the midst of the destruction, exposed to the elements. "How sad... but wonderous," she whispers softly. She gives a glance toward Evander who has recently joined them, and offers him an amiable smile. The young Archscholar looks back to the little gryphon again then, her expression a bittersweet one.

Carita nods as she listens to Vega, leaning to whisper something to her before she straightens again as an attendant arrives with her drink and quietly thanked. She might have leaned in to say more, but then Evander is making an appearance, and the seat beside her is patted for him. "Come sit and enjoy a meal?" Then, Lou's griffon is wound up and set free, lifting off. She goes statue-still, a hand to her chest in silent awe even after it's landed.

Ian gives the gryphon a decidedly dubious look, like it might finish this particular performance by exploding, then shifts his attention to Evander, who I'm going to assume hasn't sat down yet. "Evander. Uh. You okay?"

Victus spares an eye toward the little griffin on the table, peering at it from over top his goblet. It's a quizzical stare as he looks from key to moving parts. A tilt of his head as she starts turning it. And then the thing starts /MOVING/ on it's own. There's a loud 'thunk' as his boot hits the ground and the rest of him recoils against his seat. So hard as to push it a few inches across the ground. His eyes follow the griffin every which way it goes with a mixture of anxiety and bewilderment. "What the fuck?" He swears. "How does that- How does it do- What is it?"

"language Victus." Alarissa shoots her husband a look before glancing to Lou. "I sense that toys like this will be all the rage the moment the crafters can get a look inside and figure out the how's" Alarissa watches it with wonder and a smile on her face. But then Maxene is moving in, whispering in Alarissa's ear and she nods. "And the last qualifier calls me." Alarissa takes the pieces of paper offered to her and a quick look means there's nods. "Lady Sana, Princess Denica, Archscholar, I'll see thorn delivered to the three of you and notify Lady Greenmarch that you have all three qualified."

Sanya leans over slightly to stare at the ornament. "That is some master craftsmanship, I dare say. Knowing as little of crafting as I do." An amused smile appears on her lips at Victus' reaction.

Raimon has been eying the cake that has been brought out, like it might be some form of worthy foe to be sought on the battle field. But there is more wholesome food that must be conquered first. He resolutely sets to cleaning his plate so that he can try some of that cake... but then there is a clockwork gryphon buzzing about and he seems to distract him from his task.

"Uh." Evander pauses visibly, glancing at the seat Carita pats and then around the table. He recognizes almost no one else, nods towards Sina as she smiles his way, and slides into the chair, perching on it lightly as if not intending to stay long. He doesn't reach for any food or drink, certainly. "Fine," he answers Ian, with a nod, "I-" and then Lou's demonstrating the clockwork creature, and he just stares, brow furrowing in focus for a moment as his gaze tracks it. "I wouldn't suggest letting the Baroness Elloise see that. It seems like a thing she would want to take apart," he says, after a moment.

Much like everyone, Vega's attention is held by the tiny metal griffin that takes a small flight around the table. Her eyes as round as saucers, she doesn't leap to her feet, but she does lean in towards her husband with a hand falling towards her stomach in protective fashion. As if the tiny metal creature could do anything truly harmful. Still, she clears her throat after a few moments, grateful for the cover of Victus' reaction while she reaches for her chilled juice to sip on while she regains her carefully neutral expression. In listening to Carita's murmured words, she offers a small chuckle then returns a few whispers before straightening once more.

Lou is carefully gauging all of the reactions around the table as she is carefully scooping up the griffin and putting it away in her backpack once more. Victus's reaction gets an especially amused look. "It is a clockwork construction, either made by Brass himself or one of his apprentices," she carefully explains, without going into too much detail at the dinner table. "I have only seem two clockwork constructions before. This one, and the one I helped Hana Grayhope make when I was entreated to help with another expedition; made from plans by Brass, and further helped by notes from Brass in the dark of the night after Hana had gone to bed. I will very likely let both she and Felix study it a bit, with the promise they won't actually take it apart. They are both working on how to recreate clockwork items." She looks over at Evander, chuckling softly. "I'm very well aware of Elloise's perchance for taking things apart. She was once my protege and came with me on a journey to a different mountain where we discovered some things about Brass."

"You here for dinner?" Ian's keeping an eye on the gryphon, but less out of a sense of wonder and more to make sure he keeps track of it in case it tries anything. Or looks like it's about to blow up. "You here for dinner?" He asks Evander. To Lou, he adds: "You wouldn't happen to know how to get in touch with him, would you?"

Sina beams a smile to Alarissa as she announces those who qualified. "Excellent! Thank you, your Highness," she says gratefully. "I... think I will attend, shortly." She looks to the tiny griffin again, a million questions in her features food and dessert and drink forgotten for a moment. "How /does/ it do that?" She doesn't seem particularly anxious about the thing, but rather, intensely curious.

"Bullshit language, that thing just came alive." Victus barks back to his wife. The rest of him shifts forward, hands on his knees as he stares at the little machine with renewed interest. "Are you not amazed by that? There's a little piece of Brass' magic in our home. Right this second. And it moved." This and more spoken from the side of his mouth toward Alarissa. He jabs his finger toward the little creature while his eyes find Lou's own. "What is 'clockwork'? Doesn't it require some sacrifice of primum like the Shield?" There's a brief moment when something akin to realization flashes across Victus' face. He quiets down fairly quick, instead glancing toward Ian. "If you mean Brass, a messenger will find him soon enough. That's how I've spoken to him in the past."

"How wonderful, so they shared the techniques with you?" Sanya asks Lou, sincere intrigue crossing her mien.

Primus, First of Monique's Assistants arrives, delivering a message to Raimon before departing.

Raimon slips an arm protectively around Vega as she leans towards him, still eying the bit of clockwork with a sense of wonder on his face. But then a messenger arrives and his expression returns to it's usual stoicism. He takes the letter, and a bag that clinks of silver before he frowns.

Evander, too, seems intent on tracking the brass griffin, but not out any alarm. Maybe he's just waiting to see what else it may do, if anything. "No, I didn't... know," he's answering Ian, finally glancing towards his cousin. "I was going to see if I could get some time in the Thrax library. I'm doing some historical research into Coldreach." He nods towards Lou, as if satisfied about the warning given.

"Yes Victus, I am quite amazed. Right this moment, I want to take it to the nursery, sit with the children and watch thier tiny little minds implode when it's wound and showed to them. But we -are- in the middle of a dinner." She has better composure than that. But she starts to rise, wiping at her lips - as if there's any trace of the few bites - with a napkin that was laid across her lap, even as a thrall's moving forward to pull her seat out. "But I have people to quizz on whether they can tell an meal for from an oyster fork. I'll be back later tonight. Everyone, it was a delight to share a meal with you. You are all always welcome back."

Denica sits back and enjoys her rum and food quietly for now.

Lou gives Ian a considering look. "Last I heard he was staying with Archlector Aureth within the confines of the Faith's compound to ensure he stayed safe from the Cardians. But that was when our visitors came to Arx, and after the Assembly of Peers. You might try sending a message to him there?" she suggests. "As far as I know he's free to come and go as he pleases." She shakes her head over at Sanya. "Not exactly. The plans we came into possession of was thought to be a map found on a door in the tunnels underneath Aviaron's Peak. After deciphering it all, we discovered it was really plans for a very intricate clockwork bird. It would have been much easier of the technique had bene shared, but creating the one piece required many weeks of trial and error. Hana did all of the intricate work, mostly someone else and I stood around watching over her shoulder helping by making suggestions." Lou is no smith! She also blushes a bit as she says this. She glances over at Victus. "Most I can tell its mostly just cogs and gears. Its possible he imbued it with a bit of magic too, it did come out of Whitepeak." She bites her lip a moment and then just decides to say it. "It's the city the members of the Metallic Order createdd to try out all of the new magic they were creating. Most of it is destroyed now, has been for centuries. We only just rediscovered the path to go there."

Sina looks at the cake regretfully, then rises to her feet as well. "Lou," she says, "I hope you're still willing to give a talk at the Academy about Whitepeak. I am certain there are a great many people who are curious." She offers a smile to the Pathfinder Princess. "I think I will go to the qualifier event and see what it's all about," she says, and offers Alarissa a smile. "May I accompany you, your Highness?" she asks.

Vega offers a smile towards Raimon for his response before she's finishing her juice and making sure her plate is cleared. Wiping her fingers and mouth, she lets one of the servants pull back her chair as well, pushing up to her feet with that faint wince that comes with late term pregnancy. Giving a nod to all, she offers a warm smile and murmurs, "I should be heading off as well, I promised Lady Greenmarch I would play lie-keeper for her game again. But it was truly nice to see you all and speak with some of you. I'll look forward to the chance to meeting and speaking with more of you soon. I hope everyone has a wonderful evening." Leaning in, she presses a kiss to Raimon's cheek and smiles at him, then turns towards Sina and Alarissa with a smile, "Well then, shall we?"

Ian shifts his attention to Victus. "I haven't had any luck with that." He nods to Lou. "Thanks. I'll check with the Archlector. Maybe he'll be able to get word through." He uses his cane to nudge out a chair for Evander. "Have a seat."

3 Thrax Guards leaves, following Vega.

Raimon rises with his wife, kissing her cheek before she goes. He returns to his seat, looking curiously for a moment.

Denica checked dexterity + stealth at difficulty 15, rolling 10 higher.

Denica slips out

Lady Snow leaves, following Denica.

"A whole damn city of Metallic projects?" Victus questions. "Gods forbid any of the wrong people discover that. Even if it's mostly rubble by now..." The thought seems to give the High Lord some pause. Staring down at his plate without another word. "Part of me wishes I could see it. The other part of me thinks staying way the hell away is much better. Still." He gestures to the tiny griffin again. "That thing is amazing. No magic needed either... Hm. What a world all of this 'clockwork' could be."

3 Templar Knight guards leaves, following Sina.

Maxene, the steadfast ladies maid, Elegance, a Velenosian Greyhound, Pellinor, 2 Thrax Elite Guards, 3 Thrax Guards, Honey Snuggle, a Velenosian Angora cat leave, following Alarissa.

Evander shifts in his seat, settling more fully onto it as if taken Ian's suggestion to mean he doesn't look like he intends to stay. Which he might not: he watches all those departing with a steady gaze. "I don't wonder if in a hundred years all the things which seem strange and magical to us," he gestures to the brass creature, "Will just be commonplace and accepted."

"The clock tower had clockwork, but... it also had other things going for it as well." Lou says astutely. "Copper had been involved with the clock tower's creation," she adds as an explanation.

Ian snorts. "If we don't use all the strange and magical stuff to wipe ourselves out before then," he comments in a dry tone to Evander. He sounds like he'd put his money on 'we're going to wipe ourselves out'.

"Sure, if that," Evander concedes Ian's point without missing a beat.

Raimon pulls a plate of cake to himself, having conquered his food. He frowns slightly, tilting his head to one side. "How many of these clockwork contraptions are used for war?"

"Alternatively, a few may survive. Humanity grows from there, and knowledge of these things regresses." Sanya suggests to Ian, taking a sip from her glass.

Carita smiles Evander's way, "Thank you for being part of that again, Lord Evander." and as others pipe up, she leans to quietly say something to the Kennex Lord.

"Whitepeak is half as large as Arx, so if there other other such projects in there, it's going to take decades to even explore the city to catalog everything." Lou points out gently. "Lorwroth Kinsbane went to town on the city. The streets are currently paved with bones of those he and his marauders killed when he went on his mad spree. I was honestly surprised to see as much still standing as I did, but I was very happy to see that parts had escaped the fires and destruction he rendered there."

"A fair number, I'd wager," Ian remarks to Raimon. "That's usually one of the first uses people put new stuff to."

"People are already destroying themselves from the inside trying their magic tricks." Victus mused. "The fatalities will only climb. Nonetheless, if Hana could recreate that thing with success? That's a damn good sign. And a damn concerning one too." He tilts his head to the side as Lou speaks of Whitepeak. Curious. "Lorwroth Kinsbane sounds like an awfully elf-like name."

Lou gives Victus a rueful look. "He was Lorwroth Grayson. He got the name Kinsbane because when he became king he wanted no other successors to the throne, and started killing members of the Grayson family line. Triscali was a former princess of the Grayson family line and several of the main fealties decided they wanted her for Queen instead. She left the Metallic Order, after having given up being a Grayson, to become Queen of the Compact at their behest." She shifts in her seat and carefully says, "She is the Queen that abolished slavery in its former form."

"The sacrifices she made for the compact." Sanya comments quietly. "Truly a servant of the gods."

Ian looks to Victus. "What do you think the chance is that she could recreate the cobalt weapons?"

"Of course, Countess. I am pleased to be able to help in some small way," Evander replies to Carita, tipping his head to listen and reply in an soft undertone. He's listening quietly to the conversations and information being shared, but doesn't seem given to contribute.

Raimon looks towards Ian and nods his head in agreement. "Indeed. Those are what I am most concerned about."

Ondine, a red-breasted sparrowhawk arrives, following Brianna.

3 Thrax Guards, His Grace, a massive red roan Maelstrom destrier, Brianna arrive, following Alecstazi.

"Lorwroth Grayson?" Victus parrots, straightening in his seat at the revelation. "I suppose I was half-right in that case. Though I was unaware that Queen Triscali was one of the Metallics. I only know her by name and deed." With Ian's question, the Prince gives a shrug. "Cobalt's weapons seem to only serve the function of saving one from the Gyre's madness. Perhaps if she could do something just as ritualistic..." He shrugs again. "I really don't know. I can only speculate."


Lou shakes her head at Ian, her tone regrettable. "None, yet. When I went to her seeking her help to create the bird - which we didn't know it was going to /be/ a bird at the time, she told me she wasn't able to artifice anything as yet. I suspect unless Brass decides to take on apprentices within the city, we're a long ways off on that. Many of the old enchantments are fading or have faded on the weapons that are out there." She pauses, then explains, "Part of what I did when looking into the Lodge of Petrichor crisis was heavily research artificed weapons, specifically the named blades. However, there is a village to the north of those who studied under Tal the Craftsman. It may be possible they know something the art. No one has gone to visit it that I'm aware. Their blades are said to last longer than any other blades in all of Arvum." She clears her throat, adding. "And a good number of those weapons, like the Stone Shield, were made prior to the Reckoning. There were at least eight figures from history that worked together to create the shield. Many of them were collaborative efforts."

Arriving well past fashionably late, Alecstazi walks in, hair damp, clothes clinging to obviously equally damp skin, but he does at least have a guest. Lady Brianna Halfshav arrives on his arm, and Alec makes his way to the table, pausing to bow to Victus on the way, and once there, waits for an opportunity to offer a hello.

"They had an alternate option of course, in the event she was unable to lend her aid." Sanya adds to the conversatioN. "A man of mixed great house heritage." The corners of her lips twitch.

Lou adds, "Brimstone helped Cobalt make her weapons," as a for instance on collaborative efforts.

Ian shakes his head to Victus. "I know people say that, but my experience says otherwise. Remember that, um... The giant... fire..." His voice trails off again, and once again he looks like a man who has realized too late that the conversational road he started down leads somewhere he doesn't want to go right now. He clears his throat. "There's been a couple times it's worked on the, uh, effects of... non... Gyre... things."

Arriving with Prince Alec, Brianna discreetly scans the table to see if any of the food present is currently still alive. She carries herself with practiced grace, a deceptive effortlessness. She patiently waits for an appropriate time to make her greetings and introductions. Not her family, after all. Let Alec do the hard work!

"That so?" Victus turns to look at Ian. "Suppose I should keep mine closer at hand in that case." And Lou has an even deeper story to tell and once again, he's looking toward the Grayson for her wisdom. "You know, I had hoped to one day put Barathrum through some form of artificing. Granted I have no idea how it works. Or if that's possible. But it's a nice sword. I would like it to be magically nice." It sounds as though it should be a joke, but his tone is bone dry. His eyes move on toward the door as the guardsmen allow through two new guests. He nods for Alecstazi and Brianna both. "Cousin. Guest. I'm afraid you've missed the food being piping up, but there's plenty yet to go around."

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Brianna before departing.

Raimon quietly enjoys his cake, listening curiously to the conversation as he looks about for a moment

"Thank you cousin, may I introduce Lady Brianna Halfshav?" Alecstazi bows to Victus and motions for Brianna to take a seat.

Lou gives pause, then says to Victus. "It may be a possibility, eventually. The taint is the bigger issue that needs to be dealt with first. Magicking anything isn't safe until it can be removed or lessened, and that's something anyone can help with if they've a mind to do so."

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Prince Victus," Brianna says, clearly on her best behavior. She gives a nod to the danger of magic. "Even the best-intentioned magic can still blow up spectacularly. If you're lucky, literally."

2 Grimhall House Guards have been dismissed.

Ivan have been dismissed.

Ian falls into silence and finishes his dinner as the subject shifts to magic. He eyes the people talking with the same dubious, distrusting look that he gave to the gryphon.

Alecstazi shoots a glance to Ian with a similar wariness. "Lord Kennex." He holds a seat out for Brianna, and takes his own when she is settled. "What is this? Are we still playing tease the Islander with all this magic talk?"

It seems for a moment that Victus almost smiles. /Almost/. "Then that will be something to look forward to once many more have accomplished their rituals." He remarks to Lou before turning his attention toward Alecstazi and Brianna. "Lady Brianna. I've known you by name for a few years now, although without a face to put to it. Glad to finally have that." He continues onto Alecstazi, "We were just speaking of all manner of mysticism and myth. Makes for good dinner-time philosophy. Princess Lou has even brought us a 'clockwork' invention." He gestures to the other end of the room. Two thralls are quickly moving passed Alecstazi and Brianna both, pulling out two extra seats for them at the dining table.

Raimon stands to his feet, offering a bow. "I should be going. Thank you for dinner."

Lou nods amicably to both Brianna and Alecstazi. "Lady Brianna just joined the Society of Explorers," she notes to Victus. Oh, she's well aware of the stares. The princess just doesn't seem to care about it. Though, Victus calling her princess? That gets a troubled wince from the princess who hates being called princess, though she doesn't correct him; it's his dinner table, he can call her what he wants. She glances over at Raimon and nods. "It was a pleasure to have made your acquaintance," she tells him.

Ian nods to Alec, and pours himself more rum.

"My dear cousin Khanne speaks highly of you. The pleasure is mine." Brianna takes a seat as one is offered. "Clockwork? What does that mean?" she asks, intrigued. Lou gets a grin. "Yes! The poor fellow who was testing me wasn't expecting to be tackled, that's for certain." She pats Alec's arm. "No need. The city does that for me, I think."

Evander's head jerks up briefly as he hears someone greet Lord Kennex, but realizing Alecstazi is talking to Ian, he returns to regarding the table quietly, exchaging low words with Carita.

Carita rises as Raimon does, "A pleasure to see you again, your Highness." but then dips her head in Alecstazi's direction, his being a new face to her. "I don't believe we've been introduced, this cousin of His Grace's." There's a curious glance between Ian and Alec before she resettles, her head dipped Brianna's way, "Hello again, Lady Brianna. I'm used to seeing you mostly at Halfshav gatherings, though with a full house of my own these days I do a lot less socializing."

3 Thrax Guards leaves, following Raimon.

Lou grins as Brianna asks nearly the same question as Victus not long ago. "Contraptions made with cogs and gears. I showed off such a thing, a tiny griffin statuette that flies, a bit earlier. It's put away for safekeeping at the moment, but I'll be glad to show it off again at the Explorer's Hall sometime," she promises. To Alecstrazi, she says, "Lou Grayson, Pathfinder of the Explorers."

Alecstazi leans back in his chair, observing the various conversations, though when Victus speaks to him, he listens, nodding to the words the High Lord speaks. "It seems this sort of philosophy is oft talked about here in Arx. A local obsession?"

"Hello, Lady Carita! You are looking well," Brianna says brightly. "I do get away from my cousins from time to time," she adds with a good-natured chuckle. Lou's description of the tiny flying gryphon earns a look of wide-eyed awe. "That sounds absolutely remarkable. I know a few children whose jaws would hit the floor at such a thing, and more than a few adults. I look forward to seeing it in action someday." Alec's remark earns a sideways glance. "In a word, yes." She helps herself to a little of everything within reach.

"World's changing," Ian adds to Brianna's answer. "People are trying to feel out their place in whatever it's changing into." He takes another drink.

Evander rises when Carita does, too, although he doesn't sit back down. "I should keep moving. I'll be in the library a little while if anyone needs me." He gives a bow, leaving his place empty for someone else to claim.

"Wishes and dreams." Lou says to Alecstazi. "Hopes and fears. Its all one and the same. I'm content to just explore the world." She sits up and grins widely. "There's nothing like exploring a new mountain peak, or climbing over a new set of ruins and trying to puzzle together what part of history its all come from." She nods to Ian. "That too. You feel it from time to time; like that perfect day of wonder the other day. I get to experience that every time I find something new; would that more people could experience it every day."

Jaq, a solemn looking assistant leaves, following Evander.

Victus gave a nod to that. "Aye. I'm sure you've heard plenty of tall tales by now. Of magic and monsters, Abyss and what not. The city's peerage is infatuated with it. The scary part comes when you start to decipher which tale is bullshit and which is unfortunately, very real." The Prince's hands clasp together, his fingers intertwine. His eyes darting from one speaker to the next. "Learn something new every day."

Ian settles back in his chair. "At this point, you could tell me ass monkeys were a thing, and I wouldn't disbelieve you."

"Indeed. It does seem to be... eye opening to say the least." Alec's appetite seems mild, pausing to take a bite here and there, but for the most part he is just listening, a contemplative frown on his face.

Brianna lets out a little, contended sigh when Lou mentions that perfect day. "It was like a dream, or like I remember spring afternoons when I was a small girl." Victus' comment gets a nod. "The strange things we see, the strange things our comrades report and--" Ian's comment about ass monkeys takes her by surprise and she cracks up. "You know, if the monkeys didn't have an ass, it would be far more alarming. Or if they shared a single ass."

Jasher enters late without even the concession of being fashionable about it. Nor is he going to compensate for his lack of presence beforehand; he acknowledges the people present with a polite nod before heading in to find a seat suitable for door-watching. Never mind the reavers already standing guard.

Lou is noticing the time then and lets out a sigh. "Speaking of magic and monsters, I best get back to my little monsters to tell them a few tales of their own." Her kids! She means her kids! She rises from her chair and nods to all there. "It was a pleasure and a delight to visit with you all this evening."

Alecstazi stands as Lou gets up to leave, offering her a bow. "Your highness, it was a pleasure to speak to you." He reclaims his seat and sends a smile to Brianna before looking to Jasher and chinning at his fellow prince. "I had the pleasure of meeting Aleksei Morgan today."

Willen leaves, following Lou.

Carita rises as well, a sweet smile offered to those gathered, "I should really head out as well." She dips a curtsy for most, but another for Victus especially. "It was a lovely dinner, your Grace, as usual." Much like her quiet entrance, is her equally silent departure with a smile at the group before she exits.

Victus has a small wave for the departing Princess. The atmosphere having gotten much calmer since their original hustle and bustle, giving the High Lord time to assume a much more lax posture. When Carita announces her departure, he gives her the same gesture. "Be well, Countess." There's a stray glance for Jasher when he skulks inside, though he doesn't press the issue. His gaze is back on Alecstazi. "Oh, the First Liberator? He's quite a large personality."

4 Redoubt Buccaneers, Bengalo, the sneaky black cat, Luna, the sweet, studious assistant leave, following Carita.

Brianna winces at Alecstazi's mention of Aleksei, but she does not offer comment. She wishes those departing farewell, then turns her attention back to the table. "At least there was no duel called," she remarks at last.

Jasher looks up from the seat he's claimed, and the plate he's filling with a sampler of seafood. He crooks an eyebrow, but doesn't speak up for the moment.

Ian nods to Jasher. "Princess Denica's doing a painting of you," he says point blank. His voice is flat, but there's... there might be a tiny bit of a smile playing around his mouth.

"It wouldn't do to call a duel. He's a commoner. That's not really done. It's also why I did not take the insults he flung towards me and my family seriously." There is a blandness to Alecstazi's voice as he reaches for a glass of wine and takes a drink. At the mention of Denica and her painting, he looks to Jasher and grins. "Better you than me cous. Did you hear about the one she made fo Galen?"

"He certainly looked nearly ready to call one," Brianna remarks dryly. Then she notices Jasher. "Prince Jasher! So good to see you again," she says, raising her glass to him. She sits back and listens to this talk of paintings.

Jasher tilts his blue gaze towards Ian. His lips pull straight, though the tightness is more reminiscent of a grimace than a smile. "So I saw. And so I am aware. I insisted that the pants should remain on, at least." He lets out a long sigh, low and resigned, before taking a pull from his glass.

"Hm." Victus takes his half-full goblet of wine and drinks a hefty swig. "It seems that Princess Denica has a mind to do one for /everyone/ at some point or another. I dearly hope she's intending to keep some of your clothed. Dearly." The drink is set aside for the time being. "You won't find much ground arguing with the Liberators. They're ferociously set in their goals."

Ian gives a twitch of a grin, and there's a flash of amusement like an arc of electricity in his eyes. "Saw the sketch. It's something else."

"That's the thing, Your Grace," Alecstazi leans back, "I was not trying to fight with him. I stated my opinion and he began ranting. It was fairly obvious he was not going to let it go, so I sought to leave." There is a glance to Brianna, a firm press of his lips, "I did get in a barb that was ill considered and unworthy, so I apologized and left. But prior to that I was perfectly polite."

Jasher looks ceilingward. "Jayus preserve my dignity," he says fervently.

"It's Denica. YOu won't have any left." Alecstazi offers far too cheerfully to Jasher, with a smile.

Ian huffs a near soundless laugh.

"That /does/ sound like Sir Aleksei." Victus muses. "The only correct move is to not play the game at all. Though I'd say he was a little more open to negotiation when he was Archlector. When there was more restraint in politics." Another drink of wine punctuates his words. "Doesn't matter much now. The world is already in the midst of change."

"True dignity remains regardless of one's state of undress," Brianna remarks to Jasher, enjoying the hell out of a pile of shrimp. There a sigh at the whole Aleksei situation. "There was ranting. Pointing. Passionate fellow, I'll give him that."

Jasher lowers his head into his hands.

Ian looks towards Victus. "That crowd are usually okay, if you let them go on for a while about what an ass -- what a terrible person you are, without arguing. Eventually they run out of things to say, I guess."

Alecstazi looks to Victus, clearly debating, and finally his curiosity gets the better of him. "Why *are* we giving in?" There is no true aggression, there is something conflicted but he is, as ever, respectful. "I admit, I do not understand and have been meaning to ask."

Jasher lifts his head. He rubs his nose with calloused fingers as if nursing a headache, but continues his task to eat in silence and listen.

Victus doesn't answer immediately. He doesn't even turn his head around. The question hangs in an air of awkward silence for several seconds. When the High Lord turns his head, his eyes are like glass. "Because there is a monster that threatens our existence called Legion. Thralldom has fed its power for a thousand years and will continue to do so as long as it exists." Slowly, he leans forward. His clasped hands coming to rest against the table as he continues. "Because the instituion of our religion that provides for every smallfolk across the world has embraced a God of Choice, and his followers are swelling in number every day. The Church wields political authority to rival the Crown and a rift has existed between them and Thrax. When hundreds of years ago King Darius Thrax was ordering Legates to leap from the soverign bridge, burning our holy archives and mutiliating the corpses of the clergy in brutal heresy. Three Great Houses and the Church toppled our dynasty. Every day that thralldom persists, that rift will grow and our place in this Compact will become more strained." Without missing a beat, he wrings his hands together and goes on further. "Because foreign powers that exceed all of our technology and knowledge have their attention set on us. If we are not buried in the sands of Eurus, we will burn from Cardia's flames, or be collared by Jadariel's principles. Because all of the stories you've heard, the ones that have some nugget of horrible truth to them, the things that /really/ exist that we don't see? We're fighting them with sticks and stones. And the man they call Brass has what we need to fight them, and he won't give it to us so long as thralldom remains."

Victus sucks in a breath through clenched teeth, averting his eyes and scratching at his beard with just a moment's pause. "Because our existence is being threatened all the time, from every angle, from politics and outside nations and corruption and looming destruction and forces we can barely comprehend. This House does not persist for another thousand years unless we bleed for our survival. Because that's all this is. House Thrax and the Mourning Isles' continued survival. You don't need to believe me. I know, it must sound ridiculous. But it's the only answer I have, because it's the truth of it."

"Mind the names you speak, Your Grace," Jasher says quietly. His eyes are upon Victus now, his blue gaze clear, yet opaque.

"Thralldom is holding the Isles back," Ian opines. He takes another drink. "When I was a kid, Stormward was a backwater. The holding probably should have been called a county, not a march. My brothers and I went to sea as much because we had to as because we wanted to." He regards Alec. "That's not the life my son's going to grow up with. Once the Isles is unshackled from thralldom, anyone who thinks they were making us weak and easy to control by pressuring us to give up our thralls is going to be in for a very nasty surprise."

At the mention of Brass, Brianna's jaw tightens and her nostrils flare. "Believe him," she entreats Alecstazi softly. "From everything I've learned about the horrors of this world, and all I have yet to learn... believe him."

Alecstazi checked composure at difficulty 15, rolling 3 higher.

12 Thrax Elite Guards have been dismissed.

Crow - Thraxian Steward have been dismissed.

Lilybelle - The Claw of Arx have been dismissed.

Ondine, a red-breasted sparrowhawk have been dismissed.

3 Thrax Guards have been dismissed.

His Grace, a massive red roan Maelstrom destrier have been dismissed.

That is quite a lot to take in. And it is unclear how much Alecstazi believes. When Brianna speaks to him, making that entreaty, he nods slowly, before he looks back to Victus. "I cannot say I understood much of what you said." There is a frown, having to admit ignorance is plainly an uncomfortable thing. "But hearing your words, seeing your face? I understand that *you* believe it. And of all the things you are, you are not, nor have ever been a liar." Alec nods and says, "I would like to understand more. So that I can help. I.. I am not comfortable with this change, but I am not fool enough to blindly cling to what was if that which I cling to is a slow poison."

Victus shares a look toward Jasher. "He needs to understand. We don't have the luxury of time on our side." Then his gaze is back upon Alecstazi, like cold steel. "We cannot tell them the truth. Not all of it. Because like you, there are so many out there who would never believe it. So many people who will go their entire lifetime without seeing a damn thing of what you've heard about. They didn't see the creatures at Setarco's bay, not the shadows that attacked the city, not the monsters that marched on the Lodge. Even then... When the world is at peace, we'll fight amongst ourselves. Over roads or slights or anything else. How much longer will a vestige of slavery hold out if the majority carried Aleksei's zeal in this ever going worship of Skald? How will we reconcile paying homage to authority when that authority takes issue with a core value of our life? Where are we, decades from now, in this new world if we do not adapt?" The Prince pauses a beat. "We die. We fade into being the boogeymen of a crueler time, a cautionary tale to the children. I will not stand for that. I will bring everyone with us that I can. They need not agree, but they must accept. If they fight me, then I will end them. If I have to pull them out of their castles and drag them kicking and screaming, if I have to hold their heads underwater until they stop struggling, if I have to mount a thousand crosses on the coastline... I. Don't. Care. I'll do what it takes to make sure that we are still here now and forever.

The High Lord leans further still in his seat, clenching and unclenching his fists. "I have spoken or fought with every leader of the world. I have fought them behind closed doors. I've fought Priests in this very room. I've fought in the ruling council's chambers. I've dragged Brass from one year to seven. There is no better time, no better support, no better /chance/ to take this shot than right now. I need not just you, Alec, I need /everyone/ to understand that we are fighting for more than a brighter future. We're fighting against extinction."

Listening to all of this, Brianna sits back and sips her wine. "Essentially, tradition means nothing when there is no one left to practice it," she muses, eyes looking over at a Victus. "I know I am no great philosopher, or even a particularly good one, but that is what I took from that."

Maxene, the steadfast ladies maid, Pellinor, 3 Thrax Guards, Honey Snuggle, a Velenosian Angora cat, Elegance, a Velenosian Greyhound, 2 Thrax Elite Guards arrive, following Alarissa.

Ian is taking this whole turn of conversation with a remarkably even countenance; they could be talking about the weather, or discussing the food, for all the effect the conversation's had on him. The rum he's drunk this evening probably has helped with that, though.

"Listening to you this night?" Alecstazi's jaw works and he gets to his feet slowly, pushing away from the table and getting to his feet. "You prove how well you sit in that chair." Alec offers a repectful bow, it is a deep thing, courtly and held for five seconds. "I still do not understand. But I want to. And I promise you that I will do my best to spread your message to those I can. Your words..." There is a pause and Alec shakes his head, "It makes the situation bearable. Your wisdom will see us through this change, Your Grace."

Maxene, the steadfast ladies maid, Pellinor, 3 Thrax Guards, Honey Snuggle, a Velenosian Angora cat, Elegance, a Velenosian Greyhound, 2 Thrax Elite Guards leave, following Alarissa.

Jasher has rolled 1 6-sided dice: 5

"So understanding will be given," Jasher says, keeping his voice even in the face of Victus' passionate delivery. "But some names and phrases are still marked, and I doubt you are as puissant as Palladium was, to be able to ward them from unwanted notice."
The lesser prince is silent for a moment, pushing some of the collected seafood with a fork, before looking up again. "I have my views on the matter," he says, simply leaving it at that, "but whatever they may be, I will aid House Thrax through this time of change as best as I am able. His Grace sails the course, and I will see it through."

"That-" Victus stalls at Brianna's observation, though he doesn't quite hit a nosedive. More of a sudden flame out as his shoulders slump. "... That is the gist in much less words, yes." Whatever air of authority he was presenting evaporated along with his stamina. "Eh. I apologize. I have had this conversation or similar many times... Many think there is a lack of conviction." Victus shakes his head. "It's anything but. I thank you for your confidence, Alecstazi. You'll get up to speed in time. Some of these things though... you're just going to have to see them with your own eyes to truly believe horror. It may be sooner than we think." Jasher's correction also has him tilting his head and letting loose a faint sigh. "Yes cousin. You are correct, it was ignorant."

"You know you'll have Kennex's help when you want it," Ian finally remarks to Victus. "We took the trouble to settle things with our vassals and sweep our waters as clean as we can make them so that we can put our fleet at your disposal when the time comes."

Alecstazi moves to retake his seat, looking over to Brianna and then back to Victus, "I am ready to learn, and eager to prove myself an asset to your court, cousin."

Brianna sips her wine sheepishly, as if feeling foolish about her ineloquent summary. She meets Alec's gaze with a gentle nod, but otherwise holds her peace for the moment.

"Ford's move, for all the hurt it caused, can at least serve as proof of concept." Victus replies to Ian. "Kennex's help as the first Isle to accomplish any of this will be invaluable. And they'll be one of the first I look toward in the future." A hand raises to rub at the space between his eyes, exasperation on his face. "I can answer what questions you have to the best of my abilities. Just... not tonight. Too much. Too little time. There's many in this family who can help you besides me as well. My wife is well-versed in a lot of oddity. Jasher there has seen his share of the weird. Ian knows of our friends in the sea, the Marin'alfar. Sorrel will sing your fuckin' ear off if you give her the time of day about the encyclopedia she keeps in her brain. Sparte collects his fair share of knowledge. Margot has plenty to tell about Donrai and what persists of his plans into today..." He moves on to rubbing at his eyes. "Eh. I think I need the last of the wine and then a warm bed."

Ian nudges the wine bottle Victus-ward. "I'll answer what questions I can," he agrees with the High Lord, speaking to Alec.

Jasher's lips tighten briefly, but he nods once. "I would seek the same myself, but it would not be for some time yet. I will answer what I can, cousin."

"If these are things you would rather keep within the family, I am happy to see myself out," Brianna says earnestly, glancing among the various Thraxen. If that's not the plural, it bloody well should be.

"Thank you. I appreciate all of that. I will certainly be coming to see each of you." Alec looks to Brianna and shakes his head, "Not tonight, my lady. Tonight is a pleasant meal, where I get to introduce you to my family."

Victus takes the wine bottle with a helpful nudging of Ian and stands up. "And it's our pleasure to meet you, Lady Brianna. Only a few weeks in the city and already bringing unmarried companions to dinner. Now that's effiency." The High Lord drags his coat off the back of his seat and drapes it across his shoulder. He makes for the door, pausing briefly to walk backwards and give a low effort bow to the Thraxen without breaking his stride. "I'll see you all in the morning when I regain lucidity."

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