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Written By Isabeau

March 29, 2018, 3:51 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

It has been established that hiring a Champion, especially from the Guild, is not only an acceptable means of answering a challenge between the nobility, but it is, in fact, the preferred protocol for answering a challenge over what appears to be little more than a difference of opinion on behavior in a bath house. If the Sword of any House feels that their honor requires them to stand for themselves against said Champion, that is their prerogative. However, I question the honor of any Sword who would bring the heirloom weapon of his House into the squared circle to settle a personal grudge.

Of course, it also appears that those of us who stand as the Princes and Princesses of our various Great Houses could collectively use another lesson or two in etiquette, as recent wars waged have seemingly blinded us to the responsibilities of our stations, as we are meant to serve as the models and standard-bearers of our High Lords and the King. Ill-mannered men and women make for poor role models. If you are skilled in these matters and happen to be browsing my Whites, please contact me via messenger at your convenience.

Written By Ardoin

March 29, 2018, 3:51 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

So. I realize that this is all very entertaining, but apologies do need to be made.

I apologize that anyone should have to read this drivel.

I apologize that Prince Barric feels the need to issue a challenge before even asking Lady Lavinia if she was in any way offended by my picking her up out of the bath. Not that she was, but why retract something when you can double down?

I apologize that Prince Barric feels that the Lady Lavinia, despite being advisor to her House, doesn't understand "our culture or our ways." Although truly, I didn't understand his bizarre, wrathful need to issue a challenge on her behalf without asking her, so I guess I don't understand said culture either.

I apologize that Prince Barric seems to have an anger management issue, and that I gave him somewhere to vent it while joking around with my close friend.

I apologize that Prince Barric doesn't recall that my -admittedly- crude words and insults came after he threw down his ridiculous challenge, whereupon I did lose my temper in the face of utter farcical madness.

I apologize that Prince Barric needs to impress a woman he showed interest in by beating on his chest most ferociously!

I apologize to Lady Lavinia and Marquessa Dominique for having to witness such an exhausting bit of machismo.

Oh. And I apologize for offering to emasculate him after said challenge. That was a bit too far.

Written By Dominique

March 29, 2018, 3:51 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

As someone who was there, the only thing that stood out in my mind which made my own jaw drop in shock and terror was when Prince Ardoin insinuated that cutting off Prince Barric's "masculine bits" would be for the good for House Grayson is where a line was crossed.

Anything prior was definitely something Princess Reese, Lady Lavinia, and I could handle ourselves.

Hopefully the court of public opinion does not judge either men too heavily. It was a heated moment and we are all creatures of passion at times. I find both princes still to be utterly respectable and model scions of their houses.

Written By Barric

March 29, 2018, 3:38 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

Of course Prince Ardoin has the right to call for a Champion, as do I. However given that Prince Ardoin took pains to make a point that /he/ was going to be the one to emasculate me, seems hardly fitting to not step up to the challenge myself should he wish it. I even informed him that the House Sword would not be whom he was facing, which is, of course, myself.

As much as I might wish it to be otherwise, it is best I personally do not step foot in the challenge given the base and crude words Prince Ardoin used in his emphatic attempt to cast aversion upon me.

However, for any misunderstanding, or poor choice of words regarding my Challenge, I apologize. I was of course impassioned by the offense being offered me and others.

Should Prince Ardoin offer a true apology for his actions, and his words, I would consider the matter settled.

Written By Fairen

March 29, 2018, 3:30 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

You pose a good point, Dame Thena.

Please allow me to rectify the situation by identifying a lack of understanding of the entire situation. Clarity from all sides interests me.

Written By Thena

March 29, 2018, 3:27 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Fairen

Why Prince Barric? Why not Lady Lavinia? What I find interesting is that you imply that the ladies did not give the Prince their consent to pursue a grievance...yet you don’t ask them for their side of the story.

Written By Fairen

March 29, 2018, 3:20 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Samantha

I think what I find most interesting about the entire situation is, not only how the Prince stands in defense of these Ladies (whether with their consent or not, I'm uncertain), but also how he has edged onto the possibility of insulting our tradition of calling for champions to fight in our stead by implying that Prince Ardoin would possess any less honor for not standing in the ring himself.

It is all very curious, and to sate my own curiosity, please allow me to humbly request that Prince Barric clarify the situation further for the record.

Written By Samantha

March 29, 2018, 3:18 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Dominique

That depends entirely on how tight the cut of his jib is.

Written By Dominique

March 29, 2018, 3:16 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

Well it seems like what happened at the Grotto will be the talk of the town, at least until Barric wears his new outfit.

Written By Samantha

March 29, 2018, 2:56 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

Oh oh OH.

Well. The questions still stand, but in reverse.

Written By Samantha

March 29, 2018, 2:56 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

I am very confused by the most recent challenge.

Did Barric do something to someone without their consent? Were the women present unable to speak for or defend themselves? Did any of them state a desire for a challenge to be issued? If they did, why didn't they do so themselves? Gods know Reese is more than capable of handing Barric's ass to him.

But he is the Sword of Grayson, so I suppose it'll work itself out one way or another.

Written By Barric

March 29, 2018, 2:16 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ardoin

It does not matter what sort of 'friend' you are with someone. To conduct yourself in such fashion in public is an insult to your station and looks badly upon all of us. Contrary to your belief, the Grotto is not some 'free for all' location where you can behave in uncouth matter. The complete lack of civility you put forth in front of all is a shame for any to have witnessed.

I deeply regret that my cousin, Princess Reese Grayson, Marquessa Dominique Wyrmguard, and Lady Lavinia Rivenshari had to witness or hear such lowborn and crass words as spoken by you, a 'Prince' of such a noble and Royal House.

It is my hope that when the duel is concluded you will have seen the error of your ways.

Written By Cassius

March 29, 2018, 1:43 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene

To be fair, the exact words I used were "chuck you out the nearest window". And that was after a threat or two on your end, I believe. Something about laughter at my state of dress. I did say I would try and aim for the window above our pool.

Written By Eirene

March 29, 2018, 1:33 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

I would threaten to go to the Pravus ball to point and laugh at certain things but I've been told I'll be forcibly ejected if I do.

I may have to try it anyhow.

Written By Gwenna

March 29, 2018, 1:29 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Agatha

I have an amazing array of the most wonderful cousins, truly. Each so skilled and special in their own way, but snowballs. My cousin Princess Agatha? She brings me such great happiness and delight with the sheer act of living as she does. She seems to embrace each day, perhaps even each minute, with an enthusiasm I near envy. She is a living, breathing spirit of pure joy and passion that I do think I would take up a spear to attempt to protect, though she would hardly need me to. I felt the need to note how very, very grateful I am that I can call her family, and how fiercely happy I am that she came to Arx to join us. She is a gift.

Written By Mirari

March 29, 2018, 1:11 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

I'm not surprised, but I am amused.

Written By Joscelin

March 29, 2018, 12:33 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Saya

Don't buy her work.

No really, don't.

I'm going to buy it all.

Written By Genevieve

March 29, 2018, 12:19 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

I considered expressing regret and shame at my undignified behavior the other night, but I did what I did and there's no taking it back now. I can live with that. I would however like to make my apologies to anyone I may have directly or indirectly mistreated during the event. It wasn't my intention to cause harm or offense, and I can say that with certainty despite having few memories of the night in question.

A good deal of what I do recall was extremely hilarious, that being said.

Written By Agatha

March 29, 2018, 12:14 p.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Veronica

I will be happy to keep working with you so that we can thrash many people together in the future! Just wait until you get to spar with Echo, or Marian, or Reese though! They're my heroes. It's AMAZING*! Like watching people from your favorite stories out there. **Sound of SIGH**

But you should look for me in the mornings, running around the city. I will try to go through the Oathlander district more. Listen for all the kids chasing me, then you can join me. Help me make them strong little Bears! I would be honored.

*I am told that no, Princess, we should not use thirty A's in Amazing
**Scholar attempts to convey the big, dreamy eyed long and noisy sigh that escaped there.

Written By Veronica

March 29, 2018, 11:47 a.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Agatha

I have decided Princess Agatha Redrain is my favorite princess.

Granted I have not met a lot of princesses in Arx, but the Red Bear princess is the first one to thrash me on the proving grounds, so that makes her my favorite.

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