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Written By Jaenelle

June 27, 2016, 8:33 p.m.(11/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerius

Valerius is the greatest brother anyone could ever dream of having. As long as you don't expect much. Anything. As long as you don't expect anything. He is charming, yes, but he uses that charm to manipulate all those around him to do the things he himself would rather not. Sometimes I wish he would grow up and see that the world is not always a good place, and because of that he needs to learn to take responsibility seriously! Some day his smile won't work, and I fear for that day.

Written By Jaenelle

June 27, 2016, 8:17 p.m.(11/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Margot

It is a difficult thing to tell how much you might miss someone once you are no longer simply in the next room over from them. Perhaps I took Margot for granted, perhaps I did not think at all of what would become of us as I quickly wished to grow up and see a bit more of the world so kept sheltered from me. Seeing her upon my return to the city made many memories come rushing back, those that I had wished would stay away and those I had not realized I had forgotten in the first place. She was never a ward of the Thrax household to me, but more like a trusted sister. Sometimes I think she thinks I am much more delicate than I am, and sometimes I think she is very right as she has always been the strong one between us.

Written By Acacia

June 27, 2016, 7:48 p.m.(11/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Dagon

Prince Dagon Thrax is... exceptionally formal. While often times when someone is formal and stately, I want to kind of cut loose and make quips to provide that counterbalance, in the rare times I've been graced by his company, I feel like playing the waters like I usually do is too bold in comparison? I imagine he's a joy when he lets loose and I certainly hope he has that outlet. I can only imagine that at some point such staunch formality has to wear on him too, thinking that perhaps it's all pompous and idiotic, yet seeking that accord all the same. But maybe that's truly his way? He's clearly bright and intelligent, ridiculously handsome to pair with it, but where is the storm? Granted, he must think I'm the most boring commoner ever. I was so clueless as to how to approach him, I just laid it on so thick I'm going to bathing off the butter for weeks to come. But how else do you approach something like that?

Written By Valencia

June 27, 2016, 10:27 a.m.(11/15/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

One could make the error of assuming Duke Vercyn Halfshav is a kind, compassionate man of affable disposition. It would be an easy error to make, really. He is startlingly talented at projecting all those things to an excess that would put many Lenosian courtiers to shame. But he is a Halfshav, and it would be foolish for any to forget that, even for a moment. Some errors are costly, indeed.

Written By Valencia

June 27, 2016, 10:23 a.m.(11/15/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Viviana

Viviana was almost set to duel Duke Hadrian Malvici, and what a glorious ass-kicking that would have been. Alas, it turns out that a priest actually altered his White journal, and was punished with the swiftness and unforgiving harshness for which the Scholars of Vellichor are famed. She seems fired up and still eager to duel, I might make use of that still-raging fire, yet.

Written By Valencia

June 27, 2016, 10:20 a.m.(11/15/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

The Sword of Lenosia. It's absolutely no surprise whatsoever that Talen's made something of himself. Uncle Niccolo didn't raise any losers, at least, none that we speak of at any length. Do I regret how I mistreated him as a child? Sometimes, in softer moments. He's got a spine of steel and a diplomatic streak a mile wide as an adult, and I suppose he has me and some of the others to thank in hindsight. Swords tempered in the forges of adversity, and all that. Plus it doesn't hurt that he's grown so handsome, who could pick on him now?

Written By Kima

June 27, 2016, 1:58 a.m.(11/14/1003 AR)

I attended the memorial service for Prince Sherrod. I don't know much of the northern customs, but as far as these things go, his children did right by him. You can't ask much more than that.

To the last.

Written By Valencia

June 26, 2016, 9:18 p.m.(11/14/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Isolde

Isolde has come into her own, and I never saw it coming. Oh the things I have missed, being away. She's charming and caring and cunning all at once, and fiercely loyal to the Velenosa house. The mirrormask business is of course unfortunate, but it likely comes of being the younger sister. It's worked for her certainly, she can grab the attention of just about anyone with that mask, and then hold it with her charm and wit.

Written By Valencia

June 26, 2016, 9:15 p.m.(11/14/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

I've invited Brianna to stay with me at the Redrain Villa, where I'll be better able to guide her in the ways of the courtier. She's already friendly enough, sometimes to am excess, but there are finer points of etiquette and deportment that could use some work and if I have her trapped in the Redrain estate for a time, it'll be that much harder for her to duck my lessons.

Written By Isolde

June 26, 2016, 12:46 p.m.(11/13/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Gareth

I'm a little surprised by this man. I expected something of a... contentious relationship, if I'm going to be polite, yet, he humored my tendancy to be the center of the universe, and our conversation was quite enjoyable. He's so terribly, almost painfully Grayson, but he actually seems to care about the truth of things, rather than blind bias. He's actually rather charming, if one can see to the soul of him. He is a hard man, do not mistake my interest for thinking his is kind underneath the hardness, but his charm is not one of sweetness and light. No, it is more... something I understand, I think.

Written By Gustave

June 26, 2016, 12:16 p.m.(11/12/1003 AR)

It is easy to lose oneself in the square. To be caught up in the push, the inevitable forward momentum. To put oneself on a horse is to seperate from the masses, the collective momentum of the throng. Individual glory is subordinate to the survival of all. Hardly the sort of mindset one ascribes to a noble warrior, but it has its benefits. When in the square across from screaming and raging shavs, you can forget a wife buried not yet two years ago. A strong, willful daughter who will one day be a great lady but mystifies you. Coming to Arx was necessary for politics, to make sure that the hills are not forgotten in this squabble for the Kingship...but it may have saved far more than that. Blackram produces more than enough soldiers and we are not so short of commanders that one cannot be spared. I must remember that I am Marquis...even if it is so easy to lose oneself in the square.

Written By Viviana

June 26, 2016, 9:15 a.m.(11/12/1003 AR)

So this is awkward. I have a habit of keeping abreast of recent events by reading the journals of Vellichor. I was quite startled to come upon an entry by Duke Hadrian Malvici which was quite disparaging of my person. Naturally I issued challenge to the man on the grounds of the insult, only to discover the entry was written by a renegade scribe. Now my blood is all up and aflame for a fight, but I have no one to actually -fight- I took it out a little on poor Talen with my training rapier, but I'm still not quite satisfied. Times like these I almost wish I had a husband, I imagine they're useful for burning off tension.

Written By Isolde

June 26, 2016, 7:21 a.m.(11/12/1003 AR)

    "So we have Three Great Houses of Five with sudden destablization, and a transition of power that is jarring. I think it a testament to the strength of my sister and Prince Edain that things have not fallen farther into chaos, and all our people remain comparatively stable. We have House Grayson, whose King is not responsive, but also not dead, so the succession is muddy and confusing. We have House Thrax who seem to be primed to be the villians in this tale, but also victims of a key piece. Every single tragedy that has occurred seems to have one common thread - to weaken and destablize us. One could even theorize it is mean to set us at each other's throats, to accuse and begin conflict between us. In a state of chaos and transition, war could easily break out. Grayson would have to fight to keep the Crown, as well as trying to keep the peace while they held it. Enemies would run rampant on all of Arvum. We would all lose, in the end. The chaos would consume us. And no one would be the wiser, if we looked at each tragedy separately. But when looked at the whole... it seems... well, if I might be so blunt. Utterly and thoroughly obvious. I have no proof, no certainty. I have no theory on a definitive enemy orchestrating this. But we are meant to devour ourselves, darling, and do the work of our enemies for them."

Written By Isolde

June 26, 2016, 7:20 a.m.(11/12/1003 AR)

     "I am not quite precise on the timing, but the King took Prince Sherrod and my mother with him on a hunting expedition, either just as Donrai was arriving in Arx, presumably to confront the Crown on his daughter's death, or just before. The timing of the King leaving and the arrival of the Prince is enough political chaos to be it's own issue, but then... the entire hunting party was wiped out, and the only survivor unable to communicate. Two more Great Houses suddenly thrown into upheaval, and rapid succession of those unprepared for the mantle of leadership. I know little of the Northern situation and theirs, but my sister carries her burden heavily. Many think that the Lyceum could be expected to transition this way, but those people would not have any knowledge of my family. My sister would first cut out her heart, than plot harm to come to our parents. The Velenosa are strong in our familial ties. Stronger than many families even in the other Great Houses. I can only assume that Prince Sherrod was not hated by his family and successors either, though I will need to have more conversations to make that determination.

Written By Isolde

June 26, 2016, 7:19 a.m.(11/12/1003 AR)

     "Then, take the obviously not an accident of the tragedy of the Queen. I realize that, officially, it has been ruled an accident. It is just as obvious to me that it was not. I can think of a thousand reasons for why the queen might have been murdered. Jealousy, revenge, a woman spurrned. Or, when looked at in the light of everything else, the perfect starting place for someone to further degrade the relationship between the Crown, the Grayson House, and Thrax. I was at that wedding. I saw how the King's actions upset Prince Donrai. Many people did, and so, by a tragedy falling the new Queen, it would force -some- sort of response. Now, there's no obvious connection between that and Sanctum, but let us look further into this.

Written By Isolde

June 26, 2016, 7:18 a.m.(11/12/1003 AR)

    "I have no doubt, darling, that you would use the knowledge for your own purposes. Be that personal gain, glory, simply wanting the truth and to bring perpetrators to justice... that makes no difference. By assisting you in your investigation brings me closer to seeing my mother's murderers found." Isolde nods and reaches over to pat Gareth's arm a single time, before drawing her hands back to her mug. She thinks for a moment, organizing her thoughts.
     "I do not have specific knowledge, or any proof. I just have... the knowledge of the people who are dealing with the fallout. Take Sanctum for a moment. When you meet Prince Edain, you will know him, rather quickly, to be a man who holds power reluctantly. It makes him a good ruler, but this would not be the choice he would make for himself. While another man or woman could conceivably orchestrate something to make the fourth child of a High Lord ascend to that throne, Prince Edain is... not that man. Sanctum, then, was not about him seizing power. It was, then, likely about destablizing the Oathlands, either by another House, or this outside force. They wanted chaos to make them weaker.

Written By Viviana

June 26, 2016, 6:23 a.m.(11/12/1003 AR)

I met Princess Marian Valardin in the training center for our exhibition fight. She's fast and I'm not familiar with the two blade style she favors. She was the better fighter on the day and deserves the victory, although I take some consolation in the fact I drew first blood. I would like to spend more time with her I think, she may be a little more uncultured than I'd like but I appreciate a lady who takes her swordplay seriously.

My efforts to improve the silk trade seem to have paid off, although I'll admit I find it difficult to keep up with all the obligations of my house. Belladonna is really far better at charming nobles and merchants than myself, but I will do the best I can while she is busy with other important duties.

Written By Acacia

June 26, 2016, 3:32 a.m.(11/11/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Mirari

Oh, Courtesan Mirari is a gorgeous specimen, to be certain. She has an oddly thoughtful quality about her, though I admit I'm not really used to people asking so many questions. Questions typically lend you into trouble, after all, and who is concerned about the details? I think she'd be an interesting person to befriend, with her seductive streak likely paying off well for her within the city proper.

Written By Acacia

June 25, 2016, 11:08 p.m.(11/11/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Viviana

Lady Viviana surprised me when I first met her. Sure, she'd be what you'd expect as far as matching her words to back up her blade -- or perhaps it's the other way around? But it's oddly rare to find that gorgeous woman who skillfully plays the demeanor and politics game as flawlessly as if she was breathing, and it proved to be an enjoyable thing to witness. She strikes me as dangerous, in more ways than one, yet delightfully interesting. I feel like I could learn a thing or two from her, yet that it would come with both cost and risk.

Written By Margot

June 25, 2016, 10:06 p.m.(11/11/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Jaenelle

Growing up amongst the Thrax, Jaenelle was always a font of kindness and joy and it warms my heart to know that despite everything that has happened - being sent off to Lyceum, loosing her husband - that she has maintained her sweetness. I shall have to make an effort tosee her regularly.

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