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Written By Talen

Sept. 24, 2017, 8:02 p.m.(4/11/1007 AR)

Baby Donato rolled over today. He is essentially a ninja. Watch out, Mirrorguard.

Written By Oliver

Sept. 24, 2017, 8 p.m.(4/11/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Sometimes, we all need a little reminder of what it is we're living for.

Written By Eleyna

Sept. 24, 2017, 8 p.m.(4/11/1007 AR)

I praise the Faith for seeing the sense in perhaps taking a bit of a less... black and white view of the Laws of Limerance. Finally, we can begin to make progress.

Written By Oliver

Sept. 24, 2017, 7:59 p.m.(4/11/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Petal

Mistress Petal has one of the purest hearts I've ever seen in a person. I think that's important, to have a big heart and a desire to make a difference in the world. I think she's going to achieve much in her life, and I'm glad to know her.

Written By Oliver

Sept. 24, 2017, 7:56 p.m.(4/11/1007 AR)

I've seen a lot of weird shit in my day. Usually it was 'cause I was piss drunk and rum tends to do funny things to your vision when you've had a bit too much. But I was stone sober on the beach. And what I saw there was probably the strangest thing I've ever seen in my life.

But it was all for good, I think. The shrine looks even more beautiful than it did before. And I'm happy to be apart of it.

Give Her your best.

Written By Merek

Sept. 24, 2017, 7:35 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

I am wondering what new things to make for the shoppe. It will either be new alcohol, or just things that people might want at home.

Written By Alexis

Sept. 24, 2017, 7:05 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

The Laws of Limerance have changed, and it's not, admittedly, something I know a lot about.

But I have seen things that are hard to explain, both good and bad. And I am curious to see what wiser heads than mine will make of all of this.

Written By Alexis

Sept. 24, 2017, 7:03 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Neve

Lady Neve Greenmarch is many, many things. Not all of them are complimentary, but she'll tell you about those herself - or at least she has when I've spoken to her.

She is passionate and impulsive, and funny and clever. And she confuses a poor knight with the way her thoughts move. But in a good way. I like being confused by Lady Neve.

She holds to old gods and old ways, and it's interesting to see up close. I do not think it clashes with the Pantheon. I think they are complimentary.

Thank you, Lady Neve.

Written By Alexis

Sept. 24, 2017, 7 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Margot

At the behest of Princess Fatima, I'd gone with Duchess Margot Tyde to protect her while she went on a diplomatic mission. It was thankfully a task wherein my talents where not overly needed. I stood with Sir Tarrant Moore, and the Duchess spoke convincingly enough to gather us allies.

One man did not join us, having sworn himself beyond death to the Gyre. A young man chastised us for letting him have his way - drowning himself. Saying that now he'd belong to the Deeps forever.

I suppose I will know, if I am to serve as executioner, not to do such a thing again.

Written By Mia

Sept. 24, 2017, 6:56 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

I have been remiss in my journal-keeping as of late, and for that I owe apologies -- to the scribes and to the Archives, I suppose, more than anyone else. In truth, I write out of a sense of duty, to both history and the Faith alike. I can hardly imagine anyone else reads these things; my tales are rarely interesting enough ones to tell.

-- Save, perhaps, for this week past. As many others have written, there was an art show held in the Shrine of the First Choice, hosted by Archlector Aleksei Morgan and Prince Mason Grayson, featuring the art of Master Fortunato Grayhope. (And an anonymous artist as well, though being anonymous, they can hardly be named, can they?)

I commend them all for their efforts, particularly their intentions with the funds raised, which -- as I understand it -- are rather substantial. Their cause is a noble one and I applaud them whole-heartedly for it. But if I am to sing any particular praises regarding the show, it is those of Master Grayhope. I could, of course, speak highly of his talents with a brush, as he has many. Despite the sweeping narrative of his subject, each scene was rendered with such exacting detail as to trick the eyes, and seem almost, almost, as though the viewer had seen it herself. But in truth, many artists can render a subject faithfully.

What made Master Grayhope's series so remarkable was that it achieved the greatest, noblest aim of any art -- it inspired true feelings. Raw, unadulterated feelings, which swept me up in a fury far stronger than I care to admit. And I know I was not the only one, based on the conversations which I overheard. In this case, the feelings were revulsion, horror, pity -- as they should be, for slavery is a revolting, horrible, piteous condition for any living thing to endure. I hope that, like the ripples in a pond, the effect of his work spreads outwards across the city. I hope it opens even more eyes and hearts than it did purses. I hope it brings change for the better, for the sake of the lowest among us, and perhaps for all our souls.

Written By Archeron

Sept. 24, 2017, 6:53 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Margot

Home safe and sound - and with more vassals. A good piece of work cousin.

Written By Archeron

Sept. 24, 2017, 6:35 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Lethe

It is good to have you in the city and around, sister. Though, maybe we should find you someone handsome and suitably born to marry. Ducal family at least, of course. Nothing but the best for dear old sister of mine.

Written By Preston

Sept. 24, 2017, 6:32 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Orazio

So Father Orazio has decided to make changes to the 4th Law of Limerance. I cannot say I agree - and I worry that the quick method may have repercussions for the Faith. But. I am a simple Templar and he is a legate, and his wisdom has often proved greater than mine. I trust in the Gods to guide us, and I pray that people still act with caution and calmness.

Written By Eilonwy

Sept. 24, 2017, 6:30 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

Survived Maelstrom. Only problem is now I'm at a loss with what to do with myself. I have found I enjoyed working as a combat healer, but now we're out of combat and home, so what do I do with myself?

Written By Arianna

Sept. 24, 2017, 6:09 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Denica

"Paint me like one of your Lycene girls."

Written By Caelis

Sept. 24, 2017, 4:15 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

I admire your strength. Every reason to be angry and let that anger rule but instead duty and honor continue to guide you. I am so proud of you. Handsome, honorable, considerate, you're a wonderful leader.

I hope you'll remember all the nice things I've said when the puppy needs to go out and potty at's cold out there still!

Written By Ariella

Sept. 24, 2017, 1:58 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

I have arrived in the Arx again, a break from the boring merchant escorts, and perhaps with the craziness in the seas I might be able to stay here for a while, keeping the Red Bargain on hand should any trouble come up. A good warship is always nice to have about, afterall.

Lucita has taken be about the city, introducing me to fine places, and fine folk, it has been quite a busy few days, but quite fun! I always love coming to this city, especially when it's not the middle of winter!

Written By Calandra

Sept. 24, 2017, 1:50 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

I have bought a house. It is nothing particularly special, but it is in the Lower Boroughs, near the family's Den. It will be nice to have a more private space to go to from time to time, though it won't be nearly as comfortable as my home in the Whisper House! I can't wait to show it to Mae!

Written By Calandra

Sept. 24, 2017, 1:48 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

It is hard to imagine all of the stories coming out of the fighting at Maelstrom are true. Monsters? The Dead? I am thankful so many have returned safe and sound, but I wonder what the future holds for us!

Written By Nisaa

Sept. 24, 2017, 1:19 p.m.(4/10/1007 AR)

There is much to be said about what can be conveyed in the gaze of a person. Some peoples say that the eyes are windows to the soul. This, I am believing, is true. I am also of believing that the eyes can often tell the tale of our innermost thoughts. Thoughts and souls may not always be in the tandem of things. A person can be having villainous thoughts, but be the bearer of a 'good' soul.

I have been witness to such an intense gaze recently, that in only a few moments, it spoke an entire story, and left me with quite the suspenseful hanging from the cliff. Is that the correct cliche? I am of certain that anyone who reads this might know what I mean.

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