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Written By Berenice

Sept. 18, 2018, 3:25 p.m.(8/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Agostino

Aren't you a darling.

Written By Bliss

Sept. 18, 2018, 3:15 p.m.(8/16/1009 AR)

I realized today that I have spent far more time on the road, out of Arx, this year than I have since I came here. The Champions tour, the multiple excursions deep into the Gray Forest, the Twilight Court, Ostria, the Mourning Isles, the Oathlands.

Today my feet are itchy again. Restless. My mind filled with daydreams of seeing new places, new sights, learning new things. I need to find something to fulfill this wanderlust.

Where haven't I been yet? What haven't I done? I certainly need to make those lists smaller.

Written By Thena

Sept. 18, 2018, 3:03 p.m.(8/16/1009 AR)

If I declared I wanted to stab someone, how many people do you think would assume it was them?

Written By Agostino

Sept. 18, 2018, 2:54 p.m.(8/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Berenice

My guess is that many would, in the hopes their beliefs would turn out to be true.

Written By Karadoc

Sept. 18, 2018, 2:17 p.m.(8/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Berenice

Not I, said the cat.

Written By Reigna

Sept. 18, 2018, 1:39 p.m.(8/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

It was not that before I became a mother I had no ambitions to make the world a better place, it was more that the urge was amorphous and unfocused. I wanted to do good, to be good. But as I carried my first child that shapeless urge became so much more defined. It still was vague, a desire for the world to be safer for my child. It was when I was carrying my second, Talis, that I was called by duty to Stormwall. What I saw there, the experiences I had, it crystallized everything. What drives me now is the need to make this world safer, better for my boys. For my daughter of heart if not blood.

It is a sobering thing, to hold that small child and look into their trusting eyes and realize that you are responsible for them. That you are their whole world.

There is an almost parental role taken by a noble to their charges. We provide safety, we provide opportunity, we are there to help them flourish and be successful, but there is a distance inherent to that relationship. For all the similarities, there is a barrier, while a good lord loves their people and in turn the people love them, it is not at all the same as holding your child in your lap, looking into their eyes.

Written By Jaenelle

Sept. 18, 2018, 12:19 p.m.(8/16/1009 AR)

I don't think there ever is a proper time to bring a child into the world. I dont think there will ever be a time where there is not some threat, some concern, some issue blocking the way. You bring a child into the world despite everything going on around you because it is how we find hope and gain the ability to defeat each problem plaging you because now you must.

You are perfect, Vittore, and along with your father I vow to make sure you flourish in your own way, in whatever decisions you make with your time here.

Written By Mydas

Sept. 18, 2018, 11:40 a.m.(8/16/1009 AR)

My son.

You've arrived at an interesting time. As we gather to face yet another crisis, I find my thoughts often return to you. What kind of world shall you inherit? What new threat shall you be called upon to face, when your time has come?

I shall strive to ensure they are few. And if I cannot? I shall ensure that you shall have the tools to conquer them, whatever they may be.

It is a father's duty.

Written By Niklas

Sept. 18, 2018, 10:46 a.m.(8/16/1009 AR)

It's nice to be useful. I spent most of the struggle against the Gyre sitting around and hoping Wash, Ian, Aethan, Porter and even Vanora were surviving, along with countless others.

Now I'm ... well, far from the front lines, but directly aiding in efforts. It feels better than sitting around. Hopefully no one eats me.

Also, I'm directly helping my taking a pie to the face.

Sure, I could have painted something, but no, Luca said 'Niklas, I want to throw a pie at you, so you are signing up to get pies thrown at you for money'.

Great. Glad to help?

Written By Harlex

Sept. 18, 2018, 10:45 a.m.(8/16/1009 AR)

My mother, Loretta, once caught me and the Casever girl down by the lake. I was sixteen and only trouble and when she chased her off with her hollering I knew it wasn't her she was cross with. My mother didn't like me lying.

"Did you say you loved her?"


"Did you mean it?"

"Right then I did." I think I smirked.

And it was here that she cracked my head with a switch. I only grumbled. The sickness had made her weak. She use to hit harder. I wish I had noticed those early signs.

"Lex." She said. "Someday you are going to say that to someone and I hope it hurts because you mean it. I hope she takes a knife and slices out your heart and shows you it and the blood is deep and black all over in her pretty palm. Then she eats it raw. And all the while you love her for it."

"What's that even mean? Why the Abyss would I?"

"You dumb boy." She paused then, I won't forget that rare smile. "You'll see."

Written By Cristoph

Sept. 18, 2018, 10:42 a.m.(8/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Naka

When I was growing up, my knightly pursuits often led to me being closer to certain members of my family than others. It was easier and simpler to relate to Klaus or Eiran. I sadly knew almost nothing about Naka until he came to Arx.

I suppose I can thank age for teaching me that not every problem can be solved with a sword. I'm proud to have him as blood, his wisdom is invaluable to me and to our family.

To many more years, cousin.

Written By Jhond

Sept. 18, 2018, 10:21 a.m.(8/16/1009 AR)

If I declared I was in love, how many people would hope it wasn't them?

Written By Alis

Sept. 18, 2018, 9:20 a.m.(8/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Quenia

It is a difficult thing to begin with, trusting someone with your own secrets. Trying to discern if they will be a good partner to you, and your family. Even more difficult to forgive ourselves when betrayed, feeling we should have known sooner. That we should have seen some sign, no matter how small. I think perhaps when we are able to forgive ourselves, is when we are able to move forward. But how long is long enough?

Until you feel comfortable with placing that trust again.

You are in my prayers; I will hope that Lagoma is able to help you through this difficult transition.

Written By Quenia

Sept. 18, 2018, 8:22 a.m.(8/15/1009 AR)

Sometimes I wonder if events over the last year haven't made me too guarded; a stick in the mud who doesn't know how to have fun. I haven't ventured out of the house as much, that's for certain, and even as I'm being woo'd I find myself questioning everything, every decision, rather than enjoying the experience.

It's me. Not the person doing the wooing.

Oh, how he messed with my mind, that Prince who shall not be named. All the things I trusted him with, all the things I revealed to about myself to him. It still haunts me, as do his denials of who he really was the day he died.

I know I cannot let this one thing shape my whole life. I must rise above it and be stronger for it. But how do I let myself vunerable enough to trust again? That's the rub.

How much time is enough time?

Written By Delilah

Sept. 18, 2018, 12:50 a.m.(8/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sina

I treasure your ability to discern the heart of a matter and discuss it in salient, practical terms with an air of such easy poetry.

Tonight I rest with my thoughts crystallizing, possessed of a clarity denied to them before. For that, I owe you my thanks.

Written By Berenice

Sept. 18, 2018, 12:33 a.m.(8/15/1009 AR)

If I declared I was in love, how many people do you think would assume it was them?

Written By Sophie

Sept. 17, 2018, 11:13 p.m.(8/15/1009 AR)

Today I catalogued the contents of my bedroom. I had no fewer than 23 pots of tea in there.
I was in amazement. I knew I loved tea, but... perhaps this is getting out of hand.
I then looked around my office at the House of Solace. 26 pots of tea there.
I shall come to the acceptance that I have a problem, and endeavor to heal myself of this most holy addiction.
So... if anyone needs tea, please stop and see me. I can't possibly drink all of this tea.
I'd float away... I'd get a lot done, perhaps... but I'd float away while doing it.

Written By Lisebet

Sept. 17, 2018, 7:34 p.m.(8/14/1009 AR)

My basket for Princess Sabella's raffle is almost complete. I am just thinking if there is something else to put in it. Ryhalt said maybe a sword ... I am not sure about that, though I should go visit Princess Sorrel and take her up on her thought about another bottle of spirits.

Nothing like a basket of things to get drunk and stuffed on, after all.

Written By Faye

Sept. 17, 2018, 6:57 p.m.(8/14/1009 AR)

I want to get it embroidered on a pillow, with bows and roses and everything:

"Well, Faye, it looks like your suspicions were accurate."

Because I don't think it has happened before, and I won't count on it happening again.

Written By Fairen

Sept. 17, 2018, 6:31 p.m.(8/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Delilah

It has been my findings that Lady Delilah Whitehawk possesses one of the most keenly intellectual and brilliant minds I have ever had the pleasure of interacting with. Each time I share in her company I am never disappointed for the eloquent conversation she brings.

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