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Prayers to The Sentinel

All are welcome to come to the Shrine of the Sentinel and particpate in a prayer session and reflect on the Faceless God, the Silent Watcher. Share stories of justice and truth and ask questions if you're unsure of something.


Oct. 18, 2017, 8:45 p.m.

Hosted By

Thena Orazio(RIP) Calaudrin


Esoka Saedrus Samael Mira Maeve Corban Alarissa Killian(RIP) Shard



Arx - Ward of the Compact - Shrine of the Sentinel

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Mira wanders into the shrine quietly, wearing all black from head to toe. She has a hood pulled up, and a long cloak follows behind her as the fox-haired girl sneaks inside without any loud announcement or fanfare. She does, however, sidle over to Calaudrin and nod, holding out a hand for a card patiently.

Esoka's left hand is bandaged as she enters the Shrine of the Sentinel and she walks a touch stiffly, though other than that she doesn't show too many signs of the strain of her recent trip north. "I want a card." She takes the time to demand this to Calaudrin, before taking one. And giving him a soft, "Good luck!" before finding herself a seat.

Esoka gets a prayer card for the Sentinel from a box of prayer cards - take one.

Corban gets a prayer card for the Sentinel from a box of prayer cards - take one.

With a card in hand Saedrus makes his way into the Shrine proper. Evergreens catch on those he knows, a smile and bow of his head to the likes of Thena, Orazio and finally Calaudrin. "Master Calaudrin," he greets softly, a worry in his tone -- maybe it's those wasp stings. He doesn't bother the man too long though and starts off to find himself a space in the pews.

Orazio chuckles lightly to Killian. "That is an exaggeration. I get at least five hours a night. As grumpy as my reputation paints me, it becomes even worse once if I haven't had sleep. No one deserves that. It's," he looks around, and grins, "downright unjust." His voice is conversational, but pitched low, and he keeps one eye on Calaudrin for the start of the devotions.

When Mira holds out her hand to him, he digs through the pile and hands her one of his choosing. "There you go, Mistress Matessi." Then there's Esoka and some of that pensiveness melts away as he gives her one of the cards as well. As people begin to pile in however, he gives everyone immediately around him a polite smile before moving away. He passes by Shard on his way to the front and gives her a level look before tipping his head to her silently and moving on. There's a greeting to Saedrus too, "Softest Whisper." Then he's on his way to the front of the shrine, by Orazio.

Maeve pads silently into the shrine, looking up and around to everything around her. She hums a tune to herself as she moves through. She still has a few reddened spots on her skin that appears to be healing insect bites, otherwise she is in quite good spirits. She eventually makes her way to a bench and slips into it, staring up at the faceless statue.

Shard picks out a spot near the very back, at the end of a pew, before she sets herself down. She eyes the card she picked up with a twitchy sort of frown, then tucks it under one arm. Both of those get folded over her chest. She's visibly tense, and her eyes clearly narrowed.

Killian smiles slightly, "Well that's good, I'd hate to see how grumpy you'd be with less," he teases quietly, before settling in as he spots Calaudrin walking forward. He falls respectfully silent then, shifting his attentions.

Maeve gets The Sentinel's Uncommon Prayer Book from a basket of free prayerbooks.

Corban slips into the shrine, taking a prayer card and settling into one of the benches together with his companion, a military officer in Telmarine colors. Spotting Dame Esoka, he waggles his fingers, saying hello, and doing the same with Lord Killian.

Samael enters the shrine, a place he's come to frequent since his arrival in Arx. He quietly takes a prayer card and finds a seat in the pews next to Shard who he regards for a moment before turning away.

Mira beams when she's addressed by name and trots a little more merrily toward the pews. Cloak flying open behind her as she goes, Mira unclasps it when she arrives, folds it up, and takes a seat with crossed legs, waiting for the devotions to begin. Orazio gets a small wave and smile.

Maeve gets a prayer card for the Sentinel from a box of prayer cards - take one.

As people begin to file in, Thena finally stops futzing around on the outskirts and starts heading into the fray of worshippers and pauses to bestow upon Saedrus that rarer-than-dragonweep thing; a very light kiss on the cheek. "Good to see you, Saedrus." She looks over the others getting settled and overs a couple of subdued nods of greeting.

Samael gets a prayer card for the Sentinel from a box of prayer cards - take one.

Saedrus is the luckiest person ever. Though surprised, the courtier didn't jolt too much and beams brightly to Thena returning the kiss, "and you, Dame Thena, darling." he returns taking himself a seat, settling in with a smooth cross of one leg over the other.

With everyone gathered around and seated (or not!), Calaudrin will clap his hands together to draw the attention of the people in the shrine. "HELLO!" Also using a loud commanding voice, because that's what you do when you've spent two decades talking to young guys with bricks for brains. Once everyone is focused, he'll clear his throat and start talking. "We're gathered here tonight to say a little prayer to the Sentinel, the Silent Watcher. The god that sees everything and misses nothing. If you have a prayer card in your hands, you may notice the quote "May the Sentinel guard the righteous!". It's typically called during a trial by combat. But I think it's a call to the Faceless one that's apt these days for a variety of reasons. There are many righteous among us that strive for a just world and I hope those words can give you some security as you all continue on your own individual paths for justice and truth in this life. In light of the most recent events, let us pray for the Sentinel's continued watchfulness over us and the Compact as a whole."

Shard studies Samael in turn, though the moment is brief before her attention is brought to the front by Calaudrin. Her eyes narrow a little bit more, flicking from him to others that are seated, as if gauging their reactions.

Maeve stops with her humming and looks up to Calaudrin as he speaks. She cants her head slightly, errant strands of curly red hair shifting into her face.She would push them back and out of her face, but that is a loosing battle. She is rather intent, listening to the words of the man.

Esoka ends up settling in not far from Corban, chin dipping in return for her greeting. She turns her prayer card over in her big, calloused fingers as Calaudrin speaks. Running a thumb along the words upon it and studying the image of the Silent Watcher.

Orazio's attention is solely on Calaudrin, now. The Legate is quiet and still, all playfulness gone. He's paying what might be an unnerving amount of attention to the Disciple, although if Cal looks his way, the reserve breaks into a brief, reassuring smile and slightest of nods, before he goes back to listening like he's going to grade this later.

Corban leans over and murmurs something to Esoka, just before the proceedings begin. He then settles down and folds his hands, keeping an eye on the prayer card in front of him and then at the disciple before him.

Thena drops quietly into a pew and smoothes her skirts, then her attention tracks to the statue of the Sentinel and she scratches absent-mindedly at the welts on her arm.

Mira watches without expression, save for a small frown. She's listening with rapt attention, but she doesn't look anywhere save at the representation of the Sentinel itself. Hands folded on her lap, she waits, silently.

Saedrus is quiet, poised, as he listens to Calaudrin, evergreens clearly cast towards the vision of the Sentinel.

Calaudrin /does/ look at Orazio, because he can feel his eyes on him. Feel it! However what he sees is better maybe than what he expects and he smiles briefly in return before continuing on with the actual prayer itself:

"May the Silent Watcher see our actions,
the good, the ugly and all that lies between.

May we strive for good and truth.

May the Silent Watcher hear our words,
the ones that bring truth and falsehoods.

May we strive for good and truth.

May your devotion to the Sentinel bring
you clarity in moments of confusion.

As our work brings us closer to matters
of darkness and corruption let us not
be corrupted by them in turn.

May the Sentinel guard the righteous!"

Samael stands during the prayer and nods his head once after it's complete and then sits back down.

Orazio bows his head as the prayer begins. He speaks the words of the prayer quietly to himself, but with sincerity.

Killian is good at still and silent, and shows off his impressive imitation of a seated suit of decoration armor. The youngish Paladin listens intently, his focus and respectful attention upon Calaudrin, and when the prayer begins he'll bow his head reverentially, mouthing along in silence, and only looking up again several moments after the prayer is concluded.

Mira bows her head and prays silently as well, but her eyes remain open, and on the statue, just over the tops of her glasses and just under her dark red bangs.

Saedrus smiles, watching on as the prayer is said. Though he dips his head a touch, out of respect no doubt; he certainly doesn't seem to be looking at the card folded in his lap and yet his lips move, silently, following word for word. By the end, he has caught his lip beneath his teeth, and ashen brows furrow a bit. Whispered soft is an echo of 'may the Sentinel guard the righteous'.

Maeve glances to the others as they bow their heads in prayer. So, she also bows her own head. She listens to the prayers being said and she repeats the little motto at the end.

Esoka bows her head as the prayer begins and follows along, murmuring low but firm along with it. She adds a phrase in some shav'arvani tongue after it concludes, though it's still probably a prayer. It contains the word 'Sentinel' so one can make assumptions.

Shard's head stays up; she continues watching the others through narrowed eyes as the prayer is recited, looking carefully from one to the next.

Esoka says in Crownlands shav, "May the Sentinel guard the righteous."

Vim, a guard-corgi in-training arrives, delivering a message to Corban before departing.

As the prayer concludes, Calaudrin takes a breath and lets it out slowly after a moment of silence drifts over the assembled. "Recently, I've had the opportunity to serve the gods and the Compact against another of these unspeakable evils that stalk Arvum. It would take too long to discuss in detail every act of heroism and selflessness that I've seen in the last few months. And I'd like to stick with highlighting something closer to home. While it does not seem like much, there's a justice at play here in the city of Arx everyday. The Iron Guard who patrols the streets to keep the peace, the Inquisition that is newly cleansed and susses out evil of all kinds. To every person that has picked up arms to fight against the most recent threat. These are all acts that the Sentinel approves of, that are considered just and true. If there are any now who have stories to share, you are welcome to step and do so now."

Pellinor arrives, following Alarissa.

Corban glances around for a moment, and then steps forward. "Disciple Calaudrin, I have not a story to share, but a question. As any who reads the white journals learns, the attitude of those more fortunate towards the Lowers is of concern. And we can all recall the Inquisition of a time when it was used as a tool to oppress those without the power to protect themselves. So I ask you: How does Sentinel judge the judges?" Who watches the watchers?

Alarissa makes her way in quietly, eyes flicking about the shrine, but remaining quiet so as not to disturb the ongoings.

Questions are good! Questions are encouraged. Calaudrin lifts his chin when Corban begins to speak and listens with interest. His question prompts the corners of his mouth to twitch up and he casts his gaze to the good Legate. "I think that Father Orazio would be ideal to answer that question. If he would?"

Samael stands and speaks up at Corban's question, "The Court!" He walks around from his pew to the front, "I personally witness the good the Court does everyday. The Inquisition is in a good place now, but it is really the reforms of the Court of the Crown that most stringently codifies the strictures of the Silent Watcher."

Shard looks to Orazio as well, but when Samael stands up, her attention is clearly snagged.

Saedrus looks up, glancing between those speaking. His attention turns far enough to catch sight of Alarissa entering and the courtier dips his head respectfully to the woman with a smile. He's just settled into one of the midway pews, spectating for the time being.

Orazio chuckles, and rises to his feet, offering a bow towards Corban. "The Sentinel judges each by their actions, their words, and their motivations. Nothing is hidden from the Silent Watcher's sight, whether it is in a journal, done in front of a crowd, or done in the blackest darkness with no mortal witnesses." His gaze sweeps the temple, black and steady. "Anyone who believes that they have been unseen or unknown, for good or ill, is wrong. All will be known at the end of life, if it is not revealed during life." His gaze returns to Corban. "As for attitudes, it is important to recognize that the Sentinel calls us to judge and punish justly, and proportion with the offense, and to do so out of a sense of love and a desire to correct...not a malicious pleasure in others' discomfiture or public humiliation. Thus, we should judge ourselves first, and when we act, do so out of a desire to spark improvement, not simply to castigate."

"Well spoken," Saedrus says in a small, and gentle voice. Not wanting to pull attention, mostly said to himself in agreement more than anything.

There's a discreet dip of her head in return to Saedrus but Alarissa remains in the back, listening, tilting her head as Orazio speaks.

Corban's answer seems to be satisfactory to him, and he nods his head, settling back down into his pew. "Thank you," says the Telmar, simply.

Killian is overheard praising Orazio for: A clergyman who thinks people should look to their own inadequacies before denouncing those of others!? I fear you will win few friends for such, but you have my respect.

Orazio retakes his seat, as Corban does. He looks back to Cal. "If that is sufficient, I shall return it to you, good Disciple."

Shard's eyes narrow a little further for a moment, before she suddenly straightens in her seat. "I have a question too," she says, raising her voice just enough to carry. "Obviously, the Compact's laws, by which I mean the /protection/ of those laws, doesn't extend to people outside of the Compact. What about the Sentinel? You say it sees /all/, judges /all/. Everywhere."

Orazio does nod to Shard. "The Sentinel does, yes. The Shav'Arvani choose not to be a part of the Compact. It does not mean the gods do not love them - they simply are ignorant of that love, or they reject it and choose other paths, bargains with spirits or worse. The Sentinel sees this, as it sees all."

Calaudrin remains standing, crossing his arms briefly over his chest as he waits for the next person to begin speaking. When Shard's voice reaches his ears, he turns his head slightly to catch her words. There's a moment when his eyebrows lift and he nods once. His eyes move to Orazio and then will return to Shard, silent for now as that answer is given.

Samael folds his arms and steps aside perching his hand on his mahogany chin.

"What happens," Shard asks, and this time her tone changes slightly--the words seem to be a lot more carefully chosen, "if someone who loves the Sentinel back does something inarguably unjust against someone who rejected it? Does that matter? Or is that even possible?"

Sir Celeritous Karl Shellsworth III arrives, delivering a message to Thena before departing.

Calaudrin lifts his chin. "Just because a person loves the Sentinel, doesn't mean the Sentinel turns a blind eye when that person does something that is inarguably unjust as you say. Regardless of whether the person on the receiving end is a victim or not. Everything that happens is witnessed." There is however, the faintest hint of concern begining to lace into his own tone as he watches her carefully. "And a person that truly loves the Sentinel, would hopefully not be committing gravely unjust acts."

"It is unjust," Orazio agrees, quietly, but with steel in his voice.

Saedrus dips his head agian, turning the prayer card over in his fingers, tracing the edges.

Shard appears to study first Calaudrin, then Orazio. She offers no further followups to her question--instead, she settles back in her seat, arms still crossed. Her expression is rather hard to read. She doesn't look dissatisfied, however.

Esoka listens to the exchange between Shard and Orazio with interest, though parts of it make her frown deep as well. The conclusion gets a short, affirmative nod, though.

Samael makes his way back to his seat next to Shard. Apparently not everyone is getting up and walking to the front of the shrine to talk.

"If anyone else has any questions, we're more than willing to take them. However, if you're satisfied..." Calaudrin smiles faintly and glances towards the door. It's an indication that anyone who need to leave are more than welcome to make their escape. "I'll be here for awhile."

Corban slips to his feet when the service enters, offering a final smile to Dame Esoka and the others here, before leaving out the back.

Captain Reedy, a Telmarine military aide leaves, following Corban.

Orazio is overheard praising Calaudrin for: For showing his devotion and leading the devotees of the Sentinel is excellent prayer!

Saedrus is overheard praising Calaudrin for: A wonderful evening prayer.

Samael is overheard praising Calaudrin for: Pleasant reciting of the prayer to the Sentinel.

Shard pushes up from the bench, and starts, wordless, for the exit.

Samael shuffles out behind Shard.

Samael puts a prayer card for the Sentinel in a box of prayer cards - take one.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Killian before departing.

Esoka looks on point and standing and saying something but, ultimately, she does not. She just sits with her thoughts a little longer. She does mouth a 'Good job' in Calaudrin's direction that's not nearly as subtle as she thinks it is.

When it becomes evident that the place is emptying out, Thena pads up to Calaudrin, shoves something wrapped in purple cloth into his hand, murmurs something to him, and then leaves the shrine.

"What about redemption?" This comes from the back, from the Thraxian princess with that shine of new still a little on her. "How does he treat, the misdeeds and actions of the past, with the actions of the present and the future?" Alarissa takes a few steps forward, hand resting lightly on the side of a perw.

Saedrus smooths out his silks as he gets to his feet, head turned towards Alarissa when she speaks up. Evergreens casting off towards Calaudrin and Orazio, making graceful steps to the end of his pew.

Orazio rises, and moves to touch Calaudrin on one shoulder, briefly. "An excellent job, Disciple. Thank you for this." He turns at the question from Alarissa. "That depends, Your Grace. First, no one can redeem who does not fully and freely admit their wrongdoing. Attempting to cover the sins of the past with future actions does not erase them. And once sins are admitted - to one's self if to no one else - one must truly /change/, and choose to try to repair the damage which has been done, knowing that there is no guarantee of forgiveness, and knowing that no one /owes/ you forgiveness or is obligated to believe that you have changed. It's a hard road, redemption. Pride and impatience often get in the way."

People begin leaving and Thena hands something off to him, before he can reply she's already moving off. There's definite concern on his expression when she moves away but he simply clamps his mouth shut into a line until he glances to Esoka. Then his smile returns, something that keeps in place even as he listens to Alarissa speak. The return that Orazio gives has him nodding, "Well said, Father." He's breathing a little easier now that people are exiting, stepping down from the front of the shrine.

Killian stands and shifts, pausing as he listens, an impassive expression on his face. He'd been moving to slip out of the pew, and when the Legate finishes talking, he finishes extricating himself. Standing at the end of the pew, he hooks his swords back into their proper location upon his belt, glancing towards Alarissa, then back towards Orazio. He doesn't say anything though, remaining a silent observer to the questions and answers.

The Softest Whisper changes his immediate path from what might have been his leave to instead step up towards Orazio, with a gracious bow in greeting. A quiet word is shared with the Legate and with that done he smiles to Calaudrin, "very well held, Master Calaudrin, thank you." Saedrus offers with polite dip of a bow.

'So when then is the point of redemption then?" Fingers tent on the end of the pew she's standing beside. "If none other believe that one can change, has changed, will change." Not a trace of anger on her face, she's inquisitive. "Is it still redemption?"

Esoka's eyes follow Thena's departure with some concern, before returning to Calaudrin and Orazio. Those thick, dark brows arc again at Alarissa's question. She makes no move to leave yet, lingering and listening.

As Orazio seems to be fielding Alarissa's concerns, Calaudrin will shift attention to Saedrus. "Thank you. Even if I'm convinced I just sweated out a small lake's worth of water from my hands." He gives him a post-nervous laugh and makes with rubbing those hands together a little self-consciously.

Orazio considers the Princess, even as he whispers and is whispered to in turn. "I suppose that depends on what you are looking for, Your Grace. Redemption is a matter of being better than you were, of choosing the path of justice even when it is hard. Even when you know you may get nothing in return, /because/ it is the right thing to do. Simply wanting people to like you, or forgive you, has nothing to do with repentance, just with not wanting to suffer consequences for one's actions."

Esoka stands now, trying to move quietly so as not to interrupt the rest of Orazio's. Trying. She's a big, trompy girl. She starts to wind her way out but approaches Calaudrin before she goes. "Don't look so fretting!" she semi-scolds him. Fondly. "You did fine. It felt good to pray in communion with others. Reminds me the gods are all around us. Which I sorely needed right now."

Saedrus chortles brightly of poor Calaudrin's nervous palms, "you did very well. You words were clear, voice steady and you held those gathered well. It was a worthy praise of the Sentinel." the Whisper assures, "and it is all finished with now without a single fault. You should be quite pleased with yourself." He speaks quietly though, not wanting to interrupt the discussion between Alarissa and the Legate. Evergreens brighten and he bows before Esoka, "Dame, lovely to see you. And Master Calaudrin did excellently, yes?" A nod to the man in question: see? You did fine!

Killian looks towards Alarissa, "Do we speak of redemption, or do we speak of public vindication and forgiveness?" His voice is quiet, perhaps surprisingly so considering the look of the man. "If I stand redeemed in the eyes of the Sentinel, then that is a matter of the good of my soul and the weighing of the scales when at last my deeds are judged in their whole. The Sentinel sees the intent of the heart. The truth of the prayer, in the soul of they who would pray it. It is only because the Watcher can see that truth, that we can be freed of the burdens of our guilts upon our soul. But we must all know that our fellow man, no matter how they strive, cannot see the content of our heart nor the truth of our repentance. Those whom I have wronged may never forgive me in life, and I may for all my life suffer the penalty of a misdeed I have committed, but when finally I stand before the Sentinel I can be comforted to know that the Silent Watcher will know the whole of my truth and judge me upon the fullness of it."

"I do not speak of pubic vindication or forgiveness because rarely do the two come anywhere in the proximity of redemption." There's a bit of a smile at that to Killian. But between both is and Orazio's words, the woman seems to be satisfied before she's dipping her head low to Orazio. "As always Legate, your words fill my mind with food for thought and things to thing about in the quite moments of prayer and contemplation through the day." Alarissa turns to Killian, regarding him. "Ashford yes?"

Orazio gives Killian a warm, sidelong look. "The Paladin of Ideals speaks with conviction and truth," he says, "as one might expect." He bows to Alarissa, then steps away.

"Almost seems a little fitting this ended up falling on the backend of everything else." Calaudrin remarks quietly to Esoka, smiling warmly at her when she finally makes her way over. While he hasn't interjected, he's keeping a steady eye on what is now the trio of Alarissa, Killian and Orazio. "Dame Esoka is quite biased. I think. I /hope/ that she's biased." He reaches out to catch the fingers of her hand, to give them a squeeze.

Killian flashes a small smile, "I can never surprise people with that, I look far too much like my cousin Aislin to convince people I'm not an Ashford I's the hair," he responds to the question of whether he is an Ashford. He gives Orazio an appreciative look and a small bow of his head at the kind words.

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