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Written By Hadrian

March 18, 2018, 5:47 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Terese

We often happily give gifts to those who befriend members of our family. The Hydra is thrilled to know that our gift was well received. It's only the polite and decent thing to do, when meeting a new friend. I think an Oathlander told me that once.

You should also visit for tea sometime soon!

Written By Joscelin

March 18, 2018, 5:47 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Saya

I have a collection of orphaned workers here at my shop, and while they said 'no' when I asked if they ran screaming from Saya's corner of the city, they looked way too happy to scrub forges and organize whatever mess I put to them.

What did you -tell- these guys?

Written By Leola

March 18, 2018, 5:34 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

I had - another - discussion on nobility recently, while I rested from a quick evening meal and visited the temple to offer my thanks for the day.

I realise I am a commoner, and this will not change. That is good, because I'm not suited to be a noble, and to lead. I know this, the same way I know Brier is my horse and Aletta my falcon, and Baron Estaban my lord.

I do not, though, understand why so many nobles ask me not to use their titles. It still baffles me.

Written By Leola

March 18, 2018, 5:27 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

I have been working in Setarco, to prepare the beaches against incoming troops. After the naval battle, the grand Duchess and the high Lord Victus Thrax both seem to think it will be more necessary than before the battle at sea, which we won.

That bothers me. Still, back to work.

Written By Aleksei

March 18, 2018, 5:24 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Armel

The first time I met Armel, I was becoming his family, and he had to decide whether or not to kill me on the spot for cursing at Father Orazio in the Cathedral.

We were wildly different people. But gods above, I really liked him. He wasn't just a great man and a courageous leader. I just really liked him.

I'll miss you, you grumpy Grandmaster.

Written By Caith

March 18, 2018, 5:08 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

People that I love -- some have come home, some are gone, some are still hang in the balance.

As present becomes history, war is remembered for the battles won and the heroic undertakings and sacrifices made to achieve them. However, right now? War is a list of names of people who do not get to return to their families, of orphans made, of lives changed forever.

And it aches.

Written By Wynna

March 18, 2018, 4:57 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

Bless her eyes for finding such a lovely new place. No more stairs to climb, is the best part.

Written By Rymarr

March 18, 2018, 4:54 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Emily

A private exchange was made in a personal letter. Allow me to make my views public, now.

You represented yourself, your House, and our people well. I'm sure there will be many stepping up to volunteer for the future of Old Oak's martial forces with you as their inspiration.

Consider my pride in your achievements public knowledge.

Written By Petra

March 18, 2018, 4:42 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

I like to stand in the city center and watch the flow of people going about their day, their movements through the area akin to currents in the river. What journeys are they on, I often find myself wondering.

I met two men there the other day. The first tucked his pain behind a smile, keeping it hidden from view. The other used his like a shield to push the entire world away. Which approach is right? Time will answer that question.

With war raging, I feel that there will be more of these wounded souls returning to us. More smiles that mask something deeper. More defensive aloofness used to erect a wall of solitude. How best to show compassion? How best to extend a hand?

I cannot say.

Written By Serafine

March 18, 2018, 4:28 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

Food's amazing. Woman's amazing. I like dragging her around the southern territories. Everything is new again because of her.

I can't complain. Is it wrong to feel so excited and content with my place in the world?

Written By Apollis

March 18, 2018, 4:23 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

So far this is my least favorite trip to Setarco. And I was kidnapped once.

Written By Eilonwy

March 18, 2018, 4:18 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

I did my best, for the wounded and the fleeing. I think I even managed to grow a little closer to a few people. I have never claimed for myself to be a shaman, but I think the spirits were on our side. Though there were even injuries among the healers, none were lost. Some had never seen the active face of battle, and still they stood fast. I have a great respect for the women that worked with me at Stormwall, for the things we saw would make any sane person flee and still even healers raised blade and bow to guard their charges and aid the fighting. I shall have to learn from this wisdom and work on my archery as well.

Written By Luca

March 18, 2018, 4:03 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

[ Sent northward, from Setarco: ]

I've put off writing thus far because I had an unsettled feeling that the battles to the south were not over, despite our decisive victory against part of the Gyre's fleet. To that end, I was right, it would seem. Sailors are having premonitions of a second attack, and Reveka Tyde has thrown her lot in with the fleets of the walking dead. Knowing what I know, I can understand why she would be righteously pissed off. Just because you're mad though, doesn't mean you get to kill more people. Too bad, so sad. You do lose a little of your moral high ground when you take up with emaciated sailors and ghost ships.

It's impossible to keep up with everything in the chaos of a battle, but in the streets of Setarco afterwards, in the drinking holes and even walking the decks of other ships from the Compact's fleet, the stories come out as people drink up and soak in the relief of having survived a deadly day. It was good to have a laugh with friends while we had the breathing room to do so, even if people were having arrows pulled out of them. Some more viciously than others.

Good men and women died in the first battle. They always do. I won't count or mourn the dead yet, because this isn't finished yet. I will mourn for my newly enforced sobriety now that things have grown dire again. I thought it was over. It is not. I'm writing this while perched on a crate of Setarco Fire.

As for those who still live, I have been greatly impressed with the courage and skill of many I've seen. There are even those I am not fond of, for whom at least my respect has grown. I'm trying not to make a list here, because if I listed off everyone I was impressed with, I'd be writing this for a long time, and there are preparations to be made for the upcoming battle - but of note - Prince Jasher Thrax took a world's worth of punishment and stood strong. Captain Kaede Starfinder, my hat's off to you. I don't wear a hat though, so take the gift of my cousin 'Toni. The Seliki notables, Peri and Kaldur, were a pleasure to train before the battle and I'm glad that I made the time for it. Both of them saw plenty of action, and came through the other side of it despite everything. My old friend Estaban took a vicious arrow to the shoulder, and was gentleman enough to let cousin Saoirse practice her medical training on him. As it turns out, she has no medical training. You're a courageous man, Estaban.

I'm sure I missed some wounded, but I'm not at my best when I'm sober. I have so many more stories to relate, but not here. I'll regale with them when we're all back in Arx again, safe from the prospects of further battle, at least for a while. Worry not for me. I'm surrounded by some of the finest.

Written By Donaldo

March 18, 2018, 3:03 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

Dame Alexis Wyrmfang is a true master of her art.

I have not had much need for real armor in my life, and her team has done me a great service.

The newest piece, my Lycene Plait Bracers, are a true work of art.

I shall do my best not to scuff them!

Written By Jhond

March 18, 2018, 2:19 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

with so many friends away it's good to meet a new one.

Written By Reese

March 18, 2018, 2:17 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

<<Sent from Setarco>>

I report that Princess Lou handled herself wonderfully while we at sea, firing off arrow after arrow. I was blessed to have my sister and my husband with me aboard the pink Gryphon. Prince Luca fought for me when I was too busy commanding the ships to use my sword and in doing such, he protected me from many blows and kept our ship from being overrun with foes. The Grayson fleet did quite well in the battle. I was honored to have Lady Peri and her brother Lord Kaldur commanding the ships of our vassals and staying close to us. Lady Peri showed intense bravery, fighting on even as she was injured and her brother at her side was a huge asset. We are honored and proud to be part of the united fleet of compact and stand ready to face any further threats.


Written By Cambria

March 18, 2018, 2:14 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Terese

House Mazetti is happy to assist its friends and allies when and where it is able. The sword, so wonderfully named Wyrmclaw, is a gift we were glad to give to her Highness, princess Terese. More, we are only too humbled by her valor and generosity of spirit. She is a shining beacon to all of what a dragon of Valardin represents. I am certain her own House could not be more proud.

Written By Orazio

March 18, 2018, 2:07 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

The acknowledgement of valor and triumph on the field of battle is always a bittersweet affair, for it must include those who can no longer be present to receive their accolades, for whom bravery demanded the ultimate cost - their lives - which they paid without reservation or hesitation.

For those souls who fought to the last drop of their heart's blood in both the north and the south, you have already been welcomed into the arms of the gods, and the Faith celebrates your lives, even as we mourn your loss for this world. Among the fallen, we particularly stand to recognize Lady Eirlys Greenmarch, who gave her life giving the wounded and those who heal them time to escape a foul enemy assault, and Grandmaster Armel Godsworn, of the Silver Order of the Knights of Solace, who - along with many other Silver Order Knights - aided in covering the withdrawal from the shores of Stormwall. The gods know these hearts, and may they find them to be pure. In addition, let us honor the dead who fought under the banner of the Church - at the end of this entry, you will find recorded for history the name of each fallen, Disciple or Godsworn, who answered the Faith's banner call. Letters of notification to their families or their superiors in the Church have already been dispatched.

But it is not just the dead that we honor, and as Gloria demands, we raise up those who have survived the trials of war, who have shed blood for a righteous cause an emerged triumphant and unbowed. I wish to take this time to praise those who fought under the banners of the Faith and stood fast against terrible foes. For the Templars, I wish to particularly acknowledge the deeds of heroism of: Princess Terese Valardin, who commanded the mounted knights of the Templars with valor and unyielding honor at Stormwall; Sir Preston of the Templars who fought and led with strategy and courage; Dame Thena Grayhope, who led the Knights of Solace and who showed unflinching skill in the work of a warrior and a general; Sir Jeffeth Bayweather, who fearlessly risked life and limb to pull the injured from the melee, blending Gloria's courage with Lagoma's mercy; Sir Daemon Dracone, who fought with the strength of ten to defend the wounded and the healers; and Sir Rand Pirran, who fought among the Templars with valor and fury.

Last - but never least, let us praise the Mercies of Lagoma, and the members of the Physician's Guild, who took to their battlefields not to take lives, but to save them. May no one ever forget the strength it takes to heal, and the Faith praises all of the Mercies and medics who saved lives and souls in both north and south. Each of these are heroes as valiant and strong as any who took up sword, bow, or glaive in the defense of the Compact. May the gods see how many of their people are willing to risk their lives to uphold virtue, and rejoice.

<<A list of names follows - a catalogue of dead godsworn and Disciples in the fighting, as well as a brief note of where they fell, and any deeds which were known in the battle. It is a long, long list.>>

Written By Isolde

March 18, 2018, 1:59 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

Arienne for a boy. Arabella for a girl.

I pray to be passed by this plaque of twins. One child is already a stretch.

The things we do for duty. Or for love.

Written By Monique

March 18, 2018, 1:41 p.m.(5/19/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirlys

Our last words were ones of love. That is what I will remember.

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