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Written By Ember

July 22, 2018, 10:24 p.m.(4/1/1009 AR)

I don't often write these things, but I suppose that it doesn't hurt.

I didn't expect to find many people in the city that I would enjoy spending time with. When you've been on your own for a while, every time it happens, it's a surprise. I look forward to each new friendship now, even if they are difficult to maintain,

Late night discussions are the best ones.

Written By Briar

July 22, 2018, 10:08 p.m.(4/1/1009 AR)

The new line of more fashionable attire at Spirit Leathers has been doing very well indeed. Perhaps that is an angle that the shop needs to work more often. Of the four dresses that were put up for sale, only one remains. I doubt it will be here much longer.

Written By Katarina

July 22, 2018, 9:36 p.m.(4/1/1009 AR)

I wait with bated breath for the first signs of spring to be truly upon us. It is then that I'll return. Not towards their echanting song, but the other way -- or so I'll try.

Written By Malesh

July 22, 2018, 9:21 p.m.(4/1/1009 AR)

Some time ago, I saw something in Lady Joslyn that many did not. At great damage to my own reputation, from which one might even say I've not yet recovered, I recognized this wonderful woman as a member of my house.

Since then she's continued to do great service to Stonewood and our Lieges the Bislands, having earned herself a knighting. Very recently she's earned herself third place in a tournament set by the Champion's Guild.

Let the records show that, in addition to being quite skilled at helping to manage Stonewood's finances, that she does a great honor to Gloria with her skill in a duel. We couldn't be happier to count her as family.

Written By Sabella

July 22, 2018, 9:12 p.m.(4/1/1009 AR)

My husband is the most wonderful, brilliant, and talented man ever! He surprised me with a painting of me that he did and then put up in one of the halls I pass every day. I was so stunned the first time I saw it! He made me look so beautiful and lifelike and I had no idea he was hiding this amazing painting ability! He is truly extraordinary and I am exceedingly lucky to have fallen in love with someone who has the capacity for such love and creativity to shine through.

That he's also incredibly handsome is also very helpful!

Written By Torian

July 22, 2018, 8:58 p.m.(4/1/1009 AR)

Crown School opened, taking the success we've had with our Safe Harbor House in the Lowers and emulating it for the Upper Boroughs.

Nice to have ones idea proven a good one. Still be plenty of orphans down here though.

Written By Yessica

July 22, 2018, 8:25 p.m.(4/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

Also the bestest sisterperson in Arx. (Yes, there can be two, I consulted the "Big Book of Sisterpeople" on this one, rest assured.)

Written By Yessica

July 22, 2018, 8:23 p.m.(4/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Hannah

The bestest sisterperson in Arx. (Yes, better than yours, too. It's nothing personal.)

Written By Sebastian

July 22, 2018, 8:22 p.m.(4/1/1009 AR)

The game of hand shared at the Clearlake Festival was very interesting indeed. This is not a game of chance.

This is a game that demonstrates how well you know your opponent -- or when you don't know them -- how well you can read them. Are they the sort of person who, without thinking, will pick their dominant hand? Or are they calculating, trying to throw you off base, considering what you might read of them and doing the opposite?

I think this Redrain tradition is an intriguing one indeed -- and much more fun than tossing a log.

Written By Yessica

July 22, 2018, 8:16 p.m.(4/1/1009 AR)

I decided to visit my sister Reigna and to my happy surprise found not one sister but two! It would seem that Hannah arrived here only a few weeks before me and is actually intending to stay for a while, or so she says. I can't help but worry that I will be greeted by a note reading nothing more than "Had to go, I'll be in touch." or some such the next time I go to see her. She does seem a little different, however, so maybe there is hope after all. She actaully sat down and just talked to me for hours, can you imagine that? She didn't even try to climb up something with the intent to jump off it or anything. Not once!

As for Reigna, it is much the same. She has changed. The last time we spoke she was still on a path deviating more and more from my own and the rest of the family, still intent on becoming a Crownsworn. I had heard the sudden changes to those plans but I could never have expected what seems to have happened. She is actually happy, I think. I can't remember the last time before this day that she actually looked me in the eyes when speaking to me but today, I think she was actually as happy to see me as I was her. She has three children and if Hannah is to be belived was recently elevated to the rank of Marquessa-Consort following the hard work of her and her husband along with a number of other titles and offices I shant even mention here. I'm so happy and proud of her.

I guess that people can change, after all. That gives me hope that I might be able to do the same.

Written By Theo

July 22, 2018, 8:16 p.m.(4/1/1009 AR)

Loyalty. What a strange concept in this city.

Written By Yessica

July 22, 2018, 8:15 p.m.(4/1/1009 AR)

I finally arrived in Arx earlier today and I must say that it has put all my expectations, high as they were, to shame. Blancbier is a wonderful city but the capitol is something else entirely. I can not wait to experience it all once I get settled in. If only I could decide on where to go first....

Written By Coraline

July 22, 2018, 8:05 p.m.(4/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Amari

The secret is to drink enough at the start that you don't feel it very much, and when you get in the water you move. Lots, you move lots and lots. You did well to try though! And take a hot bath, or a lot of hot baths, feeling in the toes are bound to return.....eventually.

Written By Denica

July 22, 2018, 7:17 p.m.(4/1/1009 AR)

I cannot help but feel as if so many things have changed all around me in the city. I've been so busy learning new things, preparing myself in all kinds of ways for the vows of Knighthood that I am to be taking. It's all such a strange future that I had never even begun to suspect I might take. I suppose now I must ponder what kind of future I have in Thrax, where are we going? I've no idea, but I am so excited to begin this journey in the future. I've met some wonderful people and terrible and everything in between. This order is such that I don't know what waits on the horizon, but to be perfectly honest I have no idea what the future holds... and I find that the most exhilarating thing of all.

Written By Valerio

July 22, 2018, 5:59 p.m.(3/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Hadrian

The family has done well, recently. As a result, I have also continued to learn things about Hadrian. He was such an asset. But, I think he’s spent so much time with diplomacy, that apparently direct action may actually be anathema to him. I’m not mad, I can understand that my methods without warning sometimes are… blunt. That I do act upon instinct, I take partial blame. But, I was surprised to find out that after he’s been under stress he will break out into song… and is a nice tenor at that. Oh, and if anyone observes him observing floors far too closely. I take sole responsibility for that.

Written By Agostino

July 22, 2018, 5:29 p.m.(3/28/1009 AR)

All the hard work over the past couple of weeks, finishing up outstanding jobs before taking up this new position, has been worth it. I look forward to this new endeavor, and working with house Malespero, a great deal.

Written By Edward

July 22, 2018, 5:10 p.m.(3/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Elloise

Thank you for not burning down the house this week.

Written By Felicia

July 22, 2018, 3:49 p.m.(3/28/1009 AR)

A polar plunge; and I did pretty well at it, even if I felt half-frozen by the end. I was admittedly relieved to have been defeated by her highness, Reese, this time as winning ones own craftwork does rather feel inappropriate.

Then I went to the spring festival. Normally I do fairly well with feats of strength, but my hand slipped on the log and I almost landed it on my own head. I'm just grateful that it didn't land on anyone else.

I feel out of practice. Too much time drilling and working on paperwork, not enough in other ways.

Written By Gabriel

July 22, 2018, 3:47 p.m.(3/28/1009 AR)

I have divided much of my time between Pridehall and Arx of late. While I will always enjoy the time I spend in that ancient keep, and miss it when duty calls me away, I long ago learned that I will never put my heart before my duty. I must devote myself to matters here in Arx, knowing that Pridehall is managed in the most capable of hands.

Written By Raymesin

July 22, 2018, 3:30 p.m.(3/28/1009 AR)

Looks like the Lowers ain't changed much while I was away, and it's not taking long to get my feet back under me. The silks still come to slum it, trying to make out they've got the common touch and actually like the ale at the Murder, and the rest of us just try to get by how we can.

Some of the faces are familiar, some of the faces have changed, and some of the faces are new. All of the faces I know are older - well, that or missing. Then again, if they were younger I'd be surprised.

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