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Written By Sophie

Jan. 28, 2018, 1:37 p.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Echo

Your Highness, one of the tenets of Our Lady of Change is that we do the best we can, and that when we know better that we do better and become better people, which very much includes helping others to do the same. How we each do that is irrelevant, so, for what it may be worth, I do not believe that yours is a too literal interpretation.

Thank you for doing what you can. Little by little, action by action is how we change the world for the better.

Written By Sophie

Jan. 28, 2018, 1:36 p.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

When we care, we strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.

<<OOC: This predates one of Echo's journals. It was accidentally deleted it when I wanted to delete the message that was the reply to Echo's journal 'cos I accidentally linked it to Enyo, instead. Sorry!>>

Written By Alarie

Jan. 28, 2018, 1:32 p.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Derovai

You impaled yourself upon my sewing needle. Multiple times. The perils of sitting next to a seamstress who's working and her thread is long. You'l choose wiser next time.

Written By Derovai

Jan. 28, 2018, 1:26 p.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarie

Says the woman who tried to stab me in public.

Written By Sophie

Jan. 28, 2018, 1:21 p.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

We do not create a better world by tearing down those who seek to make amends for their wrongdoings, no matter how grievous those wrongdoings. It is our duty to help enable those positive changes and to remember that it is a process -- one that oft is slow, difficult, full of stumbling and moments of regression, and seemingly invisible to onlookers, much like a seed buried deep in the dark earth. Much like that seed, when the efforts of a person to self-improve are properly tended in an environment conducive to that growth, that betterment will eventually sprout and blossom.

There is a significant difference between condemning the actions of a person and condemning the person. No one is beyond redemption even if it may never manifest for some in this lifetime. To denounce the possibility of such a thing is to denounce the ideals that Our Lady of Change embodies.

None of us are perfect or above reproach. Not a single one of us. To forget that is a form of hubris, and hubris is not a virtue of any of the Gods.

Written By Alarie

Jan. 28, 2018, 1:21 p.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Derovai

Couldn't have happened to a better person.

Written By Isabeau

Jan. 28, 2018, 12:54 p.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

I cannot decide if Archlector Aleksei or Archlector Aureth has the most keen grasp of irony. Perhaps there should be a duel.

In regards to the language of flowers that seems to be present in so many other white journals, Mistress Mirari, who skillfully crafted my favorite perfume, determined some time ago that I am a blue iris.

Written By Derovai

Jan. 28, 2018, 12:52 p.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

Some things are very much worth having a splitting headache the next morning. But to all other residents of the Murder of Crows, I apologize for the unsavory noises coming from my room and the boarding hall's toilet chamber. They have officially ceased.

Written By Mason

Jan. 28, 2018, 12:12 p.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Fortunato

I am sorry that I am embarrassing you further, my friend, but truly there is nothing to be embarrassed about. There are many artists throughout the ages, but few earn to have their name live on. I consider myself endlessly lucky to not only see your work mature and grow over time, but to share a friendship with someone so gifted and influential... The art show's success could never have happened without the toil and soul you poured into those pieces, and I have never seen you put anything less than your all into all your work.

Fortunato Grayhope is a truly masterful artisan.

Written By Esoka

Jan. 28, 2018, 12:09 p.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

I am apparently also a sunflower. I've deemed this acceptable. I know little about flowers, but they're pretty and this way we match, so I believe it works.

Written By Prism

Jan. 28, 2018, 11:17 a.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

Tiger told me the whole city's gone aflutter for flowers, so I've gone ahead and placed the very prettiest flower I've ever seen -- at least, the very prettiest painting I've ever seen -- in the Shrine of the First Choice. It's propped up against the altar, right where the light shines brightest, and if you look at it long enough, I think you'll see it tells two very different stories: one of the rose (of course), and one, more beautiful, of the artist who painted it.

Written By Jhond

Jan. 28, 2018, 10:18 a.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

The Fearless Five. The name should be taken in jest I think, but I suppose it applies to some of us. Fear has always mean more of a fuel to me than a hindrance. it should be an interesting journey.

Written By Marian

Jan. 28, 2018, 10:09 a.m.(1/19/1008 AR)


They have meaning. They have the power to inspire. They have the power to cause pain. When used with thoughtless abandon, they can bring war upon others that were not deserving.

You know who you are. If I ever hear of you opening your mouth and inciting such chaos again, I will challenge you to a duel and beat you to a bloody pulp. Whatever fondness you thought I had for you, consider it revoked. It was not funny. I was not amused. I hope you learned your lesson.

Written By Jhond

Jan. 28, 2018, 9:54 a.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

The journey north was not particularly eventful, but the errand was done and I return.

Written By Wynna

Jan. 28, 2018, 9:37 a.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

I weep for the scholars of the future.

Written By Cicero

Jan. 28, 2018, 9:36 a.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

Violently ill
I quake with fear but press on
Brave? or moronic?

Written By Mia

Jan. 28, 2018, 8:54 a.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

I have it on very good authority that I am, apparently, a thistle -- and most specifically a blue one.

When I informed the one who named me as much that thistles are actually weeds, his response was to insist that it's a fine thing, too, because they flourish where flowers cannot and 'clearly don't believe in any of that wilting nonsense'.

A compliment, I'm sure.

Written By Morrighan

Jan. 28, 2018, 5:51 a.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

All this fuss about flowers.

Flame lily, of course.

Written By Echo

Jan. 28, 2018, 2:53 a.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Sophie

I know I'm taking your comment a bit too literally, but it provides a nice transition into my thoughts: I've recently hit new heights and am happy to help others get better before the war breaks out. If anyone is wanting to improve with the larger variety of weapons, send a message my way and I'll see if I can teach you a thing or two!

Written By Mae

Jan. 28, 2018, 2:06 a.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

Commoners Bulletin V2N2 - 01/18/1008 AR (01/27/2017)

The Commoners Bulletin is a condensed version of the news, happenings, and proclamations given out in the past fortnight! If you have news to include in the bulletin, or you believe I've missed something, please send word! (OOC: Using mail is good!)
-Mae Grayhope, Commoners Council

*With the birth of an heir to the duchy, House Farshaw bought a round of drinks for all of Arx and all of Westrock Reach, and they’ve also made a large donation to the orphanages here in Arx.

*At the Training Center, Champion Caspian Wild hosted a free-for-all fight, to honor Gloria, to test the warriors of the Compact, and to have some fun. Princess Reese Grayson won, because she’s incredible. In the aftermath, Prince Ainsley Grayson had some choice words about the winner. See further down for more information.

*Grumpy turtle beat Peppy turtle in Turtle Fight 1. Both turtles were NOT put in a soup because some silly woman insisted on buying them.

*One Redrain princess was seen in the Lowers and elsewhere in Arx doing more than a little hard work in the name of charity. Considering how Redrain has traditionally ignored the Lowers, this was certainly good news! Keep it up, Princess.

*The white journals exploded, in wake of Prince Ainsley’s public spat with Princess Reese. Topics ranged from how the nobility ought to hide their squabbles from commoners to how they ought not squabble at all. Much was said about what made a princess “spoiled”, and there were no shortage of nobles who stood up to proudly declare how being born with piles of silver and having every opportunity available to them and being able to buy whatever they liked did not make them spoiled. That was followed by reminders of how difficult the burden of nobility was. This is, of course, absurd. If any noble wants to discuss how to properly use the white journals, and how to properly celebrate the gift of their own birth, I can recommend several sources.

*Another furor broke out in the whites after a certain duke proclaimed he was happy to see so many unwed women in this city. He viewed them like flowers, beautiful and alluring, but not necessarily useful. He needed to claim a flower that was also useful, not just beautiful. After several retorts, the populace decided to make a game out of it, and chose what flowers they would best represent. I think most of us are ground-ivy.

* Baron Estaban Saik married Lady Lucita Igniseri. Let us all pray for many beautiful babies!


*Duchess Calypso announced Lady Enyo Malvici is to marry Baron Stefano Gilden. She is wild and passionate. He is gorgeous and honorable. Together, I might wager they’ll be unstoppable.
*Archscholar Bianca appointed Brother Driskell as Prelate of the Scholars. Brother Driskell will speak with the Archscholar’s voice in matters of the Disciples of Vellichor.
*Duchess Clover Farshaw and Duke Ryhalt were ever so happy to welcome Lady Ivy Mae Farshaw into this world. The heir to Farshaw came early, but is in good health, and will surely prove to be exceptional in every single way. Goddess bless this beautiful babe.
*High Lord Darren Redrain confirmed the death of his cousin, Prince Fergus Redrain.
*Prince Darren also announced that Princess Marian would take over as War Chief. He also named Princess Donella and Princess Gwenna as his voices. Princess Donella has proven herself more than capable, handling more than a few matters within Thrax before marrying Prince Darren. Princess Gwenna will surely have the support she needs to do her job well.
*House Fidante has announced the birth of Lord Leandro Fidante, heir to Tor. Congratulations to Duchess Calista and Duke Inigo!
*Prince Ainsley Grayson apologized for, like, everything. The Prince had a bit of a tantrum and called his cousin, Princess Reese Grayson, a spoiled brat. Prince Ainsley apologized, then assured the Compact he’d continue to suffer as Voice of House Grayson.
*Princess Reese accepted Prince Ainsley’s apology. This caused a whole lot of back and forth fighting in the white journals. Should Ainsley have actually stepped down? Should Princess Reese be named a Voice? Is being called a Voice a punishment? Should Lady Arianna Stonewood never, ever, ever, ever, ever write a white journal again? These are the questions to be answered. (Please, House Stonewood, take away her pen.)
*In our House Greenmarch section: Prince Fiarcha has stepped down as Voice. If Greenmarch is looking for a new Voice, I happen to know Lady Arianna has too much free time on her hands.

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