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Gyre Straits - Naval Battle At Setarco

The Naval Battle at Setarco against the Gyre's fleets. If you were part of actions 1858, 1885, 1841, 1891, 1888, 1866, or 1854 this action is for you.


March 16, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

Hosted By


GM'd By



Armani Kaede Eleanor Caelis Luca(RIP) Peri Turo Victoria Merek Margot(RIP) Wash Ariella Antonio Kaldur(RIP) Lou Estaban(RIP) Katarina Jasher Reese Artorius Victus



Outside Arx - Mourning Sea - Outside Setarco

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

1 Velenosa House Guards, 3 Armed Confessors leave, following Alistair.

Artorius has joined the The Valor of Valardin.

Antonio has left the Wreckless.

Antonio has joined the The Unsullied.

Antonio has left the The Unsullied.

Antonio has joined the Wreckless.

For many military thinkers in the Compact, the strategy used by the pirate king called the Gyre made little sense. If he had as overwhelming force as was claimed, why the glacial pace in attacking? Why the slow approach, rather than quick strikes with force upon near helpless settlements and force the Compact to reach on his terms, rather than slowly approaching and letting the Compact mass forces? But if he is as mad as some claimed, who can say? And so at House Crovane's ducal holding of Stormwall, the largest gathering of military force for the Compact since the Crownbreaker Wars is seen, with nearly virtually all of the Northlands rallying to their eastern most ducal vassal. Tens of thousand of northmen line the beaches and walls of Stormwall, and they aren't alone. Tens of thousands of House Grayson and House Valardin and all their bannermen stand with them, and tens of thousands of templars and knights of solace of the Faith militant stand as well. Meanwhile, near the Lycene city-state of Setarco, the largest gathering of Compact naval forces since House Marin's was destroyed in the Reckoning have gathered to smash one of the three fleets of the Gyre. In the face of that, some thought perhaps the Gyre would rethink his strategy and turn away.

He hasn't.

At Stormwall, hundreds upon hundreds of ships, each swarming with figures, have appeared on the horizon. Many of the ships oddly look like they shouldn't even be seaworthy. Some looking more like wrecks dredged up from the depths, but sail on they do. They are coming.

Antonio wields Intricately forged ancient steel cutlass.

Caelis wields Intricately forged ancient steel cutlass.

Luca wields intricately forged ancient steel cutlass.

Reese wields Intricately forged ancient steel cutlass.

Margot wields Intricately forged ancient steel battleaxe.

Victus wields Intricately forged ancient steel broadsword.

Lou gets forest shadows regal crossbow with etched Grayson sigil from Rugged Backpack with Quick Release Straps.

Eleanor wields Wavebreaker, a short sword.

Lou wields forest shadows regal crossbow with etched Grayson sigil.

Kaede wields Raven's Eye.

Kaldur wields Wavedancer, a steel longsword.

Peri wields a steel longsword.

Artorius wields Intricately forged ancient steel broadsword.

Wash wields Intricately forged ancient steel cutlass.

Peri has left the Golden Pearl.

Estaban wields Intricately forged ancient steel recurve bow.

At Stormwall, as the enemy is sighted on the horizon, flashes of lightning are seen in the sky, and rain begins to fall as one of the city's namesake storms begins to swell. Many of the soldiers wrap cloaks around themselves and swear under their breaths, but through the slow approach, at least a few of the enemy vessels are seen to capsize. Good fortune, that.

Puffin checked dexterity + woodworking at difficulty 19, rolling 56 higher.

Puffin drops The Red Bargain.

Ariella has joined the The Red Bargain.

Outside Setarco. It's too beautiful a day for so much impending doom, isn't it?

Of course not.

And so the Compact Fleet sails, because Temporary Compact High Admiral Victus Thrax, and if it's a little weird to have the combined forces of the Compact sailing under the leadership of the High Lord of Thrax WITH the approval of the King who is currently a Grayson, no one seems to mention it - at least not right in front of him. And so they sail, and as they look, the horizon starts to darken. It's not a gathering storm, it's a fleet - the largest fleet the Compact has seen in living memory, and it's only one of three.

The Lycene Fleet holds the center of the Compact's lines, and their center sails the Lenosian fleet. Admiral Antonio Velenosa's flagship is -not- at the center though- no the Wreckless is a little off center and toward the back of the line, the better for the prince to observe and react and not make himself on obvious target.

Staying nearish the rear, spread somewhat thin, with the flagship The White Cap further ahead, is the combined fleet of Redrain, Crovane, and Ravenseye. Red bears, black trees, and black ravens show proudly across the sails of the fifty or so vessels. Aboard the White Cap - the largest dromond of the Redrain vessels - is Acting Admiral Kaede Starfinder. She's barking orders, and sending that little gray jay that's always with her to and fro to deliver messages to the ships. Word goes out clear, should any enemy ships peel away, or attempt to slip past the main gathering of the Lyceum's ships, Redrain is there.

Margot is aboard the Dove, much to the horror and awe of the Tyde Troops, the Duchess with her burly polar bear fur on her shoulders despite the warmth, her hand on the hilt of her axe, looking towards the Thrax ships thoughtfully before she drags her attention back to the Tyde fleet huddled around the flagship.

It's the lack of a storm brewing upon the horizon that troubles Katarina the most, even as men begin to shout out the vast numbers of ships slowly merging into the vast field of vision. Anxiously, her teeth worry over her bottom lip, fingers clasped against the railing in a white-knuckled grip. As she stands at the helm of the Unsullied, with her helmsman as seasoned as they come in these conditions, it's to her port that she looks for reassurance that the vassal fleets of the Valardin are, indeed, still there. Then, she consoles herself with spotting the sails of the Valor of Sanctum and the main bulk of the Valardin fleet sailing with Caelis.

The Red Serpent loomed at the front of this ensemble like a bulwark. The massive dromond was Victus' flagship. House Thrax's flagship. And for what they were about to face, the Compact's flagship to. With the myriad of banners, ships of all shapes and sizes and men and women surrounding it. Victus himself was at the helm, his face obscured by the helmet he wore, but his eyes were clearly pushed forward. To that expanding horizon that held their enemy. The dark gloom that drew closer every second. "Here they come." He says. It comes as a soft murmur, but it's suddenly also shouted by his own Captain at the top of his aged lungs.

"Draw weapons and make ready." The Grand Admiral shouts bellows over the crashing waves. "They tell stories of the heroes of yesteryear, thousands of generations into the past. Today there will be no wive's tales that we'll rely on for victory. No, today we -ARE- the story. WE are writing history as we know it, as champions of Mankind who gave everything to save it. All of you become immortal today. Not as any one house, but as One. One Compact. One Army. One Legend." He circles his palm around the hilt of his cobalt blade and points it to the coming storm. "I won't tell you fucks twice, MAKE READY!"

The Red Bargain is a flashy red galley with black and gold trim, faster and more nimble than a ship her size has any right to be. The mermaid on her prow gazes out at the sea ahead with a regal haughtiness. 'Bring it', she seems to say, her tail casually curled in a flip to to one side. Her sails bear the proud Phoenix of House Igniseri. Her captain, Captain Ariella Igniseri, is equally proud, stalking the decks and keeping an eye on the horizon with her spyglass. "Steady," she tells her crew. "At the ready."

Reese is on the Pink Griffin, commanding the Grayson Fleet. The head ship seems to be her's with the pink flags and sails. She stands not far from Luca and Lou, speaking with them.

Lou stands at the railing of The Pink Griffon, chatting with Luca and Reese as she watches the ships come upon the horizon. At Victus's call across the seas, which is echoed by other captains and the like, she prepares her crossbow. Best to work with the ranged stuff first! Though those on board her ship can see she has a trusty diamondplate sword for backup.

The Thrax fleet, southward of the main body, and pressing forward in order to complete the envelopment when the time comes, receives the signal to arm and ready. Marines bristle on every deck ship, and the longships, teeming with men whose brawn and bravery match their bulk ready themselves for the conflict.

Wash relays the Grand Admiral's orders.

1 Velenosa House Guards, Dreya, an older woman in Velenosan livery arrive, following Saoirse.

1 Velenosa House Guards, Dreya, an older woman in Velenosan livery leave, following Saoirse.

Defending King and Crown can mean more than standing guard. And so the King's Own ride with the fleet. Their First Captain, Dame Eleanor Allenatore, stands ready with a handful of knights aboard the Red Serpent. The Silver Swords will do whatever they must to defend the crown.

Artorius stands by his sister, blade in hand and against the railing is the other. "Magnotta! Compact! Stay true to you courage and honor your brothers and sisters! Remember this day! For it will be yours for all time!"

The Grayson ships are to the side of the center force, seemingly ready to swoop in and try to flank from the left.

On the Valor, Caelis talks quietly with her brother before looking out to the horizon. She runs a few flags to signal Katarina's end of the fleet. The ships under her command shifting and adjusting to maintain the positions previously agreed upon. The Admiral takes the helm on the flag sip, looking sharply over the water and speaking a prayer as she adjusts with a quick look to the Unsullied.

Looking at the dark mass of hulls on the horizon and the snapping sails and banners amassed as far as he can see, a thrill sings through Kaldur's blood. "I find, sister mine, that I wish I'd taken up archery." He flicks a glance to her and straightens with pride, Seliki commands, "What are your orders, Commander Peri?"

Estaban stands at the front of the Seas Mist watching when the word gets back he grips the bow from his back and starts calling out to those on his ships, "Stay calm and stay True ready yourselves! We face the enemy and we will win!" he gives them a small pep talk and then his eyes are back on the horizan as the Southport fleet sails along the right side of the Lenosian fleet.

Lady Peri Seliki is commanding the Bisland, Deepwood, Riven, and Seliki fleets from the Seliki's flagship, the Golden Pearl. With grey planks painted with golden waves roaring along the hull and flaking clouds billowing across its decks, the sails are at ready, but down to keep them in position near enough the Pink Griffin to get marching orders through pre-arranged signals. Peri keeps a horn slung over her shoulder, resting at her hip as she stands out on deck with a spyglass. "READY UP!" she shouts. The happy go lucky Lady showing a much fiercer side of herself after pumping up her crew. She shouts out a few orders and steps back to move towards Kaldur, "Sure, grab an arrow and stab. Make sure we're ready for any kind of boarding action. I need to focus on the fleets."

Jasher strides up and down the deck of the Crimson Redemption, barking sub-orders as appropriate, and morale as appropriate, "The fleet is large," says he. "We shall never fight a battle like we fight today. We sail for glory, we reave for the brightening of the sea and the strength of the generations after us! We will be equal to this horror and repel it!" So on, so forth.

At Stormwall, fire fills the night sky despite the swirling rain, as burning pitch is launched from the Port of Stormwall's defensive trebuchets towards the approaching ships upon the order of Princess Marian Redrain. Enemy ships are ablaze, but fire rains down in return, and Prince Edain Valardin and Prince Jericho Valardin are seen on the beach shepharding particularly short sighted infantry away from falling boulders. In their defense, many protest that full helms and night aren't a great combination for avoiding burning rocks. Some enemy ships are lost, and an excellent shot from a trebuchet fired by Lady Emily Deepwood has one ship capsize and slow the advance into the port, but hundreds still come on, and soon the massive enemy fleet will be in range to attempt to land on the beach. Enemy fire lands on the port, and word is Marquis Malesh Stonewood has been badly hurt.

Outside Setarco no storm comes, but on the horizon the darkening of the sky from the masts of the ships that make up Maelstrom's End are visible even from the Silken City. As the people send prayers of hope and strength from the city, hundreds of ships approach the Compact's fleet.

Ahead of the ships rolls a wave of hunger, and those with Cobalt weapons in their hands stand steadfast, but those around them can feel their stomachs rumble. Their heartbeats grow ever faster. The fear, just at the back of their throats, ready to pour forth in a mess of bile and vomit.

And then from the city behind them a comes a wave of strength, and peace, and hope. It calms them, soothes them. Oh - the fear is still there. No one who lacks one of the famed Cobalt weapons is immune. But there is no panic. The crews stand firm. There is a moment, so perfect and crystalline, when the strength from Setarco and the Leviathan's hunger crash together. And it is there in each person - each person without one of those Cobalt weapons. And there it remains, an individual, internal struggle for control. For calm. For purpose. And still the ships sail forward.

There he is, aboard a ship called The Pink Griffon. The name doesn't bother Prince Luca Grayson. In fact, he kind of likes it. He's speaking with his wife and her sister, until approaching ships begin to darken the horizon, and Victus' voice rings out. "You've got this. I mean.. we've all got this, but you've got this. You know what I mean." he tells Reese. He doesn't resist kissing her, even with what looms ahead of them, "Just imagine them all in their panties, right?" He turns to Lou, "Look alive, Little Lou. I'll be keeping count of how many you kill. I'm not telling you why though, yet. So you'd better kill a lot!" He flashes Lou a grin, then turns, offering something of a more brooding look toward the indistinct mass that will soon be their enemies. His cutlass is drawn, that ancient artifact, and he gives it a few practicing swings, deftly.

Reese seems calm, but she as a cobalt sword in her hand as she stands on the helm of the Grayson flagship and commands. She returns Luca's kiss, briefly and yet still with a tenderness. Her attention is then on Lou and she gives her a gentle and hopeful smile. "We got this." Says to all near her.

Lou is one of those without such a weapon, caught in the thrall of the struggle and the peace of Setarco. A grim determination forms on her face, as she tries to hold steadfast against the fear. She can do this. She knows she can! Isn't /she/ the Explorer who coined the quote, 'The best thing about being an explorer is getting confirmation that all your nagging fears about terrible horrors lurking in the world are completely justified!' after all? SHE IS! She makes certain she has a firm grip on her crossbow, that the crossbow is ready, and that a bolt is ready to be loosed when the call comes.

Aneka, 3 Iron Guardsmen, Meeka arrive, following Merek.

Ariella checked command + sailing at difficulty 15, rolling 10 higher.

Victus checked command + war at difficulty 20, rolling 54 higher.

Ariella checked command + sailing at difficulty 20, rolling 11 higher.

Katarina checked command + sailing at difficulty 15, rolling 28 higher.

Eleanor checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 20, rolling 28 higher.

Reese checked command + leadership at difficulty 15, rolling 30 higher.

Kaede checked command + sailing at difficulty 20, rolling 35 higher.

Jasher checked command + sailing at difficulty 20, rolling 26 higher.

Reese checked command + leadership at difficulty 20, rolling 27 higher.

Antonio checked command + sailing at difficulty 20, rolling 25 higher.

Caelis checked command + sailing at difficulty 15, rolling 41 higher.

Artorius holds his weapon tightly in his hand, a cobalt weapon through and through. While he might be just a bit more affective with his blows, He can still see how outnumbered they are. "Heh...I like these odds." it'll make it so much sweeter when they claim victory!....-if-..they claim victory.

Kaldur checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 20, rolling 9 higher.

Lou checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 20, rolling 21 higher.

Luca checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 20, rolling 8 higher.

Artorius checked strength + athletics at difficulty 15, rolling 29 higher.

Estaban checked command + sailing at difficulty 20, rolling 21 higher.

Caelis checked command + sailing at difficulty 20, rolling 19 higher.

Victus prays. If ever there was a moment to do it, is was now. In that brief moment of calm, the moment before the hunger and the dread sets in on the men around him. To Mangata to safe-guard. To the Sentinel to let them bring Justice to this traitorous king. To Gloria to allow them to strike true. And to the rest, in whatever words he can give in that fleeting moment. They were prepared. As prepared as they were gonna get.

"ARCHERS!" Victus bellows again. "Pick targets, prepare to open fire! NO SHIP PASSES OUR LINES!"

Victoria has left the Crimson Redemption.

Margot checked command + leadership at difficulty 15, rolling 39 higher.

Peri checked command + leadership at difficulty 20, rolling 5 higher.

Merek checked command + sailing at difficulty 20, rolling 12 higher.

Wash checked command + sailing at difficulty 15, rolling 63 higher.

Margot is good definately not a front line fighter but she is a commander and apparently her people are attentive to her commands. "Ready!" She holds up her hand, and then lowers it. "Fire!"

"Spirits, be with us!" calls Kaede, loud enough that it will carry some bit, at least. "And Gods bless us," she adds, a touch more quietly. This comes in response to that wave of fear and uncertainty. And hopefully it helps! Of course that wave of strength and peace and hope might just prove it's working. Even if it surely wasn't Kaede's doing. "Archers, hold fast," Kaede says. They're still a way away, being in the back.

Reese cries out as the enemy ships get in range. "Steer to the left. Now archers fire!" She says when she feels the moment is right for such. She glances over to Peri's ships, trying to keep them in her sights.

Merek had come to assist with the fleet action at Setarco, City of Silk. Fidante is a home to him, and if their fleet is here, he has chosen to be here too. He has decided to sail on one of the ships there as he motions to some men and women, "Prepare yourselves," he tells them, while he adjusts his armor and his cloak, the hood concealing save his smouldering golden amber gaze and full beard. He is sailing not far from Antonio's ship, under his command technically. He also knows that he has friends sailing here. His own people are preparing to launch their own volley.

Jasher shivers. Bearing no Cobalt weapon to protect him, he takes in that hunger and that terror, and then the swell of strength from the shore allows him to breathe. The roll of his gait on the ship is a bit unsteady, but his voice is strong even as he wars within himself. Strong for now.

Kaldur walks the deck behind bristling ranks, voice lifted to command the men and women aboard the Golden Pearl while Peri and her advisors call commands to the fleet. Aft and stern, commands flash to the fleets via flags. He catches a few of them, but turns his attention back to his immediate command, "Archers, ready!"

It's with simple signals of flags that the Unsullied relays its commands throughout the rest of the fleet falling under Katarina's control. "Steady, Jack! Steady!" the admiral shouts toward her helsman, brandishing her Cobalt stiletto and immersing herself into the thick of her crew. "Keep apace! Don't lose formation! We need them to our starboard!" Golden eyes dance over the seas, falling upon the Valor of Sanctum in the distance, ever watchful of its Admiral.

Artorius takes his stance and enters a defensive position with his men, who lift their shields and angle their spears above them in an almost phalanx-like formation. "Prepare for combat!"

Fairen has left the The Pink Griffon.

Grandt, House Leary man-at-arms, Abalene, the Northern Hawk Owl, 2 Leary House Guards leave, following Fairen.

Estaban calls out to his men holding up his cobalt bow, "Archers ready!" he waits as they get closer, "Steady!, Steady!" he yells to them and then, "Fire!" he cries out for the archers on the Southport fleet to let lose.

A tightening at the corners of Ariella's mouth is all she will allow. She doesn't shout orders to her crew. They're watching her for signals. And she gives the signal.

Peri keeps her ships generally in a spot to protect the ships carrying Grayson archers. These ships are more geared towards boarding parties even if they do have some ranged capability and the Seliki heir knows the value of giving the archers more time to rein down without being in range of the Grayson arrows. Still, she looks back towards The Pink Griffon again. "Hold position!" she calls out to the sailors and then looks back to her brother to give him a nod.

Arrows arc through the air from both sides, winging their way toward their enemies. The front line takes the brunt of the force on each end, though a single volley doesn't sink any ships on either side. Alert folks of the Compact look around and note that it seems like they have a numeric advantage - perhaps the admonishment to not split the fleet was in preparation for this moment. And yet at any moment it could turn.

Katarina checked dexterity + sailing at difficulty 25, rolling 52 higher.

Jasher checked command + leadership at difficulty 25, rolling 31 higher.

Peri checked command + leadership at difficulty 25, rolling 14 higher.

Kaede checked command + sailing at difficulty 25, rolling 32 higher.

Eleanor checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 25, rolling 10 higher.

Antonio checked command + sailing at difficulty 25, rolling 24 higher.

Caelis checked command + sailing at difficulty 25, rolling 17 higher.

Margot checked command + leadership at difficulty 25, rolling 15 higher.

Victus checked command + war at difficulty 25, rolling 21 higher.

Wash checked command + sailing at difficulty 25, rolling 42 higher.

Luca checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 25, rolling 33 higher.

Artorius checked command + sailing at difficulty 25, rolling 25 higher.

Merek checked command + sailing at difficulty 25, rolling 6 higher.

Kaldur checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 25, rolling 0 higher.

Lou checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 25, rolling 2 higher.

Reese checked command + leadership at difficulty 25, rolling 33 higher.

Ariella checked command + sailing at difficulty 25, rolling 7 lower.

Estaban checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 25, rolling 29 higher.

"LOOSE!" As Victus' order goes out, a hail of arrows sprouts from the Serpent's deck toward their looming enemy. "LOAD! AIM! LOOSE!" He goes through this motion again, and again. Eventually he's sure they've gotten the point, which is precisely when he turns to his Captain. "Load the Thrax fire, be gentle and wait for a signal or a damn good moment." And off he rushes back up to the helm, the beat of the drums keeping the vessel steady. "Keep firing! Swords and shields at the ready, they're closing distance!"

Kaede keeps her ships back. There's arrows to be lit, and ships to be rammed, but not until something breaks past the lines or goes adrift. For now, she watches vigilantly.

Load. Aim. Loose. Victus's call reaches Lou's ears as it's once more shouted down the line. And she does just that. So far, she's doing pretty good at hitting her targets, and not any of the friendly folk! Which is good. Luca can explain all to easily why!

Artorius lifts a single hand. "Archers!" he calls to the Magnottans on the Valor. "READY! AIM! LOOSE!" and Magnotta adds their arrows to the storm that approaches their enemies.

Caelis isn't calling to the troops, Artorius does that fine. She's signaling ships as she adjusts and checks the spacing using whistles and flags to signal to the Oathland fleet.

Eleanor's knights of the King's Own keep themselves out of the way of sailors and archers alike. Eleanor herself is light on her feet, at home on a ship, lending a hand to the sailors as needed, whilst still keeping an eye trained on the approaching fleet.

"Fire! No... like literal fire. Fire /fire!/" Somehow or other, hopefully, Kaldur makes it all work. Bright arcs fly from the Golden Pearl towards enemy ships. "Buckets ready!" Because payback is coming. A chill settles between the young knight's shoulderblades, watching for the telltale gleam of return fire. Fire, fire.

"Easy, guys." Antonio isn't suffering from the fear, having a cobalt weapon and all that, but he's attuned to his crew's feelings, "It's just another fleet." He's too far back for his archers to do much for now, but he makes sure signal flags ripple through the combined Lycene fleets, carrying Victus' orders onward.

Wash leads by example, a steadying hand on the tiller, and counting on his first mate to ensure that any orders he has to give are followed promptly. He leads the Thrax fleet southward, around the enemy fleet, to complete the encirclement, but close enough that raking arrow attempts will get their attention. The orders are to ram, shoot, and disengage, no fire, and no boarding. At least, not yet.

Merek calls out to the liason that shouts over to the Wreckless, hoping to tell them where their next volley will be, then he turns around and lifts up the Nightsong and motions it forward, "Ready... Aim... Fire!" he exclaims, the duskstone gleaming in the weapon as he moves it downwards to signal the volley. He looks towards the distance from his hood, unsure how they are doing. This is a Holy War. His family is back at home, he tries his best to assist, and he has no Cobalt Weapon, for whatever it's needed for or worth.

Margot yells again for the signal to fire, her fingers staying firmly around the hilt of her cobalt weapon, climbing up to the fore of the warship where she can see best.

At Stormwall, thousands of the enemy are making landfalla at the beach, while a smaller force is trying for the port. The enemy does something unexpected, and starts to rain fire down upon the beach, irregardless of their own troops being engaged in the fighting.

Estaban calls for her archers to be ready again, he himself knocking a arrow to fire with them, "Steady boys! we got this!" he cris out, "Ready, steady!" he waits and "Fire!" letting a sea of arrows lose again on the ships.

Those arrows... do nothing. In fact, less than nothing, if that's possible. At least, that's how it seems to Ariella. She furrows her brow, shouting for her archers to nock new arrows, and calls for barrels of holy water to be brought out, just in case. She takes a deep breath, manages not to vomit. Good girl. Time to be the captain, not a puking person.

Ariella makes the first mistake, shouting to turn to starboard and then immediately rescinding it to shout - "To port! I meant to port!" Her ships course-correct quickly, but the quick change of motion has her stumbling - right into an oncoming arrow. She takes it in the shoulder and, to give her credit, she staggers a little but doesn't let it stop her, not at all.

Ariella takes serious damage.

Ariella grunts, breaking off the ends of the arrow so it doesn't catch on something. Fuuuuuuck.

As the arrows soar through the air towards the Golden Pearl, Peri yells out, "SHIELDS!" Those tasked with protecting her angle their shields up as she ducks down below to take shelter from incoming fire while giving orders to move part of the fleets under her command to a better position with a short blow of her horn and orders to her man to deliver the message. When she feels that internal struggle of fear and strength, she reaches up to the bottle she has tied to her armor, eyes squinting against the salty air. "Kaldur, ready our boarding-" a wave of nausea springs up and she pauses for a moment before clenching her jaw a little. She waits, not yet unsheathing her sword.

The fleet sails closer - in range of heavier projectiles then arrows, and now the true horror of the ships is evident to the sailors. How are these ships floating? There aren't very many that are seaworthy at all, and the most forward among them are sailing with sails tattered and torn, and the men at the helms (as viewed through spyglasses from Crow's Nests) are thin and emaciated. They don't look strong enough to pull a bow, much less the... "BALLISTA!" Comes the call from the Red Serpent.

Lou checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 30, rolling 10 higher.

Jasher checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 11 higher.

Antonio checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 32 higher.

Artorius checked strength + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 9 higher.

Eleanor checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 13 higher.

Victus checked command + war at difficulty 30, rolling 10 higher.

Wash has rolled a critical success!
Wash checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 61 higher.

Luca has rolled a critical success!
Luca checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 116 higher.

Margot checked command + leadership at difficulty 30, rolling 21 higher.

Reese checked command + leadership at difficulty 30, rolling 24 higher.

Caelis checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 11 higher.

Ariella checked command + sailing at difficulty 15, rolling 31 higher.

Kaede checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 14 higher.

Peri checked command + leadership at difficulty 30, rolling 0 higher.

Ariella checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 30 higher.

Kaldur checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 33 higher.

Merek wields Diamond Nightsong.

Katarina checked dexterity + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 32 higher.

Estaban checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 30, rolling 2 lower.

Jasher strides, his breath rapid and, occasionally, occasionally, unsteady. His breath hitches briefly at the call of ballista. And then he's back to it, relaying Wash's orders and barking, "We fight dead ships sailing, we reave that which is already reaved. Our arrows are sure, our path through the water is clear."

Merek checked dexterity + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 0 higher.

Arlo, an impossibly fluffy dog with an impossibly grumpy face arrives, following Ianna.

Arlo, an impossibly fluffy dog with an impossibly grumpy face leaves, following Ianna.

"Evasive maneuvers!" comes Kaede's call, soon as she hears that word. Then there's flags and signals, and the Redrain ships - so far mostly stationary - start to move. Oars hit water, sails unfurl, and it's out of the way of incoming attacks! ... Hopefully.

Reese continues to take command of the Grayson ships. She calls out orders, lifting her voice to carry. And in some cases she is signaling orders to the other chips with hand signs and flags. Her ships manuver through the waters, getting into a good position for the coming attacks. While she has her cobalt blade her focus seems to be on giving commands rather than fighting. She orders her archers to fire once again.

"SPREAD OUT." Antonio's orders are shouted, and then relayed via flags- the Lenosian fleet (and the other Lycene fleets entrusted in his command) start to put a bit more distance between each other. It'll make it harder to assist with repelling boarders.. but it'll make it harder for the ballistas to hit them. Hopefully.

Ballista? "Oh fuck off." Victus growls with impunity. "EVADE!" He makes the signal with voice and his hands, signalling to the rowers the usual 'move out the way holy fuck' maneuver. It would also seem that he's found his target. "Archers, focus ships with SIEGE! RETURN FIRE, PUSH THE LINE FORWARD!"

Merek is having his own battle within, but the faith and his own desire to protect others keeps him going, however much it might push towards him. He moves to take the wheel to assist in directly maneuvering the ship, "Volley and dodge to the starboard side, move it now!" he exclaims.

Wash gives the orders to flank and ram the enemies ships. His flanking maneuver is designed to allow the Lycene and other vessels to withdraw from just such a threat as the ballistas. When the ballistas are turned on them, it will be Thrax turn to rabbit and hope the Lycene's rally. "Ramming speed Mr. Jasher." Wash says from his perch on the Redemption's quarterdeck.

The distant strangeness of the ships becomes clearer through the smoke and mist that hazes the closing distance. A wave of nausea clenches in Kaldur's gut, he breathes through the twisting, putting a hand to a shoulder here, a quiet word there. His eyes skin wide and show white around the edges, like he might be able to see more the wider they are. "Steady. Boarding parties, ready." Ladders, poles and hooks, ropes, trundle forward in the hands of grim-faced marines.

Arlo, an impossibly fluffy dog with an impossibly grumpy face arrives, following Ianna.

Arlo, an impossibly fluffy dog with an impossibly grumpy face leaves, following Ianna.

"THIS IS WHY I WANTED A SIEGE WEAPON," Katarina shouts toward Caelis when the warning of incoming ballistae is echoed back to the Oathlands fleet. Immediately, commands ripple down the pipeline and ships break with ease from their formation to allow units the fluidity they need for evasive action without sacrificing their position.

At least they're turning to port now. That's a good start. The barrels of holy water are readied in case of a boarding, and Captain Ariella makes sure she's BEHIND the archers this time. Good thinking, captain. She keeps her left arm close to her body, trying to keep from moving the shoulder with the arrow in it.

Margot maintains control of her troops, her hand held up, fist clenched, giving the archers a moment to hold before she drops her hand down again. There's no discussion on the Tyde ships, just a volley of arrows again towards the enemies.

"Artie, get our archers aiming where Admiral Victus' ships shoot!" Caelis calls out. She puts the whistle to her lips and signals before shouting back to Katarina. "ASK FOR ONE ON YOUR BIRTHDAY THEN!" she shakes her head and checks over the Compact ships in the water with a furrowed brow.

Estaban curses under his breaths and starts to yell orders for the ships to spread out! He also still gives order to have the archers get ready to let lose for arrows, "Fire!" he calls out but when he attempts to do so as well he breaks the arrow and the large saik lion growls.

Several arrows land around Luca, but apparently he shares more in common with cats than just their sleeping schedule. Many of them aim true, but the dusky-skinned prince is gone before each one sinks into the deck of The Pink Griffon. "Sweet Gods, they've got a lot of arrows!" he calls over to Lou, and also to Reese. One he swats out of the way, even. Back and back he goes, toward his wife, especially with the sight of the ballistae ahead of them. There's a literal trail of arrows tracing his path he's taken across the decks. And finally, he stops, wipes his brow, then pulls out his flask to have a sip of it quickly.

At Stormwall, hundreds of the enemy vessels have tried to land simultaneously, and while Valardin's cavalry charge has cut down many on the beach, tens of thousands are forming up ranks miles down the shoreline and starting to march towards Stormwall. The enemy continues to try to assault the port, and rains down fire upon the defender as Stormwall's trebuchets continue to claim losses. But soon, the land bombardments will be a distraction compared to the massive clash of troops on the beach.

Lou's eyes widen as she spies the boats, and the condition they are in. "How in Arvum are those boats even sailing?!?" she exclaims, then shakes her head. Get it together Lou! You're an Explorer. You face these sorts of horrors every time you go out! Okay. Not these sorts, but enough to know that shit can get crazy sometimes. And this is crazy with a capital C. She nods over at Luca when he mentions all the arrows. "I'm pumping out mine as fast as I can!" she assures him, reloading her crossbow and sending off another shot. This one hits more steady than the last, but it still hits! And that's what counts. "Hopefully the crew goes down quick." If not, she's got her diamondplate sword.

Reese looks over to Luca, seemingly all impressed. "Damn Nimble." She says, but is impressed and glad of his skill right now. She looks over to Lou, giving her a nod. "You are doing great." She adds toward her sister.

Artorius looks at the fire that comes for them, he manages to deflect one of the bolts, but he laughs widely. "Come my cmopanions! Let us send them back into the abyss!"

Jasher calls as Wash calls, up the deck, down the deck. "Gather speed! Gather speed to ram! Scatter them like debris!"

"Crow's nest, report!" Peri shouts up with her hand cupped around her mouth as she walks back close enough to the mast so she can hear above the sounds of battle and other essential orders. Immediately Peri bursts off three blows of her horn which signals her fleets to get mobile and expect seige weapons. It's only used for quick signals and is followed up by other flags in case the sound gets lost somehow on the water. She repeats the blow, heaving breath into the instrument in each direction to her fleets. "Ballistae! Well maybe only one!" she shouts to the crew. She then stares out at the incoming threat for a few moments. "Tack south bearing 30 degrees!"

The ballista sink one of the ships of Southport and it goes down. Baron Estaban turns and watches as the ship goes down - not seeing the arrow that sticks in his shoulder between pauldron and breastplate until it's too late. Luca meanwhile sees an arrow headed for Reese, of course. And manages somehow to cut it out of the air as he goes. For their part, one of the ships of the Gyre's fleet goes as Admiral Wash Kennex manages to close the distance, ramming the ship with textbook precision as a shout goes up from his crew. The ships close now though, and the battle ramps up - this is the ugliness of ship to ship combat, when grappling hooks start flying, trying to get a grasp on a ship to bring a boarding party over.

Outside Setarco, the volley of arrows slows as the fleets crash together, and Captain Ariella Igniseri is the first injured among the Compact's forces. But she breaks off the arrow with determination and keeps shouting orders, undeterred. As the fleets sail even closer, Admiral Wash Kennex rams one of the invading fleet in a perfect maneuver, sinking it even as a ship of Southport sinks beneath the waves. It's early in the naval battle yet, still too close to tell who might win.

When the Thrax ships (hopefully) pull the enemy fleet's attention from the center, Antonio issues orders for the Lycene fleet's portion of the plan- forward and engage the stragglers! Flags and signels are set off, hopefully rippling down the chain of command, even he pushes his own ship forward, looking for a nice, juicy target to disable .

"They're trying to board..." Victus would state to himself first before his voice raised over the crew. "They're trying to board!" His blade pointed to Eleanor first and foremost. "Ready your knights for any that make it onto deck. Archers, concentrate fire on any ships closing the distance to us!" As he speaks, he looks to the Captain once more, his narrowed and pitch black gaze focusing on any ship that would dare try to board his own ship. "Ramming speed. RAMMING SPEED!"

Victus checked command + war at difficulty 30, rolling 17 higher.

Eleanor checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 40 higher.

Reese checked command + leadership at difficulty 30, rolling 49 higher.

Kaede checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 16 higher.

Antonio checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 47 higher.

Victus checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 20, rolling 31 higher.

Merek checked dexterity + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 32 higher.

Peri checked command + leadership at difficulty 30, rolling 7 higher.

Jasher checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 16 higher.

Artorius checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 13 higher.

Reese checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 20, rolling 73 higher.

Merek checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 20, rolling 20 higher.

Artorius checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 20, rolling 21 higher.

Wash checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 20, rolling 37 higher.

Luca checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 24 higher.

Katarina checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 20, rolling 35 higher.

Katarina checked dexterity + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 50 higher.

Antonio checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 20, rolling 15 higher.

Jasher checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 20, rolling 2 higher.

Kaede checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 20, rolling 11 higher.

Luca checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 20, rolling 28 higher.

Ariella checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 35 higher.

Wash checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 12 higher.

Estaban checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 22 higher.

Eleanor checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 20, rolling 43 higher.

Peri checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 20, rolling 20 higher.

"Send the bear and wolf to the north, there... and fox and elk will stay center," Kaede barks off orders to her various flag wavers. And of course, it's all northern animal themed units! Because why wouldn't it be. "Take us star board thirty degrees, toward the Malvici ship going down," orders Kaede. Redrain's forces will move to bolster the lines, and catch anything that's slipping past.

Ariella checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 20, rolling 3 higher.

Lou checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 30, rolling 15 higher.

The storm becomes noticeably more violent during the battle, wind and rain battering several of the enemy ships. Suddenly, the darkened sky becomes blindingly bright as lightning strikes several of the ships which had been raining fire upon the shore. Not a single bolt - but for several seconds, lightning strikes again and again, and the enemy vessels catch fire, and then explode in a cataclysm of flame, fury, and shattered wood. Immediately after that, it appears that the enemy fleet begins to withdraw.

Kaldur checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 11 lower.

Estaban checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 20, rolling 11 higher.

Lou checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 20, rolling 3 lower.

Kaldur checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 20, rolling 17 higher.

Caelis checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 14 higher.

Caelis checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 20, rolling 13 higher.

Margot checked command + leadership at difficulty 30, rolling 15 higher.

"On it," Eleanor shouts over her shoulder to Victus, already moving. The Silver Swords fall in with her, spreading out with what seems like rehearsed practice, weapons at hand. She bounces on the balls of her feet, primed and ready for whatever arises.

Estaban looks to the ship thats going down and he frowns, "Keep it together and follow!" he starts to command the other ships to follow Antonio and Victus orders the arrow in his shoulder? Pfft what arrow! he pulls it out and just grins!

Merek lifts up his hands to turn from the attempt to board, while he motions for one of his guards to take the helm afterwards, then he takes his weapon and twirls Nightsong around a bit. "Prepare a volley for our would-be friends!" he exclaims, while he nods to Aneka who came with him, and lifts up her bow, while he takes his crossbow and launches a shot along with the crew, fighting with that nice feeling that is being given by the enemy troops. A couple of the men reel back, but still many take to firing upon the opponent.
Merek's cloak flits about in the wind to reveal his personal sigil and the one of House Fidante, as he calls out through the feelings towards the foe, "We'll free you from these chains and bonds your dark master has put you under! Do not give into his evil, to his enslavery, let the gods guide you in your course! YOU CAN DO IT!" Some crewman of his likely take a look aside to him, but he seems fervent, even if they are the foe, he is trying to suade any of them from this dark course while he prepares to dodge any assailants.

Lou continues to send volley after volley of crossbow bolt after at the ships that pass by The Pink Griffon. She's perhaps so determined in doing so that she becomes somewhat distracted when one of those ships comes a bit too close to their own. She starts to back away from the railing, to get better footing, and to find a better perch where she can keep shooting off her crossbow.

The Unsullied loses momentum in the brief interim that the crewmen adjusts its sails. Boarding equipment are brought forward and ised at the ready, all the while allowing a heavily armed dromond to merge into pace with the galley at Katarina's signal. And then, they're maneuvering sharply in toward the ghastly fleet to flank and pincer in a ship armed with a ballistae in her reach.

Wash gives orders for the marines to repel boarders, plotting a course out of the thick of the battle. It's suicide to stay in the depths of the enemy and get overwhelmed by their hard to kill enemy. Not that he doesn't pay attention to his own well-being. He steps to the side so that an arrow embeds itself into the wheel instead of his face. "Cut those lines on my mark! Starboard oars pull." He uses the grappled enemy as a sea anchor to spin in place, looking for an opening that will allow them to get out of the thickest of the fighting again.

Artorius looks to the archers on the ship. "One more volley boys! EARN THOSE BOWS! READY! AIM! LOOSE!" and another shot of ballistae fire and arrows are launched at the enemy. He looks to Caelis though. "Sister, shall we attempt to ram them?" he asks then. She was in command after all.

Margot motions for another volley but now the archers pause, lighting their arrows aflame before they fly across the water at the enemies.

"Now," Peri says quietly to herself, lips parted slightly as she keeps her jaw shut. She reaches to unsheathe her sword and instead of staying back behind her guard, she orders, "RAMMING SPEED!" like many of the other commanders. She then closes her distance to the side most likely to get boarded as she barks out orders for positioning, ready to lead by example. Remembering her fleets a moment later, she checks positioning of Reese's flagship now that they've been maneuvering a bit before relaying orders to be sent out to the rest of her fleet, entrusting the rest of the orders to Kaldur as she stares out their foes as they angle in towards the closest ship. "Archers, focus fire on further incoming ships!" she shouts out to provide them strategic direction.

Prince Luca's loathe to leave his wife's side, especially after having to cut down an arrow. There's not a single part of him that doesn't want to be further up, ready to punish any sort of dead man who wishes to board the ship he's on. That's the war inside of him, right now. Maybe he just needs some inspiration. There's the flask, for all but a second, and then he calls out, "Alright, take the head off anyone coming over! A round for everyone on the ship, for every dead Gyreman's head on our decks when we sail back into port!" Attempting anything other than skillful swordplay in the face of battle is something new for the Prince.

The Red Bargain pulls hard to starboard, all hands that aren't on an oar or sails fighting off boarders. Captain Ariella is still standing.

Kaldur takes minor damage.

"Well, we won't be taking down ships like a breaching whale, but aye, we'll flank opposite the Unsullied." Caelis blows out a few more whistles to some of her smaller ships to get closer to the downed Southport vessel so they can rescue crew in the water as she cranks the wheel to shift and sail along side Katarina's target for arrow support.

Ariella checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 15 lower.

Kaede checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 23 higher.

Reese checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 40 higher.

Wash checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 3 higher.

Victus checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 6 lower.

Merek has rolled a critical success!
Merek checked command + sailing at difficulty 15, rolling 36 higher.

Merek checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 13 lower.

Jasher steps up the deck, his cutlass drawn bare now as the boarders come. He manages to avoid arrows and strikes for now. He combines Wash's orders with more specific ones - gather here, gather here more /quickly/, watch out.

Antonio checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 5 higher.

Margot checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 16 lower.

Katarina checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 12 higher.

Caelis checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 8 higher.

Estaban checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 18 higher.

Peri checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 3 lower.

The deck pitches underfoot and Kaldur steps just so, landing on a loose arrow and skidding, head panging into some handsomely carved trim adorning the railing below. Stars fill his vision, blood spilling from a cut on his brow. He blinks, staggering upright, testing the wound with fingertips and finding bright blood upon them. 'Scars are stories,' he mutters under his breath, with a tight grin. An adage from his childhood. He turns lifting Wavedancer aloft, a battlecry poised to fly and right into the arc of an enemy grappling hook, he ducks under the iron claw and straightens with a laugh. Prince Luca's training was timely indeed! He /roars/ visage bloodied, as he leaps upon a lashed barrel, "Seliki! Forward!"

It's the crash of battle outside Setarco, when the fleets drive together, that sees the first hard losses. Five ships go down in that first pass, but six of the enemy's are sunk. To an accountant, this sort of parity means the Compact will win. But at what grave cost? The sound of sailors sinking into the depths is covered by the clash of battle above the waves.

Reese keeps a good command of her sailors, calling out orders and giving hand gestures to those who are further off. She does a pretty good job and the Grayson fleet manunvers though the sea with skill.

Lou checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 40, rolling 8 higher.

Eleanor checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 40, rolling 17 higher.

Margot checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 8 lower.

Caelis checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 23 higher.

Merek checked dexterity + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 9 higher.

Eleanor checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 35 higher.

Lou checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 4 higher.

Jasher checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 4 higher.

Luca checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 40, rolling 26 higher.

Reese checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 32 higher.

Victus checked command + war at difficulty 40, rolling 7 lower.

Kaede checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 27 higher.

Antonio checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 1 lower.

Merek checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 29 higher.

Caelis checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 0 higher.

Ariella checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 1 higher.

Kaldur checked dexterity + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 1 lower.

Kaede checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 11 higher.

Luca checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 14 higher.

Jasher checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 14 lower.

Reese checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 20 higher.

Antonio checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 4 higher.

Ariella checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 11 lower.

Katarina checked dexterity + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 3 higher.

Katarina checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 5 higher.

Katarina checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 3 higher.

Merek checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 12 lower.

Victus checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 20 higher.

Kaldur checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 1 lower.

Artorius checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 3 higher.

Estaban checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 10 higher.

Artorius has rolled a critical success!
Artorius checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 27 higher.

Peri checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 13 lower.

Peri checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 5 lower.

Peri checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 18 lower.

Estaban checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 20, rolling 6 higher.

Victus has rolled a critical success!
Victus checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 47 higher.

Reese checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 11 higher.

Kaede checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 9 higher.

Merek lifts up his sword and points it towards one of the foes, while it looks like a ship next to him is blasted to pieces and its crew starts going down with the ship. He then moves to try and shift the helm with a hand to try and drive it out of the way of another volley, and at least protect his own crew, calling out to any other Fidante ships with a flag that things are picking up, hoping he can at least save some folk. Meanwhile he ducks and weaves through any volleys as he orders another one, and a line that's next to them, "Draw swords, prepare!" he exclaims. He's doing his best just to keep the ship he's on intact.

Ariella checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 33 higher.

Antonio checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 16 higher.

Caelis checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 16 higher.

Armani has joined the The Siren's Call.

Estaban checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 10 higher.

Margot checked command + leadership at difficulty 30, rolling 37 higher.

Wash checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 6 lower.

Wash checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 26 higher.

Wash checked command + war at difficulty 40, rolling 4 lower.

Though the first command for 'ramming speed' was hollered from the Serpent, they had missed the intended target on the first go around. This time though, Victus' eyes are set and his hands are at the ready. "Damn it all, that won't do." He points forward to one of the many decrepit ships, one that had its vision set on grappling another vessel. "I said, RAM HER! RAM HER FUCKIN' GOOD!" His order is barked, loudly being heard over the waves as points to their target. "If they close for boarding, we'll give 'em something to regret!"

Ariella hates the idea of ramming with the Bargain, but she hates the idea of dying more. Dragging herself up onto the quarterdeck, she starts shouting orders for ramming speed. Let's do this.

Artorius suddenly sees the enemy, and a sick smile comes about his face. "Caelis.....lets show them who we are." Clearly suggesting they ram the absolute shit out of them....because fearless badassery is usually rewarded by history. He turns to his men. "Magnotta! Bring them reckoning!!

Lou had lost her footing earlier enough to get struck by something, but she has since retained it and has started loosing crossbow bolts once more. She glances over at Reese and Luca, to make sure they are still doing okay, and then then lets off another series of bolts. Rinse. Reload. Repeat. "Do these bastards ever go down?" she calls out to Reese, squinting at the ships, the grappling hooks, and those trying to board others.

"No plan survives contact with the enemy," Antonio mutters under his breath, before he gives the order to ram vulnerable targets.

Peri's doing her pest to relay commands, trying to make the best of her advisors. Their ramming target sees them coming and while she's comfortable at sea, it's not like the Seliki ships have seen an incredible amount of action like some other stronger fleets. They miss their target. "Adjust for drift from momentum!" she yells out, but the helmsman is wide-eyed. Maybe ramming a ship doesn't sound like a good idea to him. "AGAIN!" she shouts relentlessly, looking back directly at him.

"Spirits! Get... man the fucking... SWORDS ON ME!" comes Kaede call, as she's abruptly dodging blows. "Cut those lines and keep moving! We are not engaging!" she growls out. Growling because the pirates jumping aboard don't seem to be aware that she's trying to not engage! "Keep the ships moving. There, there, and there. Send Marmot unit to... bolster there... the ship with the fuckin' gold painted on it!" Kaede barks out. Because Peri might be in some trouble. "No fuckin' flagship... no orders coming out... Spirits guide us," she growls to herself.

All of the holy water that Ariella has loaded on the Bargain gets set up with the hoses and pumps. If they try anything, they're getting sprayed. Ariella hopes this actually will do anything other than make them wet.

Reese continues to command the Grayson ships, keeping them darting through the waters with a good degree of skill. Her focus remains upon such. "Ram...Ram, sweep in on that one!" She calls out. She dodges to the side of arrows.

"It's her first time out, be kind to my flag ship." Caelis sniffs and looks at Artorius. She whistles to directed the small boat to dart in where they can and rescue men in the water if any can be saved and calls out on her own ship as she comes along side a vessel. "Make ready for combat! Archers first, the rest of you to Count Artorius!"

Estaban starts to yell, "Men get ready! We are going in!" He braces him self, "Ramming speed!" his bow is held in his hand as he holds and starts to loudly pray to the gods as his ship starts to move faster for one of the enemies.

Armani has totally been here the whole time on The Siren's Call. All unnoticiable and stuff.

"Hang on!" Kaldur directs as he hears Peri's command to bring the ship about. "Hang on!" There they go! Helm's a'weather!

Artorius nods to his sister. Looking to his phalanx wall of soldiers. "Prepare for combat!! Show them....thow them all, that Arx will stand against any foe, and we will fight like a THOUSAND armies! Brace for impact and earn your shields!!" His words earn a warcry from his soldiers. a smile for Caelis. "Don't worry sister, I can handle this." he winks as he raises that Cobalt greatsword, ready for a fight.

"Just keep firing, dear. And keep your head down." Prince Luca remarks, talking to Princess Lou. He's there, but not for long. Just long enough to pat her on the back. It's not all for her. Perhaps some of it is to keep her attention on the oncoming enemies, and away from the scene all around them, where little by little, things seem like they're getting a bit more.. interesting. He's not with Lou for long though, because he's back to guarding his wife. To the men who are protecting the ship he's on, he calls out, "You keep this woman sailing! She's you're best bet for making it back to port! Don't let a man past! Drinks for heads! Drinks. For. Heads!" Anyone who knew him could see he's chomping at the bit to step forward, to the edge of the ship, and murder something. His restraint is worth a note.

The battle is well and truly joined now. Ships crash against ships. Grappling hooks land - some hook, some don't. Katarina takes the Unsullied in to ram the ship with the ballista and succeeds just barely, but she manages to ram it just as the Red Serpent plows into its other side, Victus screaming "I'LL MAELSTROM'S END YOU, YA FUCKERS" as it goes down, and a cheer goes up as the first ship with a ballista sinks to the depths. There are more, somewhere, hemmed in by their own ships, waiting to unleash carnage. But the Compact fleet is winning - though not without losses. And the hail of arrows keeps raining down upon them, striking people at random - usually people who are focused more on the battle than on protecting themselves.

Peri takes moderate damage.

Ariella takes serious damage.

Jasher takes very serious damage.

Jasher checked willpower at difficulty 10, rolling 4 higher.

"See the foe fall! Watch them fall like timbers from a gutted ship. Forward! See--" But Jasher's rousing speech is cut short as an arrow strike him solid and deep. The Thraxian prince staggers, exhales sharp, and barely keeps his feet. Perhaps he shouldn't.

As the Unsullied and the Red Serpent manages to utterly destroy the the ship with the ballista, Katarina doesn't allow the brief victory to affect her vicious momentum. "FIND THE NEXT ONE, VICTUS!" she bellows toward the High Admiral, all the while readjusting and seeing her ship pull from the starboard of the disabled vessel. Hers is a mission to lead a break through the rank and file, but never straying far from her charges.

Victus has a bird for the ballista ship that goes down. The bird that is his middle finger. With a snort he retreats from the edge of the boat before something horrid happens, coming down to the deck of the Serpent where Eleanor and her Knights would reside. "We're in the shit now! We need to deal with those ballistas before they can fuck up our back lines!" He directs his Captain to the entourage of ships that are surrounding the next ballista and points forward. "Pick up speed and get us close! Ram or board, don't fuckin' matter, we need them out of the way!" His eyes move to the First Captain. "For the King, aye?"

Grappling hooks manage to land on the side of the Red Bargain. "PUMPS! NOW!" Ariella braces herself against the railing of the quarterdeck, managing to keep herself upright. The sailors manning the pumps and hoses attached to the barrels of holy water spray down the decks and the boarders as they approach. She hopes this works.

"For the King!" Eleanor agrees, sparing a stubborn sort of half-smile for Victus. After her, the other knights echo the cry. "For the King!"

Victoria has joined the Crimson Redemption.

Merek shifts a bit to take the helm and rolls it about to line up in the fleet formation as best he can, and moves back to weaving the ship and himself through the battle, "Mangata guide us!" he exclaims, his form wet from the waves of the ocean, and even one of his men's blood splashing outward as he takes an arrow. He seems to be using all his willpower to fight within himself and keep towards the battle. He twirls about his blade and orders another volley, all the while he shifts the blade a bit, and prays quietly.

Adam, A Young Apprentice, 4 Navegant Marines arrive, following Turo.

As they bring the Golden Pearl about, there's a loss of momentum and some hooks fly over the railings. Peri brings her sword down to hack two lines at once and then pivots around another sailor, or tries. She slightly trips, not losing her footing completely, but enough that she's unable to dodge the incoming arrows. One launches into her arm, just below her shoulder, but some of her armor keeps it from penetrating through to her chest, keeping the damage reasonable. She winces as the pain surges forth, but given it's her offhand arm, she rights herself and slashes the last line. "Kaldur...break this for me!" she says as she tries to snap the shaft, but just can't get a good angle on it.

Lou checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 40, rolling 14 lower.

Reese checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 3 lower.

Jasher checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 10 higher.

Eleanor checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 40, rolling 31 higher.

Lou checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 40, rolling 14 lower.

Reese has rolled a critical success!
Reese checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 96 higher.

Victus checked strength + huge wpn at difficulty 40, rolling 22 higher.

Jasher checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 13 higher.

Wash checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 8 higher.

Wash checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 14 higher.

Wash checked command + sailing at difficulty 50, rolling 9 higher.

Eleanor checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 40, rolling 26 higher.

Victus checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 5 higher.

Reese has rolled a critical success!
Reese checked command + sailing at difficulty 50, rolling 74 higher.

Victus checked command + sailing at difficulty 50, rolling 10 lower.

Jasher checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 28 lower.

Ariella checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 28 higher.

Artorius checked command + sailing at difficulty 50, rolling 15 lower.

Turo checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 10 higher.

Ariella checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 40, rolling 22 lower.

Kaldur checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 2 lower.

Kaede checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 9 higher.

Kaldur checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 40, rolling 15 higher.

Antonio checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 40, rolling 5 higher.

Artorius has rolled a critical success!
Artorius checked dexterity + huge wpn at difficulty 40, rolling 40 higher.

Kaede checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 1 lower.

Antonio checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 5 lower.

Kaede checked command + sailing at difficulty 50, rolling 16 lower.

Antonio checked command + sailing at difficulty 50, rolling 20 higher.

Ariella checked command + sailing at difficulty 50, rolling 6 lower.

Turo checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 40, rolling 17 lower.

Katarina checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 31 higher.

Katarina checked command + leadership at difficulty 50, rolling 9 higher.

Katarina checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 7 lower.

Turo has rolled a critical success!
Turo checked command + sailing at difficulty 50, rolling 104 higher.

Artorius checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 14 lower.

Estaban checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 16 higher.

Luca checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 40, rolling 44 higher.

Armani checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 62 higher.

Peri checked strength + medium wpn at difficulty 40, rolling 24 lower.

Peri checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 4 higher.

Peri checked command + sailing at difficulty 50, rolling 22 lower.

Estaban checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 40, rolling 11 higher.

Luca checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 16 higher.

Estaban checked command + sailing at difficulty 50, rolling 8 lower.

Merek checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 40, rolling 19 higher.

Merek checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 14 higher.

Merek checked command + sailing at difficulty 50, rolling 28 lower.

Margot checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 17 higher.

Margot checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 25 higher.

At Stormwall, the beaches are clear of Compact forces after they stage a successful withdraw, with most of the infantry filling the city and manning the gates. Panic from the handful of civilians that had thus far refused to evac was a problem, but Count Thesarin Riven managed to restore order and get them out of the way of the incoming troops, while a short and brutal battle at the docks secured that from the last attacking by ship. But now a hundred thousand of the Gyre's troops are attempting to scale the city, and ladders are being brought up by the thousands.

Caelis checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 15 higher.

Caelis checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 17 lower.

Caelis checked command + sailing at difficulty 50, rolling 19 higher.

The nausea in Kaldur's gut clenches, /Peri's hit!/ He takes an arrow in the chest as he stands a moment, in hesitation - it glances with a clang and he shakes from reverie with a prayer of thanks to Princess Reese for her gift. Sweat beading, stinging in the wound on his brow. He rushes to Peri and does what she cannot. SNAP!! The arrow is ... dealt with. Teeth bared, anger rising, he turns to mount the railing and leap into the fray with the enemy. Laying about, fury singing with the rasp of Wavedancer's steel song, he cuts and swings, cuts, swings. Stabs. It's maybe not the best of strategies...

Caelis gets her men close enough to board a ship. She has that damn whistle in her mouth, directing her ships as she lets Artorius and the warriors on her ship make to board and engage. Her eyes are so many places she's slow to realize all her whistling and flag directing makes her visible.

Wash gets Sharkskin Tassets from an oiled sealskin satchel with a shark tooth enclosure.

Artorius laughs as he sees the enemy, leaping onto the ship by himself with only his Cobalt blade. "CHARRRGGE!!" he calls to his men "Give no quarter! and accept none neither!" he swings that blade like an absolute demon, making to try and clear that ship of all hostiles alone if he must.

Wash gets Sharkskin Vest from an oiled sealskin satchel with a shark tooth enclosure.

Reese guides her ship to ram into one of the enemy ones even while dodging arrows. She tries to keep a watch on Lou and Luca, but in the chaso of battle such isn't so easy. It is even harder for her to keep an eye on the ships that Peri commands. She seems to be showing skill with sailing and commanding the Grayson Sailors.

Armani pretty much just assures her ship goes where it is suppose too. She's good at making her people go where they should be so they can do what they are suppose too.

It does not seem that Mangata is with Lou today, or any other god, as her crossbow decides to jam at a most inopportune time. This means not only is she not able to get a bolt off, but that she's not paying attention to anything going on out in the sea, as she tries to work this crummy situation out - and in doing so she fails to dodge any arrows or anything else that might be coming her way, and her footing isn't so great.

On the deck of the Crimson Redemption, Jasher accepts a cutlass, shakily, from Wash, who is beside him. With it in hand, he begins calling out orders in a spirit of defiance against his own pain and fear. He's not moving, though. He's not really able to duck or dodge.

While he might not be the most nimble warrior, Turo makes up for it in his abilities with his ships and men, giving orders with skill. That bass voice is heard easily over the din of the battle, and his men and captains respond immediately to his orders.

"Fuck," is Peri's only response to her brother launching himself over railings. "Attack!" because it's her only recourse to save him. This is it. She shouts commands as she looks around at her fleet and relays more orders to try and call another ship in to flank the one they are attacking. "Where are they?" she mutters with a growl as she tries to hack at one of the incoming monstrosities, completely missing but sidestepping another foe's attack.

Antonio draws his cobalt blade- lifting it high in the air as they make contact with the enemy, his crew also readiying their weapons for combat.

Estaban steadies himself for when the ship hits, "To Arms! Charge!" he moves with his men from the ship to board bow in hand he starts to knock arrows and starts to fire on the enemies on the ship he rammed.

Kaede is giving orders. Hard to port! Gain speed. Loose the flaming arrows! Still on the outskirts, as is the battle plan, she's trying to keep from getting entangled. Which is working, until she's waving to one of her flaggers. "Send wolf back toward center! Bolster the-" and then that's when an arrow nicks her wrist. "Shit!" she curses, as she flails in response to the sudden pain. And in flailing, points in the wrong direction. And then the order goes out. "Shit... shit, no! Not-..." But there's already been a bad order sent out. That won't bode well for a longship or two...

Ship after ship sinks into the sea and it's all so exciting! And bloody - as the sharks start circling and taking care of what is left of survivors. Artorius makes a mistake - he brings his ship too close and the grapping hooks come flying over - but with a shout of fury born likely of fear, he cuts through the hooks and frees his ship before more than a few can board. He loses a few sailors before they down the Gyre's sailors, but his ship is still sailing.

Others are not so lucky, and more ships - Velenosan, Thrax, Redrain, Saik, Fidante - slip into the depths alongside Marin ships, but Reese and Turo manage to find a ballista-bearing ship a piece and sink them with the careful combination of archers, expert ramming, and exquisitely skilled sailing. The archers are still throwing a veritable hail of arrows, but they are less now, even as marines start counterboarding.

Jasher takes serious damage.

Ariella takes moderate damage.

Turo takes moderate damage.

Luca would rather die than see his wife come to harm, and that's just the thought he takes into battle. He never strays too far from her, but as the dreadful enemy approach, he tries to make quick work of each and every one that comes within reach of his ancient cutlass. It's like fighting a duel, right? Except they're coming from all sides, and his footwork needs to be at the fanciest. He steps to the left of an arrow, lashes out with a viper-like strike at one assailant, then steps to the right again, seconds before another arrow thuds into the deck of the ship. Honestly though, he's had harder challenges, even from some of those commanding ships around him. It's a state of mind, the rhythm of the battle, and it's one he is well familiar with. He worries, still, for those around him. When he's mindful enough to. So far, so good, at least for the people aboard The Pink Griffon!

Ariella slumps against the rail of the quarterdeck, another arrow sticking out of her. She's having trouble drawing breath, and her first mate takes over command. She draws her blade. If she is going to die, she is going to die with her sword in her hand.

When it comes down to ramming or boarding, the answer for Victus is a little bit of both. He has his cobalt weapon held high as the Red Serpent begins to breach into the enemy's ranks, ready for the onslaught to come. One less ballista would inevitably be one less dire problem for their men to face, and he was throwing gestures back to the Unsullied to follow him in. "Thrax and King's Guard! Prep for battle! SWORDS OUT!" He needs only a few words of prayer as the colossal vessel swings around. "We meet them head-on! COME YOU FUCKERS!"

Margot's flock of ships is coming around from the flank, those flaming arrows trying to catch the ships on the outskirts of of the Marin fleet, using the long ships to try and cut them off from the rest, and then archers to maim them before they're boarded.

Artorius watches during his slaughtering of the enemy that his ship has been hooked and was being boarded in return, but with a shout of fury, out of fear for his sister's safety, he cuts it with a single swing! Before he starts clearing that ship, his armor being drenched with the blood of his foes as he cuts through them with expert precision. A decaptiation there, a evisceration may wonder if he had gone berserk.

But no, he barely clings to sanity during this battle.

Caelis takes a hit to her armor and she presses her lips together. Letting out a breath she straightens and grips her wheel tighter. "Artorius you had better be safe! I can handle myself!" She calls and buckles down to direct her ships to move in again for the sea bound sailors with whistles.

Merek watches as a few more ships around him are sunk, and he frowns a bit, even as there is boarding and counterboarding moving towards his ship as the teams are now engaged. He rushes towards where some have boarded and lifts up the Nightsong while he swings his weapon around to catch one or two, and weaves through their weapons. However his ship is unable to keep track of others with signalling, and soon he is just sailing in the fleet pattern as best he can, shifting to try and hit the ropes as well. Meanwhile Aneka moves to his side and tries to defend him while she too joins the battle, the man at the helm relaying orders that were spoken.
"Come on, we must hold the line, remember Mangata's words my friends, LOVE IS THE BEST OF US! DO NOT GIVE IN," he states, trying to defend those that can't stand the wave awash upon them. He himself seems to be pushing through it, and trying to hold on to his sanity, "Love... For every man and woman in all of Arvum and beyond, even for all of my foes! I'll fight," he tells himself.

Antonio takes an arrow, but thankfully it only gets lodged in his coat, missing his flesh entirly. The Lenosian prince doesn't bother plucking it out though- that can wait for later. He's focused on commanding his ship.

A blow falls on Kaldur's back, the plates of his armor deflecting the attack, the force of it picthing him forward, under the arc of another. Seliki marines spill onto the enemy deck, spears and swords, clashing. He catches a glimpse of Peri slashing. Beyond her... decimation. Wreckage, sinking vessels. Burning. Smoke. And hanging over it all the sickly slinking pall worming into the tightnening spaces between beats of Kaldur's heart. "Climb High! Dive Deep!" The knight leaps to a barrel, and kicks out at a pirate, hoping to catch the ruffian in the jaw. He'll settle for anything, really...

The King's Own look to their First Captain, each one ready. Eleanor gives them a fierce look and a nod. Swords swing free, at the ready.

At Stormwall, more and more ladders go up, though it seems that the entire enemy line falters with Violet of the Crimson Blades shoots at -something- in the darkness that dissolves when an arrow strikes it. Still, it's but a momentary distraction, as the Gyre's forces are trying to swarm the walls in ever increasing numbers as pike men and archers desperately try to batter them down.

Reese checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 2 lower.

Wash checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 17 higher.

Wash checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 18 higher.

Wash checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 9 higher.

Victus checked command + war at difficulty 40, rolling 36 higher.

Estaban checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 6 higher.

Luca checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 40, rolling 17 higher.

Merek checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 40, rolling 12 lower.

Eleanor checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 40, rolling 40 higher.

Caelis checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 16 higher.

Victus checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 37 higher.

Reese checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 38 higher.

Merek checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 20 higher.

Katarina checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 0 higher.

Katarina checked command + leadership at difficulty 50, rolling 1 lower.

Katarina checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 5 higher.

Estaban checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 40, rolling 23 lower.

Eleanor checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 40, rolling 2 higher.

Victus checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 7 higher.

Caelis checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 10 lower.

Estaban checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 0 higher.

Caelis checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 23 higher.

Luca checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 24 higher.

Reese checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 5 higher.

Kaldur checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 11 lower.

Peri checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 14 lower.

Peri checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 13 lower.

Peri checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 11 lower.

Merek checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 22 lower.

Kaldur checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 40, rolling 7 lower.

Armani checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 12 higher.

Artorius checked dexterity + huge wpn at difficulty 40, rolling 6 lower.

Turo checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 26 higher.

Victus checked strength + huge wpn at difficulty 40, rolling 6 higher.

Kaede checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 7 lower.

Armani checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 14 lower.

Kaede checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 12 higher.

Margot checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 22 higher.

Kaede checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 19 lower.

Artorius checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 1 higher.

Turo checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 40, rolling 3 higher.

Artorius checked command + leadership at difficulty 40, rolling 10 lower.

Turo checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 1 higher.

Jasher checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 43 higher.

Antonio checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 40, rolling 25 higher.

Antonio checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 18 lower.

Antonio checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 4 higher.

Jasher checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 10 lower.

Margot still keeps her ships together, at least, cutting along the edge of the Marin fleet, taking out the stragglers and keeping them from flanking any of the rest of the compact ships.

Ariella checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 8 higher.

Ariella checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 40, rolling 1 higher.

Ariella checked command + sailing at difficulty 40, rolling 8 higher.

Lou checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 40, rolling 8 lower.

Lou checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 40, rolling 8 higher.

Jasher holds. He's bleeding profusely, and his shouted commands have taken a ragged edge that no amount of endurance or willpower can blunt. He holds the cutlass with one hand and loops his other arm around his arrow-ridden body. He sways, he shouts, he holds. A little longer.

As the Seliki ships position themselves to protect their flagship and heir, more and more go down. They're being absolutely swarmed, blood staining the water, pieces of the ships sinking into the depths. More of the auxiliary forces at her command come to bear, reining down arrows past the Golden Pearl's range, but it's unclear if this will do anything for them yet or if some of them positioning between the Pearl and others will just be more fodder. "KALDUR! We need to pull back! PULL BACK FROM THE SHIP! DEFEND! CUT THE LINES AND BACK OFF!" She sees other Gyre ships repositioning and fights a wave of fear and nausea down.

Estaban takes minor damage.

Kaede takes minor damage.

Antonio takes minor damage.

Caelis gets targeted again as she whistles and directs her fleet with flags rather than risk being unheard in the din of combat. She has her sword out to defend against any personal attacks.

The Fox-Prince, Luca, is lost in the state of the battle now. He can't watch everyone's ships, just this one. He side-steps a blade and lashes out again with deadly precision, hacking into a Gyreman assailant with his ancient cutlass. Another swings for him, but he's no longer there. He's behind his attacker, slapping it in the ass with the flat of his blade and hauling it overboard, to toss it off decks. He's picked a space on The Pink Griffon, several feet in front of his wife, and he's set to ending anything that tries to pass it. There is just the rhythm, paced to the beat of his heart and the glint of his artifact weapon each time it slices through the air.

Artorius keeps fighting off his enemies, before he drops back behind his men who come to shield the Count, thoug hthis irritates Artorius, he knows why they do such. "Phalanx!" he calls out to his men and those tall, round shields form up as they move forward.

Lou continues to take time with her crossbow, trying to get it unjammed -- but the bolt that's stuck just really doesn't want to come out. "WORK, DAMMIT!" she yells at her crossbow, shaking it furiously as if that would make the thing come unjammed. It doesn't, though. Lucky for Luca - because it's always possible she's accidentally aiming for his ass again. But, it's jammed, and she's not. So, he lucks out. However, she does see a volley of arrows coming, and this time she makes time to dodge out of the way, narrowing missing getting hit.

The arrows never stop flying, and ships go down - and down, and down. But now the battle is turning, and they're right at the hardest part. And the Compact never falters. Never flags, never fails. Their losses will be mourned later, to be sure - and the friends around them are dying while arrows fly and marines bash and fight and shove invaders off their decks and down to the waiting sharks. Dame Eleanor leads a small group of the Hundred - here the hand of the King, forming a protective ring around Victus as the High Admiral directs the battle as only he would. "COME ON YOU FUCKERS" he screams, and the Gyre's fleet comes - and the Gyre's fleet dies. Princess Lou Grayson is fierce as she shouts her orders, loading her crossbow again and again, keeping her archers working even when her own weapon jams. At the rear of the fleet, a small group breaks off, and another small group follows - but there's hardly time to think about that now.

Reese has her sword, but she isn't fighting. Instead she seems to be relying upon Luca to fight the foes near thm. She keeps her own focus on calling out commands and on giving the sailors orders.

Battle ebbs and flows. Peri's voice cuts through the smoke and Kaldur... hesitates. He catches the swing of a jagged cutlass on the hilt of his sword, bracing against the pirate's strength, noting the woman's gaunt face and haunted expression. Madness? Misery? Anger? What drives these people? He turns his hand and the woman's attack slips free, she stumbles past wheeling on him. He swings as she brings her blade up. Peri's words ring in echoed memory. He curses under his breath. Kaldur bares his teeth and hacks a line free from the rigging, pitching back and vaulting aloft back to the Golden Pearl, all that remains of Seliki's ships. "Blast it all, Peri! We had them!" He sheathes Wavedancer to offer a hand to the men and women falling back onto the Pearl's decks.

The next set of arrows stick in Jasher's leather without seeming to add to the leaking out of his life. This gives him a little strength, at least internally. He stands a little taller, his borrowed cutlass held high. "They fall, they fall, they fall! We stand!"

The Gilden Admiral just barely manages to keep her ships in place, even as Armani is hit. Her armor serves as an excellent barrier. She seems to be doing her best to keep her ships where boarders (ally boarders) can jump on The Siren's Call or one of the other Gilden ships. She does prepare her cutlass to be at the ready should she need to use it.

"Come about!" Kaede yells out. The arrows continue to rain down, and this time she doesn't duck quick enough. This one catches her shoulder and the shot is true enough to pierce armor, but only just. She hisses as metal bites into flesh, and in that moment her own ship is moving in precisely the wrong direction. Not good! Still, she rises back up to bark out orders, and at least the flagged ships are getting proper instruction now, as much as they can get in this case. "There... Fire arrows! Loose the arrows on any enemy ship adrift!"

Merek's assault upon the foe seem to not be getting anywhere when he's flanked, but he manages to dodge and weave through some of them. Meanwhile he can't even generally captain anymore while he's also defending his ship. He sends up a flag to show he's shifting to the defense, which he knows the tactics well enough of. He then shifts the Nightsong. A few more of his men have taken quite a beating, and another seems to get slashed into and driven down, while another takes an errant arrow. The man seems to be covered in blood now, and all he can think about is the battle and defending others, it is all that he can do to keep sane. Memories, of the times when he has lost companions and friends. Charles had come to assist him, having asked, and from behind a sword appears through him. The man then calls out a shout, "NOOOOOOO!" While he launches to drive into the foe. "Loose arrows, slash the lines and drive the remainder off the ship. Every foe downed today, is a life saved in future battle!"

Turo's brown eyes sweep the sea battle pitched before him and he frowns a little. Barking orders and signalling his captains to follow suit, the Navegant Admiral sends his sailors into the fray. So far, so good, all told, despite the arrow that stuck him in the thigh. That's what medics are for, after all, and so he isn't going to suffer more than a couple of stitches from the wound. Turo obviously trained his sailors well, as only a couple of the Gyre's men even make it to him, but they're despatched without too much fuss.

Margot is already patrolling for strays on the Marin fleet. She lifts a hand to motion towards her long boats to start to coral the groups as they're breaking off from the enemies.

Estaban grunts as he is hit and takes a wound but the large Siak keeps going he keeps fighting boarding the rammed ship as his men hack and slash, he commands his other ships to continue firing arrows on the enemies as they board. He continues to move with his men knocking arrows and letting them lose taking down what he can.

At Setarco, the battle is well and truly joined - the captains and admirals of various fleets all working together to deliver what they hope to be a rout to the Gyre's Fleet. And it's working, though the lookouts at Setarco can see ships of the Compact sinking into the waves, more of the Gyre's fleet are sinking than the Compact's. So far. Still, there are many wounded, among them Prince Jasher Thrax - bleeding and injured still he stands, doggedly determined to stand against the pretender-king of the Mourning Isles.

With every inch of ground (Sea?) they get, Victus' gaze stays fixated on ensuring that victory. His focus turns from the ship they had skirmished with now to the next of the ballistae, which he directs the Serpent to engage. His blade is stained red and the debris of Marin's ramshackle fleet lay beneath their hulls. To be crushed and destroyed. "Do not let up! Push forward, push hard, SHOW THEM WHO THEY'RE FUCKIN' WITH! THE COMPACT STANDS STRONG!" Another order bellowed from the man, shockingly having not thrown out his voice or at least damaged his throat yet. They would aim for the vitals of this force and cut them out one by one. "Show them your grit, First Captain. They will enjoy the light before they must fade away." He calls in an echo of encouragement to Eleanor as well.

Ships breaking off?! Thats why some of Setarco's fleet was held in reserve! Antonio has a messenger pigeon sent to Alrec Magaldi's ship- hopefully the Setarco Admiral can muster some sort of incercept. Soon after though the prince takes another arrow- this one biting into his shoulder. He turns toward Gino, his faithful runner. "Break this son of a bitch off for me, will you?"

At Stormwall, a brutal push by the enemy against the city's walls is beaten back by a valiant rally by Lord Michael Bisland, who leads the defenders in a counter push that shoves off the walls and temporarily forces the ladders off all the walls. Thousands of dead litter the base of the walls below the city, but tens of thousands remain, with the ladders already being raised ontop of their mounting dead.

Eleanor and her knights hold their ground around the High Admiral. "We've got plenty of grit!" she calls over her shoulder to Victus, even as she cuts down an attempt at boarding. "Well done!" This for the Silver Swords. "Steady on!"

"If you wanted to die you could have been on another ship," Peri grouses at her brother. The fatigue of the battle is starting to wear on her as she tries to dodge an incoming slash. It slices through a layer of her cuirass, but she doesn't seem injured for it. "STAY STRONG!" She knows she needs to stay alive to keep the other fleets in command. The sails are let out and it allows them to do a hard turn to port, pulling the two ships apart without even trying to worry about the wreckage around them in the waters. Lines are cut and soldiers try to mop the decks of Gyre's forces while Peri pulls back to hop onto the railing, holding a line. "WHERE'S THE PINK GRIFFON!?" she shouts to her crow's nest before relaying orders to the auxiliary fleets of Bisland, Riven, and Deepwood to coordinate and cover the Golden Pearl's retreat into their ranks, pulling back from the front lines.

Wash steers the Redemption free at last, giving his marines a brief rest once the decks are clear. He scans the battlefield for a likely target, weighing the speed of his target against the exhaustion he knows is testing his oarsmens' mettle. He sends orders to form the unengaged Thrax ships into a line again, so that none of the enemy flee East.

Ariella finds it hard to stand, slowly sinking down to the deck. A arrow whizzes just inches from her head. Yikes. She pulls out her flask and takes a drink. Then she pukes. Awesome. This is how this was supposed to go, right?

Artorius keeps fighting as ship upon ships start to move and prepare to board the ship he's on. With a crack of his neck, he charges forward and starts slicing and dicing as best as he could manage! There's just no end to them...but the courage of Man will prevail!

As the Gyre fleet's numbers begin to dwindle, and the decisive victory of the Compact more clear, the Unsullied begins to break away from the carnage of sinking ships and eases back to the periphery. Her ships are on the patrol, seeking to target the last of enemy vessels along the way while angling back around to find the Valor of Sanctum. Sisters need to check on sisters.

A flit of red-streaked white appears on the decks once she has word that they're cleared, Victoria striding forward to look over the wounded... and spotting Jasher. Scowling, the white-clad healer makes straight for him. Words might be exchanged, her fingers working quickly so he resembles less a pincushion and more a prince. There's only so much time between these brief lulls, however.

Caelis checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 25 higher.

Margot checked command + leadership at difficulty 30, rolling 38 higher.

Merek checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 19 higher.

Artorius checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 7 lower.

Kaede checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 12 higher.

Lou checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 30, rolling 2 lower.

Kaede checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 6 higher.

Merek checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 21 higher.

Armani checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 24 higher.

Lou checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 2 lower.

Artorius checked strength + huge wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 14 higher.

Victus checked command + war at difficulty 30, rolling 14 higher.

Luca checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 36 higher.

Kaede checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 7 higher.

Merek checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 13 lower.

Turo checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 23 higher.

Caelis checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 8 lower.

Victus checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 24 higher.

Turo checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 4 higher.

Caelis checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 19 higher.

Armani checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 6 lower.

Artorius checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 2 lower.

Jasher checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 6 lower.

Victus has rolled a critical success!
Victus checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 22 higher.

Turo checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 19 higher.

Luca checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 28 higher.

Wash checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 35 higher.

Wash checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 23 higher.

Wash checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 23 higher.

Eleanor checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 26 higher.

Jasher checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 5 lower.

Kaldur checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 27 higher.

Eleanor checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 50 higher.

Kaldur checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 4 lower.

Reese checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 15 higher.

Estaban checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 23 higher.

Katarina checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 24 higher.

Katarina checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 1 higher.

Katarina checked command + leadership at difficulty 30, rolling 54 higher.

Reese checked command + leadership at difficulty 30, rolling 35 higher.

Armani checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 2 higher.

Peri checked command + leadership at difficulty 30, rolling 43 higher.

Peri checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 16 lower.

Peri checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 8 higher.

Estaban checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 11 lower.

Estaban checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 24 higher.

Reese checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 26 higher.

Antonio checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 45 higher.

Antonio checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 9 higher.

Antonio checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 42 higher.

Ariella checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 7 higher.

Ariella checked dexterity + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 19 higher.

Ariella checked command + sailing at difficulty 30, rolling 20 higher.

Reese tries to move manuever the Grayson fleets to that they are partly protecting Peri's ship. She continues to command the Grayson ship and continues to display skill while doing so. Her focus remains on giving orders as she relies on Luca to keep her safe and fight the nearby foes.

"What on Aion do you think a *boarding* party is, woman?!" He bats back, unsheating Wavedancer again, for all the good he'll do /here/. He clenches his teeth, eyes falling on Peri's wound. His expression tightens, teeth grinding. "Steady up! Archers, to the rail!" He moves among the scattered arrows and smoke, cries of the wounded lifting. "Get him below, if you can," the young knight's voice is quiet, to the less-wounded of a pair of marines. "Here, I'll get his legs." Wavedancer re-sheathed again, he stoops to grab the legs of a wounded crewman.

Peri takes moderate damage.

"WHY. WON'T. YOU. WORK!" Lou's lost a bit of her temper at her crossbow as it still continues to jam. Again, she's not dodging anything as she decidedly now bangs the bow against a series of sacks on the foredeck of the ship, in an attempt to dislodge the crossbow bolt that's /seriously/ harshing her mellow. Oh. Yes. Arrows DO rein down around her, but the don't look she doesn't look scratched at all. She'll later attribute that to the armor she borrowed from her sister.

As Victoria sweeps up to cut the shafts from the arrows in his body, Jasher seems to wane a little. He stumbles over the commands, he leans briefly against the Lady Kennex for support. And as another arrow strikes him oblique and sticks harmlessly in his armor, he tries to rouse again. See through the haze, speak through the haze.

Kaede's work is far easier the more she's able to do her job and pick off the stray enemy ships. Fire arrows ensure the ships go down, and her ships do the clean up work she was supposed to be doing. And this time around, she's quick and lucky enough to not get shot!

Estaban continues to fight and once he is done he moves along much like Victus to find the next target, his men and shit bloddy and tired but he keeps them going, "Ready yourself for the next!" he yells to his men as he commands them following the orders as they come down the chain.

Gritting her teeth as Caelis is hit and her armor takes the brunt again, the Dragon Admiral watches a number of ships peel off under Antonio's flag and draws a pair of hers back to be ready to shift direction and assist if they should get into trouble with that whistle of hers.

Artorius fights his attackers off, only for a blade to scratch against his armor, ineffective as it may be. Then he growls, a single slice slaying two enemies as the war wages on.

The final volley of arrows is desultory at best, and only Peri really gets hit by much of anything. The ships of the Compact are working together now, and with every Gyre ship that sinks beneath the waves, the Compact has more room to manuever. More arrows. More fire. More piss and vinegar, and defiance and anger. The Compact that slays together, stays together. And now, despite ships and blood and tears and pain they stand together, defiant as they carry the day! They are ready for more - but there is nothing more to fight.

When The Pink Griffon rolls into view through the smoke of a burning wreck, Peri immediately shouts, "Full speed ahead. Same bearing and tack behind the Griffon!" She hangs tight to the line to keep her balance, leaning against the shift of ship and ducking below the boom when they change tack. While she ducks the boom, hanging rather low in a crouch, another arrow finds her, sinking into her back at a weird angle. Her ribcage stops it after her armor soaks up most of the arrow's energy and she is yanked down by one of her advisors to the deck, trying to shield her. Landing on her injured arm, she grunts, "Too late." Then she slowly pushes herself up, the arrow in her back making odd gestures like it's conducting some symphony of carnage and death.

As the seas seem to empty, Jasher lets out his breath in a rush and lowers the cutlass. He lets Victoria lead him away, if he keeps watching the waves with disbelief. Can it really be over?

Margot exhales with relief, looking over her ships and then closes her eyes, and says a prayer.

Merek has medics that attend to people, as he manages to sink one of the vessels while fending off the boarders. Then he backs up and shifts his weapon around, as he takes a moment to look more towards the horizon, awaiting further command of the Fleet Captain, as he takes a moment to pray.

"Bear and Wolf to the North!" Kaede calls out. "Elk, marmot, come back on me," Kaede says, to her signaler. She makes a few gestures, but she's looking to be slowing down. "Spirits... is that it?" she mutters out. Then a look at her own shoulder. "Good fucking thing this hides the blood..." she then turns and quickly grabs a slip of paper, scribbles a note, and hands it off to her little bird. "Same target, Whiskey Jack. Go get 'im..." she says. The bird flies off.

Artorius shoulders his weapon, looking then to the hordes as they apparently fought them all off. Artorius's battlecry howls into the distance as he seems to have been at the tail end of pure rage.

Wash lifts a purple handkerchief to his lips and unwraps something, delivering a reverent kiss. Then he puts the handkerchief in his pocket again, wrapping its precious contents.

Estaban is breathing deeply looking out the Lion helm that sits on his head looking around at the fleet and to see what other enemies are about, he is breathing heavily but he is on the look out just incase his bow still in hand.

It takes a couple moments for Prince Luca to come out of the heat of the battle, his blade-hand heavier from all the work it has done. There's a line of corpses around him, the line he's held, but he's not worried about that so much. He sheathes his blade and does a turnabout, letting several graceful steps bring him over to his wife, who he sweeps up and spins around and kisses, "They're running! Or dead! Look at 'em go!" He grins at her, squeezing her tightly up against himself, and spins her again. "Ha! Haha!" The thrill of victory courses through him. She's got so much to do though. A general's work is never done on the field of battle. So when he places her back on the ground, he decides to surprises Lou with much of the same, but from the backside, grabbing her up and spinning her around, "You lived! And your gave 'em a real bad day!"

Caelis looks for her brother. "Artie, come back, time to go home!" She looks all over and hastily kicks some arrows off her deck before he sees them and gets ragey. She does a count of her ships and worries at her lip.

The sounds of fighting stop, drowned out by the crackling flames and drifting debris. Victus stood on the deck, looking left to right. Surrounded by the dead and viscera of enemy and ally alike. The High Lord... doesn't have words, for this. But eventually, his orders go out. "Tend to the wounded first and the dead second." And his Captain signals his orders down the line. He looks to Eleanor, breathing out a harsh breath. "Fuck."

The fighting at Stormwall reaches a fevered pitch, with tens of thousands of the attackers lying dead at the foot of the walls but most now streaming into the city. The Compact forces have fought street by bloody street but have been driven from the port, and have fallen back to the Crovane castle as a last bastion before potentially surrendering the city entirely.

Turo calls out orders to his signallers, spreading his ships a little to ensure that none of the enemy sneaks anywhere they oughtn't be. Then the orders turn to tending to the wounded, and making whatever floating repairs need doing.

Armani pays mind to where Antonio's ship goes and makes her way to have her ship follow his.

The waves wash over the rapidly sinking fleet at Setarco. The Compact fleet has lost some ships, true - but not anywhere close to the numbers of the Gyre's fleet. No, this was a resounding victory for the Compact who chose to stand together to guard Setarco. As the Compact carries the day, High Admiral Victus shouts loudly to the open sea, "You come at us swinging Marin, you fuckin' best do better than this. The Isles didn't budge and neither will this Compact. The Compact stands, united and unbowed. Next time," he says with a sneer as the sharks circle below, "bring friends."

Eleanor's breaths come heavy, sword arm slowly lowering. She turns solemn brown eyes on Victus. "Fuck," she agrees. She spares a moment there amidst the chaos to hold his gaze, hold the moment, before swinging around to bellow for her knights. "King's Own, on me!" As they fall in, she checks each in turn for injury. As they're cleared she directs them off to help the wounded.

Wash sends the order to all ships to head for Setarco at all speed for restocking so they can make the trip to Stonewall, assuming the city still stands by the time they get there.

Artorius growls softly then, but it's as soon as Caelis calls his name does he look to his men. "Magnotta! Recover!" he says to them as they return to the Valor, Artorius sheathing his cobalt greatsword as he is quite literally covered in blood.

Desultory answering fire deflects again from shining plates. Kaldur pauses, registering the hit. "Is there are target painted back there?" He stretches to faux-look and moves carefully with the wounded man below. There's a shout, and silence above, an ominous silence. He leaps up the last steps up to the deck, eyes skinning wide at finding Peri prone on the deck. He chokes out a cry, rushing forward, but others are already attending her. He looks out over the railing at the Gyre's fleeing ships. This isn't over by a longshot. Face set with resolve, he begins again, moving along the deck and the ruin. "Ready the boats, we've got to rescue any went overboard."

Reese has left the The Pink Griffon.

The battle one, Antonio sends orders out for his remaining ships- a few that are in their best condition are left out to run patrols- (They will be releaved soon!) the rest... back to port!

From the passageway near the tunnels leading to Stormwall, a force of cavalry has managed to hold off a terrible attack, and those near would swear they heard something that sounded like the shattering of a mirror. The valiant defense was not without cost, as Lady Eirlys Greenmarch gave her life to protect Dame Esoka Greenblood.

Estaban sends most his ships back to Setarco except his he starts to move through the water to try and save any who went over board and may still be alive.

The Seliki fleet is lost, and as the Golden Pearl takes refuge in the wake of the action amongst the other ships, Peri's stoicism remains in place. Shaft of the arrow broken off, she tells her man, "Let our forces know that the Golden Pearl still sails. The Seliki fleet did not fall in vain." Still, her knuckles are white as she grips the railing as she stares out at the rescue efforts, but she only sees bodies and wreckage.

Victus gave Eleanor one strong pat on the back. He was alive, she was alive. This turned out incredibly, all things considered. He turns his attention now to the helm of the ship once again. "Make rounds! All fish the moving bodies first, the still ones second! We dock at Setarco when all bodies are accounted for, living or dead!" And with that he signals for the Red Serpent to move about. The old girl was littered with arrows and had been punctured by plenty of dilapidated ship parts. But she was still fit to aid those dying.

Ariella coughs up some blood, then pukes again. Yay. We won.

Commanding isn't Luca's forte, but with his wife so busy doing the sailing, he's got to put himself to work somehow. So he walks around, "Alright! Let's get people up! We did good! Few casualties, and I think I owe you lot too many rounds for my comfort! So stick together, get the wounded cleaned up and we're off to the shores of Setarco again!" That's.. just about enough order-giving for the Fox-Prince, who pulls out his flask again to have another sip. Then he dances up onto the edge of The Pink Griffon, holding onto some rigging, and allows his dark eyes to cut across those who remain, searching for particular faces - or at least particular ships.

Lou is more than a bit surprised when Luca picks her up and swirls her around but should he go to kiss her on the lips -- she quickly puts up a hand to try and stop him. She gives him a wide-eyed sort of look, and shakes her head. "I'm glad you're alive as well, Luca," she tells him, wry amusement in her voice. "Now, can you please put me down?" and when he does she manages to lean over to kiss him on the cheek, and then goes about to help fishing people out of the sea.

Caelis is at the helm, counting her men like ducklings and blowing the whistle to Katarina to head back to Setarco. She takes inventory of the other ships on the water with dark eyes. She rests her forehead against her arm for a moment and offers prayers of thanks to the gods before calling orders to head to port.

Adam, A Young Apprentice have been dismissed.

4 Navegant Marines have been dismissed.

Orland arrives, following Duarte.

Orland leaves, following Duarte.

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