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Written By Aiden

Jan. 27, 2018, 1:02 a.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

My gratitude goes to Princess Gwenna and the fine members of House Redrain for a delicious dinner (although in truth I stayed away from the shark stew).
I am so very humbled and reminded that home is where family is. And family is what's important.

Thank you for sharing your family with me, House Redrain.

Written By Sabella

Jan. 27, 2018, 12:18 a.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

I met a rather interesting woman today by the name of Cadenza. She seems a bit troubled though, and it is unseemly for me to want to pry, but I am so damned curious. I'm so used to seeing nobility who are completely sure of themselves, when i see one who is a bit vulnerable..

She's having a party coming up, and I suppose I should see about a mask.

On the other hand, my work with the orphans of the compact is going well, if I manage to make decent strides I will send out personal thank yous for those who assisted me. I never forget a favor and always pay them back.

Written By Leta

Jan. 27, 2018, 12:01 a.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Is an ear of wheat a flower? It's a bit like a flower, I feel, but not really. It's just a question that came to mind as I heard folk were talking about flowers, and one thing leads to another.

Meowlarice is about ready to have her kittens, if I know anything. She's curled in my old gambeson, which is fine, as I wasn't going to wear it anymore other than maybe for sparring now and then. If it gets some more stains on it so be it. Now, she's hissing a bit, but I don't suppose that's nothing but some spider or some spirits or such things as cats see.

Here is a drawing of Meowlarice sitting in my gambeson.

<What follows is a not-very-good depiction of a naively stylized cat with a mottled pattern, curled up on top of a lump of something, presumably a gambeson, with some vague diamond-like pattern doodled on it.>

Written By Wynna

Jan. 26, 2018, 11:47 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

So much concern over that which cannot be seen. Am I brave for not caring, or foolish?

Or just ignorant.

Written By Lucita

Jan. 26, 2018, 11:36 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Since most of the flowers I can think of are already in use or claimed, I think it would be nice to be a four leafed clover. People are happy to see them, seek them out, and think them to bring luck. They carefully preserve them and keep them. The soothing green color helps contrast and accentuate the other flowers so they go well together.

Written By Astraea

Jan. 26, 2018, 10:37 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Amarantha

I know you were jesting Mara, sometimes I like teasing you though. ((She's drawn a giant heart with A+A forever))

Written By Gwenna

Jan. 26, 2018, 8:37 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Perhaps this is a given, but I would be a snowflower. It's pretty much who I am!

Written By Amarantha

Jan. 26, 2018, 8:04 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Astraea

No, no. You misunderstood. We match in that we're both hydrangea, both twins.

The hatred bit was a general comment. A joke, even.

Written By Astraea

Jan. 26, 2018, 8 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Amarantha

You hate me Mara? My heart is broken.

Written By Brogan

Jan. 26, 2018, 7:59 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Had a damn fine tussle with one of the King's Own the other day. She hits like a ton of bricks, and it's a good thing I'm used to taking a beating or I might have had to roll outta the ring. Not a bad drinker either, but when whiskey is on the line I can't risk that I might be paying for it. Pretty sure I left that little roll in the dirt with a few bruised ribs, but I did get my drinks paid for... totally worth it.

Had the chance to meet Dame Greenblood and Sir Sandreef as well. Good people, solid knights, and damn if Greenblood isn't strong as an Ox. I'm hoping I get the chance to see them again, and maybe do a bit of their strength training. Being in these lowlands are going to make me soft, feel so bloody winded when I go back to visit, and I'll be damned if that happens again.

Written By Amarantha

Jan. 26, 2018, 7:35 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Echo

A white hydrangea. To match Astraea in a way.

I also like how it means hatred, I suppose.

Written By Echo

Jan. 26, 2018, 7:33 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Amarantha

What kind of flower are you, Mara?

Written By Margerie

Jan. 26, 2018, 7:32 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Scholars, I began the day proudly declaring that the women of the city were not just decorative flowers. Now the context of that matters and I stand by it. I must confess to a certain momentary frustration when I came back to peruse today's writings to see so many people declaring themselves and their loved ones' place in the garden of the city.

But then I thought about the relationships each of those statements represents. It means we are seeing the unique gifts that each of us brings to this city, how we connect to and see one another. The road we travel down at the moment leads to a dangerous destination. That we travel down it together, each our own individual facing some of the same challenges, each rising to meet them in their own way? It is more beautiful than any individual blossom.

Thank you for showing me that today.

Written By Daemon

Jan. 26, 2018, 7:32 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ida

Perhaps, a steel rose? Prickly! Dangerous!

But it would have to be a special breed. One that punches!

Written By Amarantha

Jan. 26, 2018, 7:30 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Apollis

I have copied all of your diaries and written them into Black Journals to be released upon my death.

I hope for your sake that I live a very, very long time.

Written By Apollis

Jan. 26, 2018, 7:26 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Amarantha

Has Bedlem not killed you yet, sweet sister? I'm guessing the training didn't take.

Written By Amarantha

Jan. 26, 2018, 7:24 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Astraea is a pink hydrangea. Because when isn't she blushing?

Echo is baby's breath. Tiny, white-haired, and adorable.

Avaline is a daylily. The only flower I never managed to kill in mother's garden.

Apollis is a weed.

Written By Mia

Jan. 26, 2018, 7:22 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

In the last two days, I have seen many speak their minds on the past actions and present character of Abbas Thrax. That I, too, have strong words I might share is a fact which I will not deny. I have already done so, and record or rumor of them is not difficult to find for those who care to look.

But I will not speak on it now -- because I do not have the right to condemn or forgive him.

No, that right belongs solely to the members of Clans Bloodsnake, Tyrfall, Brokeblade and so many others nearly eradicated by his campaign of plague.

Their last survivors are sworn to Riven now. They live among my people, as my people, at the Twainfort and at Heron Hall. And if you wish to hear their opinions on the subject, then I invite you to go to them and ask them yourselves. They -- more than anyone else -- are the ones who deserve to have their voices heard above this din.

Written By Esoka

Jan. 26, 2018, 7:18 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

This flower game looks fun.

I've decided we're going to play. And that you're a sunflower.

What do you think I am?

Written By Ida

Jan. 26, 2018, 7:17 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

I do not fancy myself a flower, with no disrespect meant. I prefer to think myself high quality steel. While I may not be a metal of enviable red hues or near mythical history, I am still quite pretty and shiny. Plus, I'll make you bleed near as quick, all told.

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