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Written By Alrec

July 1, 2016, 9:34 a.m.(11/27/1003 AR)

We have anchored in Arx and the crew still content with their leave on Setarco are at ease but I worry that the lack of fight might be making them soft. The boatswain claims we need to dry-dock the ship and have the barnacles scrapped off its hull. I learned long time ago to just listen to this man even if he worries too much. Arriving at Arx, Lady Viviana was quick to send us a message. Shows that House Pravus is interested in our well-being. With her message she sent some spending money which I of course appreciated. Hopefully I can stand up to whatever stories they've heard about me. Though I'm not looking forward to the politicking. I rather be out sinking ships. We took a new name and have been calling ourselves the Bull Sharks of Setarco. I hope it sticks because I like it. For the time being we are staying with the Redrain because I can't think of anyone else who be willing to handle us. They've been good hosts for the time being. I meet a courtesan named Mirari, she had a lot of good information and was a great tease. Reminded me of what I was missing out at sea. Later on though, after I sat in my loneliness a woman appear, a northern woman. Morrighan she introduced herself as. Her hair was like fire and her skin reminded me of snow. She is a very sharp woman, witty and very protective of herself in such a way to alarmed me. She didn't feel like an easy mark. She seem able to take care of herself. Maybe I'm just anxious about meeting the nobles and the sight of a pretty servant seems more appealing. I also liked that she asked a lot of questions especially about little things like my turban and my identity. I might have told her too much, alcohol has that effect on me. Anyways, the quartermaster wants us to recruit more bodies especially if we upgrade our vessel. I tend to agree with him even though the Master at Arms is worried that his deputies have not finished their training. I compromised on the sail and gave him half of what I was going to spend for him to get his deputy up to date. He seemed pleased and I haven't heard from him since. I suspect that with the deputies trained we can take an extra crewmember aboard. We also need a cook.

Written By Viviana

July 1, 2016, 8:27 a.m.(11/27/1003 AR)

I concluded a new trade deal today. High quality lumber for new ships from the Oathlands, floated down the Lyceum split and then shipped to Setarco from Tor. Prince Edain and Marquis Gustave were both very helpful in arranging the deal for which I am grateful. I am not sure I have it in me to engage in prolonged bargaining. In truth I do not mind doing this work for my family, but I wish it was easier to intersperse it with more active pursuits. It seems a challenge to find people willing to face me even in a show fight, perhaps I should take it as a compliment, that they are afraid to lose and think I will outmath them. But it's hard to appreciate when I am still filled with this restless energy.

Written By Issac

July 1, 2016, 1:26 a.m.(11/26/1003 AR)

Only a fucking coward always seeks compromise. A coward’s only reward is to live in fear another day.

Written By Issac

July 1, 2016, 1:20 a.m.(11/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Moira

Girl can't sing for shit and I feel like I've got a moral obligation to remind her. She likes to give me shit in return. Somehow, I think we're still getting along? Fuck if I know.

Random thought: A good friend helps you up when you trip. A best friend laughs at your ass and trips you again.

Written By Issac

July 1, 2016, 1:10 a.m.(11/26/1003 AR)

We need more borough men and women to spread dangerous sexual diseases to the assholes in the walls.

Written By Issac

July 1, 2016, 12:54 a.m.(11/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Eira

Only met her the one time but I've heard she's got a good sword arm on her and is working for a duke. One to keep an eye on.

Written By Issac

July 1, 2016, 12:53 a.m.(11/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Arianwen

Borough life weren't good enough for her. Decided to fuck off and be some silk's fuck toy.

It fucking hurt. We've not had a ton of contact since, doubt she cares to maintain it.

Written By Kima

July 1, 2016, 12:51 a.m.(11/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

By the way he dresses and talks, one might not realize he was a Halfshav. Or Brianna's father. The man bet against me and lost, and while it was quite a pretty penny to have turned over to Piglet, he did win out when he 'left me no choice,' but to have wine with him.

We won't talk about the wine.

Great company, though, knows all the right things to say to a girl. Or, more importantly, all the right things to say to me. I couldn't care less what he says to other girls.

Written By Issac

July 1, 2016, 12:46 a.m.(11/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Acacia

Boss lady. Tries to be diplomatic with the fucks who just don't have any shits to give. Can't imagine why - but life's the best teacher and it'll bring the realities to bear sooner or later.

Random thought for the day: Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never been stabbed.

Written By Dagon

June 30, 2016, 7:44 p.m.(11/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Donrai

My grandfather is a great man. An imposing man. An intimidating man. I am uncertain if my own father would have been able to deal with the Tyde Rebellion as grandfather did, even if I do feel some measure of sympathy for the situation Margot now finds herself in.

I know he is a pragmatic man as well. Making Donella his voice in the city? A move that some could see as progressive, but it makes a good deal of sense. She is a capable woman, and it can put a young, pretty face forward for dealing with the other houses. Was this what he was thinking about when he gave her that position? It is ever difficult to determine his motivations at times, especially behind that that mask.

Written By Shrike

June 30, 2016, 5:30 p.m.(11/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

Sociable for a valardin, seems quite interested in getting both myself and Inquisitor Gareth to attend the masquerade of heroes.

Written By Shrike

June 30, 2016, 5:30 p.m.(11/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Kieran

According to Morrighan he's too weak to handle strong ale and is, I quote, "The most demure man I've ever met". I've never trusted anyone that's self-depreciating and I'm not about to make an exception for this redrain prince.

Written By Shrike

June 30, 2016, 5:29 p.m.(11/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Morrighan

Accent so thick you can barely understand every other word, should be no surprise that it's the redrain that picked up this fiery young woman. Talked about getting into a fight of words with Garet - Note, talk to Gareth about Morrighan -.

Written By Shrike

June 30, 2016, 5:29 p.m.(11/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Marian

She says she comes from the green marches where she caught herself a Valardin prince. The prince is gone now but she wields his sword for his house and seems to be fairly adept at it. I find myself wondering how wise it is for these houses to have their champions walk the streets unguarded with these priceless heirlooms at their hips, if anything were to happen it would probably become our job to deal with it.

Written By Shrike

June 30, 2016, 5:29 p.m.(11/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Kima

Seems like the friendly and charming sort, then again, that's the speciality of House Velenosa. I wonder what's going on behind those blue eyes of hers, as with all Velenosa eyes, it's best to ensure someone keeps an eye on her.

Written By Shrike

June 30, 2016, 5:29 p.m.(11/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Talen

A commoner turned Sword and peddler of southern wines. Seems intent on being victorious at any cost, as expected by a champion. Also gives an impression of surprising honestly and openess which I'll admit to feel is worrying.

Written By Nadia

June 30, 2016, 2:16 p.m.(11/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

Brianna is Vercyn's daughter, and it shows. She's got a sense of elegance about her even when she's at her Northern wildest, though it is telling that her clothes are always immaculate and there never seem to be any twigs in her hair. A true Northerner, with a hint of the south. I can appreciate that.

Written By Nadia

June 30, 2016, 2:15 p.m.(11/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

Vercyn and my father were drinking buddies, though two greater opposites you could not imagine. Vercyn is dark and polished, inspiring awe in some and outright fear in others. Father was red of face and hair and always laughing, a gentle soul too soft for Stonedeep. I love beauty as my father did, but maybe he wouldn't have gotten lost if he'd had some of Vercyn's common sense.

Written By Nadia

June 30, 2016, 2:13 p.m.(11/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Darren

I've known Darren since we were children, playing at dungeons and monsters under the tables at gatherings between the families. Now of course we're all grown up, and Darren leads the Redrain. I feel a sort of kinship with Darren now as the leader of Stonedeep, balancing the fierce pride of the North with the courtly displays of the south. It is a precarious ledge we walk, maintaining our heritage while earning the respect of the other families.

Written By Nadia

June 30, 2016, 2:12 p.m.(11/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Valencia

Princess Valencia Redrain married into the family from the Velenosa, and while I've only run into her a few times while on official business in Farhaven, she seems pleasant enough, and doesn't complain about the cold nearly as much as one might expect of a southerner. She doesn't seem to have a single martial bone in her body, but she's got a grit all her own. It's too bad about the loss of her husband, Prince Angus. They seemed close, for an arranged marriage.

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