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Written By Eleanor

Jan. 9, 2018, 3:46 p.m.(12/8/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Leona

Sometimes I feel like a baby duckling, following the Lord Commander around with wide puppy dog eyes. I'm mixing my metaphors, but it's how I've felt, training under her the past years. Something has changed, now that I'm a knight in my own right. She's shoving me lovingly out of the nest, to continue (half of) the metaphor. It's thrilling and terrifying to have her treat me as a near equal, these days. There couldn't be a better Commander to serve and I'll do whatever it takes to live up to her expectations.

Written By Eleanor

Jan. 9, 2018, 3:41 p.m.(12/8/1007 AR)


It's difficult to wrap my head around it, entirely. I know I've done well, and succeeded in the tasks the Lord Commander has put before me so far, but I'm also still so young. It's hard not to notice the ways I'm sometimes singled out sometimes, but I suppose that's a thought for another day.

For today, I will work hard to live up to the Lord Commander's faith in me.

And I will think about how proud it would've made my father.

Written By Cirroch

Jan. 9, 2018, 1:07 p.m.(12/7/1007 AR)

A few days ago we held a causal dinner and drinks between The Halfshav and Sanna, hosted by my sister Tila. It was a wonderful dinner with a roasted pig and plenty of drinks, particularity whiskey. We laughed, we learned, we sung praises to each other, and overall it was a good event. I hope we have more of them soon.

Written By Caspian

Jan. 9, 2018, 1:01 p.m.(12/7/1007 AR)

When I woke up this morning I was possessed by an idea, or more like a dream. I should aim to become Gandmaster or Peerless of The Champions. Now, I know this is a long off thing, I am but a new duelist who has only fought one duel in his whole life, exluding any exhibition matches. But what is life without a dream? Maybe some day. I think I can do it, each day I grow stronger, faster, smarter then the last. I just need chances to prove myself to Arx.

Written By Corban

Jan. 9, 2018, 12:55 p.m.(12/7/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Leona

I always find a conversation with the Lord Commander clarifying and informative. Choices must be made, and our discussion has helped me understand that necessity and fortify me for the inevitability of doing so.

Written By Orazio

Jan. 9, 2018, 12:54 p.m.(12/7/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

A noble who has time to cook for themselves on a regular basis is a noble who is spending too much time avoiding their actual duties.

I remember my father's daily routine, which usually involved getting up before dawn to visit the vines and check on the holdings most vulnerable to thieves and natural disasters. Assuming nothing had broken or been stolen, there were audiences most of the day with those who needed the aid and support of their liege, and then answering correspondences from other barons, requests from his liege, or consulting with the household staff on the various entertainments that a noble is expected to provide - hunts, balls, luncheons, etc. My mother was typically better at numbers, and enjoyed martial training a bit more than my father, so she spent most of her day handling the family's financial obligations and making sure that alms were distributed to those in need, as well as training the house guard and taking the lead on deploying guardsmen to deal with small incursions of bandits and raiders. They both had hundreds of people in their care, many of whom wished to speak to them at length about issues that, while they might have seemed small in the moment, could have great repercussions for the future - a squabble between farmers could easily become a murder or series of raids if left to fester, and a notification about a small crack in an irrigation canal could lead to an entire field's crop lost if not repaired.

Admittedly, my parents were the heads of the house, and our demesne was small enough that there was a limit on the staff we could afford to handle some of this. I certainly had more leisure time than either of them, but even then, that leisure was expected to be used in ways that benefited the House and my people - training, learning about our major exports and economic needs, handling minor conflicts and inquiries by vassals, and building relationships with other nobles of a similar station. Sometimes, those personal relationships are all that stand between a border war that kills hundreds.

For the record, as a young noble of the Lyceum, I also had a valet to help me dress and do other supportive tasks. Fashion, particularly formal fashion, is often designed to require a second pair of hands (or the unnatural ability to reach to the middle of your own back) in order to put it on correctly and without tearing something painfully expensive. For that matter, I often have someone do likewise of a morning in my current duties. A Legate of the Faith should never look disheveled, which means trusting an expert to make sure that I don't. I also do not do my own laundry, make my own bed, or clean my own rooms, and I am grateful and thankful for those who do such things for me. In turn, the Church compensates them well, and I try to make sure that the things I do honor and protect them.

Written By Alis

Jan. 9, 2018, 12:48 p.m.(12/7/1007 AR)

This week has been busier then I anticipated, and I know there are several of you that I need to make the time to speak to. I have not forgotten you! There may, however, be jam-handprints and dried oatmeal on several of the messages that I saved to re-read before any of said meetings.

So please don't hesitate to send me reminders.

Written By Alis

Jan. 9, 2018, 12:45 p.m.(12/7/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Caelis

I have shoes ready, to help remind him!

Written By Caelis

Jan. 9, 2018, 12:20 p.m.(12/7/1007 AR)

I had meant to come and write about my daily rides with Semiramis, but find myself quite distraught. Perhaps a trip home is due, so my husband does not forget he married a women of Southport. Perhaps it's the baby but I miss my people. I wish my mother were still here to help me with the baby when it comes. Today my thoughts are troubled, perhaps I've been in the city too long.

May your hopes find safe harbors.

Written By Harlan

Jan. 9, 2018, 11:37 a.m.(12/7/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

There are these people. They cook things. They do it for money. They're called...I believe...cooks.

I believe I have one of these?

Written By Derovai

Jan. 9, 2018, 11:35 a.m.(12/7/1007 AR)

Had a few particularly interesting meetings over the past few days upon popping my head up again, with a few particularly interesting parties, from cheap beer to rarities and rare teas. I'm curious to see how it will all pan out, but I've got my eyes and ears open nonetheless. The sermon I attended was illuminating indeed, given my past interactions with those more devout than I. Sadly, I couldn't coax Dame Thena into attending the service as well. More's the pity. I have every faith (ha) she would have found it quite interesting indeed.

Written By Agnarr

Jan. 9, 2018, 11 a.m.(12/7/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

Wood stoves are a pain to keep in the city. Most folk opt for the pot shops. Silks and fat merchants are luckier. The villa feeds me.

In the field, it's whatever you catch or gather, and a bit of hard-baked bread and salted pork or beef that needs soaking for hours before you get enough salt out that it's edible. If you're lucky, you might get vegetables and portable soup. If not, you'll get the most shite, inedible cut, with not a bit of fat on it.

Good stuff, that portable soup. Always have some.

Written By Edain

Jan. 9, 2018, 10:48 a.m.(12/7/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

That is actually a little bit misleading. While it's true we don't really do our own cooking at home, in the field we cook a good little bit. Especially when with the army on a campaign, or when taking time to be an errant knight.

Of course I can't follow an actual recipe or use an oven properly know what pot I should use in an actual kitchen. That said, if I do say so myself, during the Tor-Southport War when our daily ration was a pound of beef and a pound of flower I learned to make a pretty good 'beefy pudding.'

Of course Valen always claimed it tasted like clammy, moldy feet, but I still think it is more of an indictment of him that he recognizes that taste than it is of my cooking

Written By Quenia

Jan. 9, 2018, 10:45 a.m.(12/7/1007 AR)

*scrawled in one of the pages of Quenia's journal*

Things To Do This Week:

1) Check on the vintners to see how they are progressing on the new wine for Lady Monique and Lord Corban's Glittering Gala.
2) Find Luis for a swords lesson.
3) Buy chew toys for Ruby. Lots of chew toys. So MANY chew toys. Did I mention the chew toys?
4) Work on plans for a Winter Ball - replacing the idea of a Fall Ball.
5) Paperwork. Paperwork. Paperwork.
6) Possibly chew toys for Golden too. Don't think Lucita will want her lutes to become such toys for her new pup. Maybe double the amount of Ruby, as he's a boy.

Written By Sparte

Jan. 9, 2018, 10:30 a.m.(12/7/1007 AR)

I had no idea that nobles don't typically cook for themselves. I'm not sure what else they do differently than common folk. I'm feeling rather daft about the whole of it, maybe I should talk to a whisper. They're supposed to know this stuff.

Written By Thena

Jan. 9, 2018, 9:53 a.m.(12/7/1007 AR)

The Knights of Solace are mustering all nearby agents to the landing points of the Eastern enemy's fleets; Crovane, the Lyceum, Darkwater Watch and Arx. They will be providing aid both spiritual and material, preparing citizens for evacuating the affected areas or outlasting a siege situation if necessary, supporting the Mercies and physicians and serving as a defensive force to help protect the citizens of Arvum. Other Solace agents across Arvum will be temporarily expanding their routes so that all travelers will still be able to count on their protection.

As we face this near-unprecedented situation, I ask for the patience and help of the Compact. Attempting to move and protect so many people will take time and patience and resources. I know we are all trying to look after our own, but any goods or services you can provide will be appreciated more than I can possibly say. If you'd like to pledge help or have any concerns about these efforts please do not hesitate to contact me. I am anxious to ensure that the actions of the Silver Order compliment the strategies of others (OOC: An action is forthcoming!). Gild's blessing is upon those who encourage charity and the prosperity of our Compact.

Walk in the Light,

Dame Thena Grayhope, Acting Commander and Adjutant Officer to Grandmaster Armel Godsworn
Knights of Solace

Written By Lou

Jan. 9, 2018, 8:59 a.m.(12/7/1007 AR)

Mason and I have an expedition for the Explorers to go on. It'll be interesting to see who volunteers to go. He's made the announcement already, and I've put him in charge - since this one is his baby.

I've also let the other Explorer's know that I'm leading them now. It's weird to consider myself the Pathfinder, after Aislin was for so long. My first task will be to name some First Seekers and to bolster the ranks of the Seekers, as some of our members have moved on to the Wheel. I'm keeping watch on the group we have, to see who shines brightest as leadership material.

Written By Derovai

Jan. 9, 2018, 12:25 a.m.(12/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aerandir

Smarter than he looks, underneath all that armor -- and not all of it literal.

Written By Artur

Jan. 8, 2018, 9:08 p.m.(12/6/1007 AR)

At the top of today's entry is a sketch done in charcoal. It's been done rather quickly, though it's clear that some effort has been made after the fact to go back and add detail and shading, meaning that the finished piece is actually rather good. It depicts a tavern, though most of the patrons have been redrawn as a selection of trolls and ogres and goblins and orcs and things with broad muscles and jagged teeth and hair where there oughtn't to be hair. They all seem quite genial, though there's the definite air things could erupt into a brawl at any given moment.

Beneath, a few lines of text have been added.

"Met Lady Barbrey Blackwood at The Spirits today. She seems nice, if a little fierce. I showed her what I was drawing and she seemed to find it pretty funny. funny. She misses the Northlands and I told her I haven't found any good trees to climb in the south yet."

Written By Sorrel

Jan. 8, 2018, 8:50 p.m.(12/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Astraea

Today I watched my dear friend Princess Astraea spar with Princess Marian in the training center and best her. It was an incredible fight. I feel honored to call such a fighter my friend. I also got to meet her younger sister Princess Echo, and I intend to call her a friend as well someday.

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