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Written By Joscelin

Jan. 30, 2018, 1:14 p.m.(1/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

Look. You can't say you didn't deserve every object I hurled at your head. You were speaking nonsense. 'Stupid shit', if I need to quote accurately.

Magpie was there. He agreed that you deserved it.

You drive me -insane-, Aureth. Absolutely -tits- -up- insane.

'It was a good idea at the time-'


Written By Joscelin

Jan. 30, 2018, 1:13 p.m.(1/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Thorley

Ida is quite lovely and she can kick the ass of any man. I mean, I'd marry her but I love her too much to do that to her.

Written By Thorley

Jan. 30, 2018, 12:51 p.m.(1/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Imagine my surprise that my grumped muses on this thing would bring such pleasantness to my door in the form of a small tin of balm and a thoughtful note from Guildmaster Joscelin Arterius. After reaching out to thank her for the gift, we met and spoke at length. And what had started off as small talk extended into a long evening of sharing things I thought noone would care to hear.

I look forward to more time in her presence and company.

Though she keeps trying to offer me to Ida.

Written By Aureth

Jan. 30, 2018, 12:40 p.m.(1/23/1008 AR)

We all have the freedom to choose our paths, and if people choose the eve of war as times to behave as petty imbeciles, that is a demonstration of their humanity.

Honestly, it's not that surprising. Everyone reaches a breaking point sooner or later, and at a time when stress and terror grow in even the boldest of hearts, how not now?

Even true and loving friends I have known since I was a small boy occasionally flip out and hurl OBJECTS at my HEAD.

Written By Luca

Jan. 30, 2018, 12:07 p.m.(1/23/1008 AR)

[ overheard: Scholar, is it in bad taste to advertise my services as -- ]

You feel slighted? Need to challenge a fellow peer of the realm? Consider your local Champion. They're here to serve you for reasonable rates.

Or, in my case, free.

Written By Joscelin

Jan. 30, 2018, 11:03 a.m.(1/23/1008 AR)

I expect gossip, tittering speculation among folks both prominent and less so. But the more I hear about 'rumor' and 'insults' fed through the grapevine of he-said she-said exposed here in the Whites, the more bothered I am.

Who has the time with a -war- looming over our souls to be that petty? Stop wasting your fucking time trying to tear other people down, if you can't be an adult about your existence then please be sure to put your thoughts here, where we can all see it, so I don't need to waste -my- time trying to be civil to someone who can't bother to do the same.

Maybe I'm simply vexed that it's my -friends- that are experiencing these things, or perhaps my circles have had the grace to never overlap into the likes of which I now want to avoid. Am I too idealistic? I expect this behavior from children, not peers of the realm or anyone above the age of majority.

[it's noted by the scholar that the conversation dissolves into mumbling swear words that border on heretical, and he chose not to record them]

Written By Aleksei

Jan. 30, 2018, 10:39 a.m.(1/23/1008 AR)

People who are interested in calling me names or otherwise insulting me can feel free to send me a messenger directly rather than try and deliver messages through my friends.

Written By Calaudrin

Jan. 30, 2018, 10:13 a.m.(1/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Derovai

Oh, did you think he was serious? I just assumed that it was the beginning of an elaborate work of fiction based on how he likes people to handle his big sword.

Written By Derovai

Jan. 30, 2018, 8:20 a.m.(1/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Theron

So you're laughing at others' physical weakness, Lord Theron? Not a virtue, as I understand them to exist. Here's hoping the Velenosas find a better use for their sword-bearers than being figures of fun for someone who should know better. Perhaps it would be advisable to keep one's scorn to Blacks, or to apply it only to targets who can, as you might say in the trade, strike back.

Written By Theron

Jan. 30, 2018, 5:41 a.m.(1/23/1008 AR)

Two spars fought with the longsword, two spars won. It helps that my longsword was a very expensive gift, but one that was thoughtfully given. I've also received an inestimable gift from the Velenosas - the services of Garibaldi, the Sword-bearer. Let me tell you all, it's quickly becoming fun to tell him:

"Garibaldi, the rubicund greatsword, please."

And watch the poor man struggle before handing over the right tool of the trade, so to speak. I don't know that I can take him to the sea, but the thought of fighting in the vanguard, stepping back and switching weapons according to demand amuses me.

Written By Vano

Jan. 30, 2018, 12:03 a.m.(1/22/1008 AR)

(Various attempts at writing in a white journal, but every time it's started, it's in Oathlands shav with a line crossed through it each time. Eventually, a more block script is written down. But at least this readable.)

White journal.

This. Is a thing. I guess.


Like this script.


One more thing. To get. Used to.

Written By Merek

Jan. 29, 2018, 11:20 p.m.(1/22/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

Still training people, and now an Officer. I am happy that he has come so far. Still, I wonder if he has reigned in some things. Seems to like maps now. I like maps too. They are nice!

Written By Ann

Jan. 29, 2018, 9:44 p.m.(1/22/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

I have something you can borrow-- no I mean have. Definitely have. I wouldn't want it back.

Written By Neve

Jan. 29, 2018, 8:52 p.m.(1/22/1008 AR)

Hello Arx,

My name is Neve. I grew up spoiled rotten by my adopted warrior-father. I got to know amazing people, and I love my home, the Greenwood. I came to this land angry, wild, and untamed. Since coming here I have realized that I dont have a right to be angry. Being calm and in control is far better than being wild and carefree, and..well, I'm still rather untamed. I have realized that to be happy in life, you have to take it. I have to make my own happiness. I look in the mirror, and used to hate what I saw. Now I look into it and I feel confident. I look absolutely beautiful. I'm lovely. I have control of myself and this makes me strong. My beauty makes me strong. I am intelligent, and this makes me strong. I am a good woman, and I am filled with love, with a strong heart. I can finally say - I love myself. And this realization makes me feel happy.

Written By Esoka

Jan. 29, 2018, 8:52 p.m.(1/22/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

I've been trying to think of the right good memory. I have lots that I want to hold onto and I should write about them all, really. I could go for many pages on the day I was knighted, the festivals at the Twainfort with the Rivens during the high-water season, or merry nights with my friends and my love over the past two years in this city. I've been thinking a lot about family of late, though, so I'll go back farther than all that to what seems like the beginning. This memory isn't as sharp as some. I was so young, it's one of those times that lives in the mind like a dream I can sort of half-recall and half-touch. But the feeling of it is strong with me.

My father died when I was very young, so my impressions of all of us together are few. There are some that still live in my heart, though, and this is one such. We were on the shores of the river where my tribe, the Greenwoods, lived and hunted that summer. My parents had taken my sister, Evona, and I to the water to start teaching us to swim. I remember being frightened at first. It was cold and my kicking feet could not feel the bottom, and I coughed and sputtered as I fumbled in the shallows. My father's hands never let me sink, though. They were strong and showed me how to keep myself afloat in the water. I remember my sister cackling and splashing me. She was a brat. And I remember being scolded by my mother after Evona and I got in a fight (about her being a brat) and tried to dunk each other under. We ended up laughing, for all that, and drying in the warm sun by the shore while my mother sang the old songs, and my father fished for our dinner.

It was a good day and a good memory, and I thank Lady Khanne for prompting me to share it with Vellichor for all time.

Written By Victus

Jan. 29, 2018, 8:48 p.m.(1/22/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

When you eventually put a ring on somebody's finger, you'll understand the joy that comes from embarrassing them in the public eye. It's a less sweaty version of battering in the arena.

Written By Merek

Jan. 29, 2018, 8:47 p.m.(1/22/1008 AR)

More people seem to be interested in my wares, so I should try working with some new ones when I can. Also, I think I will make some tea and coffee with it to sell.

Written By Ida

Jan. 29, 2018, 8:29 p.m.(1/22/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

You mentioned how all Valardins seem so tall! Upon meeting Thorley, I believe? I, too, am a vaguely tall Valardin! So I was trying to think of something clever to say about it, but...well. I'm better with hammer and fist than quippery, apparently.

Hooray! At first I was unsure about the colors of the chairs, but they rather grew on me! There are baskets underneath to hold bottles, too. Just saying.

Written By Orathy

Jan. 29, 2018, 8:14 p.m.(1/22/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

Get yer fucking marriage drivel off the white pages. Reckon just talk to the woman.
Fucking shit, you make me want to thrash ya in the ring.

Written By Victus

Jan. 29, 2018, 8:04 p.m.(1/22/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

I'll find a person good with clothes to put together something sexy for next year.

Not for you, for me. I've never worn something 'sexy', but I kinda wanna try.

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