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Written By Thena

March 26, 2018, 12:20 p.m.(6/7/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Esoka

Esoka took me fishing yesterday. My first time, or at least my first time doing it properly. We even caught something (and when I say ‘we’ I mean ‘her’) that had strange whiskers on it but was neither abyssal or a human corpse (we were fishing in the river in the Lowers, if you couldn’t tell).

We cooked it and ate it and it’s completely changed how I feel about fish. Also I learned that fishing involves a lot of sitting quietly which was very...needed.

Written By Margret

March 26, 2018, 11:54 a.m.(6/7/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Corban

Monique's husband. We have only spoken briefly. He told me a story about Cairn Valardin, and the manner in which he told it leads me to believe Lord Corban is a deep thinker. An admirable trait, I believe.

Written By Aiden

March 26, 2018, 11:49 a.m.(6/7/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Estaban

The Sea Mist came into port, with trimmed sails and a slow glide under a banner of mourning. As I stood hearing her sailors responding to orders called to dock, I was overcome again by the great wave of despair washing over me, ceasing my very breath and pressing in around me. I thought I would drown and never surface.

But then a hand reached out to touch mine. Another steadied my shoulder.

I was not alone in this grief.

Estaban's family was there, knowing I needed them as much as they needed me. Those who wrote me letters were there too, supporting me in spirit for their worlds never stopped as mine surely felt it did. Together we watched with some sense of finality about it...

The gangplank was lowered and the first of the sailors off was the Captain and not long behind was the wooden box that now held my friend, to the sad bugle announcing the return of our Lion of Saik. I could not bear to stand there, despite the hands holding me. I went to help support his weight; to hoist the remains of my brother.

I had somehow hoped that they were wrong, that those who spoke of his loss confused him with another, that it wasn't true. But as I shouldered the weight of bringing the body that held him back to us, I felt the relief of all these days grieving...

He had come home and we could say our goodbyes.

The preparation for the pyre was something I let his family attend to, but I watched over it. Then when it was time, I finally had a chance to murmur my goodbye to him, to look upon what was left of the glorious strong man I had fought back to back with those few years ago.

I stood silently with him, for long hours, until Chalk landed upon my shoulder. My cousin Michael's raven, who has now decided to be with me. Chalk reminded me of what was and is.

I stood back, after a last embrace.

Then the comfort of Lagoma's last touch washed over our Lion...


OOC: All this happened off camera, writing for closure.

Written By Margret

March 26, 2018, 11:49 a.m.(6/7/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Simone

My cousin Marius's wife, and the Marquessa Consort of Greenmarch. I do not know her well, but I look forward to changing that now that I am in Arx.

Written By Margret

March 26, 2018, 11:47 a.m.(6/7/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Marius

Cousin and Marquis of Greenmarch. I have always appreciated Marius's ability to defuse volatile situations. Since our family has transitioned from Abandoned to nobility and Marius went to Arx while I remained at Greenhaven. I have had little opportunity to spend time with my cousin. Understandable as he has responsibilities and children of his own now.

Written By Lucita

March 26, 2018, 11:40 a.m.(6/7/1008 AR)

What a shame that it takes such terrible things happening to make one realize just how strong they really are inside, just how much they can tolerate without being completely shattered. Having been told it is guessed that my grief will never end, and hearing of potential endless years of solitude and how all that is beautiful comes to an end even as I feel the flutter of new life within me, I have discovered anew that I have the heart of a Saik Lion linked with the inborn ability of an Igniseri to rise from the painful flames of devastation and continue onward. I will endure. I will survive. I will do my best for the people of Saikland Greens, my fealty, my children, and myself. I will NOT be quenched.

(aside to the Scholar recording this: No, Scholar, when I want to mention a name, I do so. I am grateful to them for teaching me more about myself.)

Written By Thena

March 26, 2018, 11:40 a.m.(6/7/1008 AR)

It’s been a little time since the Battle at Stormwall. I still don’t particularly want to talk about it, but seeing others commit their experiences to the archives reminds me that I am as bound as anyone, perhaps more than most, to give Vellichor his due.

I began the battle the war room of Stormwall with the other military commanders. I didn’t much care for it; I like being able to stay on the field with my troops and see what’s happening with my own eyes. But I understand the need for things to be the way they were and I was honored to serve with many of Arvum’s finest leadership. My cavalry were on the beaches; my archers and infantry covering the healers and the passes south in case of retreat. Some of the enemy ships were set up with siege weapons, raining flaming material down on the beach. Suddenly word came that lightening had struck down these vessels. It is my understanding that the shamans working in the heights of the castle accomplished this and game have no reason to doubt it.

I sent orders to my troops covering the healers that the heads needed to be cut from our fallen brothers and sisters in arms lest they return as one of the undead army. I can barely express the pride and relief I felt when I discovered they they did not balk from that difficult request. As far as the battle on the beach goes, I only heard what happened out there via my runners. Eventually we called them to retreat from the beaches. At that point I left the castle to organize moving everyone south down the passes.

Outside, the healers, knights of Solace, members of the Kings Own and numerous others were working to save the wounded and, at the same time, dispatch the undead. At that point, a horde of the undead was pushing towards them, us, our escape route. A massive demon appeared among them, made of shadow and horror. He had hundreds of undead creatures on leashes that he released among us. It was something no one should have to witness in their lifetime. I can’t even begin to describe how wrong, how hideous it was. Many of us charged against it, but it was too powerful, too difficult to hit. It threw Lady Eirlys Greenmarch like a rag doll. It throttled Marquis Malesh Stonewood, already grievously wounded, from a distance (though I understand the Marquis survived, thank the gods).

This part I can only guess at, but it seemed to me that some of those working among the healers with an understanding of shamanic traditions were able to call forth a spirit that weakened the demon. It was after this spirit came forth that we were able to slay the demon.

It was after this that word came of the army coming up the walls. Many brave men and women went back in to rejoin the fight there. I stayed with the wounded and healers and those aiding them, preparing for the inevitable retreat after the city was set ablaze and doing what I could to help patch people up. Then I joined the rearguard. I don’t remember very much after that. Cold, ash and blood.

This is my reckoning. If I left names out, it is because those were not my stories to tell.

We lost our Grandmaster. But we also lost around 3500 other fine men and women. Some armies lost more, some less. But every life spent on that soil leaves a hole that cannot be filled.

Written By Peri

March 26, 2018, 10:30 a.m.(6/7/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Emily

That is all you have to do. Try. I am fairly certain that the ferocity of the waters of Bisland pond are greatly exaggerated. In any case, it's not like you will be alone. Water and I have a long standing relationship. I'll just tell it to be nice to you.

Written By Duarte

March 26, 2018, 8:52 a.m.(6/7/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Bianca


Written By Corban

March 26, 2018, 8:17 a.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

Letters. So many letters.

It is a solemn obligation of a military commander to express the his, the Duke's, and the entire Telmarch's appreciation for a fallen soldier's service to her family and loved one. But as the Telmarch lost half of all forces committed at Setarco, land and sea, the deluge of notes to draft and write is overwhelming.

Some of the brave men and women I knew directly, from either my time as a company commander in the Telmarch or from fighting by their side in Setarco. For others, I must rely on second-hand stories from officers and comrades. But yet Captain Reedy and I work on a letter for each. It is our solemn obligation: As leaders of soldiers, as leaders of the Telmarch.

Written By Wynna

March 26, 2018, 8 a.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

No, I don't think it's a matter of not wanting to end up like these people. It's a matter of what would be worth it.

And by His teachings, nothing should be. Is that right? I believe all history needs to be spread - but does that apply to secrets people want to keep that constitute history? Or would it be as simple as an inability to keep silent on some great evil committed?

I envy those who would find such duty simple to carry out. But the divide is clear, I think - the compact between man and the secrets given to those in service of the Gods, and words spoken bitterly outside of that compact. I have read that the only permissible defense for breaching this trust is to protect the Archive, our worship of Vellichor. I wonder if that is not selfish.

But then I recall that, sensibly, it's the only defense that matters to me. Our duty is grander, more important than any one person's tragedies.

How depressing.

Written By Preston

March 26, 2018, 6:40 a.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

Blessed Aureth's words on grief and loss are very apt and informative, and once again he makes me pause and consider. As I have often found from the Archlectors of the Lost Gods. Even should I disagree, I have never found myself less informed for that debate with Blessed Aureth or Blessed Aleksei.

Blessed Aureth is also quite incisive in his comments on debate over loss. Death is, in that way, a leveller. We all are born and all die, noble or common, hero or villain, the facts for us are unchanged. Who we grieve over is a choice for the living. It is my intent to ensure that, as a way to allow families to remember those lost, as a way for the Faith to remember its traditions, as a way for the Compact to recall the unity of purpose from the past in pursuit of it in future, we will build at Sanctum a great shrine to those honoured dead of the Templars. Those who have given their lives for the ideals of the Compact and the Pantheon. And within it we will build great halls to each of the great Fealties of the compact, and offer a place for each sworn knight who fell at Stormwall and Setarco. I know many families, especially those of noble origin, may have other locations in mind but the offer should be made to ensure there is a place each who swore their oaths before Gloria.

Written By Kia

March 26, 2018, 12:33 a.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

My first night here in Arx was definitely interesting. I could not sleep in the least which of course made this morning difficult, but I will eventually see if I can get some rest this upcoming evening or if I will still have difficulty sleeping.

Written By Torian

March 25, 2018, 11:54 p.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

A man wonders, after the rush to acquire and share all that gear they call Cobalt... does it got any value no more?

Written By Lisebet

March 25, 2018, 11:45 p.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

I wandered by the Golden Hart and met a plethora of people, including Princess Valencia. Such a charming hostess, she is. I do hope I am half so charming when I get a chance to host something.

Written By Mia

March 25, 2018, 11:39 p.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

Once again, I find myself commending the actions of Dame Thena Grayhope -- now Grandmaster of the Knights of Solace -- though not for her elevation to such a station. Nor is it for her bravery on the battlefield.

No, it is for the simple act of tending the wounded, which was how I came to know her a year ago, as I watched her tend my husband. And now she has tended me. Were it not for her, I doubt I would have returned from Stormwall.

Riven will not forget the debts it owes.

Written By Felix

March 25, 2018, 11:35 p.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

My prayers go out to those both who have lost, and those who were lost. May they find themselves surrounded by as many loved ones in the next turn of the wheel as they were in this one.

Written By Shard

March 25, 2018, 11:34 p.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

Do not burn down a forest and then wonder why no birds sing for you.

Written By Sparte

March 25, 2018, 11:33 p.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

The sense of loss in Arx is palpable. People are mourning their friends, their lovers, their heroes. I miss those I knew and will honor those I did not. Yet... I find myself unable to grieve. Instead I worry for those suffering.

Written By Luis

March 25, 2018, 11:14 p.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Estaban

We had so many things we were waiting till 'after the war' to deal with. So many conversations, so many promises, so many things unsaid. I promised you that I would keep your betrothed safe, and she came back, unharmed, except broken. Broken in spirit and heart for the loss of the one whom meant so much to her.

Your loss is a tragedy that I would never wish upon any. I do not even know where to begin to help Lucita recover. I do not know that she can, but we shall be there for her. I will carry the oath I made with you to the grave and see that she will thrive, even if it is only upon your memories and spirit that she subsists.

Continue to fight well and may your travels be blessed and light. I shall keep my promise and see that it is a very long time before she finds you again, and you know I mean that in the best way possible.

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