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Written By Morrighan

Oct. 24, 2018, 6:26 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Since there have been several generous offers of silver to the purchasing of thrall debts in Oliver's name, I'd like to note to the public that donations are to be sent to Master Aleksei Morgan. We've arranged for him to see it through, since he volunteered to manage the process, and there is no other more experienced and suited to the task at hand than he.

I want to thank each and every person who has reached out, who have given comfort and support to Josie, who have rallied and risen to stand beside her, to help seek and mete out justice for Oliver. It never ceases to be awe inspiring when the people of the Compact stand united, so thank you. All of you.

Written By Evaristo

Oct. 24, 2018, 6:21 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

I've been sober for four days straight.

Maybe it is a sort of punishment for something I couldn't do anything about.

Also I keep wondering - what about ex-thralls living in the lowers now?

Written By Miranda

Oct. 24, 2018, 6:02 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

Written By Bashira

Oct. 24, 2018, 4:37 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

My parents were Thralls.

When my parents died I became a Thrall.

Princess Donella Thrax released me from my Thralldom a few years ago and for that I am eternally grateful and in her debt. Some of the Thralls that ended up in their situations were not put their due to unsavory actions of their own. Today I am working to become a Knight. I protect people. I give money to charity. I try to do what is right and I stay out of trouble.

The murder of Oliver Arterius was carried out by the hands of a coward or cowards. As people aren't sure if it was done by one or many. I am sorry for his family and his friends. I did not have the pleasure of meeting Master Arterius, but no one deserves to die like he did. He was a man that had was trying to help. I hope that the people responsible are found and justice is swift.

Written By Marian

Oct. 24, 2018, 3:01 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Oliver

After the Battle of Stormwall, Guildmaster Joscelin Arterius and her husband assisted House Redrain by providing skilled tradesmen to outfit our new recruits in the Spring after. It was partially due to their contribution that encourage many to join. As Warchief to House Redrain, I owe a personal debt of gratitude to both of them.

May I suggest those responsible submit themselves to Sentinel's justice. This kind man was beloved by man of this city because of his skill as a crafter, and the humanitarian efforts to assist others. As liaison from House Redrain to the Iron Guard, I offer full cooperation with the Inquisition and Iron Guard in their search to find the murderer(s) of Master Olivier Arterius. As I am sure other wards will ensure those who committed these foul deeds have no place to hide within Arx.

Written By Nurie

Oct. 24, 2018, 2:36 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabine

My stars, would you have ever thought that it would be a greater task to get these endearing northerners /into/ smallclothes rather than out of them? Beloved, perhaps if the idea of well fitted and luxurious undergarments could be spread throughout the realm, Tessere could claim to be the broker of peace, as there would be less grumpiness and greater cheer. It is a start!

Written By Skye

Oct. 24, 2018, 2:32 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

When I came to Guildmaster Joscelin Arterius, asking for her help to find skilled tradesmen who were willing to relocate to Blackshore Isle, to help me build a fealty within the Mourning Isles that did not practice Thralldom, she provided assistance without hesitation. She has helped me locate skilled journeymen of many origins...orphans, former Thralls, even free men and women who wanted a new opportunity. No matter what their origins, all of them came together to help me rebuild. Since Blackshore Keep has been rebuilt, House Blackshore has enjoyed the prosperity, because of these amazing people that the Guildmaster introduced me to.

There is no words for the circumstances around her husband's death that could lessen the blow that has been given. My heart aches for the loss of that kind man that won this amazing woman's heart. I pray to the Sentinel that those still harboring anger against the changes in the Mourning Isles towards Thralldom, and committed this vile act are found swiftly by the Inquisition and Iron Guard. Know this vile act has not daunted my commitment to keep my lands free from Thralldom. The next time you find offense, bring your complaints to my doorstep. I have an arrow notched in my bow for that very occasion.

Written By Lisebet

Oct. 24, 2018, 10:03 a.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Violet

Oh my goodness! That is amazing news! Welcome, Sorcha!

I look forward to meeting the newest addition to your family. Congratulations to Sir Thorley and Commandant Violet!

Written By Joscelin

Oct. 24, 2018, 10:02 a.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Every kick under my ribs makes me feel both hope and despair. This is too much emotion for one heart; is there a way to relieve the pressure?

As the days go on, I keep thinking I'll wake up and everyone will be as it was. A childish notion, one that I'll shed as I will this grief. One day. For now I continue to focus on what's important, but these feelings... they build like a wave over the day and crash into me, until I'm left gasping and crawling to bed, praying for sleep to drown me, for a little while, and grant me relief.

Sometimes the dreams come and it's helpful. Other times, they come and they are not.

Written By Thorley

Oct. 24, 2018, 9:41 a.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Violet

It's a very funny story.

And for once I was right.

Violet and Sorcha are doing well.

Tala's been excited and unable to sleep.

I need coffee.

And the Sandreef family grows.

Written By Elloise

Oct. 24, 2018, 9:39 a.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Godric

You'll LOVE this one. My father told it to me:

What is the definition of Death?
When you suddenly stop paying taxes.

Written By Elloise

Oct. 24, 2018, 9:36 a.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

A short-list of things to do when I get back to the capital city:

* Send mother a fruit basket as an apology for the thing I just did involving that flint, those curtains, those mixtures and - well. My eyebrows will grow back. So will hers. I need to start testing out those colors. Requires a little more experimentation.

* Send the Mercies of Lagoma a goodly donation of things that they might need, or silver, because despite my promise to Cousin Cora and Cousin Fairen I am not being a very good patient. I'm too fidgety, too curious, and apparently wanting to help isn't exactly the usual. The good part of this is that I'm learning so much right now that I could probably handle all of this on my own the next time.

* Working on Project A, and Project B. I've wasted too much time on Project OhGodsWhyAreMyFeetSoSwollen.

* Spend more time at the Shrine for the Queen of the Last Laugh, the Mother of Terrible Puns. I miss the spiders an awful lot.

Written By Elloise

Oct. 24, 2018, 9:26 a.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

To note: I figured out a few new and pretty interestingly gross things (Scholars, please see my drafted treatise on: Was it Something You Ate? Wrong, You're Probably Pregnant) and now that I'm big enough to knock things over when I try and bend down to pick up something that I've dropped. After I set it back, I turn, and boom - down it falls, again. This turns into a self-perpetuating cycle until I'm red in the face. Then Nikola shits on my shoulder, because he was laughing at me the whole time (CRAW, CRAW) and I burst into tears. That was only this morning. Never mention that every single time I drink tea - I, I - oh? (You really don't want to hear about that Scholars, do you? Trust me, it's WORSE when I laugh. Don't ask what happens if I eat anything spicy.) I know exactly when this ends and when it does I will look at Sparrow or Starling or Robin or WhateverNameI'mGoingToCallThem and say: "FINALLY."

Written By Rymarr

Oct. 24, 2018, 9:26 a.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Traherne

Crossed this veteran's path at a gathering. Hails from Pridehall. Apparently he's established himself a business named the Tilted Anvil and works in armor.

I was just telling Patsy recently that I needed to get around to having another suit forged for the stands.

Written By Gianna

Oct. 24, 2018, 8:47 a.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

The beer festival went well. The mood was subdued at first, though the more beer people drank, the looser they got. The dancing began in earnest. Such is the power of music: the power to change a mood, to stir emotion. To make it a little easier to forget, at least for a time, a heavy load.

I sang very little; mostly, I was occupied with my vielle. The other bards with me performed well; I am happy with the College's progress.

Written By Kenna

Oct. 24, 2018, 8:16 a.m.(11/12/1009 AR)

It seems to be a habit to make a fool of myself in front of the other Bisland fealty nobility.

I believe I will stick to practicing my sword and patrolling for a bit. All else can be set aside.

Written By Archeron

Oct. 24, 2018, 6:15 a.m.(11/12/1009 AR)

As Prince Victus says, Oliver had paid his debt and done his time. The law, and more importantly the tradition, states he is free. His life is his own once more, indebted to no-one and only bound by the laws and traditions of the compact and his oaths of loyalty. My armour was made by Master Oliver oddly enough, but I cannot say I knew the man. But, I can say he was a fine craftsman, and so the crime is double for it denies Thrax a man of skills important to the war efforts. Not only is this killer a murderer, but a traitor too.

I do not know if their aim was to send a message against the Compact about interfering in traditions around Thralls, or if this was some provocative act by those seeking to start some war over Thralls from either direction, and cruel enough to use a man's life for their ends. I am sure we will find out in time, but for now it matters little. We deal with the facts.

You see, we have traditions in the Isles. Yes. One is Thralldom. But there is another. I say if this person is found, we give to them what all enemies of a House of Thrax receive. What tradition demands as punishment for our enemies. We enthrall them for murder, and we bind them to a cross to look out over the sea. Let them die a Thrall, let them die of thirst and exposure, let them die unremembered short of as a lesson. Tradition is important, after all.

Written By Veronica

Oct. 24, 2018, 6:05 a.m.(11/12/1009 AR)

Back less than a day and there's already a murder to deal with.

Written By Joscelin

Oct. 24, 2018, 1:50 a.m.(11/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Fecundo

I was going through my house this afternoon, packing a bag while I stayed in more neutral rooms, and I found the sketches he did of your outfit. He was so proud of his work and your pleasure. I am glad you were there for our happy memory, so that our story lingers even further in the minds of our descendants, written for future generations.

You honored him with your favor, and I know he would have been further overjoyed to dress you on the eventual, future day of your nuptials.

Written By Violet

Oct. 24, 2018, 12:44 a.m.(11/12/1009 AR)

I have a funny story that I will take the time to write out in more detail later. But shortly it involves a very stubborn woman, the Stone Grove, and a surprise arrival on Courtkeep. It almost involved the Shrine of the Sentinel, but we went for a walk and a breather to get away from the crowds. And to try and get my cramps to ease up. They weren't cramps. Well, they were, just not the kind I thought. I will write a full account soon.
Sir Thorley Sandreef and I would like to welcome our daughter Sorcha to the world. Born on Courtkeep at the Stone Grove in Redrain Ward.

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