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Written By Monique

Oct. 12, 2017, 12:32 a.m.(5/19/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Leona

You can't strategize your way out of fun. Besides, the women will need your strength in the Battle of the Sexes.

Written By Leona

Oct. 11, 2017, 10:36 p.m.(5/19/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

She asked me to the Spring Soiree for the only reason even remotely acceptable - her real options were all taken. If I can carve time from my schedule I will go, as I told her. And then the trap sprung - bright colors and mandatory fun?

I am trained in strategy and tactics.

I have a plan.

Written By Thena

Oct. 11, 2017, 10:35 p.m.(5/19/1007 AR)

The auction is over. It was successful beyond my wildest expectations and I owe that to many, many people though first among them is Saedrus Whisper.

My utmost thanks to all of the artists who contributed. And to everyone who bid. We raised over 500,000 silver and much of that is going right out into the field to help protect the Compact from the threats on our doorstep.

I'm really tired and sore and I'm going home now. No one talk to me for a few days.
(kidding. sort of.)

Written By Leona

Oct. 11, 2017, 10:34 p.m.(5/19/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Corban

Relationship advice from a relative stranger missed its target.

His question, though, rang of truth and earned truth from me in return. I won't compromise my honor and give him the information he seeks, for some things aren't mine to tell. But I have passed along his interest where we discussed, and that is likely both the least and the most I can do for him right now. Perhaps some other day, when he doesn't have stars in his eyes and hope for an answer to a question he hasn't even figured out how to ask, we'll talk more.

As I told him, he's a little like an adorable puppy right now, which is fine but hard on a conversation.

Written By Calaudrin

Oct. 11, 2017, 10:08 p.m.(5/19/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Esoka

I'm almost positive you threatened to end my existence if I got you anything fancy as far as clothes are concerned... I hope you realize what this means.

Written By Estaban

Oct. 11, 2017, 9:46 p.m.(5/19/1007 AR)

Soon I march out to the North, the north where it is cold and you can freeze if you are not careful. I have felt her cold breath nip at me once, I will not make that mistake again. So I take these days before we leave to make sure my men are ready for the cold and the land they will be in, they know the south and this will be a challenge for them, no correction it will be a challenge for us, but I have faith in my men. We will return fear not.

Written By Esoka

Oct. 11, 2017, 8:57 p.m.(5/19/1007 AR)

Perhaps I'm too practical when it comes to clothes. I can't remember the last time I was out of my leathers or steel for a day. Some of that it work and necessity, especially given the state of the land now, but some of it is just me thinking impractical things aren't worth the bother.

This is why it was such fun to get pretty things at Princess Reese's yard gifting! I am in possession of a blouse! And some skirts! The picking them out was far more fun than I anticipated, and I think they will look pretty! I confess I look forward to wearing them. Not into battle, of course. I'd not want to ruin them. But I hope soon I will have a day just to dress in something not wholly practical.

Written By Orazio

Oct. 11, 2017, 8:53 p.m.(5/19/1007 AR)

To the Faithful Reader:

We often underestimate how many genuine, good-hearted people there are in our fair Compact. Those who sacrifice for others, in the shadows, where no one will see their work, or know their name. Such quiet charity is not a requirement of our Faith, but I admit, it always wins from me a higher admiration than any other - what we do when we know we will gain no reward, and fear no punishment? Often, these are the acts which define us. Chosen not for the acclaim they might give us, or the shame they might avert, but because they are the right thing to do.

To those who work in silence and in shadow, know that at least the gods see your struggles, your sacrifices, and your courage, and love you all the more for them.

Written By Merek

Oct. 11, 2017, 7:59 p.m.(5/19/1007 AR)

It is nice to research and keep track of history. I like knowing things, even if they are things that people don't really think are too useful to know, or consider just a fanciful thing.

Written By Jaenelle

Oct. 11, 2017, 6:07 p.m.(5/18/1007 AR)

I have had to, recently, come up with a list of rules when swimming due to someone who desperately needed lessons. I find that there are some gray areas and room for improvement...

Rule 1, no diving.
Rule 2, no running.
Rule 3, No peeing in the pool.
Rule 4 through 13 missing.
Rule 14, Do not try to drown the same person twice, the joke gets old.
Rule 15 through 36 missing.
Rule 37, Do not swim naked in polite company or with strangers.

Written By Aureth

Oct. 11, 2017, 5:55 p.m.(5/18/1007 AR)

Imagine a world in monochrome, shadow cloaked in stillness and ice. The breath is cold enough to burn in your throat, to freeze your skin, but it's not the cold that you feel, not really. Because it's not the cold of winter, not the simple frigidity of the north. It might appear so on a map, with a compass. The trees are icicles, the stones slick with frozen salt, the wind an endless batter at your senses, whistling through the quiet.

It's the cold of loss. Of absence. Forgotten but not forgotten. Gone but not gone.

Sadness so old that it has sunk deep into the bones of the place, beneath ice and stone and earth, and it surrounds you, and shudders through you in the air.

Imagine the first touch of warmth on your skin, then, when you have been shivering in the stillness. There's nothing like it. Nothing in the world.

My memories seem fuzzy, somehow -- not of the miserable sailing, mind -- but at the same time, I'll never forget it.

Written By Morrighan

Oct. 11, 2017, 4:16 p.m.(5/18/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Fortunato

Maybe, maybe once I stop laughing so hard.


Written By Victus

Oct. 11, 2017, 2:47 p.m.(5/18/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Corban

You treat my damn cousin right.

Written By Daemon

Oct. 11, 2017, 2:20 p.m.(5/18/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Alexis

It could never be outspoken how invaluable companions in arms can be when you're facing down Abyssal tainted monsters. These creatures were perhaps, nine to ten foot tall beasts. Though they spoke Arvani, they were too far gone to truly be considered 'human' anymore. It was sad really, a shame to see what I can presume to be men and women with such love for their culture being twisted by such lies.

I'm going to be singing the praises of Dame Alexis for some time yet, the tiny knight with the larger than life weapon that challenged a massive monstrosity to single combat. It was a magnificent showing and I must say that I am proud and privileged to have been apart of such an expedition.

The dangers that this supposed 'God' espouse are many. It is the duty of all those who can take up arms to defend their homes and my respect for Dame Wyrmfang for doing just that has soared in the days since.

Unfortunately, it seems I am going to have another scar.

Written By Mae

Oct. 11, 2017, 12:27 p.m.(5/18/1007 AR)

Cleaning shrines is good work for a disciple, especially when in a place of stillness and reflection. I can't imagine it's as nice with so many people coming and going, like in the Shrine of Jayus or Gild. But Death's shrine, I find peace in the stillness. And the cleaning.

Written By Eirene

Oct. 11, 2017, 10:28 a.m.(5/18/1007 AR)

I read reports of other people going off on adventures and finding mythical beasts and First Children (Same difference) and here I am stuck in workshops and offices and reading reports and detailing findings.

I'm looking forward to marching off to war once more. Put me back in my element saving lives and taking them. I'm going stir-crazy in Arx.

And I want to see some crazy-ass mythical beastie someday. Demons, not again. Or the fomorai. Though the skull is a nice trophy.

Written By Eirene

Oct. 11, 2017, 10:26 a.m.(5/18/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Shae

We have a Physician's Guild for a reason...

Written By Fortunato

Oct. 11, 2017, 9:37 a.m.(5/18/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Morrighan

Wait, what, no!

That is not an accurate summation of events! Also, that is not an acceptable nickname, put it back!

Written By Lucita

Oct. 11, 2017, 9:37 a.m.(5/18/1007 AR)

I pity any crafters my mischievous brother may contact regarding a gift of shin-protecting boots for his sister. They may well have to choose if they craft for a satisfied customer should he request any details such as a different size for each foot, heels that change a gait into a wobble, shafts of different heights, or incorporate malodorous raw leather, or craft for a satisfied wearer who would be happy to display their fine work instead of just throwing it at said brother.

Written By Aureth

Oct. 11, 2017, 9:31 a.m.(5/18/1007 AR)

Please no one die at least until tomorrow. I need to clean the Chamber of Stillness on account of reasons.

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