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Written By Sina

April 13, 2018, 6:25 p.m.(7/18/1008 AR)

I have some thoughts today on the matter of thralls, and of Princess Alarissa's stalwart efforts to improve the situation left behind by Donrai Thrax. As a servant of House Thrax, I can only commend and praise the Princess-Consort's efforts to improve their lot, which I have seen firsthand. Before, they suffered under the yoke of true slavery. They were treated with such indignity, and lived in fear of Prince Donrai Thrax. I can attest, their lot is so much better now.

I have seen the difference, during my service to House Thrax. Princess Alarissa's compassion for the downtrodden knows no bounds. But, I must also observe that change cannot simply happen overnight. It is not easy to simply cast off traditions that are deeply rooted in the history of the House. These things take time. But the changes are happening, and they are noticeable.

My mother was a thrall, aboard my father's ship. She was sold off when I was too young to remember her. Property, to be given or sold away like a piece of furniture. Nevermind that doing such separated her from me... her daughter. And I never got to know her as a result.

And yet, years later, House Thrax took me in, and I have never known thralldom myself. I was raised up from a kitchen servant to handmaiden, a position of honor and respect. I have full confidence that any thrall within the household might do the same, given enough time, education, and training should they so choose upon their release from any debts they may owe the House. Perhaps one day, the practice will even be ended altogether. But I still say, it cannot simply happen overnight. Tradition is deeply rooted, and like a great and ancient oak tree whose branches have begun to choke out the light, simply chopping it down will not remove it entirely from the earth. It must be dug up by the roots, and that takes time.

So to those who think to imply that the thralls serving out their indenture in House Thrax are treated with indignity, I say, take another look. From my view, as a servant of the House, things have very much changed... for the better.

As for the knighting of cats... I think perhaps everyone is taking this far too seriously. It seems to me, this was an inside joke between His Majesty and His Grace, Prince Victus, and intended to be amusing, especially given the clarification given by the Prince. I don't think anyone is out to devalue the sacrifices and bravery of true Knights.

Given all we have suffered, all we have endured, all we have triumphed over these past few months as a people... as a Compact... I should think a little levity would be welcome. We don't know when the next crisis may come around the corner, and so... squabbling over whether or not a cat has an honorary title seems a trivial matter. But that is simply my opinion, as a humble servant.

So, here's to Lilybelle, and all those who fought so bravely for our freedom.

Written By Eirene

April 13, 2018, 6:18 p.m.(7/18/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Hadrian

I can confess I once tried to get into a title wagging contest with my nephew Hadrian.

I lost. Badly...

No shame in that game.

Written By Daemon

April 13, 2018, 5:15 p.m.(7/18/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Theron

On the contrary my witty companion, were I upon the streets and my ruler saw fit to gift me with a bottle of expensive liquors and a shirt of silks, I too would endeavor to declare him a 'swell guy'. What other definitions could describe such a charitable soul if not 'swell'? If one cannot be deemed 'swell' for their selfless acts of zero motivations of the ulterior, then I dare say that none of us deserve to be called swell.

Hail to the Marquis! For he is swell! For he gifts those of poorer backgrounds with many great things for simple words in return! I bet he drinks a mean glass of milk too.

Written By Calista

April 13, 2018, 5:09 p.m.(7/18/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Hadrian

There is a Torean saying about one who bears more titles than necessary is one who is compensating for something.

However this does not apply to Marquis Hadrian. He has just the right amount of titles.

Written By Lianne

April 13, 2018, 5:01 p.m.(7/18/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Hadrian

And Most Impressive Title Collector.

A delight to read. Truly.

Written By Isolde

April 13, 2018, 4:36 p.m.(7/18/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Hadrian

Emergency Javelin?

Dare I even ask?

Written By Theron

April 13, 2018, 4:35 p.m.(7/18/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Hadrian

Marquis, conscripting random Ostrian commoners to declare you are a "swell guy" and requesting "crisp high fives" is not fair on the random Ostrian commoners, especially when they're given a new silk shirt and two bottles of our secret reserve to make up for it.

(For those that aren't aware, I am kidding.)

Written By Hadrian

April 13, 2018, 4:07 p.m.(7/17/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Orazio

*a copy of a letter is deposited into the Archives*

To the Heart of Solace, Legate of Concepts, Shield of the Faith, Purveyor of Frowns, Judgmental Judger, Clearly A Servant of Sentinel, Father Orazio,

It's your birthday? My ribbon and I are on our way over. Prepare your body.

I'll bring booze to knock your socks off and news.

Hadrian Mazetti
Marquis and Voice of House Mazetti
Count of the March of Ostria
Minister of Prosperity, House Mazetti
Chairperson, Arvum Refugee Relief Group
6-time Winner of the Best Smile of Southport Competition
Emergency Javelin
Illuminated Librarian of the Third Tier
Shark Wrangler
Duchess Adona Malvici's (Likely) Favored Child
Donkey Knights, Promoter and Enthusiast
Able To Throw A Lemon Like 900 Feet
Motivational Speaker and Life Coach
Owner and Operator, Hadrian's Private Investigative Services
Master Baker
Dashing Rogue
People Pleaser
Master of Ceremonies
"The best child a mother could ask for," - Duchess Adona Malvici, probably
Anti-Corruption Advocate
Former Head of the Committee to Select the Best Smile of Southport Contest
1-time Winner, The Most Unbiased Person In Southport Contest
Former Southport Turtle Skipping Record Holder
Baby Whisperer
"A swell guy," - random Ostrian commoner

Written By Shard

April 13, 2018, 3:56 p.m.(7/17/1008 AR)

Knighted or not, it doesn't make much difference when you're the mouse.

Written By Saya

April 13, 2018, 3:43 p.m.(7/17/1008 AR)

Enjoy the sunshine, when it's there.
But chase it not, for it fades.
Soon the dark will bring despair.
All sorrows in parades.

Written By Karadoc

April 13, 2018, 3:39 p.m.(7/17/1008 AR)

I have a cat that should be given an honorary tit --

Nah, this has already been beat to death. Not funny anymore.

Written By Agatha

April 13, 2018, 3:25 p.m.(7/17/1008 AR)

So. Being a knight, and being a cat, and being a bear. I don't know. The cat seems pretty tough and isn't being made a knight, so I guess it's all just fun and stuff and great. BUT, and this is a GOOD but. Not a good BUTT. Lots of you have perfectly nice .. Oh, right Scholar. Sorry for getting off track when I'm trying to be serious for once.

Starting over, there's some good coming of all this. NO, sister, I am not talking about losing the bet, though there were an awful lot of happy giggles at the idea of this whole fancy dress thing.

We're talking about what it means to be a knight, and I just had a really nice conversation about that with a young man from Oakhaven, Jonathan something I think. About what it means, about setting examples, about what we admired in knights when we were children. About how it shaped the grownups we've become. And then I'm reading other knights speak up about what their journey has been like, what it means to them.

I was raised with everything I would ever need, not having to worry about my next meal came from or a safe place to sleep. One of my good friends was an orphan from a very different life. Maybe without the dedication and idealism we take from our service, we would not have met. We may come from wealth or from poverty, we may have different tools to use, but I think at the end of the day it comes down to this for a lot of us: Whatever we do have, armed to the teeth or bare to the bone and with our last breath, we would give in service to this Compact. We would die for it, and we will live for it. We will die for you and we will live to protect you and serve you.

So thanks, Claw of the Realm, or whatever fancy title it was (SORRY, High Lord, I'll try to remember. You have a Very Important Cat. I like her sass), for making us reflect on what all that stuff means. I'm kind of glad you're not a knight, but you should be too. The plate would probably make it really easy for the mice to hear you coming. You still cost me a day in a dress.

Written By Jordan

April 13, 2018, 3:11 p.m.(7/17/1008 AR)

Father Orazio's advice to me has served me well, these days. My thoughts on any happenings of late are best left as private reflections, rather than public statements.

Also, limiting my reading of journals to a worthwhile, but fixed, number.

Written By Elgana

April 13, 2018, 2:59 p.m.(7/17/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Orazio

Happy birthday, Father Orazio.

I hope the day treats you kindly and there is at some point icewine.

Written By Agatha

April 13, 2018, 2:58 p.m.(7/17/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

I am sending my finest scouts to stand guard and make sure you rest. They have all practiced their stern faces in front of me. They are VERY stern.

Candice is looking forward to the challenge. She claims it has nothing to do with the pretty jewels.

Future Most Dangerous Bear.

Written By Victus

April 13, 2018, 2:57 p.m.(7/17/1008 AR)

Just to echo statements already made: Lilybelle being knighted is a rumor. The cat doesn't be carry the title of 'Sir' and she doesn't have any actual office.

What she does have is an honorary title and a shiny badge that she carries around in her teeth. The crown now pays me a whopping 20 silver a week to buy cat food until she perishes. Which as we've seen from war, is really fucking hard to do.

Anything that you hear contrary to what I just said is untrue, and no actual titles with history's and standing were intended to be threatened over His Majesty declaring my cat the fairest cat of them all.

It was just pretty funny.

Written By Joscelin

April 13, 2018, 2:40 p.m.(7/17/1008 AR)

I'm really too tired to go through the stack of whites given to me today by one of my shop assistants. Whomever handed them to her, I will find you and kick you in the shins.

What little energy I have at the moment will be for sleeping, even now someone is writing this for me because my current hand-writing would represent literal chicken scratch, and I'm not even looking into untangling the mess of entries on knighthood and cats.

I read that right, didn't I? Yes?

Written By Calaudrin

April 13, 2018, 2:33 p.m.(7/17/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Orazio

At least we haven't licked anymore dubious liquids recently?

Happy Birthday!

Written By Aureth

April 13, 2018, 2:32 p.m.(7/17/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

Your jokes are unfunny. Learn not to punch down. Perhaps it will help you.

Written By Norwood

April 13, 2018, 2:30 p.m.(7/17/1008 AR)

I was born to parents of humble means. We were beekeepers and hunters as our means of making our way in the world. My brothers and I, we each followed their example. I was, and still am, proud of my heritage. However, circumstances as they were did not place my future on a path where I personally would be able to continue that tradition.

Approximately seventeen years ago, as I mourned the recent loss of my wife, I heard the cries of a child in the forest while hunting. The cries were of one very young Lady Jael Laurent who had found her way into the forest. A bear had likewise found her, and it became essential that someone step in to make sure that the young girl was uninjured. Luck was with me that day, and both Jael and I were able to escape without undue harm. Upon delivering her to Duke Edmund Laurent’s household, I found myself in a new situation, quite outside of the experiences that I thus forth was exposed to. I was knighted, and with my daughter Adalyn at my side, began my lifetime service to the Laurent family as a knight.

The honor of being knighted is one which I hold dear. To be knighted is to hold myself to a different level of conduct than others.

My actions should be without reproach in all things, and if I should fall to human weakness, my efforts should be immediately turned to reparation of those weaknesses. I should not lie, nor cheat, nor mislead those who surround me. The poorest beggar to the king should receive respect and be treated with dignity. I should care for those less fortunate than I whenever circumstances permit. Moreover I should be willing to lay down my life for my Duke, his vassals, and those to whom my Duke serves. I should not seek to build myself up but instead to build up those about me. When I should win glory it is with the understanding that this glory is not mine alone, but that of the family that has entrusted me with this position of knighthood. I do my best to refrain from boastful behavior in all matters. If I should give offense, even unmeaning, I should immediately seek out how I might fix and then avoid in the future that offense. My own stubbornness is less important as a knight than keeping the peace. If conflict should arise between myself and another, I do believe that it should be settled with words, less said conflict should reflect poorly upon Duke Laurent and his.

Knighthood is not simply an office which I have been given, nor a status. It defines the ways which I interact with those about me and the choices which I make daily. I hold my knighthood as a trust.

I only hope that as I continue to serve I will live up to these ideals which I feel underpin what makes a person a knight.

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