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She Who Makes the Trees Scream

Helena Thornweave has asked for a parlay with House Grayson. This has to be a trap, right?


Sept. 30, 2023, 5:50 p.m.

Hosted By


GM'd By



Caspian Ian Aconite Lou Raymesin Jan Amund Pasquale Lucrezia Rosalind Lucita Sabriel Sen'azala Denica Zoey Eirene Katarina Cillian(RIP) Aindre Mikani Desiree Auda(RIP)



Herja's Room

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

There isn't much time for the summoning of armies or the acquisition of ballistae. In fact, there are many noble heads of house that will wake to hastily scrawled letters to explain where their missing kin have gone without a 'by your leave' involved at all. In the dark, in the heat, whatever mounts they could rustle up beat a hard path down the roads that lead from Arx to Old Oak. The very forest around them, made strange and eerie by shadows, seems to be a threat. Luckily, the roads are good and clear and they make excellent time to Old Oak. As they venture closer, the smell of smoke and rotten leaves permeates the very air, leaving a taste in the back of the throat and eyes to sting with unbidden tears. The road that leads into Old Oak is thick with smoke, but they certainly don't obscure the bodies that dangle, upside down, from trees on either side of the road. They are little more than husks, drained of blood, of vitality, of life. Silence has stolen the sound of night birds, insects, and the sounds of the city that should exist and yet... do not. There is only the sounds they make as they ride to break the quiet.

Caspian looks to one of the dangling bodies and makes a disgusted face, head shaking slightly. "Ah yes.. i always decorate my diplomatic rendezvous with corpses and hanged men. really sets the mood for the discussions i think." he bowed his head to the bodies in respect as they moved on. "This might be the worst laid trap i've seen... which says an awful lot about us but we wont think on that"

As the smoke begins to thicken, Ian lowers the goggles from where they normally sit atop his head to protect his eyes, and then snaps that horrible scarf from its normal place hanging at his hip to wrap it around the lower half of his face. Maybe it stinks, but it's a FAMILIAR reek, and the wool fibers will filter out the worst of the smoke. With his face thus obscured, it's impossible to gauge his reaction to the strange fruit under which they pass.

Aconite's nose wrinkles at the acrid scent that leaves a charred taste lingering on the back of her tongue. She pulls a piece of black cloth, built into her hooded cowl across her face and her eyes squint against the sting of smoke. She'd borrowed a horse from the stables closest to Whisper House, no having the time to run back to the Lycene Quarter. "Obvious or not it's been quite successful." Aco muses to Caspian.

It's another nightmare come true, after all of those many, many villages and noble holdings to the northwest that Lou scouted through with the Explorers. Only, this time, they can see what's left of the the members of House Deepwood and their residents. Lou steels herself, after a hearty debate about what's good for the Compact, and manages her horse fairly well. She was already prepared, somewhat, for what to see after they saw that lone survivor in that scouting mission. She casts a glance over at Caspian. "You're assuming that the trees around us aren't some sort of amalgamation of hers," her words are spoken low and dry.

Raymesin isn't much of a rider, nor is he much of a conversationalist. He's clinging to whatever mount someone loaned to him, mostly trying not to fall off. For a while it's clear that his lips are moving as they pass the trees and their hanging fruit - and then he too pulls up a piece of fabric to cover his nose and mouth. Black, of course.

Jan had argued the case for not coming. For no one showing up. However when it was apparent people would not be talked out of it she now joins, keeping close to Zoey and Lucita, riding on the inside and keeping the two women where she can see them and hopefully intercept trouble. At the smoke she fishes out a handkerchief, dampens it just a bit with a dribble of water, and ties it over her mouth and nose. A concerned glance is cast behind her but most of her attention seems focused on keeping an eye out for trouble.

He expected nothing less from this journey. It has been horrific to hear about the misdeeds of the Horned God and some of his allies throughout the past several years, and the upside down bodies are given a once-over. Amund mutters something that could be a passing prayer for the poor, tortured souls, something about the scene hitting close to home but causing him to fall silent even as other riders might comment on the likelihood of this diplomatic effort to ever be entirely successful. With the reins of his horse in one hand, the other rests close to the hilt of his trusted Sandstalker, pulling the fireweave hood to obscure his features. What could ring all too close to fear wouldn't do for keeping morale up here. No, it wouldn't.

Whilst rustling up sneaky ballistae wagons at a moments notice might be beyond Pasquale Malespero right now, rustling up a great horse proves easy. He has a tall warhorse with a rose grey coat trained so well that it barely baulks at the hanging trees. Not even the training can stop it from shivering nervously at the sights and sounds - or lack of them - though. Pasquale, for his part, has switched into a set of nearly black armor edged with golds and silvers, and hooked various archery tools to the side of his saddle. His eyes shift here and there, taking in the corpses and the trees. The silence and the strange edge to the air. And of course the others who ride along with him. He doesn't look nervous at all. His expression one of mild interest.

Lucrezia is not often seen this far from her ship, but she stalks past the "decorated" trees with intent to draw her fell blade on whatever's at the Old Oak. Every taunt line in her lean body screams that she hasn't come to parley, especially her hand resting ready to draw in an instant. The smoke doesn't seem to bother her, but something about the corpses, the drained blood from them draws back her lips into a silent snarl. Something about this is personal, now.

Rosalind is riding pretty comfortably. But that's where it ends. She looks up at the bodies and doesn't say much of anything right now, just pulls the hood of her dark cloak further over her head, hiding her red hair. All fine here.

Lucita rides along with the group, alert, somber and edgy. She is near-whispering prayers to the various Gods. A cough now and then interrupts her as wisps of smoke blow into her face. She finally loosens her blouse and pulls the collar up to shroud her nose and mouth.

Sabriel takes a deep sip of a flask of booze she's brought with her when they arrive. She's sticking near Jan, "Well this is starting to look like those crazy stories you told me." She tries to sound like she's cheerful and unconcerned, but she can't hide the edge of unsettled anticipation underneath.

Heat only makes the whole damn thing worse. Sen has been in enough arguments in her life that she is surely used to losing them. She is not particularly used to winning and then immediately changing her mind, but that appears to be exactly what's happened. She's near silent the whole trip, and she doesn't stray far from either Lou *or* Eirene. She rides with her bow in hand, comfortably, easily so, but when the scene reaches them she leaves the horse behind and merely trots alongside, occasionally dipping into the woods to have a glance ahead. By the time bodies start showing, she's stopped doing that, but she's still near the front, moving light and acting scout so far as she can without leaving the group.

Familiarity with these sort of treks doesn't make them any easier, especially when Denica is somewhat horse-adverse. The sights are harrowing, but the woman doesn't show much reaction them. It is what it is, that seems to be the mantra of her day. The smoke stings her eyes and vivid blues are a little watery. One hand on her hilt, the other on the reigns, the princess is happy to forgo riding at the quickest opportunity. A cloth, somewhat paint-splattered is used to cover the lower half of her face. Armour clanks, the bits and pieces of jewel-adorned metal knock against each other. The heat permeates and makes her heavy leathers all the more encumbering. Eyes squint, trying to see around her, keeping quiet for the most part.

Zoey has a scarf of her own, despite the season, and wraps it around her face.

"Lovely thought," she remarks dryly to Lou as she stays near to the Pathfinder. She notes Jan's presence with a small smile, nearly missed with the scarf covering her mouth.

Sen'azala takes Winter, a recurve diamond plate bow from a simple leather scabbard slung over one shoulder.

Amund wields Sandstalker, a golden diamondplate long sword with glass coated blade.

Riding hard through the night, Eirene brings her horse to a slower pace as they start to approach Old Oak and the acrid scent of smoke fills the air. Like Ian, she raises a scarf up over her mouth in black steelsilk with platinum threading shot through it. She grimaces, unseen, a Lou's comment. She replies to Aconite and Caspian, "She's a fuckin' drama queen, is what she is. Helena can't resist a show. Keep that in mind. She's dangerous, no doubt, and never forget that." She nods to Sen as the woman rejoins the column and sticks close.

Eirene wields Dawnstrike, an elegant diamondplate longsword.

Aconite wields Serpentine Grace, a cupridium kris.

Caspian wields Charm and Grace, alaricite chain knives.

Zoey wields Dawn's Light, an alaricite bow.

Katarina is bedecked in a black and silver leather gown that, quite handily, doubles as some degree of armor. Yes, it's incredibly hot wearing such a thing, and no, the Princess shan't be commenting on the matter further. She rides in silence, listening to her peers (and the various commoners too), and quietly judging them all for cussing.

Rosalind wields a diamondplate bow with a spruce green leather grip.

Jan eyes Lucita and zoey "you two do NOT wander off. Stay close, don't do anything foolish. Please for the love of Mangata's tits." she adds in a soft, exasperated plea.

Cillian nose wrinkles as they move down the road as they pass the tree's with hanging bodies, "Spirits." he mumbles as he grabs his bow and holds it at the ready as he moves with the group and follows along his hazel eyes keeping watch moving along the out side of the group slightly, the ranger in him kicking in.

It's 'Mangata's tits' that finally breaks Katarina. "Oh, /really/ now," she says to Jan, sotto voice, her disappointment in the noblewoman's word choice as sharp as any blade.

Denica wields Little Devil, a fire-scorched diamondplate scramasax.

Katarina wields tempest sapphire seas gleaming silvery blade.

Jan wields Turgid Defiance, an elegant alaricite sword.

Aconite nods her understanding to Eirene, "Your advice is heard and well noted. Thank you, Lady Riven." Her contralto voice offers sincerely. The tall Whisper is confident and comfortable in the saddle. The Whisper is armored though it's light armor. She readies her cupridium blade.

Lou wields forest mist diamondplate falchion.

Mikani takes Swallow's Protection - Diamondplate Fighting Sticks from Orenda - Northlands Style Dual Weapon Belt with Under Arm Holsters for Small Weapons.

Ian has been wrapped in his own thoughts for the entire journey, letting little of them show, even to friends, and so it continues as he rides in silence, his gaze watchful and alert as he clings to his borrowed horse and scans the night.

Mikani wields Swallow's Protection - Diamondplate Fighting Sticks.

Behind Aconite on another borrowed horse is Alejandro. Staying close without crowding Aconite.

"If you want to lecture Jan over her language, why don't you do that over a nice glass of milk when we're back in Arx?" Sabriel suggests, "Because this ain't the fucking time to be shitting bricks over foul language."

Jan says, "Suck my fanny you prudish ass-duster. What part of any of this suggests I'm keen for anyone's approval or that here and now is the time to pick that battle?" She snorts derisively "Head on a swivel and look for actual danger, anyone who's not busy clutching their pearls."

Rosalind just grins. "Aella says that all the time,"her eyes turning toward Sabriel. She nudges her horse toward Cillian, watching still.

"Jan" Pasquale says after Jan's outburst. "Its not the time for an argument." he looks to Katarina for a long moment after speaking before shifting his gaze back onto Jan again. "Just accept that you are different and be done with it."

"Shut it, children," Eirene says behind her with a snap. A little different tactic, with less tact, than Pasquale.

Aconite's brow furrows, "Save that energy for the task at hand." The Whisper suggests quietly on the heels of Pasquale's words.

Cillian brings his horse closer to Rosalinds as they move together keeping their eyes out as they move along.

Jan grunts softly in acceptance of the rebuke from the others.

Not much for conversation, Denica is keeping her attention alert and watching her surroundings. There's a serious glint in her eyes, that betrays some knowledge of their host. The small princess, clad in rather artistic armour, with tentacles curling everywhere, is not her bon-vivant self. Rather, she is focused and unphased by the back-and-forth she hears.

Aindre wasn't around for anything that happened at the Trader's Tavern, he's never been much of a drinker. But he's here now, on horseback, having come up behind the roving group of familiar-to-less-familiar faces at a slow and easy pace, looking for all the world like he's been out here in the woods for.. well, more than a couple days at this point. There's plenty of road dust on the armored man, a kind of tired but determined expression on his face as he nudges his steed up to where Eirene's at and the people around her. "Fancy meeting you out.. here?", he says, and he can't help but look a touch worried for a moment considering all the people. "What's happening?". There's a nod for Lou, and one for Ian as well.

"I would think that this would be a fine time to get on the gods' good side," Katarina says to Sabriel. She might have said more, but then Jan refers to a Princess of House Valardin as an 'ass-duster,' and like five people all say to be quiet at once. Katarina refrains from further comment, but the Oathlands remembers these things.

Zoey glances down at her scarf and its pearl adornments. "I completely forgot those were on there."

Caspian is stifling a laugh, despite the dour circumstance. he gibes jan a conspiratorial smile and nod and continues onward, not letting the kerfuffle about etiquette distract him

Raymesin glances round at the sound of Aindre's voice, and offers the man a nod. That done, he goes back to watching for danger, praying for the dead, and ignoring Katarina.

Ian's wall of reserve only breaks when he sees Aindre appear on the road to join everyone. He manages to cajole his horse closer to the other man. "Aindre. Thank the gods." He speaks these words on a sharp exhalation of breath. "Oberion Thornweave is dead. Helena is at Old Oak."

Mikani snickers under her breath. She has the mask of her hood already pulled up to cover her nose. She is on the largest Crovane stallion anyone has seen and even Jostein seems a bit jittery. Mikani is just towards the back of the group her eyes watching the woods.

Rosalind mutters, "How much rope? ... don't think half of ... people ... ... if ... ... all scratching out eyes and---you ..."

Perhaps as a mercy, Helena does not force them to trek through the entirety of the burning city, thick with the scent of blood, smoke, and dying plants. Instead, she waits for them near the city gate, a shadow standing in the light of the fire so that her features are hidden. There is only one other with her. It seems that she didn't come alone either. Tables and chairs have been dragged from the town and are arranged as if this is to be a proper spot of diplomacy with the mismatched tables lined up and chairs arranged at either side of them. Most of them are at least singed. Many stained with blood. As the group approaches, Helena remains standing where she is, expressionless. Once, she might have been beautiful, but her skin is the white of a drowned corpse and the veins that spiderweb across it are... green? Her hair is as white as her face, as if it has been drained of all color, too. Her eyes are a vivid, glowing green, but sickly in hue, the shade of infection, of pus, of... Blight.

Sen'azala's lips draw thin, tips of her canines showing as her nose wrinkles and her face twists into a grimace of disgust and something a little bright and hungry. She drops back to Lou's side, and while nothing really visibly changes about the way she stands or moves, it's as though she's suddenly thrumming with carefully controlled but pent up energy, as if the journey just dropped away and she's very, eagerly awake.

There's palpable relief on Lou's features when she spies Aindre riding up. It's a look that says 'thank the goods I'm not alone in this' in spite of the fact that there's a whole cadre of people riding out specifically to support her doing this maybe foolish thing she allowed herself to be talked into. "Helena's asked to parlay," she tells him in a conversational voice. "I wasn't going to, knowing it was a trap, but a lot of people made a lot of very reasonable excuses as to why we should go anyway. Also, she called me Loucia." Aindre would know how that rattles her. She also looks like she sure hopes she made the right decision. She does her best to keep cool and calm. It's only barely working. They are, of course, surrounded by dead bodies, sucked of life and vigor, hanging from vines as they approach the holdings.

It's then that she takes in a breath and steels herself further. As they reach the gate she carefully dismounts her horse and make sure its cared for before she takes a moment to observe her surroundings. She lets out a long breath, then says. "I guess there's no turning back now," she remarks, mostly to Sen as she notices her friend back at her side.

Sabriel approaches the tables and claims a chair, not caring how bloody it may or may not be. "So, you're this Helena, then? Sabriel Stormborn, of Clan Bloodsea. I'd say it's a pleasure, but let's be honest, I doubt you're here for pleasantries." Not the most diplomatic, perhaps.

Eirene grunts at Aindre, glancing sidelong at Lou before back to the former prince. "What he said. She's got it out for the Graysons today. And I doubt that crazy fertilizer eating piece of kudzu will care you've renounced your name." She slows her pace even more as the city looms ahead and they see the negotiation grounds. "As Grayson's General, I am going with you," she tells Lou. "Whether you like it or not." Her eyes narrow as she looks Helena up and down and takes in the blighted affect. Then she looks at the silent figure beside Helena. But then Sabriel's daring approach gets a snort out of her. Amused or annoyed, hard to say.

Katarina silently and privately thanks the gods -- even Mangata and her tits -- that her ancient stiletto is juuust magic enough to keep her calm, even in the wildest of circumstances, such as facing down Helena Thornweave. Why, yes, she IS gripping that blade's handle a fair bit tighter than she was a moment ago. Thank you for noticing.

Jan grimaces "Captain." She stares at Sabriel and gives a tiny shake of her head but then turns her attention towards the periphery of the group, wary and ill at ease.

Perhaps it shouldn't be a surprise that there will be an actual attempt at diplomacy, odd though as it may be. Amund dismounts some distance away from the sight of the woman with the tables and the chairs, tying his horse somewhere safe enough. He has no place at that table; he will simply stand by until he is needed. Act when he should. The destruction of so many formerly glorious cities brings with them a kind of sad note, and he will drink into that for a moment. Should there be fighting, at least he will be properly inspired.

Sen'azala says, low, "We passed the point of no turning back quite a long while ago." A glance toward Eirene, and then she says, just as low, "As me I'm going too."

Rosalind stops her horse, really not sure what to think of the site before her. She's about to crack a joke about lack of sunlite, but that doesn't seem to be the time. She shakes her head and simply waits to see what happens.

Ian's dismount from his horse is not graceful. He sliiiides out of the saddle, and it's only his grip on it that keeps him from just crumpling to the ground the moment his legs have to bear the weight of the rest of him. He frees his cane from where it's lashed to the saddle. He sticks close to Aindre, but does take a moment to scan the gathered nobility and refresh himself on where everyone is located.

"I'd been out riding some lands between Old Oak and.. elsewhere.", Aindre remarks to Ian, and probably also to Eirene too and also Lou. "Getting the lay of the land. When the winds shifted, it was noticeable. I thought I'd find help, I should have known capable hands were already on the scene." He quiets down though as Helena comes into view, wearing all the glamour of a corpse. He doesn't reach for his weapon, that hammer, where it's tied off to the side of his steed, but he does drop a hand and loosen up some of the knotting holding it there. He only wears a miserable look for Helena, seeing her is never a good time, but it doesn't wear at the grim determination set into his expression either.

Pasquale scans the area Helena has picked out for the meeting. Studying the chairs, her companions, the fire, the gate, the walls, and finally Helena herself. He pauses there, eyes on the elf, for a few moments before dismounting. He drops the reins so that they fall onto the ground ahead of the horse, looks to the others (mostly the Graysons), before waiting patiently for the Grayson's to start something.

Raymesin slides off his horse at a good distance from Helena and not far from Ian, and if he hasn't palmed a blade on the way down it'll be a surprise to several people, himself not the least of them. He eyes the woman that people are identifying as Helena, thoughtfully, then glances around at the others, then up, and then down at what's beneath his feet. If there's one thing he doesn't do, it's open his mouth.

At the first opportunity to dismount, Denica hands off her steed to Cato who has accompanied the woman, for this very purpose. Leather squeaks ever so slightly as she stands with her feet on the ground. A hand reaches to adjust her hair, pulling a rogue lock so it doesn't obscure her vision. But those vivid blues are locked on Helena now, watching the woman and caring little for the table setting that is waiting for them. Perhaps Denica hasn't got the appetite for the pop-up diner, in front of them. Still, the woman can appreciate a scene and she commits it to memory, colours vibrant in the confines of her mind.

Zoey looks on as her cousin Aindre and others join, but mostly rides along quietly as near to Lou as she can manage until it is time to dismount.

Cillian looks over at Mikani and beckons her over to near him and Rosalind, his hazel eyes fall onto the woman standing there. His lips turn to a deep frown as his eyes look to Aindre nodding to him then looking back at the woman with white hair and white skin. He remains still watching.

Ian detaches himself from Aindre just long enough to mutter a few curt words to Ray.

As other dismount so too does Aconite, putting a steadying hand on the equine's nose before Alejandro takes the reins and steps away, though not too far. The Whisper waits to see if they are going to sit at the table and parlay. However Aconite seems ready to take it to the table if need be.

Jan watches Ian somewhat anxiously but she doesn't ride forward to join him, rather sticking close to those she's apparently appointed as her wards for this trip. That being Zoey and Lucita.

Lou glances from one side to the other as both Eirene and Sen'azala declare they are walking with her to the table. She gives each a nod. There's no argument there. She looks to Aindre, "If something happens to me, tell Liara. I didn't have a chance to send her any messages before I left." That's the pragmatic, practical side of Lou showing before she turns and starts walking toward the table. Her gait is neither harried nor slow, but it is clear she's a tautly wound coil expecting deception and deceit at any moment.

Caspian studies Helena a moment, eyes narrowing a second. his voice was low as he spoke to the others. "She looks.. far worse off than the last two times i've seen her. like some corruption has sunken its grip more tightly on her." but, no point waiting around when there is talking to have! he slides off the horse, and not to let Sabriel be stupid alone, follows along as well. He spins a chair around, leaning his chest against the back of the chair, arms resting on top as he smiled. "Caspian, of no import or standing. love what you've done with.." he motions to his face, "all of this." there was tightness to him as he sat, and it was clear the man was a coiled spring of tense muscle despite the attempted bravado. "So.. what were we going to talk about?"

Rosalind eventually hops off her horse, standing straight and ready. For anything really. But she's ready.

Lucrezia squints at the table and chairs set out for them as she would at the sight of enemy sails. She stalks over to the seat beside Sabriel and throws herself into it with reckless abandon. Usually she'd sit on the table or across several chairs, so she is being unusually wary. She stares at their "host" and doesn't take her eyes away, though her head is bobbing to some sort of music.

Katarina remains toward the rear of the assembled posse. For one thing, the invitation was for /House Grayson/ to parlay, and she is not a Grayson, or a vassal thereof. For another, she's keeping an eye out to make sure that this isn't one of those 'keep your eye on the horrible little birdie' situations -- if all eyes are on Helena, then who's to watch for an attack from behind?

Aconite slides into a chair as well, leaving the thick fabric mask up to hide her face, her deep cowl shadowing her eyes.

Ian casts one last look back at Zoey, then goes to rejoin Aindre.

Mikani dismounts and moves to join Cillian and Rosalind. She doesn't introduce herself, feeling like Helena wouldn't care. As Caspian speaks of her appearance, Mikani nods as she takes in everything. Her dark eyes looking around the area. She was good at knowing when to keep her mouth shut.

Lucita dismounts and leaves her horse back with the other mounts. She stays near Jan and Zoey, keeping a close eye on their surroundings, including ground, sky and the trees. She does not move toward a seat, just remains watchful and rather out of the way. She remains silent.

Helena's eerie gaze finds Lou and never leaves her even as the others approach. Her arms remain folded over her chest as she simply stares Lou down. There is a -flicker- of a glance in Aindre and Eirene's direction, but it seems that Lou is the focus of her attentions. Even Sabriel's approach does not do a thing to change her stance or lack of expression. The cloaked figure at her side does let out a little snort and moves into the light. The Duke of Wasps is grinning as the group approaches in stark contrast to Helena's utter lack of emotion. His lips purse as if he wishes to offer some retort either to Sabriel or Caspian, but a single glance at Helena stays whatever words he might have thought to utter, though his smirking smile does not fade a bit.

Cillian remains on Akkar (His Caribou) so he can keep a better eyes out for anything that may come for them, he nods to Mikani, "If it goes to hell stay close." he looks to Rosalind and knows where she is. He nods to himself and keeps watch.

"If something happens to you, it'll be for no worse or better reason than it's already happened to me.", Aindre promises Lou, really taking the scenic route to telling her that she has his hammer. He can't even muster one of those reassuring smiles of his, not right now, "But I'm /sure/ Liara will hear about it one way or another. Whether we're the messengers or the message." He slides off his steed finally, retrieving his hammer from the side of his saddle, and hangs back, watchful and listening, but not too far back. Probably he remains near Ian.

Word travels well through the city of Arx to the Wyrmguard estate. Even though the lady Desiree has been keeping quiet as of late, she has been working diligently behind the scenes regarding all things spooky trees. Remember, Blancbier has had its share of vampiric forests and the younger Wyrmguard has learned many things about this and how it ties to a particular woman named Helena. Desiree spots Aindre not too far in the distance, as well as many faces she is familiar with and then one or two she has never seen in her life. She draws her mount back to halt rather than just barrel through the gathered crowd. Every now and then the Wyrmguard has to bring her forearm to her nose to shield it from the strong scent of smoke and ash that wafts from deeper in the forest.

Jan dismounts in a single smooth motion and remains protectively near Lucita and Zoey. Caspian is given an exasperated look as if to say 'you too' but then her gaze just goes to roaming between the unfolding horror show and their surroundings.

Rosalind eyes at Cillian and actually snorts. But then actually considers what he means. She just nods before her focus is put on the Wasp Dukey guy. "It'll be fine,"she eventually says. "Lou has it handled." She's positive on that note as she takes in Eirene and Sen near her.

Sen'azala drops back only half a step as Lou approaches the table, barely enough to make the difference, but still enough to wordlessly make it clear that she's not pretending at being the one who was called to parlay. Her gaze tics toward the Duke for a moment, and she can't seem to entirely resist what appears to be an instinctive flash of teeth, and another grimace, but she schools it quickly.

Sabriel turns her gaze to this Duke of Wasps. "She has you on a short leash, huh?" She asks, "Look, I know odds are that this is all going to terrible for someone. Hopefully not for me, but there's no reason to be rude until we get to it, right?" She asks, "So who are you?"

Pasquale's mouth twitches as he catches Sabriel's words. He seems to consider the situation for a moment more and then chooses to go stand besides Sen'azala.

Raymesin nods ever so slightly to Ian, then goes back to being part of the scenery. With the sheer height of him, clad all in black, he can't fail to draw some attention - but that doesn't mean he has to draw any more than he can help.

Once Lou approaches the table she offers Helena the courtsey of a short bow, given one was offered to her not that long ago. "Helena Thornweave," she greets, in neutral tones. "I have come to accept your offer of parlay. You spoke of being able to prevent what happened at Bastion of happening in Arx?" she queries, reaching one of the seats and delicately touching the back of one of them. She does, however, make sure there's ample table space between herself, Helena, and the Duke of Wasps, not that she has any misconception of whether they might be able to get to her in a flash if they wanted to or not. "I admit, your offer has piqued my interests so I've come to consider it and discuss it." She'll only sit when they seem ready to sit themselves, if they intend to.

"Oh that fucker," Eirene mutters as the Duke of Wasps emerges into the firelight. Sen'azala and Lou hearing her easily, the others nearby picking her words up. She looks for a moment as if she might ask Sabriel the same question as her brow furrows. Glancing at Helena, she looks as if she's about to make a comment, but she has lerned SOME tact and keeps her mouth shut. Once Lou stands behind a chair she follows suit.

Cillian checks composure at hard. Cillian is successful.

Amund makes sure to position himself to the left flank of the diplomatic entourage, keeping an eye on their surroundings before his attention turns to the Duke of Wasps. He does not recognize the other, of course. Adjusting his fireweave gloves, he breathes in deeply and exhales slowly. The suspense just hangs in the air; one has to remember they have to breathe, sometimes.

Caspian looks to the duke of wasps and immediately began to itch at the old stinging wounds he had gained at Artshall. he mumbled something under his breath that was blessedly indistinguishable and was likely about to throw more fuel on the fire until Lou arrived, someone with a calm head and actually able to parlay. He looked to lou, offering an encouraging smile, and then looked back to the helena and the duke, rocking in his chair slightly.

Lucrezia shifts her gaze sideways at Sabriel and frowns at her referring to leashes, a look of complete distaste that she has to pull the Pravus Princess card here. "Let's not make the Archduchess cry to hear you were executed for being rude at a parlay, huh?" Worse she was talking about manners, she glanced off to the side like she wants to spit, but... doesn't.

Ian remains a silent, ready presence, his features slack, but his expression mostly invisible due to the combination of goggles and scarf. A slouching guardian. Every now and again, he absently looks down to the compass set into the head of his cane.

Mikani tilts her head as she watches the Duke and Helena. Her hands move to the fighting sticks at her sides and holds them tightly wondering if for a moment she should pull the dagger. Deciding to not incite them, she just stays still. Her eyes look toward Ian as if checking to see where he is.

Vivid blues shift to something more icy and cold, her gaze lands on the Duke of Wasps with the sort of familiarity that makes Denica cringe. Lips press into a thin line and she remains still and silent. Watching. Observing. Scanning their surroundings for what might hide behind the current theatrics. This is not her conversation, still she holds herself with confidence, albeit a quiet one.

Cillian eyes seem to fall to Helena watching her, there is something a shift in his body language. Its as if he is suddenly feeling anxious. His head turns slightly as he watches the woman, he taps Akkar to move slightly in her direction then stops and watches her again.

Aconite remains seated, back straight and poised. Hands are not atop the table however, they remain on her lap, close to her kris. The Whisper's body is angled to witness the convocation. She is no stranger to being present for such meetings.

The Duke just grins at Sabriel and gives her a wink before he looks at Eirene. As if he heard her words, he tips his hat graciously to her. Helena watches Lou approach, unmoving and expressionless. When she finally speaks, it is with the exact same voice heard emanating from the man at the tavern. "Princess Loucia Grayson. I am delighted." Her voice is flat enough that 'delighted' almost sounds sarcastic. "I am here to offer you a choice. You humans so adore that word, don't you? 'Choice'. A gift from the god that created you. It is a pity that he did not teach you what choices were good and which bad. Instead, he set you out into the world as babies to fumble and fall. You've been enslaved. You've been at the mercy of powers beyond your very comprehension with nothing but 'choice' as a shield." Finally, she shows something of expression as her lips form into a moue of distaste. "What choices have your masters offered you? Were you permitted to choose to have your magic taken from you? Your Metallics did that. They did not trust you to make your own choices and so robbed you of them. How cruel they have been to you." Her voice softens into something like pity for a moment.

"Ah, it seems my own leash is being yanked on, I suppose I'll have to shut up for now." Sabriel smirks at the Duke, as she leans back in her chair and shuts up while listening, taking a sip from the flask of booze she brought with her.

Jan draws in a deep breath and rolls her head from one side to the other to release tension. There's an exasperated groan and headtilt skyward for some reason but beyond this she seems to keep her mouth shut-until that last bit "Oh that's horse-turds and you know it."

Sen'azala draws in a small breath, but with great effort merely touches the tip of her tongue to the roof of her mouth. It's almost enough, but not quite. "Lying isn't a very good way to start negotiations," she says, quiet, mild, jaw tensed.

Aconite's head tilts sharply and she shakes her cowled head with a very soft snort. Otherwise she's quite still.

Katarina remains at the rear guard, guarding the rear, et cetera. Her attention is on the 'negotiations' thus far in a vague way, but she's also keeping her ears open for, like, the sensual rustle of killer tentacle vines.

"Spare us the history lesson," Eirene says dryly to Helena's 'pity'.

Desiree settles her sapphire gaze upon the guests at the table, paying rapt attention, yet her expression remains neutral. There is a brief glance to the others just to soak in the atmosphere and gather the raw energy that seems to be on edge. Certain choice words hit the Wyrmguard more than others and if anything gives her away it is a mild squinting and a tightening of her lips before they return to a more relaxed place. It is only when Sen'azala speaks that Desiree glances over in her direction then back to the table.

Lucita begins to hum a little, expressionaless, taking comfort in the barely audible sound likely not carrying past Jan and Zoey and perhaps Sen's ears. The notes are of a old song of joy and hope, freedom, life. It is not done antagonistically, just as a means to ease her personal trepidation.

Amund regards Helena as she utters those words, considering what he knows of the chief of all Metallics and what little he knows of the origin of the loss of magic. His expression is one of mild distaste, but he keeps his counsel. "Off to a great start," he mutters to himself.

Mikani reaches out and holds Akkar still. "Cillian, why don't you drop the reins." She murmurs softly reaching to take the reins from the man. Her voice quiet enough to not interrupt the greater conversation going on.

"Things happened. Mistakes were made. That's what happens when you have the option of choice. But, you also have the option to learn and grow from them and do better. Be better. Everyone has that option, even you. Being stuck, doing the same thing, day in day out, without a choice? That's no life to live. You don't get to experience the wonders of the world that way. Learn. Grow. Be a better version of yourself. You see choice as a detriment, and I see choice as. . . as a way to adapt and overcome. To be more. To live a full life." Lou doesn't seem to dispute what Helena says. "And if I've made mistakes, I don't blame anyone but myself for the choices I've made. Right or right. Big or small. Besides, there's still magic in the world. Who's choice was it to put a blight on it?" she counters, lifting a brow. "It certainly was not the Metallics. Perhaps you should look to your Master's allies?"

Auda has always had a -way- about her. A sort of.. easy-going nonchalance that definitely doesn't fit with the current happenings. The apothecary is strolling up, late to the 'party' but utterly unconcerned about that, with emerald eyes flicking from one attendee to the next. There's a little upnod to Raymesin if she catches his eye, and to Sen as well. She keeps her mouth shut for now, hands in the pockets of her trousers.

Rosalind doesn't know Sabriel, but she knows her sorta people when she sees or hears them. She moseys on over there, because lets face it. The woman doesn't remain still well. She's a scout for a reason. The mention of blight causes her to pause for a moment though, perhaps even twitch for just a moment.

Helena tsks softly and says, "All of you so quick to accuse me of lying, but how do any of you know what the truth is? Because you found it in books in the very library that houses the Eater of Stories? Yet you foolishly trust whatever is said in those pages? Who do you think it was that -allowed- him to steal your stories? Who do you think -allowed- your primum to be poisoned because it made it easier to control you. Do you understand how you sound to those of us that -know- the truth? That -lived- through it? You have surrounded yourself with the soft padding of comfortable lies because it would be terrifying to acknowledge the truth... that your choice has already been taken from you. You're just too blind to see it." She never looks away from Lou, but the Duke glances over all those faces and especially all those that keep a hand on their weapons. "I would offer you truth and a choice. A different choice. A choice in defiance to those who would steal your magic and make you very comfortable slaves. It is more than your gods will ever condescend to give you."

Lou mutters, "She's ... right. They ... did, in ... ... The ... ... ... long ... They ... /mean/ ... They ... they were saving ... ... ... ... all horribly wrong."

Auda checks willpower at daunting. Auda fails.

Jan tilts her head "OH. what? The metallics are dead and much of their history vanished and you somehow think that removes their influence from the Dream? That the dream just...forgets...those kinds of things? Yeah, please-continue to keep believing that." head tilts and sighs and shakes her head "Sure, someone's underestimating us but it sure the fuck isn't a half remembered stack of legends." she flicks a glance towards Lucita and shuffles a bit closer-just in case. "If you realized how deeply even the most incompetent humans believed with absolute certainty that they were exceptional you wouldn't waste time in trying to seed self doubt. That's what this is, right? The fact that you seek to influence our will is rather reaffirming. You wouldn't be doing that if it were nothing."

Raymesin looks around at some of the others, then shakes his head. His fingertips touch the skull at his throat again, and his lips start moving once more as he scans the rest of the area for dangers.

Pasquale listens to the elf speak quietly before listening to Lou and then Jan with the exact same quiet absorption. He considers Sen'azala for a moment, then Auda, then the Duke of Wasps again.

Cillian:lets the leather strips go, but he slides off the mount and moves away from Rosalind and Mikani and makes his way to try and get closer to Helena. Something has his eyes as he watches her, as he feels he needs to be there.

Eirene has a moment of black comedy and slaps her hand on the table as she lets out a single laugh. "Honestly, I got into an argument with Copper over a similar topic. Children playing with matches because their parents won't teach them how to properly light a fire. Sometimes parents know best, even if their kids think it's a pie made with road apples at the time. Kids ain't always mature enough to know how to handle the flame properly." She then stops and shakes her head, disbelief crossing her face. "I can't believe I'm -defending- this." She shuts up as her head continues to shake.

Helena seems distracted from her own words and looks to the side of the gathered group. Then, she smiles. It is a lovely, ghastly thing. She reaches a hand out and says in a joyful voice, "Sister..."

Lucrezia glances between Helena and Lou as they speak. Whatever that last part Lou mutters makes her squint in particular.

Aindre listens on at the words between Lou and Helena, and at Lou's part he gives a nod a few times, he even stands a little taller the longer she goes on. After the talk of mistakes, of choices, he says, "The Metallics have made their mistakes in the past. We know this. Mistakes make us human, they keep us grounded. Any truth you offer, any choice, hardly comes untainted. I think you'll find so many people who showed up here have already made their choice.", all of that mostly to the Duke of Wasps, the smarmy little bastard that he is.

Sabriel performatively yawns, and turns her gaze back to the duke. "Is she always like this?" In a tone of mild condescension, her hand still resting on the blade in her lap. She smirks to Rosalind.

Mikani watches Cillian and sighs as she goes into babysitter mode. Her body tensed to take action if she needs to.

Aconite's fingertips rest against the guard of her blade. The soft rose-tanned leather catching on the spikes there. She does look to Lou and then back towards those who waited in the rear then to Eirene a solid nod of agreement given to Lady Riven's words but she can't linger on them long. Helena's gesture draws her attention back and her brows knit.

Sen'azala tips her head toward Lou at something that passes between them. Whatever it is, her nose wrinkles a bit more in response. "...I know who took what I've lost." It's still mild, still quiet, still a thin veneer over her tension and whatever is deeper. She's not looking at Lou, and Helena's largely in her peripheral, because she's watching the Duke of Wasps most of all now. "He made sure to announce it."

Beside Aindre, Ian echoes his point with a last statement: "I'm not interested in someone else's mistakes making a victim out of me." Whether or not he would have had anything more to say is hard to be sure, the change in Helena's demeanor would have been enough to shut him up either way. He turns in the direction she's looking.

Jan says, "I could not have said it better, cousin."

Raymesin leads his horse over towards Jan, with a grimace.

It's the word 'Sister' that has broken Desiree's neutral expression. Her eyes widen and her jaw drops a touch. Looking around to exactly -who- this sister is has her scanning the gathered crowd more carefully. "What?" She whispers to herself.

Auda steps forward, a smile curving her lips. It's happiness, and she's reaching out to take Helena's hand. "Sister." She looks perhaps a touch surprised? The main emotion, however, is joy, and relief, and.. like some need or desire has been fulfilled.

Pasquale listens to the arguments going back and forth about the metallics and how wrong Helena is for a few moments before looking to Helena again "Whilst all these excuses and reasons are very interesting - What exactly is it you are offering Helena?"

Lucita lifts one eyebrow slightly. She keeps the Duke of Wasps and Helena in her primary field of vision but uses the periphery to try to spot the 'sister' of whom Helena spoke. She does not openly speak, just continues to hum the Freedom song as she remains alert to her surroundings.

Sen'azala turns her head sharply and stares at Auda.

Rosalind shrugs at Sabriel. "You have the---,"but then stops. "Wait---wait?" She turns over to Auda, blinking a moment.

Raymesin, his message delivered, stops absolutely dead at the sight of Auda and Helena holding hands, then starts backing himself and his horse away from both of them. Slowly.

Katarina is all the way at the back but not so far back that she can't see Auda taking Helena's hand. Her expression is appropriately perturbed.

Lou turns along with everyone else to regard whomever this disruptive 'sister' might be. She raises a brow when she spies Aude coming to take hands with Helena then crinkle lines take shape on her forehead. She looks between Eirene and Sen with an expression of 'who is that?' as she's never met Auda.

Jan sighs "Fuck." She looks to Sabriel "Captain. Now is the time to knock it off. Trust me, you want to heed me this time." she presses her lips and watches the family reunion, gaze seeking out Lou, Ian, Pasquale, and Sen'azala each in turn to gauge their reaction.

Helena draws Auda to her side and murmurs something to her as she clasps one of her hands in hers. She seems...pleased to see Auda. But there is still diplomacy to do so introductions will need to wait. Amidst all the other posturing and arguing, the Thornweave looks -directly- at Ian and says with a confused little frown, "Then perhaps you should have asked those closest to you to not make you a victim then, hm? I can take it all away. No one has to die. No one has to suffer. No one needs to be another victim to this war. No more cities need to burn." Her blighted gaze then sweeps over the entirety of those gathered before she says in a deceptively soft voice. "Or, you can choose to suffer. You can choose to watch as everything you love, everything you treasure, falls to me. Just like Artshall. Just like Old Oak. Just like Bastion. You posture and try to exercise your dubious wit to hide your fear, but there is nothing you can do to stop me. Your allies have been taken from you. You can either join me now and save your people suffering. Or I can make them suffer and you will all join me anyway."

"Wait. What?" Eirene stares at Auda. "Oh fuck me," she says, looking annoyed she didn't see this coming "Really? NO WONDER WE COULDN"T GET THE FUCKING POISON TO WORK," she shouts, standing up. "She's the head of the FUCKING Apothcary College," she says to Lou, gesturing at the pair of 'sisters'.

"Ah." Pasquale murmurs, mostly to himself. "This is one of those i'm going to win so you might as well surrender now moments." he shakes his head slightly, looks back to her, and says "Sometimes being true to what you are means fighting anyway."

Ian's answer is spoken low, and doesn't seem aimed at Helena. Or Auda. Or anyone else. "Are you watching this? Do you hear this? We have the same blasted enemies."

Jan lifts her chin "Hey, Fuck off. Being a husband or a wife doesn't make us anything more or less than two individuals doing the fucking best and anyone with any sense knows it. You want to bait someone, pick an easier target." She looks towards Ian and her brow furrows a bit.

Aconite pushes her chair back a bit and her hand tightens it's grip on the hilt of her blade. "Apothecary.. Remember thyself..." She aims at Auda. Eirene's reaction is much more pwerful but Aconite seems steady, "Or it didn't work because Blight is born of posion." She looks back to Auda. Black eyes wide, her brows drawn down imploringly.

Sabriel stands up, weapon in hand, ready though not pointed at anyone. She glances at the two apparent sisters, but takes Jan's advice to shut up.

Mikani looks between Auda and Helena. She inches closer to Cillian and nods at Ian's words. "Cillian." She murmurs taking his hand softly. "Stay with us." She pulls his hand softly.

Rosalind just watches Helena. "My people. We've already fought for our place, we wouldn't back down now and definitely not for you." Realizing something, she turns toward Cillian, frowning a moment.

Cillian watches Helena as he moves closer, "Why, so instead the world lives in chains, so you can control us and take that freedom away from us?" he stops as his hand is taken by Mikani's and is stopped watching Helena still its as if he wants to continue to walk but doesn't.

Auda leans slightly to listen to Helena, and offer something quietly back-- but then Eirene is shouting, and Auda is.. laughing? Yes, she's laughing. "Look, Eirene, I tried. I really, really tried to help with the poison. I even asked Blight to help with the poison, to help it spread through the chains that bind the Legions." She pauses, touching her arm with her free hand. "I didn't know until just now which side the Archfiend was on, but.. I know, now." Auda smiles, and offers a shrug. "Honestly, I'm as surprised as any of you."

As Helena looks around at everyone with her offered words, Denica manages not to roll her eyes. Channeling her inner-Islander, she's pretty devoid of emotions at this moment. Rather she just folds her arms over her chest, looking to know herself and her decisions, both. There's no need to think about it. With little to add to the conversation, rather she is one of many, gathered here, Denica watches the main crust of conversations between Lou and Helena, and now Auda unfold. "Words like freedom sure get punted around a lot. Freedom's not something you are offered, it's something you take. It's who you are and how you live your life." Okay, maybe she has a few words to share.

Jan siiighs and watches Cillian, "For fuck's sake. Cillian! Knock it off and get your ass back here!"

"So it seems like this offer is just one where we choose how we go extinct, is that it? That is the end goal here, after all, or they wouldn't be torching our cities, killing our people." Amund muses out loud. "I would rather die on my own terms, as a result of my own actions, at than someone else's mercy. I've seen better negotiations." He falls silent as Auda talks of the poison in question.

Sen'azala drags her stare away from Auda, just barely, and now she looks at Helena. *Now* she looks at her. If the look she gave Auda was sharp, now it's something else, narrowed eyes like glittering, golden needles. "You want me to bow? He took my people from me," she says. She hasn't raised her voice but it's anything but mild. "He took everything about them. Songs. Histories. Words. Their names are forgotten in the dust, their deeds whispers and shadows, their faces forgotten forever. And you. Want. *Me*. To. Bow." Words none of them can recognize hiss between her teeth. "My Grandmother bows to no one. Not gods. Not kings. Not pretenders. *I* bow to no one. Not gods. Not kings. Not *you*."

Lucrezia cocks her head as Helena speaks, but not necessarily listening to whatever it is she's saying. "You need something from us."

The air is thick and Desiree chokes on words that never make it to her throat. However, there is an incredulous look on her face when she hears Auda's reply about not knowing which side the Archfiend was on. Her attention moves to Eirene with the hopes the Riven remains calm. Her fingers curl upon the reins of her horse because, this is just getting heated fast.

Katarina is still here, but honestly, she doesn't even have a single bon mot to share. It would lose any effect being shouted from way in the back.

As Sen'azala speaks, Ian's grip shifts on his cane. He's not holding it like a walking stick anymore. He's holding it like a sheathed sword that he's ready to draw.

It's hard to say if Aindre recognizes Auda at all or if that sour look that haunts across his expression is one born of just seeing someone actually acknowledge Helena as a sister, as if there is anything familial left in her. Whatever sourness is there disappears however as Helena presses the matter of razing cities, citing those she's already had a hand in helping to see destroyed. Not speaking for Lou but in addition to what she says, he adds, "Bastion is rebuilt. Artshall is rebuilt. Old Oak, too, will rebuild. Did your lot learn nothing from the Reckoning? Mayhaps it is you that needs be reminded of the histories. We persevere, and we are at our most dangerous when all that we love - because love is still a choice left to us - is threatened."

Raymesin's pale eyes close, then open again; his quiet and unhurried retreat turns, taking him and the horse he's leading towards Ian.

Lou glances at Eirene at her outburst then turns her attention back to Auda, both brows raising in surprise. She might have some comforting words to offer Eirene, but they're meant for later. "There may be nothing you think we can do to stop you, but we can /try/." Lou replies to Helena. "And, we will try. Because that is our choice. To try to do the best that we can to survive. To make sure that we remain free. That we are slave to no one. We are our own masters, each and every one of us, with our own voices." There's a pause as she looks to Auda. "Even if some of those voices choose to become slaves to awful causes." She looks back to Helana and says rather pointedly, "Our answer is no. We will not accept your offer."

Rosalind turns toward Cillian and mutters,"Stay back!" Seeing Mikani has him, she relievedly sighs before continuing to listen.

Aconite takes a deep breath and the leather of her glove squeeks as she tightens her fingers on the handle as she listens to Auda and then looks back at the others who'd come to support Lou, then to the Prima and back to Helena and the Grayson Princess, readying to stand.

Cillian looks to Mikani shaking his head, he looks back to Helena for the moment the Northern Lord just wants to be near, closer. He starts to pace back and forth where he stands, some have seen him do this in the past. Its like a wild animal stuck in a cage, he breaths deeply.

"You call them chains, I call them bonds. Bonds of kinship. Or brotherhood. Unity. Isn't that what you humans preach? I offer unity. I offer to bring you into the fold as friends. As family. If you came as willing friends, I would never need to make another of my children from your limbs. I would never need to burn down another city. We could watch as the gods die and we are, finally, given true freedom. Haven't you ever wondered if you were offered this illusion of 'freedom' with no guidance so that you will never be united because the gods know how powerful their children are? If we ever united to stand against them, our shackles would break. Forever." Helena glances to Sen and says softly, "And if your people hadn't cherished their 'freedom' more than their lives, they wouldn't have needed to be broken. All of this is so unnecessary. How many of these good people are you going to allow to die, Wolf? Because you -are- allowing this to happen. You have seen and understand what they will face and yet you will make a sacrifice of everyone just for revenge. You will allow another family to die." When Lou finally rejects her offer, Helena sighs and shakes her head. "It is all such a waste, really. But you've made your -choice-." She smiles and bows her head before looking to the Duke, "Keep the Graysons alive to play with. Otherwise, I don't care what you do with them" Then, with Auda's hand still in hers, Helena turns to lead the woman back toward the burning city.

Eirene balls her hand into a fist and takes a deep breath as she stares at Auda. Sen'azala is getting riled up so it's Eirene's turn to calm down. The others speak good words, true words, nd Eirene takes them to heart. Lou says her piece on behalf of all of them and Eirene nods a silent agreement. She tenses, waiting for the inevitable fight that will come with rejecting Helena's 'generous' offer. AND THERE IT IS.

Jan watches Sen'azala from the corner of her eye with a hint of admiration "Rot can't build shit. We can." as if the logic somehow outweighs the bait "This is bullshit. It's not even tempting bullshit. It stinks of shit. IT looks like shit. Did you really believe there was ever a chance someone'd take a bite?"

Mikani stands in a way that she is watching Cillian and prepared to stop him from advancing closer to Helena. Her dark eyes focused on Cillian praying that the others could catch other dangers if they arose.

Raymesin wields the Queens hidden blade.

As if she migt have forgotten something, Helena stops once and turns to look over her shoulder right at Sen, smiling to bare her own teeth as she says softly, "I've reunited my god with one of his daughters. Family reunions really do touch my heart." She laughs and turns away, calling out as she saunters toward what remains of Old Oak. "Make your preparations, people of the Compact. Arx will drown in flames next."

Sen'azala makes a noise in the back of her throat that is...*probably* still human, but it's very good at sounding like something else, and the partly bared teeth don't do anything to lessen that impression. She clearly has things to say, so many, many things, but she says none of them. The very *instant* Helena gives that order, she grabs at Lou and shoves her back and behind, and the human-growl turns into a probably-human-but-doesn't-sound-like it snarl.

Sen'azala wields Bitter Harvest, an alaricite shortsword.

"..I've never lied to you, Sen. Everything before today, you can trust." Another pause, a glance to her hand in Helena's, then back to Sen, and then Eirene, Pasquale, Aindre. Aconite. Her gaze shifts, from one to another. "I've never felt more at home than I do right now. I'm sorry my home is on the wrong side." A pause, and she looks to Helena. "I didn't think Blight would want to be bound back to Destiny, forever on a predetermined path-- the Traitor's path."

Lucrezia nods in approval as Lou makes their choice for them. With the parting threat she rises from her chair and draws her fell blade, eager to face the fight she'd come here expecting.

Jan draws her blade and sighs, "Yeah, well. Wouldn't be the first time." she tosses her head "Think it's time to leave, what say you lot? Baroness, Zoey, back on your horses if you would." she calls "Prima! You alright?"

Ian doesn't hesitate to back Sen'azala up the moment she's moving. He stumbles a bit as he steps forward, and steadies himself with his cane, which is still a cane, at least for now.

Sabriel raises her blade now, and she makes sure to put herself between the Duke and anyone less keen than her to be on the front. No more words. Only determination.

Desiree moves her steed closer towards the table now, not too far from Eirene. "Lady Eirene," She begins to say as if she feels the Riven's anger in her own bones. There are no real words to share, but she gives the Riven a brave nod of understanding.

Aconite's expression is hidden except for her eyes, shocked and sad. Auda's words earn a small shake of her head. The Radiant Whisper shifts her hand and shoves the thick meat of the heel of her hand, shoving the pins deep in as she stands and takes a step back from the table, away from the chair she was seated in. .

When it sounds as if trouble is going to happen, that by the whole 'just leave the Graysons alive' bit, Aindre hefts that weighted warhammer of his away from his side and into both hands, stepping up also and gritting his teeth. "Circle up!", he calls out, seemingly with no direction as to whom, maybe everyone? "Protect those who cannot protect themselves first!" Every part of his grows taut, on edge as he readies himself for what must inevitably be coming next.

There's a bit of an oomph of surprise as Lou is suddenly handled by Sen'azala and shoved behind the other woman. However, even though she's behind Sen that doesn't stop her from drawing her own weapon for whatever fight might come from the Duke of Wasps, given Helena's order to do whatever. Her face, however, pales at the thought of the Traitor being united with a daughter. "Gods," she breathes.

Sen'azala hisses through her teeth, "Today is today and I keep my promises. You'll not walk that path long."

Pasquale meets Auda's eyes, inclines his head just a touch, and then looks to the growling Sen'azala and her weapon. He starts to slowly step backwards as everyone seems to ramp up to a fight. Wanting to be at the back it seems.

Lucita is wary, still watchful as she pauses long enough to make sure the others are alright but instead of toward her horse, she moves to back up Sen and Ian, one small weapon in hand, another at the ready though neither in an aggressive position at the moment. "Back away...for now. We need to warn the city and prepare as best we can, and we can't do that if we are dead."

Raymesin is there, ready to take his place with Ian and Aindre, a black knife glittering in his fist as he stands ready to protect.

While she might not look it, Denica is indeed here to be muscle. If she must fight her way out, she will, if she needs to jump into the thick of it, she's ready. Denica is wearing her jumping in boots, after all. While some folks might step back, she steps forward to add her blade to the first wave.

Rosalind doesn't need to be told anything. She starts to nock her bow, though she is shaking her head at Auda. A woman she doesn't know, but knows is making the wrong choice. For now, she backing her friends and family.

Cillian looks like he wants to follow Helena and Auda, he takes a step forward but stops himself shaking his head, he hears the voice and people yelling to circle up and to protect people. He move his hand and looks to find Mikani's in his and blinks, looking to her.

Eirene draws Dawnstrike as she backs away from the table and the Duke. The diamondplate blade glimmers in the firelight of the burning city. "Go on, Lou, book it for Arx. Someone has to get out of this shit alive and prepare. Go with Lucy," she says asa the singer says to back away. "We can hold him." She nods to Desiree with a grim smile and then moves to hold her ground near Aindre at his command.

Mikani squeezes Cillian's hand. "Don't go. I need you here." She says to Cillian her eyes watching his hazel ones. "We need you here." She says her voice even.

Desiree wields radiant spring green dragon steel dagger with fire-enameled blade.

Cillian nods his head to Mikani, "I am here Countess." he looks to his hand, "But I need my hand so I may use my bow." he looks ovwer at the others and lets go of her hand, "Stay safe." he does stay near to her just not stopping her from anything, he looks to Rosalind, "Like old times." he says to the woman and knocks her arrow and gets ready.

Helena walks away with her last command, but the Duke doesn't seem keen to attack right away. Instead, he holds his hands up and looks over those gathered with a smarmy grin. "So, look, she said that I could do whatever I want with you and we could fight and you would hurt me, might even kill me, and I would probably kill two or three of you. Doesn't really sound appealing and like a lot of unnecessary work, if I'm being honest. Also," He points his thumb over his shoulder at the path that Helena is walking. "Personally, I sort of want to see what she has planned for you. I'm that curious. So, I'm inclined to just say, let's all walk away, yeah? You guys have a siege to prepare for and I can start looking for snacks to watch the epic ass-kicking she is going to give you. What do you say?" He grins and holds his hands out, as if show that he's not going to stab them with any hidden weapon should they agree.

Caspian unhooks his blades and sighs, having been quiet till now. "well... that's quite the offer.. but I'm not sure you'll find many buyers here"

Amund lets his blade hiss free from its scabbard, making no overtures of forming up for the first fe wmoments. He'll let those who cannot defend themselves pass by him as he takes stock of their surroundings, and who could be the threat to their well-being. He focuses on that man, for now, and the tables and chairs that block their path to him. Or block his path to them. He'll gather with the rest of the group, right at the left left, as he had been before. "How likely is it that he's lying and waiting to stab us in the back?" He wonders of the others.

left FLANK*

Lou does not seem to be leaving like Eirene asked her to do, nor does she seem to be the one making any decisions on the Duke of Wasps' offer, considering she gets a free pass here. Sort of. Instead she watches to see what the others, who decided to follow her to this meeting, intend to do and will likely follow suit.

The doctor gives the Duke of Wasps an incredulous look. "You going to tell her we all got away and go back empty handed?" Eirene is not buying the generous offer even if it is tempting.

Desiree let's out a slow rumble from her throat and seems to say something in a low voice.

"No, I think it's a good offer." Sen doesn't look any less prone to violence, but she's also not attacking. If she glances toward the retreating Helena - and Auda - it's fast enough that it's hard to be sure. Instead, she digs her elbow and arm against Lou, attempting to push her back even further while she also steps back. "We all think it's a very good offer. *Don't* we?"

Aconite continues to back up towards the horses and the archers. Her eyes scanning the area for any movement.

Jan frowns "There's nothing won and plenty to loose from fighting. Let's all fuck off to our corners. C'mon."

"I will take word back to the city." Pasquale moves back towards his horse and looks to Lou. "Unless you think I'll be more useful here?"

Ian angles his head towards Sen. "I'm with her. Very good offer." The first statement seems to have more weight to it than the latter.

"I'm not going to tell her shit. She doesn't care if you live or die. She gave me leave to do what I wanted and what I want, is to walk away from here and get something to eat." The Duke shrugs and keeps his hands up for the moment.

Auda walks with Helena, but she glances back-- to Pasquale and Sen, in particular. "None of it has been a lie. Trust me." She hesitates a moment, but doesn't take her hand from Helena's. "Tell the Mother for me, please." Then? She's heading off with the enemy.

Though there is a fierceness to Aindre's grip on his hammer and he does look prepared, tensed up completely, to attack someone.. or something.. and he doesn't at all drop that way he's hefting up his weapon, he looks around at all that are gathered here, so many of them seemingly capable of combat but all of them possible casualties in any sort of violent affair were it to break out. There are a lot of people here to defend. So he concedes to the Duke of Wasps, "Walk away then, fiend. If you truly seek to see more days, turn and go find them. You will have quarter if it is given."

Lou stumbles back a bit more when Sen pushes her back further. She blinks and then nods her head. "Yes. Yes of course. It's a good offer." She continues to back up toward the horses at that point, but still keeps her eyes peeled for potential threats. She gives a silent nod to Pasquale as he offers to go back to the City. "Go," she tells him simply. "We'll be behind you shortly."

"I know Auda." Pasquale says before nodding to Lou. He puts his foot in his stirrup, nods to Lou and then to Jan and Ian, and then turns his horse back towards the city.

Jan says, "Go, go, go. Back on horses, off we go! We'll be back in the morning to offer aid to whatever mess was made by where ever that smoke came from."

Aconitemoves towards her horse and Alejandro holds the borrowed beast in place while Aconite mounts and readies to follow Paquale. Alejandro not far behind.

Sabriel doesn't lower her blade, but neither makes any motions to strike. "Well, not my call to make, but I came here for a parlay even if I wasn't expecting one, so in the spirit of it, I do think all of us walking away with our lives is how that is supposed to go, no?" She pauses, then reaches for her pack with her free hand and gets out a flask of booze and offers it to the Duke, "Something to go with your meal." Then, begins to walk back the way they came.

Is that a pout? That's definitely a pout on Lucrezia's lips. She might be mad, crazy, and more than borderline insane, but this wasn't her land to risk dying in some rash, unneeded fight. She turns like a ship in the wind and stalks off down the way they came. This time she starts nipping off the ropes of the people hanging in the trees. Someone else can bury them but them hanging wasn't something she was letting stand.

Lucita says, "I'm with Sen' and Ian." The words are low pitched. "You have to wonder what place the Duke will have when the other has her way." This said to Sen, Lou and Ian as they are the ones closest to her at the moment. She backs away and toward the horses when the others move that direction."

Sen'azala's jaw tightens when Auda speaks. She dares just a moment to look in that direction, but whatever she thinks about the assurance is a complete mystery. There's not so much as a twitch of change as she continues to back up, weapon in hand, still trying to usher the Graysons she was standing with behind her. "I'll make you an offer back, even," she says to the Duke.

Mikani is still watching Cillian. "Let's go back to the city." Her voice is warm but like steel. "We need to get back to the city."

Caspian gives a sigh "not sure we will ever get a chance line this deal with one of them alone like this. worth the risk I think." but even he isn't stupid enough to try and fight alone, so he slowly follows, reluctantly

Eirene gives Lou a firm nod and slides her blade back into the scabbard. She's not entirely sure of this but she's accepting the offer at face value if the others are. She arches her eyebrows with Sen making a counter offer.

Raymesin stays with the protectors, defending the group until everyone's clear.

The Duke breathes as if he has been holding his breath when the crowd starts to disperse. He drops his hands and looks at Sen, amused, as he says, "Counter-offer? How interesting. Tell me more."

Jan grimaces and looks skywards again but remains, watching the counter offer warily.

Amund remains where he is, until he hears of this counter-off, at least. He studies the blade in his hand idly while he listens.

True to his word, Ian stays with Sen'azala, Aindre, Raymesin, and the other protectors. Either he knows what Sen is about to say, or he's just decided to back it up, whatever it is.

Sabriel goes to stand near Jan while likewise observing the counter-offer.

"Live with your curiosity," Sen says. She's not turning her back, but the further away everyone gets, the easier her hold on her weapon is. "And don't follow her to Arx."

As everyone starts to withdraw, Ian looks past the Duke of Wasps one last time towards Old Oak.

Lou has gotten back to the horses and mounted at this point, however she makes no effort to leave so long as Sen is still staying about. She makes note of those who've stuck around and gives a small nod in their direction.

Jan nods again to Lou, once.

Something softens in the Duke's face and he says softly, "We each have a path, Wolf. I've never been convinced that any path worth following doesn't have her on it. I'm just here to watch the world burn and she's the one holding the torch right now, darlin'."

Not quick to get back on her horse, Denica lingers using the tip of her blade to pick out a bit of dried paint that is lodged under a nail. Watching with a quiet expression, she will leave with those that remain, when they do.

Jan snorts "Fuck. That's actually sweet. Fucked up, but sweet."

Cillian looks to Mikani nodding his head then looking around for Rosalind, then his hazel eyes look to the so called Duke of wasps and he lets a low growl come from his chest.

Rosalind isn't going anywhere, unfortunately for Cillian. She's staying right here. Until she's sure things are kosher.

Eirene wasn't going to leave until everyone else has left. She mounts only after Lou has taken up her horse. "Come on," she says to Ian, pausing to look down at him. "We have plans to put into place. We can scour the woods for survivors on the way back."

Jan looks to Ian, "Ian. No. I will pull rank. We aren't provisoned or organized for rescue. We will come back in the morning. Let's go."

Raymesin inclines his head to the Duke and then he too is reaching for the reins of his horse, the black blade vanishing back to wherever it came from.

Sabriel nods to something Jan says, and calls out to the Duke. "Beware the coming storm." Then she turns around and walks away.

Sen'azala left her horse well away from the meeting, but with Lou there, she's got a ride. "I don't have a path," she tells the Duke. "I pick my direction and I find where to put my feet. I choose where to stand. Don't follow her to Arx."

It's with reluctance, but Ian lets Eirene's words draw him away.

Jan mouths 'thank you

Sen'azala hefts herself up easily behind Lou, without so much as asking her for permission.

Mikani sighs as she notices Cillian isn't moving but is growling and Rosalind isn't moving. "Come on you two. Everyone is leaving."

Jan mouths 'thank you' towards Eirene with a grateful look.

Rosalind climbs back onto her horse, exhaling. "All I needed to know,"she tells Mikani with a side smile.

The Duke of Wasps just grins at Sen'azala, gives her a little salute, then shoves his hands into the pockets of his coat and turns to walk back into the smoldering city.

Jan sheathes her sword and mounts up, "Need a ride, Captain?"

"He's going to follow her. Like he said, he just wants to watch the world burn.", Aindre remarks, seemingly with little faith in the Duke of Wasps. That said, he returns to his horse whenever their enemy also turns to leave. "We need to get help. Old Oak is going to need a lot of help."

"Yes, please. I swear these creatures are worse than a leaky boat in a storm." Sabriel accepts the offered ride.

Lucita mounts up and prepares to follow the others back to Arx. She shudders at the sight of some of the corpses as they pass by them. "Gods help us all."

Jan holds down a hand and yanks Sabriel up onto her massive charger "I felt that way once."

Sen'azala says something low enough for Aindre, Eirene, and Lou, but nothing much farther.

Cillian looks to Mikani and nods he moves with her, for the moment he is silent. He is holding himself together as the realization hits him that he maybe still isn't safe.

"I can respect that," Amund comments as the Duke offers his explanations. He turns, making his way to his horse. Grave news to take back to the Duchess. "You'll need more than a lot of help, Sir. Our finest hour may yet come."

Ian mounting up, Ian says to Aindre: "I need to brief Aethan about this, but I'll make it quick enough to ride back out with you."

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