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Written By Laric

Nov. 1, 2017, 8:14 p.m.(7/5/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Leona

In the wise words of our God of freedom, Skald: "I do what I want."

(Which is generally not 'setting myself on fire', thank you, and absolutely not what happened.)

Written By Leona

Nov. 1, 2017, 7:48 p.m.(7/4/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Laric

I am perhaps unreasonably angered by you setting yourself on fire. Knock it off, Laric. I don't have so many friends that I would lose one to something like this.

Written By Joslyn

Nov. 1, 2017, 6:05 p.m.(7/4/1007 AR)

With all of these proclamations about Thralldom that I've been hearing left and right, I can't help but wonder why the obvious answer can't be seen. Simply put a punishment for a crime is handled best by the sentence of a period of time of hard labor, and should their crimes be too great, execution. The idea of thralldom is to take those captured in war, or criminals, and to force them to pay out their debts to society by doing hard...


Well, shit. I seem to have some thinking to do.

Written By Valery

Nov. 1, 2017, 4:01 p.m.(7/4/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Cybele

I think I'll always be a Mouse.
Even strangers call me that.

Written By Stefano

Nov. 1, 2017, 3:53 p.m.(7/4/1007 AR)

Duchess Calypso Malivici has been helping me to better understand how to be a good leader and a good military commander. Her help has been invaluable and I appreciate her assistance. Now I just have to beat her at that strategy game. One day!

Written By Daemon

Nov. 1, 2017, 3:32 p.m.(7/4/1007 AR)

Looking at these recent journal entries makes me think something has gone terribly wrong in the city today...

Written By Cybele

Nov. 1, 2017, 2:53 p.m.(7/4/1007 AR)

Today I am a cat.


Written By Saya

Nov. 1, 2017, 1:57 p.m.(7/4/1007 AR)


Written By Saya

Nov. 1, 2017, 1:56 p.m.(7/4/1007 AR)

<<This journal is just a colored drawing of a long shimmering cloak, white fading to blue at the top of it. Attached to the hood of the cloak are two evenly spaced slightly rounded triangles.>>

"All people are sometimes animals."

Written By Calypso

Nov. 1, 2017, 1:48 p.m.(7/4/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Stefano

He is growing and learning in leaps and bounds. I am excited to see Gilden flourishing under his command. Excellent conversationalist and quickly becoming a tactical mind worth engaging. I suppose what I'm trying to say is...

Good game.

Written By Tikva

Nov. 1, 2017, 1:48 p.m.(7/4/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Malesh

The Marquis is good hearted in his description of me, although for myself I am not sure if I displayed derring-do or derring-dumb.

Still, Amanita, the balalaika, survived the adventure, and if I had actually made contact, I am sure this would not be the case.

Written By Aiden

Nov. 1, 2017, 12:58 p.m.(7/4/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aurelian

I will have to consider what we spoke about in greater detail.

Life changes. Mine might well change again, if the gods will it and if I make the right choices.

Still, I can be thankful for the fact that our meeting kept me away from the incident in the Grayson manor, however unorthodox I may be, there is always a reason for why things turn out the way they do.

Written By Alis

Nov. 1, 2017, 12:25 p.m.(7/4/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

I have no idea what exactly goes into the making of that gut rot hooch you're selling (and please, please, don't tell me). But I will say that it sure as shit works to take your mind off anything else!!

Written By Lark

Nov. 1, 2017, 10:38 a.m.(7/4/1007 AR)

By grace of Lagoma, my cousin will live. These would-be assassins carved a path of blood into the heart of my family, close enough to threaten it, but no Grayson will fall so easily. I will tear this world apart, piece by piece until my fingers are bloody, before I will let that happen. I stand at the gates, ready to spill my own blood before I will let anyone touch my family's. My family grows, life held within the wombs of many, and my protective wings grow with it. The next generation is now under my care, and I shall protect them.

Written By Laric

Nov. 1, 2017, 10:31 a.m.(7/4/1007 AR)

Marquis Malesh's account of last night is not entirely accurate, though the details of the attack and the nature of my wounds are not a matter I care to broach in white journals. The physicians expect me to make a full recovery in time. If Lagoma smiles upon me, the only lasting damage will be scars. My thanks to Princess Inquisitor Tikva, High Inquisitor Alistair, Count Thesarin and Lady Joslyn, as well as the numerous loyal Confessors and King's Own for their quick-thinking and readiness to do their duties.

And Lark's dogs. What good boys.

My thanks to those who reached out to ask after my well-being as well. I intend to reply to each of you in time.

Written By Eirene

Nov. 1, 2017, 10:22 a.m.(7/4/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Enyo

At this rate, we'll have to call Arx Southport East.

Welcome niece. Don't do anything I would do.

Written By Malesh

Nov. 1, 2017, 3:46 a.m.(7/3/1007 AR)

What an unfortunate turn of events at an otherwise decent gathering of family and vassals.

I am quite proud of Lady Joslyn for her prowess in the Melee, her courage and ability were on fine display. What more can one ask of family? Her place in mine was well earned, let it be recorded here!

What a sight to see Princess Tikva charge in with her hands full of instrument instead of steel, rushing to aid! Her pluck and courage prove she has the fighter's spirit as well, and what a voice!

It would be the most impressive memory of the whole startling affair if I had not seen Prince Laric mount a table, only to ignite his clothing on some candelabra or chandelier! The poor man! Chased from the pot to the fire quite literally!

I ruined a good coat putting him out, but what is one coat in such an affair?

Thank goodness none of the Grayson library was lost, though sadly somewhere a family mourns the loss of their kin who fell defending the king. Mourn not too much! He fell doing honor to the gods and the compact, and will surely be rewarded!

Written By Vayne

Nov. 1, 2017, 3:32 a.m.(7/3/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Marian

Cast into the shape of a blade, steel finds purpose in the spilling of blood.

What virtue did it posses before the forging? What censure can be made after, for deeds suitable to it's aim?

A rebated sword might be consigned to the smelter and recast into another form, but what of a rebated soul? What then, Virtue? What Censure?

Judgment by the Gods waits for each of us, on the other side of the Mirror. But go look now, and try to find another name for what you see.

Written By Sergei

Nov. 1, 2017, 2:49 a.m.(7/3/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Always a new story coming back into this city. This time, it took a total of three minutes before some leggy, stern faced young lady nearly put a bottle of brandy into my face.

I'm taking the following as compliments:

- I didn't get glassed in the commons of the Valorous Few (which, admittedly, may be deserved)
- it was a bottle of brandy, not cheap-swill, under-the-table whiskey.

I think she likes me.

Written By Enyo

Nov. 1, 2017, 1:51 a.m.(7/3/1007 AR)

Day One.

I have to say that I love the way a fresh journal looks, and my timing seems to have been spot on for when I arrived in Arx. My first day here, and a brand new blank journal to begin capturing my experiences in.

So far, my arrival has been a mixed bag. I'm, of course, happy to see my family again instead of just staying in contact through messengers. But there is always that giddy nervousness when you arrive at your latest destination. I fear that by the end of the day my temper was short and I may have spoken more harshly than I would have normally in response to a few things. Perhaps after a good nights rest, a hot bath and a good meal my mood might be less brittle.

I've a number of things that I need to get done once I'm rested, but nothing that can't wait until tomorrow.

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