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Written By Aiden

Jan. 29, 2018, 1:15 p.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucita

What are friends for? You're very welcome!

Written By Lucita

Jan. 29, 2018, 10:16 a.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

The thoughtfulness of your gift will never be forgotten. A beautiful piano, a unique one made just for us. It caused happy tears the first time I played it. You understood so well how music brings peace, joy, settles troubled thoughts, and comforts when nothing else will. And you gave us something to help bring that to our household and share that with us. Thank you, my friend.

Written By Clover

Jan. 29, 2018, 10:14 a.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

Sometimes you get answers you didn't want...

Written By Lucita

Jan. 29, 2018, 10:07 a.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

It has been a few days since my wedding, and have been kept too busy to write in journals. (Stop smirking Scholar! There was moving in, rooms to rearrange, and a funeral to attend and just.... stop smirking!) We are glad the reception guests shared the day with us. They seemed to have fun with toasts, good food, company, jests, enjoying the ice sculptures and the warmth of the bonfires. Thank each of those friends and well-wishers.

Written By Theron

Jan. 29, 2018, 9:37 a.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Calista

The Duchess of Roses is a fair-minded woman who is willing to listen and support endeavors that bring prosperity both to House Fidante and to her vassals.

I look forward to her reign, and to the era of prosperity she will doubtlessly bring forth.

Written By Theron

Jan. 29, 2018, 9:31 a.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

Amazing fight, last night at the Spar and Sip.

On that note, using Celebrant in single combat against another Sword's weapon was thrilling. The balance is perfect, and my technique with the longsword has certainly become noteworthy, after a point.

I may not be the absolute master of the blade, but I am well on my way of becoming a complete warrior.

Written By Thorley

Jan. 29, 2018, 8:42 a.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

Does driftwood count as a flower?

Though I'm probably more hops.

Written By Magpie

Jan. 29, 2018, 8:35 a.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

Nothing like getting out on the waves to help me feel right with the world again. I really need to make time for sailing more. Maybe I should have grown up Thrax. Then again, I like to run my mouth so I'm sure I'd have three lifetimes of thralldom on my head by now if I had.

Journals have been interesting. Some fellow is trying far to hard to be disliked. Nierzen is on point, as he tends to be. I truly am in the greatest family in this city. If you're reading this and don't understand that, then you clearly aren't paying enough attention.

Got a commission to build a turtle house this week. That'd be a house for turtles, not a house made of turtles, or fashioned to look like a turtle. Although, I suppose if I wanted to get extra creative I *could* fashion the turtle house to

Nevermind. Anyway, my hand is starting to cramp up from all this writing and I can't remember much of my week to record for the history of the Compact. I smoked a lot. I drank some. I smoked more. Lots of Haze. A little Dust mixed in. Oh, had a really scary moment. Yep. Went on a booze cruise with my cousin. That about sums it up.

Written By Thorley

Jan. 29, 2018, 8:31 a.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

I have a lot to learn and figure out...

....nothing like learning in the free-for-all that I'm feeling my age. The alcohol did a piss poor job of hiding what skill I used to have.

Bunch of young pups out there with more skill than I have.

Going to need to get to training if I'm gonna be the 'Sword' that the Duke thinks I can be. Just hope that I don't end up letting him and Clover down.


Ended up sparring Princess Echo. She smashed me pretty damn hard - but I got a blow or two in there on her. Maybe I can do a little better with lighter armor and not walking around like a friggin' land based war ship. Not that Felix's armor ain't bad, it's good. Just needed something lighter so I ain't huffing and puffing like a well-worn plow horse after a long day on the farm.

Written By Aeryn

Jan. 29, 2018, 7:55 a.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

House Laurent is known for its ridiculously amazing, fabulously spectacular honey. Boy, do we love the stuff!

I /was/ going to have a bakesale, but after eating half and giving the other half away, I have decided maybe it's not the best idea... No one wants to go to an empty bakesale!

So I have written a cookbook! It contains 15 of House Laurent's most TREASURED (and some say secret) recipes - sure to many any meal one to remember.

I ask 5 Writs (Economic or Military) - and all proceeds go to funding House Laurent's war efforts.

Please send all inquiries to me, Aeryn Laurent, and I will see to it that you receive your book as quickly as possible!

It's a 3-Part set, and illustrated! ((OOC: I made it very pretty, and yes there are 15 REAL recipes in there)).

In other news - I'm also working on a 10-Part set on 'The Language of Flowers'. It will be slightly more expensive, but also as part of a campaign to help the House! More details forthcoming.

Written By Alarissa

Jan. 29, 2018, 7:38 a.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

She is already making a set dearest. You just forgot. But I'm sure when the time is right, it will be in your beard or hair, in time to let it glint in the sun in the face of the enemy and make them quiver and regret!

Written By Cassima

Jan. 29, 2018, 7:35 a.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

A shortbread, done properly, can outshine any other baked good.

Written By Victus

Jan. 29, 2018, 4:49 a.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

When it's time again for war, I enjoy the occasion clip of jewelry in my hair. Something of a fetish item, like a totem or uh... ya know, metaphorical symbolical shiny shitty shit shit.

I'm just making a suggestion that if I were to find some new ones sometime soon, my pockets might end up becoming a little lighter.

Written By Vanora

Jan. 29, 2018, 2:10 a.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

I should probably remember to only read the whites when I am in a good mood. When already frustrated they do nothing to soothe that emotion and everything to make it worse.

I apologize for spending time in the past few days (when already frustrated) writing in my own journals with criticism or callousness towards others. I know better and am better.

I've such contempt for those who put their insults in their whites and not the blacks. For catharsis the blacks serve just as well, and for confrontation a direct missive or a meeting are less cowardly.

When I read people tossing insults at each other through this means I find my respect for them dwindling. I must be better else I've no leg to stand on and cannot be surprised should those flipping through my own journals find their respect for me dwindling.

Feel free to remind me of this, Arx, should you notice in pen and ink any slip in my decorum. Hold me accountable and you will have my gratitude.

Written By Caspian

Jan. 29, 2018, 2:06 a.m.(1/21/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

I both see a bit of myself in this man and someone I could aspire to be like. He's a good man and I have nothing but respect for him.

Written By Joscelin

Jan. 29, 2018, 1:31 a.m.(1/20/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Nierzen

Aww, Nierzen. You're not dirty.

Written By Derovai

Jan. 29, 2018, 1:14 a.m.(1/20/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

Another word of advice to the discerning reader:

Fancy silver armor will not prevent you from being trounced at a sparring match, even if you already knew that would be the case.

Well fought, Culler. Even if I knew you were going easy on me, I hope it wasn't too obvious to the audience.

Written By Joscelin

Jan. 29, 2018, 12:47 a.m.(1/20/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

Dark chocolate and cherry scones.

Written By Alarissa

Jan. 29, 2018, 12:20 a.m.(1/20/1008 AR)

Dear citizens of the compact.

What is your favorite recipe? I would so dearly like to know. For inspiration, look only to Brother Driskell's whites. To your whites I say! Or send them by messenger.

Written By Harmon

Jan. 29, 2018, 12:08 a.m.(1/20/1008 AR)

Minor progress in learning to socialize. Find great success in keeping mouth closed, just listening. People off-put by speech pattern, can't drink to mitigate every time. Almost attended wedding, water too deep to step into just yet. Will. Someday. Many more weddings ahead to practice on.

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