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Written By Valery

April 9, 2017, 3:32 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

I wasn't expecting to end up making masks. Or perfumes.
I wasn't expecting to work on poisons.
Or to change bandages.

Instead, I haven't mixed a tea in a long while...

Written By Ailys

April 9, 2017, 3:16 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

Whomever is threatening our family better back off. We will find you and punish you. Do not harass my brother.

Written By Leola

April 9, 2017, 2:17 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

I was pleased to note that Lord and Lady Greenmarch are more than skilled, as one would expect of Champions and warrior nobility, as Bringers sought to ambush us. My voice rang out, and Brier showed her mettle, Joslyn was skilled; and I must remember to write to Lord Fiachra and thank him for his archery lessons, which less than a day later proved so important and vital.

Written By Octavia

April 9, 2017, 2:13 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

The laconic Grayson. He'll need some work, I think, but he'll make a suitable clerk for now, and may make an excellent magistrate in the future.

Written By Aureth

April 9, 2017, 2:09 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

I don't know that I have the hang of this sermonizing thing yet, but I wrote a letter this morning that I'm modifying to give to the White, because I think it is a sentiment worth saving. Especially since I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to write some prayers.

So, if you are reading this:

There is one godsgiven gift that each of you has.

You have a soul. It was formed and spun from the blood of a goddess. It is unique, individual, a seed of identity behind your eyes, the bedrock of your very self. She built it from her own self and she spun it into the weave of life. I don't know if this is your first life or not, but in the end, it doesn't matter. A new soul, an old soul: she created it, she shaped it, she loves it. She started you on your path.

Your choices brought you to where you are now, and your choices will shape the rest of your life, the memories that will sink deep into your soul stuff. When you act as leader to your people, as a captain to your soldiers, as lover to your lovers, as child to your parents, as a person among people, or as hero to the Compact -- if you do any of those things -- those are threads of something great that become part of who and what you are, on a level beneath your mind, on a level beyond your memory. When you die, the Queen of Endings will gather you up into her hands, and send you on: to wait in the Shining Lands, until you are again needed for her weave, for life, for the unknown future; or to send you on into Elysium, your journeys done, your story complete.

She will guard you and keep you safe, that soul of hers that she wove. She will protect your place upon the Wheel. It is hers to do so, and no other's. She will not squander you. You have value.

As long as we can defend Her and Her City from those that would unmake the world and destroy Her.

Written By Estaban

April 9, 2017, 2:05 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

What's the miracle, if life itself is not?
Who am I to praise it's worth
With a hymn??
I may stumble over words that I forgot,
Just as life itself will slowly begin.

I'm sceptical, I like my glass of wine,
I don't know your name, or what I am to do.
One day you'll wonder why I read between the lines,
And you will sing for me, the way I sang for you.

So another page is turned,
Pray I understand what's happening,
But if anything, I do know this,
I'll be the best I can.

Sing me a song like the angels rejoice,
Sing me an anthem of life.

Written By Percephon

April 9, 2017, 1:27 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

One lesson I have all my would be students -- even if they wouldn't call themselves that -- go through is a lesson on the nature of truth. While it's always been an element I've greatly enjoyed the debate on, recent events have cast it yet again in a new light for me. The deceptions of Bringers in our midst, the divine concealed only to be revealed once more, and the nature of relationships and how the same common thread between two people can be seen by them in such different ways.

The truth never changes, and we seldom ever see it whole and naked. Our bias, our perceptions, our knowledge means what we think we know as the truth isn't accurate. As we grow and peel back the layers of reality to get closer and closer still to truth, it doesn't change... but our views do. And then? We have a choice to make. To continue to live as we had, which would now be a lie, or to embrace it and live with the consequences. The latter is never an easy road, and we might think we continue to live with the lie to make it easier on others. But that's not living, not truly, and what we do? We deny those around us the chance to make their own choices by continuing that lie.

To us, the world is changing, but I wonder if it is... or are we just getting closer to the truth of what has always been out there.

Written By Ariel

April 9, 2017, 1:23 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

come dance with me.
Drink in the passion of the dance
from a cup that will never empty.
Be as one with me
Inseparable in the rhythm
each so tightly held
nothing can part
swaying in pure love,
till all time...

Written By Ariel

April 9, 2017, 1:19 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

without music,
just sand between our toes,
swaying in rhythm to the sound
of waves.

Written By Ariel

April 9, 2017, 1:17 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

We dance for laughter,
We dance for tears,
We dance for madness,
We dance for fears,
We dance for hope,
We dance for screams,

We are the dancers,
We create the dreams

Written By Caelis

April 9, 2017, 1:14 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

Another bloody scuffle, another brush with death.

So much to train in still, I am always amazed at the skill and ease other soldiers have. There in lies the peril. There is so much I want to learn about and do, my time feels woefully divided. Still, I'll embrace the challenge. I would rather live more, and learn more than hone in on one talent alone. Life requires more balance than that.

May your hopes find safe harbors.

Written By Ariel

April 9, 2017, 1:13 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

The world Is your playground
The moon's smiling at you
Life is tremendously short
You are an imperfect creature

Written By Ariel

April 9, 2017, 1:10 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

Happy dancing feet
Never stopping when you play
Drumming out each beat

Written By Estaban

April 9, 2017, 12:45 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

Hear my promise of blistering light
Sowing a rose of obsidian
My dear I promise
Death comes to all
In a heartbeat only silence
Let's play with the fire that runs in our veins
Trust in the might of a miracle
Now winter has come and I'll stand in the snow
I don't feel the cold
And it's all that I will ever need to believe

One day I know we will meet again
In the shade of a life to die for
Watching the world through the eyes of a child in Elysium
Will I know you then?

Now bring down your fortress and swallow your pride
Don't break in your moments of ignorance
Existence will capture a spark of life
Just a fragment, but it's all that I will ever need to revive

One day I know we will meet again
In the shade of a life to die for
Watching the world through the eyes of a child in Elysium
Will I find you there in that darkness
Of the shadow that comes over all?
Dear friend will I know you then?
Will I know you then at all?

Written By Estaban

April 9, 2017, 12:33 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcelia

She has forgiven me, the one thing that means most is back in my life but why does it not feel the same? Why does it feel like I am on the out side now looking in and it will never be the same.

Perhaps after time, but do we have time? If the gods are showing themselves to us and giving us gifts to help win this fight are we really going to have long? I guess all we can do is live day to day and make the best of it.

Thank you my sweet sister for forgiving me even if I do not always deserve it.

Written By Tikva

April 9, 2017, 11:56 a.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

A reprise? A sequel?? A canto! I hope to sing the whole damn thing at the wedding!

Princess Ribbons rode to war
boldest, with esprit de corps
conquering hearts left and right
as she raised her shining blade to fight!

But the lady took no prisoners
With no more than a glance in particular;
She was matchless, unattached
While those Bringers she dispatched

None could claim her, nor dared try
’Twas the fire in those bright blue eyes
While she blew ‘em apart, cut ‘em in half
Smashed ‘em flat and crushed the chaff—

But a stalwart warrior like our heroine
Need not stand alone, nor no fellow win;
You see, all a girl like that’s gotta do is ask
And her boy’s gonna to do any wooer’s task

So who would Princess Ribbons claim
but the rascalliest blade you could name,
that brightest spark of the Champions’ Guild
whose name many a singer’s tongue has thrilled?

The slipperiest Prince of the Mirrorguard
Prob’ly oiled up for her bright regard
the finest Lycene swordsmanship might
be a sweet dower for her bridely delight.

Their swords will dazzle, pink and black
While they’re slaying foes back to back
Princess Ribbons rode to war, my dear,
and snatched herself a pretty cavalier.

Written By Juliet

April 9, 2017, 11:35 a.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

The gods are making themselves known among us. I heard it said, yesterday - We lost her, and she lost us, we found her, and now... Now she has found us.

They were talking about the Queen of Endings, the Mother of Beginnings. She appeared before a crowd of mourners, celebrating the lives of those lost.

She elevated her chosen one.

I've said before that my life has taken the strangest turns. Not only in the things I have experienced, but in what I have witnessed.

I like it.

Written By Joslyn

April 9, 2017, 11:04 a.m.(3/27/1006 AR)

Life is a river, with many paths to choose along the way. Once a direction has been chosen, there can be no going back, but just because the fork was large, and took you in a direction you never expected, it doesn't mean you can't choose the rest of the forks. There will always be decisions to make, and where those decisions lead is up to you.

Written By Orathy

April 9, 2017, 10:55 a.m.(3/27/1006 AR)

*Writing is improving or it's one's imagination that is seeing it better written*

Be closa ta findin answers.

Be comin with a cost.

Time ta drink me face off.

Written By Zhayla

April 9, 2017, 9:29 a.m.(3/27/1006 AR)

Death's Sword, Aislin called it. Him. A servant of Death and a warrior on the side of good. I saw him save people last night, more than once. And I saw him fight the Bringers and their forces.

So maybe that's all true, and the ... person, I guess ... fights on the same side as us, but he still makes me really, really, really uncomfortable.

Then again, death's never been very comfortable. It might be natural, sometimes it might be expected, and sometimes it could even be a relief in the face of suffering -- but it's never comfortable. Even knowing that there might be a beginning again.... So much ends with death, and there's such an awful stillness to the bodies left when the souls have moved on. I've never been comfortable looking back at the bodies of those I killed, even knowing I've done it for the best of reasons to defend the Compact.

The way he forms, too: out of dust, coming together in the air, just makes me think of the way those people Brand attacked just ... shattered into ashes and were gone. Ugh. Sorry, Queen, but your servant is Reall Creepy.

I wonder how Aureth feels about death. Death, capital D? From the looks of the rest of the journals I glanced at, he had quite an adventure the other day. Can he find it comfortable? Is it supposed to be? I should ask what he thinks, maybe, but I don't think death I ever want to get too comfortable with death. Not when I too often end up delivering it. I'd rather feel the weight of it. I dread the day I don't.

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