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Dedication of the Carlotta

The official dedication and party to celebrate the creation of the Carlotta. There will be plenty of drinks in addition to the bottle broken over the ship's hull.


Nov. 26, 2017, 4 p.m.

Hosted By



Shard Christine Leta Mayir(RIP) Orazio(RIP) Calaudrin Tobias Alaric Stefano(RIP) Victus Blacktongue Aleksei Lark Fortunato Talen Ian Bianca Valencia Esoka



Arx - Lower Boroughs - Dockyard - The Carlotta

Largesse Level


Comments and Log


The dedication was well attended, including the king and a few high lords. A fitting crowd for an exceptional ship named for an exceptional woman. I'm sure Carlotta would rather be here - I know I'd rather she were here - but I think she'd approve of this tribute.

From beside the gangplank, where he's still standing, Ian catches enough of the conversation to hear that the ship was Orazio's idea. His eyebrows climb, and then his drawn expression turns thoughtful.

12 Thrax Elite Guards, Crow - Thraxian Steward, Lilybelle - Fluffy Maine Coon arrive, following Victus.

Aida, an old woman arrives, following Christine.

Stefano makes his way aboard and while he is not quite so uncomfortable as Aleksei, it's clear he'd rather not be on a ship even if it's rather placidly docked. He bows to Alaric and offers a brief, "Your Majesty." before moving over toward Talen and, presumably, Eleyna. "Yes, though maybe I should have gotten over here sooner to nail in a...plank or whatever they're called. To really feel like I was a part of the whole thing." at the Carlotta quip, he elbows Talen in the side and shakes his head. Rude. When Lark arrives, he offers her a pleasant and brief, "Your Grace." and then just sort of stands there for a now as the dignitaries catch up or chat about sailing and..oceans?

6 Crimson Blades Sergeant arrives, following Tobias.

"/Hah hah/," Aleksei scowls at Eleyna, although there's no denying a certain affection that lingers behind the aggravation. "Orazio, the only way your Archlectors are getting promoted is if /you/ get promoted. Or die. And Aldwin seems pretty hale right now."

Christine arrives with a much older woman at her side. She's chatting with her in a quiet voice and, once they reach the ship, she gets rid of her slippers and she passes them to Aida to put away. She winks to her and then, barefoot, she walks into the Carlotta. "Hello, dears." She looks around and those she knows get a wave and a grin.

"I could retire," Orazio points out, languidly. "Declare myself unfit for further service, and reassign myself to a nice, beachfront temple somewhere on the Lyceum coast. Spend the rest of my days worshiping Mangata with the best wine in the civilized world, and bright white beaches."

Esoka strides along the dock, approaching the Carlotta. She comes to a stop near the ramp to board it, taking a moment just to stand back and regard the thing. Hands on hips, studying it with an expression both awed and thoughtful.

"Your grace," Talen conjures for Lark, soft bass given as he dips into a bow, then rights himself soon after. "Welcome aboard the Carlotta. It is an honour to have you aboard," he says, his eyes catching every signal he can from those uncomfortable aboard. "I'd rock it on purpose but I don't think I'm quite that strong," he laments casually. "Can I execute you for that now I'm an Archduke? I'm really not sure," he says perhaps too casually to Stefano, before giving him light shove back. "Also, I don't know if I trust your carpentry abilities enough to want you to nail anything in anything."

Bianca stepped aboard, a glance spared about the deck and small smile crossing her lips as she took in the display and the crowd already gathered. And then she bee-lined straight for the familiar Faithful. "You would miss us too much, Father." She gently teased on her approach, only catching a bit of the implied conversation.

"Look at this fucking thing. It's big." Out howled the voice of Victus as he made his approach to the new, shiny vessel that the Lyceum had come to introduce into the world. He's accompanied by the usual entourage, but they don't detract from the High Lord's curiosity as he makes his way onto deck, thumping boots echoing behind him. For once, he's actually arriving onto the scene looking a tinge... happy. What a rarity. His first intention is to make a bee-line for Talen or Eleyna, whichever of the ruling couple he can catch first. "Has anyone been thrown overboard yet? If not, I can try an' toss Talen right now. I'm in a good mood, this shit looks nice."

Eleyna smiles oh-so-sweetly at Aleksei, the affection mirrored before she manages a much more somber nod for Lark, though she still grins, "Do not fear, your Grace. I would reserve that particular torment for Aleksei alone, were I the sort to torment of course. Which I am not." Another angelic smile as she raises her voice for those who start to arrive onto the deck, "Please enjoy refreshments. The actual dedication will be shortly." The Archduchess nods and servers begin to filter through the crowd, offering glasses of champagne and various hors d'oeuvres on silver trays.

Shard slips in. Not unusually for her, her step is quiet, her expression guarded, and her eyes are narrowed. She seems to regard the ship itself as carefully, if not more, as the people around her.

With arms held out and teetering what some may view as precariously, or others that know him better the act it truly is, The Blacktongue walks the railing of the starboard side. The rare motley has been painted on his face with a diamond of silver over his left eye, another black diamond over the right. Shading has been lended to accentuate and sharpen lines of his cheshire's smile. While his hair has been slicked back, silvering at the temples, his beard has been dyed a bright purple for the occasion. Singing a sea shanty from Lycene shores, his voice carries over the crowd in spite of his raspy tones from years of being the Velanosian poison tester for the Arch Duchess Carlotta. "There was two lofty ships. From ol' Lycene they set sail, Blow high, blow low, and so sail we...One was the Duke of Tor, and the other Duke of Southport, all a-cruisin down the coast of High..Lycene.."

"Something tells me you'd get bored in a week." Tobias notes to Orazio as he steps up onto the Carlotta... then looks around as the rest of his words catch in his throat. His own bodyguards stop in a semi-circle to his back just a few feet from the boarding ramp, and Tobias idly places his left hand on his scabbarded sword hilt. "So. I have to ask; where'd you all get the idea for this thing?" Tobias inquires as he examines the sails.

3 Iron Guardsmen arrives, following Calaudrin.

Ian leans on his cane and studies the ship from the shore, beside the gangplank. There's a distance in his eyes, however, that suggests that he's not seeing much of what he's looking at. He's lost in his thoughts instead.

Bianca leaned to murmur something briefly to Orazio though soon after nod was granted to Aleksei along with a smile and a more formal bow to Eleyna.

Orazio snags a flute of champagne as a servant with a tray passes. He raises his glass to Bianca. "Ah, but Archscholar, you would always be welcome, wherever I ended up. Blessed Aleksei too, of course. I believe we could find a reason for the leadership of the Faith to take frequent consultation trips to my little seaside temple." He pretends to look thoughtful. "Actually, this is sounding better and better..." he trails off, to lean over to listen to Bianca. He nods, and murmurs briefly back to her.

Well, well, well. Mayir Grayhope is eyeing the ship and looking around with a professional eye. "Well. What do you even do with this thing? And who mans it? And what do you trade? And where do you take it?" He takes it all in ,

Well, well, well. Mayir Grayhope is eyeing the ship and looking around with a professional eye. "Well. What do you even do with this thing? And who mans it? And what do you trade? And where do you take it?" He takes it all in, talking to air.

"No, you don't really have much authority. You're the arm candy, I'm afraid. The trophy husband. Must have been a participation trophy, I guess." Stefano shrugs, keeping the banter more or less quiet and also keeping a straight face as he casually strikes back at Talen. "You're right about that, though. Not handy with a hammer. Not that I've tried, but I doubt I'd be a good carpenter. That's fine with me." as servers circulate, he takes a drink from them along with a few little pieces of food.

"I may have to object to other's torture on principle, if I thought you were the type to torment others, which of course, you are not," Lark replies smoothly, tipping her chin in firm agreement for Eleyna. A smile even touches at the corners of her lips as she meets Eleyna's gaze with her own mirrored eyes. Then, her attention is drawn away by Talen's greetings, and she expresses quietly to the man, "Nonsense. It is always an honor to partake of your hospitality, your highness." Her gaze slides to Stefano and back to Talen and back again before she adds: "My lord... ?"

Is he late? Perhaps just late enough for it be considered fashionable. If anything Calaudrin does is really fashionable. He strolls up the plank of the ship and onto the deck, looking around with a distinctly curious expression on his face.

Esoka eventually steps aboard the ship, after several moments of intense study of it. She does have to grip the rail for balance. But, firmly stationary at the dock as it is, she finds manages not to topple over the side of plow into anyone. She snorts. "This isn't so bad at all."

Stefano adds for Lark's benefit, "Stefano Gilden, Baron of Caith and Sword of Lenosia. A pleasure, your grace." this offered with a bright and friendly smile and a respectful nod of his head.

Aida moves aside, the old woman disappearing into the crowd, and Christine looks for someone to join. She winks to Ian, although he probably would miss her. And to Mayir, once she spots the sailor, and she walks closer to Bianca. "Hello, dear."

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Mayir before departing.

Alaric nods lightly to Orazio after taking up the refreshments Zelda oh-so-assistantly fetches on his behalf. "We do seem to be in something of the business of working rather expensive miracles lately," the King observes dryly, sipping his wine and greeting both Victus and Lark as they approach. "Your Graces," he smiles charmingly. "Lark, Victus, excellent to see you both." He glances back to Orazio and has a confident nod for the inbound Archlectors as well. "Blessed Aleksei," he greets with a nod before regarding Bianca with a gregarious smile. "And you must be Blessed Bianca. I don't think we've had the pleasure of speaking before, Aldwin was still the Archscholar when I was cursed. Congratulations on being selected to succeed him."

As Victus' booming greeting reverberates through the crowd, Eleyna stifles a laugh and offers at Stefano introduces himself to Lark, "Also childhood tormentor. He thinks I have forgotten, but I have not." She winks at Stefano before saying smoothly, "If you will excuse me a moment." She nods in response to Bianca's greeting and says in response to Tobias, "The idea for a ship that could traverse the seas was Father Orazio's, but Lenosian shipwrights and carpenters borrowed inspiration from Eurusi and Cardian vessels for the Carlotta's design."

Victus as always, has the soundness of mind to grab a bottle of drink straight from the refreshments. After all, it's free for the moment. He took swigs of wine between wandering the deck, staring high at the sails, taking in all the nitty and gritty detects slow and surely. When the King speaks to him, his concentration is briefly diverted to speak to the man. "Good afternoon, your Majesty." His voice is gruff, but it doesn't give way to anything else. He's clearly happy to be here, which is a very unnatural inflection to be coming from the giant of a man. "Talked with my wife recently about the whole, 'Claw of Arx' thing. She loves the idea too. Be expectin' some kind of missive soon, now that I've got her on board. Pun not intended." Then he's back to staring upwards, high and beyond the flying colors.

Blacktongue abandons the sea shanty antics as the crowd grows. Hoping down from his tightrope walk of the ship's railing, the Jester of House Velenosa begins to wander through the guests to offer his riddles and puns - warranted and wanted or not.

Bianca inclined her head in response to whatever had been murmured then slipped right back into a more jovial smile. She reached for a flute of her own, sipping politely and obviously feeling much more comfortable in the presence of the Father and the Blessed. When Christine addressed her she turned, "Hello, Lady Christine. It is a pleasure to see you." And then the King was talking to her. A bow was first granted. "Oh, thank you, your majesty. It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance directly. I had thought to approach when we crossed paths in the Salon, but... well you'll forgive me if a mild sense of intimidation held me at bay."

"Why do you think I like throwing around the Consort thing, Stefano? I just march off to war and come back for pets," lies Talen. Lark's open ended question to Stefano has him lifting his brows, as if surveying how Stefano chooses to introduce himself. As he looks toward Victus' approach, there's actually a smile, twisted at a single corner of his mouth as it is. "Yeah, you think you could manage that, huh? I'd like to see you try," he goads, already starting trobule as he sizes up the much larger man. "You're a lumbering giant, you'd topple right over the edge," he says, casually rolling up the sleeves of his doublet in subtle indication. There's a casual call, and nod, to Blacktongue. "Uncle! Easy on the champagne, you'll go through all ten barrels," he jests.

"Oh, hey, Christine." Mayir grins to the Kennex woman, looking around the giant ship. "Isn't this increible? Look at those masts. Man. I would kill to be a rigger on this thing. " A pause. "Not actually kill, mind you. But it's incredible."

Orazio smiles back at Alaric. "Anything worth doing costs, Your Majesty." He glances sidelong to Victus, and bows towards the Prince of Maelstrom. "Your Grace." Belatedly, he turns to Tobias, and he laughs. " may be right, actually. Although I like to think I could find /something/ to entertain myself with. Their Graces," a nod towards Eleyna and Talen, "might not enjoy it, though."

The Princess Valencia arrives in storm grey silks. She stands on the dock a moment, dark eyes studying the ship a faint smile on her lips and a few silent words on her lips. Tearing her eyes away she makes her way on small leather clad feet to the gang plank to board the grand ship for the first time, offering a polite nod to the first of the familiar faces she sees.

Calaudrin finds his way by Esoka and murmurs something to her quietly below the sound of all the chatter that's happening on deck. Then he straightens up and tips his chin so that he can peer up the masts of the ship. Quietly he decides, "Even more impressive in person."

"Your Majesty," Aleksei is quick to respond when Alaric greets him. VERY QUICK. And pretty much seems relieved when someone slips close to hand him a letter that he CLEARLY must respond to RIGHT NOW. PERSONALLY. He slips off.

Keso, a street urchin, Peanut, an oversized mastiff leave, following Aleksei.

"Consort. You know my thoughts, yet I will stay my tongue of the jests." Blacktongue's brows lift and he holds up black gloved hands in mock surrender to his nephew, Talen. "All ten barrels and nary a tipsy moment in sight. It is a curse, surely, my tolerance. A joke in itself. Shall we test the punchline?"

Christine grins to Bianca. "It's a pleasure to see you too... So nice." She looks at Alaric as he's talking with Bianca, and she just nods to him with a quick wink before letting them chat. She turns to Mayir, then and she grins. "It is! I wouldn't kill anyone to work on it, but it's probably worth a trip!"

Shard appears to decide that the best place to stand on a ship with this many people is as near the railing as possible, which is where she plants herself. There's a glance toward the drink, but for the moment she's clearly not partaking.

Only as a server bears a tray of champagne directly on her does Lark pluck one from it with a soft nod towards the man. Her gaze lifts back to Stefano, dragging over the baron in a study before she tips her chin back. She doesn't introduce herself, given that he clearly already knows her, but she murmurs simply, "A pleasure to meet you, Baron Gilden and childhood tormentor. The inability to tell the future is why I always reserve my awkward moments to family. You never know who may become Archduchess."

Esoka was hunting for drinks when Calaudrin found her. She flashes him one of those big, full-of-teeth smiles, plucking a couple glasses of wine off the tray of a passing servant. One for her, one for him. "It's astounding," she says, eyes still wide as she takes in the expanse of the thing. "I was picturing something like the merchant ships in the harbor only...bigger. This is a wonder."

Alaric grins brightly to Victus. "Is that so? Well, I'm very pleased to have been of some help to you then. I look forward to Zelda bringing me that missive soon, I'm sure we can come up with some sort of elaborate ceremony to mark the occasion," he declares merrily. "It may be difficult to make it more memorable than this one, but there's no reason not to try." He turns his attention back to Bianca and nods with a faintly mischevious glint in his eye. "I imagine so. Tell me, was it the armed knights or the dangerously unpracticed way I was wielding a paintbrush that was more mildly intimidating?"

"So many masts." Mayir is looking along the deck, walking it a little bit and going from one to the other and then back to Christine. "I bet that you could see for miles from up there." He points up to the Crow's Nest, clearly enthused by the whole thing.

Orazio takes a sip of his drink, and wanders around a little, staring at the vessel. He sees Esoka and Calaudrin, and his expression lightens as he approaches them. "Dame Esoka, Officer Calaudrin. It is lovely to see you both? Isn't this a marvel?" He leans in to murmur something to both of them.

Ian's gaze settles on Orazio and stays there for a good minute or two. His expression, beyond the tension that's so often there around the edges adding years to his apparent age is... confused. Then he turns and heads off, having seen, apparently, everything that he came to. Even though he spent most of his time here too lost in thought to see anything.

That little taunt has Victus whirling right around to stare at Talen. His expression sharply changing to one that possessed a grin with most malefic intentions to it, sinewy and stretching back the many battle scars of his face. "Are you challenging me, Archduke? Are you asking for a fucking piece of a Thrax on deck?" He swaggers up to the man with about as much stiff, awkward posture as he could manage, menacing the Lycene Prince in his gaze. "I could toss you clean over that rail AND make sure you landed in the biggest bosom the city states got out there." He bites the neck of his wine bottle to hold it in place, freeing his hands to start stripping the leather off of them. THE GLOVES ARE COMING OFF.

As his question is lost to the conversations around him, Tobias moves to sit down at one of the chairs on deck, "Soon as these are available, I'm going to be having one commissioned for the Crimson Blades." Tobias notes to Mayir, "I've wanted to go exploring southward for ages."

Leta lingers on the dock a while, chatting with some dock workers, then draws a breath and ascends to the ship proper, looking around and up at the masts with a squinty frown. Thoughtful, but mostly puzzled. She tugs on her hat for a brief adjustment, then begins to search the crowd and eye the drinks.

Blacktongue does not help the situation at all and calls out, "Now taking bets on how far the Prince of Maelstrom can toss my nephew?"

Christine reaches for one of the glasses of champagne and she takes a sip, wrinkling her nose as the bubbles tickle it! She looks at Mayir and chuckles, looking up too. "Well, you only have one way to see it, right? Go check..."

"Oh. Uh. I think I,

Valencia looks from Victus to Talan and back. She draws in a breath and wanders off from the cock of the walk blustering going on, finding her way to the railing beside Shard and looking over.

"Me too." Calaudrin repiles to Esoka, gratefully accepting the glass of wine. He's taking a sip when Orazio wanders over and murmurs quietly to the pair of them. Something makes him start and it's quite clear that he's holding back some laughter. "Ah, Father Orazio. That's very comforting." He concludes and then swiftly drinks the rest of his wine.

Bianca's smile bloomed all the further in response to Alaric, seeming unaware or willfully able to tune out the chaos of sound in conversations erupting about the small grouping she stood with, "I would have to say the substantial amount of armed knights." She took a breath, "Actually, there is a matter I wish to discuss with you, but I have been hesitant to request an audience. That said, I do not wish to detract from the festivities. Would you be opposed to arranging a meeting at a later date, your highness?"

Eleyna starts to circulate through the crowd as she hears Talen's offer a challenge to the Thrax High Lord... and said High Lord seems to accept said challenge. She mutters a curse under her breath and starts to walk in Talen's direction. Smoothly, she takes his arm and says between clenched teeth, "You are your friend can play later, dearest. We have a ceremony to get under way. Do you have Archlector Madeleine's words ready?"

"Oh. Uh. I think I'd get in a lot of trouble if I tried to do that," says Mayir looking high up at the Crow's Nest. It isn't saying no, however. But then he looks over at the Crimson Blade leader. "I bet it is /super/ expensive. I can't even imagine how much." But he can try, his expression seems to say.

Shard glances toward Valencia a few moments after the other woman draws near, and offers a small, but visible shrug.

"Legate Orazio." Esoka's smile is flashed warmly to him as he approaches. Whatever he murmurs makes her chuckle. "This is much grander than I imagined it would be. You and the Lenosians accomplished something extraordinary." She puts an arm companionably on Calaudrin's waist, once she only has to wrangle one wine glass.

Alaric coooould try and save Talen from Victus, or he could just keep talking to Bianca instead. Seems like the King is down with option 2. Talen ought to get some use out of all that XP he spent on dodge anyway. "Well, it's definitely going to be difficult to out-excitment this ceremony if Talen ends up overboard," he observes half-to-himself before regarding Bianca warmly. "Hm, it seems I still have some art techniques to learn then," he deadpans before nodding. "By all means, do not hesitate. The Crown always has time for the Archscholar of Vellichor. Especially in these times, where the pursuit of knowledge is crucial to the Compact's successes."

Christine laughs. "No if you ask for permission." She winks to Mayir and then she looks at Blacktongue, blinking. "We are betting what? Tossing people? Oh, dear..."

"Go for it," Talen insists, encouraging his uncle where only moments before he had scolded him for even the thought. "I think if nothing else you'll get full up before you get done with a barrel," emits the dark prince in thoughtful muse. Victus' escalation in answer to the taunts of Talen cause gunmetal eyes to gleam a moment, then he wordlessly lifts a hand in a 'come get it' gesture. The pitch of his upper half, the widening of stance, it all speaks of familiarity to any potential moment of wrestling. Then Eleyna comes over, he straightens only half-way, before looking across the way to one of the lingering sisters of Mangata. "Uh, I mean, I don't but she does--" he says, before holding up a palm to the high lord of the Isles. "Ten minute truce," he says, "then I'm tossing you off the ship and finding out if you can swim with all that bulky cargo." A point at the man's gut.

Valencia smiles at something Shard says and turns round to watch the other guests, her back resting against the rail. She leans aside and replies.

"It's incredibly large, I must agree. If it weren't so beautiful, I'd wonder if we weren't all trying to compensate for something the gods gave us," Orazio says, teasingly. "But I must say that the majority of the credit goes to the Velenosa, and their shipwrights. This should have taken years to build, you know, but I can only assume the artisans were blessed by both Jayus and Mangata in their work."

"Give him a chance to get drunk. Then you might stand a chance," Eleyna offers Talen with smile before she moves away toward the raised forecastle deck so that she can observe the crowd as the Sister of Mangata prepares to offer a blessing.

A passing Lady is given a winsome smile as the Harlequin defends his newly claimed glass of champagne, "You heard the Dark Prince Consort. I'm allowed drink on the job." and down the hatch it goes for Blacktongue who then asides to Victus, "Shame. It sounded a fine game."

Lark's gaze slides across the ship to meet Eleyna's, for a moment, watching her as she redirects her husband. She sips her champagne, sweeping a look over the crowd as well in a mirror of the Archduchess's.

"We're a very lucrative mercenary organization." Tobias notes to Mayir, "I think we can handle it." He says dryly, before he gives a nod to the Archduke and Archduchess. "I know my troops and my warfare... but the sea is foreign to me." Then, he looks back to Mayir, "Would you be interested in crewing our ship, once I get to hiring for one?"

Calaudrin is once again chuckling at Orazio's words, replacing his empty glass on a server's tray as they go by. "It's an absolute marvel. I'm curious how long it's going to take for duplicates to be attempted. Though I can't imagine they'll be as grand as this one."

The Godsworn woman whom Talen had pointed at is alerted with a gentle tap on her shoulder from a neighbouring servant, then gives a soft squeak and a quick pitter patter of sandals as she approaches Eleyna. A curtsy in robes is given, of course, then she prepares her speech.
"Mangata is more than the sea. She is more than the wind. She is more than rain. She is an essence of life. We cannot live without the rain to bless Petrichor’s lands. We cannot live without water to drink. We praise and bless her for her generous gifts and sing songs in her honor, letting the wind carry our words to her," is spoken loud, clear, like crisp aquamarine waters.
"Today we come to christen a new ship; a celebration of our minds to bring it to life and our bodies to bring it into being. Soon this magnificent vessel will sail Our Lady’s seas and become what it was meant to be, as all things strive to find their place and purpose. May all her waters be calm and her winds fair. May all her journeys be to swift, safe, and may she ever return whole to port. May Mangata ever smile upon the Carlotta and keep her in favor." There's a smile, then a hand is extended to the Archduchess, offering her the opportunity to speak.

"Lucrative means expensive." Blacktongue drawls, overhearing Tobias. He is now standing beside Lark however, clinking his champagne glass against hers?

Bianca inclined her head, glance drifting aside though more so to observe Eleyna's interjection into the pending tossing of people. A hint of appreciation and amusement touched her features before silvery gaze again returned to Alaric. "Thank you for such sentiment, I will not give pause to do so in the future."

Esoka barks a low chuckle, at Orazio's line about compensation. "I'm sure it can navigate deftly as well. Which is the important part. Gods, can you imagine sailing aboard this thing?" She sounds a touch daunted. Falling quiet as the godsworn begins speaking, head bowing when Mangata is invoked.

Lark's gaze flicks to Blacktongue in surprise as he clicks his glass against hers, though she tips her chin in a simple gesture and murmurs an "Amen" at the end of the priestess's speech. She takes a sip, greeting the gesture with a simple, "Lovely sermon."

And the gloves go back on. Moments before Victus had looked poised to destroy, his knees bent and his arms outstretched. He didn't lose the wine bottle, that he was carrying with him into battle through clenched teeth. But alas, not yet. "Fine. But it would've given ya' something big to remember it by." He flatly states to Eleyna, as if she'd just missed the opportunity of a lifetime. Nonetheless he still gives a nod toward Talen. "Ten minutes. Plus if you think this is extra cargo," The Thrax beats his stomach with a loud 'THUMP'. "It's all what I got from chuckin' mankind with my bare hands. Besides, we'll have more time when we've..." He stops himself. "... More time." A shrug, and he's turning hsi head to nod in passing to Blacktongue and then turn toward the Godsworn speaking. His bottle lifted up.

Alaric quiets to observe the beginning of the ceremony attentively. "Mangata be praised," he murmurs in response to the invocation.

Christine moves lean on the railing since all of her chat friends have moved away, and she listens to the Godswoman, nodding quietly. She sips her champagne, still wrinkling her nose from time to time.

"You don't get quality by offering cheap contracts." Tobias merrily replies to Blacktongue. "We're professionals, not a rabble." Then, the ceremony starts, and he goes quiet, listening.

Orazio turns to look at the Sister who is giving the dedication. His expression is composed, hands in a prayerful position before him, although there's a certain intensity to his gaze as he listens to the invocation, as if planning to write up a performance review for the godsworn. Whatever he hears, though, it doesn't make him frown. His head inclines, and his eyes close as he echoes the prayer silently with one of his own.

Shard turns her gaze toward the Godsworn as she speaks, though when the invocation has finished the mercenary doesn't say anything of her own, not even a murmur. She merely looks briefly thoughtful.

Blacktongue doffs an imaginary cap to hold against his chest, hand over the heart as the invocation to Magnata is made. A man of faith, albeit a different temple, he is reverent all the same. The champagne has already gone down the hatch, imbibed and forgotten as a caricature of a smile is given to Lark - far too exaggerated with the facepaint of his vocation. Tobias gets a lift of the brow and a retort spoken softly so as to not disturb the proceedings -too- much, "Quantity of silver does not ensure quality."

Leta moves to hang out by one of the railings, and leans far over it to glance along the hull. She straightens and turns to listen to the dedication, attentively, in respectful and thoughtful silence, shooting another skyward glance past the masts overhead.

Talen is stood listening as he casually checks the fold of sleeve in to ensure it doesn't slip further past his elbow. There's a few spare looks given to Victus, as if he wants to throw back quips but is held at bay by church etiquette. There's the casual shifting, as if he's ready to spring into action, yet he's also aware of the proceedings and what is to come. Eleyna's incoming words are patiently waited for while he lifts his head after the Mangata-inspired blessing. Leta's lurking is noted and she gets a nod, head slightly tilted to follow her eyes up. "I hear if you ever want to sulk, the crow's nest is a good place to be alone and look suitably brooding when found, whisky bottle in hand," he casually informs the mercenary.

Eleyna nods to the Godsworn and raises her voice to speak in the wake of the Sister's blessing, "Thank you, Sister. And thank all of you for joining us here today to dedicate this ship, this marvelous ship. We've called her Carlotta in honor of my aunt, the late Archduchess Carlotta Velenosa. She, also, was an adventurer in her own right and thought ahead to the future." As Eleyna speaks, servants begin to circulate, offering glasses of champagne to those who don't have one yet. "This ship is the product of hours of work, the ingenuity of the craftsmen of Lenosia, and a dear, dear amount of silver." She pauses, laughing slightly, before she continues, "The Carlotta would not have been possible without the dream of Father Orazio, who saw her come to life before we could even decide how to make her." She nods to Orazio. "The work of the craftsmen who dedicated the fullness of their talents and labor to the undertaking. I would also like to thank my family and vassals, who also worked with us to bring the Carlotta to life." A glance in Valencia and Stefano's directions before she presses on. "There are so many to thank that I could stand here all day to do so, but that would be a bore, so I won't."

A servant passes Eleyna a bottle of champagne into her hands. The Archduchess says just before breaking the bottle over the side of the boat and against the hull, "We dub you the Carlotta. May you take us as far as our dreams lead us."

Christine, seeing Leta come closer, she waves and smiles to the woman, but her attention turns again to the new speaker. She listens to Eleyna, with another sip... but when the servant with more glasses comes by, she returns hers. "Cute..."

Orazio finishes off his glass, puts it down on a passing tray, leaving both hands open to offer applause. "May she sail ever in Mangata's grace, and ever on a righteous purpose," he says, inclining his head to Eleyna.

Alaric applauds politely for the speech and the ceremonial bottle-smashing, taking up the glass of champagne he's given and raising it. "To the Carlotta," he declares festively. "May she be the first in a new age of sailing for the Compact."

Lark claps around the champagne she holds, a soft thing before she echoes the King by raising her glass as well and repeating and expanding, "To the Carlotta, a bright new hope for the future of the Lyceum." She takes a sip of her glass, her gaze sweeping the crowd thoughtfully.

Shard takes one of the glasses of champagne now, though she gives it a curious sniff and a glance, as though she's not entirely sure of it. She does, however, raise her glass when other people do, even if she stays quiet.

"Hear, hear," Talen calls in reply, lifting his champagne, before he drains it. They're small flutes, okay? Then with a breath, he sets it down and then moves to join his wife, a hand to her back. There's a quiet murmur, from her to the king, then his attention swings lastly to Victus. "How long do I have, like five minutes? Two?" With a short smirk, he then glances back to his wife, walking her steadily towards the king of the Compact on his arm.

Lark is overheard praising Eleyna for: Leading her people towards the future.

Esoka murmurs something under her breath that ends with 'Mangata,' as she echoes the blessing. Then, eyes up again, she raises her glass to toast the dedication.

"To the Carlotta, may she be as sure and formidable as her namesake." Blacktongue toasts with a laugh and impish grin.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Bianca before departing.

"Speaking of which.." Eleyna nods at another servant who moves to approach the King with an ornate scroll case. "The Carlotta is not meant to stand alone. As a gift to the Compact, we offer the plans for the ship so that others can both build and improve upon our designs. Information and innovation should not be hoarded, but shared in this new age as it begins. If one rises, so shall we all!"

Lark is overheard praising Eleyna for: For sharing the plans of her ship!

Orazio is overheard praising Eleyna for: Where are we going to find a bathtub big enough for this thing?

Lark is overheard praising Talen for: For his steps for his people.

Leta adjusts her lean on the railing while she listens, then glances towards Talen and bows her head. "Your Grace," she says, with another look up towards the top of the mast. "Well - if I was to brood up there with a bottle in hand, I'd worry about - well, 's a long way down, isn't it? Think I'd rather drink my sorrows away below deck or - not on a boat at all, as things go." Then she notices various high and mighty folk applause, and imitates them, offering a polite nod and smile in Christine's direction for a moment.

Blacktongue is overheard praising Eleyna for: Sailing the Lyceum into new horizons and waters.

Lark is overheard praising Orazio for: For the seed of an idea, saw life.

Orazio is overheard praising Talen for: For wrassling with shipwrights, successfully.

"Oh, wow," says Mayir when the Archduchess announces that she is sharing the plans for the ship with the Compact as a whole. Clearly, he is thinking of a caravale of his own. (Which is silly, of course, but still.) "Maybe I'll get to sail on one of these things after all."

"To big, beautiful ships." Victus joins in the toast, raising his bottle up and then downing a healthy gulp as well. His attention slowly turns to Talen as well when he speaks. "S'long as it takes for your wife not to get mad, then we'll see how far you can go." The man rumbles with laughter as he closes in to speak quietly with the dark Prince.

Bianca is overheard praising Eleyna.

Bianca is overheard praising Orazio.

When the ship is so dubbed, Calaudrin uses his free hands to clap together in appreciation for the dedication. As the celebrations continue on, a messenger comes to deliver him a note. He scrubs his face with a vague annoyance, makes apologetic motions to Esoka and Orazio and then quickly slips off of the ship.

Calaudrin is overheard praising Orazio.

3 Iron Guardsmen leaves, following Calaudrin.

Valencia stands quietly as blessings are offered and the ship is blessed. Polite applauds are given. Dark eyes find Leta and she gives a little frown of concern but does not approach noting the woman's expression. Turning back she smirks. "Well, enough fun for me. I think I shall take my leave before Victus and Talen find a shipwright's ruler and start measuring each other to prove who is more manly. Your pardon, mistress." With that, she departs the ship, a polite if not warm nod is leveled at the King, not that he is expected to notice.

Orazio nods approvingly as Eleyna offers the plans for the ship to Alaric. "As I'm sure the Archscholar would agree," a smile towards Bianca, "Vellichor would want such knowledge published and made available for all, in hopes that we can continue to improve it through the ages."

Dust the rat arrives, delivering a message to Shard before departing.

Eleyna is overheard praising Orazio for: Every great endeavor starts with a dream.

Eleyna is overheard praising Talen for: For waiting until after the dedication to wrassle.

Christine looks at Leta again and she asks. "Why so sad, dear?" She looks back and once she spots a rope that seems secure enough, she holds it and hoist herself (well, she needs a couple of attempts...) and sits on the railing, looking down at the water and back to the deck.

Alaric takes up the scroll case with ceremonial formality. "Thank you, Grand Duchess," he says to Eleyna and turns regards the gathering with a regal smile. "The Crown would like to once again acknoweldge House Velenosa's great success in making the Carlotta a reality," he pronounces in a clear voice. "This endeavor will indeed benefit the whole of our great Compact. The Ministry of War will be tasked with distributing the plans and methods of constructing these new Lenosian-class caravels, and pooling the accumulated experience of the shipwrights of all the Great Houses and vassals in order to further refine this great advance. May we continue to grow in wisdom and ability in order to rise to the challenges we face as a people and a united Compact."

Once he's done his duty on the arm of his wife, Talen looks to the king for his formal response before he's planting a kiss on his wife's cheek with a whisper. "Be right back, going to help a Leviathan to get back in the sea." With that, he steps aside and crooks two fingers up in a gesture at Victus, moving in a steady motion side to side in preparation for take the force of nature that is Victus. "Your grace," he calls formally, "try your damndest."

Ugarte arrives, following Fortunato.

Esoka bids Calaudrin a quick farewell as he's summoned away. She claims another drink, her first one long finished, and finds herself a place at the railing where she can lean semi-comfortably. She lacks sea legs, and having something to hold onto makes her more comfortable. She applauds the news that the construction of these ships will be spread among the Compact.

Dust the rat arrives, delivering a message to Shard before departing.

Blacktongue takes a post and leans against the mast, hands folded behind his head to cushion as he settles in to watch the spectacle of Victus and Talen.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Bianca before departing.

Whatever Talen whispers into her ear earns the Archduke a smirk and a roll of her eyes as he starts in the direction of Victus. She drains a glass of champagne, passes the empty glass onto a tray, and then reaches for another.

Shard eases herself off of the railing. After a glance at the message she receives, she sets her drink aside, and makes her way toward the gangplank, clearly intending to depart. There's no goodbyes from her, but then, there were no hellos either.

As a few messengers came and went, Bianca was soon slip off in their wake!

As the ceremony turns to /fun/, it seems that is time for the High Lady of the Crownlands to depart. Lark nods softly to Eleyna, a gesture that is simple and quick, before she inclines a similar nod towards the King. Then, she drains the last of her champagne and escapes from the ship in a sweep of grey silk skirts.

Orazio is approached by an acolyte in white and gold, who hovers by his shoulder until the Legate turns to her. A whispered conversation is quickly undertaken, and then Orazio is also bowing to others, and making his own departure.

2 Faith of the Pantheon trained guards, 2 Faith of the Pantheon novice guards leave, following Orazio.

Leta looks to Christine and blinks, putting on a smile. "Sad? I'm not sad, m'Lady, it's a lovely ship, time to celebrate and all," she replies as she picks up some champagne from a passing servant. "Nah, I was just thinking that's all," she concludes with a shrug, still smiling as she turns her attention to Victus and Talen with an arched eyebrow.

Fortunato slips in post ceremony, if before the crowds quite depart. He pays some brief general nod to the gathered, then goes to the side to hang off of it a moment and watch the water. Just a moment. Then he's joining the general exodus soon as he's arrived.

Ugarte leaves, following Fortunato.

5 Grayson Guardsmen, Crom, an expressive bull-mastiff, Songbird, a dignified war-mastiff leave, following Lark.

Eleyna returns Lark's nod and raises her glass in farewell. She takes another drink, her pale blue eyes turning upward to gaze over the masts and sails, an expression of pride mixed with wonder fixed on her face.

Victus returns his stony gaze right back to Talen as the advent of their challenge resurfaces. THE GLOVES COME OFF AGAIN! Heavy calloused hands wringing together, knuckles cracking. "I'm gonna fuck you up, 'dark prince'." He refers back to the man, bracing himself against the deck. With an almost feral growl, he charges forth to lock with the man. Somebody is most certainly getting tossed over this day.

Christine smiles to Leta. "Oh, I understood..." She gestures to point at... who was talking with her? She shrugs. "Better. Thinking is good, sad in a celebration, not so much..."

Talen checked strength + brawl at difficulty 15, rolling 20 higher.

Victus checked strength + brawl at difficulty 15, rolling 29 higher.

Alaric proceeds up to Eleyna companionably. "This is a lovely scroll case," he declares conversationally as if Victus and Talen weren't at all wrestling just off to the side over yonder. "Was it made here in Arx?"

"Yeah, yeah," Talen says with a rough laugh as he pitches down to lower and center himself, then he takes the collision with Victus in a sudden screech of shoes on the deck, likely soon to find a railing, the deck, or the sea as a bed to land. "Ugh, fuck, you're a monster," he says as he strains against the muscles of the broader, taller and generally just fucking huge Thraxian.

Eleyna drags her gaze away from the sails to look at Alaric. She glances at the scroll case in his hands and then into his eyes, likewise ignoring the fact that Victus and Talen are wrestling nearby. "I had Jiacomo pick it out." She nods in the man's direction before looking to the King once more. "I suspect we'll have a fleet of these on the waters before the new year. I'm glad of it."

Fight! Christine turns her gaze to Victus and Talen holding tight the rope she took as a safety measure, and she squints as to see them better. There is a light cheer. (And probably a hope that they don't approach -that- part of the railing)

Esoka blinks, almost choking on her drink. She was /not/ expecting wrestling at a noble party. She does /not/ ignore it, craning her neck to get a better view of the fracas.

And so they lock up! The two men of Velenosa and Thrax grappling with each other, skidding across the deck with force. Victus pushing and shoving with force as they both try to get an upper-hand. Eventually however, the Thrax is the one to take the opening. Muscular hands hoisting Talen up beneath his arms, lifting the man off his feet. Then just as promised and with a powerful "RRRAAAGGHHH!", Victus does in fact toss the Archduke clean over the railing, to get sent plummeting to the waters below. With nobody standing in his way, he curls his fists and thumps his chest.

With all said and done, he makes a show of exaggeratedly dusting off his hands. "That's for our fucking spider!" He yells down as retrieves his wine.

Talen checked stamina + athletics at difficulty 30, rolling 7 higher.

Leta glances to Christine once more, "Ah - think his Grace was just makin' conversation, didn't mean I was sulking or nothing. Why, I was just standing here, haven't had a chance to get proper melancholy..." she lifts her glass and takes a long drink from the sparkling wine, nose wrinkling slightly at the end as she glances back towards the bout, brow creasing as Talen goes overboard. "Well shit," she says, and pushes closer along the railing, leaning far over to get a look.

Eleyna is overheard praising Victus for: In memory of Foxglove, the spider.

Talen sails down the side of the (admittedly very tall) ship and hits the waves in a way that might have him lose his breath from impact alone. For a few moments he's not at all seen from above, then eventually he surfaces in a bobbing motion and paddles to stay afloat. There's the traditional intake of breath before he coughs and lounges on his back, letting the dock water keep him bouyant. It's Leta who gets seen peering over, to whom he calls up, "A rope, any day now, that'd be nice," is managed. "Hello?"

Christine cheers louder now that Victus won! She leans back, since she's already sitting on the railing, holding tight on that rope, to get a look at Talen too. She then jumps down and reaches for another rope to toss the man.

"I think we should see great advances in both pirate deterrence and economic activity once these begin to launch in numbers," Alaric agrees confidently. Speaking of launching in numbers, one is a number, and one Talen has been launched overboard somewhere in the background when the King pauses to sip his remaining champagne. "You've done quite excellently. I'll definitely see that these scrolls are given the guard we spoke about." He pauses to glance briefly in Victus' direction before giving Eleyna a slightly skeptical look. "He sure seems to 'accidentally' get a lot of other people's pets killed."

With a belabored sigh, Eleyna watches Victus hoist Talen up and toss him over the side of the ship. She takes a step away from Alaric and peers over the side of the ship as the Archduke hits the water. There are a few tense moments until Talen resurfaces, drawing another sigh from her lips as she murmurs distractedly, "He had a troubled childhood."

Alaric leans slightly overboard to look below. Arguably the King probably should at least seem mildly concerned when a Duke Consort seems in a bit of trouble. "Perhaps this will put him in a mind to be more careful in that regard going forward," he observes open-mindedly.

Esoka /leans/ over the rail as Talen goes flying, wincing at the splash. She tries not to laugh. She really, really tries. And she mostly succeeds, though she does snort in a way that sounds suspiciously like a chuckle, and she spends a few seconds coughing.

Leta straightens slightly once Talen surfaces, and offers him a sympathetic look, then starts looking around. "A rope? There's - ropes, right? Wait, this one's attached," she tugs on a rope, but the rope seems occupied doing something involving - sails, possibly, and knots. It doesn't budge. She starts trying to uncoil another, but it's more complicated than it looks. Eventually, it seems Christine tosses down a rope, so Leta just leans overboard and points to it. "There's a rope, your Grace!"

Blacktongue isn't exactly rushing to toss a rope over the railing, though an eye was spared to make sure Talen resurfaced. "There is a lesson in here somewhere, but the real question is if he can still be taught."

Eleyna looks away from the floating Archduke to lift a brow at Alaric, murmuring drily, "Oh, I'm sure it will." She watches at Christine tosses a rope down and calls down to Talen, "Good thing it's summer, else Donato might have ended up an only child!" She takes a step away from the ship railing, drains the glass of champagne, reaches for another as she looks at Alaric, continuing their conversation as if nothing has happened, "I already have shipwrights looking over the plans to see if we can make the ship cheaper or faster to construct."

"Oh, it's never too late to make a major turn-around in terms of your life approach," Alaric declares confidently to Blacktongue. "I daresay I might be a prime example of that." He smiles appreciatively at the steward carrying around fresh champagne glasses and acquires his own refill. "That is the very reason for the secondary task I'm putting the Ministry of War to in regards to these caravels," he notes to Eleyna. "Once these plans are in the hands of builders, naturally they'll all go about them in their own unique variations, and should any of them hit on an improvement of some part of the process, we'll want everyone to know about it."

Talen eventually grasps the rope and spends a few moments climbing up. Slipping against the side of the ship once before he manages to figure out how he needs to place his feet, a couple minutes after his plunge, he makes the much longer ascent. Gripping the edge of the rail, he holds still for a moment before flopping onto the deck, cradling his ribs and staring at the sky... panting. "Well," he eventually says, swivelling his eyes in upsidedown fashion towards his uncle, responding with, "I learnt that Victus hasn't gotten any weaker since our early days in Arx. Does that count?" With that, he extends a single hand up, waiting for someone to help him. It might be there a while but he doesn't seem to mind.

Apostate drops Forecastle.

Apostate drops Crow's Nest.

Apostate drops Quarter Deck.

Apostate drops By the Mast.

"That is exactly what I am hoping will happen, your majesty. Innovation is best when there are multiple minds to achieve it," Eleyna says as her attention is one again pulled toward Talen as he's dragged back up on deck and left to flop there. She clenches her jaw and then looks at Blacktongue, sharing a glance with the Harlequin as she offers, "There is a saying about old curs and new tricks, I believe."

Christine offers a hand to Talen, but well, the older lady may not be the strongest one to help him...

Victus is just standing by the rail, looking as smug as a feline in his own usual grimacing manner. He's finishing off his wine and then he's looking back to Talen, being fished out of the water. "His Majesty has wise words." He points out to the Prince, before he's continuing his slow exploration of the deck. "Though I'm sure we can have our rematch when another one of these beauties comes to life." He assures, slowly moving about the deck as he gives a few final observations. "Yeah, you could /definitely/ fit more weapons on this thing..."

Esoka makes herself stop gawking, once all highlords are safely back aboard and it appears no one will drown. She finishes her drink and eventually winds her way off-ship.

"He can still be taught, certainly, but the catalyst of change relies wholly upon the recipient and the will. My nephew, Gods bless him, is about as yielding as apparently as a Thraxian's gut." Blacktongue gestures with a wave towards Victus's mid-section. Walking over to his nephew, BLT narrows his pale blue eyes and then with a rasp of laughter, pats him twice on either cheek. "I daresay that does count, my boy! Does the teacher get an apple? I'll even let you choose the color." To his Arch Duchess, the Harlequin simply reflects, "New tricks are simply the same ones reworded with a different finesse. I would know, for I am about as old as they come and yet you still think me as innovative as ever. I am deceitful, not inventive."

Talen hauls himself up with Christine's help and gives her a nod, before he looks to Leta with a glance that says the same, as he heard her voice. "Too many weapons it doesn't sail as far, though," he does tell Victus, "so you'll want to figure that one out before you pack it with ballistae." Then, propped against the rail as he spills water from his drenched formal wear, he runs a hand through his head and looks over to Eleyna and the king with a curious consideration. "I'm just fine, by the way," he calls out to them, "didn't hurt at al--" hiss, the pain in his rib might be hyperbolic. "I'm going in there to get a whisky," he says then, looking to the chart room's door, before he thumps Victus on the arm as he passes. "Want one? Oh and uncle, no apples, not now. I need to be functionable enough for later in the captain's quarters before we officially name the intended. I think the captaincy defaults to me, as Minister of War. Until then..." he leaves it open ended, for gutter minds. The rest of the guests, it seems, are Eleyna's to herd. "Official after party," he proposes.

Alaric smiles rather sunnily despite the mild amount of waterlogged chaos on deck. "Certainly noone will ever accuse Prince Talen of an unwillingness to face a challenge," he replies to Blacktongue before nodding to Talen. "It's a start," he declares agreeably. He watches Victus start to internally categorize hardpoints for armament installation before bowing lightly to Eleyna. "Well then, once again congratulations on completing the Carlotta, Eleyna. You quite deservedly should be very proud of what your House has been able to accomplish."

"And mess up her beautiful lines." Eleyna scoffs. "That would be like trying to make a dagger sheathe built into a Lycene summer dress. But sure, add more weapons. The Carlotta will always be prettier," she offers with a laugh at Victus as she sips her champagne. Her lips remain curved into a fond smile for Blacktongue as she observes between sips, "You are inventive in your deceit, then." Talen gets another eyeroll as she follows his announcement, "Yes, because what this party needs is whisky after you nearly drowned." Nonetheless, Eleyna starts to drift in that direction toward the Chart Room, but not before giving the King a small bow, "Thank you. This is only the beginning you'll see from us, if I have my way about it. And, as my husband is wont to say, life is easier when I get my way."

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