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Written By Thena

Oct. 11, 2017, 9:25 a.m.(5/18/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Corban

You didn't...shoot Dame Leona, did you?

Written By Corban

Oct. 11, 2017, 8:25 a.m.(5/18/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Leona

Sometimes, your shot in the dark finds the target.

Yesterday, I had one of those times with Lord Commander Leona Thrax, leader of the King's Own.

It is good to see in these sometimes bleak times that the luck of the gods smiles upon me occasionally.

Written By Valery

Oct. 11, 2017, 4:20 a.m.(5/17/1007 AR)

I didn't know we had to go by boat!!

Written By Clover

Oct. 11, 2017, 2:23 a.m.(5/17/1007 AR)


Written By Calista

Oct. 10, 2017, 11:31 p.m.(5/17/1007 AR)

I must give credit where credit is due. This week alone I have visited two shops in town for different reasons. The first stop was at Mistress Joscelin Arterius' Atelier. She originally was going to craft mine and Inigo's wedding bands, but when I was presented with the opportunity to honor my brother, the former Duke Leo Fidante and the former Archduchess Esera Velenosa by using the rings they were supposed to exchange on their wedding day, I could not pass it up. Both of our rings needed a little but of sprucing up and I could not be more pleased by her excellent work.

The second shop I visited with a set purpose, was Mistress Petal Penrose's Tangled Skein - Wooden Web. I knew she talented when it came to fabric and I heard she makes some delicious confectionaries, but I was awed at her handy work with wood. I have been working diligently on creating the perfect ambiance for Tor Plaza as well as the courtyard in my private home. I just know Mistress Petal's work is going to truly make the space feel warm and inviting. It will be a space all will enjoy rather than just breezing through.

Thank you ladies for your hard work and your dedication to your craft. You should both be so very proud of your accomplishments.

Written By Aiden

Oct. 10, 2017, 10:14 p.m.(5/17/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Tarik

I'm sorry I had to leave you to the mission. I trust you will do well with the people we've brought together. But you know as well as I, sometimes a man has to do what he has to do. There are choices to make, hard ones... hard ones like this one, to abandon the company we brought together, for a different path. A path that speaks loudly to me and one that very well may be in my blood let alone my heart and soul. I will still ask for your forgiveness.

We will see each other again.

Good luck, where ever the Gods may lead you.

Written By Tobias

Oct. 10, 2017, 6:02 p.m.(5/16/1007 AR)

I should probably thank my lucky stars this contract didn't take us too far north. We only packed light winter gear for this one, and it'd probably take half a week to get the heavy stuff from HQ if House Grayson insists on pushing out of the forest.

Wish I had talked them into hiring more men, too.

Written By Morrighan

Oct. 10, 2017, 3:16 p.m.(5/16/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Fortunato

I thought all the blushing and hand holding was keeping you warm enough, Tiny.

Right, Ailith?

Written By Mydas

Oct. 10, 2017, 2:13 p.m.(5/16/1007 AR)

Supplies have been prepared, orders given. We will return hopefully successful. And alive. I doubt my betrothed would wish to wear a mourning dress, though she does look good in black.

Written By Carita

Oct. 10, 2017, 12:21 p.m.(5/16/1007 AR)

To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness. While you cannot control the depth of a wound another inflicts upon you; you can control how you get even.

( -- with an edit to add: You can control how you react. )

Written By Edward

Oct. 10, 2017, 11:59 a.m.(5/16/1007 AR)

It seems I have been challenged. I am surprised it has not happened sooner and for different reasons.

Written By Edward

Oct. 10, 2017, 11:59 a.m.(5/16/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Marian

Congratulations Marian to you and your fellow with the baby thing.

Written By Mayir

Oct. 10, 2017, 11:53 a.m.(5/16/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Carita

My patron is one tough woman. That shouldn't come as a surprise; those of us from the Lowers have more street savvy, guts, and determination than any highborn silk. But Lady Carita combines both the high and the low, and is even better as a result. I admittedly don't have any idea how silk politics works, but she's going to kill anything she puts her mind to.

I'm proud to be her protege.

And the silver is nice, too.

Written By Shard

Oct. 10, 2017, 11:20 a.m.(5/16/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Fortunato

You won't catch me singing the praises of cold weather. But I'll take it over the sticky, humid misery southern Arvum calls summer.

Written By Merek

Oct. 10, 2017, 10:06 a.m.(5/16/1007 AR)

And here we prepare for the march to the north. I'm not sure what to write, but I know this battle will be important for the Compact. With only a handful of men compared to the great armies I'll be under the command of, I wonder if I'll be able to make a mark for the name of the King and gods, for elven-kind, for every thing that lives upon this land as free, and to release those under the enemy from their enslavement to powers past our knowledge. It's like some kind of fairy tale, except this is quite real, and much of the balance on Arvum remains in our hands. We will win. We must. There is no other option, no matter what.

Written By Fortunato

Oct. 10, 2017, 8:29 a.m.(5/16/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Won’t discount desolate beauty, light diffused by ice, so forth. Material for a thousand sketches.

But cold is such bullshit.

Written By Shae

Oct. 10, 2017, 5:13 a.m.(5/15/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

Rei, I would like nothing more in this world then get to be the midwife for you and Kael's first baby. It would be the /greatest/ honor to get to help you both welcome your most dearly loved one into this world. One that is full of love and brightness, and oh so much hope! It would be a welcome ray of sunshine in the light of all that has been happening. A sign to those that wish to harm this family and those it loves, that our unity and strength is a force to be reckoned with. And that no harm will come to Squall, so long as I can help it.

Perhaps it is time for those lessons in medicine?

Written By Morrighan

Oct. 10, 2017, 3:15 a.m.(5/15/1007 AR)

The journey undertaken wasn't one that I had expected: fitful sleep, bad dreams piled on top of more bad dreams, and a chilling cold that was reminiscent of the Northlands. I've never seen waters quite so icy, but for all the cold and mild discomfort, I'm glad I went. It was my hope to find some more answers, to bring light on matters that still puzzle me, instead I left with even more questions. Funny how that seems to happen..every time. Though I certainly know a bit more now than I did going in, if not as well a bit depressed, but who wouldn't be, after that. There are things pressing in at the back of my head, things I noticed, but didn't want to notice. Spirits, I need a fucking drink. Several of them. Maybe I should just dunk my head in the whiskey barrel when I get home.

Written By Shard

Oct. 10, 2017, 2:50 a.m.(5/15/1007 AR)

I didn't realize how much I'd desperately missed the North until I was back there, even if that realization had to come on a damn boat in the middle of a storm tossed sea. There was nothing particularly enjoyable about the trip to miss, but there was something about the air. The quiet. The emptiness.

Naturally, everyone else seems to have found it mildly horrifying.

Written By Oliver

Oct. 10, 2017, 12:33 a.m.(5/15/1007 AR)

It came out perfect. I had help with the metal, but my contribution is there too - a true symbol of unity, or so I hope it will be perceived as such.

And while I'm not a deeply religious man, I went down to the shrine today to show Jayus the work that is meant for one of His truest and most devote followers. I didn't get struck down or anything, so I think that means I did okay.

Of course, the truest test is yet to come. Soon, I think. It has to be soon. I don't know if I can wait much longer, besides.

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