Duchess Delilah Shepherd
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.

Social Rank: 4
Concept: Scholarly Adventurer
Gender: female
Marital Status: married
Age: 23
Birthday: 3/7
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Explorer
Height: average height
Hair Color: toffee brown
Eye Color: bright cobalt
Skintone: golden fair
Description: Delilah is a beautiful woman to behold and her appearance seems to be an adventure in itself. Her hair is the color of golden toffee and flows over her shoulders in gentle curls, pooling against her back. Thick bangs rest over chiseled eyebrows, and her bright cobalt eyes are fringed with long lashes. Her soft cupid's bow lips are usually pulled into a neutral line, but occasionally the corners upturn into a faint grin or smirk, and more rarely into a warm smile. Her fair complexion glows with the vigor of youth, kissed lightly by the sun and wind. She is tall and svelte, possessing notably long legs and graceful curves, though her attire tends to favor practicality over accentuating her attractive features.
Personality:     Just like the vast ocean Delilah is restless, moody and fond of change and travel. In her mind, there is always a question that needs an answer, and she is compelled to go out and find it herself when she can get no answers from people or dusty old tomes. She frequently documents the answers she finds and the discoveries she makes to make them easily accessible to others, particularly when danger is involved.
    When she was a little girl, penning fantastical tales of a heroine suspiciously like herself was a beloved past time, but Delilah is quickly discovering the world is far more magical than even her imagination suggested!
Background:     Delilah is the oldest daughter of three born to Jerome Mercier and the older sister of Kenna. She was, arguably, her father's favorite -- and it shows it many of her habits. Her wanderlust was obvious from a young age and her father frequently indulged her by allowing her to accompany him on his business trips up and down the Gray River. She picked up his penchant for thorough record keeping, as well as exceptionally neat writing.
    When she was sixteen she was allowed to go on her own forays with the small family river boat. She befriended a fellow adventurer, Bridget, during her first 'adventure' to Whitehold. They quickly became thick as thieves and explored much of the northern Crownlands together... until a deadly miscalculation on her part left Bridget dead and herself traumatized. What happened? She hasn't told anyone -- not even Bridget's bereaved family.
    She returned home and became a recluse, cutting herself off from most of the outside world, to simply digest what had occurred and to grieve. During this period, she distracted herself by working in a minor capacity with the Inquisition, writing at length about what she'd seen in her travels to help with with their investigations at home, and she considered joining as a junior rank as a confessor. She eventually climbed out of her depression with the diligent attention and care of her little sisters, and emerged from her room humbled and wiser from the experience. The wanderlust remained, and she answered the call once again.
    When she heard her sister Kenna left home to join their ennobled cousin's household, Delilah was flabbergasted, having been unaware of just how much her sibling admired the new baron. When she had some rest afforded to her from her adventuring and studies, she decided to follow as well -- particularly when she heard that the Nox'alfar were given an embassy within Arx. It's not every day you see an elf... or is it, now?
Relationship Summary
Mourning isles:
Name | Summary |
Aahana | A wonderfully delightful lady who I hope to spend more time with in the future, perhaps when I am not covered in golden glitter and with my horse all dressed up as a dragon. |
Adora | Her hair is really fucking bright. I don't like her. |
Aethan | Likes to give hugs. |
Agostino | As bright and collected as she is lovely. A wonderful example of a fellow Scholar. |
Ahmar | An Inquisitive Duchess.. She seems to carry around a lot of books and stuff. Either way. She is what you think of when you picture a Duchess. |
Aiden | We shared boots once. We have shared a lot of things. She taught me something important and I hope I can better help her out in the future. I feel like I just never get enough time. Maybe soon! It starts with that pesky lost brooch. |
Ainsley | Lady Whitehawk is a compassionate and caring woman. Clearly with a smart head on her shoulders. Though there's something a touchy dreamy about her. When I see her I almost think about the legendary Lady of Twilight Dreams... |
Ajax | A lady of apparent refinement and grace. I wonder if anything lays beneath the layers, I hope to see her once more perhaps when I am not on a schedule. |
Alarissa | A stunning woman, with most excellent taste in accessories. She even makes me a little bit jeaous with her dragonweep. Someone to keep close tabs on, for I've a feeling she might be someone who rises when no one is looking. |
Alessandro | Very much taken with Monique, it seems -- though really, who among us is not? It is only right and proper to be so. And of a scholarly turn of mind, I think, which is always welcome in my presence. |
Alexandre | A kind soul who decided to donate her time for the local orphans and Jayus, in botch cases something to be admired and praised! |
Amantha | Everything a proper lady should be. You'd be forgiven, then, for wondering exactly how and why we've become friends at all. I occasionally wonder myself. But I wouldn't change it. Well, perhaps her taste for tea. Coffee is far superior. |
Amari | Though as she says, Delilah may be as alike to her sister Kenna as a sword is a rock, I think she's wonderful in her own way. She's eloquent, congenial and as the eldest of the brigade of sisters, seems as though she'd have that requisite eldest sister sense of responsibility. Quite lovely! I was glad to cross paths with her again and make a proper introduction. |
Amund | Welcoming. Pleasing. Conversational. Likely does business for her family. Scholar? Definitely has an extensive lexicon. |
Andry | Find the survivors! |
Appolonia | Somewhat quiet of a woman but she seems keen enough for conversation. Doesn't seem too out of sorts in the Shrine, either. Perhaps this one would be worth the time getting to know better. I do so enjoy those of bold spirit. |
Arcadia | beautiful, smart and a little eccentric. |
Arthen | She talks, and sometimes I can't really tell you what she's even saying, but she makes it sound good all the same. That's not nothin', right? She's got a confidence about her, though, and just from the bit of conversation we had, I can tell we've got some shared interests. I just need to get a book of translation, is all. I've went through more, for worse. |
Aslaug | Not sure what to make of her, really. Eager to teach and share her knowledge of language, to be sure. She's got that ease about her that we commoners have when we're with each other and yet, some Peer about her. You wouldn't confuse her for a commoner, but she blends in well. |
Aswin | The duchess of house Shepherd certainly seems to be a fount of information. What is more is that she seems to be genuinely interested in helping out a stranger. That certainly says something for her, though exactly what it says I am unsure. |
Auda | Quiet but delightful! I look forward to meeting her in a setting where we know the language. |
Austen | A wise member of the Inquisition. She seems well informed, and I hope to meet her again, when things are les.. unsettled. |
Avary | A scholar with refined tastes. |
Bianca | Enthusiastic, detail oriented and breathtaking. Lady Delilah is a pleasure to work with and always so gracious in every encounter we have ever had. |
Bianca | What can I say of the Duchess of Graypeak? She has come so far and achieved so much; words can do little justice to how much I admire her. She is wise, with a voracious appetite for knowledge and experiences, to say nothing of her impeccable sense of wit. But most of all -- she is my dear friend. |
Bjorn | Pretty cutie that talks a lot without substance. Probably not her fault if raised in separation from brutal reality. |
Bonnie | Eminently practical and easy to talk with; now that's a surprise for a scholar, but I guess that just means we're going to be one of those happy families instead of the 'knives at dawn' ones. |
Braden | A scholar? An Explorer? And a Duchess? How does the woman find time for sleep. |
Braelynn | A flowery young woman. She's all gusty breezes and forthright charm. I suspect that there's a good mind in there. |
Brigida | She certainly does talk. |
Brigida | Still talks a lot but she's learned how to listen now. |
Caspian | Quite prim and propper! But still fun to be around. |
Caspian | It's good to see her again. She's always a joy to be around. |
Cassandra | A bold and brash adventurer, I would love to sit and hear of her stories sometime. Perhaps I can learn more from her in a simple evening's conversation. |
Celeste | The Duchess Shepherd is a lovely example of both noble charm and scholastic aptitude. If any needed a reason to understand why a commoner is suited to be a neo-noble, they need look no further. |
Col | General Trouble. Ne'er-do-well. She speaks rather loquaciously for one of those. Which makes her more dangerous I am sure. She seems pleasant and affable. The worst kind of trouble. Indeed. |
Constantine | A sense of humor which is a boon to her favor. Though our greeting was brief I look forward to future encounters. According to her table mate, she also makes a lovely pot of tea. |
Coraline | A woman who's words are poetry and who's intellect shines behind each one. Her cordiality and pleasantly wisdom filled conversation is as fulfilling for the mind as a good meal is to the spirit. |
Cristoph | I've had the pleasure of making Lady Delilah's acquaintance these last few weeks. She's a charming young woman with a sharp mind. She frequently looks like she's always into something and is a fine conversationalist. |
Cullen | Like others of her family, absolutely charming and humorous. I have quickly come to realize the Whitehawks are one of my favorite Houses, and I certainly ought to get to know Delilah better as well. Intelligent and doubtlessly an excellent conversationalist. |
Cullen | After being gone awhile, it is easy to see why she was a fast friend. Intelligence, charm, whimsy...and formed of the aether, I still believe. |
Cybele | Once-inquisitor, now inquisitive. Lady Delilah learns many things, asks many questions, with clever minds and clever tongue. Wonders if she has clever fingers as well, to snatch secrets from their hiding spots. |
Daemon | I saw her if only briefly when we painted rocks, but they were good rocks. She was a good soul. I'm glad children have ladies such as her to look up to. |
Dariel | Errant hairpins aside, Lady Delilah is knowledgeable, friendly and welcoming. Has an apparent love of pastries that would make me not want to get between them and her. |
Dianara | She's not the first person I've met that exists in between two worlds, but I think she is unique in the worlds that she's spanning. There is something about her that suggests she's only barely tethered to the here and now. How lonely it must be to be a Dreamer that is expected to keep a foot in reality. |
Domonico | Keen apple eater. Protector of innocents when danger strikes. Directed people to where they needed to be in a crisis. A good person. |
Duarte | She is impeccably mannered but that patina does not exactly cover up the sense that I am being studied. |
Edain | Though we have met in passing, I know Lady Delilah more from reading her writings when I stop by the archives. Her's are journal entries I seek out though. She has always conducted herself with honor, dignity and wisdom. I will admit I am a bit biased, but I expect no less from the kin of Baron Silas Whitehawk. Sometimes her musings make me think of my sister Princess Tabitha, and it gives me great comfort to know that there are other minds as sharp as hers among us. |
Eddard | A vision of beauty. Quick with her tongue. Unless of course, being quick with it might save me a good bit of embarassment. Then she is suddenly silent. |
Elgana | Another Whitehawk! I'm not certain on the how she's related to Kenna but I can tell they are cut from similar cloth. She's a keen woman with whom I hope to get further aquaintened with. |
Elora | Warm and friendly. I have no doubt that she will help break me out of my shell eventually. She just has that way about her! |
Emilia | She is so diligent and impartial - focused on her task. I get the feeling that even if the Academy were to catch fire, she'd still document it. It is my hope that Vellichor is pleased with her devotion. |
Emrys | The new Duchess is a curious soul, as one might expect from one not only Emissary of the Scholars, and First Seeker of the Explorers. Yet she is capable to see to these duties, and to the ones required of her title. How she manages to find the time is a mystery. Yet she does, and has proven, and will no doubt continue to do so, most helpful as we interact more and more with the larger world around us. |
Etienne | Spirited, and ready for adventure it seems. |
Eurion | If an apparition such as hers would appear everytime I fell off a horse, I would fall off horses all the time. |
Evaristo | Charming, intelligent, scholarly - and an adventurer. All in one delightful package. |
Evelynn | A very pleasant woman. Intelligent and easy to talk to, I would be glad to have the opportunity again. |
Evonleigh | My older sister is a multifaceted and rare gemstone that gleams and glitters but holds secret depths. |
Ezekiel | It is always pleasant to find those that enjoy my art... and she was quite lovely. I hope we might meet again! |
Fairen | I entered the Bold Expressions to delight in a cup of coffee and to read, and yet I found something far more interesting and exciting. An incredibly attractive woman who seems to be interested in observing me, and my books. The attention of which, I would be neglect to deny. I suspect she may be a scholar like myself, and I wish to learn more about her. |
Faruq | Not the best of times to meet someone new, under the dark cloud of a loss of life. Which makes it difficult to really get to know someone. I am hopeful that will change with time and opportunity. She was mindful of others grief and that says a lot about a person's character. |
Faye | An interesting woman, cheerful and enthusiastic. I'm not sure yet if she has the seriousness it takes for this job, but I look forward to finding out. |
Fecundo | A lovely lady of very flowery words. She seemed to like more dramatic than plain speech, though he also offered to buy a mug of mead. Certainly interesting. |
Fiora | She knows more than she lets on, and probably more than that. |
Gabriel | My minister of Justice is as dedicated to her pursuits as ever. I pity those who try to hide anything from her attentions. |
Gaspar | The very personification of elegance. So many struggle with an air of grace, but not her. She embodies it. It's not even effortless because there's no attempt. She simply /is/. I very much look forward to our next meeting. |
Gianna | Pleasant. Quite talkative. |
Gilroy | Explorer, recently ennobled lady, seems to know a lot about a lot. |
Giulio | A most pleasant conversationalist -- as well as an intriguing wit. |
Gregory | A geninue explorer! Although appears entirely obsessed with fashion, it could just be the conversation at the time. I look forward to working with her in the future. |
Gretchen | A charming and imaginative hostess! |
Gwenna | I crossed paths with Lady Delilah Whitehawk at the sermon given by Lord Alessandro at the Shrine of the Thirteenth. She seems to embody all that appear to fall under House Grayson and her domains; beauty, intelligence, and that hint of adventurous spirit. While we did not have much chance to actually speak, her presence at the event leads me to believe we might enjoy some conversation should the future allow. |
Harlex | Well spoken poet. Reminds me, though, of another time. On the road I use to watch the trees at night and the breeze through them which would rattle the boughs and let the moon rays slip through flickering in the shadows like silver eyes. Seemed at the time to hold such meaning. But I often wondered if it weren’t just, in the end, the wind moving air through the darkness. If it weren’t just nothing. Guess I don’t know. She seems all right, either way it turns. |
Harper | Anyone that helps me come up with new nicknames is alright in my book. Plus she doesn't stand on titles, which earns her extra respect. Besides, she's the sister of my best friend and partner. I gotta like her, right? |
Helena | A whirlwind of merriment, as good with her whiskey as her words, it seems. I look forward to joining forces with her in the Scholars. |
Helia | I think she's just fabulous. Such presence, and such a witty turn of phrase. She's a Scholar, though, so it's not unexpected. And she's got lovely hair! |
Ian | Close friend of Zoey's. |
Iliana | Thoughtful and present, she is clearly an interesting woman. I would like to meet her for longer than a couple of seconds next time. |
Ilmia | Lilah is truly a breath of fresh air. That sounds cliche, but she is not. She's warmth and wisdom and friendliness, and that's what winter calls for. |
Imi | Lady Delilah sat with me at the Hall of Heroes and provided greater context to the memorials in the front hall than I had before. That she did so without making me feel like a country bumpkin who should know better is something I will remember. Respect is due to the Scholars, and more so to those who can so eloquently impart understanding. |
Ingrid | A quick wit and a beauty, she makes me a bit nervous. I think everyone makes me a little bit nervous, but her more than others. |
Iseulet | I didn't think it was possible for Duke Malcom to find a soul mate to compliment but also stand on her own - but here she is in vivid, brilliant color. Adventurous in spirit, gracious - no one could compare. She stands out like a lighthouse in the gloom. |
Jasher | A spirited seeker of faraway lands and forgotten knowledge. Doubtless she will find much if she stays the course. |
Jeffeth | She is a kind woman, I don't always understand her, but she is a passionate scholar and wants to know more about those that were most important to us. She has my support, in whatever way she needs. |
John | Lady Delilah seems like she enjoys writing, a lot. She is also very intelligent, well spoken and seems to like dogs. |
Jophiel | One of the first I met when I came to Arx, Delilah has become a solid support in my new life - I am proud to claim her as a friend. |
Jophiel | A delicate, steely butterfly with Autumnal hues and a shrewd eye. Like the proverbial butterfly wing, she takes ideas and develops them, making them manifest and grow with skill and grace. A valuable resource and a growing friend. |
Jordan | Cousin to Mistress Bethany, no doubt, and kin to Baron Whitehawk, she's part of the Mercier that joined him in his ennobling. Adventurous streak, associated with Prince Luca, and seems to pay very little regard to hazards if it gets in the way of adventure. All around interesting to converse with. |
Joscelin | As sunny as they come, intelligent, but more. Always more, a beautiful flower that is made for more than just looking pretty. |
Josephine | A lovely noblewoman, one who likes to slip in and look at things. Some day she'll let me make something for her that will sit beautifully in her ears. |
Josephine | A brilliant mind, that at times, I am saddened it is constrained by the bounds of nobility. But then again, it makes it that much more special, when she applies that mind. She is a welcome sight in my shop and lovely collaborator. |
Joslyn | As bright as she ever was. I miss her every day, but I'm proud of just how high she has soared since we have parted. I wish her all the best. |
Juniper | Not only does she have excellent taste in books and conversation, but she has a courtier’s knack for poetry. A silver-tongued Lady. |
Jyri | She impressed me with her calm and swift action helping the kids to safety. |
Kaia | The Duchess is an admirable woman of great class, intellect and valor. |
Katarina | It's no surprise that Delilah has impressed positively upon Katarina given the Valardin's close ties with the Baron of Whitehawk and Delilah's sister, Kenna. The siblings are like night and day, but they compliment one another. Where Kenna is exciteable and effervescent, Delilah is more methodical in her approach to the world around her but no less fervent in her lust for life. A great conversationalist with a penchant for detail that is to be respected. |
Kenna | MY SISTER. She's serious, wise, and has her things together so much more than I ever could. She is more important to me than anything else in this world, and I don't know what I would do if she ever left Arx for an extended period of time. I am sure I would be LOST. |
Klaus | She charmed Doreen, and is a wonderful conversationalist, I do hope to meet her again. |
Korka | A true collector of titles and master of conversation. Watching her draw people in to her causes was enlightening and entertaining. |
Kritr | This is a DUCHESS? She's knowledgable, thoughtful, asks pertinent questions and readily acknowledges a lack of knowledge. I will admit that if these are the quality the Scholars promote the Compact has something the rest of Arvum lacks. Something important. |
Kutazer | Sensible, intelligent, and has a good head for languages. I rather like her and hope to be on more missions with her. |
Laric | Like day and night. |
Lianne | Wonderfully well-spoken. I look forward to seeing what we, collectively, weave with these loose threads. |
Liara | A tad on the formal side compared to the company I had been keeping just an hour or two previous, but that is probably just a return to normal rather than any sort of deviation. |
Llewella | I do love a good cup of tea, and a mystery. Lilah provided both. |
Lore | Someone who could be cursing my name and I still wouldn't care because she makes it sound like a compliment! |
Lou | Inqusitive, and resourceful. She has a keen mine and a well developed sense of curiosity. She will go far in the explorers. |
Luca | My favorite librarian. |
Lucita | What fun, the conversation wound through history and fashion, social topics and beverages, people we knew in common. It was refreshing and challenging, the type conversation you look forward to sharing again. |
Lumen | I could think of no better interim hostess. Replacement hostess? She'll have to get much more drunk if she plans on filling Luca's shoes. |
Mabelle | A beautiful woman with a sweet smile. I wonder who does her hair. |
Macda | Such sweet words, such mischief inside. What more could I want than an indulgent friend that knows how to play along. I do hope I can call her friend. |
Maddox | A quiet but grand lady, I have met her a few times, briefly, but she has struck me as a wonderfully caring leader. |
Malcolm | A Whitehawk lady that's a real puzzle -- to me, at least. She talks in a way that makes me think of poetry, walks in ways that seem like art or dancing, and then she speaks so easily of adventure that I'm ready to drop it all and go runnin' off without a second thought. A story-telling siren, I think, and she's good folk for it. |
Malesh | She speaks for Whitehawk and by all accounts has the leadership skills such a position requires in these times. |
Marius | Whimsical and charming, Delilah radiates with an energy and warmth that is very difficult to match. Scholarly pursuits have brought her to those near me, and she's captivated me just as quickly as she has captivated them. |
Martino | Social grace, a diplomatic tongue and the classy ability to weave conversations together. The Lady Whitehawk is a showcase of the progress that House Bisland, and her own, have made. |
Maru | A curious young lady with a need for action. I can relate. |
Melody | It sounds like I'm listening to a book. Now I know what you're thinking -- That's not possible. But she's got a heck of a vocabulary on her, and now I might even be terribly afraid of her. |
Merek | Delilah went to assist the kids, when dogs were released upon the Market. She seems nice enough. She's a Whitehawk, so as much is usually to be expected with Silas' wonderful family. |
Meriah | I like the way this bird sings. |
Mia | 'Friend' is a word that I use sparingly. She deserves it. |
Michael | Capable, disarming, delightful and diliriously distracting. She left Bisland, and no one can fill her absence. |
Mikani | The element of water in person. Maybe she is a goddess in hiding. |
Miranda | Interesting woman indeed. She is definitely someone you want to go to for information. I'm confident if she doesn't know it, it may not exist! |
Mirari | A very charismatic and polite lady. She seems to have power behind her, in her carriage and her words. I will enjoy getting to know her better if I am able. |
Mirk | Friendlier than I'd expect, from a Scholar and Inquisitor. A well-read woman who brings a certain enthusiasm to her work; I can work with someone like that. |
Monique | For a woman with as much good cheer as Lady Whitehawk, she keeps a remarkable level head and modesty that is unsurpassed. I only hope that I can help keep that head on those modest shoulders. |
Naka | Curious, scholarly woman. Met while attending the same lecture. She came prepared to take notes and ask questions. I suspect that that combination of forethought and attitude makes her rather good at what she does. |
Narcissa | A woman with her fingers in all sorts of pies. If it happens somewhere within the vicinity of the city, I am certain she'll know of it. I do love the observatory though; I would call it her crown jewel. |
Neilda | Erudite and with a craftsmanship to her spoken word that I can't fathom - but not put to use for the noxious purposes that usually is. Stunning. |
Niklas | A lovely young lady with a fantastic mind. I'd certainly rather see her with Connie than Lord Cullen! |
Nina | Duchess Delilah is smart and generous, well-educated but willing to share her knowledge with those around her. She's so graceful and answers questions in a way that doesn't make you feel silly for asking. |
Nisaa | She was a vision of mystery and starlight at the Gala. Being near to her was like being on the deck of the ship I traveled to Arx upon in the still of night with nothing but the dark waters below us and the twinkling midnight sky above. It leaves a feeling of serenity and excitement all at the same time. |
Norwood | She came on Lord Seliki's arm, and seemed a perfectly put together woman who is, by all accounts, good with his words. |
Nurie | Stunning noblewoman that keeps crossing my path in the most unexpected places! Perhaps some day we might meet somewhere where we might speak more personally. There is a confidence in her step that speaks of well travelled roads, and little fear for meeting something different along the way. Intriguing! |
Olivia | A very knowledgable researcher, by the impression she gave, full of interesting stories on a number of topics, including some similar to those I find myself studying. She did seem interested in working together, and while I probably cannot tell her much she doesn't know, hopefully I can make myself of some use all the same. |
Ophelia | I /adore/ her name! And that shirt of hers looks better on her than it does on Luca. Just don't tell him I said that, okay? I would love to have tea with her soon! |
Orrin | It is incredible the depth of knowledge and understanding this creature conveys with only a shift of inflection, a glance. She is formiddable and, I am certain, oft underestimated. I shall not make that mistake. |
Oswyn | An inquisitive mind and a keen intellect. She's sure to find answers. |
Ouida | A fireball of an explorer. What a sense of adventure, without the blinders that often comes with! I recognize the restlessness, and hope that she may use it to good ends, to fuel the fire, rather than chain and contain it as I must. The greatest amongst us burn the brightest; may I be present in Arx for long enough to see more of her light. |
Petal | She seems friendly, cheerful and well spoken. |
Pharamond | She is inspiration brought to life... |
Quenia | I was quite delighted to meet Lady Delilah. She was ever so pleasant, and truly interesting company. Surely enough to keep any curious Igniseri facinated for hours on end. And Igniseri have curiosity in spades. |
Quintin | The Duchess strikes me as an extraordinarily busy sort of person who could probably use more sleep. |
Ras | Smart and kind. Not bad for a silk. She could probably kill a guy with those hairpins. |
Reese | She seems friendly, cheerful and really really smart. |
Reigna | Level headed and poised in a crisis. I can see why Alarissa chose to patron her. There is no mistaking Lady Whitehawk's wisdom. |
Renata | A self-composed and sombre young woman who's very look can send the scholars of Vellichor into a spin. Interested in expeditions beyond the Lyceum, though I hope she's not planning one of her own. |
Rhea | I really want to steal that dress. |
Ronja | If she's the one keeping House Shepherd together, then she must be made of sterner stuff than any of us could ever imagine. It'd be impressive even if she wasn't already impressive in her own right. |
Rook | Lady Delilah Whitehawk holds herself remarkably well, has pursuits in a range of spheres, and seems to be remarkably pleasant company. A chance meeting with an interesting introduction is why the salon keeps gaining customers day in and day out. |
Rook | Not being in your fair presence has made me a weaker man. I assume, for a number of others, this is the case as is the strength of force that you are in all our lives. Duchess. |
Rosalie | She is every bit the lady that I would hope to be someday. She has a way with words that I could never hope to match, but that I can certainly appreciate. And her compassion is clear to see. I am hopeful that we could be great friends. |
Rowenova | This Whitehawk lady is an ancillary leader in the Scholars of Vellichor who I first met at a party event in the Redrain ward where she once saved me from a wild pack of excitable children (after my Riverbend op where I was shot up and was too sore to really handle the rough housing). Since then, I have seen her here and there -- hither and yon -- and always enjoy her amiable company: especially toward Sir Floppington who happily receives her kind pets. Also, several projects have come up to which she warmly welcomed me, too. She is a good person, and Aion would be a worse place sans her illuminating presence. |
Rowynna | How does one write about a force of nature? For I'd surely account Lady Delilah Whitehawk as such. She is some aspect of beauty and motion all stuffed into so much flesh and gorgeous hair. I barely feel adequate to keep up. |
Rysen | One of the foremost geniuses of Arvum, in whom shines wisdom, keen senses and unshakable courage. |
Sabella | She's smart, talkative, funny, and delightful! I know that we are going to be the very BEST of friends! She is definitely a kindred spirit! |
Salvador | A Duchess coming down to the Hundred Cities Inn to hide away from view? Well, regardless, she was an interesting conversationalist, with an eye for innovation and technological advance. |
Samael | It was a great pleasure to meet Lady Delilah once again. She is as joyful and expressively eloquent as ever. |
Sanya | Clearly an intelligent and insightful woman. I imagine she opens the minds of those she interacts with, I'm glad to have met her. |
Sasha | A fellow lover of generousity and animals. I hope to be able to cross path with her again soon |
Scipio | The Duchess who has served as my Patron has been a true boon in my days in Arx. Her friendship is invaluable and I cannot imagine where I would be without having crossed paths with her when I did. |
Sebastian | An intriguing woman, is the Lady Whitehawk... betrayed by her curiosity, as many of us are. I look forward to our journey together. |
Simone | A vivacious woman, she has a sharp and inquisitive mind and a way with words. Her flair and enjoyment of life is certainly contagious. But her natural curiosity is what I find most intriguing. |
Solange | Generous and focused, with a mind for business, and fashionable as well. She is everything one thinks of when they think of nobility. |
Sorrel | An old friend with whom I am delighted to share information and get excited about practical occult with. We inspire one another and I'm always glad to trade information with her. |
Sparte | Lady Delilah was the first member fo the Whitehawk family I met after Lord Silas was ennobled. She was a delight, and all of her family have proven to be just as delightful. Not having seen her for a while I admit I grew concerned, but here she was. Just as amazing as ever. |
Starling | A very kind and charming Lady who seems to value the beauty of the world. Well met. |
Sunaia | She has the airs and graces I lack. All to the good, the world probably needs more of that sort than it does mine. |
Sunaia | Clearly, an asset. |
Sylvi | Equal parts bright, charming and vivacious. It's no wonder the Archscholar has entrusted her with so much. |
Tabitha | My brilliant and beautiful cousin, who I regard and love as my own sister. I've always been awed by her intellect and her lyrical way with words, and I treasure her kind presence in my life. I worry about her sometimes when she goes off on another one of her mysterious escapades, but I'm so proud to have such a bold adventurer as kin. |
Talwyn | I am told a wonderful adventurer and one of the most knowledgeable people in the city. There is a mysterious charm and grace to the Duchess Lilah that draws you in to know more. |
Tatienne | The duchess puts on a display of being flighty, but there's a keen mind in there. Do not underestimate her. |
Teagan | We have worked together in passing, but perhaps not often in full. It is a shame, that. She is an enigmatic sort; one wherein you think -- nay, know -- you are only catching a glimpse of something upon the surface and beneath the ripples lies something much deeper. |
Teireno | A very friendly Duchess, and a wonderful conversationalist. A shame I didn't have time to speak with her more. |
Tescelina | Everything I have heard about her leaves me breathless. I am almost afraid to be in the glow of her stars, least I am caught basking so apparently. But I shall endeavor it, for as a knight I must and as a student I am compelled. |
Thea | She talks...A lot. |
Thena | Flighty...not in a bad way, just reminds me of a dragonfly, how she's always moving, shimmering from one thing to another. I wish her well in her studies. |
Thesarin | A dreamer, and a seeker, and damned clever. All fine things to be, how I reckon it. |
Thorley | A friend of Felicia's that I have become friends with. She has a story and air about her that draws one in. Spirits like hers are rarely tamed - though I once said the same of my own wild Violet. |
Tolv | Her head seems to contain a fascinating amount of information. Yes, perhaps we'll talk again, that might be fun. |
Tynan | A shared scholarly interest, it appears, and one that seems to think in the same patterns as myself. That's probably not a good thing for her, but I always enjoy a clever mind. |
Valdemar | An interesting woman who definitely has a way with words. |
Valenzo | A fellow adventurer, and not shy to offer a taste of danger and excitement! Seems a fierce wit, to boot. Would be a pleasure to journey with her, I'm sure! |
Valery | She's sweet and nice. She likes to come and chat and have tea with us. |
Vanora | It is always good to see this Whitehawk Lady, with her sense of style and fun. It's been too long since we spent time together, we'll have to change that. |
Vega | A truly delightful young lady with a flair for poetry in her speech. I enjoyed the interaction, and look forward to more in the future. |
Verity | A breath of fresh autumn air, cool after a summer's heat and refreshing. I need to find her again, to entertain in a less crowded setting than the Ambassador's Salon. |
Victus | I remember her having a nice dress. Can't remember where, but the dress was nice. |
Vincenzo | She was the hostess of the Sky Full of Stars Party which opened the Lasting Hope Observatory. It was an excellent event at the close of summer, giving Vincenzo a few things to think about from the talks he had there. Perhaps, if the time allows it, the tailor might visit the observatory and find the lady to pick up a conversation again. |
Violet | Oh Delilah, we rarely meet to speak one on one. But we seem to circle another in so many places these days. |
Vitalis | Lady Whitehawk offered me solace at the Shrine of the Queen. She is intent, intense, and implacable, but as ephemeral, elusive, and yielding as smoke. A woman of sharp contrasts. |
Vittorio | A delightful woman who it seems wishes to tour the Lyceum. Hopefully I can tell her more about Caith, and perhaps interest her in some investment opportunities down the road. |
Volcica | I would never have expected to become the friends we are. |
Wash | The Duchess of House Shepherd is an active Explorer. I am looking forward to one on one time with the new head of the Explorer's guild. |
Willow | I knew from the moment I saw her clothes that she would make a strong impression on anyone but further exchange at the Salon was thoroughly delightful. She made good points for consideration and in a way that was not so impassioned as to preclude reason. |
Wyatt | She's perfect as duchess. She's really smart, Malcolm likes her, and people won't blame me if things collapse. She's the best. |
Zara | I did not get to speak with her much, which I fear I missed alot. She has many questions and that is not a bad thing. I look forward to the next time we speak. Maybe she enjoys tea. |
Zara | It is easy to be charming, but it is evident even in passing that she matches it with a warmth that finds -- or conjures -- friendship wherever she travels. That is a grace many forget. |
Zeriax | If the sun were a drink, its rays a fine golden elixir. If a sundress could be personified, woven from such an elixir. Would such poetry compare? |
Zoey | A friend of my father, we met through him. I guess we're as thick as thieves by now, and that's quite alright by me! |