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Siege Stories: Shagga the Almighty!

I, Shagga the Great and Almighty!, have heard of the bashing skills Lord Artorius Malvici, but he is a weakling silk. He cannot stand up to Shagga! Come and fight me at the Southport training center if you dare over-fed Lyceum hedonist!

Ooc notes: Combat Siege event for 5-10 (at absolute max!) people. Healers and non-combatants are welcome to join. Contact Reese to reserve.


April 25, 2017, 8 p.m.

Hosted By


GM'd By



Rickard Inigo(RIP) Edward Sparte Valencia Fiora Eirene Kahlana(RIP) Artorius Ann Archene



Arx - Ward of the Lyceum - Southport Training Center

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Eirene whistles sharply in a command fashion. Three of the Phoenixs in their red and black armor come over, a symbol similar to Lagoma's Mercies on their breast. "Patch up anyone after the fight, will you," she charges. "Unless they're dumb, then they can live with it." They salute their lady commander and she glances over to the audience. "Nobody do anything dumb," she says again as a whole. "I've got to go make rounds at the Grace, kick whomever's stupid ass needs kicking, will you Arty?"

Edward arrives, following Valencia.

Kahlana tilts her head a little "I think I should have gotten myself, a dagger, I am so not ready for this" she laughs softly to the healer, "anyone have a small weapon they could lend?" asks the Lady who did not exactly expect anyone to.

Artorius smiles a little to Eirene as she prepares to make her exit. "Certainly aunt, I can only try. Do take care." he bowed his head to her in his seated position, awaiting his adversary with a small hint of a smile in excitement.

It is a spring afternoon at the Southport Training Center when Shagga The Almighty arrives. He is tall, over a foot taller than Artorius and he is very large as well. Shaggy reddish brown hair reaches in tangles down to the middle of his back and he really needs a bath badly. The man is grabbed in leather armor. He has a giant steel great sword at his side. He is not alone, but is in the company of ten large Shav warriors. Shagga looks to be in his forties. Seven of those with him are men who appear to be between the ages of eighteen and twenty four. They all look rather like Shagga, but none are quite as big. Three women are here and they are close to Shagga in age. They are all decked out in leather armor and they all have steel weapons.

"Shagga The Almighty is here! Where is that Malvici puny weakling!" The man bellows.

Ann is loitering near the benches, a book in one hand and a satchel in the other. One might assume, judging by the bulge under her Redrain-red cloak, that there's a hefty flask there somewhere. She seems content to watch, for now, impressed by Shagga the Almighty's entrance.

Eirene eyes the shav's with a scowl before heading out, shaking her head to herself.

Archene seems to take his eyes off the general sights of the area and turns to look at Shagga. He is visibly surprised, but seems to be glad to look from afar.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, my elusive twin finally puts in an appearance... I was beginning to wonder if we were going to see you at all before the wedding," Fiora falls into the teasing cadence with her brother easily, nudging him lightly and murmuring, "Did you have any doubt? And you, brother dear, owe me a last night of drinking and talking until the wee hours." She smiles to Eirene in parting, dipping a nod towards her aunt as the older woman departs. But then Shagga and his entourage arrive. Her head cants to the side as she watches their approach. Her lips thin to a bloodless line and she leans in to murmur to Inigo. When she draws back from him, she steps to Artorius and claps him on the shoulder, "You have this, cousin. And we have your back." Moving back towards her brother, she unshoulders her bow and sets the point of the rather large recurve bow into the dirt, leaning on it to watch the shavs approach.

Carissa, a Malvici bodyguard leaves, following Eirene.

Arriving in escort, Princess Valencia Redrain comes in on the arm of the Lord of Redreef, Edward. They walk close together as they enter and while he takes his time to looka round he does not slow the pace that he has as he leads her over to a place to sit where he will pause to hold her hand while she takes a seat. He smiles and remarks casually to her, noticing the large man already entering the ring, "That man seems almost a giant...," he indicates for the Princess.

Artorius turns his head to Shagga, his face only bearing a soft smile, despite the large man's taunts. He did note how tall the fellow was, nice to know he wasn't the only tree stalking around. "Oh there you are." he says kindly, still sitting crosslegged and quite calm. "I wouldn't call myself weak, but I suppose it's all in the appearance." he was wearing his darksteel after all, and his large greatsword only lay sheathed next to him. He would smile to Fiora "Thank you cousin, it is appreciated." he smiled warmly to her, slowly rising to his feet and cracking his neck. He looks Shagga in the face, smiling only softly.

"Well, I couldn't let you have all the fun." He chuckles, nodding to his cousin as he settles in beside his sister, leaning his back to the wall. "We'll get that night in, I guarantee you. We'll have plenty of time, especially as soon as this damned siege is over." Almost as if on queue, the band of ne'er-do-wells enter. The azure gaze of Lord Inigo slides to the group, appraising them, measuring their worth at a glance. In the same motion, he idly thumbs the mirror pendant from beneath his shirt, aiming the silvered surface at the large man addressing Artorius. An eyebrow raises at the result, his fingers loosening the blade at his side in response.

Rickard fishes a hip flask off of his belt, takes a good glug of it, and sets it back on his belt. He idly fingers the blade at his hip, pondering the laundry list of things he'll do once he departs the venue.

Shagga draws back his massive shoulders as if trying to look larger than he already is. The man is clearly quite proud of his size. "This is Shagga!" He says, seeming of himself. He might not be the sharpest sword in the rack. "And Shagga's wives. All warriors better than Malvici pondscum." He doesn't have the best insults either, but not every brut is blessed with great wit. "And Shagga's sons, all can beast any Lyceum warrior every born!" The sons grunt and try to look all big and tough in the response.

One of the women seems a bit quicker than the rest. "He is drawing his sword, Shagga!" She says, drawing her own weapon. "Weapons Shaggas!" Maybe Shagga is their family name too. They start to draw blades.

Sparte doesn't reach for his weapon right off, looking around with uncertainty to see what others are doing. Artorius is spotted and given a nod, but the situation being what it is, Sparte opts to put on his helmet rather than acknowledge anyone else.

And escalation. Edward remains on his feet and he interposes himself between the edge of the training area and the Princess, his eyes narrowing and him putting a smirk on his face. He takes a look around and then he chuckles before he looks back to the crowd that fills the ring, crossing his arms but ready to engage if someone comes at him.

Artorius sighed lightly as he talked himself up. "I do hope you didn't invite me here to speak of how small your manhood is." he referenced the not-to-good smack talk he was doing. He would stand up, picking up his greatsword by the hilt and would eventually draw the large weapon. leaning it against his shoulder "If one of your wives wishes to fight in your stead, I wouldn't blame you." he smiled softly, bringing some playful smack talk of his own. What? He was happy to fight someone!

"Looks like things livened up a bit quicker than expected!" Inigo exclaims as he fully draws Recompense from its scabbard. "The big one's a Bringer! Not sure about the rest!" He drops into a defensive stance, stepping back and slightly in front of his sister, enough to guard her but not enough to prevent her from drawing an arrow and loosing it, should the need arise. As best as he can, he aims the mirrored pendant at the lot of wives and sons, attempting to discern which is and isn't a Bringer in hiding.

Ann's raven head pops up at Inigo's exclaimation. "Balls of the North, you've got to be jesting!" The Redrain glances around, her dark curls whipping this way and that, searching for a large man or woman to hide behind.

Rickard exhales quietly. Looks like it's going to be one of those days. He reaches for his dagger, and draws it as stealthily as possible, glancing around to see all who's where, so he can plan his spot in the proverbial dance.

Kahlana watches as people get to there feet, her eyes flicker to Inigo and then she looks amongst's the bringers Her eyes flash and she laughs as to what Ann says as she moves closer to her feality house to help protect and fight with her.

Rickard wields Ebon Hilted Blade of Woe.

Inigo wields Recompense, the Sword of Unity.

Artorius wields Requiem.

Fiora checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 30, rolling 15 higher.

Archene eyes move by the people present, specially those armed... Given that he is not, he really does take his time looking at those armed just in case he has the sudden need to enjoy the scenery elsewhere.

Fiora was relaxed but ready... right up until Inigo said the magic word. Bringer. At that point its no longer 'keeping it a fair fight', its yet another skirmish in a larger war. And in war, there's no such thing as 'fair'. An arrow is nocked to her bow with startling speed, her draw deep and smooth before she lets it fly. The black and red feathered arrow flies swift and silent through the air to punch straight through the leather covering Shagga's chest, burying itself in the flesh beneath. Not a word, not a taunt or jeer. Fiora Malvici isn't playing anymore, she's in it for survival.

Shagga's yellow-brown eyes get really huge at Artorius' words. "Shagga big! Shagga will take down weakling silk. Too much cake make noble soft!" He says says even as his wives seem to be paying more attention to the situation at hand. They array around him, forming a half circle and getting ready to fight. His sons look sort of dead-eyed, but they are ready for combat as well.

The arrow slams against Shagga's chest, piercing his armor and drawing his dark icky looking bringer blood. It even smells rotten. He bellows in response. "Shagga angry. Shagga break little archer!" He goes charge forward as if meaning to attack Fiora, but finds himself head-to-head with Ingio instead. Weapons are drawn and the whole family is about to attack anyone in range.

Inigo checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 11 higher.

Artorius cracked his neck, now he was pissed. You don't threaten a man's family members. He moves the greatsword from his shoulder and draws it back, then lunging with great speed to Shagga, moving to aid Inigo so that he would not fight alone against the much larger opponent. He aims to thrust his greatsword into his stomach!

Artorius checked dexterity + huge wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 7 higher.

Rickard checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 13 higher.

Ann's eyes fall on Kahlana, who certainly looks more ready to take on Bringers than the Scholar herself does. Oh, sure, she's dug out a pretty vicious looking scalpel from her satchel, but the Redrain will wave it from behind the Crovane.

Unarmed, Edward puts himself between the open ring of the combat area and the Princess he escorted in. He tilts his head to the side while keeping an eye on the fighters, "Stay behind me, Your Highness," he says as he turns back keeping his eyes open for anyone who would come at them.

Kahlana will protect ann and launch a stab at the bringer.. putting herself between Ann and the said Bringer.

Inigo had been waiting for this exact response and was prepared. "The Wives are Bringers too!" He cries out as he lunges towards the charging monster, his sword carving a wide arc in the air. As the blade bites home, a spray of the tainted blood covers the dirt of the training pit, and the young blade master is already drawing the weapon back to himself for another strike. His sapphire eyes narrowed and watching for any advantage a misstep might give. Watching the twins work is like magic, Inigo ducks and strikes with practiced movement, allowing full range for his sister to fire arrows over his head.

Artorius managed to impale Shagga right in the stomach with his greatsword, moving to give Inigo and Fiora a good opening. He figured this would probably not fell the large Bringer, but it was worth a shot. he is able to hit him good, sticking him right. "You really shouldn't have threatened my family." he says with a fire in his eyes.

Rickard, blade drawn, leaps toward Shagga, a guttural growl echoing forth from his lips. He brings his blade down on the man, carving a wild arc through the air. The blade finds purchase; Rickard is briefly stuck to the man, trying to pull his weapon free, but he's able to get away in short order, backing off and flicking the blood and whatnot off of his blade, readying himself for another strike.

Fiora checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 30, rolling 28 higher.

Kahlana checked dexterity + small wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 16 higher.

Valencia checked composure at difficulty 15, rolling 5 higher.

The little princess rises silently with the others as chaos breaks out. Her face strangely quiet, she slips her blade from its sheath and nods to Lord Edward, her dark eye hard upon the Shagga and his wives. Suddenly as if remembering something, she glances to Princess Ann and looks relieved to see that the princess of Redrain was drawn a weapon of her how. Eyes back to the battle, she draws her own weapon. Then, mooc aneuvering is she can towards Ann's side, the pincess is no fool, she seems to hold back to not get in the way of the more seasoned fighters.

Valencia claims this

Valencia wields Fox of the North.

Already reaching for another arrow after the first one is released, Fiora doesn't move even when Shagga comes charging in. A lifetime of training with her brother as a fighting team has taught her to trust his ability to keep her safe. So when she raises the bow once more, its point blank, the tip of the arrow aimed right at the base of Shagga's throat. That little hollow at the collarbones makes a wonderful target. Fiora draws back to the full extent the recurve will allow before releasing the arrow to punch right into the base of his throat with grim satisfaction. "Finish it, Ini. I'm on the wives." And she's starting to move away from her brother.

Bringers? That isn't what Sparte thought was going on, and it changes the situation considerably. He is well behind everyone else in reaching for his weapon, a lack of initiative reflecting his usual inability to read a situation. "Oh, uh, so do you all want some help then?" Because butting in without asking would be rude.

Shagga is badly hurt, very badly hurt. He has two arrows sicking out of his massive body and has taken three blows from the blades of Artorius, Rickard and Ingio. It seems that one or maybe two more good strikes will take him down. Kahlana attacked one of the wives and kept the woman from getting to Ann at the very same time. Sparte has his weapon drawn and is ready to act. Lord Edward is protecting the princess Valencia.

Shagga tries to attack Ingio. The tall wife attempts to strike Khalana. The shortest wife goes for Artorius and the youngest one for Rickard. The five of the seven sons are attacking to. They strike at Edward, Artorius, Inigo, Rickard and Sparte. The last two? They are just a bit slow and confused.

Inigo checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 25 higher.

Edward checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 15, rolling 14 higher.

Kahlana checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 3 lower.

Artorius checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 15, rolling 22 higher.

Sparte checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 16, rolling 41 higher.

Rickard checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 2 lower.

Inigo checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 15, rolling 16 higher.

Artorius checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 26 higher.

Rickard takes moderate damage.

Shagga tries to attack Inigo and so does one of his sons, but the man is way too nimble to get hit! Artorius is attacked by a bringer wife and by a son, but he is also able to evade the attacks. Sparte steps easily to the side, keeping a son from attacking him. Kahlana is hit by the tall wife, taking a nasty wound to her side and Rickard is hit as well, right against his left arm. The fight is looking dangerous now!

"Feel free to join in whenever you get the urge!" The shorter of the two Malvici lords calls out as he rolls away from the beastly man's attack, a quick gasp heard before he has to suddenly side-step an errant blow from behind. Inigo spares a moment to chuckle, a grin slipping through the concentration that possesses his expression. Shifting his eyes from the wounded Bringer to the attacking son and back, the olive skinned noble nods to his sister, feeling her presence already moving to engage another target. He'll join her soon enough but first, this Shagga needs to fall. With that thought in mind, he leaps, Recompense brought from behind his back in a sweeping arch, aimed at taking the Bringer's head from his body.

Inigo checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 24 higher.

Rickard checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 8 higher.

Artorius leans away from the wife's attack, and lifts his blade in reverse hand to block the son's attack. He sees Ini so far has everything well in hand, so he shifts his attention to the son that had attacked him, hoping to cleave at his torso with his greatsword. Maybe cut him in twine if he's lucky.

Sparte checked dexterity + huge wpn at difficulty 20, rolling 20 higher.

The Lord dodges moving with the one who came over to attack him as he guards the PRincess. He waits for the next attack the man is going to make so he can attempt to disarm him.

Kahlana takes a serious hit as she was trying to protect Ann, she begins to bleed and she grunts a bit as the Princess moves up along side them, "aww shit!" she says as she draws her blade across the wife that attacked her.

Artorius checked dexterity + huge wpn at difficulty 20, rolling 41 higher.

Kahlana checked dexterity + small wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 41 higher.

Ann checked composure at difficulty 15, rolling 2 lower.

Valencia checked composure at difficulty 15, rolling 5 higher.

Ann screams as Kahlana is hit. It just slips out, high-pitched and blood-curdling. "Somebody do something! Help her!" The hyperventilation beginneth.

Again Rickard jumps into the fray, lashing out with his homeforged weapon of badassery. As he closes in and lands a good blow against Shaggas, he takes one in return, quickly backstepping and looking for something with which to tend to his wound. Damn, and double-damn.

Spinning neatly away from the clench of men and a large Bringer, Fiora turns, already nocking an arrow as she goes. She raises the bow once more, her own cerulean gaze pikcing out her target from afar. She's sighted in on the Tallest (wife), drawing back on the heavy recurve as she sights down the arrow. Releasing, she lets the arrow fly towards the Bringer woman. Already on the move again, the fleet-footed Malvici woman is angling away from the melee and reachign for another arrow, eyes dancing around the room to make sure she's not traipsing right into the sharp embrace of a sword.

Fiora checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 30, rolling 29 higher.

Artorius manages to cleave the son of Shagga that attacked him in twine! blood flying as does his top half! He then looks towards Shagga as he falls with a smile, knowing Inigo was more than capable of doing it, and Rickard also gets respect for going above and beyond by helping his cousin. He nods approvingly, before moving towards the other enemies, cracking his neck as he did so.

Kahlana growls like a wounded bear! she swings at the Lady wife making a large gash against her, and she barks a little as she gasps as Ann calls out "flesh wound, it will heal, get out of here M'lady!"

Sparte weaves around the son that attacked him, moving in on the 'wives'. The son may be hostile, but they wern't identified as a bringer. "The shavs always stop fighting when the Bringers go down." He doesn't pair that snippet of wisdom with instruction, instead just doing whack-a-bringer demonstrations. "I'm glad these arn't the quiet kind. G'day Miss Bringer, know any good jokes?" Whacks-the-bringer. "I've got one about Brand and a goat."

Inigo nimbly lands from his attack, a few steps taken to slow momentum. Approximately the same time as his feet touch the dirt, the head of Shagga tumbles from its shoulders and thuds to the soil as well. If the sword plunged deep into his chest by Rickard hadn't done the job, that certainly will. With only a heartbeat to spare a glance at the crumbling body of the Bringer and a nod given to the man who helped him take the monster down, Inigo spins to face the son who had been attacking from behind. Quickly, his eyes flit into the fray to find the form of his sister as she illustrates her skill. Noting she has everything under control, he returns his full regard to the Shav before him, Recompense held between them, dripping the blood of the Shav's father into the dirt.

Valencia turns as Ann screams, her sister-in-laws vocal call of distress spurring her to move to defend her without a second thought. She glances to Edward and pushes her way to Ann's side, blade in hand. She reaches out with a delicate hand to try to draw Ann back from the fray. "Ann! Back!" she calls urgently her dark eyes turning to the combatants, her face grim and focused.

Even as arrows are fired about, and even as Shaga himself falls, Archene is just glancing back and forth in between the various people ahead... seeming to slowly inch away just in case one of the attackers suddenly decide to change their focus.

The tall wife is quite badly hurt from Kahlana's blows and from Fiora's arrow. Artorius is easily able to take down one of the sons, proving himself to be quite a warrior. Ingio and Rickard cut down Shagga who is now far from mighty. Edward continues to protect Valencia. Archene and Ann stay behind the fighters. Sparte attacks one of the wives, inflicting a nasty wound.

The tall wife feels the arrow and turns toward Fiora, but finds Inigo in the way. She attacks him instead. One wife attacks Sparte who just hit her and the third goes for Artorius. Six sons remain. They attack Kahlana, Artorius, Inigo and Edward. One if just a runt and still has yet to attack anyone.

Inigo checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 30, rolling 29 higher.

Artorius checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 3 lower.

Inigo checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 15, rolling 72 higher.

Artorius checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 25, rolling 12 higher.

Edward checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 15, rolling 4 lower.

Sparte checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 5 higher.

Edward takes moderate damage.

Kahlana takes moderate damage.

Artorius takes minor damage.

Ingio is once again very nimble and able to evade the blows! He likely kept his sister from being hurt by serving as a good shield. Edward stands between a son and Valencia, protecting the Northern fox and yet taking quite the blow in return. He looks to be in bad shape. Kalhana's side continues to bleed from the strike she took previously. Artorius is hit, but his armor helps to control the injury. Sparte is able to evade the bringer attack, being quite the good armored tank. He can move too!

Inigo takes a half step towards the son, weapon raising to engage when suddenly the tall and enraged Bringer Wife, who also happens to be a Bringer herself, swings her sword viciously at him. Thanks to the hours of training in Southport, also aided by his sister's random surprise attacks throughout his life, Inigo is able to duck just under the slicing blade. Such is the nature of the close call that the attacking son's blade is parried by the sword of the wife, whom possibly could be the Shav's mother. The young lord doesn't strike up a conversation to ask, instead he answers with his longsword, shifting his weight in an attempt to drive the blade firmly through the woman's chest.

Valencia checked composure at difficulty 20, rolling 39 higher.

Inigo checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 10 higher.

Sparte checked dexterity + huge wpn at difficulty 20, rolling 20 higher.

Artorius takes a hit from the wife, but it is barely a scratch. He looks at her a moment before blocking an attack from another one of the sons, however, he aims a spinning strike to the wife that had attacked him, hoping to end her as quickly.

Artorius checked dexterity + huge wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 39 higher.

Artorius is apparently able to wound the wife very dearly. Specifically, he moves around her, giving her a vertical strike at her back that extends the entirety of her back. If she attacked him again, it was likely she was going to die.

The blade sinks into him and Edward grunts and then he growls stepping into the attack now, to lock the blade up and headbutt the man who just sliced him, digging into his side.

Edward checked strength + brawl at difficulty 15, rolling 7 lower.

Ann is beside herself and only Valencia keeps her from running to Kahlana's aid in absolute panic.

Fiora checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 15, rolling 27 higher.

And of course the man with the sword is faster. Stepping away from Edward as he throws his shoulders into the action. He growls and then moves to stay between the Princesses and the man with the sword.

As Edward is hit by another devastating blow, the little fox does not scream or panic. In fact, the raven-haired princess' demeanor seems to get even cooler, her almond-shaped eyes going darker still. She does not interfere or distract Edward from the fight by calling out, but she does watch carefull, her body tense and ready to move should any of the sons break through. She adjusts her grip on her blade, firmly but gently pushes Ann behind her, whisper. "Wait until it is safe. Be ready," she says quietly, eyes on the remaining enemies. "If this goes poorly, run. Run and do not look back. Just run."

Kahlana bleeds and she cusses, flavorful words unbefiting for a lady. She breathes deeply and she watches the woman go down, still there were other bringers and she closes herself around Ann. "Her highness, we need aid.." she says quietly "lets get this one and yourself to saftey." she tries to usur her Princess and family out

With Inigo neatly using the son to kill the wife, Fiora can only utter a low chuckle and mutter, "Show off." Her arrow nocks neatly to the string as she steps back, bwo swinging to her left to let it fly. Already on the move, she joins up with her brother while her arrow catches the son right in the eye. The force of it carries the man back to thud dead into the dirt while she nudges her twin's right shoulder and murmurs, "Time to get the one picking on the unarmed." She flashes Inigo a brief grin then races past him towards the shav picking on Edward.

The already direly wounded monster meets its end at the hands of a Malvici when Recompense's hiltguard meets flesh, the diamondplate blade plunged fully through the body of the Tall Bringer. As the woman sags to the dirt, Inigo places his boot on her chest and shoves downward, pulling the buried blade free from the lifeless corpse. Spinning with eyes wide, the ebony haired lord searches for the son who had been harrying him as he battled. A quick laugh escapes his lips when he finds the Shav having sprouted an arrow that darkens the his eyes. A wink and a smile is sent to his sister before he casts his gaze about, sword at the ready, searching for the next target.

With the assistance of his sister sprinting right at it, Inigo's next target is easily found and he charges behind his sibling.

Only two wives are standing now after Inigo cut down the tall one. This was a scary group of abyss spawn, but the group here is quite skilled. The Malvici are not to be messed with. Inigo takes down the tall wife who was going for his sister. Fiora takes down the son who was going for her brother. Artorius attacks one wife and Sparte the other. They are looking to be in pretty bad shape, the last two wives. Edward continues to bravely protect Valencia, despite being without sword or armor. Archene has good wisdom and the crafter keeps himself safe. Kahlana helps to usher herself and Princess Ann further from the fighting.

"You see, Brand attacks and this goat is already-" Sparte slips his blade in between two of the short bringer's ribs. "-Smacking the city wall." With a twist he pulls the blade free, still telling the awful joke. "Brand asks the goat why it is attacking the city, the goat doesn't answer. Because it is a goat."

Sparte checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 22 higher.

Artorius checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 40, rolling 22 lower.

Sparte checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 25, rolling 34 higher.

Inigo checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 15, rolling 45 higher.

Artorius takes minor damage.

Ann flails her messy curls side to side at Valencia and Kahlana. "No. Oh, no! We can't leave! If we leave," her breathing is fast, her pupils way dilated, "then how will we tend to those hurt?! We have to tend to the wounded! I have my satchel! I have my scalpel!" But not entirely her sanity.

Edward checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 15, rolling 1 lower.

Fiora checked dexterity + dodge at difficulty 15, rolling 46 higher.

Edward takes moderate damage.

Kahlana watches edward get hit again and she growls a little as Ann refuses to go... she charges back in to help try and bring the bringer down, half crazy with no armor and a standared knife.

Kahlana checked dexterity + small wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 24 higher.

Edward is certainly very brave with the way he stands bodily between Valencia and the sons. This isn't even pretend bravery, he is taking a beating, a very bad beating. The man gets hit again, this time against his right arm. He is bleeding all over the place and looking to be in bad shape. He has to be in a world of pain right now.

Artorius is hit as well, but luckily his armor helps to protect the lord. He is injured and even seriously injured, but is still able to fight. The Malvici siblings are both easily able to dodge. It is in the genes or something. Sparte is quite tough himself, having yet to be hit. Archene and Anna are still keeping safe and Kahlana is charging back into the fray despite her injury. She has some heat, the Northern lady!

Artorius checked dexterity + huge wpn at difficulty 30, rolling 11 higher.

Fiora checked dexterity + archery at difficulty 15, rolling 59 higher.

Sparte checked dexterity + huge wpn at difficulty 20, rolling 31 higher.

Edward checked strength + brawl at difficulty 15, rolling 2 higher.

Sparte handily moves out of the way of the attacks of the bringer and the shav son who are engaged with him, bringing his blade down with finality into the neck of the bringer woman. A glance towards Artorius and he nods a bit. "All the bringers appear to be down." He looks at the sons. "This is the part where you're all supposed to get scared and run. Or surrender, surrendering works."

Inigo checked dexterity + medium wpn at difficulty 15, rolling 48 higher.

Kahlana checked dexterity + small wpn at difficulty 15, rolling 30 higher.

Artorius takes the hit on his side again, slightly crouching, but when he rises, it is like death itself stares the wife in the face. He stabs her with his greatsword completely, with such force that she lifts into the air. He would throw her off of his blade with no mercy. Cracking his neck and moving with a vengeance as he moves towards the remaining sons.

Inigo runs quickly towards the man protecting Valencia, his eyes widening with the amount of blood darkening his clothing. As he's nearing the engagement, a random sword slips from the melee aimed at his chest. Inigo casually parries the blade away, reflecting the attack to allow him to pass by unharmed. Seeing his sister take down the man bloodying Edward, he slides to a stop and turns to face the Shavs that took a swing at he and his sister. With a cry he lashes out, his iridescent sword flashing in the dim light of the room separating the nearer of the two from his existence.

Trailing blood, the hot sticky fluid running out of the slash across his ribs turning his tunic purple, and now one running down his arm. Edward growls and then he spits at the Son and just swings his dead arm back and flails it around to slap him, "That all you got? You hit me twice and that is your best...," he flinches when the arrow penetrates the man and he watches as he drops. Edward kicks the man and then kneels to pick up the sword with his one good arm, "Have at me you bastards...," he growls staying in position to guard the Princess Valencia who is standing near Princess Ann.

Valencia grimaces and looks up at Ann, "No," she shakes her head. "If this goes badly /you/ run." the little princess clarifies, her voice low and eerily calm. "But first we try to help Lord Edward." And then she is moving forward to try to help Edward as best she can, blade ready.

Artorius cracks his neck as he moves towards one of the sons. a swing of his blade in a stab motion piercing through his shoulder blade and coming out of his lower abdomen. He says nothing, only fire in his eyes. He rips out the blade, as does a good deal of the sons blood. He kills him almost instantly. He looks to the last one, cracking his neck.

Handspringing away from the son of Shagga that came after her, she offers an obscene hand gesture to the shav before traipsing away. PUlling an arrow as she moves, its nocked to the bow and drawn back, taking aim on the shav that's been bedeviling Edward. She lines it up, waits, and there, right as Edward is growling at him, releases the arrow. In a gruesome display of dark comedy, the arrow pierces through the son's skull at the temples. She ticks off a small salute towards Edward and is off again to wreak more havoc!

The remaining sons look to Sparte with confused and dead eyes. They then start to back away.

Kahlana is helping Edward as well! she swings as she can putting herself between princess and Bringer.. her knives sliceing as she lends aid where she can fast and ferious she slices taking small cuts of the men and women bringers there are remaining... she was bleeding hard and she fell against Artorius half seeing double by now and she grins to him "your sexy, wanna fuck.?" she asks as the fighting slowly dies around them

Artorius looks to the two shavs, mercy long gone from his eyes. But he slowly composes himself, standing up straight despite a limiting stab wound in his abdomen. "You have two options: Leave or die." he says strongly, planting his bloodied rubicund blade in front of him into the ground, resting his hand on it's pommel.

Artorius looks at Kahlana "Sorry, I'm interested in someone else. Apologies if I disappoint you." he says with a small smile, prizing kindness above negative emotions. He turns his head back to the shavs.

With a small hint of weariness, Inigo kneels next to the last Shav that fell by his blade and wipes the darkened blood from his sword. He eyes the two remaining sons, his sapphire eyes raging from the intense but short melee. Slowly, confidently he stands, weapon at the ready but more than willing to let the two Shav live to relay the slaughter that such a foolish challenge brought to the Bringers and their ilk. The lord casts his glance between those assembled, looking to his twin and their cousin for the next move.

The Shavs turn around and starting fleeing! Apparently they are recovering a bit from Bringer-awe enough to have a little sense. Maybe they can get their minds back, maybe.

Sparte glances around at the others, giving a small nod towards Artorius before walking after the shavs. He turns his blade so the flat is exposed instead of the edge, humming a bit to himself as he goes. It isn't a hurried pursuit, but off he goes after them all the same.

Kahlana did not seem to take it all to hard, she fell back though and staggered a little bit to the ground as she tried to patch herself up, at least with tieing a cloath round her wound.

Valencia rushes to Edward's side to catch him if he falls. "Ann," she cries out. The immediate danger now gone, her composure begins to slip and her voice begins to crack. "Help him! Please!"

Ann checked composure at difficulty 15, rolling 4 higher.

"Ah. Yes run...," Edward waggles the sword and then lets it fall into the dirt before he falls back to be caught by Valencia, while he goes to the ground, "Ah Princess you'll get blood on your dress...,"

Artorius after the shavs leave, he clenches his side, the stab wound still present. He remains standing, but it's clear he's wounded.

Seeing the Shavs flee and the danger removed, Inigo motions to the three Phoenixs left stationed by his Aunt, "You three, patch up the wounded." The Malvici lord indicates Edward with his sword before sliding the blade back into its scabbard. "Help him first."

Valencia checked dexterity at difficulty 15, rolling 13 higher.

Fiora lowers the darkly gleaming rubicund bow as the last two sons of Shagga flee the arena. Glancing around, she whistles sharply to the medics her aunt left behind. "Artorius, Edward, lady that wants to fuck my cousin... get to it, Eirene won't be happy if they're left bleeding." That said, she moves over to Inigo and bumps his shoulder with her own, murmuring, "Ready for that drink yet, brother dear? Wait til I tell you about the blacksmith shop..." She glances over to the others, gaze dancing from one person to the next, sighing softly as she shoulder sher bow, "Lets start collecting bodies. We don't need this nasty Bringer blood staining our nice training center."

The three Phoenixes jump to action with the double command given by the twin Malvici. They quickly move in to assist and heal the wounded, descending on Edward with my haste and care.

Ann blinks her vast cobalt eyes just once, expelling a hard breath. It'll do. The Redrain makes her way over to Edward at Valencia's cry, ready to aid the other healers in their efforts. "Blessed balls of the Gods," the woman mutters under her breath, unkempt eyebrows lifting as she bends over Edward with her satchel, "I'll help how I can." She has poultices, scalpel to remove fragments, bandages and whisky at the ready. The first swig is for her, the rest is for cleansing.

Inigo breathes deeply as he surveys the carnage, a wince sparred for Artie and his wounds. "I think I'm more than ready for that drink... but yes, you are correct. We need to make this place presentable for violence again." He adds with a wink, noting the irony of tidying a place from violence occurring where violence readily occurs. With an appraising gaze, he regards Artorius and his injury. "Are you alright, Cuz?"

"It is fine," she says softly, holding Edward in her arms as Ann come to see to his wounds. "I am getting used to being bled on." She looks up at Ann, her face flooding with concern for the man and possibly a few tears as her fear for him grows. There is so much blood. "Please, Ann. Please." She wraps her arms around him tighter as if that might keep him from succumbing. "Stay with us, my lord, yes? Please."

Artorius moves his hand from his side and there is blood, quite a bit actually. He is wounded but he seems to be fine, all things considered. In fact he looks like he could fight much more. He looks to Inigo when his name is called, smiling ever so faintly "I'm good. He needs it more." he motions to Edward. "You alright? any wounds?" he speaks to his best friend/cousin.

Ah the healing process. Edward grunts with the methods that Ann uses and he gives a nod as he grits his teeth so he stamps down anything more than that, "Oh you will not find me a grave man yet Princess. I had more to lose than that cur and could have held my ground yet." he glances up to Valencia and then to Ann, "Thank you...and to the fine archer."

Archene looks towards the injuried ones, noticing a familiar face maybe two, but none among the ones he know. So soon enough, he begins making his way out of the area.

Inigo shakes his head from side to side as he stoops to begin gathering discarded weapons, tossing them to the side to be cleaned and taken to use, whether as scrap or as a blade for someone who lacks. "No... Fiora and I were fortunate, they seemed to concentrate on you and that one over there." indicating Edward with a nod of his head, a moment spared with a pitied gaze at the extent of his wounds. However, the litany of healers around the downed man give the lord confidence he'll be more than fine.

Following Inigo's gaze, she offers as an aside to her twin while she watches Artorius, "I'm rather more interested in this other woman he's interested in." She glances back to Sparte and offers the man a quick bow, "Master Sparte. Always glad to have your assistance. Are you injured at all? We have a few of my aunts medics on hand..." Reaching under her cloak, Fiora pulls out a bottle of whiskey, passing it to Inigo with a wink, "Now I know why you were *really* protecting me... you knew who had the whiskey." Her eyes trail over to the entrance the two men fled from as she murmurs, "Now if you'll excuse me, dear brother... I have a hole in the wall to find... they should never have been able to get inside, I want to know where they came from." Tugging her hood low once more, she starts on a light, quick-footed run to see if she can't follow them back to their point of origin.

We all say things in the heat of battle when you've lost half a limb. The woman looks p as Edward gets tended and she nods her head softly as he is tended. She looks round and is quiet for now

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