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Written By Niccolo

June 3, 2016, 6:31 a.m.(8/27/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Acacia

Acacia Culler. What to make of her? It's a little too early to tell. She's ambitious, I'll give her that. She's also bold and brazen and those can be useful traits, as long as she's not getting herself killed because of them. She's caught my eye and my attention, which is more than a lot of others have done since my arrival to this city. She has experience as a sailor, and I might have her run shipments for the Velenosa, if she proves to be as skilled as she claims, that is. She definitely shows potential, and I fully intend to develop her into something useful to me and to our family.

Written By Acacia

June 3, 2016, 5:34 a.m.(8/27/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Calandra

Gorgeous. Young. Much-Loved. Calandra's ability to deal with the 'finer' things in life suits me just fine. Although we have different mothers, there's that shared path with that underlying nature innate in the shared Lower Borough Culler blood. Tsk. Can't exchange that kind of thing. So I'll add to the applause for that light when its focused in upon her and boldly lounge in my shadows. Because that careful balance is how the best things are formed, right?

Written By Calista

June 3, 2016, 2:47 a.m.(8/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Margot

The Last Lady Tyde; Margot is such a sweet and honorable young noblewoman and yet it is as if she's lived a thousand lives. While our stories rest in scandal and war, I at least still have my brother, my last flesh and blood. Lady Margot was taken in as a ward by Prince Donrai and House Thrax. A part of me wants to believe there is something more hidden beneath the veil of propriety and absolute perfect presence. She is the last of her name after all. Isn't she just a little bit mad?

Written By Calista

June 3, 2016, 2:23 a.m.(8/26/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

Prince Edain Valardin is the epitome of excellence and grace. The man has such exquisite manners and he is more than just a handsome face. He told me about his love of Falconry. Perhaps I should't have been surprised but I was. I thought he would have talked more about sword fighting, battle, or politics but he did not delve into those subjects. Like many newly arrived nobles, he is excited to make new acquaintances and I couldn't agree more with him. I am excited to learn more about Prince Edain, his family, and House Valardin on a whole.

Written By Acacia

June 2, 2016, 4:39 p.m.(8/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

So maybe the meeting wasn't particularly by chance alone, but it isn't like I hadn't worked for it. I'd followed him for awhile after all, slyly, if I do say so myself. Next time I'll have to use someone a little more experienced for the role of an extra though. He's ideal for a patron. That level of protection and backing is exactly what I needed. I can flourish under this. If I can keep it.

Written By Acacia

June 2, 2016, 4:20 p.m.(8/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Gibson

Witty. Charming. He's everything the rumors had stated and more. Much more. Close relations? Tch. I wouldn't go that far. But he's the type that keeps you delightfully on your toes, as much as to provoke interest, as to keep one alert.

Written By Alarie

June 1, 2016, 9:32 p.m.(8/23/1003 AR)

Hello, my name is Alarie Harall. I am beginning my journal to show the misadventures of my life. I likely should have started this journal long ago, but it is never too late to begin. So, here I am. What am I? I am a tailor! I am quite adept at what I do. Sewing was a gift my mother gave me when she was still alive. I truly enjoy it. I have the goals to become the best tailor in the city. However, that takes money. Money that I do not have. Materials are costly and buying the patterns just as costly. It is my goal to find some sort of patron in the upper ranks of nobility to hire me as a tailor. Once that noble is seen around the city in the finest of wares, others will come flocking to me. The money troubles of my family will be solved.

Written By Brianna

June 1, 2016, 8:10 p.m.(8/23/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

If all Thraxian men are like this one, it's a wonder they have any sort of lands at all. He's a bit infuriating.

Written By Calista

June 1, 2016, 12:43 p.m.(8/22/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Kieran

Prince Kieran Redrain is a man of many words; Many flirtatious words that lead to more suggestive actions. He claims to have a laundry list of women who keep his bed warm but I somehow think he's all talk and no action. Besides his desire to build a reputation on being an incorrigible rake, Kieran Redrain is actually rather nice. A trouble maker for sure, but then again it takes one to know one.

Written By Brianna

May 30, 2016, 10:26 p.m.(8/17/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Kieran

Prince Kieran. Young, brash, amusing - everything you'd want to see in the men from home. I find him entertaining, even if he seems more inclined to get himself killed early in glorious stupidity than he should be. And I suppose I can appreciate that he found out the zebra wasn't painting.

Written By Valencia

May 30, 2016, 5:07 p.m.(8/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Kieran

While Kieran's antics would drive me up a wall from a Southern courtier, they're endearing coming from him, and relatively harmless. It sometimes feels as if he wears his Northern attributes like a suit of armor, but I think there's a sophisticate full of potential under there, somewhere. I should look into potential matches for him, nothing shapes up a man like a good woman nagging him incessantly.

Written By Valencia

May 30, 2016, 4:57 p.m.(8/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Viviana

"Eccentric" doesn't quite cover the bases with regard to Viviana. On the one hand, swaggering around in breeches and boots while other ladies truss themselves up in gowns and silk slippers certainly makes her stand out. But on the other hand, it seems to fit her so well that after the initial double-take, it doesn't seem strange at all. Her teasing personality and self-described 'debonair' antics make spending time with her worth my while whenever we have the chance.

Written By Valencia

May 30, 2016, 4:51 p.m.(8/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

It's easy to love how laid-back Brianna is, every conversation is an exercise in probing for the boundaries of her copious amounts of patience. It can be hard to find much in the way of intrigue in the North, perhaps being in Arx will provide more opportunities for me to find out just what makes this flame-haired wildling tick.

Written By Niccolo

May 30, 2016, 1:19 p.m.(8/16/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Isolde

Isolde. My Isolde, I wish I understood her better. We all must find our own paths in life, I did and mine led to Carlotta and the Velenosa, Isolde's... it's a little different. But, it is her path and if anything I respect the fact she was brave enough to choose it. She is my daughter, and I love her as such but there are times I wonder if her choices would have been different, if only I... if Carlotta and I had paid more attention to her. But, such musings are pointless. She is who she is, regardless of what others might think of the decisions she has made.

Written By Brianna

May 29, 2016, 7:51 p.m.(8/14/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Valencia

She comes from the south, but she's one of us all the same, even with her customs and lavishness. I enjoy that; she proves you can balance both worlds, the court and home in the cold, and she's easy enough to talk to even if she chides.

Written By Niccolo

May 29, 2016, 6:07 p.m.(8/13/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Esera

I'm proud of Esera, how can I not be? In the short time she's had to rule she's already made difficult decisions, tough decisions. In that, she's so much like her mother. When I pushed most of the rest of the world away? I allowed her in. Still, I worry that as young as she is, there is much for her to learn, so it is up to me to help her, advise her, as I also let her discover who she is. My Carlotta is gone, but she lives still in both Esera and her sister Isolde. She is my blood, and I intend to see her become the great ruler I know her to be.

Written By Margot

May 28, 2016, 6:27 p.m.(8/10/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Isolde

The Princess, who insists she's called by her name in private, would like me to assist her in a project to support the arts in the city. While I've thought of introducing her to Denica I can't help but wish to keep one potential friend to myself. Besides while I trust my ability to resist Princess Isolde's insistance on thrusting Velanosian dresses at me, I do not believe Denica would fair so well and think of the horrible scandal if she decided to adopt such a promiscious fashion!

Written By Margot

May 28, 2016, 6:14 p.m.(8/10/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerius

After all of these years I have concluded one of two things (or possibly both) to be true: Valerius was abducted as a child and replaced by some random bastard child of his Redrain father OR Valerius was dropped off the side of a boat as a child and suffered an extended period of time with out breathing. Either way there is SOMETHING wrong with him - and given Leona and Jaenelle perhapas even the whole branch of the family.

Written By Margot

May 28, 2016, 6:07 p.m.(8/10/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Donrai

I have insight into the way the minds of most function but I have never been able to penetrate that of His Grace, or understand entirely what he thinks of me. What am I? Hostage? Daughter? Thrall? Pawn? Pet? Allie? Competition? Companion? Nothing? Like the waves which never quite mark the beach the same way eith each passing day, so too is being in the shadow of the Prince. I have learned to weather this as the years have passed, along with the reminders of how precarious my position is, and most recently his delightful game of taunting Donella with the prospect of potentially marrying me and cutting herself and Dagon out of the inheritance by making new heirs. Admittedly, while I should loothe my time in His company I find it refreshing. We play a very long game of chess he and I - I just hope it should always remain a friendly one.

Written By Margot

May 28, 2016, 5:59 p.m.(8/10/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Donella

Sometimes I wonder if My Prince delights in dangling me before Donella as a test to her, or out of fear of us ever having become allied. Or perhaps it is a shared joke between them that I shall not ever be privy to - likely all of the above. Regardless, despite the sameness of our goals, and shared loyalty to His Grace, we have been cast into our roles. I admit, her refusal to be what she was born to be is irritating to say the least - she is a woman and I wish she would see the strength in our position and potential rather than trying to steal up the tools of the princes in her grasping for further power and control - it's beneath her, beneath us. She can be the Voice and still maintain the respectibility and modesty she was born to.

Still, when I look to the alternatives I understand her need to perhaps over compensate. Victus and Val... and even Dagon for all I adore him, none of them seem to have been forged for what lays ahead.

We shall though, I have no doubt, continue to work our parallel paths and hopeful despite His Grace's games, never be forced to cross eachther.

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