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Written By Preston

Sept. 20, 2018, 9:20 a.m.(8/19/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

It is to look at a matter from every possible perspective, Prince Mydas. Your words. The Lycene style is just that - to open up to question in public matters that some feel may be best done in private or not at all. Others would say some perspectives are unacceptable, and too close to the Abyss, too easy for someone to stumble and in the dark place a foot upon that ground. If that is a view you yourself hold, then I am glad - for it is a safer place to be and I am sorry for misunderstanding - but somehow I do not think it is.

My original point was you misunderstand when you say that the fear many have is of Tehom, when really it is fear of ourselves, fear of the mortal, because mortals slip and fall. Even the greatest of us. Equally when you say they do not worship Tehom - all worship Tehom in the Compact. The style of that worship may differ, it may be private rather than the public style, but they honour him all the same. If you know of those who deny the Gods worship, I am sure your Seraph would like to know their names so they can rectify the matter.

No, I read what you write very carefully Prince Mydas. And what you seek to champion. It speaks much to your dedication as a disciple - and your embracing of your return to the Lyceum.

Written By Mydas

Sept. 20, 2018, 8:57 a.m.(8/19/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

It seems you've failed to read my writing properly. Have I written that all questions and doubts should be raised? No. Much as I might enjoy discussion, we would all be served if you saw what is rather than what you wish to see.

Try harder.

Written By Preston

Sept. 20, 2018, 8:50 a.m.(8/19/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

Yet, not all perspectives are equal or even valid, your highness. Nor must all questioning, which by its very nature is to assert or introduce doubt into the existing opinion, be done in public where such questioning could disturb others who were previously certain in their faith and truths. I have had many questions in my time, after Fawkuhl, after Stormwall, I have sat and prayed to the Gods - including Tehom - to let me understand if my Faith was misguided, if I had trodden off the path. Those resolved themselves without the need to recourse to public questions, to shared celebration of questions as the Lycene celebrations of the 13th often do - and I think such public debate would have only served to harm, not to heal.

It is not a matter of extremes - questions have their place, and justice often requires them. Yet. Believing all can be questioned, and that there is room for compromise with any in the name of a greater peace, is not something that can ever have a place. It is to push the Mirrormask ideal to an extreme.

I know well Most Holy Orazio's thoughts, he and I have argued on occasion and he has taught me much. However I think you may misread the intent in his words. It is not to say that all questions are allowed and we should openly allow division or dissent without check. It is to say there are limits, there are points where debate may lead others that is beyond what the Faith will tolerate. And we will not compromise our sacred trust for momentary victories, or for the unity of the compact. If others err, we will correct them as loving parents, not stay quiet to avoid upset. The discussions in the Faith - over the Orthodox, the Lycene and Pragmatic styles - are over small matters. Style and nuance, over or under emphasis of certain tropes. Such discussion is fine, it does not weaken us. Yet, it must always be controlled. And when it goes too far, when people cross the threshold from discussion into dissent, from division into schism, so it is my order that brings correction and balance.

Sometime perhaps, your highness, we will hold a night of canticles about the fall of Marach and the rise of the Orthodox. It is almost time for the Feast of Alor Valardin once more, after all.

Written By Lisebet

Sept. 20, 2018, 8:44 a.m.(8/19/1009 AR)

That was an intriguing conversation. I apologize for not naming names, but really, there is no need. Only it's been suggested that should I wear Lycene garb, I should go all the way. And if I am going to do so, I should speak to someone Lycene first.

This seems rather like a challenge, wouldn't you say?

I wonder who I can find to speak to.

Written By Mydas

Sept. 20, 2018, 8:20 a.m.(8/19/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

The idea that the worship of Tehom, and in effect the Mirrormasks, merely bring "divisive doubts", as you seem so terrified of, is a sadly common idea.

Yet, it is much more than mere doubts. It is to look upon a matter with every perspective possible. It is to listen to every side of a story, and discard it not for its unpopularity. It is to listen to the accused while the mob frothing at the mouth howls for blood. It is to see beyond the blindness of self-righteousness and temper it with the notion of exception. It is to think, where others would slash and burn.

And it is to remind that even Godsworn who have spent their entire lives within the embrace of the Faith are not above their own failure of understanding.

And to answer the matter of doubts and the "virtue" of unity, I would remind you of the writings of the then Legate Orazio on the matter, should you require a refresher. You can start at 5/27/1008 AR and go further back from there.

Written By Preston

Sept. 20, 2018, 5:42 a.m.(8/19/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

I think you may misunderstand some of the concerns around Tehomic worship in the manner embraced by the Lycene traditions, your highness.

It is not fear of Tehom himself but of what he might bring, and what the response in people might be that urges caution. That Tehom is a god you assert as an inviolable truth, yes? As we would all. So already we accept some truths are beyond question. To enter doubt there - to suggest one /could/ question that can lead to no further enlightenment, for we already know Tehom is a God, and instead can only invite heresy and worse should someone think otherwise.

Further, to revel in public questions and doubt risks bringing forth something much worse - hesitation and its ultimate form, inaction. These small things could cost the individual dearly, and even the Compact. They give succor and comfort to the Abyss in all its form, because good men will stand by, and in so doing cast down all that is good about them. There are some in the extreme of the Orthodox, yes, who say Tehom is the abyss - this is not how I think the vast majority of the Orthodox feel. But I think we would say that improper and incautious worship /could/ be a route to the Abyss, as it was for the heretic Marach. That is why there is a balance. The Orthodox take a conservative view on it, that we must question in private or in confidence with a Godsworn, that these doubts will be banished by faith - not that they themselves bolster our faith. Lycene take the balance the other way, that we must embrace these doubts in public, we must question. The Graysons between. But none I hope would fail to worship Tehom as a God - even if our methods of that worship differ - nor would they question his divine nature.

It is always welcome to consider the nuance of the Faith and the different attitudes within it - it is something to be encouraged. If I may be bold enough to enter a small note of rebuke, those who are disciples should be wary of pronouncements about the fate of souls. That is a heavy topic, and one which should be undertaken only with the consideration and solemnity of the Godsworn.

Written By Fairen

Sept. 20, 2018, 1:46 a.m.(8/19/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

An expensive mistake, I am certain. Still, I admire your work and appreciate the skill you bring to your craft.

That aside, please leave your lovely dog out of this. I have never met the little critter, but I bet your dog is absolutely wonderful.

Written By Joscelin

Sept. 20, 2018, 12:43 a.m.(8/19/1009 AR)

Chipped a diamond today. Gods' damned square cuts.

Diamonds cleave naturally in squared shapes, and now and then my setting graver will slip (yes, even as a master Crafter, this happens sometimes). Usually this results in little to no harm, just a small nick in the metal that needs to be polished out.

But on a day like today, there was a flaw in the gem. Tiny, nothing to fuss over, the only person that would notice it would likely only be myself. When the edge of my graver caught the inclusion that came to the surface on the girdle of the stone, it was like fate. Destiny. A tragic, awful destiny. The flaw became a chunk of missing gem, smaller than a grain of sand but a massive accident to the eyes of any jeweler. Shame! Shame on me, shame on the Arterius name, shame on my dog.

Ah well. To the lapidary artist with you, nasty little chipped diamond. We'll have you re-cut and without that damn flaw to mock me and tempt my graver a second. You'll be even better for it, I promise, your clarity and value improved. I'm just happy it was you that was injured and not my thumb again. You even glitter maliciously.

Yes, Scholar, I carry on conversations with my work. Don't make faces, I know for a fact many of you mutter into your books as you write. So there.

Written By Helia

Sept. 19, 2018, 9:10 p.m.(8/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Fecundo

You're a smashing duelist and you fought wonderfully. You really made me work for that victory! Thank you!

Written By Fecundo

Sept. 19, 2018, 9:05 p.m.(8/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Helia

Officially 0-1 with the Champions. Lost my first official duel to Helia in the initial round of the Unrivaled tournament. I got a little cocky, I think, after my last sparring session with Princess Reese Grayson. Might not get me any confidence regarding future duels, but it is what it is. Could also surprise folks and be a spoiler. Just have to see how it works out.

Written By Kaldur

Sept. 19, 2018, 8:52 p.m.(8/18/1009 AR)

I am unexpectedly leaving Arx, to Pearlspire on business, but will return soon. Hopefully. No, you don't need to put that. Or that. [Scholar's Note: he makes frustrated noises]

Written By Mydas

Sept. 19, 2018, 8:27 p.m.(8/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Rosalie

Not an association I've often heard, but a fitting one. Our choices rarely keep us on one straight path. It wavers and curves, closer and further from the Light and Dark. We understand that, for such pivotal moments, quiet contemplation, or a faceless listener, might be required. Hence the Shrine of the Thirteenth.

Written By Rosalie

Sept. 19, 2018, 8:14 p.m.(8/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

I rather like Tehom, he seems to go hand in glove with Skald's teachings, and he shows that sometimes you have to go hunting in the shadows if you want to find the light. Besides, his shrines are SO quiet and peaceful.

Written By Mydas

Sept. 19, 2018, 7:29 p.m.(8/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Gerard

A more literal approach to what I wrote, though no less true. Though it seems you failed to heed the difference between standing closer, and to be surrounded.

Extremes are to be avoided, each blinding in their own way.

Written By Gerard

Sept. 19, 2018, 7:13 p.m.(8/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

Contrasting thought, in relation to your metaphor about the guard at the fire: If the guard stands near the fire, but with their eyes turned outward, they can bask in the warmth of it, while keeping their sight ready for what comes.

While those who fight the darkness must always be on the lookout for it, and be aware of its ways, but mindful of straying too far from the light, lest the darkness surround them.

Written By Mydas

Sept. 19, 2018, 5:38 p.m.(8/18/1009 AR)

Or, more concisely:

If you pretend you are in full mastery of yourself, you'll do poorly when you inevitably lose control.

Mirrormask thought of the day.

Written By Mydas

Sept. 19, 2018, 5:08 p.m.(8/18/1009 AR)

Many dread Tehom. Terrified of the Mirror and its Lord, they avoid mention of Him in their prayers, shy away from His Shrine, and do all that they might to forget that the Thirteen Gods are indeed composed of a Thirteenth. I pity such individuals, for in so doing, they put their very souls at risk.

Tehom teaches many things. The importance to heed the opposing view, to never forget the necessity of exceptions, the need of balance between the virtues of the Gods themselves, and the balance between the ideal and the reality. Yet, arguably more importantly, He teaches the necessity of facing one's passions.

Ignoring them, ignoring our own mortal failings, or even the possibility of such failings, leads to being unable to deal with them properly when they are met. By refusing to even understand the truths Tehom offers, you are weakening yourself to the influences of darker passions, and ensure that as soon as your vaunted discipline fails, you'll fall.

A guard standing right next to the fire won't see the assailants approaching. One who stands closer to the night's darkness won't be so blinded, and will be able to do their duty.

Written By Adora

Sept. 19, 2018, 4:13 p.m.(8/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Quenia

Collect alcohol. Silks love drinking expensive shit, right? And I just so happen to stock liquor cabinets in my shop. Best liquor cabinets you'll ever see. Your bottles will be prematurely aging themselves to sit on my shelves.

I also have beer, but I don't recommend it unless you really, really hate your life.

Gods, dad, don't send me a messenger if you're reading this and we both know you fucking are.

Written By Monique

Sept. 19, 2018, 4:06 p.m.(8/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Quenia

Oh, the things I would be happy to teach you, my friend... you don't always have to be good.

Written By Gerard

Sept. 19, 2018, 3:10 p.m.(8/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Quenia

Start a book club! Read books! Ride horses, ride the waves on a ship! Learn how to paint, to dance, to sing, if you haven't mastered those already! Learn how to use a blade, or an axe, or a quill! Learn to write poetry, or collect small momentos or wines. Go diving for pearls, or spear-fishing, or grow a garden!

...I realize I have had a lot of time for learning or thinking about hobbies over the years.

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